Modelling Soil Suction Changes Due To Mixed Species Planting

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Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

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Modelling soil suction changes due to mixed species planting T

a b,c b,⁎
J.J. Ni , A.K. Leung , C.W.W. Ng
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Division of Civil Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK


Keywords: Vegetation-induced changes of soil hydrology (i.e., infiltration rate and soil matric suction) has important im-
Soil bioengineering plication to the stability of earthen infrastructure. Predicting the plant hydrological effects is challenging when
Mixed plantations multiple species are present. Most existing models consider only single-species due to lack of reliable and re-
Suction levant experimental data and difficulty to partition solar radiant energy into individual species in a mixed-
species condition. This paper aims to develop an improved hydrological model that can determine the water
infiltration rate and suction responses under both single- and mixed-species (one tree and one grass species)
condition. The model is verified by double-ring infiltration tests and field monitoring conducted in bare, grass-
only, tree-only and mixed tree-grass plots. The model was subsequently used for parametric analyses. The mixed
species plot had the lowest infiltration rate and preserved the greatest suctions because the tree-grass compe-
tition for water created high soil moisture deficit. Parametric study identifies a threshold ratio of tree and grass
leaf area index of 2.0, beyond which the effects of grass root-water uptake on water competition with the
adjacent tree were negligible. Induced suction in the mixed tree-grass plot was close to that in a tree-only plot.
Contribution of tree root-water uptake to induced suction in a mixed species plot did not increase further when
the leaf area index ratio exceeds 5.0.

1. Introduction extra slope stability that can be gained through transpiration-induced

hydrological reinforcement (Ng et al., 2016b; Leung et al., 2017), in
Soil hydrology changes by evapotranspiration (ET ), a combined addition to mechanical root reinforcement (Fan and Su, 2008; Boldrin
process that removes soil moisture from a given area, and during a et al., in press; Liang et al., in press). Rock et al. (2012) also showed the
specified period of time, by evaporation from the bare soil surface and importance of taking ET into account in water balance calculation to
transpiration from plants (Soil Science Society of America, 2008). This more correctly assess the amount of water percolation in landfill covers.
natural process reduces soil moisture or increases matric suction Mixed plant species of different functional groups (e.g., tree and
(Rahardjo et al., 2014; Garg et al., 2015; Smethurst et al., 2015; Leung grass) are often found in the field, instead of one. Ecological engineers
et al., 2015a; Ng et al., 2016a). It is well-known that an increase in who adopt soil bioengineering technique would want to, on one hand,
matric suction would not only increase soil shear strength but also re- enhance the stability of the infrastructure and on the other hand to
duce soil hydraulic conductivity (Alonso et al., 2010; Springman et al., grow multiple species for maximising ecological restoration effects and
2013: Gadi et al., 2017). The ET -induced changes in soil suction and biodiversity to the surrounding built environment (Lamb, 1998; Hooper
consequently the soil behaviour have important implication to the et al., 2005). In a mixed tree-grass condition, for examples, trees could
water balance and soil stability of some earthen infrastructure such as facilitate grass growth due to increased nutrient availability (Ludwig
cuttings and embankments (Briggs et al., 2013; Smethurst et al., 2015; et al., 2004). From engineering perspective, grass has shallow root
Das et al., 2017; Garg et al., 2017) as well as landfill covers (Feng et al., system that can reduce soil erosion effectively, while tree has stronger
2017), where vegetation is normally found. and deeper root system that can provide tensile strength as mechanical
Indeed, field studies reported by Rahardjo et al. (2014), Simon and reinforcement.
Collison (2002) and Ni et al. (2017) showed that suction could be Most existing studies measured suction induced by grass-only soil
preserved after rainfall, providing substantial stabilisation to soil (e.g., Ng et al., 2013; Rahardjo et al., 2014) or tree-only soil (e.g.,
(Boldrin et al., 2017a). Recent centrifuge model tests have quantified Smethurst et al., 2015; Ng et al., 2016a). There were a few exceptions

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.W.W. Ng).
Received 2 August 2017; Received in revised form 30 January 2018; Accepted 24 February 2018
0925-8574/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

List of notations ρa air density at constant temperature

G soil heat flux
ag extinction coefficient for radiant energy intercepted by h water pressure head
grass foliage Θ degree of saturation
at extinction coefficient for radiant energy intercepted by AE actual evaporation
tree canopy AEV air entry value
hfc water pressure head corresponding to the field capacity ET evapotranspiration
h wp water pressure head corresponding to the permanent LAI leaf area index
wilting point PE potential evaporation
Rg radiant energy intercepted at the grass foliage PET potential evapotranspiration
Rs radiant energy intercepted at the bare soil surface PT potential transpiration
Rt radiant energy intercepted at the tree canopy R incoming solar radiation energy
Rv root volume ratio RH relative humidity
Vr total volume of roots S sink term
Vs soil volume SWRC soil water retention curve
cp specific heat of moist air a fitting parameter for Eq. (13)
ea actual vapor pressure b fitting parameter for Eq. (13)
es saturated vapor pressure d root depth
ks saturated hydraulic conductivity e void ratio
m1 fitting parameter for Eq. (11) g distribution of root volume ratio along depth
m2 fitting parameter for Eq. (11) k soil hydraulic conductivity function as a function of
m3 fitting parameter for Eq. (11) pressure head
m4 fitting parameter for Eq. (11) s soil matric suction
ra aerodynamic resistance for water vapor transfer from ca- t time
nopy to air u wind speed
rs stomatal resistance z vertical co-ordinate
γw unit weight of water Δ rate of change of saturated vapor pressure with time
εg Albedo of grass foliage α transpiration reduction function
εs Albedo of ground surface γ psychrometric constant
εt Albedo of tree canopy θ volumetric water content
θr residual volumetric water content λ latent heat of water vaporization
θs saturated volumetric water content

