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G.R. No.

L-23079 February 27, 1970 granted the questioned adoption, and obtained written depositions from two of them denying
any knowledge of the pertinent adoption proceedings.
vs. HON. ANDRES REYES, Judge, Court of First Instance of Rizal, PERFECTO CRUZ, BENITA On February 6, 1963, more than three years after they were allowed to intervene, the
CRUZ-MENEZ ISAGANI CRUZ, ALBERTO CRUZ and LUZ CRUZ-SALONGA respondents. petitioners Ruben Austria, let al., moved the lower court to set for hearing the matter of the
genuineness of the adoption of the respondents Perfecto Cruz, et al., by the late Basilia. Before
CASTRO, J.: the date set by the court for hearing arrived, however, the respondent Benita Cruz-Meñez who
entered an appearance separately from that of her brother Perfecto Cruz, filed on February 28,
1963 a motion asking the lower court, by way of alternative relief, to confine the petitioners'
On July 7, 1956 Basilia Austria vda. de Cruz filed with the Court of First Instance of Rizal intervention, should it be permitted, to properties not disposed of in the will of the decedent.
(Special Proceedings 2457) a petition for probate, ante mortem, of her last will and testament.
The probate was opposed by the present petitioners Ruben Austria, Consuelo Austria-Benta
and Lauro Austria Mozo, and still others who, like the petitioner, are nephews and nieces of On March 4, 1963, the lower court heard the respondent Benita's motion. Both sides
Basilia. This opposition was, however, dismissed and the probate of the will allowed after due subsequently submitted their respective memoranda, and finally, the lower court issued an
hearing. order on June 4, 1963, delimiting the petitioners' intervention to the properties of the deceased
which were not disposed of in the will.
The bulk of the estate of Basilia, admittedly, was destined under the will to pass on to the
respondents Perfecto Cruz, Benita Cruz-Meñez, Isagani Cruz, Alberto Cruz, and Luz Cruz- The petitioners moved the lower court to reconsider this latest order, eliciting thereby an
Salonga, all of whom had been assumed and declared by Basilia as her own legally adopted opposition, from the respondents. On October 25, 1963 the same court denied the petitioners'
children. motion for reconsideration.

On April 23, 1959, more than two years after her will was allowed to probate, Basilia died. The A second motion for reconsideration which set off a long exchange of memoranda from both
respondent Perfecto Cruz was appointed executor without bond by the same court in sides, was summarily denied on April 21, 1964.
accordance with the provisions of the decedent's will, notwithstanding the blocking attempt
pursued by the petitioner Ruben Austria. Hence this petition for certiorari, praying this Court to annul the orders of June 4 and October
25, 1963 and the order of April 21, 1964, all restricting petitioners' intervention to properties
Finally, on November 5, 1959, the present petitioners filed in the same proceedings a petition that were not included in the decedent's testamentary dispositions.
in intervention for partition alleging in substance that they are the nearest of kin of Basilia, and
that the five respondents Perfecto Cruz, et al., had not in fact been adopted by the decedent in The uncontested premises are clear. Two interests are locked in dispute over the bulk of the
accordance with law, in effect rendering these respondents mere strangers to the decedent and estate of the deceased. Arrayed on one side are the petitioners Ruben Austria, Consuelo
without any right to succeed as heirs. Austria-Benta and Lauro Austria Mozo, three of a number of nephews and nieces who are
concededly the nearest surviving blood relatives of the decedent. On the other side are the
Notwithstanding opposition by the respondent Perfecto Cruz, as executor of the estate, the respondents brothers and sisters, Perfecto Cruz, Benita Cruz-Meñez, Isagani Cruz, Alberto Cruz
court a quo allowed the petitioners' intervention by its order of December 22, 1959, couched in and Luz Cruz-Salonga, all of whom heirs in the will of the deceased Basilia, and all of whom
broad terms, as follows: "The Petition in Intervention for Partition filed by the above-named claim kinship with the decedent by virtue of legal adoption. At the heart of the controversy is
oppositors [Ruben Austria, et al.,] dated November 5, 1959 is hereby granted." Basilia's last will — immaculate in its extrinsic validity since it bears the imprimatur of duly
conducted probate proceedings.
In the meantime, the contending sides debated the matter of authenticity or lack of it of the
several adoption papers produced and presented by the respondents. On motion of the The complaint in intervention filed in the lower court assails the legality of the tie which the
petitioners Ruben Austria, et al., these documents were referred to the National Bureau of respondent Perfecto Cruz and his brothers and sisters claim to have with the decedent. The
Investigation for examination and advice. N.B.I. report seems to bear out the genuineness of the lower court had, however, assumed, by its orders in question, that the validity or invalidity of
documents, but the petitioners, evidently dissatisfied with the results, managed to obtain a the adoption is not material nor decisive on the efficacy of the institution of heirs; for, even if
preliminary opinion from a Constabulary questioned-document examiner whose views the adoption in question were spurious, the respondents Perfecto Cruz, et al., will nevertheless
undermine the authenticity of the said documents. The petitioners Ruben Austria, et al., thus succeed not as compulsory heirs but as testamentary heirs instituted in Basilia's will. This
moved the lower court to refer the adoption papers to the Philippine Constabulary for further ruling apparently finds support in article, 842 of the Civil Code which reads:
study. The petitioners likewise located former personnel of the court which appeared to have
One who has no compulsory heirs may dispose of by will all his estate or any asawang Pedro Cruz na napapaloob sa Actuacion Especial No. 640 ng
part of it in favor of any person having capacity to succeed. Hukumang Unang Dulugan ng Rizal at itinutukoy sa No. 1 ng parafo IV ng
testamentong ito, ang kalahati (½) ng mga lagay na lupa at palaisdaan na
One who has compulsory heirs may dispose of his estate provided he does nasa Obando at Polo, Bulacan, na namana ko sa aking yumaong ama na si
not contravene the provisions of this Code with regard to the legitime of said Calixto Austria, at ang kalahati (½) ng ilang lagay na lupa na nasa Tinejeros,
heirs. Malabon, Rizal, na aking namana sa yumao kong kapatid na si Fausto
The lower court must have assumed that since the petitioners nephews and niece are not
compulsory heirs, they do not possess that interest which can be prejudiced by a free-wheeling The tenor of the language used, the petitioners argue, gives rise to the inference that the late
testamentary disposition. The petitioners' interest is confined to properties, if any, that have Basilia was deceived into believing that she was legally bound to bequeath one-half of her
not been disposed of in the will, for to that extent intestate succession can take place and the entire estate to the respondents Perfecto Cruz, et al. as the latter's legitime. The petitioners
question of the veracity of the adoption acquires relevance. further contend that had the deceased known the adoption to be spurious, she would not have
instituted the respondents at all — the basis of the institution being solely her belief that they
were compulsory heirs. Proof therefore of the falsity of the adoption would cause a nullity of
The petitioners nephews and niece, upon the other hand, insist that the entire estate should the institution of heirs and the opening of the estate wide to intestacy. Did the lower court then
descend to them by intestacy by reason of the intrinsic nullity of the institution of heirs abuse its discretion or act in violation of the rights of the parties in barring the petitioners
embodied in the decedent's will. They have thus raised squarely the issue of whether or not nephews and niece from registering their claim even to properties adjudicated by the decedent
such institution of heirs would retain efficacy in the event there exists proof that the adoption in her will?
of the same heirs by the decedent is false.
Before the institution of heirs may be annulled under article 850 of the Civil Code, the following
The petitioners cite, as the controlling rule, article 850 of the Civil Code which reads: requisites must concur: First, the cause for the institution of heirs must be stated in the
will; second, the cause must be shown to be false; and third, it must appear from the face of the
The statement of a false cause for the institution of an heir shall be will that the testator would not have made such institution if he had known the falsity of the
considered as not written, unless it appears from the will that the testator cause.
would not have made such institution if he had known the falsity of such
cause. The petitioners would have us imply, from the use of the terms, "sapilitang tagapagmana"
(compulsory heirs) and "sapilitang mana" (legitime), that the impelling reason or cause for the
Coming closer to the center of the controversy, the petitioners have called the attention of the institution of the respondents was the testatrix's belief that under the law she could not do
lower court and this Court to the following pertinent portions of the will of the deceased which otherwise. If this were indeed what prompted the testatrix in instituting the respondents, she
recite: did not make it known in her will. Surely if she was aware that succession to the legitime takes
place by operation of law, independent of her own wishes, she would not have found it
III convenient to name her supposed compulsory heirs to their legitimes. Her express adoption of
the rules on legitimes should very well indicate her complete agreement with that statutory
scheme. But even this, like the petitioners' own proposition, is highly speculative of what was in
Ang aking mga sapilitang tagapagmana (herederos forzosos) ay ang aking the mind of the testatrix when she executed her will. One fact prevails, however, and it is that
itinuturing na mga anak na tunay (Hijos legalmente adoptados) na sina the decedent's will does not state in a specific or unequivocal manner the cause for such
Perfecto, Alberto, Luz, Benita at Isagani, na pawang may apelyidong Cruz. institution of heirs. We cannot annul the same on the basis of guesswork or uncertain
xxx xxx xxx
And even if we should accept the petitioners' theory that the decedent instituted the
Kung ako ay bawian ng Dios ng buhay, ay aking ipinamamana ang aking mga respondents Perfecto Cruz, et al. solely because she believed that the law commanded her to do
ari-ariang maiiwan, sa kaparaanang sumusunod: so, on the false assumption that her adoption of these respondents was valid, still such
institution must stand.
A.—Aking ipinamamana sa aking nabanggit na limang anak na sina Perfecto,
Alberto, Luz, Benita at Isagani, na pawang may apelyidong Cruz, na Article 850 of the Civil Code, quoted above, is a positive injunction to ignore whatever false
parepareho ang kaparti ng bawa't isa at walang lamangan (en partes cause the testator may have written in his will for the institution of heirs. Such institution may
iguales), bilang kanilang sapilitang mana (legiti[ma]), ang kalahati (½) ng be annulled only when one is satisfied, after an examination of the will, that the testator clearly
aking kaparti sa lahat ng aming ari-ariang gananciales ng aking yumaong
would not have made the institution if he had known the cause for it to be false. Now, would the
late Basilia have caused the revocation of the institution of heirs if she had known that she was
mistaken in treating these heirs as her legally adopted children? Or would she have instituted
them nonetheless?

The decedent's will, which alone should provide the answer, is mute on this point or at best is
vague and uncertain. The phrases, "mga sapilitang tagapagmana" and "sapilitang mana," were
borrowed from the language of the law on succession and were used, respectively, to describe
the class of heirs instituted and the abstract object of the inheritance. They offer no absolute
indication that the decedent would have willed her estate other than the way she did if she had
known that she was not bound by law to make allowance for legitimes. Her disposition of the
free portion of her estate (libre disposicion) which largely favored the respondent Perfecto
Cruz, the latter's children, and the children of the respondent Benita Cruz, shows a perceptible
inclination on her part to give to the respondents more than what she thought the law enjoined
her to give to them. Compare this with the relatively small devise of land which the decedent
had left for her blood relatives, including the petitioners Consuelo Austria-Benta and Lauro
Mozo and the children of the petitioner Ruben Austria. Were we to exclude the respondents
Perfecto Cruz, et al. from the inheritance, then the petitioners and the other nephews and
nieces would succeed to the bulk of the testate by intestacy — a result which would subvert the
clear wishes of the decedent.

Whatever doubts one entertains in his mind should be swept away by these explicit injunctions
in the Civil Code: "The words of a will are to receive an interpretation which will give to every
expression some effect, rather than one which will render any of the expressions inoperative;
and of two modes of interpreting a will, that is to be preferred which will prevent intestacy." 1

Testacy is favored and doubts are resolved on its side, especially where the will evinces an
intention on the part of the testator to dispose of practically his whole estate,2 as was done in
this case. Moreover, so compelling is the principle that intestacy should be avoided and the
wishes of the testator allowed to prevail, that we could even vary the language of the will for
the purpose of giving it effect.3 A probate court has found, by final judgment, that the late
Basilia Austria Vda. de Cruz was possessed of testamentary capacity and her last will executed
free from falsification, fraud, trickery or undue influence. In this situation, it becomes our duty
to give full expression to her will.4

At all events, the legality of the adoption of the respondents by the testatrix can be assailed only
in a separate action brought for that purpose, and cannot be the subject of a collateral attack.5

To the petitioners' charge that the lower court had no power to reverse its order of December
22, 1959, suffice it to state that, as borne by the records, the subsequent orders complained of
served merely to clarify the first — an act which the court could legally do. Every court has the
inherent power to amend and control its processes and orders so as to make them conformable
to law and justices.6 That the court a quo has limited the extent of the petitioners' intervention
is also within its powers as articulated by the Rules of Court.7

ACCORDINGLY, the present petition is denied, at petitioners cost.

G.R. No. L-23445 June 23, 1966 authenticated.2 But petitioner and oppositors, in the court below and here on appeal, travelled
on the issue of law, to wit: Is the will intrinsically a nullity?
REMEDIOS NUGUID, petitioner and appellant,
vs. FELIX NUGUID and PAZ SALONGA NUGUID, oppositors and appellees. We pause to reflect. If the case were to be remanded for probate of the will, nothing will be
gained. On the contrary, this litigation will be protracted. And for aught that appears in the
SANCHEZ, J.: record, in the event of probate or if the court rejects the will, probability exists that the case will
come up once again before us on the same issue of the intrinsic validity or nullity of the will.
Result: waste of time, effort, expense, plus added anxiety. These are the practical considerations
Rosario Nuguid, a resident of Quezon City, died on December 30, 1962, single, without that induce us to a belief that we might as well meet head-on the issue of the validity of the
descendants, legitimate or illegitimate. Surviving her were her legitimate parents, Felix Nuguid provisions of the will in question.3 After all, there exists a justiciable controversy crying for
and Paz Salonga Nuguid, and six (6) brothers and sisters, namely: Alfredo, Federico, Remedios, solution.
Conrado, Lourdes and Alberto, all surnamed Nuguid.
2. Petitioner's sole assignment of error challenges the correctness of the conclusion below that
On May 18, 1963, petitioner Remedios Nuguid filed in the Court of First Instance of Rizal a the will is a complete nullity. This exacts from us a study of the disputed will and the applicable
holographic will allegedly executed by Rosario Nuguid on November 17, 1951, some 11 years statute.
before her demise. Petitioner prayed that said will be admitted to probate and that letters of
administration with the will annexed be issued to her.
Reproduced hereunder is the will:
On June 25, 1963, Felix Nuguid and Paz Salonga Nuguid, concededly the legitimate father and
mother of the deceased Rosario Nuguid, entered their opposition to the probate of her will. Nov. 17, 1951
Ground therefor, inter alia, is that by the institution of petitioner Remedios Nuguid as universal
heir of the deceased, oppositors — who are compulsory heirs of the deceased in the direct I, ROSARIO NUGUID, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, having amassed a certain
ascending line — were illegally preterited and that in consequence the institution is void. amount of property, do hereby give, devise, and bequeath all of the property which I may have
when I die to my beloved sister Remedios Nuguid, age 34, residing with me at 38-B Iriga, Q.C. In
On August 29, 1963, before a hearing was had on the petition for probate and objection thereto, witness whereof, I have signed my name this seventh day of November, nineteen hundred and
oppositors moved to dismiss on the ground of absolute preterition. fifty-one.

On September 6, 1963, petitioner registered her opposition to the motion to (Sgd.) Illegible
The court's order of November 8, 1963, held that "the will in question is a complete nullity and
will perforce create intestacy of the estate of the deceased Rosario Nuguid" and dismissed the The statute we are called upon to apply in Article 854 of the Civil Code which, in part, provides:
petition without costs.
ART. 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or all of the compulsory heirs in
A motion to reconsider having been thwarted below, petitioner came to this Court on appeal. the direct line, whether living at the time of the execution of the will or born after the
death of the testator, shall annul the institution of heir; but the devises and legacies
1. Right at the outset, a procedural aspect has engaged our attention. The case is for the probate shall be valid insofar as they are not inofficious. ...
of a will. The court's area of inquiry is limited — to an examination of, and resolution on,
the extrinsic validity of the will. The due execution thereof, the testatrix's testamentary Except for inconsequential variation in terms, the foregoing is a reproduction of Article 814 of
capacity, and the compliance with the requisites or solemnities by law prescribed, are the the Civil Code of Spain of 1889, which is similarly herein copied, thus —
questions solely to be presented, and to be acted upon, by the court. Said court at this stage of
the proceedings — is not called upon to rule on the intrinsic validity or efficacy of the Art. 814. The preterition of one or all of the forced heirs in the direct line, whether
provisions of the will, the legality of any devise or legacy therein.1 living at the time of the execution of the will or born after the death of the testator,
shall void the institution of heir; but the legacies and betterments4 shall be valid, in so
A peculiar situation is here thrust upon us. The parties shunted aside the question of whether far as they are not inofficious. ...
or not the will should be allowed probate. For them, the meat of the case is the intrinsic validity
of the will. Normally, this comes only after the court has declared that the will has been duly
A comprehensive understanding of the term preterition employed in the law becomes a The same view is expressed by Sanchez Roman: —
necessity. On this point Manresa comments:
La consecuencia de la anulacion o nulidad de la institucion de heredero por
La pretericion consiste en omitar al heredero en el testamento. O no se le nombra pretericion de uno, varios o todos los forzosos en linea recta, es la apertura de la
siquiera o aun nombrandole como padre, hijo, etc., no se le instituya heredero ni se le sucesion intestada total o parcial. Sera total, cuando el testador que comete la
deshereda expresamente ni se le asigna parte alguna de los bienes, resultando privado pretericion, hubiese dispuesto de todos los bienes por titulo universal de herencia en
de un modo tacito de su derecho a legitima. favor de los herederos instituidos, cuya institucion se anula, porque asi lo exige la
generalidad del precepto legal del art. 814, al determinar, como efecto de la
Para que exista pretericion, con arreglo al articulo 814, basta que en el testamento pretericion, el de que "anulara la institucion de heredero." ... 11
omita el testador a uno cualquiera de aquellos a quienes por su muerte corresponda la
herencia forzosa. Really, as we analyze the word annul employed in the statute, there is no escaping the
conclusion that the universal institution of petitioner to the entire inheritance results in totally
Se necesita, pues, a) Que la omision se refiera a un heredero forzoso. b) Que la omision abrogating the will. Because, the nullification of such institution of universal heir — without
sea completa; que el heredero forzoso nada reciba en el testamento. any other testamentary disposition in the will — amounts to a declaration that nothing at all
was written. Carefully worded and in clear terms, Article 854 offers no leeway for inferential
interpretation. Giving it an expansive meaning will tear up by the roots the fabric of the statute.
It may now appear trite bat nonetheless helpful in giving us a clear perspective of the problem On this point, Sanchez Roman cites the "Memoria annual del Tribunal Supreme,
before us, to have on hand a clear-cut definition of the word annul: correspondiente a 1908", which in our opinion expresses the rule of interpretation, viz:

To "annul" means to abrogate, to make void ... In re Morrow's Estate, 54 A. 342, 343, ... El art. 814, que preceptua en tales casos de pretericion la nulidad de la institucion
204 Pa. 484.6 de heredero, no consiente interpretacion alguna favorable a la persona instituida en el
sentido antes expuesto aun cuando parezca, y en algun caso pudiera ser, mas o menos
The word "annul" as used in statute requiring court to annul alimony provisions of equitativa, porque una nulidad no significa en Derecho sino la suposicion de que el
divorce decree upon wife's remarriage means to reduce to nothing; to annihilate; hecho o el acto no se ha realizado, debiendo por lo tanto procederse sobre tal base o
obliterate; blot out; to make void or of no effect; to nullify; to abolish. N.J.S.A. 2:50 — supuesto, y consiguientemente, en un testamento donde falte la institucion, es
38 (now N.J.S. 2A:34-35). Madden vs. Madden, 40 A. 2d 611, 614, 136 N..J Eq. 132.7 obligado llamar a los herederos forzosos en todo caso, como habria que llamar a los
de otra clase, cuando el testador no hubiese distribudo todos sus bienes en legados,
ANNUL. To reduce to nothing; annihilate; obliterate; to make void or of no effect; to siendo tanto mas obligada esta consecuencia legal cuanto que, en materia de
nullify; to abolish; to do away with. Ex parte Mitchell, 123 W. Va. 283, 14 S.E. 2d. 771, testamentos, sabido es, segun tiene declarado la jurisprudencia, con repeticion, que no
774.8 basta que sea conocida la voluntad de quien testa si esta voluntad no aparece en la
forma y en las condiciones que la ley ha exigido para que sea valido y eficaz, por lo que
constituiria una interpretacion arbitraria, dentro del derecho positivo, reputar como
And now, back to the facts and the law. The deceased Rosario Nuguid left no descendants, legatario a un heredero cuya institucion fuese anulada con pretexto de que esto se
legitimate or illegitimate. But she left forced heirs in the direct ascending line her parents, now acomodaba mejor a la voluntad del testador, pues aun cuando asi fuese, sera esto
oppositors Felix Nuguid and Paz Salonga Nuguid. And, the will completely omits both of them: razon para modificar la ley, pero no autoriza a una interpretacion contraria a sus
They thus received nothing by the testament; tacitly, they were deprived of their legitime; terminos y a los principios que informan la testamentifaccion, pues no porque parezca
neither were they expressly disinherited. This is a clear case of preterition. Such preterition in mejor una cosa en el terreno del Derecho constituyente, hay razon para convereste
the words of Manresa "anulara siempre la institucion de heredero, dando caracter absoluto a juicio en regla de interpretacion, desvirtuando y anulando por este procedimiento lo
este ordenamiento referring to the mandate of Article 814, now 854 of the Civil Code. 9 The one- que el legislador quiere establecer. 12
sentence will here institutes petitioner as the sole, universal heir — nothing more. No specific
legacies or bequests are therein provided for. It is in this posture that we say that the nullity is
complete. Perforce, Rosario Nuguid died intestate. Says Manresa: 3. We should not be led astray by the statement in Article 854 that, annullment
notwithstanding, "the devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as they are not inofficious".
Legacies and devises merit consideration only when they are so expressly given as such in a
En cuanto a la institucion de heredero, se anula. Lo que se anula deja de existir, en will. Nothing in Article 854 suggests that the mere institution of a universal heir in a will — void
todo o en parte? No se añade limitacion alguna, como en el articulo 851, en el que se because of preterition — would give the heir so instituted a share in the inheritance. As to him,
expresa que se anulara la institucion de heredero en cuanto prejudique a la legitima the will is inexistent. There must be, in addition to such institution, a testamentary disposition
del deseheredado Debe, pues, entenderse que la anulacion es completa o total, y que granting him bequests or legacies apart and separate from the nullified institution of heir.
este articulo como especial en el caso que le motiva rige con preferencia al 817. 10 Sanchez Roman, speaking of the two component parts of Article 814, now 854, states that
preterition annuls the institution of the heir "totalmente por la pretericion"; but added (in But the theory is advanced that the bequest made by universal title in favor of the
reference to legacies and bequests) "pero subsistiendo ... todas aquellas otras disposiciones que children by the second marriage should be treated as legado and mejora and,
no se refieren a la institucion de heredero ... . 13 As Manresa puts it, annulment throws open to accordingly, it must not be entirely annulled but merely reduced. This theory, if
intestate succession the entire inheritance including "la porcion libre (que) no hubiese adopted, will result in a complete abrogation of Articles 814 and 851 of the Civil Code.
dispuesto en virtud de legado, mejora o donacion. 14 If every case of institution of heirs may be made to fall into the concept of legacies and
betterments reducing the bequest accordingly, then the provisions of Articles 814 and
As aforesaid, there is no other provision in the will before us except the institution of petitioner 851 regarding total or partial nullity of the institution, would. be absolutely
as universal heir. That institution, by itself, is null and void. And, intestate succession ensues. meaningless and will never have any application at all. And the remaining provisions
contained in said article concerning the reduction of inofficious legacies or
betterments would be a surplusage because they would be absorbed by Article 817.
4. Petitioner's mainstay is that the present is "a case of ineffective disinheritance rather than Thus, instead of construing, we would be destroying integral provisions of the Civil
one of preterition". 15From this, petitioner draws the conclusion that Article 854 "does not Code.
apply to the case at bar". This argument fails to appreciate the distinction between pretention
and disinheritance.
The destructive effect of the theory thus advanced is due mainly to a failure to
distinguish institution of heirs from legacies and betterments, and a general from a
Preterition "consists in the omission in the testator's will of the forced heirs or anyone of them, special provision. With reference to article 814, which is the only provision material
either because they are not mentioned therein, or, though mentioned, they are neither to the disposition of this case, it must be observed that the institution of heirs is
instituted as heirs nor are expressly disinherited." 16 Disinheritance, in turn, "is therein dealt with as a thing separate and distinct from legacies or betterments. And
a testamentary disposition depriving any compulsory heir of his share in the legitime for a they are separate and distinct not only because they are distinctly and separately
cause authorized by law. " 17 In Manresa's own words: "La privacion expresa de la legitima treated in said article but because they are in themselves different. Institution of heirs
constituye la desheredacion. La privacion tacita de la misma se is a bequest by universal title of property that is undetermined. Legacy refers to
denomina pretericion." 18 Sanchez Roman emphasizes the distinction by stating that specific property bequeathed by a particular or special title. ... But again an institution
disinheritance "es siempre voluntaria"; preterition, upon the other hand, is presumed to be of heirs cannot be taken as a legacy. 25
"involuntaria". 19 Express as disinheritance should be, the same must be supported by a legal
cause specified in the will itself. 20
The disputed order, we observe, declares the will in question "a complete nullity". Article 854
of the Civil Code in turn merely nullifies "the institution of heir". Considering, however, that the
The will here does not explicitly disinherit the testatrix's parents, the forced heirs. It simply will before us solely provides for the institution of petitioner as universal heir, and nothing
omits their names altogether. Said will rather than be labeled ineffective disinheritance is more, the result is the same. The entire will is null.
clearly one in which the said forced heirs suffer from preterition.
Upon the view we take of this case, the order of November 8, 1963 under review is hereby
On top of this is the fact that the effects flowing from preterition are totally different from those affirmed. No costs allowed. So ordered.
of disinheritance. Preterition under Article 854 of the Civil Code, we repeat, "shall annul the
institution of heir". This annulment is in toto, unless in the will there are, in addition,
testamentary dispositions in the form of devises or legacies. In ineffective disinheritance under
Article 918 of the same Code, such disinheritance shall also "annul the institution of heirs", put
only "insofar as it may prejudice the person disinherited", which last phrase was omitted in the
case of preterition. 21 Better stated yet, in disinheritance the nullity is limited to that portion of
the estate of which the disinherited heirs have been illegally deprived. Manresa's expressive
language, in commenting on the rights of the preterited heirs in the case of preterition on the
one hand and legal disinheritance on the other, runs thus: "Preteridos, adquiren el derecho a
todo; desheredados, solo les corresponde un tercio o dos tercios, 22 el caso. 23

5. Petitioner insists that the compulsory heirs ineffectively disinherited are entitled to receive
their legitimes, but that the institution of heir "is not invalidated," although the inheritance of
the heir so instituted is reduced to the extent of said legitimes. 24

This is best answered by a reference to the opinion of Mr. Chief Justice Moran in the Neri case
heretofore cited, viz:
G.R. No. 72706 October 27, 1987 After the petition was set for hearing in the lower court on June 25, 1984 the oppositors
(respondents herein Virginia A. Fernandez, a legally adopted daughter of tile deceased and the
CONSTANTINO C. ACAIN, petitioner, latter's widow Rosa Diongson Vda. de Acain filed a motion to dismiss on the following grounds
vs. HON. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT (Third Special Cases Division), VIRGINIA A. for the petitioner has no legal capacity to institute these proceedings; (2) he is merely a
FERNANDEZ and ROSA DIONGSON, respondents. universal heir and (3) the widow and the adopted daughter have been pretirited. (Rollo, p.
158). Said motion was denied by the trial judge.
After the denial of their subsequent motion for reconsideration in the lower court, respondents
filed with the Supreme Court a petition for certiorari and prohibition with preliminary
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision * of respondent. Court of Appeals in injunction which was subsequently referred to the Intermediate Appellate Court by Resolution
AC-G.R. SP No. 05744 promulgated on August 30, 1985 (Rollo, p. 108) ordering the dismissal of of the Court dated March 11, 1985 (Memorandum for Petitioner, p. 3; Rollo, p. 159).
the petition in Special Proceedings No, 591 ACEB and its Resolution issued on October 23, 1985
(Rollo, p. 72) denying respondents' (petitioners herein) motion for reconsideration.
Respondent Intermediate Appellate Court granted private respondents' petition and ordered
the trial court to dismiss the petition for the probate of the will of Nemesio Acain in Special
The dispositive portion of the questioned decision reads as follows: Proceedings No. 591 ACEB

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby granted and respondent Regional Trial His motion for reconsideration having been denied, petitioner filed this present petition for the
Court of the Seventh Judicial Region, Branch XIII (Cebu City), is hereby review of respondent Court's decision on December 18, 1985 (Rollo, p. 6). Respondents'
ordered to dismiss the petition in Special Proceedings No. 591 ACEB No Comment was filed on June 6, 1986 (Rollo, p. 146).
special pronouncement is made as to costs.
On August 11, 1986 the Court resolved to give due course to the petition (Rollo, p. 153).
The antecedents of the case, based on the summary of the Intermediate Appellate Court, now Respondents' Memorandum was filed on September 22, 1986 (Rollo, p. 157); the Memorandum
Court of Appeals, (Rollo, pp. 108-109) are as follows: for petitioner was filed on September 29, 1986 (Rollo, p. 177).

On May 29, 1984 petitioner Constantino Acain filed on the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City Petitioner raises the following issues (Memorandum for petitioner, p. 4):
Branch XIII, a petition for the probate of the will of the late Nemesio Acain and for the issuance
to the same petitioner of letters testamentary, docketed as Special Proceedings No. 591 ACEB
(Rollo, p. 29), on the premise that Nemesio Acain died leaving a will in which petitioner and his (A) The petition filed in AC-G.R. No. 05744 for certiorari and prohibition
brothers Antonio, Flores and Jose and his sisters Anita, Concepcion, Quirina and Laura were with preliminary injunction is not the proper remedy under the premises;
instituted as heirs. The will allegedly executed by Nemesio Acain on February 17, 1960 was
written in Bisaya (Rollo, p. 27) with a translation in English (Rollo, p. 31) submi'tted by (B) The authority of the probate courts is limited only to inquiring into the
petitioner without objection raised by private respondents. The will contained provisions on extrinsic validity of the will sought to be probated and it cannot pass upon
burial rites, payment of debts, and the appointment of a certain Atty. Ignacio G. Villagonzalo as the intrinsic validity thereof before it is admitted to probate;
the executor of the testament. On the disposition of the testator's property, the will provided:
(C) The will of Nemesio Acain is valid and must therefore, be admitted to
THIRD: All my shares that I may receive from our properties. house, lands probate. The preterition mentioned in Article 854 of the New Civil Code
and money which I earned jointly with my wife Rosa Diongson shall all be refers to preterition of "compulsory heirs in the direct line," and does not
given by me to my brother SEGUNDO ACAIN Filipino, widower, of legal age apply to private respondents who are not compulsory heirs in the direct
and presently residing at 357-C Sanciangko Street, Cebu City. In case my line; their omission shall not annul the institution of heirs;
brother Segundo Acain pre-deceased me, all the money properties, lands,
houses there in Bantayan and here in Cebu City which constitute my share (D) DICAT TESTATOR ET MERIT LEX. What the testator says will be the law;
shall be given to me to his children, namely: Anita, Constantino, Concepcion,
Quirina, laura, Flores, Antonio and Jose, all surnamed Acain.
(E) There may be nothing in Article 854 of the New Civil Code, that suggests
that mere institution of a universal heir in the will would give the heir so
Obviously, Segundo pre-deceased Nemesio. Thus it is the children of Segundo who are claiming instituted a share in the inheritance but there is a definite distinct intention
to be heirs, with Constantino as the petitioner in Special Proceedings No. 591 ACEB of the testator in the case at bar, explicitly expressed in his will. This is what
matters and should be in violable.
(F) As an instituted heir, petitioner has the legal interest and standing to file a declaration that nothing at all was written. Carefully worded and in clear terms, Article 854 of
the petition in Sp. Proc. No. 591 ACEB for probate of the will of Nemesio the Civil Code offers no leeway for inferential interpretation (Nuguid v. Nuguid), supra. No
Acain and legacies nor devises having been provided in the will the whole property of the deceased has
been left by universal title to petitioner and his brothers and sisters. The effect of annulling the
(G) Article 854 of the New Civil Code is a bill of attainder. It is therefore "Institution of heirs will be, necessarily, the opening of a total intestacy (Neri v. Akutin, 74 Phil.
unconstitutional and ineffectual. 185 [1943]) except that proper legacies and devises must, as already stated above, be
The pivotal issue in this case is whether or not private respondents have been pretirited.
We now deal with another matter. In order that a person may be allowed to intervene in a
probate proceeding he must have an interest iii the estate, or in the will, or in the property to be
Article 854 of the Civil Code provides: affected by it either as executor or as a claimant of the estate and an interested party is one who
would be benefited by the estate such as an heir or one who has a claim against the estate like a
Art. 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or all of the compulsory creditor (Sumilang v. Ramagosa, 21 SCRA 1369/1967). Petitioner is not the appointed executor,
heirs in the direct line, whether living at the time of the execution of the will neither a devisee or a legatee there being no mention in the testamentary disposition of any gift
or born after the death of the testator, shall annul the institution of heir; but of an individual item of personal or real property he is called upon to receive (Article 782, Civil
the devisees and legacies shall be valid insofar as they are not; inofficious. Code). At the outset, he appears to have an interest in the will as an heir, defined under Article
782 of the Civil Code as a person called to the succession either by the provision of a will or by
If the omitted compulsory heirs should die before the testator, the operation of law. However, intestacy having resulted from the preterition of respondent
institution shall he effectual, without prejudice to the right of representation. adopted child and the universal institution of heirs, petitioner is in effect not an heir of the
testator. He has no legal standing to petition for the probate of the will left by the deceased and
Special Proceedings No. 591 A-CEB must be dismissed.
Preterition consists in the omission in the testator's will of the forced heirs or anyone of them
either because they are not mentioned therein, or, though mentioned, they are neither
instituted as heirs nor are expressly disinherited (Nuguid v. Nuguid, 17 SCRA 450 [1966]; As a general rule certiorari cannot be a substitute for appeal, except when the questioned order
Maninang v. Court of Appeals, 114 SCRA 478 [1982]). Insofar as the widow is concerned, Article is an oppressive exercise of j judicial authority (People v. Villanueva, 110 SCRA 465 [1981];
854 of the Civil Code may not apply as she does not ascend or descend from the testator, Vda. de Caldito v. Segundo, 117 SCRA 573 [1982]; Co Chuan Seng v. Court of Appeals, 128 SCRA
although she is a compulsory heir. Stated otherwise, even if the surviving spouse is a 308 [1984]; and Bautista v. Sarmiento, 138 SCRA 587 [1985]). It is axiomatic that the remedies
compulsory heir, there is no preterition even if she is omitted from the inheritance, for she is of certiorari and prohibition are not available where the petitioner has the remedy of appeal or
not in the direct line. (Art. 854, Civil code) however, the same thing cannot be said of the other some other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the course of law (DD Comendador
respondent Virginia A. Fernandez, whose legal adoption by the testator has not been Construction Corporation v. Sayo (118 SCRA 590 [1982]). They are, however, proper remedies
questioned by petitioner (.Memorandum for the Petitioner, pp. 8-9). Under Article 39 of P.D. to correct a grave abuse of discretion of the trial court in not dismissing a case where the
No. 603, known as the Child and Youth Welfare Code, adoption gives to the adopted person the dismissal is founded on valid grounds (Vda. de Bacang v. Court of Appeals, 125 SCRA 137
same rights and duties as if he were a legitimate child of the adopter and makes the adopted [1983]).
person a legal heir of the adopter. It cannot be denied that she has totally omitted and
preterited in the will of the testator and that both adopted child and the widow were deprived Special Proceedings No. 591 ACEB is for the probate of a will. As stated by respondent Court,
of at least their legitime. Neither can it be denied that they were not expressly disinherited. the general rule is that the probate court's authority is limited only to the extrinsic validity of
Hence, this is a clear case of preterition of the legally adopted child. the will, the due execution thereof, the testator's testamentary capacity and the compliance
with the requisites or solemnities prescribed by law. The intrinsic validity of the will normally
Pretention annuls the institution of an heir and annulment throws open to intestate succession comes only after the Court has declared that the will has been duly authenticated. Said court at
the entire inheritance including "la porcion libre (que) no hubiese dispuesto en virtual de legado this stage of the proceedings is not called upon to rule on the intrinsic validity or efficacy of the
mejora o donacion" Maniesa as cited in Nuguid v. Nuguid, supra; Maninang v. Court of Appeals, provisions of the will (Nuguid v. Nuguid, 17 SCRA 449 [1966]; Sumilang v. Ramagosa, supra;
114 SCRA [1982]). The only provisions which do not result in intestacy are the legacies and Maninang v. Court of Appeals, 114 SCRA 478 [1982]; Cayetano v. Leonides, 129 SCRA 522
devises made in the will for they should stand valid and respected, except insofar as the [1984]; and Nepomuceno v. Court of Appeals, 139 SCRA 206 [1985]).
legitimes are concerned.
The rule, however, is not inflexible and absolute. Under exceptional circumstances, the probate
The universal institution of petitioner together with his brothers and sisters to the entire court is not powerless to do what the situation constrains it to do and pass upon certain
inheritance of the testator results in totally abrogating the will because the nullification of such provisions of the will (Nepomuceno v. Court of Appeals, supra). In Nuguid v. Nuguid the
institution of universal heirs-without any other testamentary disposition in the will-amounts to oppositors to the probate moved to dismiss on the ground of absolute preteriton The probate
court acting on the motion held that the will in question was a complete nullity and dismissed
the petition without costs. On appeal the Supreme Court upheld the decision of the probate correct a grave abuse of discretion, amounting to lack of jurisdiction, committed by the trial
court, induced by practical considerations. The Court said: court in not dismissing the case, (Vda. de Bacang v. Court of Appeals, supra) and even assuming
the existence of the remedy of appeal, the Court harkens to the rule that in the broader
We pause to reflect. If the case were to be remanded for probate of the will, interests of justice, a petition for certiorari may be entertained, particularly where appeal
nothing will be gained. On the contrary, this litigation will be protracted. And would not afford speedy and adequate relief. (Maninang Court of Appeals, supra).
for aught that appears in the record, in the event of probate or if the court
rejects the will, probability exists that the case will come up once again PREMISES CONSIDERED, the petition is hereby DENIED for lack of merit and the questioned
before us on the same issue of the intrinsic validity or nullity of the will. decision of respondent Court of Appeals promulgated on August 30, 1985 and its Resolution
Result: waste of time, effort, expense, plus added anxiety. These are the dated October 23, 1985 are hereby AFFIRMED.
practical considerations that induce us to a belief that we might as well meet
head-on the issue of the validity of the provisions of the will in question. SO ORDERED.
After all there exists a justiciable controversy crying for solution.

