Online Reservation System of Sallie Vill

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Online Reservation System of Sallie Ville Resort

A Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of

Philippine Women’s University – CDCEC Calamba

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Oribiana, Cristelle Shanne V.

Cerafica, Rose Anne

April 2015



This chapter includes the introduction, theoretical framework, statement of the

problem, hypothesis, scope and limitation, conceptual framework, significance of

the study and the definition of terms used.

Nowadays in this generation every work is required to be done convenient

and efficiently use effort yet still having a productive job. With the use of online

reservation, information is more secure, more reliance and more accessible.

Online Reservation system is used to store and retrieve information about

tour product, tour product options or lodging facility and conduct transactions for

booking it.

In today’s growing market many resort business are turning toward

reservation system to perform their everyday tasks. Online Reservation has

important effects on business operations. No matter the size of your enterprise, in

business it is a growing necessity. As the years go by, the business world is leaning

more and more toward it. The role of technology in business caused growth in

trade and commerce.

The reservation in a specific hotel or resort and paying bills can be done

easily, no more hassles and consuming of time.

Some actions of technology in business include management information

system and inventory system. Management Information System (MIS) is a

computer system in an enterprise that provides information about its business

operations like inventory. Inventory system is a part of MIS that inform you of the

amount of raw materials, supplies or final products you have readily available. The

inventory system is updated each time you sell so you know what you have

available for the following day or week. This also allows you to order products in

advance, so you have every day you need at all times.

Even smallest business need to implement some form of inventory control

system to keep an accurate merchandise count. Business owners generally have a

choice between using a computerized and a manual system.

Sallie Ville Resort was established year 2010, owned by Engr. Carrie

Kolimlim. It is located in Barangay Dao Linga Pila Laguna. They offer resort

reservation for all occasions such as weddings, birthdays, seminars, and


There is a certain problem in which way they managed their reservation, their

using log books, planner, guest books and other forms in generating reports and

gathering information about their customers.

The main problem they encounter using manual inventory system is that they

can’t monitor easily what are date or time is available. The current reservation

system is done through filling up a registration form provided by the resort

wherein the client has to indicate some personal information and data’s about

reservation which seems redundant and inappropriate.

Using their manual reservation system relies heavily on the action of people,

which increases the possibility of human error. Even in transferring and sorting

data/ records is done manually which lead to inaccurate data.

Because it is a manual system they only kept the records in a ledger or

papers. It takes longer to find old records because they aren’t just retrieving it from

a database and it is also inflammable.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study is the inaccurate reservation of the customer

and also the following:

 Low in security

 Time monitoring

 Less data integrity

 Difficulty in searching and retrieving files

 Possible loss of records and retrieving files

 Difficulty in finding the availability of the facilities. Commented [f1]: Pls refer dun sa uploaded na picture, mali ito.

Assumption of the Problem

The assumption of this study is to have an electronic-base reservation for

Sallie Ville Resort since they are still using a manual system in their transaction and


 To increase the security between the management and staff.

 To lessen time consume.

 To spend less time in searching and retrieving of files.

 To create a back up of files in every successful transaction.

 To make easier to find the availability of the facilities. Commented [f2]: Mali din ito. Discussion here sould focus on
your assumption of the system performance as baased on the
statement of the problem
Conceptual Framework

This section discusses the method used in developing and evaluating the

proposed project. In system development projects, the simplest interpretation of

this is the "waterfall" methodology that is use by the proponents as the software

life cycle process.

The waterfall process has several provisions for correcting any errors in

early steps and allows for change control. It clearly separates a development

project into steps such as analysis, design, implementation and testing, each of

which is made before the next begins. The advantages of waterfall are that it is

easy to understand and therefore looks easy to manage. Schedules and

features are usually fixed at the start of the development cycle. One

distinguishing feature of waterfall model that sets it apart from other software

development models is that, in this method there is no simultaneous execution

of two phases. The second phase begins only when the preceding phase has

been made. This approach is very simple to implement and there is

transparency at every stage. Review meetings are conducted at the end of

every stage to verify whether the development process is on track and meets

the customer requirements.


Figure 1.1 Water Fall Model of software development.

Figure 1.1 illustrates the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Waterfall

Model, a sequential development process, in which development is seen as

flowing steadily downwards through the phases of Requirements Gathering,

System Design, Implementation and Unit Testing, Integration and System

Testing, Deployment of System and Maintenance.

Requirements Gathering Commented [f4]: WAG GUMAWA NG SARILING FORMAT.


Requirements gathering are the first phase of waterfall model which

includes a meeting with the clients to understand their requirements. This is the

most crucial phase as any misinterpretation at this stage may give rise to

validation issues later. The software definition must be detailed and accurate. It

is very important to understand the client’s requirements and expectations so

that the end product meets their specifications. The proponents discuss and
analyze the requirements in building the website. The proponents create a

complete work plan to specify the system’s requirements specially in choosing

the proper Programming Language and Database System that the proponents

will use, some research are done by the proponents and consulting other

individual. The proponents have decided to use PHP and HTML as the

Programming Language and MySQL as the Database.