such as February and Higgins (2010) and Ni et al. (2017) who focused fallen on the soil surface would be used for soil evaporation. However,
on the hydrological responses of mixed tree-grass soil. In particular, Ni this kind of model considers a relatively simple single-plant system,
et al. (2017) found that tree spacing controls the amount of ET -induced where the single-“layer” assumption (Massman, 1992) would not be
suction. To-date, it is unclear from these limited field data that (i) how applicable to multiple species cases.
much each individual species contribute to the overall suction induced This study aims to develop and verify a new soil hydrological model
in a mixed-species soil, and (ii) in what circumstance(s) the contribu- that can be used to investigate the effects of mixed tree-grass planta-
tion from one species might dominate the other. These are two im- tions on (i) the partition of solar radiation and (ii) inter-species com-
portant aspects that assist ecological engineers to apply the soil petition for soil water and associated soil suction change.
bioengineering technique in terms of the selection of plant species and
long-term vegetation management. 2. Soil hydrological model for mixed plantation
Many models (e.g., Feddes et al., 1976, 2001; Lai and Katul, 2000;
Fatahi et al., 2010; Moene and van Dam, 2014) have been developed to The model was derived based on radiant energy partition, water
incorporate a sink term into a water balance equation (e.g., Darcy-Ri- balance and their coupling in a soil-plant system defined in Fig. 1(a).
chards equation) to capture root-water uptake. Although these models The proposed model structure is shown in Fig. 1(b). The system in-
appear to be quite successful in estimating the ET -induced changes in cludes a bare ground (i.e., without vegetation) or a vegetated ground
suction of a single plant species (Allen et al., 1998; Feddes et al., 2001), with single or multiple plant species.
further examination is needed for mixed species case. In this more
complicated case, intra- or inter-species competition for sunlight (or 2.1. Partition of solar radiant energy
solar radiation) and soil water would occur.
Some studies have been conducted to model the partition of soil A major source of energy for ET is the incoming solar radiant en-
evaporation and plant transpiration for a given ET (Ritchie, 1972; ergy, R . The model applies the Beer–Lambert’s law to capture the
Mahat and Tarboton, 2012; Kool et al., 2016). Among these, Ritchie partition of R in the above-ground soil-plant system (Fig. 1). For a bare
(1972), which satisfies the Beer-Lambert’s law, has been widely used. ground, the radiant energy that is not reflected (due to albedo) would
Beer-Lambert’s law is a concept from the spectroscopy that is used to be absorbed by the soil for evaporation mainly. For a grass- or tree-only
quantify the transmittance and attenuation of solar radiation in the ground, on the other hand, a portion of the energy would be intercepted
atmosphere. Ritchie (1972) considered plant canopy/foliage as a by the tree canopy (or grass foliage), leaving the rest fallen on the
“layer”, through which the solar radiation could penetrate and at- ground surface. For mixed species ground with one tree and one grass
tenuate. The degree of attenuation by a “layer” depends on the plant species, energy partition would occur first at the tree canopy, followed
leaf area index (LAI ; ratio of the total green leaf area of a plant species by the grass foliage and finally the ground surface. Hence, the energy
to the projected canopy area on plan). While the energy attenuated at partition equations in a mixed tree-grass case can be expressed as:
the “layer” would be used for plant transpiration, the remaining energy
Rt = R·(1−εt )·[1−exp (−at ·LAIt )] (1)

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17


PTt Rt Tree canopy

PTg Rg Grass foliage

PE Rs Ground surface

Soil-plant-atmosphere interaction and modelling

Atmosphere Penman-Monteith equation PET

to obtain PET (Equation 4)
Interaction Energy partition equation Radiant
(Equations 1 – 3) energy
Penman equation to obtain PE
PE (Equations 5 – 6)
Properties Plant sink term
Plant (Equations 8 and 9) PT = PET – PE

Plant effects
Interaction (Equation 10) Water balance equation
(Equation 7)

Properties Soil hydraulic properties

Soil Model output:
(Equations 11 – 13) Soil pore-water pressure/suction
Fig. 1. (a) Simplified diagram idealizing the energy partition in a mixed tree-grass plot. Legend: PE is potential evaporation; PET is potential evapotranspiration; PTt
is potential transpiration by tree; PTg is potential transpiration by grass; R is incoming solar radiant energy; Rt is radiant energy intercepted by tree canopy; Rg is
radiant energy intercepted by grass foliage; Rs is radiant energy absorbed by the bare ground surface. (b) Structure of the modelling of soil-plant-atmosphere

Rg = (R−Rt )·(1−εg )·[1−exp(−a g ·LAIg )] (2) canopy, grass canopy and ground surface, respectively. at and a g are the
extinction coefficient for radiant energy intercepted by the tree and
Rs = (R−Rt −Rg )·(1−εb) (3) grass, respectively; and LAIt and LAIg are the LAI of tree and grass,
respectively. Allen et al. (1998) reported that the range of albedo (i.e.,
where Rt , Rg , Rs are the radiant energy intercepted at the tree canopy, the ratio of reflected to incoming energy) for a fully vegetated cover
grass foliage and bare soil surface, respectively; εt , εg , εs are the albedo with green leaves is 0.20–0.25. Hence, both εt and εg was taken to be an
(i.e., the ratio of reflected to incoming radiant energy) of the tree average value of 0.23. An average εs of 0.12 (Taha et al., 1988) was

