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mputer Science > Artificial Intelligence

Sistem penunjang keputusan

kelayakan pemberian pinjaman
dengna metode fuzzy tsukamoto
Tri Murti, Leon Andretti Abdillah, Muhammad Sobri
(Submitted on 30 May 2015)
Decision support systems (DSS) can be used to help settlement issues or decisions that are
semi-structured or structured. The method used is Fuzzy Tsukamoto. PT Triprima Finance is
a company engaged in the service sector lending with collateral in the form of Motor Vehicle
Owner Book or car (reg). PT. Triprima Finance should consider borrowing from its customers
with the consent of the head manager. Such approval requires a long time because they
have to pass through many stages of the reporting procedure. Decision-making activities at
PT Triprima Finance carried out by the analysis process manually. To help overcome these
problems, the need for completion method in accuracy and speed of decision making
feasibility of lending. To overcome this need to develop a new system that is a decision
support system Tsukamoto fuzzy method. is expected to facilitate kaposko to determine the
decisions to be taken.

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