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Quarterly Investment Commentary

October 2010

In The Clear earnings dropped, how quickly they dropped,

and how long it took for earnings to recover to
Readers will be elated to know that the recession new highs. Certainly the 1929 plunge (blue line)
is over. Actually, it has been over for some time. was the steepest and most protracted decline,
If you believe the National Bureau of Economic requiring 18 years (72 quarters) to reclaim the -
Research (NBER), it officially ended June 2009, 75% that was lost in the crash.
18 months after it began. It was the worst
contraction since the Great Depression as In 2007 (purple line) as earnings traced an
measured by drop in GDP, jobs lost, and eerily similar decline as in 1929, many investors
duration of time. The government matched the wondered with good reason whether we were in
magnitude of the economic malady with an for a repeat experience. After suffering a near -
equally aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus. 60% decline, earnings have regained all but 15%
of their prior highs. That is a very different
Funny thing is, it sure does not feel like the outcome from 1929 so far. In fact, based on their
recession is over to us. There is perpetual talk of current trajectory, earnings are on track to
a double dip. The recover a little
Fed continues to faster than the
hold interest four years it took
rates at 0%. The after the internet
Treasury bubble of 2000
continues to (green line).
backstop Fannie’s
and Freddie’s But earnings are
mortgage losses. only part of the
Unemployment story. Stock
remains above prices, too, are
9.5%. Housing demonstrating
continues to that investors
languish. This believe the
post-recession recovery will
recovery has been continue to
called the weakest since World War II. At the progress. The chart on the next page compares
same time, the stock market has been recovering the price changes of the stock market (as
nicely the last year and a half. Let’s take a look measured by the S&P 500) during the
at this downturn from both the perspectives of aforementioned market declines.
stocks and their earnings to see if we can see
what the NBER does. Notice that the 2007 price decline of stocks
(purple line) has been very comparable to what
First up, corporate earnings. We charted we witnessed in 1972 (red line) and 2000 (green
corporate earnings during the largest market line) even though earnings dropped significantly
declines of the past 85 years to see how we are more this time around. Both of those pullbacks
progressing this time around versus prior took 30 quarters (7½ years) to rediscover new
periods. The graph above shows how far price highs. Currently, the stock market is 12
quarters into the decline and is still about 25% smooth wild earnings fluctuations shorter-term,
off of fresh highs. [Note: for purposes of our and to help determine the appropriate value of
simple study here, dividends are not included in the stock market. For you math types, the R-
these numbers and will serve to shorten investor squared of our regression line is 96%. For you
recovery times.] math-haters, that means this method has done a
really good job of helping us determine where
Some readers may notice a challenge here earnings will go over the next few years; so we
synthesizing have a lot of
these two confidence in
charts. If this metric.
earnings still
have to recover The chart below
15% of old highs compares our
but the stock estimated long-
market has to term earnings
recover 25% of trend to actual
old highs, then earnings over
either earnings the last several
have to travel an years. Actual
extra 10% earnings per
through their share traveled
old highs or p/e from around
multiples have $91 in 2007 to
to make up for that extra 10% to get stocks back $40 in 2009 and then back to $73 in June 2010.
to where they used to be. In other words, either It just so happens that $74 was our June
corporations must realize particularly robust estimate of earnings per share. So, earnings
earnings growth in the face of high have gone from above trend, to below trend, and
unemployment and lower leverage or investors then back pretty closely to in-line with our trend
have to become more confident in the future estimate.