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

considered for the ground surface. Note that Eqs. (1)–(3) ignored (i) the ⎧ 0 h ⩽ h wp
energy used to heat up the air due to low specific heat capacity of air ⎪ h − hwp
α (h,z ) = h − h h wp ⩽ h ⩽ hfc
and (ii) the energy absorbed by plant chlorophyll for the use of pho- ⎨ fc wp
tosynthesis (i.e., generally less than 2%; Salisbury and Ross, 1992). ⎪ 1 h ⩾ hfc
⎩ (9)
By knowing the amount of radiant energy intercepted via Eqs.
(1)–(3), the potential transpiration (PT ; maximum amount of water where h wp and hfc are the water pressure head corresponding to the
that plants could extract water from the soil; Feddes et al., 1978) of permanent wilting point and field capacity, respectively. Physically,
each plant may be determined by the modified Penman-Monteith Eqs. (8) and (9) mean that for any h higher than hfc , the ability of root-
equation (Ozier-lafontaine et al., 1998), as follows: water uptake is maximum. As the soil dries and h reaches between hfc
and h wp , the ability of root-water uptake decreases linearly with a de-
Δ(Ri−G ) + ρa cp
(es − ea) crease in h . Plant wilts and stops extracting water when soil is too dry to
λ·PTi = have reached a h lower than h wp .
Δ+γ 1+ ( rsi
rai ) (4) In all cases, actual evaporation ( AE ) from the bare soil surface is
considered to be equal to PE obtained from Eq. (5). It is deemed a
where i is equal to g or t, if referring to PT of the grass and tree, re- reasonable assumption because the amount of suction investigated in
spectively; λ is the latent heat of water vaporization, Δ is the rate of this study is not higher than 3000 kPa, which is the threshold value
change of saturated vapor pressure with time, which is a function of beyond which AE drops below PE (Wilson et al., 1997).
temperature, Ri is the intercepted radiant energy by layer i (obtained
from Eqs. (1) and (2)), G is the soil latent heat flux, ρa is air density at 2.3. Hydraulic properties of unsaturated rooted soil
constant temperature, cp is the specific heat of moist air, es is the sa-
turated vapor pressure, which is a function of temperature; ea is the The two soil hydraulic properties required to solve the water bal-
actual vapor pressure, γ is the psychrometric constant; rai is the aero- ance Eq. (7) are soil water retention curve (SWRC; θ (s ) ) and hydraulic
dynamic resistance for water vapor transfer from canopy to the air for conductivity functions k (s ) . Ng et al. (2016c) proposed a SWRC model
each component; rsi is the stomatal resistance of each component. that could consider the effects of root occupancy on the changes in void
After knowing Rs from Eq. (3), the potential evaporation (PE ; ratio, e , and hence SWRC of rooted coarse-grained soils. The following
maximum amount of water leaves the soil surface as vapor under un- equation is used to model the root-induced changes in e :
limited water supply condition; Penman, 1948) of bare soil surface can
be estimated using the Penman equation (Penman, 1948): e0−Rv (1 + e0)
1 + Rv (1 + e0) (10)
ΔR s
+ γEa
PE = λ where e0 is the initial void ratio before root permeation (i.e., bare soil);
Δ+γ (5) Rv is the root volume ratio. Eq. (10) is then coupled with the void ratio-
dependent SWRC equation proposed by Gallipoli et al. (2003):
where Ea .
m −m1
θ (s )−θr se m4 ⎞ 2 ⎤
u Θ(s ) = = ⎡1 + ⎛⎜ ⎟
Ea = 0.165∗ (es−ea) ⎛0.8 + ⎞ θs−θr ⎢ ⎝ m3 ⎠ ⎥ (11)
⎝ 100 ⎠ (6) ⎣ ⎦
where θs is the saturated volumetric water content; θr is the residual
where u is the wind speed. Hence, the potential evapotranspiration
volumetric water content; m1, m2 , m3 and m4 are the model parameters.
(PET ; maximum amount of ET under unlimited water supply condition;
m1 and m2 control the shape of SWRC, while m3 and m4 relate to the air-
Rosenberg, 1974) of a vegetated cover could be estimated by the sum of
entry value ( AEV ) of the soil.
PTi and PE .
By knowing a θ (s ) , k (s ) of the same soil may be predicted by the
equation proposed by van Genuchten (1980), as follows:
2.2. Soil water balance
1 m1 2

Considering one-dimensional (1-D) transient seepage in unsaturated ⎣ (

k (s ) = ks·Θ(s)0.5 ⎡1− 1−Θ(s) m1 ) ⎤
⎦ (12)
soil planted with mixed grass-tree species, the conservation of water where ks is the saturated hydraulic conductivity, which is a function of
mass may be described by the following modified Darcy-Richards e . Eq. (13) considers the e -dependency on ks of coarse-grained soil ac-
equation: cording to (Yin, 2009):

dθ (h) d ⎡ dh ks = a·exp(b·e ) (13)

= k (h) ⎛ + 1⎞ ⎤−Sg (h,z )−St (h,z )
dt ⎢
dz ⎣ ⎝ dz ⎠⎦⎥ (7) where a and b are the fitting parameters.
Eqs. (1)–(13) were solved simultaneously by an author-developed
where θ is the volumetric water content (VWC); t is the elapsed time; z
script under Matlab programming environment. An implicit finite dif-
is the vertical co-ordinate; h is the water pressure head; k (h) is the soil
ference method (Celia et al., 1990) was used to solve the Darcy-Ri-
hydraulic conductivity function as a function of h or matric suction
chards equation in Equation (7). For each time step, the Picard iteration
(s = −hγw , where γw is the unit weight of water); and Si (h,z ) is the sink
technique was used.
term, which represents the volume of water transpired by a plant i over
the entire root zone for a given time interval (Feddes et al., 1976).
Mathematically, Si (h) may be expressed as (Varado et al., 2006): 3. Materials and methods

α (h,z )·gi (z ) 3.1. Field testing and monitoring

Si (h,z ) = ·PTi
∫di α (h,z )·gi (z )·dz (8)
To evaluate the model, a comprehensive field testing and mon-
where di is the root depth of plant i ; gi is considered to be the dis- itoring programme was implemented at the Hong Kong University of
tribution of root volume ratio Rv (the total volume of roots (Vr ) per unit Science and Technology (HKUST) Eco-Park. HKUST Eco-Park (latitude
volume of soil (Vs )) of plant i ; PTi is calculated from Eq. (4); and α (h,z ) is of 114°15′ and longitude of 22°15′) is located at the southeast of Hong
the so-called transpiration reduction function (Feddes et al., 2001), Kong and near the Victoria Harbour. There is a 2 m-high compacted
which can be expressed as: embankment, and this field study was conducted at the top flat surface

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

of the embankment. The groundwater table was located at 4.5 m depth (Fig. 2(a)). During the first 10 days, the relative humidity fluctuated
from the top of the embankment. The field monitoring lasted for greatly between 25% and 95%, after which an average level of 72% was
30 days from 12th Dec 2014 to 12th Jan 2015. Fig. 2 shows some cli- maintained (Fig. 2(b)). On the other hand, solar radiation (Fig. 2(c))
mate data of the site measured by an automatic weather station in- varied between 50 and 450 W/m2, from which the low values corre-
cluding a rain gauge manufactured by Davis Instruments Ltd. (model sponded to the cloudy days when rainfall occurred (Fig. 2(e)). The
Vantage Pro 2). During this monitoring period, the site temperature was maximum rainfall amount received during the monitoring period was
fairly constant, fluctuating slightly about an average value of 15.5 °C 67 mm between 8th Jan 2015 to 9th Jan 2015. The wind speed

Fig. 2. Climate data during the monitoring period from 12th Dec 2014 to 12th Jan 2015: (a) temperature; (b) air relative humidity; (c) solar radiation; (d) wind
speed; and (e) rainfall intensity.

