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Microsoft Excel

What is Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel is a program that allows you to create spreadsheets to
help you manage, analyze, and present information and data.

When you open Excel, it will look like this:

Project for Pride in Living (PPL) – Employment Training 2010

Using Excel

Project for Pride in Living (PPL) – Employment Training 2010

CELLS: Each rectangle is a cell.
The cell is where you enter
information. The cells are organized
into rows and columns.

ROWS: The rows are horizontal and

labeled with numbers, starting with

COLUMNS: The columns are

vertical and are labeled with letters,
starting with A.

CELL ADDRESS: Each cell has an

address. The address is an easy
way of identifying which cell you are
talking about. The cell address is a
combination of its Column Letter
and Row Number (A1, B2, C4, etc).
from one cell to the next you can:
1) Move down by pressing Enter
2) Move right by pressing Tab
3) Move up, down, right, or left using
the arrow keys
4) Use the mouse and click where
you want to go

The selected cell has a darker black

outline than the other cells. You can
only type in the selected cell.
FORMATTING: Once you've
entered information into a cell, you
can change the size, font style,
alignment, etc. Select the cell you
want to format and use the
formatting toolbar.

The formatting options are

essentially the same as those
available in Word. Review the Word
tutorial if you
Project for Pridedon’t remember.
in Living (PPL) – Employment Training 2010
SIZE ADJUSTMENT: If the cell is
too small (if what you're typing
Excel Activities

Project for Pride in Living (PPL) – Employment Training 2010

Excel Activity # 1

Movie Night
Use Microsoft Excel to show what you would do if you were given $20 to
spend at the movies. Use the “Sum” formula to add up the price. Here
are your choices on what to spend.

Regular Movie ticket- $10 Popcorn- $5

Large pop- $5 Candy- $3

Nachos- $4 Hot Dog- $4

Movie Poster- $10 Slushie- $4

**Make the items in the left column one font and the dollar amounts in the
right column a different font. **


Project for Pride in Living (PPL) – Employment Training 2010

Excel Activity # 2

Favorite Pizza
Find at least six people (including yourself) and ask each person what
his/her favorite type of pizza is. Have them choose from: cheese,
pepperoni, and sausage. When you have all of the information, put
everyone’s name and favorite type of pizza into a spreadsheet. Then,
use the ‘Sum’ formula to add up the totals for each kind of pizza to see
which one is most popular.

**Make all the names the same font and change the color to blue. Make
the pizza topping choices a different font and change the color to red**


Project for Pride in Living (PPL) – Employment Training 2010

Excel Activity # 3

Basketball Statistics
Copy the data from the spreadsheet below into a new Excel document.

Adjust the column width so that the information will fit. Then, highlight the
information and use the ‘A Z’ button to list the players in alphabetical order
by last name.

**Change the font, color, and size. For a challenge, can you and your tutor
find the formula to ‘Average’ the PPG for the whole team? **


The sample below has different names and information so you

won’t have the answer for the activity.

Project for Pride in Living (PPL) – Employment Training 2010

Excel Activity # 4

Monthly Budget
You have $1,500 to spend on a monthly budget. Can you get all of what
you need under $1,500 and still find some money to save? Decide what’s
most important. Your choices are:

Rent-$850 Food- $200 Car Payment-$250 Car Insurance-$50

Netflix- $15 Cable TV-$50 Internet-$50 Going out-$100

Cell Phone- $50 CDs/DVDs-$20 Clothes- $50 Gas- $100

Bus- $80 Savings- $50

** Use the ‘Sum’ formula to add up your costs. Change the colors of the
cells in your spreadsheet.**


Project for Pride in Living (PPL) – Employment Training 2010

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