such that they
become willing Now look at the
to pay 10% more red dotted line
for each dollar of that extends
earnings than from the current
today. If neither quarter into the
of those two future above the
things happens, trendline. That
stocks will take a line represents
longer time to analysts’
recover fully. estimates of
Allow us to earnings growth
briefly look a over the next
little closer at the year. By this time
possibility of in 2011 analysts
each of those expect that
scenarios—that earnings will be
is, earnings growth and p/e multiple expansion. back to $91/share. That $91 estimate is
important because it states a conviction that
Earnings Growth corporations will have fully recovered
everything earnings-wise they gave up a little
As a reminder, we use long-term earnings over four years prior. That earnings trajectory
trends as our sanity check on earnings, to could add about +16% price appreciation to
stocks over the next year if p/e’s hold steady. next few years. If it does, due to an artificial
That would place the S&P 500 at almost 1350 monetary stimulus for instance, then it will have
(versus 1141 on 9/30/10) and earnings would be likely moved ahead of its fair valuation and
at 115% of their long-term trendline. become a candidate for trimming in portfolios.
At the same time, the upward slope of the
From a valuation perspective, it is not unusual earnings trendline means that with every
or disconcerting that earnings would go above passing calendar quarter the odds of stocks
their long-term trendline. At the same time, breaking down to the March 2009 low of 666
earnings can only oscillate so far north of trend becomes less probable.
before growth slows to the long-term trend.
Typically that limit is close to 125% of trend, So, if highs are constrained and lows are
although it has been as high as 150% back in contained, where does that leave the stock
2007 (refer to the chart on this page). market? Well, range bound for now. If that
conclusion sounds hopelessly consensus, then
For stocks to reach higher prices at current let us add that if stocks do break out of their
multiples would imply that earnings would need trading range we would be buyers at p/e’s close
to get to over $104/share. That is 130% of next to 10x trend earnings and sellers near 18x.
year’s trend
earnings or, if you Outlook For
are patient, 100% Stocks
of trend earnings
out in the year Stocks are long-
2016. term investments
and therefore
P/E Multiple should be
Expansion evaluated on a
long time
Of course, the horizon. While
other way to get that simple fact
market gains is by may sound
convincing pedestrian and
investors that the redundant, we
future is brighter believe the
than they overwhelming
currently expect it to be so that they are willing majority of investors struggle profoundly with
to pay more for earnings. This is called p/e its implications.
multiple expansion and is especially challenging
to obtain in the current environment given that It is by first forming a view of what stocks could
stocks have experienced a contraction in p/e return over say, 10 years, that we establish a
multiples. At the highs in 2007 stocks traded at baseline to know whether the investment is
24.4x trendline earnings. Currently they trade at worth the risk. Second, once that long-term view
15.3x. This contraction in multiples has been the is fixed, then the investor can understand how
principle culprit in deterioration of stocks the inherent volatility can be used as a tool to
prices. If analysts are correct and earnings go to buy stocks cheaper or sell them dearer along the
$91 next year, p/e’s would need to go to 17x in way. It is the layering of short-term
order to reclaim old heights—a bold valuation in opportunity behind the long-term view
this timid environment. that leads to satisfactory returns.
Investors too often replace the long-term
Our point is that without the economic view with the short-term view and lose
fundamentals and investor enthusiasm in place, their perspective in the process.
we do not expect that the stock market could
logically make fresh highs anytime within the
We frequently delineate what we believe stocks hang on through volatile times are eligible for
and bonds are priced to return and like to these returns.
approach those estimates using different
methods to check for consistency. Let’s take yet Now let’s compare how this historical data
another look at what stocks could return to squares with what we are seeing prospectively
investors over the next decade. On this page is a by creating a projection of 10-year returns and
chart of 10-year nominal stock returns putting it beside the historical range of returns.
(including dividends) covering quarterly periods We will use the same basic equation we have
from 1925 through the end of third quarter used in past writings. That is, stock returns are
2010. The graph compares the beginning p/e to equal to:
the following 10-year total return for stocks. The
red square marks the intersection of the current Earnings Growth
p/e (i.e., 15.3x) and the ensuing 10-year +
arithmetic average return for all of the data (i.e., Change in P/E
9.3%). Note that because these are nominal +
returns, inflation is included in returns. Dividends
Therefore, during inflationary times, the real
returns will actually be lower than observed on First off, earnings have grown a predictable
the chart and vice versa during disinflationary +5.9% annually for over 90 years. Given any 10-
times. year time frame, a majority of earnings growth
rates fall between +3.7% on the low side and
The principal observation to draw from the +8.9% on the high side.