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

Table 1 these plots. All plants were grown for three months at the site before the
Summary of parameters used for calculating energy partition. start of the field test.
Parameter Value A vertical array of jet-fill tensiometer was installed at 100, 250 and
400 mm depths to measure the spatial and temporal variations of matric
Extinction coefficient for net radiation ar 0.75 for tree and 0.5 for suction at the middle of each plot. After installation, the gap between
−2 −1
the wall of each tensiometer and the surrounding soil was backfilled
Solar radiation, R (MJ m d ) Refer to Fig. 2(c)
Net solar radiation, Rn (MJ m−2 d−1) 0.77R
with cement to prevent from any preferential flow.
Temperature, T (°C) Refer to Fig. 2(a)
Slope of vapor pressure curve, Δ (kPa °C−1) Δ(T) , following Allen et al. 3.2. Soil and plants
Radiant Energy intercepted by each component, Eqs. (1)–(3)
The soil tested in this study was completely decomposed granite
Ri (MJ m−2 d−1)
Soil heat flux density, G (J m−2 d−1) Assumed negligible (CDG), which is commonly found in south China (including Hong
Latent heat of vaporization, λ (MJ kg−1) 2.45 Kong), parts of the Southeast Asia like South Korea. Based on sieve
Psychrometric constant, γ (kPa °C−1) 0.0674 analysis, the average contents of gravel, sand, silt and clay of the CDG
Relative humidity, ea/ es Refer to Fig. 2(b) were 9.5%, 83.1%, 5.1% and 2.3%, respectively. According to the
Saturated vapor pressure, es (kPa) es (T ) , following Allen et al.
Unified Soil classification System (USCS; ASTM, 2010), CDG is classi-
Actual vapor pressure ea (kPa) e fied as well-graded sand with silt (SW-SM). The plastic limit and liquid
es (T ) ∗ ( a )
es limit were 26 and 44%, respectively. Based on the standard Proctor
Wind speed, u (m/s) Refer to Fig. 2(d)
tests, the maximum dry density and optimum water content (by mass)
Air density, ρa (kg m−3) 0.001195
Specific heat of moist air, cp (kJ kg−1 m−3) 1.013 were 1870 kg/m3 and 13%, respectively.
Stomatal conductance, rs (s m−1) 67 for tree and 83 for grass Schefflera heptaphylla (a tree species; also known as Ivy tree) and
Aerodynamic conductance, ra (s m−1) 180/u for tree and 208/u for Cynodon dactylon (a grass species; also known as Bermuda grass) were
grass selected for testing. They were selected due to their commonness in
many parts of Asia and their ability of drought tolerance (Hau and
Corlett, 2003). These species have been used for ecological restoration
fluctuated between 0.5 and 2.5 m/s (Fig. 2(d)). of man-made slopes in subtropical regions, such as Hong Kong and
In total, 12 test plots with 1.5 × 1.5 m2 plan area each were pre- some parts of the Southeast Asia (Hau and Corlett, 2003).
pared for field testing and monitoring. Four treatments were con- At the end of the field test, root traits, including root depth and root
sidered, namely bare plot, grass-only, tree-only and mixed tree-grass volume, were measured, following the procedures described by
plot. Three replication plots were tested for each treatment. To avoid Reubens (2010). Soil block samples that contained root samples were
any interference between neighbouring plots, the minimum distance excavated from the site and then brought to the laboratory to wash
between two plots was 2 m. Grass was first germinated from the nursery using a hydroneumatic-elutriation based apparatus (Smucker et al.,
and then transplanted to the site. Tree individuals (purchased from 1982). Each root zone was divided into several depth ranges, in which
Tung Kee Garden Horticulture Ltd, Hong Kong) were transplanted to the average root volume was determined using image-based analyses
each tree-only and mixed-species plots with a spacing of 180 mm (i.e., (Himmelbauer et al., 2004). The root volume ratio, Rv , was then ob-
1.5 times of the maximum lateral spread of tree roots). Hence, for the tained by normalising the root volume by the soil volume of that depth
given tree spacing, 65 tree individuals were transplanted to each of range.

Fig. 3. Distributions of root volume ratio along depth. Data represents mean value obtained from three replicated pots, while the error bars represent standard error
of mean (n = 3).

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

Table 2
Summary of tree and grass traits (mean ± standard error of mean, n = 3).
Plant trait Mixed-species plot Tree-only plot Grass-only plot

Tree Grass Tree Grass

Before transplantation Shoot height: mm 604 ± 24 24 ± 11 601 ± 35 24 ± 6

Leaf area index 0.70 ± 0.07 0.36 ± 0.06 0.73 ± 0.11 0.35 ± 0.05
Root depth: mm 113 ± 11 33 ± 10 116 ± 15 32 ± 6

After three months of growth (i.e., start of monitoring) Shoot height: mm 711 ± 26 108 ± 11 713 ± 25 112 ± 11
Leaf area index 2.4 ± 0.06 1.2 ± 0.08 2.31 ± 0.11 1.30 ± 0.12

After four months of growth (i.e., end of monitoring) Shoot height: mm 745 ± 32 128 ± 9 742 ± 28 137 ± 12
Leaf area index 3.0 ± 0.10 1.6 ± 0.11 3.2 ± 0.11 1.8 ± 0.12
Root depth: mm 188 ± 11 96 ± 10 195 ± 11 110 ± 9

1001 made. As outer ring contributes to lateral water flow, the inner ring is
0.9 shielded from lateral water flow and hence contributes mostly to
downward flow. Field experiments conducted by Chowdary et al.
0.8 (2006) show that the presence of the outer ring could reduce the lateral
70 component of infiltration by three to six times when compared with the
Degree of saturation (%)

case without the outer ring. The test setup was similar to that described
by the ASTM Standard D3385 (ASTM, 2009). The only difference was
50 that grass or/and trees were transplanted inside both the inner and
40 outer rings.
Measured (bare CDG) Each infiltration test was commenced by applying a constant water
Fitted (bare CDG) head of 100 mm inside both the inner and outer rings using a Mariotte
20 Predicted (Rv=0.025 m3/m3) bottle. During testing, the variations of suction were recorded, while
0.1 Predicted (Rv= 0.045 m3/m3) the amount of water infiltrated to the ground was recorded by the
Mariotte bottle. Each test was completed when all the measurements
reached a steady-state condition, which took less than two hours.
0.1 1 10 100
After the infiltration tests, all 12 plots were left to expose to the
Suction (kPa)
climate for a month. Response of suction was continuously recorded
Fig. 4. Soil water retention curves of CDG with and without plant roots. during the entire monitoring period.
Legend: Rv is root volume ratio.
3.4. Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel. Significant
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (m/s)

Bare CDG differences were assessed with one way-ANOVA, followed by post hoc
Rooted CDG Fisher’s least significant difference test. Results were considered sta-
tistically significant when p-value ≤0.05.