In Saguimsim v. Lindayag (6 SCRA 874 [1962]) the motion to dismiss the petition by the
surviving spouse was grounded on petitioner's lack of legal capacity to institute the
proceedings which was fully substantiated by the evidence during the hearing held in
connection with said motion. The Court upheld the probate court's order of dismissal.

In Cayetano v. Leonides, supra one of the issues raised in the motion to dismiss the petition
deals with the validity of the provisions of the will. Respondent Judge allowed the probate of
the will. The Court held that as on its face the will appeared to have preterited the petitioner
the respondent judge should have denied its probate outright. Where circumstances demand
that intrinsic validity of testamentary provisions be passed upon even before the extrinsic
validity of the will is resolved, the probate court should meet the issue. (Nepomuceno v. Court
of Appeals, supra; Nuguid v. Nuguid, supra).

In the instant case private respondents filed a motion to dismiss the petition in Sp. Proceedings
No. 591 ACEB of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu on the following grounds: (1) petitioner has
no legal capacity to institute the proceedings; (2) he is merely a universal heir; and (3) the
widow and the adopted daughter have been preterited (Rollo, p. 158). It was denied by the trial
court in an order dated January 21, 1985 for the reason that "the grounds for the motion to
dismiss are matters properly to be resolved after a hearing on the issues in the course of the
trial on the merits of the case (Rollo, p. 32). A subsequent motion for reconsideration was
denied by the trial court on February 15, 1985 (Rollo, p. 109).

For private respondents to have tolerated the probate of the will and allowed the case to
progress when on its face the will appears to be intrinsically void as petitioner and his brothers
and sisters were instituted as universal heirs coupled with the obvious fact that one of the
private respondents had been preterited would have been an exercise in futility. It would have
meant a waste of time, effort, expense, plus added futility. The trial court could have denied its
probate outright or could have passed upon the intrinsic validity of the testamentary
provisions before the extrinsic validity of the will was resolved (Cayetano v. Leonides, supra;
Nuquid v. Nuguid, supra. The remedies of certiorari and prohibition were properly availed of by
private respondents.

Thus, this Court ruled that where the grounds for dismissal are indubitable, the defendants had
the right to resort to the more speedy, and adequate remedies of certiorari and prohibition to
G.R. No. L-47799 May 21, 1943 But clause 8 of the will is invoked wherein the testator made the statement that the children by his
Administration of the estate of Agripino Neri y Chavez. ELEUTERIO NERI, ET AL., petitioners, first marriage had already received their shares in his property excluding what he had given them as
vs. IGNACIA AKUTIN AND HER CHILDREN, respondents. aid during their financial troubles and the money they had borrowed from him which he condoned in
MORAN, J.: the will. Since, however, this is an issue of fact tried by the Court of First Instance, and we are
reviewing the decision of the Court of Appeals upon a question of law regarding that issue, we can
This is a case where the testator in his will left all his property by universal title to the children by his rely only upon the findings of fact made by the latter Court, which are as follows:
second marriage, the herein respondents, with preterition of the children by his first marriage, the
herein petitioner. This Court annulled the institution of heirs and declared a total intestacy. Since all the parcels that corresponded to Agripino Neri y Chaves are now in the
administrator's possession, as appears in the inventory filed in court, it is clear that the
A motion for reconsideration has been filed by the respondents on the ground (1) that there is no property of the deceased has remained intact and that no portion thereof has been given to
preterition as to the children of the first marriage who have received their shares in the property left the children of the first marriage.
by the testator, and (2) that, even assuming that there has been a preterition, the effect would not be
the annulment of the institution of heirs but simply the reduction of the bequest made to them. xxx xxx xxx

1. The findings of the trial court and those of the Court of Appeals are contrary to respondents' first It is stated by the court and practically admitted by the appellants that a child of the first
contention. The children of the first marriage are Eleuterio, Agripino, Agapita, Getulia (who died a marriage named Getulia, or her heirs after her death, did not receive any share of the
little less than eight years before the death of her father Agripino Neri, leaving seven children), property of her father.
Rosario and Celerina.
It is true that in the decision of the Court of Appeals there is also the following paragraphs:
As to Eleuterio, the trial court said that "it is not, therefore, clear that Eleuterio has received his share
out of the properties left by his father." It is true that Eleuterio appears to have received, as a As regards that large parcel of land adjoining parcel No. 1, it is contended that after the
donation from his father, parcel of land No. 4, but the question of whether there has been a donation court had denied the registration thereof. Agripino Neri y Chaves abandoned the said land
or not is apparently left for decision in an independent action, and to that effect Ignacia Akutin has and that later on some of the children of the first marriage possessed it, thereby acquiring
been appointed special administratrix for the purpose of instituting such action. title and interest therein by virtue of occupation and not through inheritance. It is not true
that this parcel containing 182.6373 hectares is now assessed in the names of some of the
With respect to Agripino and Agapita, the parcels of land which they have occupied, according to the children of the first marriage, for as shown on Tax Declaration No. 9395, Exhibit 11-g, the
trial Court, "are a part of public land which had been occupied by Agripino Neri Chaves, and, owners of the property are Agapita Neri de Chaves y Hermanos. Apparently, the said land
therefore, were not a part of the estate of the latter." is still claimed to be the property not only of the children of the first marriage but also of
those of the second marriage.
Concerning Getulia who died about eight years before the death of her father Agripino Neri, the trial
Court found that "neither Getulia nor her heirs received any share of the properties." This paragraph is but a corroboration of the finding made by the Court of Appeals that no property
has ever been advanced by the testator to the children by his first marriage. The large parcel of land
And with respect to Rosario and Celerina, the trial Court said that "it does not appear clear, therefore, adjoining parcel No. 1 was alleged by the children of the second marriage to have been advanced by
that Celerina and Rosario received their shares in the estate left by their father Agripino Neri the testator to the children by his first marriage; but the Court of Appeals belied this claim. "It is not
Chaves." true," says that Court, "that this parcel containing 182.6373 hectares is now assessed in the names of
some of the children of the first marriage, for as shown on Tax Declaration No. 9395, Exhibit 11-g, the
owners of the property are Agapita Neri de Chaves y Hermanos," that is, the children of both
This is in connection with the property, real or personal, left by the deceased. As to money advances, marriages. And the Court of Appeals added that "apparently, the said land is still claimed to be the
the trial Court found: property not only of the children of the first marriage but also of those of the second marriage,"
which is another way of stating that the property could not have been advanced by the testator to the
It is contented, furthermore, that the children of Agripino Neri Chaves in his first marriage children by the first marriage would not lay a claim on it.
received money from their father. It appears that Nemesio Chaves is indebted in the
amount of P1,000; Agripino, in the amount of P500 as appears in Exhibits 14 and 15; We conclude, therefore, that according to the findings of fact made by the Court of Appeals, the
Getulia, in the amount of P155 as appears in Exhibit 16, 17, and 18; Celerina in the amount testator left all his property by universal title to the children by his second marriage, and that
of P120 as appears in Exhibit 19, 19-A and 19-B. without expressly disinheriting the children by his first marriage, he left all his property by universal
title to the children by his second marriage, he left nothing to them or, at least, some of them. This is,
From these findings of the trial Court it is clear that Agapita, Rosario and the children of Getulia had accordingly, a case of preterition governed by article 814 of the Civil Code, which provides that the
received from the testator no property whatsoever, personal, real or in cash. institution of heirs shall be annulled and intestate succession should be declared open.
2. Upon the second question propounded in the motion for reconsideration, respondents seem to disposicion testamentaria. A su muerte, el hijo natural, o los legitimos, fundadose en la
agree that article 814 of the Civil Code is the law applicable but, in their discussion as to the effect of nulidad total de la institucion, con arreglo al articulo 814, piden toda la herencia. En el caso
preterition, they confuse article 814 with articles 817 and 851 and other articles of the Civil Code. del articulo 851 solo podrian podrian pedir su legitima. Preterdos, adquieren derecho a
These three articles read: todo; desheredados, solo les corresponde un tercio o dos tercios, segun el caso.

ART. 814. The preterition of one or of all of the forced heirs in the direct line, whether En el fondo la cuestion es indentica. El testador puede siempre disponer a su arbitrio de la
living at the execution of the will or born after the death of the testator, shall annul the parte libre. El legitimario, contra la voluntad expresa del testdor, solo tiene derecho a su
institution of heirs; but the legacies and betterments shall be valid in so far as they are not legitima. Preterido o desheredado sin justa causa la legitima. Preterido o desheredado sin
inofficious. justa causa la legitma es suya. Desheredado o preterido, la porcion libre no le corresponde,
cuando el testador la asigna a otro. Logicamente no cabe que el legitmario, en caso de
The preterition of the widower or widow does not annul the institution; but the person pretericion, reciba todos los bienes cuando el testador haya dispuesto de ellos a titulo
omitted shall retain all the rights granted to him by articles 834, 835, 836, and 837 of this de herencia, y no cuando haya dispuesto del tercio lebre a titulo de legado.
Cual es la razon de esta differencia? En la generalidad de los casos puede fundarse el
ART. 817. Testamentary dispositions which diminish the legitimate of the forced heirs shall precepto en la presunta voluntad del testador. Este, al desheredar, revela que existe alguna
be reduced on petition of the same in so far as they are inofficious or excessive. razon a motivo que le impulsa a obrar asi; podra no ser bastante para privar al heredero de
su legitima, pero siempre ha de estimarse sufficiente para privarle del resto de la herencia,
pues sobre esta no puede pretender ningun derecho el desheredad. El heredero preterido
ART. 851. Disinheritance made without a statement of the cause, or for a cause the truth of no ha sido privado expresamente de nada; el testador, en los casos normales, obra si por
which, if contested, is not shown, or which is not one of those stated in the four following descuido o por error. Hemos visto un testamento en el que no se institula heredera a una
articles, shall annul the institution of heirs in so far as it is prejudicial to the disinherited hija monja, por creer la testadora que no podia heredar. En otros caos se ignora la
person; but the legacies, betterments, and other testamentary dispositions shall be valid in existencia de un descendiente o de un ascendiente. Cuando el preterido es una persona que
so far as they are not prejudicial to said legitime. ha nacido despues de muerto el testador o despues de hecho el testamento, la razon es aun
mas clara; la omision ha de presumirse involuntaria; el testador debe suponerse que
The following example will make the question clearer: The testator has two legitimate sons, A and B, hubiera instituido heredero a esa persona si hubiera existido al otorgarse el testamento, y
and in his will he leaves all his property to A, with total preterition of B. Upon these facts, shall we no solo en cuanto a la legitima, sino en toda la herencia, caso de no haber otros herederos
annul entirely the institution of heir in favor of A and declare a total intestacy, or shall we merely forzosos, y en iguales terminos que los demas herederos no mejorados de un mode
refuse the bequest left A, giving him two-thirds, that is one third of free disposal and one-third of expreso.
betterments, plus one-half of the other third as strict legitime, and awarding B only the remaining
one-half of the strict legitime? If we do the first, we apply article 814; if the second, we apply articles La opinion contraria puede tambien defederse, suponiendo que la ley anula el titulo de
851 or 817. But article 851 applies only in cases of unfounded disinheritance, and all are agreed that heredero, mas no en absoluto la participacion en el caudal; que asi como al exceptuar la
the present case is not one of disinheritance but of preterition. Article 817 is merely a general rule mejora se refiere a todo el tercio o a la parte de el que haya distribuido el causante, al
inapplicable to specific cases provided by law, such as that of preterition or disinheritance. The exceptuar los legados se refierse a la parte libre de que haya dispuesto el mismo testador,
meaning of articles 814 and 851, their difference and philosophy, and their relation to article 817, are considerando como un simple legatario de esa porcion a la persona a quien el testador
lucidly explained by Manresa in the following manner: designo como heredero. Abonaria esta solucion el articulo 817, al declarar que las
disposiciones testamentaria que menguan la legitima de los herederos forzosos han de
Cuando la legitima no es usufructuria, como ocurre en los demas casos, la pretericion no reducirse en cuanto fueren inoficiosas, pues amparado en este articulo el heredero
puede menos de alterar esencialmente la institucion de heredero. Esta ha de anularse, pero voluntario, puede pretender que la disposicion a su favor sea respetada en cuato no
en todo o en parte, esto es, solo en cuanto perjudique el derecho del legitimario preterido? perjudique a las legitimas.
El articulo 814 opta por la primer solucion, ya que hemos de atenermos estrictmente al
testo de la ley; mientras que el articulo 851, en casos anlogos, opta por la segunda. La jurisprudencia no ha resuelto de frente esta cuestion, porque no se le ha presentado en
los terminos propuestos; pero ha demonstrado su criterio.
En efecto; la desheredacion sin justa causa no produce el efecto de desheredar. El heredero
conserva derecho a su legitima, pero nada mas que a su legitima. Los legados, las merjoras, Hemos citado las Resoluciones de la Direccion de 30 de octubre de 1896 y de 20 de mayo
si las hay, y aun la institucion de heredero, son validas en cuanto no perjudiquen al de 1893. En la primera se decide con valentia, con arreglo al texto expreso del articulo 814;
heredero forzoso. la institucion de heredero se anula en absoluto, y se abre para toda la herencia la succesion
intestada. En la segunda se rehuye la cuestion, fundandose en circunstancias secundarias.
La diferencia se notara perfectamente con un ejemplo. Un solteron, sin decendientes ni En el articulo siguiente examinaremos la sentencia de 16 de enero de 1895.
ascendientes legitimos, hace testamento instituyendo por heredero a un pariente lejano.
Despues reconoce un hijo natural, o se casa y tiene descendencia, y muere sin modificar su
La interpretacion que rectamente se deprende del art 814, es la de que solo valen, y eso en llamados pro la ley al abintestato; los desheredados, unicamente en dos tercios o en uno o
cuanto no sean inoficiosas, las disposiciones hechas a titulo de legado a mejora. En cuanto a en uno tan solo, en la hipotesis de haberse ordernado mejoras.
la institucion de heredero, se anula. Lo que se anula deja de existir, en todo, o en parte? No se
añade limitacion alguna, como en el articulo 851, en el que se expresa que se anulara a En cambio, ni por la desheredacion ni por la pretericion pierde su fuerza el testamento, en
institucion de heredero en cuanto perjudique a la legitima del desheredado. Debe, pues, cuanto a dicho tercio libre, is se trata dedescendientes; o la mitad, si se trata de
entenderse que la anulacion es completa o total, y que este articulo, como especial en el caso ascendientes, ya desheredados, ya preteridos, proque, ni por el uno ni por el otro medio, se
que le motiva, rige con preferencia al 817. (6 Manresa, 3.a ed., pags. 351-353.) (Emphasis anula mas que la institucion de heredero, en general, y totalmente por la pretericion, y solo
supplied). en cuanto perjudique a la legitima del desheredado por la desheredacion; pero
subsistiendo, en ambos casos, todas acquellas otras disposiciones que no se refeiren a la
The following opinion of Sanchez Roman is to the same effect and dispels all possible doubt on the institucion de heredero y se hallen dentro del limite cuantitativo del tercio o mitad de libre
matter: disposicion, segun que se trate de descendientes o ascendientes, preteridos o
La consecuencia de la anulacion o nulidad de la institucion de heredero por pretericion de
uno, varios o todos los forzosos en linea recta, es la apertura de la sucesion entestada, total La invocacion del articulo 817 para modificar estos efectos de la pretericion, procurando
o parcial. Sera total, cuando el testador que comete la pretericion, hubiere dispuesto de limitar la anulacion de la institucion de herederos solo en cuanto perjudique a la legitima,
todos los bienes por titulo universal de herencia en favor de los hrederos instituidos, cuya fundadose en que dicho articulo establece que "las disposiciones testamentarias que
institucion se anula, porque asi lo exige la generalidad del precepto legal del articulo 814, al menguan la legitma de los herederos forzosos se reduciran, a peticion de estos, en lo que
determinar, como efecto de la pretericion, el de que "anularia la institucion de heredero". fueren inoficiosas o excesivas," no es aceptable ni puede variar acquellos resultados,
Cierto es que la preericion esta intorducida, como remedio juridico, por sus efectos, en porque es un precepto de caracter general en toda otra clase de dsiposiciones
nombre y para garantia de la intergridad de la legitima de los herederos forzosos y como testamentarias que produzcan el efecto de menguar la legitima, que no puede anteponerse,
consecuencia del precepto del 813, de que "el testador no podra privar a los herederos de en su aplicacion, a las de indole especial para señalar los efectos de la pretericion o de la
su legitima, sino en los casos expresamente determinados por la ley", que son los de desheredacion, regulados privativa y respectivamente por los articulos 814 y 851.
desheredacion con justa causa.
No obstante la pretericion, "valdran las mandas y legados en cuanto no sean inoficiosas." El
Cierto es, tambien, que en la desheredacion es muy otro el criterio del Codigo y que su texto es terminante y no necesita mayor explicacion, despues de lo dicho, que su propia
formula legal, en cuanto a sus efectos, es de alcance mas limitado, puesto que, conforme al letra, a no ser para observar que constituye una confimacion indudable de los efectos de la
articulo 851, la desheredacion hecha sin condiciones de validez, "anulara la institucion de pretericion, en cuanto alcanzan solo, pero totalmente, a la anulacion de la institucion de
heredero", lo mismo que la pretericion, pero solo "en cuanto perjudique la desheredado de heredero, pero no a la de las mandas y mejoras en cuanto no sean preteridos; calficativo de
modo ilegal e ineficaz; salvedad o limitacion de los efectos de nulidad de la institucion de tales, como sinonimo legal de excessivas, que en otros articulos, como el 817, establece la
los efectos de nulidad de la institucion hecha en el testmento, que no existe, segun se ha ley. (6 Sanchez Roman, Volumen 2.o pags. 1140-1141.)
visto en el 814, por el que se declara, en forma general e indistinta, que anulara la
institucion de heredero sin ninguna atencuacion respecto de que perjudique o no, total o These comments should be read with care if we are to avoid misunderstanding. Manresa, for
parcialmente, la cuantia de la legitima del heredero forzoso en linea recta, preterido. instance, starts expounding the meaning of the law with an illustration. He says that in case of
preterition (article 814). the nullity of the institution of heirs is total, whereas in case of
El resultado de ambos criterios y formulas legales, manifestamente distintas, tiene que ser disinheritance (article 851), the nullity is partial, that is, in so far as the institution affects the
muy diverso. En el caso de la pretericion, propiamente tal o total — pues si fuera parcial y legitime of the disinherited heirs. "Preteridos, adquieren derecho atodo; desheredados, solo les
se la dejara algo al heredero forzoso por cualquier titulo, aunque see algo no fuere corresponde un tercio o dos tercios, segun el caso." He then proceeds to comment upon the wisdom
suficiente al pago de sus derechos de legitima, no seria caso de pretericion, regulado por el of the distinction made by law, giving two views thereon. He first lays the view contrary to the
articulo 814, sino de complemento, regido por el 815 y la institucion no se anularia sino distinction made by law, then the arguments in support of the distinction, and lastly a possible
que se modificaria o disminuiria en lo necesario para dicho complente — o de institucion defense against said arguments. And after stating that the Spanish jurisprudence has not as yet
de heredero en toda la herencia, al anularse la institucion, por efecto de la preterido o decided squarely the question, with an allusion] to two resolutions of the Spanish Administrative
preteridos, respecto de toda la herencia, tambien; mientras qeu en el caso de Direction, one in favor of article 814 and another evasive, he concludes that the construction which
desheredacion y de institucion en la totalidad de la herencia, tambien; mientras que en el may rightly be given to article 814 is that in case of preterition, the institution of heirs is null in
caso de desheredacion y de institucion en la totalidad de la herencia a favor de otra toto whereas in case of disinheritance the nullity is limited to that portion of the legitime of which the
persona, solo se anulara en parte precisa pra no perjudicar la legitima del deshersado, que disinherited heirs have been illegally deprived. He further makes it clear that in cases of preterition,
aun siendo en este caso la lata, si no hubo mejoras, porque no se establecieron o porque los the property bequeathed by universal titled to the instituted heirs should not be merely reduced
intituidos eran herederos voluntarios, dejaria subsistente la institucion en la poarte according to article 817, but instead, intestate succession should be opened in connection therewith
correspoondiente al tercio de libre disposicion. Asi es que los preteridos, en el supuesto under article 814, the reason being that article 814, "como especial en el caso que le motiva, rige con
indicado, suceden abintestato en todo, en concurrencia conlos demas herederos forzosos o preferencia al 817." Sanchez Roman is of the same opinion when he said: "La invocacion del articulo
817 para modificar estos efectos de la pretecion, procurando limitar la anulacion de la institucion de
heredero solo en cuanto perjudque a la legitima, fundandose en que dicho articulo establece que "las general, the general rule is that all "testamentary disposition which diminish the legitime of the
disposiciones testmentarias que menguan la legitima de los herederos forzosos se fueren inoficisosas forced heirs shall be reduced on petition of the same in so far as they are inofficous or excessive"
o excesivas," no es aceptable ni puede variar aquellos resultados, porque es un precepto de caracter (article 817). But this general rule does not apply to the specific instance of a testamentary
general en toda otra clase de disposiciones testmentarias que produzcan el efecto de menguar la disposition containing an institution of heirs in a case of preterition, which is made the main and
legitima, que no puede anteponerse, en su aplicacion, a las de indole especial para señalar los efectos specific subject of article 814. In such instance, according to article 814, the testamentary disposition
de la pretericon o de la desheredacion, regulados privativa y respectivamente por los articulos 814 y containing the institution of heirs should be not only reduced but annulled in its entirety and all the
851. forced heirs, including the omitted ones, are entitled to inherit in accordance with the law of intestate
succession. It is thus evident that, if, in construing article 814, the institution of heirs therein dealt
Of course, the annulment of the institution of heirs in cases of preterition does not always carry with with is to be treated as legacies or betterments, the special object of said article would be destroyed,
it the ineffectiveness of the whole will. Neither Manresa nor Sanchez Roman nor this Court has ever its specific purpose completely defeated, and in that wise the special rule therein established would
said so. If, aside from the institution of heirs, there are in the will provisions leaving to the heirs so be rendered nugatory. And this is contrary to the most elementary rule of statutory construction. In
instituted or to other persons some specific properties in the form of legacies or mejoras, such construing several provisions of a particular statute, such construction shall be adopted as will give
testamentary provisions shall be effective and the legacies and mejoras shall be respected in so far as effect to all, and when general and particular provisions are inconsistent, the latter shall prevail over
they are not inofficious or excessive, according to article 814. In the instant case, however, no the former. (Act No. 190, secs. 287 and 288.)
legacies or mejoras are provided in the will, the whole property of the deceased having been left by
universal title to the children of the second marriage. The effect, therefore, of annulling the The question herein propounded has been squarely decided by the Supreme Court of Spain in a case
institution of heirs will be necessarily the opening of a total intestacy. wherein a bequest by universal title was made with preterition of heirs and the theory was advanced
that the instituted heirs should be treated as legatarios. The Supreme Court of Spain said:
But the theory is advanced that the bequest made by universal titled in favor of the children by the
second marriage should be treated as legado and mejora and, accordingly, it must not be entirely El articulo 814, que preceptua en tales casos de pretericion la nulidad de la institucion de
annulled but merely reduced. This theory, if adopted, will result in a complete abrogation of articles heredero, no consiente interpretacion alguna favorable a la persona instituida en el sentido
814 and 851 of the Civil Code. If every case of institution of heirs may be made to fall into the concept antes expuesto, aun cuando parezca, y en algun caso pudiera ser, mas o menos equitativa,
of legacies and betterments reducing the bequest accordingly, then the provisions of articles 814 and porque una nulidad no significa en Derecho sino la suposicion de que el hecho o el acto no
851 regarding total or partial nullity of the institution, would be absolutely meaningless and will se ha realizado, debiendo, por lo tanto, procederse sobre tal base o supuesto, y
never have any application at all. And the remaining provisions contained in said article concerning consiguientemente, en un testmento donde fate la institucion, es obligado llamar a los
the reduction of inofficious legacies or betterments would be a surplusage because they would be herederos forzosos en todo caso, como habria que llamar a los de otra clase, cuando el
absorbed by article 817. Thus, instead of construing, we would be destroying integral provisions of testador no hubiese distribuido todos sus bienes en legados, siendo tanto mas obligada
the Civil Code. esta consecuencia legal cuanto que, en materia de testamentos, sabido es, segun tiene
declarado la jurisprudencia, con repeticion, que no basta que sea conocida la voluntad de
The destructive effect of the theory thus advanced is due mainly to a failure to distinguish institution quein testa si esta voluntad no aparece en la forma y en las condiciones que la ley ha
of heirs from legacies and betterments, and a general from a special provision. With reference to exigido para que sea valido y eficaz, por lo que constituiria una interpertacion arbitraria,
article 814, which is the only provision material to the disposition of this case, it must be observed dentro del derecho positivo, reputar como legatario a un heredero cuya institucion fuese
that the institution of heirs is therein dealt with as a thing of separate and distinct from legacies or anulada con pretexto de que esto se acomodaba mejor a la voluntad del testador, pues aun
betterment. And they are separate and distinct not only because they are distinctly and separately cuando asi fuese, sera esto razon para modificar la ley, peo que no autoriza a una
treated in said article but because they are in themselves different. Institution of heirs is a bequest by interpretacion contraria a sus terminos y a los principios que informan la
universal title of property that is undetermined. Legacy refers to specific property bequeathed by a testamnetificaion, pues no porque parezca mejor una cosa en el terreno del Derecho
particular or special title. The first is also different from a betterment which should be made constituyente, hay rason para convertir este juico en regla de interpretacion, desvirtuando
expressly as such (article 828). The only instance of implied betterment recognized by law is where y anulando por este procedimiento lo que el legislator quiere establecer. (6 Sanchez
legacies are made which cannot be included in the free portion (article 828). But again an institution Roman, Volumen 2.o, p. 1138.)
of heirs cannot be taken as a legacy.
It is maintained that the word "heredero" under the Civil Code, is not synonymous with the term
It is clear, therefore, that article 814 refers to two different things which are the two different objects "heir" under the Code of Civil Procedure, and that the "heir" under the latter Code is no longer
of its two different provisions. One of these objects cannot be made to merge in the other without personally liable for the debts of the deceased as was the "heredero" under the Civil Code, should his
mutilating the whole article with all its multifarious connections with a great number of provisions acceptance be pure and simple, and from all these the conclusion is drawn that the provisions of
spread throughout the Civil Code on the matter of succession. It should be borne in mind, further, article 814 of the Civil Code regarding the total nullity of the institution of heirs has become obsolete.
that although article 814 contains who different provisions, its special purpose is to establish a This conclusion is erroneous. It confuses form with substance. It must be observed, in this
specific rule concerning a specific testamentary provision, namely, the institution of heirs in a case of connection, that in construing and applying a provision of the Civil Code, such meaning of its words
preterition. Its other provision regarding the validity of legacies and betterments if not inofficious is and phrases as has been intended by the framers thereof shall be adopted. If thus construed it is
a mere reiteration of the general rule contained in other provisions (articles 815 and 817) and inconsistent with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, then it shall be deemed repealed;
signifies merely that it also applies in cases of preterition. As regards testamentary dispositions in otherwise it is in force. Repeals by implication are not favored by the courts and when there are two
acts upon the same subject, effect should be given to both if possible (Posadas vs. National City Bank,
296 U. S., 497). The word "heir" as used in article 814 of the Civil Code may not have the meaning from the facts in the present case. There is certainly a difference between a case of preterition in
that it has under the Code of Civil Procedure, but this in no wise can prevent a bequest from being which the whole property is left to a mere friend and a case of preterition in which the whole
made by universal title as is in substance the subject-matter of article 814 of the Civil Code. Again, it property is left to one or some forced heirs. If the testamentary disposition be annulled totally in the
may also be true that heirs under the Code of Civil Procedure may receive that bequest only after first case, the effect would be a total deprivation of the friend of his share in the inheritance. And this
payment of debts left by the deceased and not before as under the Civil Code, but this may have a is contrary to the manifest intention of the testator. It may fairly be presumed that, under such
bearing only upon the question as to when succession becomes effective and can in no way destroy circumstances, the testator would at leave give his friend the portion of free disposal. In the second
the fact that succession may still be by universal or special title. Since a bequest may still be made by case, the total nullity of the testamentary disposition would have the effect, not of depriving totally
universal title and with preterition of forced heirs, its nullity as provided in article 814 still applies the instituted heir of his share in the inheritance, but of placing him and the other forced heirs upon
there being nothing inconsistent with it in the Code of Civil Procedure. What is important and is the the basis of equality. This is also in consonance with the presumptive intention of the testator.
basis for its nullity is the nature and effect of the bequest and not its possible name nor the moment Preterition, generally speaking, is due merely to mistake or inadvertence without which the testator
of its effectiveness under the Code of Civil Procedure. may be presumed to treat alike all his children.

Furthermore, there were in the Code of Civil Procedure sections Nos. 755 and 756 which read: And specially is this true in the instant case where the testator omitted the children by his first
marriage upon the erroneous belief that he had given them already more shares in his property than
SEC. 755. Share of child born after making will. — When a child of a testator is born after those given to the children by his second marriage. It was, therefore, the thought of the testator that
the making of a will, and no provision is therein made for him, such child shall have the the children by his first marriage should not receive less than the children by his second marriage,
same share in the estate of the testator as if he had died intestate; and share of such child and to that effect is the decision of this Court sought to be reconsidered. Motion for reconsideration
shall be assigned to him as in cases of intestate estates, unless it is apparent from the will is hereby denied.
that it was the intention of the testator that no provision should be made for such child.

SEC. 756. Share of child or issue of child omitted from will. — When a testator omits to
provide in his will for any of his children, or for issue of a deceased child, and it appears
that such omission was made by mistake, or accident, such child, or the issue of such child,
shall have the same share in the estate of the testator as if he had died intestate, to be
assigned to him as in the case of intestate estates.

It is these provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure that have affected substantially articles 814 and
851 of the Civil Code, but they have been expressly repealed by Act No. 2141, section 1 of which read
as follows:

Sections seven hundred and fifty-five, seven hundred and fifty-six, seven hundred and fifty-
seven, seven hundred and fifty-eight, and seven hundred and sixty of Act Numbered One
hundred and ninety, entitled `An Act providing a Code of Procedure in Civil Actions and
Special Proceedings in the Philippine Islands are hereby repealed and such provisions of the
Civil Code as may have been amended or repealed by said sections are hereby restored to full
force and effects. (Emphasis ours.)

Among the provisions of the Civil Code which are thus expressly restored to full force are
undoubtedly articles 814 and 851. There can be no possible doubt, therefore, that those two articles
are in force.

Article 1080 of the Civil Code that is also invoked deserves no consideration except for the
observation that it has no relevancy in the instant case.

Our attention is directed to the case of Escuin vs. Escuin (11 Phil., 332). We have never lost sight of
the ruling laid down in that case which has been reiterated in Eleazar vs. Eleazar (37 Off. Gaz., p.
1782). In the Escuin case, the deceased left all his property to his natural father (not a forced heir)
and his wife with total preterition of his father and wife. Without reconsidering the correctness of the
ruling laid down in these two cases, we will note that the doctrine stands on facts which are different
February 3, 2016 G.R. No. 198994 On September 1, 2003, Morales filed a manifestation in Sp. Proc. Case No. SP-03-0060 and moved to
suspend the intestate proceedings in order to give way to the probate proceedings in Sp. Proc. Case
IRIS MORALES, Petitioner, No. SP-03-0069. The respondent heirs opposed Morales’ motion for suspension and her petition for
On November 27, 2003, the RTC consolidated Sp. Proc. Case No. SP-03-0060 with Sp. Proc. Case
DECISION No. SP-03-0069.

BRION, J.: On January 6, 2004, the respondent heirs moved to dismiss the probate proceedings because
Francisco was preterited from the will.

This is a petition for review on certiorari filed by Iris Morales from the May 27, 2011 decision and
October 12, 2011 resolution of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 102358.1 The CA denied On January 10, 2006, Morales agreed to the holding of an evidentiary hearing to resolve the issue of
Morales' petition for certiorarifrom the Regional Trial Court's (RTC) July 12, 2007 and October 30, preterition. Thus, the RTC ordered the parties to submit their factual allegations to support or negate
2007 orders in SP. Proc. No. 03-0060 and SP. Proc. No. 03-0069.2 the existence of preterition. Only the respondent heirs complied with this order.

Antecedents After several postponements at the instance of Morales, the reception of evidence for the evidentiary
hearing was scheduled on May 29, 2006. However, Morales failed to appear, effectively waiving her
right to present evidence on the issue of preterition.
Alfonso Juan P. Olondriz, Sr. (the decedent) died on June 9, 2003. He was survived by his widow, Ana
Maria Ortigas de Olondriz, and his children: Alfonso Juan O. Olondriz, Jr., Alejandro Marino O.
Olondriz, Isabel Rosa O. Olondriz, Angelo Jose O. Olondriz, and Francisco Javier Maria Bautista On June 23, 2006, the RTC, through Judge Gloria Butay Aglugub, suspended the intestate proceedings
Olondriz. His widow and children are collectively referred to as the respondent heirs. in Sp. Proc. Case No. SP-03-0060 and set the case for probate. The RTC reasoned that probate
proceedings take precedence over intestate proceedings.

Believing that the decedent died intestate, the respondent heirs filed a petition with the Las Piñas
RTC for the partition of the decedent’s estate and the appointment of a special administrator on July The respondent heirs moved for reconsideration of the suspension order but the RTC denied the
4, 2003. The case was raffled to Branch 254 and docketed as Sp. Proc. Case No. SP-03-0060. motion on September 1, 2006. The RTC also summarily revoked the Letters of Administration
previously issued to Alfonso Jr.

On July 11, 2003, the RTC appointed Alfonso Juan O. Olondriz, Jr. as special administrator.
The respondent heirs moved for reconsideration of the summary revocation of the Letters of
Administration. They also moved for the inhibition of Judge Aglugub of Branch 254.
However, on July 28, 2003, Iris Morales filed a separate petition with the RTC alleging that the
decedent left a will dated July 23, 1991. Morales prayed for the probate of the will and for her
appointment as special administratrix. Her petition was also raffled to Branch 254 and docketed On November 16, 2006, the RTC granted the motion for inhibition. The case was transferred
as Sp. Proc. Case No. SP-03-0069. to Branch 253 presided by Judge Salvador V. Timbang, Jr.

The pertinent portions of the decedent’s will reads: On July 12, 2007, the RTC resolved (1) the respondent heirs’ motion for reconsideration of the
revocation of the Letters of Administration and (2) Morales’ motion to be appointed Special
Administratrix of the estate. The RTC noted that while testacy is preferred over intestacy, courts will
1. Upon my death, IRIS MORALES OLONDRIZ shall be the executor hereof and administrator of my not hesitate to set aside probate proceedings if it appears that the probate of the will might become
estate until its distribution in accordance herewith. x x x an idle ceremony because the will is intrinsically void.

2. My entire estate shall be divided into six (6) parts to be distributed equally among and between The RTC observed: (1) that Morales expressly admitted that Francisco Javier Maria Bautista Olondriz
(1) IRIS MORALES OLONDRIZ, my children (2) ALFONSO JUAN OLONDRIZ, JR., (3) ALEJANDRO is an heir of the decedent; (2) that Francisco was clearly omitted from the will; and (3) that based on
OLONDRIZ, (4) ISABEL OLONDRIZ, (5) ANGELO OLONDRIZ, and their mother (6) MARIA ORTEGAS the evidentiary hearings, Francisco was clearly preterited. Thus, the RTC reinstated Alfonso Jr. as
OLONDRIZ, SR.3 administrator of the estate and ordered the case to proceed in intestacy.

Notably, the will omitted Francisco Javier Maria Bautista Olondriz, an illegitimate son of the Morales moved for reconsideration which the RTC denied on October 30, 2007, for lack of merit.
On February 7, 2008, Morales filed a petition for certiorari against the orders of the RTC. Morales annul the institution of heir; but the devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as they are not
alleged that the RTC acted with grave abuse of discretion in proceeding intestate despite the inofficious.
existence of the will. The petition was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 102358.
If the omitted compulsory heirs should die before the testator, the institution shall be effectual,
On May 27, 2011, the CA dismissed Morales’ petition for certiorari. The CA reasoned that while without prejudice to the right of representation. (emphasis supplied)
probate proceedings take precedence over intestate proceedings, the preterition of a compulsory
heir in the direct line annuls the institution of heirs in the will and opens the entire inheritance into Under the Civil Code, the preterition of a compulsory heir in the direct line shall annul the
intestate succession.4 Thus, the continuation of the probate proceedings would be superfluous and institution of heirs, but the devises and legacies shall remain valid insofar as the legitimes are not
impractical because the inheritance will be adjudicated intestate. The CA concluded that the RTC did impaired. Consequently, if a will does not institute any devisees or legatees, the preterition of a
not act with grave abuse of discretion. compulsory heir in the direct line will result in total intestacy. 7

Morales moved for reconsideration which the CA denied on October 12, 2011. Hence, she filed the In the present case, the decedent’s will evidently omitted Francisco Olondriz as an heir, legatee, or
present petition for review on certiorari on December 5, 2011. devisee. As the decedent’s illegitimate son, Francisco is a compulsory heir in the direct line. Unless
Morales could show otherwise, Francisco’s omission from the will leads to the conclusion of his
The Petition preterition.