chart is that
there is clearly Second,
an inverse regarding p/e,
relationship for our exercise,
between p/e’s we can assume
and the that from the
subsequent 10- current 15.3x,
year returns of the p/e can go
stocks. In to one of three
general, as places: to
investors’ extremely
willingness to undervalued
pay more for levels (8x), to
earnings overvalued
increases, levels (18x) or
stock returns to the long-
decrease. Keep term average
that in mind (14x). The
should stocks get cheaper. effects these repricings would have on returns
would be -6.3% annually, +1.6% annually, and -
Take a look at the black oval. It highlights that 0.9% annually, respectively.
every 10-year return we have observed that
began with a p/e of 15x has been in the range of Finally, the dividend yield of stocks is about 2%.
+5% and +17% per year. This brings us to our While that could rise, assume it does not for
second observation. The worst 10-year returns conservativeness.
ever from these levels are still double the
current yield on the 10-year Treasury bond Putting it all together we get the following range
before any possible/probable future dividend of annual stock returns:
increases. But only investors who are willing to
In the absence of the gold standard, there is no
way to protect savings from confiscation
through inflation. There is no safe store of
value. If there were, the government would
have to make its holding illegal, as was done in
the case of gold. If everyone decided, for
example, to convert all his bank deposits to
silver or copper or any other good, and
Look at the chart below. Compared with thereafter declined to accept checks as payment
historical stock returns our prospective model for goods, bank deposits would lose their
suggests lower lows are possible (i.e., -0.6% vs purchasing power and government-created
5%). At the same time, the historical data bank credit would be worthless as a claim on
suggests higher highs are possible than does the goods. The financial policy of the welfare state
prospective model (i.e., 17% vs 12.5%). Using the requires that there be no way for the owners of
green lines on the chart we highlight the wealth to protect themselves.
common return areas and thus narrow a likely
range of returns to This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’
between 5% and tirades against
12.5% annually. The gold. Deficit
median estimated spending is
return falls between simply a scheme
+7% and +8% per for the
year. confiscation of
wealth. Gold
Gold stands in the
way of this
The price of gold insidious
has been steadily process. It stands
rising—up 20% this as a protector of
year—and many property rights. If
investors are one grasps this,
interested in hearing our view on the metal at one has no
these higher levels. Let’s lead off with some difficulty in understanding the statists’
words from former Fed Chairman Alan antagonism toward the gold standard.”
Greenspan. He wrote a paper in 1966 called
“Gold and Economic Freedom.” In it he made This year Greenspan addressed the Council on
the following statements (emphasis is mine): Foreign Relations with this (again emphasis is
“Stripped of its academic jargon, the welfare
state is nothing more than a mechanism by “Fiat money has no place to go but gold.
which governments confiscate the wealth of the If all currencies are moving up or down
productive members of a society to support a together, the question is: relative to what? Gold
wide variety of welfare schemes. A substantial is the canary in the coal mine. It signals
part of the confiscation is effected by taxation. problems with respect to currency markets.
But the welfare statists were quick to recognize Central banks should pay attention to it.”
that if they wished to retain political power, the
amount of taxation had to be limited and they In case you are wondering, yes, this is the same
had to resort to programs of massive deficit Alan Greenspan whose monetary policy has
spending, i.e., they had to borrow money, by been blamed principally for its contribution to
issuing government bonds, to finance welfare the falling dollar over the last two and a half
expenditures on a large scale. decades. Regardless of Greenspan’s role in the
whole program, his ideas are apropos here. Our
nation finds itself at the present time barreling Mind you, since early June, the dollar index has
headlong into a debt trap with declining fallen some -13% versus other currencies. As
consumption and anemic investment. As we such, we have seen virtually all other asset
have postulated before, we must do the painful classes rise during the last quarter, from stocks
thing, that is to instill fiscal discipline and pay to bonds to commodities. We should mention
down our debts, or else we kick the can down that these investments have gained in nominal
the road by printing money to service our terms. However, those returns are not as
growing debts (i.e., quantitative easing) until we attractive when measured in dollar terms.