3.5. Numerical back-analysis


y = 6E-10e14.8x Two series of analyses were carried out to simulate both the (i)
R2 = 0.91 infiltration tests and (ii) one-month field monitoring. In all analyses, a
1-D CDG soil column with 4.5 m depth was considered. When modelling
vegetated cases (either grass-only, tree-only or mixed-species), two soil
domains were created, one modelling soil in root zone (depending on
1.E-07 the rooting length) and the other for bare soil below the root zone.
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 The first series of analyses (Series 1) is concerned on the double-ring
Void ratio infiltration tests. These analyses aim to validate the soil water balance
model (Eq. (7)) as well as the effects of root-induced change in soil
Fig. 5. Relationship between saturated hydraulic conductivity and void ratio of
hydraulic properties (Eqs. (10)–(13)). Since all infiltration tests con-
bare and rooted CDG (data from Leung et al. 2015b).
ducted were complete within two hours, the total amount of PT during
this relatively short period of testing is expected to be minimal. Indeed,
3.3. Test procedures the maximum PT experienced in this field study was no more than
1.5 mm/day (shown later). This means that the potential amount of
Before field monitoring, infiltration characteristics of all 12 plots water being transpired by plants would be less than 0.125 mm, which is
with four different vegetation cover conditions were determined practically negligible compared to the amount of water infiltrated to the
through double-ring infiltration tests. Each test was performed at the soil. Hence, energy partition (i.e., Eqs. (1)–(6)) and plant root-water
middle of the plot. Each setup consisted of an inner ring with a diameter uptake (i.e., Eqs. (8) and (9)) during these tests were not considered. In
of 300 mm and an outer ring with a diameter of 600 mm, which were each numerical model, a constant water head of 100 mm was specified
inserted into the ground by 75 and 150 mm depths, respectively. The at the top boundary for two hours. A static water table was applied at
height of the outer and inner rings was 425 mm and 350 mm, respec- the bottom of the model to mimic the field condition. The initial suction
tively. The outer ring (also known as buffer ring) is used to lessen the distribution followed the measurements made by the three tensiometers
lateral water movement from the inner ring, in which measurement is before the start of each test. For soil within the root zone, root-induced

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

Fig. 6. Variation of infiltration rate with time for the

four different vegetation cover conditions. Legend: ks
is saturated hydraulic conductivity. Letters in the
legend, B, T, G and M refer to the bare, grass-only,
tree-only and mixed tree-grass plots. Data represents
mean value obtained from three replicated pots,
while the error bars represent standard error of mean
(n = 3).

Table 3
Infiltration rates and suction at the end of each infiltration test (mean ± standard error of mean, n = 3). Letters indicate significant differences as tested using one-
way ANOVA followed by post hoc Fisher’s least significant difference test. N.R. denotes not relevant.
Parameter Depth (mm) Bare Grass-only Tree-only Mixed p-value

Infiltration rate (10 m/s) N.R. 1.51 ± 0.12a 1.36 ± 0.18ab 1.05 ± 0.22b 0.37 ± 0.16c 0.001
Matric suction (kPa) 250 7.63 ± 5.43a 21.66 ± 1.93b 22.67 ± 3.21b 28.56 ± 2.86c 0.021

boundary that represents rainfall infiltration during the monitoring

period was specified at the top boundary, following the recorded hourly
rainfall (Fig. 2(e)). At each time step, when the rainfall intensity is
lower than the ks of the CDG, the flux boundary applied would be re-
mained. On the contrary, when the rainfall intensity was higher, the
flux boundary would be switched to a pressure boundary with a pres-
sure head of 1 mm. This numerical treatment means that any rainwater
that could not be infiltrated into the soil would exist in form of a small
water ponding head less than 1 mm. The bottom boundary condition
was identical to Series 1.

3.6. Parameterization

The solar radiant energy (R ) measured during the monitoring period

(Fig. 2(c)) was input into Eqs. (1) to (3) to calculate the energy partition
to the tree canopy (Rt ), grass foliage (Rg ) and the ground surface (Rs ).
The extinction coefficient at of the tree is taken to be 0.75, following the
calibration performed by Garg (2015). The extinction coefficient of the
Fig. 7. Suction distributions before and after ponding. Letters in the legend, B, grass a g , on the other hand, was calibrated to be 0.50 by best-fitting the
T, G and M refer to the bare, grass-only, tree-only and mixed tree-grass plots. field measured suction in the grass-only plot. Other parameters re-
Data represents mean value obtained from three replicated pots, while the error quired for calculating energy partition are summarised in Table 1.
bars represent standard error of mean (n = 3). The parameters, m1, m2 , m3 and m4 , for the SWRC model (Eq. (11))
were calibrated based on the field measured SWRC of CDG. For the
known distribution of Rv (Fig. 3), SWRC of rooted CDG at any depth
changes in both SWRC and k (s ) were considered, whereas the hydraulic
within a tree or grass root zone could be predicted by Eqs. (10) and
properties of the bare soil were specified for the soil below the root
(11). Note that for mixed grass-tree case, an equivalent Rv was obtained
by summing up Rv of tree and grass at a given depth. The parameters, a
Series 2 simulated the one-month field monitoring. In this series, all
and b , for the k (s ) model (Eqs. (12) and (13)) were calibrated using the
energy partition and water balance equations (i.e., all Eqs. (1)–(13))
field data reported by Leung et al. (2015b). They measured ks of the
were used. The climate data shown in Fig. 2 was used to determine PE
same type of CDG vegetated with the same tree species (Schefflera
and PTi for each vegetated case, and these terms were applied to the top
heptaphylla) as in this study.
boundary of the model for calculation. On the other hand, a flux

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

0 120 240 360 480 600 720

Time (hour)

0 120 240 360 480 600 720

Time (hour)

0 120 240 360 480 600 720

Time (hour)

0 120 240 360 480 600 720

(12 Dec 2014) Time (hour) (12 Jan 2015)
Fig. 8. Partition of solar radiation in (a) the bare plot; (b) the grass-only plot; (c) the tree-only plot and (d) the mixed tree-grass plot.

3.7. Parametric study dn = dg / dt ; representing the below-ground growth condition). For a

given growth condition, the relative effects of ks and PET (i.e., ks / PET )
One important engineering question in relation to the soil bioengi- on suction response were investigated. Hence, two series of steady-state
neering application is how the relative growth of grass and tree in analyse were carried out to study the effects of (i) above-ground and (ii)
mixed-covered ground would affect the partition of solar radiant energy below-ground growth conditions. In the first series, LAIn varied from 0
and consequently the magnitude and distribution of suction for a given to 10, while keeping dn to be a constant at 0.2. The second series varied
soil and climate condition. The model, after field verification, was used dn from 0.2 to 1.0, whereas LAIn was fixed at 2.5. Both series of analyses
to carry out an extensive parametric analysis to answer this question. considered two ks of 1 × 10−6 and 1 × 10−8 m/s, which represents
Two growth indices are defined, namely (i) ratio of LAI of tree and sand-like and clay-like soil, respectively. Identical geometry and
grass (i.e., LAIn = LAIt / LAIg ; representing the above-ground growth boundary conditions to that used in the validation analyses were used.
condition) and (ii) ratio of rooting depth of grass and tree (i.e., All analyses considered the same (i) climate condition, with solar

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

Fig. 9. Calculated PE , PT and PET for (a) the bare plot; (b) the grass-only plot; (c) the tree-only plot and (d) the mixed tree- grass plot.