Morales maintains that the RTC committed grave abuse of discretion when it ordered the case to During the proceedings in the RTC, Morales had the opportunity to present evidence that Francisco
proceed intestate because: (1) the probate of a decedent’s will is mandatory; (2) the RTC Branch 254 received donations inter vivos and advances on his legitime from the decedent. However, Morales did
already ordered the case to proceed into probate; (3) the order setting the case for probate already not appear during the hearing dates, effectively waiving her right to present evidence on the issue.
attained finality; (3) the probate court cannot touch on the intrinsic validity of the will; and (4) there We cannot fault the RTC for reaching the reasonable conclusion that there was preterition.
was no preterition because Francisco received a house and lot inter vivos as an advance on his
legitime. We will not entertain the petitioner’s factual allegation that Francisco was not preterited because
this Court is not a trier of facts.1âwphi1 Furthermore, the CA concurred with the RTC’s conclusion.
The respondent heirs counter: (1) that it is within the RTC’s jurisdiction to reverse or modify an We see no cogent reason to deviate from the factual findings of the lower courts.
interlocutory order setting the case for probate; (2) that the petitioner failed to mention that she did
not appear in any of the evidentiary hearings to disprove their allegation of preterition; (3) that the The remaining question is whether it was proper for the RTC to (1) pass upon the intrinsic validity of
RTC and the CA both found that Francisco was preterited from the will; and (4) that Francisco’s the will during probate proceedings and (2) order the case to proceed intestate because of
preterition annulled the institution of heirs and opened the case into intestacy. They conclude that preterition.
the RTC did not exceed its jurisdiction or act with grave abuse of discretion when it reinstated
Alfonso Jr. as the administrator of the estate and ordered the case to proceed intestate.
The general rule is that in probate proceedings, the scope of the court’s inquiry is limited to
questions on the extrinsic validity of the will; the probate court will only determine the will’s formal
Our Ruling validity and due execution.8However, this rule is not inflexible and absolute. 9 It is not beyond the
probate court’s jurisdiction to pass upon the intrinsic validity of the will when so warranted by
We join the ruling of the CA. exceptional circumstances.10 When practical considerations demand that the intrinsic validity of the
will be passed upon even before it is probated, the probate court should meet the issue. 11
Preterition consists in the omission of a compulsory heir from the will, either because he is not
named or, although he is named as a father, son, etc., he is neither instituted as an heir nor assigned The decedent’s will does not contain specific legacies or devices and Francisco’s preterition annulled
any part of the estate without expressly being disinherited – tacitly depriving the heir of his the institution of heirs.1avvphi1 The annulment effectively caused the total abrogation of the will,
legitime.5 Preterition requires that the omission is total, meaning the heir did not also receive any resulting in total intestacy of the inheritance. 12 The decedent’s will, no matter how valid it may
legacies, devises, or advances on his legitime. 6 appear extrinsically, is null and void. The conduct of separate proceedings to determine the intrinsic
validity of its testamentary provisions would be superfluous. Thus, we cannot attribute error – much
In other words, preterition is the complete and total omission of a compulsory heir from the testator’s less grave abuse of discretion – on the RTC for ordering the case to proceed intestate.
inheritance without the heir’s express disinheritance.
Finally, there is no merit in the petitioner’s argument that the previous order setting the case for
Article 854 of the Civil Code states the legal effects of preterition: probate barred the RTC from ordering the case to proceed intestate. The disputed order is merely
interlocutory and can never become final and executory in the same manner that a final judgment
does.13 An interlocutory order does not result in res judicata.14 It remains under the control of the
Art. 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or all of the compulsory heirs in the direct line, court and can be modified or rescinded at any time before final judgment. 15
whether living at the time of the execution of the will or born after the death of the testator, shall
Certiorari is a limited form of review confined to errors of jurisdiction. An error of jurisdiction is one
where the officer or tribunal acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. 16 As discussed, it is well within the jurisdiction
of the probate court to pass upon the intrinsic validity of the will if probate proceedings might
become an idle ceremony due to the nullity of the will.

On the other hand, grave abuse of discretion is the capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment
equivalent to an evasion of positive duty, or a virtual refusal to act at all in contemplation of the
law.17 It is present when power is exercised in a despotic manner by reason, for instance, of passion
and hostility. Morales failed to show that the R TC acted in such a capricious and despotic manner
that would have warranted the CA's grant of her petition for certiorari. On the contrary, the RTC
acted appropriately in accordance with the law and jurisprudence.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. Costs against the petitioner.

G.R. No. L-41971 November 29, 1983 Appealed to the Court of Appeals by ZONIA, said Court affirmed the judgment in toto (CA-G.R.
No. 49018).
ZONIA ANA T. SOLANO, petitioner,
vs. THE COURT OF APPEALS, BIENVENIDO S. GARCIA, and EMETERIA S. ZONIA seeks a reversal of that affirmance in this petition, which was given due course.
GARCIA, respondents.
At the outset, we should state that we are bound by the findings of fact of both the Trial Court
MELENCIO HERRERA, J. and the Appellate Court, particularly, the finding that the GARCIAS and ZONIA are, in fact,
illegitimate children of the DECEDENT. The oral testimony and the documentary evidence of
A Petition for Review on certiorari of the Decision of the then Court of Appeals affirming the record inevitably point to that conclusion, as may be gleaned from the following background
judgment rendered by the former Court of First Instance of Albay, Branch II, in Civil Case No. facts: SOLANO, a resident of Tabaco, Albay, married Pilar Riosa. The latter died. On a world tour
3956, an action for Recognition. he met a French woman, Lilly Gorand, who became his second wife in 1928. The union was
short-lived as she left him in 1929. In the early part of 1930, SOLANO started having amorous
relations with Juana Garcia, out of which affair was born Bienvenido Garcia on March 24, 1931
On July 7, 1969, Bienvenido Garcia and Emeteria Garcia (GARCIAS), claiming to be illegitimate (Exhibits "A" & "3"); and on November 3, 1935, Emeteria Garcia was born (Exhibits "B " & "2").
children of Dr. Meliton SOLANO, filed an action for recognition against him. In his Answer, Their birth certificates and baptismal certificates mention only the mother's name without the
SOLANO denied paternity. On February 3, 1970, during the pendency of the suit, SOLANO died. father's name. The facts establish, however, that SOLANO during his lifetime recognized the
Petitioner ZONIA Ana Solano was ordered substituted for the DECEDENT as the only surviving GARCIAS as his children by acts of support and provisions for their education.
heir mentioned in his Last Will and Testament probated on March 10, 1969, or prior to his
death, in Special Proceedings No. 842 of the same Court. ZONIA entered her formal appearance
as a "substitute defendant" on March 4, 1970 claiming additionally that she was the sole heir of In 1935, SOLANO started living with Trinidad Tuagnon. Three children were born out of this
her father, SOLANO, and asking that she be allowed to assume her duties as executrix of the relation but only petitioner ZONIA Ana Tuagnon, born on July 26, 1941, is living. In her Birth
probated Will with the least interference from the GARCIAS who were "mere pretenders to be Certificate, her status was listed as "illegitimate"; her mother as Trinidad Tuagnon; her father
illegitimate children of SOLANO". as "P.N.C. " (Exhibit "V"), or "padre no conocido".

On April 6, 1970, the GARCIAS filed their "Reply to ZONIA's Appearance and Supplemental During the Japanese occupation, SOLANO obtained a divorce from Lilly Gorand on November
Cause of Action" impugning the recognition of ZONIA as an acknowledged natural child with 29, 1943 (Exhibits "R-1" and "S-1"). On December 22, 1943, SOLANO and Trinidad Tuagnon
the prayer that she be declared instead, like them, as an adulterous child of the DECEDENT. executed an "Escritura de Reconocimiento de Unit Hija Natural" (Exhibit "Q"; "7"),
ZONIA did not file any responsive pleading and the case proceeded to trial. The GARCIAS acknowledging ZONIA as a "natural child" and giving her the right to use the name ZONIA Ana
further moved for the impleading of the SOLANO estate in addition to ZONIA, which was Solano y Tuagnon. The document was registered with the Local Civil Registrar on the same
opposed by the latter, but which the Trial Court granted in its Order dated April 15, 1970. 1 date.

In the hearing of May 13, 1970, the Trial Court specified the legal issues to be treated in the On January 18, 1969, SOLANO executed his "Ultima Voluntad y Testamento" (Exhibit "11"),
parties' respective Memoranda as: 1) the question of recognition of the GARCIAS; 2) the correct instituting ZONIA as his universal heir to all his personal and real properties in Camalig, Tabaco
status of ZONIA, and 3) the hereditary share of each of them in view of the probated Will. 2 and Malinao, all in the province of Albay, except for five parcels of land in Bantayan, Tabaco,
Albay, which were given to Trinidad Tuagnon in usufruct Upon SOLANO's petition (Exhibit
"10"), the Will was duly probated on March 10, 1969 in Special Proceedings No. 842 of the
On July 14, 1970, the Trial Court, presided by Judge Ezequiel S. Grageda, rendered judgment the Court of First Instance of Albay, Branch II, in a Decision also rendered by Judge Ezequiel S.
dispositive portion of which decrees: têñ.£îhqw⣠Grageda (Exhibit "12").

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered declaring the plaintiffs As above stated, these facts are not in question.
Bienvenido S. Garcia and Emeteria S. Garcia and the defendant Sonia Ana
Tuagnon as the illegitimate children of the late Dr. Meliton Solano under the
class of ADULTEROUS CHILDREN, with all the rights granted them by law. Petitioner maintains, however, that: têñ.£îhqwâ£
The institution of Sonia Ana Solano as sole and universal heir of the said
deceased in the will is hereby declared null and void and the three (3) I
children shall share equally the estate or one- third (1/3) each, without
prejudice to the legacy given to Trinidad Tuagnon and the right of any The Court of Appeals, as well as the trial Court, acted without jurisdiction or
creditors of the estate. No pronouncement as to costs. in excess of jurisdiction in declaring substitute defendant Zonia Ana Solano,
now petitioner, an illegitimate child of the late Dr. Meliton Solano in an During the trial, the GARCIAS presented evidence to prove their allegations not only in their
action where private respondents, as plaintiffs in the Court below, sought main complaint but also in their "Reply to Appearance and Supplemental Cause of Action".
recognition as natural children of Dr. Meliton Solano. ZONIA presented no objection to the presentation by the GARCIAS of their oral and
documentary evidence and even cross-examined their witnesses. ZONIA, for her part,
II presented her own testimonial and documentary evidence, denied the relationship of the
GARCIAS' to SOLANO and presented the notarial recognition in her favor as an acknowledged
natural child by SOLANO and Trinidad Tuagnon (Exhibit "Q"). Thus, as raised by the parties in
The Court of Appeals, as well as the trial Court, acted without jurisdiction or their own pleadings and pursuant to their respective evidence during the trial, the litigation
in excess of jurisdiction in ordering the division of the estate of Dr. Meliton was converted into a contest between the GARCIAS and ZONIA precisely as to their correct
Solano between the petitioner and private respondents, when said estate is status as heirs and their respective rights as such. No error was committed by either the Trial
under the jurisdiction and control of the probate Court in Special Court or the Appellate Court, therefore, in resolving the issue of ZONIA's status.
Proceedings No. 842.
ZONIA additionally assails the jurisdiction of the Trial Court in declaring null and void the
III institution of heir in SOLANO's will; in concluding that total intestacy resulted therefrom; and
distributing the shares of the parties in SOLANO's estate when said estate was under the
The Court of Appeals, as well as the trial Court, acted without jurisdiction or jurisdiction and control of the Probate Court in Special Proceedings No. 842.
in excess of jurisdiction in declaring nun and void the institution of heir in
the last will and testament of Dr. Meliton Solano, which was duly probated in Normally, this would be the general rule. However, a peculiar situation is thrust upon us here. It
special proceedings No. 842 of the Court of First Instance of Albay, and in should be recalled that SOLANO himself instituted the petition for probate of the Will during his
concluding that total intestacy resulted there from. 3 lifetime. That proceeding was not one to settle the estate of a deceased person that would be
deemed terminated only upon the final distribution of the residue of the hereditary estate. With
Directly challenged is the jurisdiction of the lower Court, in an action for recognition: 1) to the Will allowed to probate, the case would have terminated except that it appears that the
declare ZONIA as an illegitimate child of SOLANO; 2) to order the division of the estate in the parties, after SOLANO's death, continued to file pleadings therein. Secondly, upon motion of the
same action despite the pendency of Special Proceedings No. 842; and 3) to declare null and GARCIAS, and over the objection of ZONIA, the Trial Court ordered the impleading of the estate
void the institution of heir in the Last Win and Testament of SOLANO, which was duly probated of SOLANO and proceeded on that basis. In effect, therefore, the two cases were consolidated.
in the same Special Proceedings No. 842, and concluding that total intestacy resulted. The records further disclose that the action for recognition (Civil Case No. 3956) and Spec.
Procs. No. 842 were pending before the same Branch of the Court and before the same
It is true that the action below was basically one for recognition. However, upon notice of presiding Judge. Thirdly, it is settled that the allowance of a Will is conclusive only as to its due
SOLANO's death, the Trial Court ordered his substitution by ZONIA, "the only surviving heir ... execution.5 A probate decree is not concerned with the intrinsic validity or legality of the
as of as of now" 4 In her "Appearance of Substitute Defendant Zonia Ana T. Solano ... Sole and provisions of the Will. 6
Universal Heir", ZONIA specifically prayed that she be 6 allowed to assume her duties as
executrix and administratrix of the probated will and testament of the late Dr. Meliton Solano, Thus, the Trial Court and the Appellate Court had jurisdiction to conclude that, upon the facts,
under Special Proceedings No. 842, which is already final and executory, with least interference the GARCIAS and ZONIA were in the same category as illegitimate children; that ZONIA's
from the plaintiffs (GARCIAS) who may be classified for the moment as only pretenders to be acknowledgment as a "natural child" in a notarial document executed by SOLANO and Trinidad
illegitimate children". In other words, ZONIA did not only rely upon SOLANO's Answer already Tuagnon on December 22, 1943 was erroneous because at the time of her birth in 1941,
of record but asserted new rights in her capacity as sole and universal heir, "executrix and SOLANO was still married to Lilly Gorand, his divorce having been obtained only in 1943, and,
administratrix, "and challenged the right of the GARCIAS to recognition. Thus, she was not therefore, did not have the legal capacity to contract marriage at the time of ZONIA's
defending the case as a mere representative of the deceased but asserted rights and defenses in conception, 7 that being compulsory heirs, the GARCIAS were, in fact, pretended from SOLANO's
her own personal capacity. So it was that the GARCIAS filed a "Reply to Appearance of ZONIA ... Last' Will and Testament; and that as a result of said preterition, the institution of ZONIA as sole
and Supplemental Cause of Action ... "vigorously denying that ZONIA was SOLANO's sole and heir by SOLANO is null and void pursuant to Article 854 of the Civil Code. têñ.£îhqwâ£
universal heir; that ZONIA could not legally be considered as SOLANO's acknowledged natural
child because of a legal impediment; that the admission to probate of SOLANO's Will was The preterition or omission of one, some, or all of the compulsory heirs in
merely conclusive as to its due execution; that the supposed recognition under a notarial the direct line, whether living at the time of the execution of the will or born
instrument of ZONIA as an acknowledged natural child was fraudulent and a product of after the death of the testator, shall annul the institution of heir; but the
misrepresentation; that ZONIA's recognition in the Will as an acknowledged natural child is devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as they are not inofficious. ... 8
subject to nullification and that at most ZONIA is, like them, an adulterous child of SOLANO with
Trinidad Tuagnon.
As provided in the foregoing provision, the disposition in the Will giving the usufruct in favor of A party cannot invoke the jurisdiction of a court to secure affirmative relief
Trinidad Tuagnon over the five parcels of land in Bantayan, Tabaco, Albay, is a legacy, against his opponent and after failing to obtain such relief, repudiate or
recognized in Article 563 of the Civil Code, 9and should be respected in so far as it is not question the same jurisdiction. The question whether the court has
inofficious. 10 jurisdiction either of the subject matter of the action or of the parties is not
because the judgment or order of the court is valid and conclusive as an
So also did the Trial Court have jurisdiction in resolving the issue of the hereditary shares of the adjudication but for the reason that such practice cannot be tolerated
GARCIAS and ZONIA. However, contrary to the conclusions of the Courts below, holding that obviously for reasons of public policy. After voluntarily submitting a cause
the entire Will is void and intestacy ensues, the pretention of the GARCIAS should annul the and encountering an adverse decision on the merits, it is too late for the
institution of ZONIA as heir only insofar as the legitime of the omitted heirs is impaired. The loser to question the jurisdiction or power of the court.
Will, therefore, is valid subject to that limitation. 11 It is a plain that the intention of the testator
was to favor ZONIA with certain portions of his property, which, under the law, he had a right WHEREFORE, the judgment under review is hereby modified in that the hereditary share in the
to dispose of by Will, so that the disposition in her favor should be upheld as to the one-half estate of the decedent of petitioner Zonia Ana T. Solano is hereby declared to be (1/2 + (1/3 of
(1/2) portion of the property that the testator could freely dispose of. 12 Since the legitime of 1/2) or 4/6 of said estate, while that of private respondents, Bienvenido S. Garcia and Emeteria
illegitimate children consists of one half (1/2) of the hereditary estate, 13 the GARCIAS and S. Garcia, shall each be (1/3 of 1/2) or (1/6) of the estate. The usufruct in favor of Trinidad
ZONIA each have a right to participation therein in the proportion of one-third (1/3) each. Tuagnon shall be respected. The judgment is affirmed in all other respects. No costs.
ZONIA's hereditary share will, therefore, be 1/2 + (1/3 of 1/2) or 4/6 of the estate, while the
GARCIAS will respectively be entitled to 1/3 of 1/2 or 1/6 of the value of the estate. SO ORDERED.1äwphï1.ñët

As heretofore stated, the usufruct in favor of Trinidad Tuagnon over the properties indicated in
the Will is valid and should be respected.

The case of Nuguid vs. Nuguid, et al., 14 reiterating the ruling in Neri, et al. vs. Akutin, et
al., 15 which held that where the institution of a universal heir is null and void due to pretention,
the Will is a complete nullity and intestate succession ensues, is not applicable herein because
in the Nuguid case, only a one-sentence Will was involved with no other provision except the
institution of the sole and universal heir; there was no specification of individual property;
there were no specific legacies or bequests. It was upon that factual setting that this Court
declared: têñ.£îhqwâ£

The disputed order, we observe, declares the will in question 'a complete
nullity. Article 854 of the Civil Code in turn merely nullifies 'the institution of
heir'. Considering, however, that the will before us solely provides for the
institution of petitioner as universal heir, and nothing more, the result is the
same. The entire will is null." (at p. 459)

In contrast, in the case at bar, there is a specific bequest or legacy so that Article 854 of the Civil
Code, supra, applies merely annulling the "institution of heir".

Lastly, it should be pointed out that the jurisdiction of the Trial Court and the Appellate Court
was never questioned before either Court. ZONIA herself had gone, without objection, to trial
on the issues raised and as defined by the Trial Court. Neither had ZONIA assigned lack of
jurisdiction of the Trial Court as an error before the Appellate Court. She should now be held
estopped to repudiate that jurisdiction to which she had voluntarily submitted, after she had
received an unfavorable judgment, The leading case of Tijam vs. Sibonghanoy, 16 on this point,
declared: têñ.£îhqwâ£
G.R. No. L-24365 June 30, 1966 4. I further declare that I now have no living ascendants, and no descendants except
ADOLFO C. AZNAR, executor and appellee,
vs. MARIA LUCY CHRISTENSEN DUNCAN, oppositor and appellant.
MARIA HELEN CHRISTENSEN, oppositor and appellee.. xxx xxx xxx
7. I give, devise, and bequeath unto MARIA HELEN CHRISTENSEN, now married to
Edward E. Christensen, a citizen of California with domicile in the Philippines, died leaving a Eduardo Garcia, about eighteen years of age and who, notwithstanding the fact that
will executed on March 5, 1951. The will was admitted to probate by the Court of First Instance she was baptized Christensen, is not in any way related to me, nor has she been at any
of Davao in its decision of February 28, 1954. In that same decision the court declared that time adopted by me, and who, from all information I have now resides in Egpit, Digos,
Maria Helen Christensen Garcia (hereinafter referred to as Helen Garcia) was a natural child of Davao, Philippines, the sum of THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED PESOS (P3,600.00),
the deceased. The declaration was appealed to this Court, and was affirmed in its decision of Philippine Currency, the same to be deposited in trust for the said Maria Helen
February 14, 1958 (G.R. No. L-11484). Christensen with the Davao Branch of the Philippine National Bank, and paid to her at
the rate of One Hundred Pesos (P100.00), Philippine Currency per month until the
In another incident relative to the partition of the deceased's estate, the trial court approved principal thereof as well as any interest which may have accrued thereon, is
the project submitted by the executor in accordance with the provisions of the will, which said exhausted.
court found to be valid under the law of California. Helen Garcia appealed from the order of
approval, and this Court, on January 31, 1963, reversed the same on the ground that the validity xxx xxx xxx
of the provisions of the will should be governed by Philippine law, and returned the case to the
lower court with instructions that the partition be made as provided by said law (G.R. No. L- 12. I hereby give, devise and bequeath, unto my well-beloved daughter, the said
16749). MARIA LUCY CHRISTENSEN DANEY (Mrs. Bernard Daney) now residing, as aforesaid,
at No. 665 Rodger Young Village, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., all the income from
On October 29, 1964, the Court of First Instance of Davao issued an order approving the project the rest, remainder, and residue of my property and estate, real, personal and/or
of partition submitted by the executor, dated June 30, 1964, wherein the properties of the mixed, of whatsoever kind or character, and wheresoever situated, of which I may be
estate were divided equally between Maria Lucy Christensen Duncan (named in the will as possessed at my death and which may have come to me from any source whatsoever,
Maria Lucy Christensen Daney, and hereinafter referred to as merely Lucy Duncan), whom the during her lifetime; Provided, however, that should the said MARIA LUCY
testator had expressly recognized in his will as his daughter (natural) and Helen Garcia, who CHRISTENSEN DANEY at anytime prior to her decease having living issue, then and in
had been judicially declared as such after his death. The said order was based on the that event, the life interest herein given shall terminate, and if so terminated, then I
proposition that since Helen Garcia had been preterited in the will the institution of Lucy give, devise, and bequeath to my daughter, the said MARIA LUCY CHRISTENSEN
Duncan as heir was annulled, and hence the properties passed to both of them as if the DANEY the rest, remainder and residue of my property with the same force and effect
deceased had died intestate, saving only the legacies left in favor of certain other persons, as if I had originally so given, devised and bequeathed it to her; and provided, further,
which legacies have been duly approved by the lower court and distributed to the legatees. that should the said MARIA LUCY CHRISTENSEN DANEY die without living issue, then,
and in that event, I give, devise and bequeath all the rest, remainder and residue of my
The case is once more before us on appeal, this time by Lucy Duncan, on the sole question of property one-half (1/2) to my well-beloved sister, Mrs. CARRIE LOUISE C. BORTON,
whether the estate, after deducting the legacies, should pertain to her and to Helen Garcia in now residing at No. 2124, Twentieth Street, Bakersfield, California, U.S.A., and one-half
equal shares, or whether the inheritance of Lucy Duncan as instituted heir should be merely (1/2) to the children of my deceased brother, JOSEPH C. CHRISTENSEN, namely: Mrs.
reduced to the extent necessary to cover the legitime of Helen Garcia, equivalent to 1/4 of the Carol F. Ruggaver, of Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., and Joseph Raymond Christensen,
entire estate. of Manhattan Beach, California, U.S.A., share and share alike, the share of any of the
three above named who may predecease me, to go in equal parts to the descendants
of the deceased; and, provided further, that should my sister Mrs. Carol Louise C.
The will of Edward E. Christensen contains, among others, the following clauses which are Borton die before my own decease, then, and in that event, the share of my estate
pertinent to the issue in this case: devised to her herein I give, devise and bequeath to her children, Elizabeth Borton de
Treviño, of Mexico City Mexico; Barbara Borton Philips, of Bakersfield, California,
3. I declare ... that I have but ONE (1) child, named MARIA LUCY CHRISTENSEN (Now U.S.A., and Richard Borton, of Bakersfield, California, U.S.A., or to the heirs of any of
Mrs. Bernard Daney), who was born in the Philippines about twenty-eight years ago, them who may die before my own decease, share and share alike.
who is now residing at No. 665 Rodger Young Village, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
The trial court ruled, and appellee now maintains, that there has been preterition of Helen de bienes menos que la legitima o igual a la misma. Tal sentido, que es el mas proprio
Garcia, a compulsory heir in the direct line, resulting in the annulment of the institution of heir en al articulo 815, no pugna tampoco con la doctrina de la ley. Cuando en el testamento
pursuant to Article 854 of the Civil Code, which provides: se deja algo al heredero forzoso, la pretericion es incompleta: es mas formularia que
real. Cuando en el testamento nada se deja el legitimario, hay verdadera pretericion. (6
ART. 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or all of the compulsory heirs in Manresa, 7th Ed., 1951, p. 437.)
the direct line, whether living at the time of the execution of the will or born after the
death of the testator, shall annul the institution of heir; but the devises and legacies On the difference between preterition of a compulsory heir and the right to ask for completion
shall be valid insofar as they are not inofficious. of his legitime, Sanchez Roman says:

On the other hand, appellant contends that this is not a case of preterition, but is governed by La desheredacion, como expresa, es siempre voluntaria; la pretericion puede serlo
Article 906 of the Civil Code, which says: "Any compulsory heir to whom the testator has left by pero se presume involuntaria la omision en que consiste en cuanto olvida o no atiende
any title less than the legitime belonging to him may demand that the same be fully satisfied." el testador en su testamento a la satisfaccion del derecho a la legitima del heredero
Appellant also suggests that considering the provisions of the will whereby the testator forzoso preterido, prescindiendo absoluta y totalmente de el y no mencionandole en
expressly denied his relationship with Helen Garcia, but left to her a legacy nevertheless ninguna de sus disposiciones testamentarias, o no instituyendole en parte alguna de la
although less than the amount of her legitime, she was in effect defectively disinherited within herencia, ni por titulo de heredero ni por el de legatar o aunque le mencionara o
the meaning of Article 918, which reads: nombrara sin dejarle mas o menos bienes. Si le dejara algunos, por pocos que sean e
insuficientes para cubrir su legitima, ya no seria caso de pretericion, sino de
ART. 918. Disinheritance without a specification of the cause, or for a cause the truth complemento de aquella. El primer supuesto o de pretericion se regula por el articulo
of which, if contradicted, is not proved, or which is not one of those set forth in this 814, y produce accion de nulidad de la institucion de heredero; y el segundo, o de
Code, shall annul the institution of heirs insofar as it may prejudice the person complemento de legitima por el 815 y solo original la accion ad suplementum, para
disinherited; but the devices and legacies and other testamentary dispositions shall be completar la legitima. (Sanchez Roman, Tomo VI, Vol. 2, p. 1131.)
valid to such extent as will not impair the legitimate.
Manresa defines preterition as the omission of the heir in the will, either by not naming him at
Thus, according to appellant, under both Article 906 and 918, Helen Garcia is entitled only to all or, while mentioning him as father, son, etc., by not instituting him as heir without
her legitime, and not to a share of the estate equal that of Lucy Duncan as if the succession were disinheriting him expressly, nor assigning to him some part of the properties. Manresa
intestate. continues:

Article 854 is a reproduction of Article 814 of the Spanish Civil Code; and Article 906 of Article Se necesita pues (a) Que la omision se refiera a un heredero forzoso; (b) Que la
815. Commenting on Article 815, Manresa explains: omision sea completa; que el heredero forzoso nada reciba en el
Como dice Goyena, en el caso de pretericion puede presumirse ignorancia o falta de
memoria en el testador; en el de dejar algo al heredero forzoso no. Este no se xxx xxx xxx
encuentra plivado totalmente de su legitima: ha recibido por cualquir titulo una porcion
de los bienes hereditarios, porcion que no alcanza a completar la legitima, pero que B. Que la omision sea completa — Esta condicion se deduce del mismo Articulo 814 y
influeye poderosamente en el animo del legislador para decidirle a adoptar una resulta con evidencia al relacionar este articulo con el 815. El heredero forzoso a
solucion bien diferente de la señalada para el caso de pretericion. quien el testador deja algo por cualquier titulo en su testamento, no se halla
propiamente omitido pues se le nombra y se le reconoce participacion en los bienes
El testador no ha olvidado por completo al heredero forzoso; le ha dejado bienes; pero hereditarios. Podria discutirse en el Articulo 814 si era o no necesario que se
haciendo un calculo equivocado, ha repartido en favor de extraños o en favor de otros reconociese el derecho del heredero como tal heredero, pero el articulo 815
legitimarios por via de legado donacion o mejora mayor cantidad de la que la ley de desvanece esta duda. Aquel se ocupa de privacion completa o total, tacita este, de la
consentia disponer. El heredero forzoso no puede perder su legitima, pero tampoco privacion parcial. Los efectos deben ser y son, como veremos completamente distintos
puede pedir mas que la misma. De aqui su derecho a reclamar solamente lo que le (6 Manresa, p. 428.)
falta; al complemento de la porcion que forzosamente la corresponde.
La privacion de la legitima puede ser total o parcial.
... Dejar el testador por cualquier titulo, equivale a disponer en testamento por titulo
de herencia legado o mejora, y en favor de legitimarios, de alguna cantidad o porcion
Privar totalmente de la legitima es negarla en absoluto al legitimario, despojarle de El Articulo 851 se aparta de este criterio estricto y se ajusta a la unica necesidad que
ella por completo. A este caso se refiere el articulo 814. Privar parcialmente de la le inspira cual es la de que se complete la legitima del heredero forzoso, a quien por
legitima, es menguarla o reducirla dejar al legitimario una porcion, menor que la que cualquier titulo se haya dejado menos de lo que le corresponda, y se le otorga tan solo
le corresponde. A este caso se refiere el articulo 815. El 813 sienta, pues, una regla el derecho de pedir el complemento de la misma sin necesidad de que se anulen las
general, y las consecuencias del que brantamiento de esta regla se determina en los disposiciones testamentarias, que se reduciran en lo que sean inoficiosas conforme al
articulos 814 y 815. (6 Manresa p. 418.) articulo 817, cuya interpretacion y sentido tienen ya en su apoyo la sancion de la
jurisprudencia (3); siendo condicion precisa que lo que se hubiere dejado de menos de
Again Sanchez Roman: la legitima al heredero forzoso, lo haya sido en el testamento, o sea por disposicion del
testador, segun lo revela el texto del articulo, "el heredero forzoso a quien el
testador haya dejado, etc., esto es por titulo de legado o donacion mortis causa en el
QUE LA OMISSION SEA TOTAL. — Aunque el articulo 814 no consigna de modo testamento y, no fuera de al. (Sanchez Roman, Tomo VI, Vol. 2.0 — p. 937.)
expreso esta circunstancia de que la pretericion o falta de mencion e institucion o
disposicion testamentaria a su favor, sea total, completa y absoluta, asi se deduce de
no hacer distincion o salvedad alguna empleandola en terminos generales; pero sirve Manresa cites particularly three decisions of the Supreme Court of Spain dated January 16,
a confirmarlo de un modo indudable el siguiente articulo 815, al decir que el heredero 1895, May 25, 1917, and April 23, 1932, respectively. In each one of those cases the testator left
forzoso a quien el testador haya dejado por cualquier titulo, menos de la legitima que to one who was a forced heir a legacy worth less than the legitime, but without referring to the
la corresponda, podria pedir el complemento de la misma, lo cual ya no son el caso ni legatee as an heir or even as a relative, and willed the rest of the estate to other persons. It was
los efectos de la pretericion, que anula la institucion, sino simplemente los del held that Article 815 applied, and the heir could not ask that the institution of heirs be annulled
suplemento necesario para cubrir su legitima. (Sanchez Roman — Tomo VI, Vol. 2.0 p. entirely, but only that the legitime be completed. (6 Manresa, pp. 438, 441.)
The foregoing solution is indeed more in consonance with the expressed wishes of the testator
The question may be posed: In order that the right of a forced heir may be limited only to the in the present case as may be gathered very clearly from the provisions of his will. He refused
completion of his legitime (instead of the annulment of the institution of heirs) is it necessary to acknowledge Helen Garcia as his natural daughter, and limited her share to a legacy of
that what has been left to him in the will "by any title," as by legacy, be granted to him in his P3,600.00. The fact that she was subsequently declared judicially to possess such status is no
capacity as heir, that is, a titulo de heredero? In other words, should he be recognized or reason to assume that had the judicial declaration come during his lifetime his subjective
referred to in the will as heir? This question is pertinent because in the will of the deceased attitude towards her would have undergone any change and that he would have willed his
Edward E. Christensen Helen Garcia is not mentioned as an heir — indeed her status as such is estate equally to her and to Lucy Duncan, who alone was expressly recognized by him.
denied — but is given a legacy of P3,600.00.
The decision of this Court in Neri, et al. v. Akutin, 74 Phil. 185, is cited by appellees in support of
While the classical view, pursuant to the Roman law, gave an affirmative answer to the their theory of preterition. That decision is not here applicable, because it referred to a will
question, according to both Manresa (6 Manresa 7th 3rd. 436) and Sanchez Roman (Tomo VI, where "the testator left all his property by universal title to the children by his second
Vol. 2.0 — p. 937), that view was changed by Article 645 of the "Proyecto de Codigo de 1851," marriage, and (that) without expressly disinheriting the children by his first marriage, he left
later on copied in Article 906 of our own Code. Sanchez Roman, in the citation given above, nothing to them or, at least, some of them." In the case at bar the testator did not entirely omit
comments as follows: oppositor-appellee Helen Garcia, but left her a legacy of P3,600.00.

RESPECTO DEL COMPLEMENTO DE LA LEGITIMA. — Se inspira el Codigo en esta The estate of the deceased Christensen upon his death consisted of 399 shares of stocks in the
materia en la doctrina clasica del Derecho romano y patrio (2); pero con alguna Christensen Plantation Company and a certain amount in cash. One-fourth (1/4) of said estate
racional modificacion. Concedian aquellos precedentes legales al heredero forzoso, a descended to Helen Garcia as her legitime. Since she became the owner of her share as of the
quien no se le dejaba por titulo de tal el completo de su legitima, la accion para moment of the death of the decedent (Arts. 774, 777, Civil Code), she is entitled to a
invalidar la institucion hecha en el testamento y reclamar y obtener aquella mediante corresponding portion of all the fruits or increments thereof subsequently accruing. These
el ejercicio de la querella de inoficioso, y aun cuando resultara favorecido como include the stock dividends on the corporate holdings. The contention of Lucy Duncan that all
donotario, por otro titulo que no fuera el de heredero, sino al honor de que se le such dividends pertain to her according to the terms of the will cannot be sustained, for it
privaba no dandole este caracter, y solo cuando era instituido heredero en parte o would in effect impair the right of ownership of Helen Garcia with respect to her legitime.
cantidad inferior a lo que le correspondiera por legitima, era cuando bastaba el ejercicio
de la accion ad suplementum para completarla, sin necesidad de anular las otras One point deserves to be here mentioned, although no reference to it has been made in the brief
instituciones de heredero o demas disposiciones contenidas en el testamento. for oppositor-appellant. It is the institution of substitute heirs to the estate bequeathed to Lucy
Duncan in the event she should die without living issue. This substitution results in effect from
the fact that under paragraph 12 of the will she is entitled only to the income from said estate,
unless prior to her decease she should have living issue, in which event she would inherit in full
ownership; otherwise the property will go to the other relatives of the testator named in the
will. Without deciding this, point, since it is not one of the issues raised before us, we might call
attention to the limitations imposed by law upon this kind of substitution, particularly that
which says that it can never burden the legitime (Art. 864 Civil Code), which means that the
legitime must descend to the heir concerned in fee simple.

Wherefore, the order of the trial court dated October 29, 1964, approving the project of
partition as submitted by the executor-appellee, is hereby set aside; and the case is remanded
with instructions to partition the hereditary estate anew as indicated in this decision, that is, by
giving to oppositor-appellee Maria Helen Christensen Garcia no more than the portion
corresponding to her as legitime, equivalent to one-fourth (1/4) of the hereditary estate, after
deducting all debts and charges, which shall not include those imposed in the will of the
decedent, in accordance with Article 908 of the Civil Code. Costs against appellees in this
G.R. No. L-17818 January 25, 1967 decedent Maria Gerardo by her husband Bibiano Barretto. This ruling was appealed to the
Supreme Court, which affirmed the same.1
TIRSO T. REYES, as guardian of the minors Azucena Flordelis and Tirso, Jr., all surnamed
Reyes y Barretto,plaintiffs-appellants, Having thus lost this fight for a share in the estate of Maria Gerardo, as a legitimate heir of
vs. LUCIA MILAGROS BARRETTO-DATU, defendant-appellee. Maria Gerardo, plaintiff now falls back upon the remnant of the estate of the deceased Bibiano
Barretto, which was given in usufruct to his widow Maria Gerardo. Hence, this action for the
REYES, J.B.L., J.: recovery of one-half portion, thereof.

