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The energy equation and convective heat transfer

Try to do the first three problems by Friday. We will work on the last one in class on Friday.


1. Read chapters 12, 13, and 14 by Friday.

2. Consider pressure driven flow between two parallel plates. The distance down the channel is long compared to
the distance between the plates. If the Reynolds number is low we know that laminar flow exists and the velocity
profile is a parabola everywhere along the length of the channel. Consider the coupled heat transfer problem
where the channel walls are kept at constant temperature, Tw , and the fluid is heated by viscous dissipation.
• At steady state, compute the temperature profile in the fluid between the plates. Heat conduction through
the fluid and out the walls should balance the heat generation by viscous dissipation.
• At steady state, compute the total rate that energy leaves the fluid by heat transfer at the walls (i.e.
k ∂T /∂y).
• At steady state, from the fluid problem, ∆P · Q is the amount of mechanical power delivered to the fluid.
Compare this number to your answer in the previous part (make sure the units match).
3. Consider a bucket of water. The bucket is thermally insulated from the surroundings. It is 30 cm in diameter
and 30 cm deep. The water in the bucket is set on a turntable and comes to equilibrium as a flow field in solid
body rotation at a speed of 1 Hz. The turntable is stopped and eventually the flow stops. What is the change
in temperature once all the flow stops? (You just need to equate kinetic and thermal energy).
4. Consider a cylinder in cross flow. Find the empirical correlation for the average Nusselt number as a function
of the Reynolds number and Prantl number. Compute h for a number of different cases just to get a feel for
the order of magnitude. Consider air first. Change the diameter from 1, 10, and 100 mm. Change the flow
speed from 0.1, 1, and 10 m/s. Change the fluid to water and repeat the calculation. It would be easiest to
write a little MATLAB script or spreadsheet where you can put the formula in once and recompute the result.
Comment on your results.
5. Consider a heated cylinder in air cooled by natural convection at room temperature. Consider a cylinder of 1,
10, and 100 mm in diameter. Consider the cylinder is held hot at 10, 50, and 100 C above room temperature.
Compute an average h for each case. It would be easiest to write a little MATLAB script or spreadsheet where
you can put the formula in once and recompute the result. Comment on your results.

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