System Design Commented [f5]: THIS IS THE RIGHT FORMAT. GAYAHIN


The goal of this phase is to transform the requirement specification

produced in the requirement analysis phase. In this phase the proponents had

start creating the design of the system. The proponents will create an

appropriate interface that will suit and fits the design of the flow of their system.

Implementing the theme of their subject will be of great help in designing the

interface, and in terms of the flow design of their system.

Implementation and Unit Testing

In this phase, the designs will be converted into codes that the

programming language understands. This is the software process in which

actual coding takes place. A software program is written based upon the

algorithm designed in the system design phase. A piece of code is written for

every module and checked for the output. The programmatically implemented

software module is tested for the correct output. Bugs, errors are removed at

this stage. In the process of software testing, a series of tests and test cases are

performed to check the module for bugs, faults and other errors. Erroneous

codes are rewritten and tested again until desired output is achieved.

Integration and System Testing

In this phase the different program modules are integrated in a planned

way and then tested as a completed system to ensure that the designed

system functions is according to its requirements. This is where all the

component of the proposed system is integrated and formed into a whole, which

will then be given to the respondents for them to test it.

Deployment of System

In this phase, the software is deployed at the client’s side after it has

undergone thorough testing. The equipment should be checked if it meets the

requirements needed to use the system.


This is the final phase of the waterfall model, in which the completed

software product will be tested by the end users, it goes back to the proponents

for a final checking and correction of errors.

Conceptual Paradigm

To present clearly the purpose of the study, the proponents used IPO Chart to

present and describe the different user type in existing and proposed system of

Sallie Ville Spa and fishing Resort with Online Reservation system.

Proposed System IPO Chart


Customer “SallieVille Spa and Customer

 Choose the Fishing Resort”  Updated with
service they announcement
want. Customer and promos
 Generate an  Provided by a
reservation list fast and easy
way of
searching for

Owner/Manager- Owner/Manager- Owner/Manager-

Admin Admin Admin
 Enter  Accept  Monitor the
username reservation website
 Finalized the
Figure 1.2 Conceptual Paradigm Input-Process-Output of

Online Reservation System of Sallie Ville Resort

Figure 1.2 illustrates Input Process Output of the online reservation system. It

shows the relationship and flow of data, how data are transfer from one unit to

another. The customer will visit the website; view all the offers of the resort. Using

the website, customer can view the amenities, rates, and announcements .The

customer can fill out the form and submit to the have their reservation.The

owner/manager is the administrator of the system, and is responsible in

maintaining all announcements, promos, and reservation discount and availability.

This illustration shows the process of proposed system and it shows what the

expected outputs for a specific user inputs is used.

Significance of the Study

This part discusses the significance of creating the system to the Sallie

Ville Resort. Researchers strongly believe that the system will be beneficial to the


Sallie Ville Resort (MANAGEMENT) This will help the client to reach them

as easy as 1-2-3 in the World Wide Web. Also, this can help them in doing work

more easily and giving them its accuracy.

The Concessionaires They can view the amenities, facilities, packages and

offer of the resort using their computers. They can also see the picture of

amenities, rates, packages offer and the availability in the resort.

Administrator The one who will administer or handles the system, and can

add system users and gives permission to it.

The Proponents This will serve the researcher to have an additional

knowledge and improve the skills that will help them to finish the study.

Future Researchers This will help the future researchers who would like to

use this study in their reference or for their guide in future project.

Scope and Delimitation

The study entitled “Sallie Ville Resort Online Reservation System” still using

manual reservation procedure in keeping records of their clients and past, current

and upcoming reservation events. In making reservation client fill-up some forms

such waiver / gate pass and reservation form. This type of process best applies to

walk-in customer only since they have the privilege of looking around the resort.

The online reservation system can help the owner of the resort in updating

and improving their current system. The system is user-friendly interface wherein

customers can easily have reservation on an event through online and giving them

more easy way and hassle free reservation. In adding of new customers in the

database will done by filling up an application form which will be recorded to the

database and add the proposed system will automatically generate an ID number
that will also serve as proof that they are a registered user. In the system both

members or employees and customers can browse the website. Comments or

Suggestions are also welcome to the site’s Chat box. A user can share a specific

page to their preferred social networking site. This will help the website in gaining

more viewers as part of marketing strategy. In some information regarding to the

resort, the customer may refer to the About Us page containing the Resort’s


The system only displays other services offered by the resort owner. The

system only displayed the packages of the offered reservation in the website. In

this system if the member is not registered no possible transaction can be done

other than viewing the whole website, in terms of client inquiry the administrator

can only send a reply to any message sent by the client at a given time. No credit

Definition of Terms

In making this project, the proponents pick important key terms in order to

facilitate understanding of the problem. It is classified in two terms, the operational

and technical terms.

Login - It refers to Entering of identifier information, registered user way of

gaining access to the additional content of the website not available to

unregistered guest.

Confirmed Reservation overview - This is the ones that already have a fifty

percent (50%) down-payment.