Direct appeal from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan, in its Civil Case No. This action afforded the defendant an opportunity to set up her right of ownership, not only of
1084, dismissing the complaint of appellant Tirso T. Reyes and ordering the same to deliver to the fishpond under litigation, but of all the other properties willed and delivered to Salud
the defendant-appellee, Lucia Milagros Barretto-Datu, the properties receivea by his deceasea Barretto, for being a spurious heir, and not entitled to any share in the estate of Bibiano
wife under the terms of the will of the late Bibiano Barretto, consisting of lots in Manila, Rizal, Barretto, thereby directly attacking the validity, not only of the project of partition, but of the
Pampanga and Bulacan, valued at more than P200,000. decision of the court based thereon as well.

The decision appealed from sets the antecedents of the case to be as follows: The defendant contends that the Project of Partition from which Salud acquired the fishpond in
question is void ab initio and Salud Barretto did not acquire any valid title thereto, and that the
court did not acquire any jurisdiction of the person of the defendant, who was then a minor.'
"This is an action to recover one-half share in the fishpond, located in the barrio of San
Roque, Hagonoy, Bulacan, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-13734 of the
Land Records of this Province, being the share of plaintiff's wards as minor heirs of Finding for the defendant (now appellee), Milagros Barretto, the lower court declared the
the deceased Salud Barretto, widow of plaintiff Tirso Reyes, guardian of said minors." project of partition submitted in the proceedings for the settlement of the estate of Bibiano
Barretto (Civil Case No. 49629 of the Court of First Instance of Manila) to be null and void ab
initio (not merely voidable) because the distributee, Salud Barretto, predecessor of plaintiffs
It appears that Bibiano Barretto was married to Maria Gerardo. During their lifetime they (now appellants), was not a daughter of the spouses Bibiano Barretto and Maria Gerardo. The
acquired a vast estate, consisting of real properties in Manila, Pampanga, and Bulacan, covered nullity of the project of partition was decreed on the basis of Article 1081 of the Civil Code of
by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 41423, 22443, 8858, 32989, 31046, 27285, 6277, 6500, 1889 (then in force) providing as follows: .
2057, 6501, 2991, 57403 and 12507/T-337.
A partition in which a person was believed to be an heir, without being so, has been
When Bibiano Barretto died on February 18, 1936, in the City of Manila, he left his share of included, shall be null and void.
these properties in a will Salud Barretto, mother of plaintiff's wards, and Lucia Milagros
Barretto and a small portion as legacies to his two sisters Rosa Barretto and Felisa Barretto and
his nephew anä nieces® The usufruct oæ the fishponä situateä iî barrio Saî Roque¬ Hagonoy, The court a quo further rejected the contention advanced by plaintiffs that since Bibiano
Bulacan, above-mentioned, however, was reserved for his widow, Maria Gerardo® Iî the Barretto was free to dispose of one-third (1/3) of his estate under the old Civil Code, his will
meantime¬ Maria Gerardo was appointeä administratrix. By virtue thereof, she prepared a was valid in favor of Salud Barretto (nee Lim Boco) to the extent, at least, of such free part. And
project of partition, which was signed by her in her own behalf and as guardian of the minor it concluded that, as defendant Milagros was the only true heir of Bibiano Barretto, she was
Milagros Barretto. Said project of partition was approved by the Court of First Instance of entitled to recover from Salud, and from the latter's children and successors, all the Properties
Manila on November 22, 1939. The distribution of the estate and the delivery of the shares of received by her from Bibiano's estate, in view of the provisions of Article 1456 of the new Civil
the heirs followed forthwith. As a consequence, Salud Barretto took immediate possession of Code of the Philippines establishing that property acquired by fraud or mistake is held by its
her share and secured the cancellation of the original certificates of title and the issuance of acquirer in implied trust for the real owner. Hence, as stated at the beginning of this opinion,
new titles in her own name. the Court a quo not only dismissed the plaintiffs' complaint but ordered them to return the
properties received under the project of partition previously mentioned as prayed for in
defendant Milagros Barretto's counterclaim. However, it denied defendant's prayer for
Everything went well since then. Nobody was heard to complain of any irregularity in the damages. Hence, this appeal interposed by both plaintiffs and defendant.
distribution of the said estate until the widow, Maria Gerardo died on March 5, 1948. Upon her
death, it was discovered that she had executed two wills, in the first of which, she instituted
Salud and Milagros, both surnamed Barretto, as her heirs; and, in the second, she revoked the Plaintiffs-appellants correctly point out that Article 1081 of the old Civil Code has been
same and left all her properties in favor of Milagros Barretto alone. Thus, the later will was misapplied to the present case by the court below. The reason is obvious: Salud Barretto
allowed and the first rejected. In rejecting the first will presented by Tirso Reyes, as guardian of admittedly had been instituted heir in the late Bibiano Barretto's last will and testament
the children of Salud Barretto, the lower court held that Salud was not the daughter of the together with defendant Milagros; hence, the partition had between them could not be one such
had with a party who was believed to be an heir without really being one, and was not null and
void under said article. The legal precept (Article 1081) does not speak of children, or before the compromise agreement a proceeding, was consummated" (cas. cit. at p. 436). In the
descendants, but of heirs(without distinction between forced, voluntary or intestate ones), and case before us, however, the agreement of partition was not only ratified by the court's decree
the fact that Salud happened not to be a daughter of the testator does not preclude her being of distribution, but actually consummated, so much so that the titles in the name of the
one of the heirs expressly named in his testament; for Bibiano Barretto was at liberty to assign deceased were cancelled, and new certificates issued in favor of the heirs, long before the
the free portion of his estate to whomsoever he chose. While the share (½) assigned to Salud decree was attacked. Hence, Saminiada vs. Mata does not apply.
impinged on the legitime of Milagros, Salud did not for that reason cease to be a testamentary
heir of Bibiano Barretto. Moreover, the defendant-appellee's argument would be plausible if it were shown that the sole
basis for the decree of distribution was the project of partition. But, in fact, even without it, the
Nor does the fact that Milagros was allotted in her father's will a share smaller than her distribution could stand, since it was in conformity with the probated will of Bibiano Barretto,
legitime invalidate the institution of Salud as heir, since there was here no preterition, or total against the provisions whereof no objection had been made. In fact it was the court's duty to do
ommission of a forced heir. For this reason, Neri vs. Akutin, 72 Phil. 322, invoked by appellee, is so. Act 190, section 640, in force in 1939, provided: .
not at all applicable, that case involving an instance of preterition or omission of children of the
testator's former marriage. SEC. 640. Estate, How Administered. — When a will is thus allowed, the court shall
grant letters testamentary, or letters of administration with the will annexed, and
Appellee contends that the partition in question was void as a compromise on the civil status of such letters testamentary or of administration, shall extend to all the estate of the
Salud in violation of Article 1814 of the old Civil Code. This view is erroneous, since a testator in the Philippine Islands. Such estate, after the payment of just debts and
compromise presupposes the settlement of a controversy through mutual concessions of the expenses of administration, shall be disposed of according to such will, so far as such
parties (Civil Code of 1889, Article 1809; Civil Code of the Philippines, Art. 2028); and the will may operate upon it; and the residue, if any, shall be disposed of as is provided by
condition of Salud as daughter of the testator Bibiano Barretto, while untrue, was at no time law in cases of estates in these Islands belonging to persons who are inhabitants of
disputed during the settlement of the estate of the testator. There can be no compromise over another state or country. (Emphasis supplied)
issues not in dispute. And while a compromise over civil status is prohibited, the law nowhere
forbids a settlement by the parties over the share that should correspond to a claimant to the That defendant Milagros Barretto was a minor at the time the probate court distributed the
estate. estate of her father in 1939 does not imply that the said court was without jurisdiction to enter
the decree of distribution. Passing upon a like issue, this Court ruled in Ramos vs. Ortuzar, 89
At any rate, independently of a project of partition which, as its own name implies, is merely a Phil. Reports, pp. 741 and 742:
proposal for distribution of the estate, that the court may accept or reject, it is the court alone
that makes the distribution of the estate and determines the persons entitled thereto and the If we are to assume that Richard Hill and Marvin Hill did not formally intervene, still
parts to which each is entitled (Camia vs. Reyes, 63 Phil. 629, 643; Act 190, Section 750; Rule they would be concluded by the result of the proceedings, not only as to their civil
90, Rules of 1940; Rule 91, Revised Rules of Court), and it is that judicial decree of distribution, status but as the distribution of the estate as well. As this Court has held in Manolo vs.
once final, that vests title in the distributees. If the decree was erroneous or not in conformity Paredes, 47 Phil. 938, "The proceeding for probate is one in rem (40 Cyc., 1265) and
with law or the testament, the same should have been corrected by opportune appeal; but once the court acquires jurisdiction over all persons interested, through the publication of
it had become final, its binding effect is like that of any other judgment in rem, unless properly the notice prescribed by section 630 C.P.C.; and any order that any be entered therein
set aside for lack of jurisdiction or fraud. is binding against all of them." (See also in re Estate of Johnson, 39 Phil. 156.) "A final
order of distribution of the estate of a deceased person vests the title to the land of the
It is thus apparent that where a court has validly issued a decree of distribution of the estate, estate in the distributees". (Santos vs. Roman Catholic Bishop of Nueva Caceres, 45
and the same has become final, the validity or invalidity of the project of partition becomes Phil. 895.) There is no reason why, by analogy, these salutary doctrines should not
irrelevant. apply to intestate proceedings.

It is, however, argued for the appellee that since the court's distribution of the estate of the late The only instance that we can think of in which a party interested in a probate
Bibiano Barretto was predicated on the project of partition executed by Salud Barretto and the proceeding may have a final liquidation set aside is when he is left out by reason of
widow, Maria Gerardo (who signed for herself and as guardian of the minor Milagros Barretto), circumstances beyond his control or through mistake or inadvertence not imputable
and since no evidence was taken of the filiation of the heirs, nor were any findings of fact or law to negligence. Even then, the better practice to secure relief is reopening of the same
made, the decree of distribution can have no greater validity than that of the basic partition, case by proper motion within the reglementary period, instead of an independent
and must stand or fall with it, being in the nature of a judgment by consent, based on a action the effect of which, if successful, would be, as in the instant case, for another
compromise. Saminiada vs. Mata, 92 Phil. 426, is invoked in support of the proposition. That court or judge to throw out a decision or order already final and executed and
case is authority for the proposition that a judgment by compromise may be set aside on the reshuffle properties long ago distributed and disposed of.
ground of mistake or fraud, upon petition filed in due time, where petition for "relief was filed
It is well to observe, at this juncture, as this Court expressly declared in Reyes vs. Barretto Datu, fact, the trial court made no mention of such promise in the decision under appeal. Even more:
94 Phil. 446 (Am'd Rec. Appeal, pp. 156, 157), that: granting arguendo that the promise was made, the same can not bind the wards, the minor
children of Salud, who are the real parties in interest. An abdicative waiver of rights by a
... It is argued that Lucia Milagros Barretto was a minor when she signed the partition, guardian, being an act of disposition, and not of administration, can not bind his wards, being
and that Maria Gerardo was not her judicially appointed guardian. The claim is not null and void as to them unless duly authorized by the proper court (Ledesma Hermanos vs.
true. Maria Gerardo signed as guardian of the minor. (Secs. 3 and 5, Rule 97, Rules of Castro, 55 Phil. 136, 142).
Court.) The mere statement in the project of partion that the guardianship
proceedings of the minor Lucia Milagros Barretto are pending in the court, does not In resume, we hold (1) that the partition had between Salud and Milagros Barretto in the
mean that the guardian had not yet been appointed; it meant that the guardianship proceedings for the settlement of the estate of Bibiano Barretto duly approved by the Court of
proceedings had not yet been terminated, and as a guardianship proceedings begin First Instance of Manila in 1939, in its Civil Case No. 49629, is not void for being contrary to
with the appointment of a guardian, Maria Gerardo must have been already appointed either Article 1081 or 1814 of the, Civil Code of 1889; (2) that Milagros Barretto's action to
when she signed the project of partition. There is, therefore, no irregularity or defect contest said partition and decree of distribution is barred by the statute of limitations; and (3)
or error in the project of partition, apparent on the record of the testate proceedings, that her claim that plaintiff-appellant guardian is a possessor in bad faith and should account
which shows that Maria Gerardo had no power or authority to sign the project of for the fruits received from the properties inherited by Salud Barretto (nee Lim Boco) is legally
partition as guardian of the minor Lucia Milagros Barretto, and, consequently, no untenable. It follows that the plaintiffs' action for partition of the fishpond described in the
ground for the contention that the order approving the project of partition is complaint should have been given due course.
absolutely null and void and may be attacked collaterally in these proceedings.
Wherefore, the decision of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan now under appeal is reversed
So that it is now incontestable that appellee Milagros Barretto was not only made a party by and set aside in so far as it orders plaintiff-appellant to reconvey to appellee Milagros Barretto
publication but actually appeared and participated in the proceedings through her guardian: Datu the properties enumeracted in said decision, and the same is affirmed in so far as it denies
she, therefore, can not escape the jurisdiction of the Manila Court of First Instance which settled any right of said appellee to accounting. Let the records be returned to the court of origin, with
her father's estate. instructions to proceed with the action for partition of the fishpond (Lot No. 4, Plan Psu-4709),
covered by TCT No. T-13734 of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Bulacan, and for the
Defendant-appellee further pleads that as her mother and guardian (Maria Gerardo) could not accounting of the fruits thereof, as prayed for in the complaint No costs.
have ignored that the distributee Salud was not her child, the act of said widow in agreeing to
the oft-cited partition and distribution was a fraud on appellees rights and entitles her to relief.
In the first place, there is no evidence that when the estate of Bibiano Barretto was judicially
settled and distributed appellants' predecessor, Salud Lim Boco Barretto to, knew that she was
not Bibiano's child: so that if fraud was committed, it was the widow, Maria Gerardo, who was
solely responsible, and neither Salud nor her minor children, appellants herein, can be held
liable therefor. In the second placegranting that there was such fraud, relief therefrom can only
be obtained within 4 years from its discovery, and the record shows that this period had
elapsed long ago.

Because at the time of the distribution Milagros Barretto was only 16 years old (Exhibit 24), she
became of age five years later, in 1944. On that year, her cause of action accrued to contest on
the ground of fraud the court decree distributing her father's estate and the four-year period of
limitation started to run, to expire in 1948 (Section 43, Act. 190). In fact, conceding that
Milagros only became aware of the true facts in 1946 (Appellee's Brief, p. 27), her action still
became extinct in 1950. Clearly, therefore, the action was already barred when in August 31,
1956 she filed her counterclaim in this case contesting the decree of distribution of Bibiano
Barretto's estate.

In order to evade the statute of limitations, Milagros Barretto introduced evidence that
appellant Tirso Reyes had induced her to delay filing action by verbally promising to reconvey
the properties received by his deceased wife, Salud. There is no reliable evidence of the alleged
promise, which rests exclusively on the oral assertions of Milagros herself and her counsel. In
G.R. Nos. 140371-72 November 27, 2006 Kasulatan sa pag-aalis ng mana

DY YIENG SEANGIO, BARBARA D. SEANGIO and VIRGINIA D. SEANGIO, Petitioners, Tantunin ng sinuman
vs. HON. AMOR A. REYES, in her capacity as Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court,
National Capital Judicial Region, Branch 21, Manila, ALFREDO D. SEANGIO, ALBERTO D. Ako si Segundo Seangio Filipino may asawa naninirahan sa 465-A Flores St., Ermita, Manila at
SEANGIO, ELISA D. SEANGIO-SANTOS, VICTOR D. SEANGIO, ALFONSO D. SEANGIO, nagtatalay ng maiwanag na pag-iisip at disposisyon ay tahasan at hayagang inaalisan ko ng
SHIRLEY D. SEANGIO-LIM, BETTY D. SEANGIO-OBAS and JAMES D. SEANGIO, Respondents. lahat at anumang mana ang paganay kong anak na si Alfredo Seangio dahil siya ay naging
lapastangan sa akin at isan beses siya ng sasalita ng masama harapan ko at mga kapatid niya na
DECISION si Virginia Seangio labis kong kinasama ng loob ko at sasabe rin ni Alfredo sa akin na ako nasa
ibabaw gayon gunit daratin ang araw na ako nasa ilalim siya at siya nasa ibabaw.
Labis kong ikinasama ng loob ko ang gamit ni Alfredo ng akin pagalan para makapagutang na
This is a petition for certiorari1
with application for the issuance of a writ of preliminary kuarta siya at kanya asawa na si Merna de los Reyes sa China Bangking Corporation na millon
injunction and/or temporary restraining order seeking the nullification of the orders, dated pesos at hindi ng babayad at hindi ng babayad ito ay nagdulot sa aking ng malaking kahihiya sa
August 10, 1999 and October 14, 1999, of the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 21 (the mga may-ari at stockholders ng China Banking.
RTC), dismissing the petition for probate on the ground of preterition, in the consolidated
cases, docketed as SP. Proc. No. 98-90870 and SP. Proc. No. 99-93396, and entitled, "In the At ikinagalit ko pa rin ang pagkuha ni Alfredo at ng kanyang asawa na mga custome[r] ng
Matter of the Intestate Estate of Segundo C. Seangio v. Alfredo D. Seangio, et al." and "In the Travel Center of the Philippines na pinagasiwaan ko at ng anak ko si Virginia.
Matter of the Probate of the Will of Segundo C. Seangio v. Dy Yieng Seangio, Barbara D. Seangio
and Virginia Seangio." Dito ako nagalit din kaya gayon ayoko na bilanin si Alfredo ng anak ko at hayanan kong
inaalisan ng lahat at anoman mana na si Alfredo at si Alfredo Seangio ay hindi ko siya anak at
The facts of the cases are as follows: hindi siya makoha mana.

On September 21, 1988, private respondents filed a petition for the settlement of the intestate Nila[g]daan ko ngayon ika 20 ng Setyembre 1995 sa longsod ng Manila sa harap ng tatlong
estate of the late Segundo Seangio, docketed as Sp. Proc. No. 98–90870 of the RTC, and praying saksi. 3
for the appointment of private respondent Elisa D. Seangio–Santos as special administrator and
guardian ad litem of petitioner Dy Yieng Seangio. (signed)
Segundo Seangio
Petitioners Dy Yieng, Barbara and Virginia, all surnamed Seangio, opposed the petition. They Nilagdaan sa harap namin
contended that: 1) Dy Yieng is still very healthy and in full command of her faculties; 2) the (signed)
deceased Segundo executed a general power of attorney in favor of Virginia giving her the Dy Yieng Seangio (signed)
power to manage and exercise control and supervision over his business in the Philippines; 3) Unang Saksi ikalawang saksi
Virginia is the most competent and qualified to serve as the administrator of the estate of (signed)
Segundo because she is a certified public accountant; and, 4) Segundo left a holographic will, ikatlong saksi
dated September 20, 1995, disinheriting one of the private respondents, Alfredo Seangio, for
cause. In view of the purported holographic will, petitioners averred that in the event the On May 29, 1999, upon petitioners’ motion, SP. Proc. No. 98–90870 and SP. Proc. No. 99–93396
decedent is found to have left a will, the intestate proceedings are to be automatically were consolidated.4
suspended and replaced by the proceedings for the probate of the will.
On July 1, 1999, private respondents moved for the dismissal of the probate
On April 7, 1999, a petition for the probate of the holographic will of Segundo, docketed as SP. proceedings5 primarily on the ground that the document purporting to be the holographic will
Proc. No. 99–93396, was filed by petitioners before the RTC. They likewise reiterated that the of Segundo does not contain any disposition of the estate of the deceased and thus does not
probate proceedings should take precedence over SP. Proc. No. 98–90870 because testate meet the definition of a will under Article 783 of the Civil Code. According to private
proceedings take precedence and enjoy priority over intestate proceedings. 2 respondents, the will only shows an alleged act of disinheritance by the decedent of his eldest
son, Alfredo, and nothing else; that all other compulsory heirs were not named nor instituted as
The document that petitioners refer to as Segundo’s holographic will is quoted, as follows: heir, devisee or legatee, hence, there is preterition which would result to intestacy. Such being
the case, private respondents maintained that while procedurally the court is called upon to
rule only on the extrinsic validity of the will, it is not barred from delving into the intrinsic I
validity of the same, and ordering the dismissal of the petition for probate when on the face of
the will it is clear that it contains no testamentary disposition of the property of the decedent. THE RESPONDENT JUDGE, WITHOUT EVEN COMPLYING WITH SECTIONS 3 AND 4 OF RULE 76
Petitioners filed their opposition to the motion to dismiss contending that: 1) generally, the HEARING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JURISDICTIONAL FACTS, DISMISSED THE
authority of the probate court is limited only to a determination of the extrinsic validity of the TESTATE CASE ON THE ALLEGED GROUND THAT THE TESTATOR’S WILL IS VOID ALLEGEDLY
will; 2) private respondents question the intrinsic and not the extrinsic validity of the will; 3) BECAUSE OF THE EXISTENCE OF PRETERITION, WHICH GOES INTO THE INTRINSIC VALIDITY
disinheritance constitutes a disposition of the estate of a decedent; and, 4) the rule on OF THE WILL, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT IS A SETTLED RULE THAT THE AUTHORITY OF
preterition does not apply because Segundo’s will does not constitute a universal heir or heirs PROBATE COURTS IS LIMITED ONLY TO A DETERMINATION OF THE EXTRINSIC VALIDITY OF
to the exclusion of one or more compulsory heirs.6 THE WILL, I.E., THE DUE EXECUTION THEREOF, THE TESTATOR’S TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY
On August 10, 1999, the RTC issued its assailed order, dismissing the petition for probate
proceedings: II

A perusal of the document termed as "will" by oppositors/petitioners Dy Yieng Seangio, et al., EVEN ASSUMING ARGUENDO THAT THE RESPONDENT JUDGE HAS THE AUTHORITY TO RULE
clearly shows that there is preterition, as the only heirs mentioned thereat are Alfredo and UPON THE INTRINSIC VALIDITY OF THE WILL OF THE TESTATOR, IT IS INDUBITABLE FROM
Virginia. [T]he other heirs being omitted, Article 854 of the New Civil Code thus applies. THE FACE OF THE TESTATOR’S WILL THAT NO PRETERITON EXISTS AND THAT THE WILL IS
However, insofar as the widow Dy Yieng Seangio is concerned, Article 854 does not apply, she BOTH INTRINSICALLY AND EXTRINSICALLY VALID; AND,
not being a compulsory heir in the direct line.
As such, this Court is bound to dismiss this petition, for to do otherwise would amount to an
abuse of discretion. The Supreme Court in the case of Acain v. Intermediate Appellate Court RESPONDENT JUDGE WAS DUTY BOUND TO SUSPEND THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE INTESTATE
[155 SCRA 100 (1987)] has made its position clear: "for … respondents to have tolerated the CASE CONSIDERING THAT IT IS A SETTLED RULE THAT TESTATE PROCEEDINGS TAKE
probate of the will and allowed the case to progress when, on its face, the will appears to be PRECEDENCE OVER INTESTATE PROCEEDINGS.
intrinsically void … would have been an exercise in futility. It would have meant a waste of
time, effort, expense, plus added futility. The trial court could have denied its probate outright
or could have passed upon the intrinsic validity of the testamentary provisions before the Petitioners argue, as follows:
extrinsic validity of the will was resolved(underscoring supplied).
First, respondent judge did not comply with Sections 3 and 4 of Rule 76 of the Rules of Court
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Motion to Suspend Proceedings is hereby DENIED for which respectively mandate the court to: a) fix the time and place for proving the will when all
lack of merit. Special Proceedings No. 99–93396 is hereby DISMISSED without pronouncement concerned may appear to contest the allowance thereof, and cause notice of such time and
as to costs. place to be published three weeks successively previous to the appointed time in a newspaper
of general circulation; and, b) cause the mailing of said notice to the heirs, legatees and devisees
of the testator Segundo;
Second, the holographic will does not contain any institution of an heir, but rather, as its title
Petitioners’ motion for reconsideration was denied by the RTC in its order dated October 14, clearly states, Kasulatan ng Pag-Aalis ng Mana, simply contains a disinheritance of a
1999. compulsory heir. Thus, there is no preterition in the decedent’s will and the holographic will on
its face is not intrinsically void;
Petitioners contend that:
Third, the testator intended all his compulsory heirs, petitioners and private respondents alike,
THE RESPONDENT JUDGE ACTED IN EXCESS OF HER JURISDICTION OR WITH GRAVE ABUSE with the sole exception of Alfredo, to inherit his estate. None of the compulsory heirs in the
OF DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION AND DECIDED A direct line of Segundo were preterited in the holographic will since there was no institution of
Fourth, inasmuch as it clearly appears from the face of the holographic will that it is both Segundo’s document, although it may initially come across as a mere disinheritance instrument,
intrinsically and extrinsically valid, respondent judge was mandated to proceed with the conforms to the formalities of a holographic will prescribed by law. It is written, dated and
hearing of the testate case; and, signed by the hand of Segundo himself. An intent to dispose mortis causa[9] can be clearly
deduced from the terms of the instrument, and while it does not make an affirmative
Lastly, the continuation of the proceedings in the intestate case will work injustice to disposition of the latter’s property, the disinheritance of Alfredo, nonetheless, is an act of
petitioners, and will render nugatory the disinheritance of Alfredo. disposition in itself. In other words, the disinheritance results in the disposition of the property
of the testator Segundo in favor of those who would succeed in the absence of Alfredo. 10
The purported holographic will of Segundo that was presented by petitioners was dated, signed
and written by him in his own handwriting. Except on the ground of preterition, private Moreover, it is a fundamental principle that the intent or the will of the testator, expressed in
respondents did not raise any issue as regards the authenticity of the document. the form and within the limits prescribed by law, must be recognized as the supreme law in
succession. All rules of construction are designed to ascertain and give effect to that intention.
It is only when the intention of the testator is contrary to law, morals, or public policy that it
The document, entitled Kasulatan ng Pag-Aalis ng Mana, unmistakably showed Segundo’s cannot be given effect.11
intention of excluding his eldest son, Alfredo, as an heir to his estate for the reasons that he
cited therein. In effect, Alfredo was disinherited by Segundo.
Holographic wills, therefore, being usually prepared by one who is not learned in the law, as
illustrated in the present case, should be construed more liberally than the ones drawn by an
For disinheritance to be valid, Article 916 of the Civil Code requires that the same must be expert, taking into account the circumstances surrounding the execution of the instrument and
effected through a will wherein the legal cause therefor shall be specified. With regard to the the intention of the testator.12 In this regard, the Court is convinced that the document, even if
reasons for the disinheritance that were stated by Segundo in his document, the Court believes captioned as Kasulatan ng Pag-Aalis ng Mana, was intended by Segundo to be his last
that the incidents, taken as a whole, can be considered a form of maltreatment of Segundo by testamentary act and was executed by him in accordance with law in the form of a holographic
his son, Alfredo, and that the matter presents a sufficient cause for the disinheritance of a child will. Unless the will is probated,13 the disinheritance cannot be given effect.14
or descendant under Article 919 of the Civil Code:
With regard to the issue on preterition,15 the Court believes that the compulsory heirs in the
Article 919. The following shall be sufficient causes for the disinheritance of children and direct line were not preterited in the will. It was, in the Court’s opinion, Segundo’s last
descendants, legitimate as well as illegitimate: expression to bequeath his estate to all his compulsory heirs, with the sole exception of Alfredo.
Also, Segundo did not institute an heir16 to the exclusion of his other compulsory heirs. The
(1) When a child or descendant has been found guilty of an attempt against the life of mere mention of the name of one of the petitioners, Virginia, in the document did not operate to
the testator, his or her spouse, descendants, or ascendants; institute her as the universal heir. Her name was included plainly as a witness to the altercation
(2) When a child or descendant has accused the testator of a crime for which the law between Segundo and his son, Alfredo.1âwphi1
prescribes imprisonment for six years or more, if the accusation has been found
groundless; Considering that the questioned document is Segundo’s holographic will, and that the law
(3) When a child or descendant has been convicted of adultery or concubinage with favors testacy over intestacy, the probate of the will cannot be dispensed with. Article 838 of
the spouse of the testator; the Civil Code provides that no will shall pass either real or personal property unless it is
(4) When a child or descendant by fraud, violence, intimidation, or undue influence proved and allowed in accordance with the Rules of Court. Thus, unless the will is probated, the
causes the testator to make a will or to change one already made; right of a person to dispose of his property may be rendered nugatory.17
(5) A refusal without justifiable cause to support the parents or ascendant who
disinherit such child or descendant;
(6) Maltreatment of the testator by word or deed, by the child or descendant;8 In view of the foregoing, the trial court, therefore, should have allowed the holographic will to
(7) When a child or descendant leads a dishonorable or disgraceful life; be probated. It is settled that testate proceedings for the settlement of the estate of the
(8) Conviction of a crime which carries with it the penalty of civil interdiction. decedent take precedence over intestate proceedings for the same purpose. 18

Now, the critical issue to be determined is whether the document executed by Segundo can be WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Orders of the Regional Trial Court of Manila,
considered as a holographic will. Branch 21, dated August 10, 1999 and October 14, 1999, are set aside. Respondent judge is
directed to reinstate and hear SP Proc. No. 99-93396 for the allowance of the holographic will
of Segundo Seangio. The intestate case or SP. Proc. No. 98-90870 is hereby suspended until the
A holographic will, as provided under Article 810 of the Civil Code, must be entirely written, termination of the aforesaid testate proceedings.
dated, and signed by the hand of the testator himself. It is subject to no other form, and may be
made in or out of the Philippines, and need not be witnessed.
No costs. SO ORDERED.
G.R. Nos. L-27860 and L-27896 March 29, 1974 Charles Newton Hodges, to have and to hold unto him, my said husband, during his
natural lifetime.
PHILIPPINE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BANK, Administrator of the Testate Estate of Charles
Newton Hodges (Sp. Proc. No. 1672 of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo), petitioner, THIRD: I desire, direct and provide that my husband, Charles Newton Hodges, shall
vs. THE HONORABLE VENICIO ESCOLIN, Presiding Judge of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo, have the right to manage, control, use and enjoy said estate during his lifetime, and he
Branch II, and AVELINA A. MAGNO, respondents. is hereby given the right to make any changes in the physical properties of said estate,
by sale or any part thereof which he may think best, and the purchase of any other or
additional property as he may think best; to execute conveyances with or without
G.R. Nos. L-27936 & L-27937 March 29, 1974 general or special warranty, conveying in fee simple or for any other term or time, any
property which he may deem proper to dispose of; to lease any of the real property for
TESTATE ESTATE OF THE LATE LINNIE JANE HODGES (Sp. Proc. No. 1307). TESTATE ESTATE OF THE oil, gas and/or other minerals, and all such deeds or leases shall pass the absolute fee
LATE CHARLES NEWTON HODGES (Sp. Proc. No. 1672). PHILIPPINE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL simple title to the interest so conveyed in such property as he may elect to sell. All
BANK, administrator-appellant, rents, emoluments and income from said estate shall belong to him, and he is further
vs. LORENZO CARLES, JOSE PABLICO, ALFREDO CATEDRAL, SALVADOR GUZMAN, BELCESAR authorized to use any part of the principal of said estate as he may need or desire. It is
CAUSING, FLORENIA BARRIDO, PURIFICACION CORONADO, GRACIANO LUCERO, ARITEO THOMAS provided herein, however, that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the
JAMIR, MELQUIADES BATISANAN, PEPITO IYULORES, ESPERIDION PARTISALA, WINIFREDO ESPADA, improved property now owned by us located at, in or near the City of Lubbock, Texas,
ROSARIO ALINGASA, ADELFA PREMAYLON, SANTIAGO PACAONSIS, and AVELINA A. MAGNO, the last but he shall have the full right to lease, manage and enjoy the same during his lifetime,
as Administratrix in Sp. Proc. No. 1307, appellees, WESTERN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, above provided. He shall have the right to subdivide any farm land and sell lots
INC., movant-appellee. therein. and may sell unimproved town lots.

BARREDO, J.:p FOURTH: At the death of my said husband, Charles Newton Hodges, I give, devise and
bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal,
wherever situated or located, to be equally divided among my brothers and sisters,
Certiorari and prohibition with preliminary injunction; certiorari to "declare all acts of the respondent share and share alike, namely:
court in the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (Sp. Proc. No. 1307 of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo)
subsequent to the order of December 14, 1957 as null and void for having been issued without
jurisdiction"; prohibition to enjoin the respondent court from allowing, tolerating, sanctioning, or abetting Esta Higdon, Emma Howell, Leonard Higdon, Roy Higdon, Saddie Rascoe, Era Roman
private respondent Avelina A. Magno to perform or do any acts of administration, such as those and Nimroy Higdon.
enumerated in the petition, and from exercising any authority or power as Regular Administratrix of above-
named Testate Estate, by entertaining manifestations, motion and pleadings filed by her and acting on FIFTH: In case of the death of any of my brothers and/or sisters named in item Fourth,
them, and also to enjoin said court from allowing said private respondent to interfere, meddle or take part above, prior to the death of my husband, Charles Newton Hodges, then it is my will
in any manner in the administration of the Testate Estate of Charles Newton Hodges (Sp. Proc. No. 1672 of and bequest that the heirs of such deceased brother or sister shall take jointly the
the same court and branch); with prayer for preliminary injunction, which was issued by this Court on share which would have gone to such brother or sister had she or he survived.
August 8, 1967 upon a bond of P5,000; the petition being particularly directed against the orders of the
respondent court of October 12, 1966 denying petitioner's motion of April 22, 1966 and its order of July 18,
1967 denying the motion for reconsideration of said order. SIXTH: I nominate and appoint my said husband, Charles Newton Hodges, to be
executor of this, my last will and testament, and direct that no bond or other security
be required of him as such executor.
Related to and involving basically the same main issue as the foregoing petition, thirty-three (33) appeals
from different orders of the same respondent court approving or otherwise sanctioning the acts of
administration of the respondent Magno on behalf of the testate Estate of Mrs. Hodges. SEVENTH: It is my will and bequest that no action be had in the probate court, in the
administration of my estate, other than that necessary to prove and record this will
and to return an inventory and appraisement of my estate and list of claims. (Pp. 2-4,
THE FACTS Petition.)

On May 23, 1957, Linnie Jane Hodges died in Iloilo City leaving a will executed on November 22, 1952 This will was subsequently probated in aforementioned Special Proceedings No. 1307 of respondent court
pertinently providing as follows: on June 28, 1957, with the widower Charles Newton Hodges being appointed as Executor, pursuant to the
provisions thereof.
FIRST: I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid out of my
estate. Previously, on May 27, 1957, the said widower (hereafter to be referred to as Hodges) had been appointed
Special Administrator, in which capacity he filed a motion on the same date as follows:
SECOND: I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of my
estate, both personal and real, wherever situated, or located, to my beloved husband,
Come petitioner in the above-entitled special proceedings, thru his undersigned attorneys, to the Hon.
Court, most respectfully states: Comes the Executor in the above-entitled proceedings, thru his undersigned attorney,
to the Hon. Court, most respectfully states:
1. — That Linnie Jane Hodges died leaving her last will and testament, a copy of which
is attached to the petition for probate of the same. 1. — That according to the last will and testament of the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges,
the executor as the surviving spouse and legatee named in the will of the deceased;
has the right to dispose of all the properties left by the deceased, portion of which is
2. — That in said last will and testament herein petitioner Charles Newton Hodges is
quoted as follows:
directed to have the right to manage, control use and enjoy the estate of deceased
Linnie Jane Hodges, in the same way, a provision was placed in paragraph two, the
following: "I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of my Second: I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate,
estate, to my beloved husband, Charles Newton Hodges, to have and (to) hold unto both personal and real, wherever situated, or located, to my beloved husband, Charles
him, my said husband, during his natural lifetime." Newton Hodges, to have and to hold unto him, my said husband, during his natural
3. — That during the lifetime of Linnie Jane Hodges, herein petitioner was engaged in
the business of buying and selling personal and real properties, and do such acts Third: I desire, direct and provide that my husband, Charles Newton Hodges, shall
which petitioner may think best. have the right to manage, control, use and enjoy said estate during his lifetime, and he
is hereby given the right to make any changes in the physical properties of said
estate, by sale or any part thereof which he may think best, and the purchase of any
4. — That deceased Linnie Jane Hodges died leaving no descendants or ascendants,
other or additional property as he may think best; to execute conveyances with or
except brothers and sisters and herein petitioner as executor surviving spouse, to
without general or special warranty, conveying in fee simple or for any other term or
inherit the properties of the decedent.
time, any property which he may deem proper to dispose of; to lease any of the real
property for oil, gas and/or other minerals, and all such deeds or leases shall pass the
5. — That the present motion is submitted in order not to paralyze the business of absolute fee simple title to the interest so conveyed in such property as he may elect
petitioner and the deceased, especially in the purchase and sale of properties. That to sell. All rents, emoluments and income from said estate shall belong to him, and he
proper accounting will be had also in all these transactions. is further authorized to use any part of the principal of said estate as he may need or
desire. ...
WHEREFORE, it is most respectfully prayed that, petitioner C. N. Hodges (Charles
Newton Hodges) be allowed or authorized to continue the business in which he was 2. — That herein Executor, is not only part owner of the properties left as conjugal,
engaged and to perform acts which he had been doing while deceased Linnie Jane but also, the successor to all the properties left by the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges.
Hodges was living. That during the lifetime of herein Executor, as Legatee has the right to sell, convey,
lease or dispose of the properties in the Philippines. That inasmuch as C.N. Hodges
was and is engaged in the buy and sell of real and personal properties, even before the
City of Iloilo, May 27, 1957. (Annex "D", Petition.)
death of Linnie Jane Hodges, a motion to authorize said C.N. Hodges was filed in Court,
to allow him to continue in the business of buy and sell, which motion was favorably
which the respondent court immediately granted in the following order: granted by the Honorable Court.

