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Deloitte Risk Management System

Client Name: The Indian Hume Pipe Company Member Firm/Country: India/India (IN)
Case Name: The Indian Hume Pipe Company Case ID: 1556829
Limited 17-18
Latest Client Evaluation Decision: July 14,2017-Approved Case Status: Case Started

Client Updated by Function: Audit and Assurance Case Originator: SHAH, KRUPA (IN -
Client Risk Information Visibility: Public Case Start Date: April 09, 2018

Case Type: Engagement Acceptance case Target Approval Date:

Risk Summary Report

Risk Summary Report

Risk Classification Information
No risk noted

Risk Classification Document Attachments

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Company Limited 17-18
Deloitte Risk Management System

Case Details

Case Details

Case Information
Static Information
Case Name: The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited 17-18 0066F00000qzzPBQAY

Target Approval Date:

Member Firm: India

Country: India (IN)

Function: Tax and Legal

Member Firm Opportunity ID: 0066F00000qzzPBQAY

Member Firm Opportunity Name: The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited 17-18

Member Firm Opportunity URL:

Entity Type:

Client Name: The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited


Member Firm Client ID: DMCRM442Ind

Client's Country of Domicile: India

Deloitte Global Master File ID:

Public Interest Entity :

Are you performing a Client Retention? No

Do you want to include an Engagement as part of this case? Yes

Indicate the nature of service you are providing: Tax and Legal-Indirect Tax-VAT or GST Advisory

Is this engagement a referral from another member firm supported by written No

referral instructions?
Case Type: Engagement Acceptance case

DRMS Case Team Members

Name Email DRMS Case Instructions Case Sent Back Case Final Approval Conflict Check Request DESC Service
Administrator for Rework or Rejection Status change Request Status

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Company Limited 17-18
Deloitte Risk Management System

Client Information
Static Information
Client Name: The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited

Member Firm Client ID: DMCRM442Ind

Client DUNS #:

Type of Client: Existing

Entity Type:

DESC Designation: Restricted

DESC Rule Set: DTT

DESC Service Request used: Yes

Client Country of Domicile: India

Address Line 1: Construction House

Address Line 2: Walchandhirachand Marg

City: Mumbai

Region: Mumbai

Postal Code: 400001

Telephone #: null

Fax #: null

Client URL:

Member Firm Lead Client Service Partner: RAJE, KEDAR X (IN - MUMBAI)

Global Lead Client Service Partner (if applicable):

Description of business operations including principal administrative and

operating locations, products and services provided, approximate period of
time in business, principal customers, competitors, etc. (for existing clients
please indicate any significant changes from the previous year):
Principal Industry: Financial Services

Client Fiscal Year End: March 31, 2018

Current External Auditors: Other

Other Auditor:

Comments: The Company is in the business of manufacturing, laying and jointing of

pipelines of various pipe materials such as RCC pipes, Steel pipes,
Prestressed Concrete pipes, Penstock pipes, Bar Wrapped Steel Cylinder
pipes (BWSC), Prestressed Concrete Cylinder pipes (PCCP) etc., which
provide infrastructure facility for development of drinking water supply projects,
irrigation projects, Hydro Electric Projects, Sanitation and Sewerage Systems.
For over three decades, the Company has also been undertaking infrastructure
development programmes by way of executing on turnkey basis the combined
water supply projects i.e. undertaking the complete job of water supply from
source to distribution centers as also Irrigation and Sewerage Projects which
apart from manufacturing, laying and jointing of pipelines included construction
of intake wells, water sumps, water treatment plants, water pumping stations,
installation of pumping machineries, electro-mechanical works, branch mains,
ground level reservoirs, elevated reservoirs, leading to executions of complete
systems for water supply to various towns and villages of India. The Company
also supplies Concrete Sleepers for the track modernization of Railways in

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Deloitte Risk Management System

Know Your Client (KYC) Check

Global Questionnaire
Have you established the identity of the Client or prospective Client's Yes
relevant owners?
Have you complied with the KYC policy requirements established by your Yes
Member Firm?
Have you performed the following "know your client" ("KYC") procedures
related to individuals or entities who are relevant owners and/or personnel
of the Client:
a) Discussions with Partners within your Member Firm who have had N/A
professional or personal experiences with the entity and its principal
b) Inquiries of third parties who may have knowledge of the Yes
individuals and/or entities?
c) Searches of the Internet and other sources including public Yes
databases and records, regulatory filings, newspapers and published
d) Inquiries performed by outside investigative agencies or credit N/A
Please describe any findings resulting from the KYC procedures N/A
performed in a) through d) above or please explain why these KYC
procedures were not performed.
Did the results of the KYC procedures performed identify information on No
the client or its key management, directors or shareholders that could
adversely impact DTT or your Member Firm?

Key Management, Owners, Directors and/or Affiliated Corporate Entites

Name Entity Type Country Business Title

The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited NA

List of Supporting Documents

ICAI KYC Document

Abridged Financial Statements - March 31, 2017

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Deloitte Risk Management System

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Check

Global Questionnaire
Is your Member Firm required to comply with the applicable AML laws No
and/or regulations before rendering services to a prospective client?

