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The 8th Conference

Theory and Applications
Gdańsk-Jurata, Poland
12-14 October 2005


SSTA2005 Organizing Committee

Katedra Mechaniki Budowli
Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska
Politechnika Gdańska
ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12
80-952 Gdańsk, POLAND
phone: +48 58 347 14 39
mobile: +48 603 870 180
fax: +48 58 347 14 39
The 8th Conference “SHELL STRUCTURES: Theory and Applications”
Gdańsk-Jurata, Poland, 12-14 October 2005
organized by
Polish Academy of Sciences - Committee for Civil Engineering - Section of Structural Mechanics
Gdańsk University of Technology - Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Department of Structural Mechanics
Centre for Urban Construction and Rehabilitation (CURE)
Foundation for Civil Engineering Development (FCED)

I. ANDRIANOV Asymptotic approaches in the theory of shells: new trends and applications
V. A. EREMEYEV Micropolar shells: theory and applications
A. IBRAHIMBEGOVIĆ Nonlinear shell theory with finite rotations and finite strains: recent achievements
P. KŁOSOWSKI Viscoplastic constitutive equations in finite element shell analysis
B. H. KRÖPLIN Mechanical aspects of flight in the lower stratosphere
E. RAMM Shell structures: efficiency and sensitivity
J. M. ROTTER The practical design of shell structures exploiting different methods of analysis
D. STEIGMANN Non-uniform asymptotic expansions for nonlinearly elastic shells

UNDER AUSPICES OF The full-length article must be printed in the camera-ready

version and sent by post to the Organizing Committee prior to
Janusz Rachoń Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology April 01, 2005. The electronic version should be uploaded
Krzysztof Wilde Dean of Faculty of Civil and Environmental through the Conference web site also prior to April 01, 2005.
Engineering When uploading the full-length paper authors are requested to
specify whether they are interested in presentation their lecture
INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD in poster session or in Polish language session. The paper must
W. Pietraszkiewicz (Poland) - chairman, H. Altenbach (Germany), be written in grammatically correct and easily readable English
J. Awrejcewicz (Poland), M. Bernadou (France), J. Błachut (UK), language. Authors not proficient in English are advised to take
P.G. Ciarlet (China, Hong Kong), J. Chróścielewski (Poland), help of a linguist before sending the paper. A signed original of
V.A. Eremeyev (Russia), K. Hackl (Germany), consent to publish and transfer of copyright form must be also
A. Ibrahimbegović (France), M. Kleiber (Poland), sent to the Organizing Committee.
K. Kowal-Michalska (Poland), W.B. Krätzig (Germany),
B. Kröplin (Germany), T. Lewiński (Poland), K. Magnucki (Poland), Reviewed full-length articles will be sent back to authors for the
H.A. Mang (Austria), E. Onate (Spain), J. M. Rotter (UK), final correction to May 15, 2005.
J.G. Simmonds (USA), D. Steigmann (USA), H. Stumpf (Germany),
C. Szymczak (Poland), P.E. Tovstik (Russia), R. Tribiłło (Poland), The authors must send the corrected final version of the
A. Tylikowski (Poland), Z. Waszczyszyn (Poland), paper to Organizing Committee prior to June 15, 2005.
D. Weichert (France), K. Wiśniewski (Poland), Papers not prepared according to A.A Balkema instructions,
C. Woźniak (Poland), V.A. Zarutskii (Ukraine). or sent after June 15, 2005; will not be published regardless
of their scientific content.
C. Szymczak (chairman), P. Kłosowski - (vice-chairman), FINANCIAL SUPPORT
I. Lubowiecka (secretary), A. Ambroziak, J. Górski, R. Jankowski, Limited funds from Conference sponsors will be available to the
M.K. Jasina, V. Konopińska, E. Krawczyk, I. Kreja, Sz. Opoka, Authors who are not able to cover full Conference fee or
M. Skowronek, K. Szramka, A. Tomaszewska, A. Witkowska, accommodation expenses. The authors should fill and send to
W. Witkowski, M. Zasada. the Organizing Committee the SSTA2005 Support Grant
Request Form available on the Conference web site.
Submission of the full paper April 01, 2005 CONFERENCE FELLOWSHIP
Young researchers, who are less than 35 years of age, may apply
Deadline for submitting final version of paper June 15, 2005 for fellowships. Applicants must submit all necessary documents
to February 28, 2005, her/his paper must be accepted for
Deadline for early registration July 15, 2005 publication and the applicant must promise to present it
personally during the Conference. For further details please
Conference October 12-14, 2005 consult the Conference web site.

All accepted papers (full-length article in English) will appear in the Accommodation is not included in the registration fee. For details
hard-cover volume of Proceedings published by of pricing see the web site Special
A.A Balkema. Instructions for preparation of the full-length article are discount prices are offered to Conference participants.
available under the following addresses:

The registration fee covers access to all plenary sessions, Conference materials, get-together party, Conference banquet, grill party, Conference excursion and
coffee breaks. The registration fees are
Registration Fee before July 15, 2005 after July 15, 2005
Conference Registration Fee, with Proceedings 290 Euro 350 Euro
Accompanying Person Registration Fee, without Proceedings 150 Euro 180 Euro
Students' and PhD students' Registration Fee, with Proceedings 150 Euro 150 Euro

Payment (Registration Fee & Accommodation Fee) should be made to the following bank account:
Payee: SSTA2005 Conference Bureau Hotel Neptun
Address: Hotel Neptun, ul. Mestwina 38, 84-141 Jurata, POLAND
Bank name: PKO BP SA O/Rumia
Bank account number: 24 1020 1912 0000 9202 0033 7212
SWIFT: B PKO PL PW For further details see the Conference web site

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