It appearing in the urgent ex-parte motion filed by petitioner C. N. Hodges, that the 3. — That since the death of Linnie Jane Hodges, Mr. C.N. Hodges had been buying and
business in which said petitioner and the deceased were engaged will be paralyzed, selling real and personal properties, in accordance with the wishes of the late Linnie
unless and until the Executor is named and appointed by the Court, the said petitioner Jane Hodges.
is allowed or authorized to continue the business in which he was engaged and to
perform acts which he had been doing while the deceased was living.
4. — That the Register of Deeds for Iloilo, had required of late the herein Executor to
have all the sales, leases, conveyances or mortgages made by him, approved by the
SO ORDERED. Hon. Court.

City of Iloilo May 27, 1957. (Annex "E", Petition.) 5. — That it is respectfully requested, all the sales, conveyances leases and mortgages
executed by the Executor, be approved by the Hon. Court. and subsequent sales
conveyances, leases and mortgages in compliances with the wishes of the late Linnie
Under date of December 11, 1957, Hodges filed as such Executor another motion thus:
Jane Hodges, and within the scope of the terms of the last will and testament, also be expenses as shown in the individual income tax return for the estate of the deceased
approved; and marked as Annex "A", be approved by the Honorable Court, as substantial
compliance with the requirements of the Rules of Court.
6. — That the Executor is under obligation to submit his yearly accounts, and the
properties conveyed can also be accounted for, especially the amounts received. That no person interested in the Philippines of the time and place of examining the
herein accounts be given notice, as herein executor is the only devisee or legatee of
the deceased, in accordance with the last will and testament already probated by the
WHEREFORE, it is most respectfully prayed that, all the sales, conveyances, leases, and
Honorable court.
mortgages executed by the Executor, be approved by the Hon. Court, and also the
subsequent sales, conveyances, leases, and mortgages in consonance with the wishes
of the deceased contained in her last will and testament, be with authorization and City of Iloilo April 14, 1959.
approval of the Hon. Court.
(Annex "I", Petition.)
City of Iloilo, December 11, 1967.
The respondent court approved this statement of account on April 21, 1959 in its order worded thus:
(Annex "G", Petition.)
Upon petition of Atty. Gellada, in representation of the Executor, the statement of net
which again was promptly granted by the respondent court on December 14, 1957 as follows: worth of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, assets and liabilities, income and expenses
as shown in the individual income tax return for the estate of the deceased and
marked as Annex "A" is approved.

As prayed for by Attorney Gellada, counsel for the Executor for the reasons stated in
his motion dated December 11, 1957, which the Court considers well taken all the
sales, conveyances, leases and mortgages of all properties left by the deceased Linnie City of Iloilo April 21, 1959.
Jane Hodges executed by the Executor Charles N. Hodges are hereby APPROVED. The
said Executor is further authorized to execute subsequent sales, conveyances, leases
(Annex "J", Petition.)
and mortgages of the properties left by the said deceased Linnie Jane Hodges in
consonance with the wishes conveyed in the last will and testament of the latter.
His accounts for the periods January 1, 1959 to December 31, 1959 and January 1, 1960 to December 31,
1960 were submitted likewise accompanied by allegations identical mutatis mutandis to those of April 14,
So ordered.
1959, quoted above; and the respective orders approving the same, dated July 30, 1960 and May 2, 1961,
were substantially identical to the above-quoted order of April 21, 1959. In connection with the statements
Iloilo City. December 14, 1957. of account just mentioned, the following assertions related thereto made by respondent-appellee Magno in
her brief do not appear from all indications discernible in the record to be disputable:
(Annex "H", Petition.)
Under date of April 14, 1959, C.N. Hodges filed his first "Account by the Executor" of
the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. In the "Statement of Networth of Mr. C.N. Hodges and
On April 14, 1959, in submitting his first statement of account as Executor for approval, Hodges alleged:
the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges" as of December 31, 1958 annexed thereto, C.N.
Hodges reported that the combined conjugal estate earned a net income of
Pursuant to the provisions of the Rules of Court, herein executor of the deceased, P328,402.62, divided evenly between him and the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges.
renders the following account of his administration covering the period from January Pursuant to this, he filed an "individual income tax return" for calendar year 1958 on
1, 1958 to December 31, 1958, which account may be found in detail in the individual the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges reporting, under oath, the said estate as having
income tax return filed for the estate of deceased Linnie Jane Hodges, to wit: earned income of P164,201.31, exactly one-half of the net income of his combined
personal assets and that of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. (p. 91, Appellee's Brief.)
That a certified public accountant has examined the statement of net worth of the
estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, the assets and liabilities, as well as the income and xxx xxx xxx
expenses, copy of which is hereto attached and made integral part of this statement of
account as Annex "A".
Under date of July 21, 1960, C.N. Hodges filed his second "Annual Statement of
Account by the Executor" of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. In the "Statement of
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, it is most respectfully prayed that, the statement of net Networth of Mr. C.N. Hodges and the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges" as of December 31,
worth of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, the assets and liabilities, income and 1959 annexed thereto, C.N. Hodges reported that the combined conjugal estate earned
a net income of P270,623.32, divided evenly between him and the estate of Linnie Jane balance sheet and then stated expressly that her estate which has come into his
Hodges. Pursuant to this, he filed an "individual income tax return" for calendar year possession as executor was "one-half of all the items" listed in said balance sheet. (Pp.
1959 on the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges reporting, under oath, the said estate as 89-90, Appellee's Brief.)
having earned income of P135,311.66, exactly one-half of the net income of his
combined personal assets and that of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. (pp. 91-92.
Parenthetically, it may be stated, at this juncture, that We are taking pains to quote wholly or at least,
Appellee's Brief.)
extensively from some of the pleadings and orders whenever We feel that it is necessary to do so for a more
comprehensive and clearer view of the important and decisive issues raised by the parties and a more
xxx xxx xxx accurate appraisal of their respective positions in regard thereto.

Under date of April 20, 1961, C.N. Hodges filed his third "Annual Statement of Account The records of these cases do not show that anything else was done in the above-mentioned Special
by the Executor for the Year 1960" of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. In the Proceedings No. 1307 until December 26, 1962, when on account of the death of Hodges the day before, the
"Statement of Net Worth of Mr. C.N. Hodges and the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges" as of same lawyer, Atty. Leon P. Gellada, who had been previously acting as counsel for Hodges in his capacity as
December 31, 1960 annexed thereto, C.N. Hodges reported that the combined conjugal Executor of his wife's estate, and as such had filed the aforequoted motions and manifestations, filed the
estate earned a net income of P314,857.94, divided evenly between him and the estate following:
of Linnie Jane Hodges. Pursuant to this, he filed an "individual income tax return" for
calendar year 1960 on the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges reporting, under oath, the said
estate as having earned income of P157,428.97, exactly one-half of the net income of
his combined personal assets and that of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. (Pp. 92-93,
Appellee's Brief.)
COMES the undersigned attorney for the Executor in the above-entitled proceedings,
to the Honorable Court, most respectfully states:
Likewise the following:

1. That in accordance with the Last Will and Testament of Linnie Jane Hodges
In the petition for probate that he (Hodges) filed, he listed the seven brothers and
(deceased), her husband, Charles Newton Hodges was to act as Executor, and in fact,
sisters of Linnie Jane as her "heirs" (see p. 2, Green ROA). The order of the court
in an order issued by this Hon. Court dated June 28, 1957, the said Charles Newton
admitting the will to probate unfortunately omitted one of the heirs, Roy Higdon (see
Hodges was appointed Executor and had performed the duties as such.
p. 14, Green ROA). Immediately, C.N. Hodges filed a verified motion to have Roy
Higdon's name included as an heir, stating that he wanted to straighten the records "in
order the heirs of deceased Roy Higdon may not think or believe they were omitted, 2. That last December 22, 1962, the said Charles Newton Hodges was stricken ill, and
and that they were really and are interested in the estate of deceased Linnie Jane brought to the Iloilo Mission Hospital for treatment, but unfortunately, he died on
Hodges. . December 25, 1962, as shown by a copy of the death certificate hereto attached and
marked as Annex "A".
As an executor, he was bound to file tax returns for the estate he was administering
under American law. He did file such as estate tax return on August 8, 1958. In 3. That in accordance with the provisions of the last will and testament of Linnie Jane
Schedule "M" of such return, he answered "Yes" to the question as to whether he was Hodges, whatever real and personal properties that may remain at the death of her
contemplating "renouncing the will". On the question as to what property interests husband Charles Newton Hodges, the said properties shall be equally divided among
passed to him as the surviving spouse, he answered: their heirs. That there are real and personal properties left by Charles Newton Hodges,
which need to be administered and taken care of.
"None, except for purposes of administering the Estate, paying
debts, taxes and other legal charges. It is the intention of the 4. That the estate of deceased Linnie Jane Hodges, as well as that of Charles Newton
surviving husband of deceased to distribute the remaining Hodges, have not as yet been determined or ascertained, and there is necessity for the
property and interests of the deceased in their Community estate appointment of a general administrator to liquidate and distribute the residue of the
to the devisees and legatees named in the will when the debts, estate to the heirs and legatees of both spouses. That in accordance with the
liabilities, taxes and expenses of administration are finally provisions of Section 2 of Rule 75 of the Rules of Court, the conjugal partnership of
determined and paid." Linnie Jane Hodges and Charles Newton Hodges shall be liquidated in the testate
proceedings of the wife.
Again, on August 9, 1962, barely four months before his death, he executed an
"affidavit" wherein he ratified and confirmed all that he stated in Schedule "M" of his 5. That the undersigned counsel, has perfect personal knowledge of the existence of
estate tax returns as to his having renounced what was given him by his wife's will.1 the last will and testament of Charles Newton Hodges, with similar provisions as that
contained in the last will and testament of Linnie Jane Hodges. However, said last will
and testament of Charles Newton Hodges is kept inside the vault or iron safe in his
As appointed executor, C.N. Hodges filed an "Inventory" dated May 12, 1958. He listed
office, and will be presented in due time before this honorable Court.
all the assets of his conjugal partnership with Linnie Jane Hodges on a separate
6. That in the meantime, it is imperative and indispensable that, an Administratrix be be replaced as such co-special administrator on January 22, 1963 by Joe Hodges, who,
appointed for the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and a Special Administratrix for the according to the motion of the same attorney, is "the nephew of the deceased (who
estate of Charles Newton Hodges, to perform the duties required by law, to had) arrived from the United States with instructions from the other heirs of the
administer, collect, and take charge of the goods, chattels, rights, credits, and estate of deceased to administer the properties or estate of Charles Newton Hodges in the
both spouses, Charles Newton Hodges and Linnie Jane Hodges, as provided for in Philippines, (Pp. 47-50, id.)
Section 1 and 2, Rule 81 of the Rules of Court.
Meanwhile, under date of January 9, 1963, the same Atty. Gellada filed in Special Proceedings 1672 a
7. That there is delay in granting letters testamentary or of administration, because petition for the probate of the will of Hodges,2 with a prayer for the issuance of letters of administration to
the last will and testament of deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, is still kept in his safe the same Joe Hodges, albeit the motion was followed on February 22, 1963 by a separate one asking that
or vault, and in the meantime, unless an administratrix (and,) at the same time, a Atty. Fernando Mirasol be appointed as his co-administrator. On the same date this latter motion was filed,
Special Administratrix is appointed, the estate of both spouses are in danger of being the court issued the corresponding order of probate and letters of administration to Joe Hodges and Atty.
lost, damaged or go to waste. Mirasol, as prayed for.

8. That the most trusted employee of both spouses Linnie Jane Hodges and C.N. At this juncture, again, it may also be explained that just as, in her will, Mrs. Hodges bequeathed her whole
Hodges, who had been employed for around thirty (30) years, in the person of Miss estate to her husband "to have and to hold unto him, my said husband, during his natural lifetime", she, at
Avelina Magno, (should) be appointed Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane the same time or in like manner, provided that "at the death of my said husband — I give devise and
Hodges and at the same time Special Administratrix of the estate of Charles Newton bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, wherever situated or
Hodges. That the said Miss Avelina Magno is of legal age, a resident of the Philippines, located, to be equally divided among my brothers and sisters, share and share alike —". Accordingly, it
the most fit, competent, trustworthy and well-qualified person to serve the duties of became incumbent upon Hodges, as executor of his wife's will, to duly liquidate the conjugal partnership,
Administratrix and Special Administratrix and is willing to act as such. half of which constituted her estate, in order that upon the eventuality of his death, "the rest, residue and
remainder" thereof could be determined and correspondingly distributed or divided among her brothers
and sisters. And it was precisely because no such liquidation was done, furthermore, there is the issue of
9. That Miss Avelina Magno is also willing to file bond in such sum which the Hon.
whether the distribution of her estate should be governed by the laws of the Philippines or those of Texas,
Court believes reasonable.
of which State she was a national, and, what is more, as already stated, Hodges made official and sworn
statements or manifestations indicating that as far as he was concerned no "property interests passed to
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, it is most respectfully prayed that, Miss him as surviving spouse — "except for purposes of administering the estate, paying debts, taxes and other
AVELINA A. MAGNO be immediately appointed Administratrix of the estate of Linnie legal charges" and it was the intention of the surviving husband of the deceased to distribute the remaining
Jane Hodges and as Special Administratrix of the estate of Charles Newton Hodges, property and interests of the deceased in their Community Estate to the devisees and legatees named in the
with powers and duties provided for by law. That the Honorable Court fix the will when the debts, liabilities, taxes and expenses of administration are finally determined and paid", that
reasonable bond of P1,000.00 to be filed by Avelina A. Magno. the incidents and controversies now before Us for resolution arose. As may be observed, the situation that
ensued upon the death of Hodges became rather unusual and so, quite understandably, the lower court's
actuations presently under review are apparently wanting in consistency and seemingly lack proper
(Annex "O", Petition.)

which respondent court readily acted on in its order of even date thus: .
Thus, We cannot discern clearly from the record before Us the precise perspective from which the trial
court proceeded in issuing its questioned orders. And, regretably, none of the lengthy briefs submitted by
For the reasons alleged in the Urgent Ex-parte Motion filed by counsel for the Executor the parties is of valuable assistance in clearing up the matter.
dated December 25, 1962, which the Court finds meritorious, Miss AVELINA A.
MAGNO, is hereby appointed Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and as
To begin with, We gather from the two records on appeal filed by petitioner, as appellant in the appealed
Special Administratrix of the estate of Charles Newton Hodges, in the latter case,
cases, one with green cover and the other with a yellow cover, that at the outset, a sort of modus operandi
because the last will of said Charles Newton Hodges is still kept in his vault or iron
had been agreed upon by the parties under which the respective administrators of the two estates were
safe and that the real and personal properties of both spouses may be lost, damaged
supposed to act conjointly, but since no copy of the said agreement can be found in the record before Us,
or go to waste, unless a Special Administratrix is appointed.
We have no way of knowing when exactly such agreement was entered into and under what specific terms.
And while reference is made to said modus operandi in the order of September 11, 1964, on pages 205-206
Miss Avelina A. Magno is required to file bond in the sum of FIVE THOUSAND PESOS of the Green Record on Appeal, reading thus:
(P5,000.00), and after having done so, let letters of Administration be issued to her."
(Annex "P", Petition.)
The present incident is to hear the side of administratrix, Miss Avelina A. Magno, in
answer to the charges contained in the motion filed by Atty. Cesar Tirol on September
On December 29, 1962, however, upon urgent ex-parte petition of respondent Magno 3, 1964. In answer to the said charges, Miss Avelina A. Magno, through her counsel,
herself, thru Atty. Gellada, Harold, R. Davies, "a representative of the heirs of deceased Atty. Rizal Quimpo, filed a written manifestation.
Charles Newton Hodges (who had) arrived from the United States of America to help
in the administration of the estate of said deceased" was appointed as Co-Special
Administrator of the estate of Hodges, (pp. 29-33, Yellow - Record on Appeal) only to
After reading the manifestation here of Atty. Quimpo, for and in behalf of the Pursuant to the order of this Court thru Judge Bellosillo dated September 11, 1964, it
administratrix, Miss Avelina A. Magno, the Court finds that everything that happened is hereby ordered:
before September 3, 1964, which was resolved on September 8, 1964, to the
satisfaction of parties, was simply due to a misunderstanding between the
(a) That all cash collections should be deposited in the joint account of the estates of
representative of the Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank and Miss Magno and
Linnie Jane Hodges and estates of C.N. Hodges;
in order to restore the harmonious relations between the parties, the Court ordered
the parties to remain in status quo as to their modus operandi before September 1,
1964, until after the Court can have a meeting with all the parties and their counsels (b) That whatever cash collections that had been deposited in the account of either of
on October 3, as formerly agreed upon between counsels, Attys. Ozaeta, Gibbs and the estates should be withdrawn and since then deposited in the joint account of the
Ozaeta, Attys. Tirol and Tirol and Atty. Rizal Quimpo. estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and the estate of C.N. Hodges;

In the meantime, the prayers of Atty. Quimpo as stated in his manifestation shall not (c) That the PCIB should countersign the check in the amount of P250 in favor of
be resolved by this Court until October 3, 1964. Administratrix Avelina A. Magno as her compensation as administratrix of the Linnie
Jane Hodges estate chargeable to the testate estate of Linnie Jane Hodges only;
(d) That Administratrix Magno is hereby directed to allow the PCIB to inspect
whatever records, documents and papers she may have in her possession in the same
there is nothing in the record indicating whatever happened to it afterwards, except that again, reference
manner that Administrator PCIB is also directed to allow Administratrix Magno to
thereto was made in the appealed order of October 27, 1965, on pages 292-295 of the Green Record on
inspect whatever records, documents and papers it may have in its possession;
Appeal, as follows:

(e) That the accountant of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges shall have access to all
On record is an urgent motion to allow PCIB to open all doors and locks in the Hodges
records of the transactions of both estates for the protection of the estate of Linnie
Office at 206-208 Guanco Street, Iloilo City, to take immediate and exclusive
Jane Hodges; and in like manner the accountant or any authorized representative of
possession thereof and to place its own locks and keys for security purposes of the
the estate of C.N. Hodges shall have access to the records of transactions of the Linnie
PCIB dated October 27, 1965 thru Atty. Cesar Tirol. It is alleged in said urgent motion
Jane Hodges estate for the protection of the estate of C.N. Hodges.
that Administratrix Magno of the testate estate of Linnie Jane Hodges refused to open
the Hodges Office at 206-208 Guanco Street, Iloilo City where PCIB holds office and
therefore PCIB is suffering great moral damage and prejudice as a result of said act. It Once the estates' office shall have been opened by Administratrix Magno in the
is prayed that an order be issued authorizing it (PCIB) to open all doors and locks in presence of the PCIB or its duly authorized representative and deputy clerk Albis or
the said office, to take immediate and exclusive possession thereof and place thereon his duly authorized representative, both estates or any of the estates should not close
its own locks and keys for security purposes; instructing the clerk of court or any it without previous consent and authority from this court.
available deputy to witness and supervise the opening of all doors and locks and
taking possession of the PCIB.

A written opposition has been filed by Administratrix Magno of even date (Oct. 27)
As may be noted, in this order, the respondent court required that all collections from the properties in the
thru counsel Rizal Quimpo stating therein that she was compelled to close the office
name of Hodges should be deposited in a joint account of the two estates, which indicates that seemingly
for the reason that the PCIB failed to comply with the order of this Court signed by
the so-called modus operandi was no longer operative, but again there is nothing to show when this
Judge Anacleto I. Bellosillo dated September 11, 1964 to the effect that both estates
situation started.
should remain in status quo to their modus operandi as of September 1, 1964.

Likewise, in paragraph 3 of the petitioner's motion of September 14, 1964, on pages 188-201 of the Green
To arrive at a happy solution of the dispute and in order not to interrupt the operation
Record on Appeal, (also found on pp. 83-91 of the Yellow Record on Appeal) it is alleged that:
of the office of both estates, the Court aside from the reasons stated in the urgent
motion and opposition heard the verbal arguments of Atty. Cesar Tirol for the PCIB
and Atty. Rizal Quimpo for Administratix Magno. 3. On January 24, 1964 virtually all of the heirs of C.N. Hodges, Joe Hodges and
Fernando P. Mirasol acting as the two co-administrators of the estate of C.N. Hodges,
Avelina A. Magno acting as the administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and
After due consideration, the Court hereby orders Magno to open all doors and locks in
Messrs. William Brown and Ardell Young acting for all of the Higdon family who claim
the Hodges Office at 206-208 Guanco Street, Iloilo City in the presence of the PCIB or
to be the sole beneficiaries of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and various legal
its duly authorized representative and deputy clerk of court Albis of this branch not
counsel representing the aforementioned parties entered into an amicable agreement,
later than 7:30 tomorrow morning October 28, 1965 in order that the office of said
which was approved by this Honorable Court, wherein the parties thereto agreed that
estates could operate for business.
certain sums of money were to be paid in settlement of different claims against the
two estates and that the assets (to the extent they existed) of both estates would be
administered jointly by the PCIB as administrator of the estate of C.N. Hodges and
Avelina A. Magno as administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, subject, Atty. Herminio Ozaeta filed a rejoinder dated August 10, 1964 to the reply to the
however, to the aforesaid October 5, 1963 Motion, namely, the PCIB's claim to opposition to the Manifestation and Urgent Motion alleging principally that the estates
exclusive possession and ownership of one hundred percent (100%) (or, in the of Linnie Jane Hodges and C. N. Hodges are not similarly situated for the reason that C.
alternative, seventy-five percent (75%) of all assets owned by C.N. Hodges or Linnie N. Hodges is an heir of Linnie Jane Hodges whereas the latter is not an heir of the
Jane Hodges situated in the Philippines. On February 1, 1964 (pp. 934-935, CFI Rec., former for the reason that Linnie Jane Hodges predeceased C. N. Hodges (pp. 1839-
S.P. No. 1672) this Honorable Court amended its order of January 24, 1964 but in no 1848, Vol. V, Sp. 1307); that Attys. Manglapus and Quimpo formally entered their
way changed its recognition of the afore-described basic demand by the PCIB as appearance in behalf of Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges on June 10,
administrator of the estate of C.N. Hodges to one hundred percent (100%) of the 1964 (pp. 1639-1640, Vol. V, Sp. 1307).
assets claimed by both estates.
Atty. Manglapus filed a manifestation dated December 18, 1964 stating therein that
but no copy of the mentioned agreement of joint administration of the two estates exists in the record, and Judge Bellosillo issued an order requiring the parties to submit memorandum in
so, We are not informed as to what exactly are the terms of the same which could be relevant in the support of their respective contentions. It is prayed in this manifestation that the
resolution of the issues herein. Manifestation and Urgent Motion dated June 10, 1964 be resolved (pp. 6435-6439,
Vol. VII, Sp. 1307).
On the other hand, the appealed order of November 3, 1965, on pages 313-320 of the Green Record on
Appeal, authorized payment by respondent Magno of, inter alia, her own fees as administratrix, the Atty. Roman Mabanta, Jr. for the PCIB filed a counter- manifestation dated January 5,
attorney's fees of her lawyers, etc., as follows: 1965 asking that after the consideration by the court of all allegations and arguments
and pleadings of the PCIB in connection therewith (1) said manifestation and urgent
motion of Attys. Manglapus and Quimpo be denied (pp. 6442-6453, Vol. VII, Sp. 1307).
Administratrix Magno thru Attys. Raul S. Manglapus and Rizal. R. Quimpo filed a
Judge Querubin issued an order dated January 4, 1965 approving the motion dated
Manifestation and Urgent Motion dated June 10, 1964 asking for the approval of the
June 10, 1964 of the attorneys for the administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane
Agreement dated June 6, 1964 which Agreement is for the purpose of retaining their
Hodges and agreement annexed to said motion. The said order further states: "The
services to protect and defend the interest of the said Administratrix in these
Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges is authorized to issue or sign
proceedings and the same has been signed by and bears the express conformity of the
whatever check or checks may be necessary for the above purpose and the
attorney-in-fact of the late Linnie Jane Hodges, Mr. James L. Sullivan. It is further
administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges is ordered to countersign the same. (pp.
prayed that the Administratrix of the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges be directed
6518-6523, Vol VII, Sp. 1307).
to pay the retailers fee of said lawyers, said fees made chargeable as expenses for the
administration of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (pp. 1641-1642, Vol. V, Sp. 1307).
Atty. Roman Mabanta, Jr. for the PCIB filed a manifestation and motion dated January
13, 1965 asking that the order of January 4, 1965 which was issued by Judge Querubin
An opposition has been filed by the Administrator PCIB thru Atty. Herminio Ozaeta
be declared null and void and to enjoin the clerk of court and the administratrix and
dated July 11, 1964, on the ground that payment of the retainers fee of Attys.
administrator in these special proceedings from all proceedings and action to enforce
Manglapus and Quimpo as prayed for in said Manifestation and Urgent Motion is
or comply with the provision of the aforesaid order of January 4, 1965. In support of
prejudicial to the 100% claim of the estate of C. N. Hodges; employment of Attys.
said manifestation and motion it is alleged that the order of January 4, 1965 is null and
Manglapus and Quimpo is premature and/or unnecessary; Attys. Quimpo and
void because the said order was never delivered to the deputy clerk Albis of Branch V
Manglapus are representing conflicting interests and the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges
(the sala of Judge Querubin) and the alleged order was found in the drawer of the late
should be closed and terminated (pp. 1679-1684, Vol, V, Sp. 1307).
Judge Querubin in his office when said drawer was opened on January 13, 1965 after
the death of Judge Querubin by Perfecto Querubin, Jr., the son of the judge and in the
Atty. Leon P. Gellada filed a memorandum dated July 28, 1964 asking that the presence of Executive Judge Rovira and deputy clerk Albis (Sec. 1, Rule 36, New Civil
Manifestation and Urgent Motion filed by Attys. Manglapus and Quimpo be denied Code) (Pp. 6600-6606, Vol. VIII, Sp. 1307).
because no evidence has been presented in support thereof. Atty. Manglapus filed a
reply to the opposition of counsel for the Administrator of the C. N. Hodges estate
Atty. Roman Mabanta, Jr. for the PCIB filed a motion for reconsideration dated
wherein it is claimed that expenses of administration include reasonable counsel or
February 23, 1965 asking that the order dated January 4, 1964 be reversed on the
attorney's fees for services to the executor or administrator. As a matter of fact the fee
ground that:
agreement dated February 27, 1964 between the PCIB and the law firm of Ozaeta,
Gibbs & Ozaeta as its counsel (Pp. 1280-1284, Vol. V, Sp. 1307) which stipulates the
fees for said law firm has been approved by the Court in its order dated March 31, 1. Attorneys retained must render services to the estate not to the personal heir;
1964. If payment of the fees of the lawyers for the administratrix of the estate of
Linnie Jane Hodges will cause prejudice to the estate of C. N. Hodges, in like manner
2. If services are rendered to both, fees should be pro-rated between them;
the very agreement which provides for the payment of attorney's fees to the counsel
for the PCIB will also be prejudicial to the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (pp. 1801-
1814, Vol. V, Sp. 1307). 3. Attorneys retained should not represent conflicting interests; to the prejudice of the
other heirs not represented by said attorneys;
4. Fees must be commensurate to the actual services rendered to the estate; law firms of Ozaeta, Gibbs and Ozaeta and Tirol and Tirol and the opposition thereto
of Atty. Rizal R. Quimpo (Vol. VIII, pp. 6811-6813) dated July 22, 1965 and considering
the allegations and reasons therein stated, the court believes that the deeds of sale
5. There must be assets in the estate to pay for said fees (Pp. 6625-6636, Vol. VIII, Sp.
should be signed jointly by the PCIB, Administrator of the Testate Estate of C. N.
Hodges and Avelina A. Magno, Administratrix of the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane
Hodges and to this effect the PCIB should take the necessary steps so that
Atty. Quimpo for Administratrix Magno of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges filed a Administratrix Avelina A. Magno could sign the deeds of sale.
motion to submit dated July 15, 1965 asking that the manifestation and urgent motion
dated June 10, 1964 filed by Attys. Manglapus and Quimpo and other incidents
SO ORDERED. (p. 248, Green Record on Appeal.)
directly appertaining thereto be considered submitted for consideration and approval
(pp. 6759-6765, Vol. VIII, Sp. 1307).
Notably this order required that even the deeds executed by petitioner, as administrator of the Estate of
Hodges, involving properties registered in his name, should be co-signed by respondent Magno.3 And this
Considering the arguments and reasons in support to the pleadings of both the
was not an isolated instance.
Administratrix and the PCIB, and of Atty. Gellada, hereinbefore mentioned, the Court
believes that the order of January 4, 1965 is null and void for the reason that the said
order has not been filed with deputy clerk Albis of this court (Branch V) during the In her brief as appellee, respondent Magno states:
lifetime of Judge Querubin who signed the said order. However, the said manifestation
and urgent motion dated June 10, 1964 is being treated and considered in this instant
After the lower court had authorized appellee Avelina A. Magno to execute final deeds
order. It is worthy to note that in the motion dated January 24, 1964 (Pp. 1149- 1163,
of sale pursuant to contracts to sell executed by C. N. Hodges on February 20, 1963
Vol. V, Sp. 1307) which has been filed by Atty. Gellada and his associates and Atty.
(pp. 45-46, Green ROA), motions for the approval of final deeds of sale (signed by
Gibbs and other lawyers in addition to the stipulated fees for actual services rendered.
appellee Avelina A. Magno and the administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges, first Joe
However, the fee agreement dated February 27, 1964, between the Administrator of
Hodges, then Atty. Fernando Mirasol and later the appellant) were approved by the
the estate of C. N. Hodges and Atty. Gibbs which provides for retainer fee of P4,000
lower court upon petition of appellee Magno's counsel, Atty. Leon P. Gellada, on the
monthly in addition to specific fees for actual appearances, reimbursement for
basis of section 8 of Rule 89 of the Revised Rules of Court. Subsequently, the appellant,
expenditures and contingent fees has also been approved by the Court and said
after it had taken over the bulk of the assets of the two estates, started presenting
lawyers have already been paid. (pp. 1273-1279, Vol. V, Sp. Proc. 1307 pp. 1372-1373,
these motions itself. The first such attempt was a "Motion for Approval of Deeds of
Vol. V, Sp. Proc. 1307).
Sale for Registered Land and Cancellations of Mortgages" dated July 21, 1964 filed by
Atty. Cesar T. Tirol, counsel for the appellant, thereto annexing two (2) final deeds of
WHEREFORE, the order dated January 4, 1965 is hereby declared null and void. sale and two (2) cancellations of mortgages signed by appellee Avelina A. Magno and
D. R. Paulino, Assistant Vice-President and Manager of the appellant (CFI Record, Sp.
Proc. No. 1307, Vol. V, pp. 1694-1701). This motion was approved by the lower court
The manifestation and motion dated June 10, 1964 which was filed by the attorneys
on July 27, 1964. It was followed by another motion dated August 4, 1964 for the
for the administratrix of the testate estate of Linnie Jane Hodges is granted and the
approval of one final deed of sale again signed by appellee Avelina A. Magno and D. R.
agreement annexed thereto is hereby approved.
Paulino (CFI Record, Sp. Proc. No. 1307. Vol. V, pp. 1825-1828), which was again
approved by the lower court on August 7, 1964. The gates having been opened, a flood
The administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges is hereby directed to be needed ensued: the appellant subsequently filed similar motions for the approval of a
to implement the approval of the agreement annexed to the motion and the multitude of deeds of sales and cancellations of mortgages signed by both the appellee
administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges is directed to countersign the said check or Avelina A. Magno and the appellant.
checks as the case may be.
A random check of the records of Special Proceeding No. 1307 alone will show Atty.
SO ORDERED. Cesar T. Tirol as having presented for court approval deeds of sale of real properties
signed by both appellee Avelina A. Magno and D. R. Paulino in the following numbers:
(a) motion dated September 21, 1964 — 6 deeds of sale; (b) motion dated November
thereby implying somehow that the court assumed the existence of independent but simultaneous
4, 1964 — 1 deed of sale; (c) motion dated December 1, 1964 — 4 deeds of sale; (d)
motion dated February 3, 1965 — 8 deeds of sale; (f) motion dated May 7, 1965 — 9
deeds of sale. In view of the very extensive landholdings of the Hodges spouses and
Be that as it may, again, it appears that on August 6, 1965, the court, acting on a motion of petitioner for the the many motions filed concerning deeds of sale of real properties executed by C. N.
approval of deeds of sale executed by it as administrator of the estate of Hodges, issued the following order, Hodges the lower court has had to constitute special separate expedientes in Special
also on appeal herein: Proceedings Nos. 1307 and 1672 to include mere motions for the approval of deeds of
sale of the conjugal properties of the Hodges spouses.
Acting upon the motion for approval of deeds of sale for registered land of the PCIB,
Administrator of the Testate Estate of C. N. Hodges in Sp. Proc. 1672 (Vol. VII, pp. As an example, from among the very many, under date of February 3, 1965, Atty. Cesar
2244-2245), dated July 16, 1965, filed by Atty. Cesar T. Tirol in representation of the T. Tirol, as counsel for the appellant, filed "Motion for Approval of Deeds of Sale for
Registered Land and Cancellations of Mortgages" (CFI Record, Sp. Proc. No. 1307, Vol. appellee Western Institute of Technology (successor of Panay Educational Institutions, Inc.), one of the
VIII, pp. 6570-6596) the allegations of which read: parties with whom Hodges had contracts that are in question in the appeals herein, to pay petitioner, as
Administrator of the estate of Hodges and/or respondent Magno, as Administrator of the estate of Mrs.
Hodges, thus:
"1. In his lifetime, the late C. N. Hodges executed "Contracts to Sell" real property, and
the prospective buyers under said contracts have already paid the price and complied
with the terms and conditions thereof; Considering that in both cases there is as yet no judicial declaration of heirs nor
distribution of properties to whomsoever are entitled thereto, the Court believes that
payment to both the administrator of the testate estate of C. N. Hodges and the
"2. In the course of administration of both estates, mortgage debtors have already paid
administratrix of the testate estate of Linnie Jane Hodges or to either one of the two
their debts secured by chattel mortgages in favor of the late C. N. Hodges, and are now
estates is proper and legal.
entitled to release therefrom;

WHEREFORE, movant Ricardo T. Salas can pay to both estates or either of them.
"3. There are attached hereto documents executed jointly by the Administratrix in Sp.
Proc. No. 1307 and the Administrator in Sp. Proc. No. 1672, consisting of deeds of sale
in favor — SO ORDERED.

Fernando Cano, Bacolod City, Occ. Negros (Pp. 334-335, Green Record on Appeal.)
Fe Magbanua, Iloilo City
Policarpio M. Pareno, La Paz, Iloilo City
On the other hand, as stated earlier, there were instances when respondent Magno was given authority to
Rosario T. Libre, Jaro, Iloilo City
act alone. For instance, in the other appealed order of December 19, 1964, on page 221 of the Green Record
Federico B. Torres, Iloilo City
on Appeal, the respondent court approved payments made by her of overtime pay to some employees of
Reynaldo T. Lataquin, La Paz, Iloilo City
the court who had helped in gathering and preparing copies of parts of the records in both estates as
Anatolio T. Viray, Iloilo City
Benjamin Rolando, Jaro, Iloilo City

Considering that the expenses subject of the motion to approve payment of overtime
and cancellations of mortgages in favor of —
pay dated December 10, 1964, are reasonable and are believed by this Court to be a
proper charge of administration chargeable to the testate estate of the late Linnie Jane
Pablo Manzano, Oton, Iloilo Hodges, the said expenses are hereby APPROVED and to be charged against the testate
Ricardo M. Diana, Dao, San Jose, Antique estate of the late Linnie Jane Hodges. The administrator of the testate estate of the late
Simplicio Tingson, Iloilo City Charles Newton Hodges is hereby ordered to countersign the check or checks
Amado Magbanua, Pototan, Iloilo necessary to pay the said overtime pay as shown by the bills marked Annex "A", "B"
Roselia M. Baes, Bolo, Roxas City and "C" of the motion.
William Bayani, Rizal Estanzuela, Iloilo City
Elpidio Villarete, Molo, Iloilo City
Norma T. Ruiz, Jaro, Iloilo City

(Pp. 221-222, Green Record on Appeal.)