are forced to change direction. For the record,
we prefer the former to the latter; so too, Gold is the insurance we have been
Germany. As Europe wrestles with its own recommending against the currency wars. But
problems, the real contrarian amongst the just because we recommend purchasing
sovereigns has been Germany who has worked insurance does not mean we want to see our
very hard to restrain its debt. Maybe this house burn down. Nevertheless, it is worth
dogmatic stance arises from the fact that it has spending a little to hedge some larger risks. We
actually experienced firsthand the ill effects of are not talking about inflation risks. We are
hyperinflation and is not interested in going talking about the risk of a coordinated
back there anytime soon. The U.S. government worldwide currency debasement where the
seems to be acting as if it can avert just such an arsonists are the central bankers themselves.
outcome. We said a good
deal about the
Yet every day the subject in our first
rumblings grow quarter’s
louder about the commentary if you
efficacy of our would like further
nation’s fiat reading.
currency. Barely
four decades old The difficulty, of
and already this course, comes in
latest fiat valuing gold. The
experiment most common
seems to be investor hesitation
showing signs of we hear is that gold
cracking. Mr. has already run
Greenspan’s and it is
comments both overvalued—both
then and now bookend the subject ominously. of which are valid concerns. Believe us, as value-
oriented managers, if there are two things that
Competitive currency devaluation is heating up. do not sit well with us, they are chasing an
Last month Japan is reported to have sold about investment that has already run and not being
$25 billion worth of yen in exchange for U.S. able to value an asset’s cash flows. Gold appears
dollars in an effort to hold the value of their to fall victim to both concerns. Therefore, even if
currency down vis-à-vis ours. The last time their it is not an easy question to answer, we believe it
central bank intervened in the foreign exchange is necessary to put some handles on gold’s
markets in this manner was 2004. Meanwhile, valuation.
the U.S. continues to ramp up protectionist
measures in an effort to induce China to let its We in the U.S. have experience with a gold-
currency revalue against the U.S. dollar. The backed currency. Recall Bretton Woods where
U.S. administration is suggesting that the our currency was a fixed value based on the
renminbi could be undervalued by as much as government’s total units of gold holdings.
20% against the dollar. Today, the U.S. monetary base is approximately
$2.2 trillion. The U.S. gold stock is about 8,100 Observe the track record of gold versus the
metric tons or 261 million ounces. Given these dollar. The Bloomberg chart on the prior page
inputs, the U.S. government could, as before, fix shows the path of the dollar over the last 90
the value of a dollar to an ounce of gold at about years. Pick any inception point you want; the
$8,400 currently (i.e., $2.2 trillion divided by dollar has not maintained any assemblance of
261 million ounces). If the Fed chooses this its value. It has lost over 90% of its value since
route, the dollar/gold ratio would become the Bretton Woods just 66 years ago. Conversely,
primary target for the central bank to manage gold has been relatively stable with the
money supply. To stimulate the economy the exception of the secular decline in the ‘80s and
Fed would offer to buy gold at the targeted ratio ‘90s which can be tied to an expansion of credit
(in this case $8,400), thereby expanding the that masked the failing dollar (see the chart on
monetary base by that same amount. To slow this page). Investors must not ignore that the
the economy the Fed would sell gold at the same monetary base continues to expand. The supply
rate. This strategy would effectively cover the of gold only expands marginally. All of the gold
monetary inflation engineered thus far by the ever mined in the world could fit into one
Fed. Simply put, the Fed would have unilaterally Olympic size swimming pool. We cannot say
revalued gold on its books without directly that about dollars.
affecting the money supply. Of course, this
action would serve as a windfall to U.S. gold Given the current set of facts, we believe it
investors and a source of angst to lenders. requires more faith to believe that the U.S.
dollar is a safe
If I were the Fed, investment than to
here is potentially believe that gold
the pecking order is. Think about
of my options as where the real risk
we see it. First, I is.
am hoping the
economy starts In his comments
growing soon so Alan Greenspan is
that we can shrink essentially
the money base verifying the idea
again and start that the main
paying off debts. objective of U.S.
