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İstanbul Medeniyet University

Social Sciences Institute

M.A. Program in Ottoman Studies
Course Syllabus
Course Code Semester Hours Credits ECTS
Ottoman Intellectual History I IOS 703 I 3+0 3 7

Prerequisite Courses

Language of Instruction English

Course Type Selective
Course Coordinator İhsanFazlıoğlu
Instructors İhsanFazlıoğlu
*Furnishing the attendees of the course with comprehensive knowledge (major names,
oeuvres, subjects) about the renewal period of Ottoman philosophy and science (1299-
1702) in the light of primary sources, while keeping in mind the heterogeneity of
different manners and schools.
Course Objectives
*Demonstrating the relationship between the sciences on the one hand and society,
religion, politics and economy on the other
*Pointing out the exchanges between the Ottoman philosophy & science and the
contemporaneous traditions in other countries
* Critical knowledge on the contents of Ottoman philosophy & science in the light of
Learning Outcomes primary sources
?Ability to compare the forms of knowledge from different related fields
* Ottoman philosophers and savants , their oeuvres and knowledge domains as well as
Course Description
shifts and transformations in divers scientific fields

Learning Plan and Readings

Week Topics Readings
General framework:
İhsan Fazlıoğlu, “Türk Felsefe-Bilim Tarihi’nin Seyir Defteri (Bir Önsöz)”,
Kayıp Halka, İstanbul 2015, s. 45-122.
1 concepts,
İhsan Fazlıoğlu, "Osmanlı Dönemi Türk Felsefe-Bilim Hayatının Çerçevesi",
methodologies and
Kayıp Halka, İstanbul 2015, s. 219-268.
main sources
İhsan Fazlıoğlu, "Selçuklular Devri'nde Anadolu'da Felsefe-Bilim -Bir Giriş-,
Background: Science KayıpHalka, İstanbul 2015, s. 125-171.
and Philosophy in F. Jamil Ragep, “New Light on Shams: The Islamic Side of Σὰμψ Πουχάρης,”
Anatolian Seljuks and in Politics, Patronage, and the Transmission of Knowledge in 13th - 15th
Byzantium Century Tabriz, edited by Judith Pfeiffer, pp. 231-247 (Leiden: E. J. Brill,
The Formative Period
(1299-1389): The first İhsan Fazlıoğlu, “Osmanlı Coğrafyasında İlmî Hayatın Teşekkülü ve Dâvûd
3 steps of el-Kayserî (656-660/1258-1261-751/1350)”, Uluslararası Dâvûd el-Kayserî
Ottoman'sphilosophy Sempozyumu Tebliğleri, Kayseri 1998, s.25-42.
and science
F. JamilRagep, “Astronomy in the Fanārī-Circle: The Critical Background
for Qāḍīzāde al-Rūmī and the Samarqand School.” InUluslararası Molla
Construction of high
Fenârı̂ Sempozyumu (4-6 Aralık 2009 Bursa)(International symposium on
4 Islamic culture: The
Molla Fanari, 4-6 December 2009 Bursa), edited by Tevfik Yücedoğru,
school of MullaFanarî
Orhan Koloğlu, U. Murat Kılavuz, and Kadir Gö mbeyaz, pp. 165-176.
Bursa: Bursa Büyü kş ehir Belediyesi
Evaluation of
Ottoman's philosophy İhsan Fazlıoğlu, “İthâf’tan Enmûzec’e Fetih’ten Önce Osmanlı Ülkesi’nde
and science before the Matematik Bilimler,” Uluslararası Molla Fenârî Sempozyumu, TÜRKIYE, 4-
Conquest: Names, 6 Aralık 2009 , pp.131-163.
books, subjects,
questions and goals
6 Fatih and the MübahatTürker, ÜçTehafütBakımındanFelsefe-Din Münasebeti, Ankara,
Conquest: New TTK, 1956,"Giriş".
organizing for
Ottoman's philosophy
and science
The Samarqand