"4. That the approval of the aforesaid documents will not reduce
the assets of the estates so as to prevent any creditor from
receiving his full debt or diminish his dividend." Likewise, the respondent court approved deeds of sale executed by respondent Magno alone, as
Administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Hodges, covering properties in the name of Hodges, pursuant to
"contracts to sell" executed by Hodges, irrespective of whether they were executed by him before or after
And the prayer of this motion is indeed very revealing:
the death of his wife. The orders of this nature which are also on appeal herein are the following:

"WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed that, under Rule 89, Section 8 of the Rules of
1. Order of March 30, 1966, on p. 137 of the Green Record on Appeal, approving the deed of sale executed
Court, this honorable court approve the aforesaid deeds of sale and cancellations of
by respondent Magno in favor of appellee Lorenzo Carles on February 24, 1966, pursuant to a "contract to
mortgages." (Pp. 113-117, Appellee's Brief.)
sell" signed by Hodges on June 17, 1958, after the death of his wife, which contract petitioner claims was
cancelled by it for failure of Carles to pay the installments due on January 7, 1965.
None of these assertions is denied in Petitioner's reply brief.
2. Order of April 5, 1966, on pp. 139-140, id., approving the deed of sale executed by respondent Magno in
Further indicating lack of concrete perspective or orientation on the part of the respondent court and its favor of appellee Salvador Guzman on February 28, 1966 pursuant to a "contract to sell" signed by Hodges
hesitancy to clear up matters promptly, in its other appealed order of November 23, 1965, on pages 334- on September 13, 1960, after the death of his wife, which contract petitioner claims it cancelled on March 3,
335 of the Green Record on Appeal, said respondent court allowed the movant Ricardo Salas, President of 1965 in view of failure of said appellee to pay the installments on time.
3. Order of April 20, 1966, on pp. 167-168, id., approving the deed of sale executed by respondent Magno in The points of fact and law pertaining to the two abovecited assignments of error have
favor of appellee Purificacion Coronado on March 28, 1966 pursuant to a "contract to sell" signed by already been discussed previously. In the first abovecited error, the order alluded to
Hodges on August 14, 1961, after the death of his wife. was general, and as already explained before, it was, as admitted by the lower court
itself, superseded by the particular orders approving specific final deeds of sale
executed by the appellee, Avelina A. Magno, which are subject of this appeal, as well as
4. Order of April 20, 1966, on pp. 168-169, id., approving the deed of sale executed by respondent Magno in
the particular orders approving specific final deeds of sale executed by the appellant,
favor of appellee Florenia Barrido on March 28, 1966, pursuant to a "contract to sell" signed by Hodges on
Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank, which were never appealed by the
February 21, 1958, after the death of his wife.
appellee, Avelina A. Magno, nor by any party for that matter, and which are now
therefore final.
5. Order of June 7, 1966, on pp. 184-185, id., approving the deed of sale executed by respondent Magno in
favor of appellee Belcezar Causing on May 2, 1966, pursuant to a "contract to sell" signed by Hodges on
Now, simultaneously with the foregoing incidents, others of more fundamental and all embracing
February 10, 1959, after the death of his wife.
significance developed. On October 5, 1963, over the signature of Atty. Allison J. Gibbs in representation of
the law firm of Ozaeta, Gibbs & Ozaeta, as counsel for the co-administrators Joe Hodges and Fernando P.
6. Order of June 21, 1966, on pp. 211-212, id., approving the deed of sale executed by respondent Magno in Mirasol, the following self-explanatory motion was filed:
favor of appellee Artheo Thomas Jamir on June 3, 1966, pursuant to a "contract to sell" signed by Hodges on
May 26, 1961, after the death of his wife.
7. Order of June 21, 1966, on pp. 212-213, id., approving the deed of sale executed by respondent Magno in THE ASSETS OF THE CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF THE
favor of appellees Graciano Lucero and Melquiades Batisanan on June 6 and June 3, 1966, respectively, DECEASED LINNIE JANE HODGES AND C N. HODGES EXISTING AS
pursuant to "contracts to sell" signed by Hodges on June 9, 1959 and November 27, 1961, respectively, after OF MAY 23, 1957 PLUS ALL THE RENTS, EMOLUMENTS AND
the death of his wife. INCOME THEREFROM.

8. Order of December 2, 1966, on pp. 303-304, id., approving the deed of sale executed by respondent COMES NOW the co-administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges, Joe Hodges, through
Magno in favor of appellees Espiridion Partisala, Winifredo Espada and Rosario Alingasa on September 6, his undersigned attorneys in the above-entitled proceedings, and to this Honorable
1966, August 17, 1966 and August 3, 1966, respectively, pursuant to "contracts to sell" signed by Hodges on Court respectfully alleges:
April 20, 1960, April 18, 1960 and August 25, 1958, respectively, that is, after the death of his wife.
(1) On May 23, 1957 Linnie Jane Hodges died in Iloilo City.
9. Order of April 5, 1966, on pp. 137-138, id., approving the deed of sale executed by respondent Magno in
favor of appellee Alfredo Catedral on March 2, 1966, pursuant to a "contract to sell" signed by Hodges on
(2) On June 28, 1957 this Honorable Court admitted to probate the Last Will and
May 29, 1954, before the death of his wife, which contract petitioner claims it had cancelled on February
Testament of the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges executed November 22, 1952 and
16, 1966 for failure of appellee Catedral to pay the installments due on time.
appointed C. N. Hodges as Executor of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (pp. 24-25, Rec.
Sp. Proc. 1307).
10. Order of April 5, 1966, on pp. 138-139, id., approving the deed of sale executed by respondent Magno in
favor of appellee Jose Pablico on March 7, 1966, pursuant to a "contract to sell" signed by Hodges on March
(3) On July 1, 1957 this Honorable Court issued Letters Testamentary to C. N. Hodges
7, 1950, after the death of his wife, which contract petitioner claims it had cancelled on June 29, 1960, for
in the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (p. 30, Rec. Sp. Proc. 1307).
failure of appellee Pablico to pay the installments due on time.

(4) On December 14, 1957 this Honorable Court, on the basis of the following
11. Order of December 2, 1966, on pp. 303-304, id., insofar as it approved the deed of sale executed by
allegations in a Motion dated December 11, 1957 filed by Leon P. Gellada as attorney
respondent Magno in favor of appellee Pepito Iyulores on September 6, 1966, pursuant to a "contract to
for the executor C. N. Hodges:
sell" signed by Hodges on February 5, 1951, before the death of his wife.

"That herein Executor, (is) not only part owner of the properties
12. Order of January 3, 1967, on pp. 335-336, id., approving three deeds of sale executed by respondent
left as conjugal, but also, the successor to all the properties left by
Magno, one in favor of appellees Santiago Pacaonsis and two in favor of appellee Adelfa Premaylon on
the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges."
December 5, 1966 and November 3, 1966, respectively, pursuant to separate "promises to sell" signed
respectively by Hodges on May 26, 1955 and January 30, 1954, before the death of his wife, and October 31,
1959, after her death. (p. 44, Rec. Sp. Proc. 1307; emphasis supplied.)

In like manner, there were also instances when respondent court approved deeds of sale executed by issued the following order:
petitioner alone and without the concurrence of respondent Magno, and such approvals have not been the
subject of any appeal. No less than petitioner points this out on pages 149-150 of its brief as appellant thus:
"As prayed for by Attorney Gellada, counsel for the Executory, for
the reasons stated in his motion dated December 11, 1957 which
the court considers well taken, all the sales, conveyances, leases (9) On December 25, 1962, on the Urgent Ex-parte Motion of Leon P. Gellada filed only
and mortgages of all properties left by the deceased Linnie Jane in Special Proceeding No. 1307, this Honorable Court appointed Avelina A. Magno
Hodges are hereby APPROVED. The said executor is further
authorized to execute subsequent sales, conveyances, leases and
"Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and as Special Administratrix of
mortgages of the properties left by the said deceased Linnie Jane
the estate of Charles Newton Hodges, in the latter case, because the last will of said
Hodges in consonance with the wishes contained in the last will
Charles Newton Hodges is still kept in his vault or iron safe and that the real and
and testament of the latter."
personal properties of both spouses may be lost, damaged or go to waste, unless a
Special Administratrix is appointed."
(p. 46, Rec. Sp. Proc. 1307; emphasis supplied.)
(p. 100. Rec. Sp. Proc. 1307)
(5) On April 21, 1959 this Honorable Court approved the inventory and accounting
submitted by C. N. Hodges through his counsel Leon P. Gellada on April 14, 1959
(10) On December 26, 1962 Letters of Administration were issued to Avelina Magno
wherein he alleged among other things
pursuant to this Honorable Court's aforesaid Order of December 25, 1962

"That no person interested in the Philippines of the time and

"With full authority to take possession of all the property of said
place of examining the herein account, be given notice, as herein
deceased in any province or provinces in which it may be
executor is the only devisee or legatee of the deceased, in
situated and to perform all other acts necessary for the
accordance with the last will and testament already probated by
preservation of said property, said Administratrix and/or Special
the Honorable Court."
Administratrix having filed a bond satisfactory to the Court."

(pp. 77-78, Rec. Sp. Proc. 1307; emphasis supplied.).

(p. 102, Rec. Sp. Proc. 1307)

(6) On July 30, 1960 this Honorable Court approved the "Annual Statement of
(11) On January 22, 1963 this Honorable Court on petition of Leon P. Gellada of
Account" submitted by C. N. Hodges through his counsel Leon P. Gellada on July 21,
January 21, 1963 issued Letters of Administration to:
1960 wherein he alleged among other things:

(a) Avelina A. Magno as Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges;

"That no person interested in the Philippines of the time and
place of examining the herein account, be given notice as herein
executor is the only devisee or legatee of the deceased Linnie Jane (b) Avelina A. Magno as Special Administratrix of the Estate of Charles Newton
Hodges, in accordance with the last will and testament of the Hodges; and
deceased, already probated by this Honorable Court."
(c) Joe Hodges as Co-Special Administrator of the Estate of Charles Newton Hodges.
(pp. 81-82. Rec. Sp. Proc. 1307; emphasis supplied.)
(p. 43, Rec. Sp. Proc. 1307)
(7) On May 2, 1961 this Honorable court approved the "Annual Statement of Account
By The Executor for the Year 1960" submitted through Leon P. Gellada on April 20,
(12) On February 20, 1963 this Honorable Court on the basis of a motion filed by Leon
1961 wherein he alleged:
P. Gellada as legal counsel on February 16, 1963 for Avelina A. Magno acting as
Administratrix of the Estate of Charles Newton Hodges (pp. 114-116, Sp. Proc. 1307)
That no person interested in the Philippines be given notice, of issued the following order:
the time and place of examining the herein account, as herein
Executor is the only devisee or legatee of the deceased Linnie Jane
"... se autoriza a aquella (Avelina A. Magno) a firmar escrituras de
Hodges, in accordance with the last will and testament of the
venta definitiva de propiedades cubiertas por contratos para
deceased, already probated by this Honorable Court.
vender, firmados, en vida, por el finado Charles Newton Hodges,
cada vez que el precio estipulado en cada contrato este
(pp. 90-91. Rec. Sp. Proc. 1307; emphasis supplied.) totalmente pagado. Se autoriza igualmente a la misma a firmar
escrituras de cancelacion de hipoteca tanto de bienes reales
como personales cada vez que la consideracion de cada hipoteca
(8) On December 25, 1962, C.N. Hodges died.
este totalmente pagada.
"Cada una de dichas escrituras que se otorguen debe ser (16) Avelina A. Magno, it is alleged on information and belief, has paid and still is
sometida para la aprobacion de este Juzgado." paying sums of money to sundry persons.

(p. 117, Sp. Proc. 1307). (17) Joe Hodges through the undersigned attorneys manifested during the hearings
before this Honorable Court on September 5 and 6, 1963 that the estate of C. N.
Hodges was claiming all of the assets belonging to the deceased spouses Linnie Jane
[Par 1 (c), Reply to Motion For Removal of Joe Hodges]
Hodges and C. N. Hodges situated in Philippines because of the aforesaid election by C.
N. Hodges wherein he claimed and took possession as sole owner of all of said assets
(13) On September l6, 1963 Leon P. Gellada, acting as attorney for Avelina A. Magno as during the administration of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges on the ground that he
Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, alleges: was the sole devisee and legatee under her Last Will and Testament.

3. — That since January, 1963, both estates of Linnie Jane Hodges (18) Avelina A. Magno has submitted no inventory and accounting of her
and Charles Newton Hodges have been receiving in full, administration as Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and Special
payments for those "contracts to sell" entered into by C. N. Administratrix of the estate of C. N. Hodges. However, from manifestations made by
Hodges during his lifetime, and the purchasers have been Avelina A. Magno and her legal counsel, Leon P. Gellada, there is no question she will
demanding the execution of definite deeds of sale in their favor. claim that at least fifty per cent (50%) of the conjugal assets of the deceased spouses
and the rents, emoluments and income therefrom belong to the Higdon family who are
named in paragraphs Fourth and Fifth of the Will of Linnie Jane Hodges (p. 5, Rec. Sp.
4. — That hereto attached are thirteen (13) copies deeds of sale
Proc. 1307).
executed by the Administratrix and by the co-administrator
(Fernando P. Mirasol) of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and
Charles Newton Hodges respectively, in compliance with the WHEREFORE, premises considered, movant respectfully prays that this Honorable
terms and conditions of the respective "contracts to sell" Court, after due hearing, order:
executed by the parties thereto."
(1) Avelina A. Magno to submit an inventory and accounting of all of the funds,
(14) The properties involved in the aforesaid motion of September 16, 1963 are all properties and assets of any character belonging to the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges
registered in the name of the deceased C. N. Hodges. and C. N. Hodges which have come into her possession, with full details of what she
has done with them;
(15) Avelina A. Magno, it is alleged on information and belief, has been advertising in
the newspaper in Iloilo thusly: (2) Avelina A. Magno to turn over and deliver to the Administrator of the estate of C. N.
Hodges all of the funds, properties and assets of any character remaining in her
For Sale

(3) Pending this Honorable Court's adjudication of the aforesaid issues, Avelina A.
Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and Charles Newton Hodges.
Magno to stop, unless she first secures the conformity of Joe Hodges (or his duly
authorized representative, such as the undersigned attorneys) as the Co-
All Real Estate or Personal Property will be sold on First Come First Served Basis. administrator and attorney-in-fact of a majority of the beneficiaries of the estate of C.
N. Hodges:
v (a) Advertising the sale and the sale of the properties of the estates:
(b) Employing personnel and paying them any compensation.
a (4) Such other relief as this Honorable Court may deem just and equitable in the
premises. (Annex "T", Petition.)
Almost a year thereafter, or on September 14, 1964, after the co-administrators Joe Hodges and Fernando
P. Mirasol were replaced by herein petitioner Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank as sole
administrator, pursuant to an agreement of all the heirs of Hodges approved by the court, and because the
above motion of October 5, 1963 had not yet been heard due to the absence from the country of Atty. Gibbs,
petitioner filed the following:
MANIFESTATION AND MOTION, INCLUDING MOTION TO SET FOR 5. On June 11, 1964, because the undersigned Allison J. Gibbs was absent in the United
HEARING AND RESOLVE "URGENT MOTION FOR AN ACCOUNTING States, this Honorable Court ordered the indefinite postponement of the hearing of the
6. Since its appointment as administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges the PCIB has not
been able to properly carry out its duties and obligations as administrator of the
estate of C. N. Hodges because of the following acts, among others, of Avelina A. Magno
and those who claim to act for her as administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane
COMES NOW Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank (hereinafter referred to as Hodges:
PCIB), the administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges, deceased, in Special Proceedings
No. 1672, through its undersigned counsel, and to this Honorable Court respectfully
(a) Avelina A. Magno illegally acts as if she is in exclusive control
alleges that:
of all of the assets in the Philippines of both estates including
those claimed by the estate of C. N. Hodges as evidenced in part
1. On October 5, 1963, Joe Hodges acting as the co-administrator of the estate of C. N. by her locking the premises at 206-208 Guanco Street, Iloilo City
Hodges filed, through the undersigned attorneys, an "Urgent Motion For An on August 31, 1964 and refusing to reopen same until ordered to
Accounting and Delivery To Administrator of the Estate of C. N. Hodges of all Of The do so by this Honorable Court on September 7, 1964.
Assets Of The Conjugal Partnership of The Deceased Linnie Jane Hodges and C. N.
Hodges Existing as Of May, 23, 1957 Plus All Of The Rents, Emoluments and Income
(b) Avelina A. Magno illegally acts as though she alone may
Therefrom" (pp. 536-542, CFI Rec. S. P. No. 1672).
decide how the assets of the estate of C.N. Hodges should be
administered, who the PCIB shall employ and how much they
2. On January 24, 1964 this Honorable Court, on the basis of an amicable agreement may be paid as evidenced in party by her refusal to sign checks
entered into on January 23, 1964 by the two co-administrators of the estate of C. N. issued by the PCIB payable to the undersigned counsel pursuant
Hodges and virtually all of the heirs of C. N. Hodges (p. 912, CFI Rec., S. P. No. 1672), to their fee agreement approved by this Honorable Court in its
resolved the dispute over who should act as administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges order dated March 31, 1964.
by appointing the PCIB as administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges (pp. 905-906, CFI
Rec. S. P. No. 1672) and issuing letters of administration to the PCIB.
(c) Avelina A. Magno illegally gives access to and turns over
possession of the records and assets of the estate of C.N. Hodges
3. On January 24, 1964 virtually all of the heirs of C. N. Hodges, Joe Hodges and to the attorney-in-fact of the Higdon Family, Mr. James L.
Fernando P. Mirasol acting as the two co-administrators of the estate of C. N. Hodges, Sullivan, as evidenced in part by the cashing of his personal
Avelina A. Magno acting as the administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, and checks.
Messrs. William Brown and Ardel Young Acting for all of the Higdon family who claim
to be the sole beneficiaries of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and various legal
(d) Avelina A. Magno illegally refuses to execute checks prepared
counsel representing the aforenamed parties entered into an amicable agreement,
by the PCIB drawn to pay expenses of the estate of C. N. Hodges
which was approved by this Honorable Court, wherein the parties thereto agreed that
as evidenced in part by the check drawn to reimburse the PCIB's
certain sums of money were to be paid in settlement of different claims against the
advance of P48,445.50 to pay the 1964 income taxes reported
two estates and that the assets (to the extent they existed)of both estates would be
due and payable by the estate of C.N. Hodges.
administrated jointly by the PCIB as administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges and
Avelina A. Magno as administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, subject,
however, to the aforesaid October 5, 1963 Motion, namely, the PCIB's claim to 7. Under and pursuant to the orders of this Honorable Court, particularly those of
exclusive possession and ownership of one-hundred percent (10017,) (or, in the January 24 and February 1, 1964, and the mandate contained in its Letters of
alternative, seventy-five percent [75%] of all assets owned by C. N. Hodges or Linnie Administration issued on January 24, 1964 to the PCIB, it has
Jane Hodges situated in the Philippines. On February 1, 1964 (pp. 934-935, CFI Rec., S.
P. No. 1672) this Honorable Court amended its order of January 24, 1964 but in no
"full authority to take possession of all the
way changes its recognition of the aforedescribed basic demand by the PCIB as
property of the deceased C. N. Hodges
administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges to one hundred percent (100%) of the
assets claimed by both estates.
"and to perform all other acts necessary for the preservation of
said property." (p. 914, CFI Rec., S.P. No. 1672.)
4. On February 15, 1964 the PCIB filed a "Motion to Resolve" the aforesaid Motion of
October 5, 1963. This Honorable Court set for hearing on June 11, 1964 the Motion of
October 5, 1963. 8. As administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges, the PCIB claims the right to the
immediate exclusive possession and control of all of the properties, accounts
receivables, court cases, bank accounts and other assets, including the documentary
records evidencing same, which existed in the Philippines on the date of C. N. Hodges'
death, December 25, 1962, and were in his possession and registered in his name January 24, 1964 of the PCIB as the sole administrator of the estate of C.N. Hodges in
alone. The PCIB knows of no assets in the Philippines registered in the name of Linnie substitution of Joe Hodges and Fernando P. Mirasol, the PCIB legally became the only
Jane Hodges, the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, or, C. N. Hodges, Executor of the Estate party entitled to the sole and exclusive possession of all of the assets of the estate of C.
of Linnie Jane Hodges on December 25, 1962. All of the assets of which the PCIB has N. Hodges.
knowledge are either registered in the name of C. N. Hodges, alone or were derived
therefrom since his death on December 25, 1962.
11. The PCIB's predecessors submitted their accounting and this Honorable Court
approved same, to wit:
9. The PCIB as the current administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges, deceased,
succeeded to all of the rights of the previously duly appointed administrators of the
(a) The accounting of Harold K. Davies dated January 18, 1963
estate of C. N. Hodges, to wit:
(pp. 16-33, CFI Rec. S.P. No. 1672); which shows or its face the:

(a) On December 25, 1962, date of C. N. Hodges' death, this

(i) Conformity of Avelina A. Magno acting as "Administratrix of
Honorable Court appointed Miss Avelina A. Magno
the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and Special Administratrix of
simultaneously as:
the Estate of C. N. Hodges";

(i) Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (p. 102, CFI
(ii) Conformity of Leslie Echols, a Texas lawyer acting for the
Rec., S.P. No. 1307) to replace the deceased C. N. Hodges who on
heirs of C.N. Hodges; and
May 28, 1957 was appointed Special Administrator (p. 13. CFI
Rec. S.P. No. 1307) and on July 1, 1957 Executor of the estate of
Linnie Jane Hodges (p. 30, CFI Rec., S. P. No. 1307). (iii) Conformity of William Brown, a Texas lawyer acting for the
Higdon family who claim to be the only heirs of Linnie Jane
Hodges (pp. 18, 25-33, CFI Rec., S. P. No. 1672).
(ii) Special Administratrix of the estate of C. N. Hodges (p. 102, CFI
Rec., S.P. No. 1307).
Note: This accounting was approved by this Honorable Court on January 22, 1963 (p.
34, CFI Rec., S. P. No. 1672).
(b) On December 29, 1962 this Honorable Court appointed
Harold K. Davies as co-special administrator of the estate of C.N.
Hodges along with Avelina A. Magno (pp. 108-111, CFI Rec., S. P. (b) The accounting of Joe Hodges and Fernando P. Mirasol as of
No. 1307). January 23, 1964, filed February 24, 1964 (pp. 990-1000, CFI
Rec. S.P. No. 1672 and pp. 1806-1848, CFI Rec. S.P. No. 1307).
(c) On January 22, 1963, with the conformity of Avelina A.
Magno, Harold K. Davies resigned in favor of Joe Hodges (pp. 35- Note: This accounting was approved by this Honorable Court on March 3, 1964.
36, CFI Rec., S.P. No. 1672) who thereupon was appointed on
January 22, 1963 by this Honorable Court as special co-
(c) The PCIB and its undersigned lawyers are aware of no report
administrator of the estate of C.N. Hodges (pp. 38-40 & 43, CFI
or accounting submitted by Avelina A. Magno of her acts as
Rec. S.P. No. 1672) along with Miss Magno who at that time was
administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges or special
still acting as special co-administratrix of the estate of C. N.
administratrix of the estate of C.N. Hodges, unless it is the
accounting of Harold K. Davies as special co-administrator of the
estate of C.N. Hodges dated January 18, 1963 to which Miss
(d) On February 22, 1963, without objection on the part of Magno manifested her conformity (supra).
Avelina A. Magno, this Honorable Court appointed Joe Hodges
and Fernando P. Mirasol as co-administrators of the estate of C.N.
12. In the aforesaid agreement of January 24, 1964, Miss Avelina A. Magno agreed to receive P10,000.00
Hodges (pp. 76-78, 81 & 85, CFI Rec., S.P. No. 1672).

"for her services as administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane

10. Miss Avelina A. Magno, pursuant to the orders of this Honorable Court of
December 25, 1962, took possession of all Philippine Assets now claimed by the two
estates. Legally, Miss Magno could take possession of the assets registered in the name
of C. N. Hodges alone only in her capacity as Special Administratrix of the Estate of C.N. and in addition she agreed to be employed, starting February 1, 1964, at
Hodges. With the appointment by this Honorable Court on February 22, 1963 of Joe
Hodges and Fernando P. Mirasol as the co-administrators of the estate of C.N. Hodges,
"a monthly salary of P500.00 for her services as an employee of
they legally were entitled to take over from Miss Magno the full and exclusive
both estates."
possession of all of the assets of the estate of C.N. Hodges. With the appointment on
24 ems. (1) Set the Motion of October 5, 1963 for hearing at the earliest possible date with
notice to all interested parties;
13. Under the aforesaid agreement of January 24, 1964 and the orders of this
Honorable Court of same date, the PCIB as administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges (2) Order Avelina A. Magno to submit an inventory and accounting as Administratrix
is entitled to the exclusive possession of all records, properties and assets in the name of the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and Co-Administratrix of the Estate of C. N. Hodges
of C. N. Hodges as of the date of his death on December 25, 1962 which were in the of all of the funds, properties and assets of any character belonging to the deceased
possession of the deceased C. N. Hodges on that date and which then passed to the Linnie Jane Hodges and C. N. Hodges which have come into her possession, with full
possession of Miss Magno in her capacity as Special Co-Administratrix of the estate of details of what she has done with them;
C. N. Hodges or the possession of Joe Hodges or Fernando P. Mirasol as co-
administrators of the estate of C. N. Hodges.
(3) Order Avelina A. Magno to turn over and deliver to the PCIB as administrator of
the estate of C. N. Hodges all of the funds, properties and assets of any character
14. Because of Miss Magno's refusal to comply with the reasonable request of PCIB remaining in her possession;
concerning the assets of the estate of C. N. Hodges, the PCIB dismissed Miss Magno as
an employee of the estate of C. N. Hodges effective August 31, 1964. On September 1,
(4) Pending this Honorable Court's adjudication of the aforesaid issues, order Avelina
1964 Miss Magno locked the premises at 206-208 Guanco Street and denied the PCIB
A. Magno and her representatives to stop interferring with the administration of the
access thereto. Upon the Urgent Motion of the PCIB dated September 3, 1964, this
estate of C. N. Hodges by the PCIB and its duly authorized representatives;
Honorable Court on September 7, 1964 ordered Miss Magno to reopen the aforesaid
premises at 206-208 Guanco Street and permit the PCIB access thereto no later than
September 8, 1964. (5) Enjoin Avelina A. Magno from working in the premises at 206-208 Guanco Street,
Iloilo City as an employee of the estate of C. N. Hodges and approve her dismissal as
such by the PCIB effective August 31, 1964;
15. The PCIB pursuant to the aforesaid orders of this Honorable Court is again in
physical possession of all of the assets of the estate of C. N. Hodges. However, the PCIB
is not in exclusive control of the aforesaid records, properties and assets because Miss (6) Enjoin James L. Sullivan, Attorneys Manglapus and Quimpo and others allegedly
Magno continues to assert the claims hereinabove outlined in paragraph 6, continues representing Miss Magno from entering the premises at 206-208 Guanco Street, Iloilo
to use her own locks to the doors of the aforesaid premises at 206-208 Guanco Street, City or any other properties of C. N. Hodges without the express permission of the
Iloilo City and continues to deny the PCIB its right to know the combinations to the PCIB;
doors of the vault and safes situated within the premises at 206-208 Guanco Street
despite the fact that said combinations were known to only C. N. Hodges during his
(7) Order such other relief as this Honorable Court finds just and equitable in the
premises. (Annex "U" Petition.)

16. The Philippine estate and inheritance taxes assessed the estate of Linnie Jane
On January 8, 1965, petitioner also filed a motion for "Official Declaration of Heirs of Linnie Jane Hodges
Hodges were assessed and paid on the basis that C. N. Hodges is the sole beneficiary of
Estate" alleging:
the assets of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges situated in the Philippines. Avelina A.
Magno and her legal counsel at no time have questioned the validity of the aforesaid
assessment and the payment of the corresponding Philippine death taxes. COMES NOW Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank (hereinafter referred to as PCIB), as administrator
of the estate of the late C. N. Hodges, through the undersigned counsel, and to this Honorable Court
respectfully alleges that:
17. Nothing further remains to be done in the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges except to
resolve the aforesaid Motion of October 5, 1963 and grant the PCIB the exclusive
possession and control of all of the records, properties and assets of the estate of C. N. 1. During their marriage, spouses Charles Newton Hodges and Linnie Jane Hodges,
Hodges. American citizens originally from the State of Texas, U.S.A., acquired and accumulated
considerable assets and properties in the Philippines and in the States of Texas and
Oklahoma, United States of America. All said properties constituted their conjugal
18. Such assets as may have existed of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges were ordered
by this Honorable Court in special Proceedings No. 1307 to be turned over and
delivered to C. N. Hodges alone. He in fact took possession of them before his death
and asserted and exercised the right of exclusive ownership over the said assets as the 2. Although Texas was the domicile of origin of the Hodges spouses, this Honorable
sole beneficiary of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. Court, in its orders dated March 31 and December 12, 1964 (CFI Record, Sp. Proc. No.
1307, pp. ----; Sp. Proc. No. 1672, p. ----), conclusively found and categorically ruled
that said spouses had lived and worked for more than 50 years in Iloilo City and had,
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the PCIB respectfully petitions that this
therefore, acquired a domicile of choice in said city, which they retained until the time
Honorable court:
of their respective deaths.
3. On November 22, 1952, Linnie Jane Hodges executed in the City of Iloilo her Last 6. On June 28, 1957, this Honorable Court admitted to probate the Last Will and
Will and Testament, a copy of which is hereto attached as Annex "A". The bequests in Testament of the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges (Annex "A"), and appointed C. N.
said will pertinent to the present issue are the second, third, and fourth provisions, Hodges as executor of her estate without bond. (CFI Record, Sp. Proc. No. 1307, pp. 24-
which we quote in full hereunder. 25). On July 1, 1957, this Honorable Court issued letters testamentary to C. N. Hodges
in the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. (CFI Record, Sp. Proc. No. 1307, p. 30.)
SECOND: I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and
remainder of my estate, both personal and real, wherever 7. The Will of Linnie Jane Hodges, with respect to the order of succession, the amount
situated, or located, to my husband, Charles Newton Hodges, to of successional rights, and the intrinsic of its testamentary provisions, should be
have and to hold unto him, my said husband during his natural governed by Philippine laws because:
(a) The testatrix, Linnie Jane Hodges, intended Philippine laws to
THIRD: I desire, direct and provide that my husband, Charles govern her Will;
Newton Hodges, shall have the right to manage, control, use and
enjoy said estate during his lifetime, and he is hereby given the
(b) Article 16 of the Civil Code provides that "the national law of
right to make any changes in the physical properties of said
the person whose succession is under consideration, whatever
estate by sale of any part thereof which he think best, and the
may be the nature of the property and regardless of the country
purchase of any other or additional property as he may think
wherein said property may be found", shall prevail. However, the
best; to execute conveyances with or without general or special
Conflict of Law of Texas, which is the "national law" of the
warranty, conveying in fee simple or for any other term or time,
testatrix, Linnie Jane Hodges, provide that the domiciliary law
any property which he may deem proper to dispose of; to lease
(Philippine law — see paragraph 2, supra) should govern the
any of the real property for oil, gas and/or other minerals, and all
testamentary dispositions and successional rights over movables
such deeds or leases shall pass the absolute fee simple title to the
(personal properties), and the law of the situs of the property
interest so conveyed in such property as he may elect to sell. All
(also Philippine law as to properties located in the Philippines)
rents, emoluments and income from said estate shall belong to
with regards immovable (real properties). Thus applying the
him, and he is further authorized to use any part of the principal
"Renvoi Doctrine", as approved and applied by our Supreme
of said estate as he may need or desire. It is provided herein,
Court in the case of "In The Matter Of The Testate Estate of
however, that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the
Eduard E. Christensen", G.R. No.
improved property now owned by us located at, in or near the
L-16749, promulgated January 31, 1963, Philippine law should
City of Lubbock, Texas, but he shall have the full right to lease,
apply to the Will of Linnie Jane Hodges and to the successional
manage and enjoy the same during his lifetime, as above
rights to her estate insofar as her movable and immovable assets
provided. He shall have the right to sub-divide any farmland and
in the Philippines are concerned. We shall not, at this stage,
sell lots therein, and may sell unimproved town lots.
discuss what law should govern the assets of Linnie Jane Hodges
located in Oklahoma and Texas, because the only assets in issue
FOURTH: At the death of my said husband, Charles Newton in this motion are those within the jurisdiction of this motion
Hodges, I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and Court in the two above-captioned Special Proceedings.
remainder of my estate both real and personal, wherever
situated or located, to be equally divided among my brothers and
8. Under Philippine and Texas law, the conjugal or community estate of spouses shall,
sisters, share and share alike, namely:
upon dissolution, be divided equally between them. Thus, upon the death of Linnie
Jane Hodges on May 23, 1957, one-half (1/2) of the entirety of the assets of the
"Esta Higdon, Emma Howell, Leonard Higdon, Roy Higdon, Sadie Hodges spouses constituting their conjugal estate pertained automatically to Charles
Rascoe, Era Boman and Nimray Higdon." Newton Hodges, not by way of inheritance, but in his own right as partner in the
conjugal partnership. The other one-half (1/2) portion of the conjugal estate
constituted the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. This is the only portion of the conjugal
4. On November 14, 1953, C. N. Hodges executed in the City of Iloilo his Last Will and
estate capable of inheritance by her heirs.
Testament, a copy of which is hereto attached as Annex "B ". In said Will, C. N. Hodges
designated his wife, Linnie Jane Hodges, as his beneficiary using the identical language
she used in the second and third provisos of her Will, supra. 9. This one-half (1/2) portion of the conjugal assets pertaining to Linnie Jane Hodges
cannot, under a clear and specific provision of her Will, be enhanced or increased by
income, earnings, rents, or emoluments accruing after her death on May 23, 1957.
5. On May 23, 1957 Linnie Jane Hodges died in Iloilo City, predeceasing her husband
Linnie Jane Hodges' Will provides that "all rents, emoluments and income from said
by more than five (5) years. At the time of her death, she had no forced or compulsory
estate shall belong to him (C. N. Hodges) and he is further authorized to use any part of
heir, except her husband, C. N. Hodges. She was survived also by various brothers and
the principal of said estate as he may need or desire." (Paragraph 3, Annex "A".) Thus,
sisters mentioned in her Will (supra), which, for convenience, we shall refer to as the
by specific provision of Linnie Jane Hodges' Will, "all rents, emoluments and income"
must be credited to the one-half (1/2) portion of the conjugal estate pertaining to C. N.
Hodges. Clearly, therefore, the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, capable of inheritance by That herein Executor, (is) not only part owner of the properties left as conjugal, but
her heirs, consisted exclusively of no more than one-half (1/2) of the conjugal estate, also, the successor to all the properties left by the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges.' (CFI
computed as of the time of her death on May 23, 1957. Record, Sp. Proc. No. 1307, p. 44; emphasis supplied.)

10. Articles 900, 995 and 1001 of the New Civil Code provide that the surviving spouse issued the following order:
of a deceased leaving no ascendants or descendants is entitled, as a matter of right and
by way of irrevocable legitime, to at least one-half (1/2) of the estate of the deceased,
"As prayed for by Attorney Gellada, counsel for the Executor, for the reasons stated in
and no testamentary disposition by the deceased can legally and validly affect this
his motion dated December 11, 1957, which the Court considers well taken, all the sales,
right of the surviving spouse. In fact, her husband is entitled to said one-half (1/2)
conveyances, leases and mortgages of all the properties left by the deceased Linnie
portion of her estate by way of legitime. (Article 886, Civil Code.) Clearly, therefore,
Jane Hodges executed by the Executor, Charles Newton Hodges are hereby
immediately upon the death of Linnie Jane Hodges, C. N. Hodges was the owner of at
APPROVED. The said Executor is further authorized to execute subsequent sales,
least three-fourths (3/4) or seventy-five (75%) percent of all of the conjugal assets of
conveyances, leases and mortgages of the properties left by the said deceased Linnie
the spouses, (1/2 or 50% by way of conjugal partnership share and 1/4 or 25% by
Jane Hodges in consonance with the wishes contained in the last will and testament of
way of inheritance and legitime) plus all "rents, emoluments and income" accruing to
the latter." (CFI Record. Sp. Proc. No. 1307, p. 46; emphasis supplied.)
said conjugal estate from the moment of Linnie Jane Hodges' death (see paragraph
9, supra).
24 ems
11. The late Linnie Jane Hodges designated her husband C.N. Hodges as her sole and
exclusive heir with full authority to do what he pleased, as exclusive heir and owner of (c) On April 21, 1959, this Honorable Court approved the verified inventory and
all the assets constituting her estate, except only with regards certain properties accounting submitted by C. N. Hodges through his counsel Leon P. Gellada on April 14,
"owned by us, located at, in or near the City of Lubbock, Texas". Thus, even without 1959 wherein he alleged among other things,
relying on our laws of succession and legitime, which we have cited above, C. N.
Hodges, by specific testamentary designation of his wife, was entitled to the entirely to
"That no person interested in the Philippines of the time and
his wife's estate in the Philippines.
place of examining the herein account, be given notice, as herein
executor is the only devisee or legatee of the deceased, in
12. Article 777 of the New Civil Code provides that "the rights of the successor are accordance with the last will and testament already probated by
transmitted from the death of the decedent". Thus, title to the estate of Linnie Jane the Honorable Court." (CFI Record, Sp. Proc. No. 1307, pp. 77-78;
Hodges was transmitted to C. N. Hodges immediately upon her death on May 23, 1957. emphasis supplied.)
For the convenience of this Honorable Court, we attached hereto as Annex "C" a graph
of how the conjugal estate of the spouses Hodges should be divided in accordance
(d) On July 20, 1960, this Honorable Court approved the verified "Annual Statement of
with Philippine law and the Will of Linnie Jane Hodges.
Account" submitted by C. N. Hodges through his counsel Leon P. Gellada on July 21,
1960 wherein he alleged, among other things.
13. In his capacity as sole heir and successor to the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges as
above-stated, C. N. Hodges, shortly after the death of Linnie Jane Hodges, appropriated
"That no person interested in the Philippines of the time and
to himself the entirety of her estate. He operated all the assets, engaged in business
place of examining the herein account, be given notice as herein
and performed all acts in connection with the entirety of the conjugal estate, in his own
executor is the only devisee or legatee of the deceased Linnie Jane
name alone, just as he had been operating, engaging and doing while the late Linnie
Hodges, in accordance with the last will and testament ofthe
Jane Hodges was still alive. Upon his death on December 25, 1962, therefore, all said
deceased, already probated by this Honorable Court." (CFI
conjugal assets were in his sole possession and control, and registered in his name alone,
Record, Sp. Proc. No. 1307, pp. 81-82; emphasis supplied.)
not as executor, but as exclusive owner of all said assets.