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

Suction (kPa) B100_Measured
80 B250_Measured
60 B400_Measured
20 B400_Simulated
0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720
Time (hour)
Suction (kPa)

60 G400_Measured
40 G100_Simulated
0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720
Time (hour)
Suction (kPa)

80 T250_Measured
40 T250_Simulated
0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720
Time (hour)
Suction (kPa)

60 M400_Measured
40 M100_simulated
20 M400_Simulated
0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720
th Time (hour)
(12 Dec 2014) (12th Jan 2015)

Fig. 10. Variations of suction for (a) the bare plot; (b) the grass-only plot; (c) the tree-only plot and (d) the mixed grass-tree plot. In the legend, letters, B, T, G and M
refer to the bare, grass-only, tree-only and mixed tree-grass plots. Numbers, 100, 250 and 400 refer to the instrument depths. Data represents mean value obtained
from three replicated pots, while the error bars represent standard error of mean (n = 3).

radiation of 1300 W/m2, temperature of 23 °C, relative humidity of 4. Results and discussion
40% and wind speed of 1.6 m/s; (ii) dt of 1 m; (iii) parabolic distribu-
tion of Rv for trees and triangular for grasses (Fig. 3); (iv) transpiration 4.1. Plant traits
reduction function (Eq. (9)) and (iv) SWRC of the CDG.
Fig. 3 shows that in both the tree-only and mixed-species plots, trees
have a parabolic distribution of Rv , peaked at the mid-depth of the root

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

100 species in the growing seasons (such as spring). Once their roots are
established, the tree species could be transplanted afterwards. Other
above- and below-ground traits of the grass and trees are summarised in
80 Table 2.
Simulated suction (kPa)

4.2. Soil hydraulic properties
60 B250
B400 Fig. 4 shows the field measured SWRC of the bare soil at e0 of 0.52.
50 G100
G250 After least-square best-fitting procedures, m1, m2 , m3 and m4 are 0.11,
40 G400 2.5, 0.3 kPa and 3.64, respectively. Two examples of predicted SWRCs
T100 of rooted CDG at Rv of 0.025 and 0.045 m3/m3 (i.e., corresponding to
30 T250
T400 the two peak Rv shown in Fig. 3). The presence of roots cause an in-
20 M100 crease in air-entry value, whereas the desorption rate is apparently
M400 unchanged. This agrees with the conceptual model proposed by Scanlan
1:1 line and Hinz (2010) as well as the theoretical model derived by Ng et al.
0 (2016c). Roots could have occupied some soil pore space and this re-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 duces the size of the soil pore throat. Following the capillary law, the
Measured suction (kPa) reduction of pore diameter in turn increases the air-entry value. The
root diameter investigated in this study ranges between 0.15 and 2 mm,
Fig. 11. Comparison between measured and simulated matric suction at all
implying that the presence of roots affects predominantly low suction
instrument depths. In the legend, letters, B, T, G and M refer to the bare, grass-
range. It is thus not surprising to see the minimal effects of root on the
only, tree-only and mixed tree-grass plots. Numbers, 100, 250 and 400 refer to
the instrument depths. Data represents mean value obtained from three re-
desorption rate in relatively high suction range. The higher the Rv , the
plicated pots, while the error bars represent standard error of mean (n = 3). greater the increase in air-entry value it is.
Fig. 5 depicts a log-linear correlation between the ks of CDG and e .
This appears to be consistent with previous in-situ test results reported
zone. The Rv of grass roots distribute almost linearly along depth and
by Rahardjo et al. (2014) and Jotisankasa and Sirirattanachat (in press).
peak near the soil surface. The grass Rv near the soil surface in the
Based on the ks – e correlation, a and b were calibrated to be 6 x 10−10
mixed-species plot is 20% smaller than that in the grass-only plot. Inter-
m/s and 14.8, respectively, for Eq. (13). Hence, k (s ) at different depths
species competition for soil water and nutrient could reduce the pro-
within a root zone can be estimated by Eq. (12).
duction of root biomass of each species (Rozados-Lerenzo et al., 2007).
For tree-grass mixed planting, specifically, the shading of sunlight due
to the overlapping of the canopies among neighboring trees would re- 4.3. Infiltration tests
duce grass root growth underneath (Scholes and Archer, 1997; Ludwig
et al., 2004). Hence, it might be advisable to first transplant grass Fig. 6 compares the measured and simulated variations of infiltra-
tion rate with time during two-hour constant-head ponding. As

Table 4
Suction (kPa) during one-month monitoring (mean ± standard error of mean, n = 3). Letters indicate significant differences as tested using one-way ANOVA
followed by post hoc Fisher’s least significant difference test.
Time (h) Depth (mm) Bare Grass-only Tree-only Mixed p-value

Selected drying periods

104 100 13.98 ± 2.06a 49.67 ± 5.31b 84.33 ± 6.55c 84 ± 6.16c < 0.001
250 22.33 ± 2.87a 56.21 ± 6.13 cd 50.66 ± 4.92b 63.51 ± 5.35d < 0.001
400 24.46 ± 3.30a 30.69 ± 3.68a 32.25 ± 4.50a 33.01 ± 5.31a 0.252

194 100 20.94 ± 2.05a 27.43 ± 3.68a 56.78 ± 4.49b 67.67 ± 6.94c < 0.001
250 8.51 ± 2.87a 22.87 ± 3.68b 44.21 ± 4.49c 41.58 ± 4.92c < 0.001
400 8.12 ± 2.05a 14.34 ± 2.87ab 19.41 ± 3.68b 27.82 ± 4.11c 0.002

374 100 18.86 ± 2.45a 45.27 ± 4.92b 64.52 ± 5.73c 78.33 ± 6.13d < 0.001
250 10.92 ± 2.45a 13.88 ± 2.46a 30.67 ± 2.87b 42.06 ± 3.30c < 0.001
400 5.00 ± 1.63a 5.45 ± 2.05a 18.98 ± 2.86b 23.42 ± 3.26b < 0.001

544 100 27.25 ± 2.87a 47.37 ± 3.68b 64.31 ± 4.49c 78.33 ± 5.31d < 0.001
250 16.70 ± 2.87a 22.24 ± 2.84a 44.83 ± 4.11b 50.94 ± 4.50b < 0.001
400 5.91 ± 1.63a 20.90 ± 3.30b 21.98 ± 3.68b 32.13 ± 4.08c < 0.001