Pending Reservation Overview - Reservations that are not yet paid listed


User overview - This is the list of registered members wherein it displays

the information about the members and members who has an upcoming


Reports - Display all past, present and upcoming reservations/ events held in

the resort which can be viewed in a month or a week display.



This chapter presents the research process and methodology used in

conducting the study. It includes research method, sources of data, research

instrument and data gathering. Furthermore, this chapter also contains the

statistical treatment used in developing the software.

Research Instrument

The proponent’s tool used in gathering a data is questionnaires needed for

the information of the study. This questionnaire is distributed to the respondents to

determine if the system in the resort is usable. They can say if they are agreed on

it or not.

Data Gathering

To gather information needed in the study the following data gathering

method were use:

Interviews Commented [f6]: WRONG FORMAT, REFER TO THE


The proponents conduct an interview to collect information to single person to

another. The data collected can be used throughout the data gathering process.
Although the process is time-consuming, it is very useful because the proponents

can gather specific information and ask follow-up questions to get more detail on a

particular aspect of the study. It is very helpful in the exploratory stage of research.

Internet Research Commented [f7]: WRONG FORMAT

Internet research is the partner of all researchers, it is one of the most

important sources of information that the proponents used. These were useful in

the conceptualization of the methodology specifically in providing the proponents

on the type of data to be used and considered in the conduct of the study. By

surfing in the internet, the proponents had gathered significant information and

ideas, which are related to the project by means of principles and functions, like

related literatures and related studies.

School Library Research Commented [f8]: WRONG FORMAT

Primarily, the library was the main provider of information of the proponents. It

provides a wide range of reference materials to the proponents. Books, magazines

and previous studies were used as references in the design and analysis of the

present study.


This section will discuss the hardware needed to develop and accomplish

the proposed system.

It will not be possible to develop a system without using any hardware

resources. For the development of the system, the proponents used laptops,

mouse, printer, touch-screen monitor and crossover cable. These devices help

the proponents in developing and testing the proposed system.

For the implementation of the system, laptop/desktop, touch screen

monitor, system unit, printer and crossover cable will be needed. The sales staff

will be using laptop/desktop that will serve as the back-end device of the

system, as well as printer to print customer’s purchase order and records. The

touch screen monitor and system unit will be use as kiosk for customer’s

purchase order. For the system to function well, the following computer

hardware specification is required.

Hard Disk 80GB or higher (recommended)

Memory 512 MB (minimum) 1GB (recommended)

Pentium 4 (minimum) dual core


Display 256mb (minimum) 1GB (recommended)

Monitor any CRT or LCD monitor

Printer any kind of USB type printer

Mouse PS/2 or USB Mouse

Keyboard PS/2 or USB Keyboard

Table 1.0 Hardware Resources

Resolution 1024 x 768

Screen Size minimum of 15 inches

Colors 16.M

Pixel Pitch 30-60 KHz

H-Frequency 30-60 KHz

V-Frequency 60-75 KHz

Table 1.1 Specification Requirements of Touch Screen Monitor Commented [f9]: TABLE NUMBERS SHOULD NOT


In developing the system, the proponents used Microsoft Windows 7 as

the operating system. The proponents used PHP and HTML as programming

language, MySQL as its database. In designing the system’s user interface,

Adobe Photoshop CS5 was also used.

In order to run the system in other computer, it should have the following

software installed
Operating System: Windows XP or Windows 7

Framework: PHP and HTML

Database: MySQL

Table 1.3 Software Resources Commented [f10]: REFER TO ABOVE COMMENT

Statistical treatment

The statistical method that is used by the proponents is the Weighted

Mean and Grand mean to determine the survey result from the evaluation sheet.

Weighted Mean is very useful as it will get the sum of the average of each

questionnaire that is used in evaluating the software.

The formula for the Weighted Mean is: Commented [f11]: This is the formula for likert scale, not
weighted mean

R = (SA * 5) + (A * 4) + (U * 3) + (D * 2) + (SD * 1)


R = Result of the expanded formula

N = Total Number of respondents

SA = Total number of respondents who answered Strongly Agree

A = Total number of respondents who answered Agree

U = Total number of respondents who answered Undecided

D = Total number of respondents who answered Disagree

SD = Total number of respondents who answered strongly


Points Range Equivalent Descriptive

5 5.00 - 4.00 SA Strongly Agree

4 3.90 - 3.00 A Agree

3 2.90 - 2.00 U Undecided

2 1.90 - 1.00 D Disagree

1 0.90 - 0.00 SD Strongly disagree

Computation will be performed from the collected data from the

respondents through the questionnaire. The result will be based on how the

respondents will evaluate the project and will be interpreted base on the result

computation. The proponents will show the Linkert Scale Table.

Table 1.4 Lickert Scale

The proponents used Lickert Scale method and other dependent in this

evaluation are the figures. The statistical data is the traditional method of getting

certain data.


f = frequency that a given X was chosen by the respondents

X = represents any of the numerical ratings 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, representing

Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree or Undecided.


SOURCES Commented [f12]:

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