(e) On May 2, 1961, this Honorable Court approved the verified "Annual Statement of
14. All these acts of C. N. Hodges were authorized and sanctioned expressly and
Account By The Executor For the Year 1960" submitted through Leon P. Gellada on
impliedly by various orders of this Honorable Court, as follows:
April 20, 1961 wherein he alleged:

(a) In an Order dated May 27, 1957, this Honorable Court ruled that C. N. Hodges "is
"That no person interested in the Philippines be given notice, ofthe time and place of
allowed or authorized to continue the business in which he was engaged, and to
examining the herein account, as herein executor is the only devisee or legatee of the
perform acts which he had been doing while the deceased was living." (CFI Record, Sp.
deceased Linnie Jane Hodges, in accordance with the last will and testament ofthe
Proc. No. 1307, p. 11.)
deceased, already probated by this Honorable Court." (CFI Record, Sp. Proc. No. 1307,
pp. 90-91; emphasis supplied.)
(b) On December 14, 1957, this Honorable Court, on the basis of the following fact,
alleged in the verified Motion dated December 11, 1957 filed by Leon P. Gellada as
attorney for the executor C. N. Hodges:
15. Since C. N. Hodges was the sole and exclusive heir of Linnie Jane Hodges, not only provisions of Articles 900, 995 and 1001 of the New Civil Code,
by law, but in accordance with the dispositions of her will, there was, in fact, no need the legitime of a surviving spouse is 1/2 of the estate of the
to liquidate the conjugal estate of the spouses. The entirely of said conjugal estate deceased spouse. Consequently, the above-mentioned provision
pertained to him exclusively, therefore this Honorable Court sanctioned and in the Will of Linnie Jane Hodges is clearly invalid insofar as the
authorized, as above-stated, C. N. Hodges to manage, operate and control all the legitime of C. N. Hodges was concerned, which consisted of 1/2 of
conjugal assets as owner. the 1/2 portion of the conjugal estate, or 1/4 of the entire
conjugal estate of the deceased.
16. By expressly authorizing C. N. Hodges to act as he did in connection with the estate
of his wife, this Honorable Court has (1) declared C. N. Hodges as the sole heir of the (c) There are generally only two kinds of substitution provided
estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, and (2) delivered and distributed her estate to C. N. for and authorized by our Civil Code (Articles 857-870), namely,
Hodges as sole heir in accordance with the terms and conditions of her Will. Thus, (1) simple or common substitution, sometimes referred to
although the "estate of Linnie Jane Hodges" still exists as a legal and juridical as vulgar substitution (Article 859), and (2) fideicommissary
personality, it had no assets or properties located in the Philippines registered in its substitution (Article 863). All other substitutions are merely
name whatsoever at the time of the death of C. N. Hodges on December 25, 1962. variations of these. The substitution provided for by paragraph
four of the Will of Linnie Jane Hodges is not fideicommissary
substitution, because there is clearly no obligation on the part of
17. The Will of Linnie Jane Hodges (Annex "A"), fourth paragraph, provides as follows:
C. N. Hodges as the first heir designated, to preserve the
properties for the substitute heirs. (Consolacion Florentino de
"At the death of my said husband, Charles Newton Hodges, I give, Crisologo et al. vs. Manuel Singson, G. R. No.
devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of my L-13876.) At most, it is a vulgar or simple substitution. However,
estate both real and personal, wherever situated or located, to be in order that a vulgar or simple substitution can be valid, three
equally divided among my brothers and sisters, share and share alternative conditions must be present, namely, that the first
alike, namely: designated heir (1) should die before the testator; or (2) should
not wish to accept the inheritance; or (3) should be incapacitated
to do so. None of these conditions apply to C. N. Hodges, and,
"Esta Higdon, Emma Howell, Leonard
therefore, the substitution provided for by the above-quoted
Higdon, Roy Higdon, Sadie Rascoe, Era
provision of the Will is not authorized by the Code, and,
Boman and Nimray Higdon."
therefore, it is void. Manresa, commenting on these kisses of
substitution, meaningfully stated that: "... cuando el testador
Because of the facts hereinabove set out there is no "rest, residue and remainder", at instituyeun primer heredero, y por fallecimiento de este nombra
least to the extent of the Philippine assets, which remains to vest in the HIGDONS, otro u otros, ha de entenderse que estas segundas designaciones
assuming this proviso in Linnie Jane Hodges' Will is valid and binding against the solo han de llegar a tener efectividad en el caso de que el primer
estate of C. N. Hodges. instituido muera antes que el testador, fuera o no esta su
verdadera intencion. ...". (6 Manresa, 7 a ed., pag. 175.) In other
words, when another heir is designated to inherit upon the death
18. Any claims by the HIGDONS under the above-quoted provision of Linnie Jane
of a first heir, the second designation can have effect only in case
Hodges' Will is without merit because said provision is void and invalid at least as to
the first instituted heir dies before the testator, whether or not that
the Philippine assets. It should not, in anyway, affect the rights of the estate of C. N.
was the true intention of said testator. Since C. N. Hodges did not
Hodges or his heirs to the properties, which C. N. Hodges acquired by way of
die before Linnie Jane Hodges, the provision for substitution
inheritance from his wife Linnie Jane Hodges upon her death.
contained in Linnie Jane Hodges' Willis void.

(a) In spite of the above-mentioned provision in the Will of

(d) In view of the invalidity of the provision for substitution in
Linnie Jane Hodges, C. N. Hodges acquired, not merely a
the Will, C. N. Hodges' inheritance to the entirety of the Linnie
usufructuary right, but absolute title and ownership to her
Jane Hodges estate is irrevocable and final.
estate. In a recent case involving a very similar testamentary
provision, the Supreme Court held that the heir first designated
acquired full ownership of the property bequeathed by the will, 19. Be that as it may, at the time of C. N. Hodges' death, the entirety of the conjugal
not mere usufructuary rights. (Consolacion Florentino de estate appeared and was registered in him exclusively as owner. Thus, the
Crisologo, et al., vs. Manuel Singson, G. R. No. L-13876, February presumption is that all said assets constituted his estate. Therefore —
28, 1962.)
(a) If the HIGDONS wish to enforce their dubious rights as substituted heirs to 1/4 of
(b) Article 864, 872 and 886 of the New Civil Code clearly the conjugal estate (the other 1/4 is covered by the legitime of C. N. Hodges which can
provide that no charge, condition or substitution whatsoever not be affected by any testamentary disposition), their remedy, if any, is to file their
upon the legitime can be imposed by a testator. Thus, under the
claim against the estate of C. N. Hodges, which should be entitled at the present time to 1. That the spouses Charles Newton Hodges and Linnie Jane Hodges were American
full custody and control of all the conjugal estate of the spouses. citizens who died at the City of Iloilo after having amassed and accumulated extensive
properties in the Philippines;
(b) The present proceedings, in which two estates exist under separate
administration, where the administratrix of the Linnie Jane Hodges estate exercises an 2. That on November 22, 1952, Linnie Jane Hodges executed a last will and testament
officious right to object and intervene in matters affecting exclusively the C. N. Hodges (the original of this will now forms part of the records of these proceedings as Exhibit
estate, is anomalous. "C" and appears as Sp. Proc. No. 1307, Folio I, pp. 17-18);

WHEREFORE, it is most respectfully prayed that after trial and reception of evidence, 3. That on May 23, 1957, Linnie Jane Hodges died at the City of Iloilo at the time
this Honorable Court declare: survived by her husband, Charles Newton Hodges, and several relatives named in her
last will and testament;
1. That the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges was and is composed exclusively of one-half
(1/2) share in the conjugal estate of the spouses Hodges, computed as of the date of 4. That on June 28, 1957, a petition therefor having been priorly filed and duly heard,
her death on May 23, 1957; this Honorable Court issued an order admitting to probate the last will and testament
of Linnie Jane Hodges (Sp. Proc. No. 1307, Folio I, pp. 24-25, 26-28);
2. That the other half of the conjugal estate pertained exclusively to C. N. Hodges as his
share as partner in the conjugal partnership; 5. That the required notice to creditors and to all others who may have any claims
against the decedent, Linnie Jane Hodges has already been printed, published and
posted (Sp. Proc. No. 1307, Folio I. pp. 34-40) and the reglamentary period for filing
3. That all "rents, emoluments and income" of the conjugal estate accruing after Linnie
such claims has long ago lapsed and expired without any claims having been asserted
Jane Hodges' death pertains to C. N. Hodges;
against the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, approved by the
Administrator/Administratrix of the said estate, nor ratified by this Honorable Court;
4. That C. N. Hodges was the sole and exclusive heir of the estate of Linnie Jane
6. That the last will and testament of Linnie Jane Hodges already admitted to probate
contains an institution of heirs in the following words:
5. That, therefore, the entire conjugal estate of the spouses located in the Philippines,
plus all the "rents, emoluments and income" above-mentioned, now constitutes the
"SECOND: I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and
estate of C. N. Hodges, capable of distribution to his heirs upon termination of Special
remainder of my estate, both personal and real, wherever
Proceedings No. 1672;
situated or located, to my beloved husband, Charles Newton
Hodges to have and to hold unto him, my said husband, during
6. That PCIB, as administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges, is entitled to full and his natural lifetime.
exclusive custody, control and management of all said properties; and
THIRD: I desire, direct and provide that my husband, Charles
7. That Avelina A. Magno, as administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, as well Newton Hodges, shall have the right to manage, control, use and
as the HIGDONS, has no right to intervene or participate in the administration of the C. enjoy said estate during his lifetime, and, he is hereby given the
N. Hodges estate. right to make any changes in the physical properties of said
estate, by sale of any part thereof which he may think best, and
the purchase of any other or additional property as he may think
PCIB further prays for such and other relief as may be deemed just and equitable in
best; to execute conveyances with or without general or special
the premises."
warranty, conveying in fee simple or for any other term or time,
any property which he may deem proper to dispose of; to lease
(Record, pp. 265-277) any of the real property for oil, gas and/or other minerals, and all
such deeds or leases shall pass the absolute fee simple title to the
interest so conveyed in such property as he elect to sell. All rents,
Before all of these motions of petitioner could be resolved, however, on December 21, 1965, private
emoluments and income from said estate shall belong to him,
respondent Magno filed her own "Motion for the Official Declaration of Heirs of the Estate of Linnie Jane
and he is further authorized to use any part of the principal of
Hodges" as follows:
said estate as he may need or desire. It is provided herein,
however, that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the
COMES NOW the Administratrix of the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and, through improved property now owned by us located at, in or near the
undersigned counsel, unto this Honorable Court most respectfully states and City of Lubbock Texas, but he shall have the full right to lease,
manifests: manage and enjoy the same during his lifetime, above provided.
He shall have the right to subdivide any farm land and sell lots amount of "rents, emoluments and income", the entire estate having been continually
therein, and may sell unimproved town lots. devoted to the business of the spouses as if they were alive;

FOURTH: At the death of my said husband, Charles Newton 12. That the one-half interest of Linnie Jane Hodges in the combined conjugal estate
Hodges, I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and was earning "rents, emoluments and income" until her death on May 23, 1957, when it
remainder of my estate, both real and personal, wherever ceased to be saddled with any more charges or expenditures which are purely
situated or located, to be equally divided among my brothers and personal to her in nature, and her estate kept on earning such "rents, emoluments and
sisters, share and share alike, namely: income" by virtue of their having been expressly renounced, disclaimed and
repudiated by Charles Newton Hodges to whom they were bequeathed for life under
the last will and testament of Linnie Jane Hodges;
Esta Higdon, Emma Howell, Leonard Higdon, Roy Higdon, Sadie
Rascoe, Era Boman and Nimroy Higdon.
13. That, on the other hand, the one-half interest of Charles Newton Hodges in the
combined conjugal estate existing as of May 23, 1957, while it may have earned
FIFTH: In case of the death of any of my brothers and/or sisters
exactly the same amount of "rents, emoluments and income" as that of the share
named in item Fourth, above, prior to the death of my husband,
pertaining to Linnie Jane Hodges, continued to be burdened by charges, expenditures,
Charles Newton Hodges, then it is my will and bequest that the
and other dispositions which are purely personal to him in nature, until the death of
heirs of such deceased brother or sister shall take jointly the
Charles Newton Hodges himself on December 25, 1962;
share which would have gone to such brother or sister had she or
he survived."
14. That of all the assets of the combined conjugal estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and
Charles Newton Hodges as they exist today, the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges is clearly
7. That under the provisions of the last will and testament already above-quoted,
entitled to a portion more than fifty percent (50%) as compared to the portion to
Linnie Jane Hodges gave a life-estate or a usufruct over all her estate to her husband,
which the estate of Charles Newton Hodges may be entitled, which portions can be
Charles Newton Hodges, and a vested remainder-estate or the naked title over the
exactly determined by the following manner:
same estate to her relatives named therein;

a. An inventory must be made of the assets of the combined

8. That after the death of Linnie Jane Hodges and after the admission to probate of her
conjugal estate as they existed on the death of Linnie Jane
last will and testament, but during the lifetime of Charles Newton Hodges, the said
Hodges on May 23, 1957 — one-half of these assets belong to the
Charles Newton Hodges with full and complete knowledge of the life-estate or
estate of Linnie Jane Hodges;
usufruct conferred upon him by the will since he was then acting as Administrator of
the estate and later as Executor of the will of Linnie Jane Hodges, unequivocably and
clearly through oral and written declarations and sworn public statements, b. An accounting must be made of the "rents, emoluments and
renounced, disclaimed and repudiated his life-estate and usufruct over the estate of income" of all these assets — again one-half of these belong to
Linnie Jane Hodges; the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges;

9. That, accordingly, the only heirs left to receive the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges c. Adjustments must be made, after making a deduction of
pursuant to her last will and testament, are her named brothers and sisters, or their charges, disbursements and other dispositions made by Charles
heirs, to wit: Esta Higdon, Emma Howell, Leonard Higdon, Aline Higdon and David Newton Hodges personally and for his own personal account
Higdon, the latter two being the wife and son respectively of the deceased Roy Higdon, from May 23, 1957 up to December 25, 1962, as well as other
Sadie Rascoe Era Boman and Nimroy Higdon, all of legal ages, American citizens, with charges, disbursements and other dispositions made for him and
residence at the State of Texas, United States of America; in his behalf since December 25, 1962 up to the present;

10. That at the time of the death of Linnie Jane Hodges on May 23, 1957, she was the 15. That there remains no other matter for disposition now insofar as the estate of
co-owner (together with her husband Charles Newton Hodges) of an undivided one- Linnie Jane Hodges is concerned but to complete the liquidation of her estate,
half interest in their conjugal properties existing as of that date, May 23, 1957, which segregate them from the conjugal estate, and distribute them to her heirs pursuant to
properties are now being administered sometimes jointly and sometimes separately her last will and testament.
by the Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and/or the Administrator of
the estate of C. N. Hodges but all of which are under the control and supervision of this
WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is most respectfully moved and prayed that this
Honorable Court;
Honorable Court, after a hearing on the factual matters raised by this motion, issue an
11. That because there was no separation or segregation of the interests of husband
and wife in the combined conjugal estate, as there has been no such separation or
a. Declaring the following persons, to wit: Esta Higdon, Emma Howell, Leonard
segregation up to the present, both interests have continually earned exactly the same
Higdon, Aline Higdon, David Higdon, Sadie Rascoe, Era Boman and Nimroy Higdon, as
the sole heirs under the last will and testament of Linnie Jane Hodges and as the only Newton Hodges, particularly because the bond filed by Avelina Magno is grossly
persons entitled to her estate; insufficient to answer for the funds and property which she has inofficiously collected
and held, as well as those which she continues to inofficiously collect and hold;
b. Determining the exact value of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges in accordance with
the system enunciated in paragraph 14 of this motion; 5. That it is a matter of record that such state of affairs affects and inconveniences not
only the estate but also third-parties dealing with it;" (Annex "V", Petition.)
c. After such determination ordering its segregation from the combined conjugal
estate and its delivery to the Administratrix of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges for and then, after further reminding the court, by quoting them, of the relevant allegations of its earlier motion
distribution to the heirs to whom they properly belong and appertain. of September 14, 1964, Annex U, prayed that:

(Green Record on Appeal, pp. 382-391) 1. Immediately order Avelina Magno to account for and deliver to the administrator of
the Estate of C. N. Hodges all the assets of the conjugal partnership of the deceased
Linnie Jane Hodges and C. N. Hodges, plus all the rents, emoluments and income
whereupon, instead of further pressing on its motion of January 8, 1965 aforequoted, as it had been doing
before, petitioner withdrew the said motion and in addition to opposing the above motion of respondent
Magno, filed a motion on April 22, 1966 alleging in part that:
2. Pending the consideration of this motion, immediately order Avelina Magno to turn
over all her collections to the administrator Philippine Commercial & Industrial Bank;
1. That it has received from the counsel for the administratrix of the supposed estate
of Linnie Jane Hodges a notice to set her "Motion for Official Declaration of Heirs of the
Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges"; 3. Declare the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (Sp. Proc. No. 1307) closed;

2. That before the aforesaid motion could be heard, there are matters pending before 4. Defer the hearing and consideration of the motion for declaration of heirs in the
this Honorable Court, such as: Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges until the matters hereinabove set forth are
(Prayer, Annex "V" of Petition.)
a. The examination already ordered by this Honorable Court of
documents relating to the allegation of Avelina Magno that
Charles Newton Hodges "through ... written declarations and On October 12, 1966, as already indicated at the outset of this opinion, the respondent court denied the
sworn public statements, renounced, disclaimed and repudiated foregoing motion, holding thus:
life-estate and usufruct over the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges';
b. That "Urgent Motion for An Accounting and Delivery to the
Estate of C. N. Hodges of All the Assets of the Conjugal
On record is a motion (Vol. X, Sp. 1672, pp. 4379-4390) dated April 22, 1966 of
Partnership of the Deceased Linnie Jane Hodges and C. N. Hodges
administrator PCIB praying that (1) Immediately order Avelina Magno to account for
Existing as of May 23, 1957 Plus All the Rents, Emoluments and
and deliver to the administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges all assets of the conjugal
Income Therefrom";
partnership of the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges and C. N. Hodges, plus all the rents,
emoluments and income therefrom; (2) Pending the consideration of this motion,
c. Various motions to resolve the aforesaid motion; immediately order Avelina Magno to turn over all her collections to the administrator
PCIB; (3) Declare the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (Sp. Proc. No. 1307) closed;
and (4) Defer the hearing and consideration of the motion for declaration of heirs in
d. Manifestation of September 14, 1964, detailing acts of
the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges until the matters hereinabove set forth are
interference of Avelina Magno under color of title as
administratrix of the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges;

This motion is predicated on the fact that there are matters pending before this court
which are all prejudicial, and which involve no issues of fact, all facts involved therein
such as (a) the examination already ordered by this Honorable Court of documents
being matters of record, and therefore require only the resolution of questions of law;
relating to the allegation of Avelina Magno that Charles Newton Hodges thru written
declaration and sworn public statements renounced, disclaimed and repudiated his
3. That whatever claims any alleged heirs or other persons may have could be very life-estate and usufruct over the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (b) the urgent motion for
easily threshed out in the Testate Estate of Charles Newton Hodges; accounting and delivery to the estate of C. N. Hodges of all the assets of the conjugal
partnership of the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges and C. N. Hodges existing as of May
23, 1957 plus all the rents, emoluments and income therefrom; (c) various motions to
4. That the maintenance of two separate estate proceedings and two administrators
resolve the aforesaid motion; and (d) manifestation of September 14, 1964, detailing
only results in confusion and is unduly burdensome upon the Testate Estate of Charles
acts of interference of Avelina Magno under color of title as administratrix of the That the PCIB and counsel are estopped from further questioning the determination of
estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. heirs in the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges at this stage since it was PCIB as early as
January 8, 1965 which filed a motion for official declaration of heirs of Linnie Jane
Hodges that the claim of any heirs of Linnie Jane Hodges can be determined only in the
These matters, according to the instant motion, are all pre-judicial involving no issues
administration proceedings over the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and not that of C. N.
of facts and only require the resolution of question of law; that in the motion of
Hodges, since the heirs of Linnie Jane Hodges are claiming her estate and not the
October 5, 1963 it is alleged that in a motion dated December 11, 1957 filed by Atty.
estate of C. N. Hodges.
Leon Gellada as attorney for the executor C. N. Hodges, the said executor C. N. Hodges
is not only part owner of the properties left as conjugal but also the successor to all
the properties left by the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges. A reply (Sp. 1672, Vol. X, pp. 4436-4444) dated May 11, 1966 of the PCIB has been
filed alleging that the motion dated April 22, 1966 of the PCIB is not to seek deferment
of the hearing and consideration of the motion for official declaration of heirs of Linnie
Said motion of December 11, 1957 was approved by the Court in consonance with the
Jane Hodges but to declare the testate estate of Linnie Jane Hodges closed and for
wishes contained in the last will and testament of Linnie Jane Hodges.
administratrix Magno to account for and deliver to the PCIB all assets of the conjugal
partnership of the deceased spouses which has come to her possession plus all rents
That on April 21, 1959 this Court approved the inventory and accounting submitted and income.
by C. N. Hodges thru counsel Atty. Leon Gellada in a motion filed on April 14, 1959
stating therein that executor C. N. Hodges is the only devisee or legatee of Linnie Jane
A rejoinder (Sp. 1672, Vol. X, pp. 4458-4462) of administratrix Magno dated May 19,
Hodges in accordance with the last will and testament already probated by the Court.
1966 has been filed alleging that the motion dated December 11, 1957 only sought the
approval of all conveyances made by C. N. Hodges and requested the Court authority
That on July 13, 1960 the Court approved the annual statement of accounts submitted for all subsequent conveyances that will be executed by C. N. Hodges; that the order
by the executor C. N. Hodges thru his counsel Atty. Gellada on July 21, 1960 wherein it dated December 14, 1957 only approved the conveyances made by C. N. Hodges; that
is stated that the executor, C. N. Hodges is the only devisee or legatee of the deceased C. N. Hodges represented by counsel never made any claim in the estate of Linnie Jane
Linnie Jane Hodges; that on May 2, 1961 the Court approved the annual statement of Hodges and never filed a motion to declare himself as the heir of the said Linnie Jane
accounts submitted by executor, C. N. Hodges for the year 1960 which was submitted Hodges despite the lapse of more than five (5) years after the death of Linnie Jane
by Atty. Gellada on April 20, 1961 wherein it is stated that executor Hodges is the only Hodges; that it is further alleged in the rejoinder that there can be no order of
devisee or legatee of the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges; adjudication of the estate unless there has been a prior express declaration of heirs
and so far no declaration of heirs in the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges (Sp. 1307) has
been made.
That during the hearing on September 5 and 6, 1963 the estate of C. N. Hodges claimed
all the assets belonging to the deceased spouses Linnie Jane Hodges and C. N. Hodges
situated in the Philippines; that administratrix Magno has executed illegal acts to the Considering the allegations and arguments in the motion and of the PCIB as well as
prejudice of the testate estate of C. N. Hodges. those in the opposition and rejoinder of administratrix Magno, the Court finds the
opposition and rejoinder to be well taken for the reason that so far there has been no
official declaration of heirs in the testate estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and therefore no
An opposition (Sp. 1672, Vol. X, pp. 4415-4421) dated April 27, 1966 of administratrix
disposition of her estate.
Magno has been filed asking that the motion be denied for lack of merit and that the
motion for the official declaration of heirs of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges be set for
presentation and reception of evidence. WHEREFORE, the motion of the PCIB dated April 22, 1966 is hereby DENIED.
(Annex "W", Petition)
It is alleged in the aforesaid opposition that the examination of documents which are
in the possession of administratrix Magno can be made prior to the hearing of the In its motion dated November 24, 1966 for the reconsideration of this order, petitioner alleged inter
motion for the official declaration of heirs of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, during alia that:
said hearing.
It cannot be over-stressed that the motion of December 11, 1957 was based on the
That the matters raised in the PCIB's motion of October 5, 1963 (as well as the other fact that:
motion) dated September 14, 1964 have been consolidated for the purpose of
presentation and reception of evidence with the hearing on the determination of the
a. Under the last will and testament of the deceased, Linnie Jane
heirs of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. It is further alleged in the opposition that the
Hodges, the late Charles Newton Hodges was the sole heir
motion for the official declaration of heirs of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges is the
instituted insofar as her properties in the Philippines are
one that constitutes a prejudicial question to the motions dated October 5 and
September 14, 1964 because if said motion is found meritorious and granted by the
Court, the PCIB's motions of October 5, 1963 and September 14, 1964 will become
moot and academic since they are premised on the assumption and claim that the only
heir of Linnie Jane Hodges was C. N. Hodges.
b. Said last will and testament vested upon the said late Charles 4. The order of November 3, 1965 (pp. 313-320, id.) directing the payment of
Newton Hodges rights over said properties which, in sum, spell attorney's fees, fees of the respondent administratrix, etc. and the order of February
ownership, absolute and in fee simple; 16, 1966 denying reconsideration thereof.

c. Said late Charles Newton Hodges was, therefore, "not only part 5. The order of November 23, 1965 (pp. 334-335, id.) allowing appellee Western
owner of the properties left as conjugal, but also, the successor to Institute of Technology to make payments to either one or both of the administrators
all the properties left by the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges. of the two estates as well as the order of March 7, 1966 (p. 462, id.) denying
Likewise, it cannot be over-stressed that the aforesaid motion was granted by this
Honorable Court "for the reasons stated" therein. 6. The various orders hereinabove earlier enumerated approving deeds of sale
executed by respondent Magno in favor of appellees Carles, Catedral, Pablito, Guzman,
Coronado, Barrido, Causing, Javier, Lucero and Batisanan, (see pp. 35 to 37 of this
Again, the motion of December 11, 1957 prayed that not only "all the sales,
opinion), together with the two separate orders both dated December 2, 1966 (pp.
conveyances, leases, and mortgages executed by" the late Charles Newton Hodges, but
306-308, and pp. 308-309, Yellow Record on Appeal) denying reconsideration of said
also all "the subsequent sales, conveyances, leases, and mortgages ..." be approved and
authorized. This Honorable Court, in its order of December 14, 1957, "for the reasons
stated" in the aforesaid motion, granted the same, and not only approved all the sales,
conveyances, leases and mortgages of all properties left by the deceased Linnie Jane 7. The order of January 3, 1967, on pp. 335-336, Yellow Record on Appeal, approving
Hodges executed by the late Charles Newton Hodges, but also authorized "all similar deeds of sale executed by respondent Magno, as those in No. 6, in favor of
subsequent sales, conveyances, leases and mortgages of the properties left by the said appellees Pacaonsis and Premaylon, as to which no motion for reconsideration was
deceased Linnie Jane Hodges. (Annex "X", Petition) filed.

and reiterated its fundamental pose that the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges had already been 8. Lastly, the order of December 2, 1966, on pp. 305-306, Yellow Record on Appeal,
factually, although not legally, closed with the virtual declaration of Hodges and adjudication to him, as sole directing petitioner to surrender to appellees Lucero, Batisanan, Javier, Pablito,
universal heir of all the properties of the estate of his wife, in the order of December 14, 1957, Annex G. Still Barrido, Catedral, Causing, Guzman, and Coronado, the certificates of title covering the
unpersuaded, on July 18, 1967, respondent court denied said motion for reconsideration and held that "the lands involved in the approved sales, as to which no motion for reconsideration was
court believes that there is no justification why the order of October 12, 1966 should be considered or filed either.
modified", and, on July 19, 1967, the motion of respondent Magno "for official declaration of heirs of the
estate of Linnie Jane Hodges", already referred to above, was set for hearing.
Strictly speaking, and considering that the above orders deal with different matters, just as they affect
distinctly different individuals or persons, as outlined by petitioner in its brief as appellant on pp. 12-20
In consequence of all these developments, the present petition was filed on August 1, 1967 (albeit thereof, there are, therefore, thirty-three (33) appeals before Us, for which reason, petitioner has to pay
petitioner had to pay another docketing fee on August 9, 1967, since the orders in question were issued in also thirty-one (31) more docket fees.
two separate testate estate proceedings, Nos. 1307 and 1672, in the court below).
It is as well perhaps to state here as elsewhere in this opinion that in connection with these appeals,
Together with such petition, there are now pending before Us for resolution herein, appeals from the petitioner has assigned a total of seventy-eight (LXXVIII) alleged errors, the respective discussions and
following: arguments under all of them covering also the fundamental issues raised in respect to the petition
for certiorari and prohibition, thus making it feasible and more practical for the Court to dispose of all these
cases together.4
1. The order of December 19, 1964 authorizing payment by respondent Magno of
overtime pay, (pp. 221, Green Record on Appeal) together with the subsequent orders
of January 9, 1965, (pp. 231-232,id.) October 27, 1965, (pp. 227, id.) and February 15, The assignments of error read thus:
1966 (pp. 455-456, id.) repeatedly denying motions for reconsideration thereof.
I to IV
2. The order of August 6, 1965 (pp. 248, id.) requiring that deeds executed by
petitioner to be co-signed by respondent Magno, as well as the order of October 27,
1965 (pp. 276-277) denying reconsideration.
3. The order of October 27, 1965 (pp. 292-295, id.) enjoining the deposit of all MAGNO, COVERING PARCELS OF LAND OWNED BY THE DECEASED, CHARLES
collections in a joint account and the same order of February 15, 1966 mentioned in NEWTON HODGES, AND THE CONTRACTS TO SELL COVERING WHICH WERE
No. 1 above which included the denial of the reconsideration of this order of October EXECUTED BY HIM DURING HIS LIFETIME.
27, 1965.


NOVEMBER 20, 1965.






TO THE AFORESAID ESTATE. (Pp. 73-83, Appellant's Brief.)
To complete this rather elaborate, and unavoidably extended narration of the factual setting of these cases,
it may also be mentioned that an attempt was made by the heirs of Mrs. Hodges to have respondent Magno
removed as administratrix, with the proposed appointment of Benito J. Lopez in her place, and that
respondent court did actually order such proposed replacement, but the Court declared the said order of
respondent court violative of its injunction of August 8, 1967, hence without force and effect (see
Resolution of September 8, 1972 and February 1, 1973). Subsequently, Atty. Efrain B. Trenas, one of the
lawyers of said heirs, appeared no longer for the proposed administrator Lopez but for the heirs
themselves, and in a motion dated October 26, 1972 informed the Court that a motion had been filed with
respondent court for the removal of petitioner PCIB as administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges in Special
LXXIII Proceedings 1672, which removal motion alleged that 22.968149% of the share of C. N. Hodges had already
been acquired by the heirs of Mrs. Hodges from certain heirs of her husband. Further, in this connection, in
the answer of PCIB to the motion of respondent Magno to have it declared in contempt for disregarding the
Court's resolution of September 8, 1972 modifying the injunction of August 8, 1967, said petitioner
annexed thereto a joint manifestation and motion, appearing to have been filed with respondent court,
informing said court that in addition to the fact that 22% of the share of C. N. Hodges had already been
bought by the heirs of Mrs. Hodges, as already stated, certain other heirs of Hodges representing
LXXIV 17.343750% of his estate were joining cause with the heirs of Mrs. Hodges as against PCIB, thereby making
somewhat precarious, if not possibly untenable, petitioners' continuation as administrator of the Hodges
LEGAL EXPENSES. of the Present Appeals

LXXVI The priority question raised by respondent Magno relates to the alleged tardiness of all the aforementioned
thirty-three appeals of PCIB. Considering, however, that these appeals revolve around practically the same
main issues and that it is admitted that some of them have been timely taken, and, moreover, their final
results hereinbelow to be stated and explained make it of no consequence whether or not the orders
concerned have become final by the lapsing of the respective periods to appeal them, We do not deem it
necessary to pass upon the timeliness of any of said appeals.


The Propriety Here of Certiorari and

Prohibition instead of Appeal
The other preliminary point of the same respondent is alleged impropriety of the special civil action and when their respective rights and obligations ensuing from the inheritance or in relation thereto would
of certiorari and prohibition in view of the existence of the remedy of appeal which it claims is proven by begin or cease, as the case may be, thereby avoiding precisely the legal complications and consequent
the very appeals now before Us. Such contention fails to take into account that there is a common thread litigations similar to those that have developed unnecessarily in the present cases. While it is true that in
among the basic issues involved in all these thirty-three appeals which, unless resolved in one single instances wherein all the parties interested in the estate of a deceased person have already actually
proceeding, will inevitably cause the proliferation of more or less similar or closely related incidents and distributed among themselves their respective shares therein to the satisfaction of everyone concerned and
consequent eventual appeals. If for this consideration alone, and without taking account anymore of the no rights of creditors or third parties are adversely affected, it would naturally be almost ministerial for the
unnecessary additional effort, expense and time which would be involved in as many individual appeals as court to issue the final order of declaration and distribution, still it is inconceivable that the special
the number of such incidents, it is logical and proper to hold, as We do hold, that the remedy of appeal is proceeding instituted for the purpose may be considered terminated, the respective rights of all the parties
not adequate in the present cases. In determining whether or not a special civil action of certiorari or concerned be deemed definitely settled, and the executor or administrator thereof be regarded as
prohibition may be resorted to in lieu of appeal, in instances wherein lack or excess of jurisdiction or grave automatically discharged and relieved already of all functions and responsibilities without the
abuse of discretion is alleged, it is not enough that the remedy of appeal exists or is possible. It is corresponding definite orders of the probate court to such effect.
indispensable that taking all the relevant circumstances of the given case, appeal would better serve the
interests of justice. Obviously, the longer delay, augmented expense and trouble and unnecessary repetition
Indeed, the law on the matter is specific, categorical and unequivocal. Section 1 of Rule 90 provides:
of the same work attendant to the present multiple appeals, which, after all, deal with practically the same
basic issues that can be more expeditiously resolved or determined in a single special civil action, make the
remedies of certiorari and prohibition, pursued by petitioner, preferable, for purposes of resolving the SECTION 1. When order for distribution of residue made. — When the debts, funeral
common basic issues raised in all of them, despite the conceded availability of appeal. Besides, the settling charges, and expenses of administration, the allowance to the widow and inheritance
of such common fundamental issues would naturally minimize the areas of conflict between the parties and tax, if any, chargeable to the estate in accordance with law have been paid, the court,
render more simple the determination of the secondary issues in each of them. Accordingly, respondent on the application of the executor or administrator, or of a person interested in the
Magno's objection to the present remedy of certiorariand prohibition must be overruled. estate, and after hearing upon notice, shall assign the residue of the estate to the
persons entitled to the same, naming them and the proportions, or parts, to which
each is entitled, and such persons may demand and recover their respective shares
We come now to the errors assigned by petitioner-appellant, Philippine Commercial & Industrial Bank,
from the executor or administrator, or any other person having the same in his
(PCIB, for short) in the petition as well as in its main brief as appellant.
possession. If there is a controversy before the court as to who are the lawful heirs of
the deceased person or as to the distributive shares to which each person is entitled
III under the law, the controversy shall be heard and decided as in ordinary cases.

On Whether or Not There is Still Any Part of the Testate No distribution shall be allowed until the payment of the obligations above mentioned
Estate Mrs. Hodges that may be Adjudicated to her brothers has been made or provided for, unless the distributees, or any of them give a bond, in
and sisters as her estate, of which respondent Magno is the a sum to be fixed by the court, conditioned for the payment of said obligations within
unquestioned Administratrix in special Proceedings 1307. such time as the court directs.