Selected wetting periods

144 100 2.04 ± 0.82a 12.23 ± 2.05b 12.31 ± 2.87b 16.33 ± 2.78c 0.002
250 5.72 ± 1.63a 9.78 ± 2.87ab 15.17 ± 2.85b 16.23 ± 3.68b 0.020
400 13.06 ± 2.05a 15.18 ± 3.30a 16.43 ± 2.58a 28.72 ± 4.11b 0.005

294 100 1.89 ± 0.61a 6.37 ± 2.05ab 8.66 ± 2.66bc 12.59 ± 2.87c 0.010
250 6.01 ± 0.81a 7.02 ± 3.26ab 12.65 ± 3.31bc 13.58 ± 2.05c 0.040
400 3.69 ± 0.79a 13.95 ± 3.29b 20.26 ± 2.78b 15.41 ± 2.88b 0.002

484 100 5.86 ± 2.06a 13.33 ± 2.11b 26.05 ± 3.26c 27.02 ± 3.66c < 0.001
250 10.47 ± 2.06a 21.04 ± 2.85b 25.07 ± 4.49b 39.07 ± 3.68c < 0.001
400 10.58 ± 2.03a 17.06 ± 2.82ab 20.19 ± 2.86b 28.32 ± 4.49c 0.003

704 100 1.93 ± 0.65a 4.47 ± 2.03ab 8.01 ± 1.63bc 9.47 ± 1.62c 0.006
250 0.60 ± 0.10a 5.21 ± 1.63b 11.32 ± 1.60c 10.85 ± 2.45c 0.001
400 7.56 ± 2.45a 6.81 ± 1.25a 14.24 ± 2.45b 18.89 ± 2.05b 0.002

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

Fig. 12. Computed variations of the changes in soil water storage (with respect to time on day one of monitoring) for the four different vegetation cover conditions.

because of the lowest infiltration rate. The amount of suction preserved

between the grass- and tree-covered plots has no statistical difference.
The comparisons made in both Figs. 6 and 7 show that the model
derived based on soil water balance through Eqs. (7)–(13), is able to
reproduce the field measurements in terms of both the water infiltration
rate and suction, when root-induced changes in soil hydraulic proper-
ties were taken into account.

4.4. Field monitoring

Fig. 8 shows the results of energy partition calculation in terms of

solar radiation intercepted in each cover condition using the climate
data (Fig. 2). For the grass-only plot, approximately 70% of the solar
radiation was intercepted by the grass foliage, while for the tree-only
plot, the percentage of interception was as high as 80% due to the
higher tree LAI . For the mixed grass-tree plot, more than 90% of the
radiant energy was intercepted mainly by the trees and then the grass
underneath. Only less than 10% of energy was received by the bare
surface for evaporation to take place.
Fig. 13. Effects of LAIn on PTi , PE and PET . Based on the results of energy partition calculation, the PE of the
bare soil surface, the PT of each vegetation component and the PET for
expected, the rate of infiltration in all bare and vegetated cases reduced each ground cover condition are calculated (Fig. 9). As expected, PET
exponentially with time, due to the continuous reduction of hydraulic of vegetated ground, regardless of single- or mixed-species case, was
gradient as the soil got wetter. The steady-state infiltration rate in all always higher than the PE of the bare plot. Moreover, PTt was higher
cases appears to approach the ks of the bare CDG. The simulation results than PTg because the trees had a greater above-ground biomass (i.e.,
have close agreement with the field measurement, especially for the quantified by LAI and height) for intercepting more solar radiant en-
infiltration rate after 20 min of ponding. The infiltration rate of tree- ergy for transpiration. In fact, more than 65% and 75% of PET for the
only and mixed tree-grass plots is statistically significantly difference grass-only and tree-only plots was contributed by PT , respectively. For
and lower than of the grass-plot and bare plots (p-value = 0.001; the mixed tree-grass plot, PTt dominants the PET , whereas PTg and PE
Table 3). The lower infiltration rate in these vegetated plots may be contributed only negligibly. During rainfall events, there were abrupt
because of the reduction in k (s ) due to the presence of plant roots. drops of PTi due to high relative humidity (RH ) and cloudy conditions
Among the three vegetated cases, the mixed grass-tree case has the (i.e., low solar radiation). This climate condition suppressed plant
highest Rv (Fig. 3) and this might have reduced k (s ) (according to Eq. transpiration (Sidle et al., 1985; Snyder et al., 2003).
(10)) and hence infiltration rate (Fig. 6) most significantly. Previous Fig. 10 compares the measured and simulated suction variations for
laboratory tests (Ng et al., 2016a) and in-situ infiltration tests (Huat the four different vegetation cover conditions. In general, the simula-
et al., 2006; Leung et al., 2015b) also showed the reduction of water tions have close matches with the measurements for all three instru-
infiltration rate in vegetated plots, especially when the plants are at the ment depths at 100, 250 and 400 mm. Note that for the tree-only and
actively growing stage. mixed plots, measurements of suction higher than 90 kPa were not
Fig. 7 compares the measured and simulated distributions of suction possible due to water cavitation of the tensiometers, but the simulations
along depth before and after each infiltration test. Before testing, the showed that suction at 100 mm depth could possibly higher than
initial suction distributions in different cover conditions were reason- 100 kPa. The close agreement between the field measurements and
ably close to each other. The comparison shows that the suction profiles numerical simulation is further evidenced in Fig. 11 when all measured
of both the bare and vegetated cases were well captured by the simu- and simulated suction data are compared. The discrepancy is no more
lation. While there is no difference in suction between all four plots at than 25%. The comparison suggests that the model which is derived
both 100 and 400 mm depths, the suction preserved at 250 mm in all based on energy partition and water balance is able to capture the ef-
vegetated cases was higher than in the bare case (p-value = 0.021; fects of mixed tree-grass condition on soil suction responses reasonably
Table 3). This is consistent with the fact shown in Fig. 6 that the ve- well, given the presence of in-situ soil heterogeneity and natural
getated cases have lower infiltration rate. Among the three vegetated variability of plants.
cover conditions, the mixed grass-tree case preserved highest suctions During drying periods (i.e., at elapsed times of 104, 194, 374 and
544 h in Fig. 10), the maximum suction induced in shallow depths of

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

Fig. 14. Effects of LAIn on normalized suction in a mixed tree-grass plot for (a) clay-like soil (ks = 1 × 10−8 m/s); and (b) sand-like soil (ks = 1 × 10−6 m/s).