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Deloitte Risk Management System

Client Risk Assessment

Global Questionnaire
Financial Viability

Is there a concern about the client's financial viability? No

Is the company a new or recently established enterprise? No

Is there anything we know about the client's financial situation that would No
make it difficult for the client to pay our bills?
Management Characteristics and Integrity

Indicate your overall assessment of Integrity and Reputation of the Client, Good
its Management and Ultimate and Intermediate Owners
With respect to management and key employees, are you aware of the
following items:
Involvement with alleged incidents of illegal activity, distortions of No
financial statements, enforcement actions or regulatory agencies or
organized crime?
Involvement with activities that, while not alleged to be illegal, are No
questionable or could lead to embarrassment to the firm?
Failure to engage reputable professional third parties? No

Significant personal difficulties that have occurred in their lives? No

An individual with no apparent ownership interest in, or executive No

position with, the entity appears to exercise substantial influence over
its affairs?
An individual that is a high profile/former government official or closely No
related thereto?
Does the client have a history of difficulties and disputes with service No
Does the client have a history of commencing proceedings against its No
professional advisors?
Nature of the Client's Business, Operations, Industry and Business Environment

Is the nature of the prospective client's business or industry compatible Yes

with the firm's culture, goals and ideals?
Would our current clients be comfortable knowing we are working with the Yes
prospective client?
Does the client have a history of business transactions with related Yes
Please describe: Dividend, Rent, Sitting Fees, Commission, Remuneration, Legal & Professional
Fees, Donation, Other Services
Organization and Management Structure

Does the client have a poorly defined or overly complex management No

Has the client experienced a high turnover of management in key No
Prior Knowledge and Experience

Have the partners in your member firm had professional or personal No

experiences with the entity and its principal officers/owners?

List of Supporting Documents

Documentation on corruption for client acceptance

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Company Limited 17-18
Deloitte Risk Management System

Engagement Information
Static Information
Member Firm: India

Country: India (IN)

Primary Performing Office: Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP (Mumbai)

Function: Tax and Legal

Service Line: Indirect Tax

Nature of Service: VAT or GST Advisory

Engagement Description: Indirect Tax advisory, compliance and litigation assistance

Indicate fee basis for this engagement:

Estimated Fees: 500000

Currency: Indian Rupee

Rate Per Hour:

Number of hours projected for engagement: 0

Expected Recovery(%): 0

Lead Engagement Manager:

Lead Engagement Partner or Principal: SARKER, AMIT (IN - MUMBAI)

Advisory Partner or Engagement Quality Assurance Reviewer (EQAR):

Other Participating Functions (if cross-functional engagement) No

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Company Limited 17-18
Deloitte Risk Management System

Conflict Check
Global Questionnaire
Has a conflict check been completed in accordance with DTT and Yes
Member Firm policy?
What was the outcome of the conflict check? Approved

List of Supporting Documents

DCCS approval

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Deloitte Risk Management System

Independence Check
Global Questionnaire
Type of Entity: Other

Ownership of entity: Publicly Traded Equity Only

Exchange or Market in which securities are traded: ~

Ticker Symbol

Securities Exchange




Is this entity an audit client of any DTT Member Firm? No

Are there any affiliates through ownership, control, or significant influence No

(either upstream, downstream or through common control) that are
restricted entities of any DTT Member Firm?
Have you consulted with the Lead Client Service Partner before Yes
proceeding with this engagement?
Have you conducted independence procedures in accordance with DTT Yes
and your Member Firm's policies?
Have these procedures uncovered any threats to independence that need No
to be resolved prior to proceeding with this engagement?
If applicable, have you updated your Member Firm's Restricted Entities N/A
List for this new client or engagement?

List of Supporting Documents

IHP Independence approval

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Company Limited 17-18
Deloitte Risk Management System

Engagement Risk Assessment

Member Firm Questionnaire
Confidentiality Questions

Does the client expect an open ended confidentiality period ? No

Does the client expect an indemnity for breach of confidentiality ? No

Is the client expecting additional security controls (i.e. more than what No
Deloitte follows in the normal course), whether technological or
otherwise, in handling its confidential information ?
Is this engagement a high risk engagement from confidentiality No
perspective taking into account the nature of the client and the type of
information to be handled ? (Examples of high risk engagement
would include ±Mergers and Acquisitions services, services to
Banking / Financial Sector Clients, engagements which involve
handling personal data of expats, foreign nationals, etc.)
Global Questionnaire
Nature of Engagement

Will the engagement involve providing one or more high risk services as No
defined by your Member Firm?
Describe the nature of the service we are providing, including the reason Indirect Tax- GST Advisory
for the client's request and the elements of the client's business that are
the focus of the engagement
Describe the expected client deliverables pertaining to this engagement reports, emails, telephonic calls.

Is this a recurring engagement? No

Professional Competence

Please describe any special skills or expertise required by the

engagement team pertaining to the client's industry, accounting policies,
transactions and systems:
Does the engagement team, including the appropriate industry and
specialty experts who will be a direct part of the team, have the relevant
experience, competence and available time necessary to minimize the
engagement risk due the level of professional competence?

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its
network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see\about for a
detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms.
Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple
industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 140 countries, Deloitte brings world-class
capabilities and deep local expertise to help clients succeed wherever they operate. Deloitte¶s approximately 169,000
professionals are committed to becoming the standard of excellence.
This publication is for internal distribution and use only among personnel of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member
firms, and its and their affiliates. None of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, Deloitte Global Services Limited, Deloitte Global
Services Holdings Limited, the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Verein, any of their member firms, or any of the fore going¶s
affiliates shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on this publication.
© 2018 Deloitte Global Services Limited

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