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2017-18 Individual Professional Development Plan

Date: 9/21/17 Teacher’s Name: Mae Cousin

Complete the following sections ​prior​ to starting the PD plan:

1. Determine the purpose of the work that ties directly to student learning. (Due date:
October 1st)
a. What is the goal for student learning?

● Students will d​​evelop self-awareness and self-management skills to

achieve school and life success.
● Students will use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish
and maintain positive relationships.
● Students will demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible
behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.

b. How does the goal connect to our district goals?

We know that students must be healthy, safe, engaged, and supported in order to
be challenged and learn optimally. We have some important learning and
implementation work to do in the areas of mental health, adverse childhood
experiences, and trauma-sensitive classrooms.

2. Learn from the student evidence.

a. What student work samples will inform your thinking?

We will use teacher observations of students and record observations in a log.

How will you analyze student work?

Within observations of students will be looking for

● Students’ ability to handle emotions and behaviors
● Students’ ability to recognize one’s own emotions
● Students’ ability to develop positive relationships with peers and adults
● Students’ ability to effectively deal with conflict
● Students’ ability to make good decisions and choices
● Students’ ability to handle transitions and change.

b. What can you learn when you analyze the student work?
We can learn about students’ individual strengths and needs in these areas. We
can also learn about the strengths and needs of the class as a whole. After
analyzing these it can be used to make decisions about learning experiences to
provide for students.

Complete the following sections after analyzing of student work:

3. Extend your learning. (Target: December 1st)

a. What new learning do you need to commit to?

What can you commit to study (books, chapters, videos, classroom observations) to
extend your thinking?

I can commit to studying lessons from the book, The Zones of Regulation” and
collaborating with my colleagues about their experience using “The Zones”. I
can also explore additional literature that will support the students in
understanding “The Zones”.

4. Design the instructional plan.

a. How will your teaching look the same or different now that you have analyzed
the student evidence?
I will implement the Zones of Regulation through lessons, additional literature,
and discussion to better equip the students with coping strategies and emotional
awareness. I will also determine a spot in the classroom to use as a “calm down
corner” for the students to provide a way of coping. The teaching of academics
will look the same except I will encourage the students to identify their emotional
zone during times of stress, frustration, or understanding.

b. What will you do next?

I will teach the students the “Zones of Regulation” and explain the purpose of the
calm down corner.

c. What lessons will you design?

I will use the ​Zones of Regulation​​ text to explain and discuss the emotional zones
(green, yellow, blue, red). I will plan discussion questions around additional
literature that focus on “The Zones”. For example, we will read ​The Way I Feel
and discuss the zone each emotion identifies with.

Requested support:
TQPD funds requested:
● The Zones of Regulation Book $47.99
● The Way I Feel - Janan Cain - introducing zones - $12.64
● Calm Down Tools ~$20

Coach/Administrator support requested: ​No

Administrator Approval: _____________________________ Date: ________________

Complete the following section individually upon completion of PD plan:

5. Revisit student work to measure students’ growth. (Due date: April 30)
a. What was the impact of your work on students?
The students are able to identify what zone they are in emotionally and problem
solve through brainstorming or implementing coping strategies that guide them
to transition to the “green zone”. They are able to understand and use the
language associated with the “Zones of Regulation”. The students appear to
have more of an awareness of their--and others’-- emotional state and strategies
that help them move from one zone to another (calm down corner, breathing,
writing, drawing, etc.) With guidance, they are able to reflect on how their
behavior or emotions affect others around them and the environment of the

b. What did revisiting the work teach you?

I am more mindful of discussing the students’ emotions with them and
addressing the cause of “red zone” behavior. I have more tools for discussing
emotional states with the students and have seen the positive impact that having
a common language with the students to identify emotions can have in the
classroom. I have learned that students can be more aware of their emotional
state and coping strategies with the proper instruction, coaching, and language.

Signatures ​(Indicates the evaluator and teacher have discussed the progress on the
Professional Development Plan.)

Teacher: __________________________________________ Date: _________________

Evaluator: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

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