tree-only and mixed tree-grass plots was always higher than in grass- the entire monitoring period, evaporation was inadequate to release the
only and bare plots (p-value < 0.001; Table 4). Except at time 104 h, soil moisture gained by rainfall infiltration back to the atmosphere. For
suction induced in the mixed tree-grass plot was higher than in the tree- the vegetated plots, on the contrary, more soil moisture was lost via
only ground. At deeper depth (400 mm), the difference of suction be- plant transpiration, in addition to evaporation from the bare soil sur-
tween the four types of plots was little. On the contrary, during wetting face. The effects of plant transpiration are more prominent for tree-only
periods (i.e., at elapsed times of 144, 294, 484 and 704 h in Fig. 10), the and mixed tree-grass plots, as the soil water storage remained negative
minimum suction preserved in the mixed tree-grass plots was always for most of the monitoring period. The presence of plants creates higher
higher than in the bare plot (p-value < 0.005; Table 4). However, only soil moisture deficit, inducing higher suction than the bare plot
a few occasions that the suction preserved in the mixed species plots (Fig. 10).
was higher than the other vegetated cases are found. When rainfall
amount was less than 8 mm, the minimum suction preserved in the
mixed tree-grass plots was higher than in other vegetated cases by 5. Further insights to the mixed species effects on soil suction
6–32 kPa. In most of the time suction in the tree-only plot has no sta-
tistical difference with that by the grass-only plot. 5.1. Effects of the growth of plant leaves
It is interesting to see that although trees in the mixed species plot
intercepted most of the radiant energy (Fig. 8), the remaining small Fig. 13 shows the competition of grass and tree for energy inter-
amount of energy intercepted by grass was not negligible as it could ception in a mixed-species plot due to the growth of above-ground plant
induce suction considerably higher than that in the tree-only plot. In biomass. For a given climate condition, an increase in LAIn causes a
order to explain this, the calculated change in soil water storage (with significant increase in PTt and a simultaneous decrease in PTg and PE .
respect to time when the monitoring started) for each vegetation cover When LAIn increases further to values higher than 5.0, all components
condition is compared in Fig. 12. Note that negative change means net have no major changes. The tree dominates the energy interception in
soil moisture loss to the atmosphere, while positive value means net the system. The impact of the relative growth of tree and grass LAI on
storage of soil water. For the bare plot, after the first 120 h of mon- steady-state suction, for a given dn of 0.2, is depicted in Fig. 14(a) and
itoring, the net soil water change is always positive. This means that for (b). Note that the suction in the y-axis is expressed in two dimensionless
forms. The first one is to normalise suction induced in mixed-species

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

Fig. 15. Effects of dn on normalized suction in a mixed tree-grass plot for (a) clay-like soil (ks = 1 × 10−8 m/s); and (b) sand-like soil (ks = 1 × 10−6 m/s).

plot (sm ) by that induced in tree-only plot (st ) (i.e., sm/ st ). Hence any Firstly, there appears a threshold LAIn of 2.0, beyond which the con-
change of this ratio reflects the contribution by grass in the mixed- tribution of grass root-water uptake to sm is negligible. When young
species plot. By the same token, the second dimensionless suction (i.e., trees are transplanted and their canopy has not yet developed at the
sm/ sg ) refers to the contribution of tree in the mixed-species plot. In initial stage (i.e., LAIn smaller than 2), the contribution of grass root-
clay-like soil which the ks is relatively low (i.e., 1 × 10−8 m/s; water uptake to the overall suction induced in the mixed-species plot,
Fig. 14(a)), sm/ sg increases tremendously, especially in shallow depths, especially in shallower depths, should not be neglected, regardless of
as LAIn increases up to 5.0. This is because of the increasing con- soil texture considered. On the contrary, when tree canopy is more
tribution of tree root-water uptake to sm when the tree with higher LAIt established (i.e., LAIn larger than 2), the effects of grass root-water
intercepted more radiant energy. Relatively speaking, sm/ sg at the depth uptake on soil hydrological change could be reasonably ignored. In fact,
below the root zone (i.e., 1.5 m) increases less, but this increase is not results from both Fig. 14(a) and (b) show that sm/ st approaches 1.0 for
negligible. Indeed, test results reported by Ng et al. (2016a) showed sufficiently large LAIn . This means that sm may be conveniently ana-
that Schefflera heptaphylla could induce substantial amount of suction lysed by using a tree-only plot, which is a much simpler system to
even at depths 3.5 times deeper than the rooting depth. On the con- analyse, without the need to consider species-species competition for
trary, the contribution of grass root-water uptake to sm is minimal, as water. The threshold LAIn of 2.0 appears to be independent on the soil
the change in sm/ st are little. hydraulic conductivity.
When the same species were planted in sand-like soil with relatively Secondly, when the tree is more developed and has a LAIt that is
high ks of 1 × 10−6 m/s (Fig. 14(b)), the magnitude of suction induced sufficiently higher than LAIg , the contribution of tree root-water uptake
is much smaller. When the soil is more permeable, soil water supply is to sm does not increase further. Apparently, the value of this LAIn re-
greater than the plant water demand. The water flow is fast enough to duces from 5.0 (for the case of clay-like soil) to approximately 2.0 (for
replenish the water lost due to plant transpiration. This reduces the the case of sand-like soil). This suggests that the relative contribution of
hydraulic gradient between the root zone (where root-water uptake grass and tree root-water uptake to the overall suction induced in the
occurs) and the surrounding soil, hence reducing tree-grass competition mixed-species plot depends not only on their relative growth but also
for water and so the amount of suction induced. on the soil hydraulic properties. This implies that if tree pruning is
Based on the simulation results, some implications that are relevant required (e.g., due to excessive tree growth and blocking of sight and
to the application of soil bioengineering technique can be obtained. road signs on transport embankments), arborists might be advised to

J.J. Ni et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 1–17

maintain the LAIn of the mixed tree-grass plot to be no less than 5.0 for be verified yet until more high-quality field data is available. Moreover,
maximising sm . the model considers only the effects of root growth on the changes of
soil hydraulic properties. In order to apply the model for longer-term
5.2. Effects of rooting depth vegetation management, effects of root decay, especially on the soil
permeability change, need to be considered in the future.
Fig. 15 shows the effects of relative root length of grass and tree,
dn = dg / dt , on suction, for LAIn of 2.5. Regardless of the soil texture Acknowledgements
considered, an increase in dn causes a drop in sm/ sg at all depths because
of (i) the reduction of the contribution of tree root-water uptake and (ii) We acknowledge research grant T22-603/15N provided by the
increased tree-grass competition for water, as grass roots grow deeper. Research Grants Council of the Government of Hong Kong SAR. The
The reduction of sm/ sg in shallower depths is more significant as it is the second author acknowledges the EU Marie Curie Career Integration
region where most tree root biomass exists following the parabolic Grant under the project ‘BioEPIC slope’ and research travel support
shape of Rv considered. Although the contribution of tree root-water from the Northern Research Partnership (NRP).
uptake to sm reduces with the increase in dn , it is not negligible even the
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