astronomical school İhsanFazlıoğlu, "The Samarqand Mathematical-Astronomical School: A Basis
and its impact on for Ottoman Philosophy and Science", J.H.A.S. 2008, vol. 14: 3 – 68
Ottoman's philosophy
and science
Mamluk's philosophy
David King, "Astronomy of the mamluks", Isis: A Journal of the History of
8 and science and its
Science74:509-530 (1983)
impact on Ottoman
Mathematical sciences
İhsan Fazlıoğlu, “Between Reality and Mentality -Fifteenth Century
from Ali Qushji to
Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Reconsidered- ”, Nazâriyat Journal for
Taqi al-Din Râsid:
9 the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, Vol 1, No 1 (2014), pp. 1-39.
Arithmetic, algebra,
geometry and İhsan Fazlıoğlu, “Semanîye’den Süleymanîye’ye: Bir Küllî'ye’yi Mümkün
practical geometry Kılan Nazarî Hikmet”, Türkiye Günlüğü, Kış 100, Ankara 2010, s. 29-41.
Mathematical sciences Remzi Demir, Takiyüddin’de Matematik ve Astronomi(Ceridetü’d-Dürer ve
from Ali Qushji to Haridetü’l-Fiker Üzerine Bir İnceleme), Ankara 2000.
Taqi al-Din Râsid: Yavuz Unat ve Remzi Demir, “Ali Kuşçu ve el-Muhammediyye, el-Fethiyye
Cosmology, ve Risale fî Hall Eşkâl el-Mu’addil li’l-Mesîr Adlı Eserlerinin Türk Bilim
astronomy, astrology Tarihindeki Yeri”, Düşünen Siyaset (Bilim Tarihi), Sayı-16, Ankara 2002, s.
and time-keeping 231-255.
Khaled El-Rouayheb, “Opening the Gate of Verification: The Forgotten Arab-
The new rise of
Islamic Florescence of the Seventeenth Century“, International Journal of
chemistry, alchemy,
11 Middle East Studies (2006)
new medicineand
Khaled El-Rouayheb, “The Myth of the Triumph of Fanaticism in the
Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Empire”, Die Welt des Islams (2008)
The intellectual
relations between
Cemil Aydın, “TürkBilimTarihiYazımındaZihniyet, Din veBilimİlişkisi:
Ottoman and West-
OsmanlıÖrneği”, TALİD TürkBilimTarihi, c. 2, S. 4, 2004, s. 29-44.
12 Europe and
Salim Aydüz, “LaleDevrindeYapılanİlmîFaaliyetler”, Dîvân, 1997/1, s. 143-
introduction of new
scientific knowledge
into Ottoman
İhsan Fazlıoğlu, “İstanbul'dan Varlık, Var-olan ve Yokluk'a Kadîm bir Nazar”,
Inventory of old Türkiye Günlüğü 101, Bahar 2010, s. 28-40.
sciences and a new Emrullah Bulut, Katip Çelebi'nin akli ilimler merkezli medrese/ ilmiye
13 quest: The attempts of eleştirisi ve modern tarih yazıcılığındaki yeri üzerine = On Hadji Khalifa's
KhajiKhalifa and rational sciences based criticism of ulema/ madrasah and his place in modern
Munajjimbashi historical writing. Kutadgubilig Felsefe-Bilim Araştırmaları, (13), Mart 2008,
14 Round up session

Textbook  As indicated above
Other Sources  As indicated above

Rubrics for Assessment

Activities Quantity Rating
Attendance %20
In-class discussions %20
Presentation %30
Papers %30
TOTAL %100
Effect on Total Grade %100
Final Exam
Total %100

Course Type
Supplementary Courses
Main Field Courses
Specialization Field Courses X
Humanities and Communication Skill Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

ECTS/Workload Table
Activities Quantity Hours Total Workload
Readings (20 page=1 hour) 1500 pages 75
Lecture 14 2 28
Presentation 1 50 50
Paper 1 50 50
Total Hours 203
Total Work Hours/30 7

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