Then, if that policymakers since
growth does not 1971 (when the
happen, then I am U.S. suspended
going to wait as the convertibility
long as I can to devalue the dollar against my of dollars to gold) has been to maintain the
gold holdings because that is the point where supremacy of the U.S. dollar in order to allow
austerity begins. Finally, if all else has failed and our country to extend its influence over global
rates start rising because my country has pricing and resource distribution. To do this,
become an international credit risk and inflation policymakers have had to marginalize the one
becomes too onerous, I would devalue my currency capable of replacing it—gold. It is hard
currency against gold through a fixed exchange to deride gold though when you are the largest
rate. sovereign holder of gold reserves in the world.
Maybe that is one reason why the carrying price
Gold, in our view, competes with fiat currency. on the government’s balance sheet is only
Therefore, the reason gold has been in a 10-year $42.22/oz—1/30th the current $1,300 market
bull market is because investors around the price.
world increasingly view gold as a more stable
currency than their own local currencies.
Conclusion Shrinking maturities on U.S. bonds is one
expression of investor cautiousness. At some
Suffice it to say that we would still advise point, foreign buyers of U.S. bonds will not be
holding gold in portfolios until such a time there to re-up their support. We do not know
central bankers can prove to us that they have when that will happen, but we believe that is the
righted the ship. For that matter (and for similar course that our nation is currently on. As such,
reasons) we believe real assets in general are a we prefer non-dollar denominated international
good store of value during a period of bonds, particularly in commodity-based
debasement. We recommend maintaining currencies where there are low debts and fiscal
commodities, timberland, and real estate surpluses.
The tone of this letter may sound rather somber,
It is likely the dollar could rally near term after but understand that we are keenly interested in
its recent decline. If it does, stocks and trying to make sense of a very uncertain time.
commodities could suffer drawbacks for a time. Our world is at a crossroads of economic policy.
We still believe the longer-term path of the No one knows how the transitions and shifts will
dollar is downward and would use weakness as play out. We are endeavoring to protect our
an opportunity to add to real assets. clients during this phase. But it is still a ‘phase’
and that is exactly how we view it. We profess a
We continue to maintain our stock positions. very sanguine long-term global view. We firmly
Long-term returns seem reasonable, but not believe that there will be remarkable
outstanding. Valuations have not moved opportunities on the other side of this transition
substantially all year. Given the uncertainty of period. The combination of productivity
the current economic environment, any improvements, a burgeoning middle class, and
unexpected event could react with inherent increasing global connectivity will, in our
stock volatility to create opportunities for opinion, bring tremendous and unexpected
investors. For that reason we are interested in opportunities for investors.
broad diversification across asset classes in
order to have resources from which to pull.

Although potential dollar strength could

temporarily buoy returns, U.S. bonds remain Your Investment Team,
unattractive on a secular basis. Investor cash
flows into bonds have been +$591 billion for
2009 and 2010 year-to-date, compared with
stocks for the same time period, which have
been -$24 billion. Investors have clearly
preferred bonds over the last two years. Douglas E. Voisard, CFP®
Nevertheless, we are waiting for this 30-year
bull market in bonds to top out in the next
couple of years. Sixty percent of U.S. sovereign
debt outstanding is set to roll over in three years
and 80% will mature within seven years. Brian McClard, CFA
Compare this with the U.K. where 45% of their
bonds are due further out than 10 years.

Voisard Asset Management Group • 146 Monroe Center NW, Suite 820, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
800.343.9041 • •

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