In the petition, it is the position of PCIB that the respondent court exceeded its jurisdiction or gravely These provisions cannot mean anything less than that in order that a proceeding for the settlement of the
abused its discretion in further recognizing after December 14, 1957 the existence of the Testate Estate of estate of a deceased may be deemed ready for final closure, (1) there should have been issued already an
Linnie Jane Hodges and in sanctioning purported acts of administration therein of respondent Magno. Main order of distribution or assignment of the estate of the decedent among or to those entitled thereto by will
ground for such posture is that by the aforequoted order of respondent court of said date, Hodges was or by law, but (2) such order shall not be issued until after it is shown that the "debts, funeral expenses,
already allowed to assert and exercise all his rights as universal heir of his wife pursuant to the provisions expenses of administration, allowances, taxes, etc. chargeable to the estate" have been paid, which is but
of her will, quoted earlier, hence, nothing else remains to be done in Special Proceedings 1307 except to logical and proper. (3) Besides, such an order is usually issued upon proper and specific application for the
formally close it. In other words, the contention of PCIB is that in view of said order, nothing more than a purpose of the interested party or parties, and not of the court.
formal declaration of Hodges as sole and exclusive heir of his wife and the consequent formal unqualified
adjudication to him of all her estate remain to be done to completely close Special Proceedings 1307, hence
... it is only after, and not before, the payment of all debts, funeral charges, expenses of
respondent Magno should be considered as having ceased to be Administratrix of the Testate Estate of Mrs.
administration, allowance to the widow, and inheritance tax shall have been effected
Hodges since then.
that the court should make a declaration of heirs or of such persons as are entitled by
law to the residue. (Moran, Comments on the Rules of Court, 2nd ed., Vol. II, p. 397,
After carefully going over the record, We feel constrained to hold that such pose is patently untenable from citing Capistrano vs. Nadurata, 49 Phil., 726; Lopez vs. Lopez, 37 Off. Gaz., 3091.)
whatever angle it is examined. (JIMOGA-ON v. BELMONTE, 84 Phil. 545, 548) (p. 86, Appellee's Brief)

To start with, We cannot find anywhere in respondent Order of December 14, 1957 the sense being read xxx xxx xxx
into it by PCIB. The tenor of said order bears no suggestion at all to such effect. The declaration of heirs and
distribution by the probate court of the estate of a decedent is its most important function, and this Court is
Under Section 753 of the Code of Civil Procedure, (corresponding to Section 1, Rule
not disposed to encourage judges of probate proceedings to be less than definite, plain and specific in
90) what brings an intestate (or testate) proceeding to a close is the order of
making orders in such regard, if for no other reason than that all parties concerned, like the heirs, the
distribution directing delivery of the residue to the persons entitled thereto after
creditors, and most of all the government, the devisees and legatees, should know with certainty what are
paying the indebtedness, if any, left by the deceased. (Santiesteban vs. Santiesteban, motion, he did intend to adjudicate the whole estate to himself, as suggested by petitioner, such unilateral
68 Phil. 367, 370.) act could not have affected or diminished in any degree or manner the right of his brothers and sisters-in-
law over what would remain thereof upon his death, for surely, no one can rightly contend that the
testamentary provision in question allowed him to so adjudicate any part of the estate to himself as to
In the cases at bar, We cannot discern from the voluminous and varied facts, pleadings and orders before
prejudice them. In other words, irrespective of whatever might have been Hodges' intention in his motions,
Us that the above indispensable prerequisites for the declaration of heirs and the adjudication of the estate
as Executor, of May 27, 1957 and December 11, 1957, the trial court's orders granting said motions, even in
of Mrs. Hodges had already been complied with when the order of December 14, 1957 was issued. As
the terms in which they have been worded, could not have had the effect of an absolute and unconditional
already stated, We are not persuaded that the proceedings leading to the issuance of said order,
adjudication unto Hodges of the whole estate of his wife. None of them could have deprived his brothers
constituting barely of the motion of May 27, 1957, Annex D of the petition, the order of even date, Annex E,
and sisters-in-law of their rights under said will. And it may be added here that the fact that no one
and the motion of December 11, 1957, Annex H, all aforequoted, are what the law contemplates. We cannot
appeared to oppose the motions in question may only be attributed, firstly, to the failure of Hodges to send
see in the order of December 14, 1957, so much relied upon by the petitioner, anything more than an
notices to any of them, as admitted in the motion itself, and, secondly, to the fact that even if they had been
explicit approval of "all the sales, conveyances, leases and mortgages of all the properties left by the
notified, they could not have taken said motions to be for the final distribution and adjudication of the
deceased Linnie Jane Hodges executed by the Executor Charles N. Hodges" (after the death of his wife and
estate, but merely for him to be able, pending such final distribution and adjudication, to either exercise
prior to the date of the motion), plus a general advance authorization to enable said "Executor — to execute
during his lifetime rights of dominion over his wife's estate in accordance with the bequest in his favor,
subsequent sales, conveyances, leases and mortgages of the properties left the said deceased Linnie Jane
which, as already observed, may be allowed under the broad terms of Section 2 of Rule 109, or make use of
Hodges in consonance with wishes conveyed in the last will and testament of the latter", which, certainly,
his own share of the conjugal estate. In any event, We do not believe that the trial court could have acted in
cannot amount to the order of adjudication of the estate of the decedent to Hodges contemplated in the law.
the sense pretended by petitioner, not only because of the clear language of the will but also because none
In fact, the motion of December 11, 1957 on which the court predicated the order in question did not pray
of the interested parties had been duly notified of the motion and hearing thereof. Stated differently, if the
for any such adjudication at all. What is more, although said motion did allege that "herein Executor
orders of May 27, 1957 and December 4, 1957 were really intended to be read in the sense contended by
(Hodges) is not only part owner of the properties left as conjugal, but also, the successor to all the
petitioner, We would have no hesitancy in declaring them null and void.
properties left by the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges", it significantly added that "herein Executor, as Legatee
(sic), has the right to sell, convey, lease or dispose of the properties in the Philippines — during his
lifetime", thereby indicating that what said motion contemplated was nothing more than either the Petitioner cites the case of Austria vs. Ventenilla, G. R. No. L-10018, September 19, 1956, (unreported but a
enjoyment by Hodges of his rights under the particular portion of the dispositions of his wife's will which partial digest thereof appears in 99 Phil. 1069) in support of its insistence that with the orders of May 27
were to be operative only during his lifetime or the use of his own share of the conjugal estate, pending the and December 14, 1957, the closure of Mrs. Hodges' estate has become a mere formality, inasmuch as said
termination of the proceedings. In other words, the authority referred to in said motions and orders is in orders amounted to the order of adjudication and distribution ordained by Section 1 of Rule 90. But the
the nature of that contemplated either in Section 2 of Rule 109 which permits, in appropriate cases, parallel attempted to be drawn between that case and the present one does not hold. There the trial court
advance or partial implementation of the terms of a duly probated will before final adjudication or had in fact issued a clear, distinct and express order of adjudication and distribution more than twenty
distribution when the rights of third parties would not be adversely affected thereby or in the established years before the other heirs of the deceased filed their motion asking that the administratrix be removed,
practice of allowing the surviving spouse to dispose of his own share of he conjugal estate, pending its final etc. As quoted in that decision, the order of the lower court in that respect read as follows:
liquidation, when it appears that no creditors of the conjugal partnership would be prejudiced thereby, (see
the Revised Rules of Court by Francisco, Vol. V-B, 1970 ed. p. 887) albeit, from the tenor of said motions, We
En orden a la mocion de la administradora, el juzgado la encuentra procedente bajo la
are more inclined to believe that Hodges meant to refer to the former. In any event, We are fully persuaded
condicion de que no se hara entrega ni adjudicacion de los bienes a los herederos
that the quoted allegations of said motions read together cannot be construed as a repudiation of the rights
antes de que estos presten la fianza correspondiente y de acuerdo con lo prescrito en
unequivocally established in the will in favor of Mrs. Hodges' brothers and sisters to whatever have not
el Art. 754 del Codigo de Procedimientos: pues, en autos no aparece que hayan sido
been disposed of by him up to his death.
nombrados comisionados de avaluo y reclamaciones. Dicha fianza podra ser por un
valor igual al de los bienes que correspondan a cada heredero segun el testamento.
Indeed, nowhere in the record does it appear that the trial court subsequently acted upon the premise Creo que no es obice para la terminacion del expediente el hecho de que la
suggested by petitioner. On the contrary, on November 23, 1965, when the court resolved the motion of administradora no ha presentado hasta ahora el inventario de los bienes; pues, segun
appellee Western Institute of Technology by its order We have quoted earlier, it categorically held that as of la ley, estan exentos de esta formalidad os administradores que son legatarios del
said date, November 23, 1965, "in both cases (Special Proceedings 1307 and 1672) there is as yet no residuo o remanente de los bienes y hayan prestado fianza para responder de las
judicial declaration of heirs nor distribution of properties to whomsoever are entitled thereto." In this gestiones de su cargo, y aparece en el testamento que la administradora Alejandra
connection, it may be stated further against petitioner, by way of some kind of estoppel, that in its own Austria reune dicha condicion.
motion of January 8, 1965, already quoted in full on pages 54-67 of this decision, it prayed inter alia that the
court declare that "C. N. Hodges was the sole and exclusive heir of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges", which
POR TODO LO EXPUESTO, el juzgado declara, 1.o: no haber lugar a la mocion de
it would not have done if it were really convinced that the order of December 14, 1957 was already the
Ramon Ventenilla y otros; 2.o, declara asimismo que los unicos herederos del finado
order of adjudication and distribution of her estate. That said motion was later withdrawn when Magno
Antonio Ventenilla son su esposa Alejandra Austria, Maria Ventenilla, hermana del
filed her own motion for determination and adjudication of what should correspond to the brothers and
testador, y Ramon Ventenilla, Maria Ventenilla, Ramon Soriano, Eulalio Soriano, Jose
sisters of Mrs. Hodges does not alter the indubitable implication of the prayer of the withdrawn motion.
Soriano, Gabriela Ventenilla, Lorenzo Ventenilla, Felicitas Ventenilla, Eugenio
Ventenilla y Alejandra Ventenilla, en representacion de los difuntos Juan, Tomas,
It must be borne in mind that while it is true that Mrs. Hodges bequeathed her whole estate to her husband Catalino y Froilan, hermanos del testador, declarando, ademas que la heredera
and gave him what amounts to full powers of dominion over the same during his lifetime, she imposed at Alejandra Austria tiene derecho al remanente de todos los bienes dejados por el
the same time the condition that whatever should remain thereof upon his death should go to her brothers finado, despues de deducir de ellos la porcion que corresponde a cada uno de sus
and sisters. In effect, therefore, what was absolutely given to Hodges was only so much of his wife's estate coherederos, conforme esta mandado en las clausulas 8.a, 9.a, 10.a, 11.a, 12.a y 13.a
as he might possibly dispose of during his lifetime; hence, even assuming that by the allegations in his del testamento; 3.o, se aprueba el pago hecho por la administradora de los gastos de la
ultima enfermedad y funerales del testador, de la donacion hecha por el testador a his combined personal assets and that of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. (pp. 91-
favor de la Escuela a Publica del Municipio de Mangatarem, y de las misas en sufragio 92, id.)
del alma del finado; 4.o, que una vez prestada la fianza mencionada al principio de este
auto, se haga la entrega y adjudicacion de los bienes, conforme se dispone en el
Under date of April 20, 1961, C. N. Hodges filed his third "Annual Statement of Account
testamento y se acaba de declarar en este auto; 5.o, y, finalmente, que verificada la
by the Executor for the year 1960" of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. In the
adjudicacion, se dara por terminada la administracion, revelandole toda
"Statement of Net Worth of Mr. C. N. Hodges and the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges" as
responsabilidad a la administradora, y cancelando su fianza.
of December 31, 1960 annexed thereto, C. N. Hodges reported that the combined
conjugal estate earned a net income of P314,857.94, divided of Linnie Jane Hodges.
ASI SE ORDENA. Pursuant to this, he filed an "individual evenly between him and the estate income tax
return" for calendar year 1960 on the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges reporting, under
oath, the said estate as having earned income of P157,428.97, exactly one-half of the
Undoubtedly, after the issuance of an order of such tenor, the closure of any proceedings for the settlement
net income of his combined personal assets and that of the estate of Linnie Jane
of the estate of a deceased person cannot be but perfunctory.
Hodges. (pp. 92-93, id.)

In the case at bar, as already pointed out above, the two orders relied upon by petitioner do not appear ex-
In the petition for probate that he (Hodges) filed, he listed the seven brothers and
facie to be of the same tenor and nature as the order just quoted, and, what is more, the circumstances
sisters of Linnie Jane as her "heirs" (see p. 2, Green ROA). The order of the court
attendant to its issuance do not suggest that such was the intention of the court, for nothing could have
admitting the will to probate unfortunately omitted one of the heirs, Roy Higdon (see
been more violative of the will of Mrs. Hodges.
p. 14, Green ROA). Immediately, C. N. Hodges filed a verified motion to have Roy
Higdon's name included as an heir, stating that he wanted to straighten the records "in
Indeed, to infer from Hodges' said motions and from his statements of accounts for the years 1958, 1959 order (that) the heirs of deceased Roy Higdon may not think or believe they were
and 1960, A Annexes I, K and M, respectively, wherein he repeatedly claimed that "herein executor (being) omitted, and that they were really and are interested in the estate of deceased Linnie
the only devisee or legatee of the deceased, in accordance with the last will and testament already Jane Hodges".
probated," there is "no (other) person interested in the Philippines of the time and place of examining
herein account to be given notice", an intent to adjudicate unto himself the whole of his wife's estate in an
Thus, he recognized, if in his own way, the separate identity of his wife's estate from his own share of the
absolute manner and without regard to the contingent interests of her brothers and sisters, is to impute
conjugal partnership up to the time of his death, more than five years after that of his wife. He never
bad faith to him, an imputation which is not legally permissible, much less warranted by the facts of record
considered the whole estate as a single one belonging exclusively to himself. The only conclusion one can
herein. Hodges knew or ought to have known that, legally speaking, the terms of his wife's will did not give
gather from this is that he could have been preparing the basis for the eventual transmission of his wife's
him such a right. Factually, there are enough circumstances extant in the records of these cases indicating
estate, or, at least, so much thereof as he would not have been able to dispose of during his lifetime, to her
that he had no such intention to ignore the rights of his co-heirs. In his very motions in question, Hodges
brothers and sisters in accordance with her expressed desire, as intimated in his tax return in the United
alleged, thru counsel, that the "deceased Linnie Jane Hodges died leaving no descendants and
States to be more extensively referred to anon. And assuming that he did pay the corresponding estate and
ascendants, except brothers and sisters and herein petitioner, as surviving spouse, to inherit the properties of
inheritance taxes in the Philippines on the basis of his being sole heir, such payment is not necessarily
the decedent", and even promised that "proper accounting will be had — in all these transactions" which he
inconsistent with his recognition of the rights of his co-heirs. Without purporting to rule definitely on the
had submitted for approval and authorization by the court, thereby implying that he was aware of his
matter in these proceedings, We might say here that We are inclined to the view that under the peculiar
responsibilities vis-a-vis his co-heirs. As alleged by respondent Magno in her brief as appellee:
provisions of his wife's will, and for purposes of the applicable inheritance tax laws, Hodges had to be
considered as her sole heir, pending the actual transmission of the remaining portion of her estate to her
Under date of April 14, 1959, C. N. Hodges filed his first "Account by the Executor" of other heirs, upon the eventuality of his death, and whatever adjustment might be warranted should there
the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. In the "Statement of Networth of Mr. C. N. Hodges be any such remainder then is a matter that could well be taken care of by the internal revenue authorities
and the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges" as of December 31, 1958 annexed thereto, C. N. in due time.
Hodges reported that the combined conjugal estate earned a net income of
P328,402.62, divided evenly between him and the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges.
It is to be noted that the lawyer, Atty. Leon P. Gellada, who signed the motions of May 27, 1957 and
Pursuant to this, he filed an "individual income tax return" for calendar year 1958 on
December 11, 1957 and the aforementioned statements of account was the very same one who also
the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges reporting, under oath, the said estate as having
subsequently signed and filed the motion of December 26, 1962 for the appointment of respondent Magno
earned income of P164,201.31, exactly one-half of the net income of his combined
as "Administratrix of the Estate of Mrs. Linnie Jane Hodges" wherein it was alleged that "in accordance with
personal assets and that of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. (p. 91, Appellee's Brief.)
the provisions of the last will and testament of Linnie Jane Hodges, whatever real properties that may
remain at the death of her husband, Charles Newton Hodges, the said properties shall be equally divided
Under date of July 21, 1960, C. N. Hodges filed his second "Annual Statement of among their heirs." And it appearing that said attorney was Hodges' lawyer as Executor of the estate of his
Account by the Executor" of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges. In the "Statement of wife, it stands to reason that his understanding of the situation, implicit in his allegations just quoted, could
Networth of Mr. C. N. Hodges and the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges" as of December 31, somehow be reflective of Hodges' own understanding thereof.
1959 annexed thereto, C. N. Hodges reported that the combined conjugal estate
earned a net income of P270,623.32, divided evenly between him and the estate of
As a matter of fact, the allegations in the motion of the same Atty. Gellada dated July 1, 1957, a "Request for
Linnie Jane Hodges. Pursuant to this, he filed an "individual income tax return" for
Inclusion of the Name of Roy Higdon in the Order of the Court dated July 19, 1957, etc.", reference to which
calendar year 1959 on the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges reporting, under oath, the said
is made in the above quotation from respondent Magno's brief, are over the oath of Hodges himself, who
estate as having earned income of P135,311.66, exactly one-half of the net income of
verified the motion. Said allegations read:
1. — That the Hon. Court issued orders dated June 29, 1957, ordering the probate of income from said estate, as shown by the statement contained in Schedule M at page
the will. 29 of said return, a copy of which schedule is attached to this affidavit and made a part
2. — That in said order of the Hon. Court, the relatives of the deceased Linnie Jane
Hodges were enumerated. However, in the petition as well as in the testimony of The purpose of this affidavit is to ratify and confirm, and I do hereby ratify and confirm,
Executor during the hearing, the name Roy Higdon was mentioned, but deceased. It the declaration made in Schedule M of said return and hereby formally disclaim and
was unintentionally omitted the heirs of said Roy Higdon who are his wife Aline renounce any right on my part to receive any of the said rents, emoluments and
Higdon and son David Higdon, all of age, and residents of Quinlan, Texas, U.S.A. income from the estate of my deceased wife, Linnie Jane Hodges. This affidavit is made
to absolve me or my estate from any liability for the payment of income taxes on
income which has accrued to the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges since the death of the
3. — That to straighten the records, and in order the heirs of deceased Roy Higdon may
said Linnie Jane Hodges on May 23, 1957. (Annex 5, Answer — Record, p. 264)
not think or believe they were omitted, and that they were really and are interested in
the estate of deceased Linnie Jane Hodges, it is requested of the Hon. Court to insert the
names of Aline Higdon and David Higdon, wife and son of deceased Roy Higdon in the Although it appears that said documents were not duly presented as evidence in the court below, and We
said order of the Hon. Court dated June 29, 1957. (pars. 1 to 3, Annex 2 of Magno's cannot, therefore, rely on them for the purpose of the present proceedings, still, We cannot close our eyes
Answer — Record, p. 260) to their existence in the record nor fail to note that their tenor jibes with Our conclusion discussed above
from the circumstances related to the orders of May 27 and December 14, 1957. 5 Somehow, these
documents, considering they are supposed to be copies of their originals found in the official files of the
As can be seen, these italicized allegations indicate, more or less, the real attitude of Hodges in regard to the
governments of the United States and of the Philippines, serve to lessen any possible apprehension that Our
testamentary dispositions of his wife.
conclusion from the other evidence of Hodges' manifest intent vis-a-vis the rights of his co-heirs is without
basis in fact.
In connection with this point of Hodges' intent, We note that there are documents, copies of which are
annexed to respondent Magno's answer, which purportedly contain Hodges' own solemn declarations
Verily, with such eloquent manifestations of his good intentions towards the other heirs of his wife, We find
recognizing the right of his co-heirs, such as the alleged tax return he filed with the United States Taxation
it very hard to believe that Hodges did ask the court and that the latter agreed that he be declared her sole
authorities, identified as Schedule M, (Annex 4 of her answer) and his supposed affidavit of renunciation,
heir and that her whole estate be adjudicated to him without so much as just annotating the contingent
Annex 5. In said Schedule M, Hodges appears to have answered the pertinent question thus:
interest of her brothers and sisters in what would remain thereof upon his demise. On the contrary, it
seems to us more factual and fairer to assume that Hodges was well aware of his position as executor of the
2a. Had the surviving spouse the right to declare an election between (1) the will of his wife and, as such, had in mind the following admonition made by the Court in Pamittan vs. Lasam,
provisions made in his or her favor by the will and (11) dower, curtesy or a statutory et al., 60 Phil., 908, at pp. 913-914:
interest? (X) Yes ( ) No
Upon the death of Bernarda in September, 1908, said lands continued to be conjugal
2d. Does the surviving spouse contemplate renouncing the will and electing to take property in the hands of the defendant Lasam. It is provided in article 1418 of the Civil
dower, curtesy, or a statutory interest? (X) Yes ( ) No Code that upon the dissolution of the conjugal partnership, an inventory shall
immediately be made and this court in construing this provision in connection with
section 685 of the Code of Civil Procedure (prior to its amendment by Act No. 3176 of
3. According to the information and belief of the person or persons filing the return, is
November 24, 1924) has repeatedly held that in the event of the death of the wife, the
any action described under question 1 designed or contemplated? ( ) Yes (X) No
law imposes upon the husband the duty of liquidating the affairs of the partnership
(Annex 4, Answer — Record, p. 263)
without delay (desde luego) (Alfonso vs. Natividad, 6 Phil., 240; Prado vs. Lagera, 7
Phil., 395; De la Rama vs. De la Rama, 7 Phil., 745; Enriquez vs. Victoria, 10 Phil., 10;
and to have further stated under the item, "Description of property interests passing to surviving spouse" Amancio vs. Pardo, 13 Phil., 297; Rojas vs. Singson Tongson, 17 Phil., 476; Sochayseng
the following: vs. Trujillo, 31 Phil., 153; Molera vs. Molera, 40 Phil., 566; Nable Jose vs. Nable Jose, 41
Phil., 713.)
None, except for purposes of administering the Estate, paying debts, taxes and other
legal charges. It is the intention of the surviving husband of deceased to distribute the In the last mentioned case this court quoted with approval the case of Leatherwood vs.
remaining property and interests of the deceased in their Community Estate to the Arnold (66 Texas, 414, 416, 417), in which that court discussed the powers of the
devisees and legatees named in the will when the debts, liabilities, taxes and expenses of surviving spouse in the administration of the community property. Attention was
administration are finally determined and paid. (Annex 4, Answer — Record, p. 263) called to the fact that the surviving husband, in the management of the conjugal
property after the death of the wife, was a trustee of unique character who is liable for
any fraud committed by him with relation to the property while he is charged with its
In addition, in the supposed affidavit of Hodges, Annex 5, it is stated:
administration. In the liquidation of the conjugal partnership, he had wide powers (as
the law stood prior to Act No. 3176) and the high degree of trust reposed in him
I, C. N. Hodges, being duly sworn, on oath affirm that at the time the United States stands out more clearly in view of the fact that he was the owner of a half interest in
Estate Tax Return was filed in the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges on August 8, 1958, I his own right of the conjugal estate which he was charged to administer. He could
renounced and disclaimed any and all right to receive the rents, emoluments and therefore no more acquire a title by prescription against those for whom he was
administering the conjugal estate than could a guardian against his ward or a judicial Neither is there basis for holding that respondent Magno has ceased to be the Administratrix in said
administrator against the heirs of estate. Section 38 of Chapter III of the Code of Civil proceeding. There is no showing that she has ever been legally removed as such, the attempt to replace her
Procedure, with relation to prescription, provides that "this chapter shall not apply ... with Mr. Benito Lopez without authority from the Court having been expressly held ineffective by Our
in the case of a continuing and subsisting trust." The surviving husband in the resolution of September 8, 1972. Parenthetically, on this last point, PCIB itself is very emphatic in stressing
administration and liquidation of the conjugal estate occupies the position of a trustee that it is not questioning said respondent's status as such administratrix. Indeed, it is not clear that PCIB
of the highest order and is not permitted by the law to hold that estate or any portion has any standing to raise any objection thereto, considering it is a complete stranger insofar as the estate of
thereof adversely to those for whose benefit the law imposes upon him the duty of Mrs. Hodges is concerned.
administration and liquidation. No liquidation was ever made by Lasam — hence, the
conjugal property which came into his possession on the death of his wife in
It is the contention of PCIB, however, that as things actually stood at the time of Hodges' death, their
September, 1908, still remains conjugal property, a continuing and subsisting trust. He
conjugal partnership had not yet been liquidated and, inasmuch as the properties composing the same
should have made a liquidation immediately (desde luego). He cannot now be
were thus commingled pro indiviso and, consequently, the properties pertaining to the estate of each of the
permitted to take advantage of his own wrong. One of the conditions of title by
spouses are not yet identifiable, it is PCIB alone, as administrator of the estate of Hodges, who should
prescription (section 41, Code of Civil Procedure) is possession "under a claim of title
administer everything, and all that respondent Magno can do for the time being is to wait until the
exclusive of any other right". For a trustee to make such a claim would be a manifest
properties constituting the remaining estate of Mrs. Hodges have been duly segregated and delivered to her
for her own administration. Seemingly, PCIB would liken the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges to a party
having a claim of ownership to some properties included in the inventory of an administrator of the estate
And knowing thus his responsibilities in the premises, We are not convinced that Hodges arrogated of a decedent, (here that of Hodges) and who normally has no right to take part in the proceedings pending
everything unto himself leaving nothing at all to be inherited by his wife's brothers and sisters. the establishment of his right or title; for which as a rule it is required that an ordinary action should be
filed, since the probate court is without jurisdiction to pass with finality on questions of title between the
estate of the deceased, on the one hand, and a third party or even an heir claiming adversely against the
PCIB insists, however, that to read the orders of May 27 and December 14, 1957, not as adjudicatory, but
estate, on the other.
merely as approving past and authorizing future dispositions made by Hodges in a wholesale and general
manner, would necessarily render the said orders void for being violative of the provisions of Rule 89
governing the manner in which such dispositions may be made and how the authority therefor and We do not find such contention sufficiently persuasive. As We see it, the situation obtaining herein cannot
approval thereof by the probate court may be secured. If We sustained such a view, the result would only be compared with the claim of a third party the basis of which is alien to the pending probate proceedings.
be that the said orders should be declared ineffective either way they are understood, considering We have In the present cases what gave rise to the claim of PCIB of exclusive ownership by the estate of Hodges over
already seen it is legally impossible to consider them as adjudicatory. As a matter of fact, however, what all the properties of the Hodges spouses, including the share of Mrs. Hodges in the community properties,
surges immediately to the surface, relative to PCIB's observations based on Rule 89, is that from such point were the orders of the trial court issued in the course of the very settlement proceedings themselves, more
of view, the supposed irregularity would involve no more than some non-jurisdictional technicalities of specifically, the orders of May 27 and December 14, 1957 so often mentioned above. In other words, the
procedure, which have for their evident fundamental purpose the protection of parties interested in the root of the issue of title between the parties is something that the court itself has done in the exercise of its
estate, such as the heirs, its creditors, particularly the government on account of the taxes due it; and since probate jurisdiction. And since in the ultimate analysis, the question of whether or not all the properties
it is apparent here that none of such parties are objecting to said orders or would be prejudiced by the herein involved pertain exclusively to the estate of Hodges depends on the legal meaning and effect of said
unobservance by the trial court of the procedure pointed out by PCIB, We find no legal inconvenience in nor orders, the claim that respondent court has no jurisdiction to take cognizance of and decide the said issue is
impediment to Our giving sanction to the blanket approval and authority contained in said orders. This incorrect. If it was within the competence of the court to issue the root orders, why should it not be within
solution is definitely preferable in law and in equity, for to view said orders in the sense suggested by PCIB its authority to declare their true significance and intent, to the end that the parties may know whether or
would result in the deprivation of substantive rights to the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Hodges, whereas not the estate of Mrs. Hodges had already been adjudicated by the court, upon the initiative of Hodges, in
reading them the other way will not cause any prejudice to anyone, and, withal, will give peace of mind and his favor, to the exclusion of the other heirs of his wife instituted in her will?
stability of rights to the innocent parties who relied on them in good faith, in the light of the peculiar
pertinent provisions of the will of said decedent.
At this point, it bears emphasis again that the main cause of all the present problems confronting the courts
and the parties in these cases was the failure of Hodges to secure, as executor of his wife's estate, from May,
Now, the inventory submitted by Hodges on May 12, 1958 referred to the estate of his wife as consisting of 1957 up to the time of his death in December, 1962, a period of more than five years, the final adjudication
"One-half of all the items designated in the balance sheet, copy of which is hereto attached and marked as of her estate and the closure of the proceedings. The record is bare of any showing that he ever exerted any
"Annex A"." Although, regrettably, no copy of said Annex A appears in the records before Us, We take effort towards the early settlement of said estate. While, on the one hand, there are enough indications, as
judicial notice, on the basis of the undisputed facts in these cases, that the same consists of considerable already discuss that he had intentions of leaving intact her share of the conjugal properties so that it may
real and other personal kinds of properties. And since, according to her will, her husband was to be the sole pass wholly to his co-heirs upon his death, pursuant to her will, on the other hand, by not terminating the
owner thereof during his lifetime, with full power and authority to dispose of any of them, provided that proceedings, his interests in his own half of the conjugal properties remained commingled pro-indiviso
should there be any remainder upon his death, such remainder would go to her brothers and sisters, and with those of his co-heirs in the other half. Obviously, such a situation could not be conducive to ready
furthermore, there is no pretension, much less any proof that Hodges had in fact disposed of all of them, ascertainment of the portion of the inheritance that should appertain to his co-heirs upon his death. Having
and, on the contrary, the indications are rather to the effect that he had kept them more or less intact, it these considerations in mind, it would be giving a premium for such procrastination and rather unfair to
cannot truthfully be said that, upon the death of Hodges, there was no more estate of Mrs. Hodges to speak his co-heirs, if the administrator of his estate were to be given exclusive administration of all the properties
of. It is Our conclusion, therefore, that properties do exist which constitute such estate, hence Special in question, which would necessarily include the function of promptly liquidating the conjugal partnership,
Proceedings 1307 should not yet be closed. thereby identifying and segregating without unnecessary loss of time which properties should be
considered as constituting the estate of Mrs. Hodges, the remainder of which her brothers and sisters are
supposed to inherit equally among themselves.
To be sure, an administrator is not supposed to represent the interests of any particular party and his acts conclusion, as PCIB does, that the testamentary dispositions in question are therefore inoperative and
are deemed to be objectively for the protection of the rights of everybody concerned with the estate of the invalid.
decedent, and from this point of view, it maybe said that even if PCIB were to act alone, there should be no
fear of undue disadvantage to anyone. On the other hand, however, it is evidently implicit in section 6 of
The error in PCIB's position lies simply in the fact that it views the said disposition exclusively in the light
Rule 78 fixing the priority among those to whom letters of administration should be granted that the
of substitutions covered by the Civil Code section on that subject, (Section 3, Chapter 2, Title IV, Book III)
criterion in the selection of the administrator is not his impartiality alone but, more importantly, the extent
when it is obvious that substitution occurs only when another heir is appointed in a will "so that he may
of his interest in the estate, so much so that the one assumed to have greater interest is preferred to
enter into inheritance in default of the heir originally instituted," (Article 857, id.) and, in the present case,
another who has less. Taking both of these considerations into account, inasmuch as, according to Hodges'
no such possible default is contemplated. The brothers and sisters of Mrs. Hodges are not substitutes for
own inventory submitted by him as Executor of the estate of his wife, practically all their properties were
Hodges because, under her will, they are not to inherit what Hodges cannot, would not or may not inherit,
conjugal which means that the spouses have equal shares therein, it is but logical that both estates should
but what he would not dispose of from his inheritance; rather, therefore, they are also heirs instituted
be administered jointly by representatives of both, pending their segregation from each other. Particularly
simultaneously with Hodges, subject, however, to certain conditions, partially resolutory insofar as Hodges
is such an arrangement warranted because the actuations so far of PCIB evince a determined, albeit
was concerned and correspondingly suspensive with reference to his brothers and sisters-in-law. It is
groundless, intent to exclude the other heirs of Mrs. Hodges from their inheritance. Besides, to allow PCIB,
partially resolutory, since it bequeaths unto Hodges the whole of her estate to be owned and enjoyed by
the administrator of his estate, to perform now what Hodges was duty bound to do as executor is to violate
him as universal and sole heir with absolute dominion over them 6 only during his lifetime, which means
the spirit, if not the letter, of Section 2 of Rule 78 which expressly provides that "The executor of an
that while he could completely and absolutely dispose of any portion thereof inter vivos to anyone other
executor shall not, as such, administer the estate of the first testator." It goes without saying that this
than himself, he was not free to do so mortis causa, and all his rights to what might remain upon his death
provision refers also to the administrator of an executor like PCIB here.
would cease entirely upon the occurrence of that contingency, inasmuch as the right of his brothers and
sisters-in-law to the inheritance, although vested already upon the death of Mrs. Hodges, would
We are not unmindful of the fact that under Section 2 of Rule 73, "When the marriage is dissolved by the automatically become operative upon the occurrence of the death of Hodges in the event of actual existence
death of the husband or wife, the community property shall be inventoried, administered, and liquidated, of any remainder of her estate then.
and the debts thereof paid, in the testate or intestate proceedings of the deceased spouse. If both spouses
have died, the conjugal partnership shall be liquidated in the testate or intestate proceedings of either."
Contrary to the view of respondent Magno, however, it was not the usufruct alone of her estate, as
Indeed, it is true that the last sentence of this provision allows or permits the conjugal partnership of
contemplated in Article 869 of the Civil Code, that she bequeathed to Hodges during his lifetime, but the full
spouses who are both deceased to be settled or liquidated in the testate or intestate proceedings of either,
ownership thereof, although the same was to last also during his lifetime only, even as there was no
but precisely because said sentence allows or permits that the liquidation be made in either proceeding, it
restriction whatsoever against his disposing or conveying the whole or any portion thereof to anybody
is a matter of sound judicial discretion in which one it should be made. After all, the former rule referring to
other than himself. The Court sees no legal impediment to this kind of institution, in this jurisdiction or
the administrator of the husband's estate in respect to such liquidation was done away with by Act 3176,
under Philippine law, except that it cannot apply to the legitime of Hodges as the surviving spouse,
the pertinent provisions of which are now embodied in the rule just cited.
consisting of one-half of the estate, considering that Mrs. Hodges had no surviving ascendants nor
descendants. (Arts. 872, 900, and 904, New Civil Code.)
Thus, it can be seen that at the time of the death of Hodges, there was already the pending judicial
settlement proceeding of the estate of Mrs. Hodges, and, more importantly, that the former was the
But relative precisely to the question of how much of Mrs. Hodges' share of the conjugal partnership
executor of the latter's will who had, as such, failed for more than five years to see to it that the same was
properties may be considered as her estate, the parties are in disagreement as to how Article 16 of the Civil
terminated earliest, which was not difficult to do, since from ought that appears in the record, there were
Code7 should be applied. On the one hand, petitioner claims that inasmuch as Mrs. Hodges was a resident of
no serious obstacles on the way, the estate not being indebted and there being no immediate heirs other
the Philippines at the time of her death, under said Article 16, construed in relation to the pertinent laws of
than Hodges himself. Such dilatory or indifferent attitude could only spell possible prejudice of his co-heirs,
Texas and the principle of renvoi, what should be applied here should be the rules of succession under the
whose rights to inheritance depend entirely on the existence of any remainder of Mrs. Hodges' share in the
Civil Code of the Philippines, and, therefore, her estate could consist of no more than one-fourth of the said
community properties, and who are now faced with the pose of PCIB that there is no such remainder. Had
conjugal properties, the other fourth being, as already explained, the legitime of her husband (Art. 900, Civil
Hodges secured as early as possible the settlement of his wife's estate, this problem would not arisen. All
Code) which she could not have disposed of nor burdened with any condition (Art. 872, Civil Code). On the
things considered, We are fully convinced that the interests of justice will be better served by not
other hand, respondent Magno denies that Mrs. Hodges died a resident of the Philippines, since allegedly
permitting or allowing PCIB or any administrator of the estate of Hodges exclusive administration of all the
she never changed nor intended to change her original residence of birth in Texas, United States of
properties in question. We are of the considered opinion and so hold that what would be just and proper is
America, and contends that, anyway, regardless of the question of her residence, she being indisputably a
for both administrators of the two estates to act conjointly until after said estates have been segregated
citizen of Texas, under said Article 16 of the Civil Code, the distribution of her estate is subject to the laws of
from each other.
said State which, according to her, do not provide for any legitime, hence, the brothers and sisters of Mrs.
Hodges are entitled to the remainder of the whole of her share of the conjugal partnership properties
At this juncture, it may be stated that we are not overlooking the fact that it is PCIB's contention that, consisting of one-half thereof. Respondent Magno further maintains that, in any event, Hodges had
viewed as a substitution, the testamentary disposition in favor of Mrs. Hodges' brothers and sisters may not renounced his rights under the will in favor of his co-heirs, as allegedly proven by the documents touching
be given effect. To a certain extent, this contention is correct. Indeed, legally speaking, Mrs. Hodges' will on the point already mentioned earlier, the genuineness and legal significance of which petitioner
provides neither for a simple or vulgar substitution under Article 859 of the Civil Code nor for a seemingly questions. Besides, the parties are disagreed as to what the pertinent laws of Texas provide. In
fideicommissary substitution under Article 863 thereof. There is no vulgar substitution therein because the interest of settling the estates herein involved soonest, it would be best, indeed, if these conflicting
there is no provision for either (1) predecease of the testator by the designated heir or (2) refusal or (3) claims of the parties were determined in these proceedings. The Court regrets, however, that it cannot do
incapacity of the latter to accept the inheritance, as required by Article 859; and neither is there a so, for the simple reason that neither the evidence submitted by the parties in the court below nor their
fideicommissary substitution therein because no obligation is imposed thereby upon Hodges to preserve discussion, in their respective briefs and memoranda before Us, of their respective contentions on the
the estate or any part thereof for anyone else. But from these premises, it is not correct to jump to the pertinent legal issues, of grave importance as they are, appear to Us to be adequate enough to enable Us to
render an intelligent comprehensive and just resolution. For one thing, there is no clear and reliable proof
of what in fact the possibly applicable laws of Texas are. 7* Then also, the genuineness of documents relied Withal, it no longer lies in the lips of petitioner PCIB to make any claim that under the laws of Texas, the
upon by respondent Magno is disputed. And there are a number of still other conceivable related issues estate of Mrs. Hodges could in any event be less than that We have fixed above.
which the parties may wish to raise but which it is not proper to mention here. In Justice, therefore, to all
the parties concerned, these and all other relevant matters should first be threshed out fully in the trial
It should be borne in mind that as above-indicated, the question of what are the laws of Texas governing
court in the proceedings hereafter to be held therein for the purpose of ascertaining and adjudicating
the matters herein issue is, in the first instance, one of fact, not of law. Elementary is the rule that foreign
and/or distributing the estate of Mrs. Hodges to her heirs in accordance with her duly probated will.
laws may not be taken judicial notice of and have to be proven like any other fact in dispute between the
parties in any proceeding, with the rare exception in instances when the said laws are already within the
To be more explicit, all that We can and do decide in connection with the petition for certiorari and actual knowledge of the court, such as when they are well and generally known or they have been actually
prohibition are: (1) that regardless of which corresponding laws are applied, whether of the Philippines or ruled upon in other cases before it and none of the parties concerned do not claim otherwise. (5 Moran,
of Texas, and taking for granted either of the respective contentions of the parties as to provisions of the Comments on the Rules of Court, p. 41, 1970 ed.) In Fluemer vs. Hix, 54 Phil. 610, it was held:
latter,8 and regardless also of whether or not it can be proven by competent evidence that Hodges
renounced his inheritance in any degree, it is easily and definitely discernible from the inventory submitted
It is the theory of the petitioner that the alleged will was executed in Elkins West Virginia, on November 3,
by Hodges himself, as Executor of his wife's estate, that there are properties which should constitute the
1925, by Hix who had his residence in that jurisdiction, and that the laws of West Virginia govern. To this
estate of Mrs. Hodges and ought to be disposed of or distributed among her heirs pursuant to her will in
end, there was submitted a copy of section 3868 of Acts 1882, c. 84 as found in West Virginia Code,
said Special Proceedings 1307; (2) that, more specifically, inasmuch as the question of what are the
Annotated, by Hogg Charles E., vol. 2, 1914, p. 1960, and as certified to by the Director of the National
pertinent laws of Texas applicable to the situation herein is basically one of fact, and, considering that the
Library. But this was far from a compliance with the law. The laws of a foreign jurisdiction do not prove
sole difference in the positions of the parties as to the effect of said laws has reference to the supposed
themselves in our courts. The courts of the Philippine Islands are not authorized to take judicial notice of
legitime of Hodges — it being the stand of PCIB that Hodges had such a legitime whereas Magno claims the
the laws of the various States of the American Union. Such laws must be proved as facts. (In re Estate of
negative - it is now beyond controversy for all future purposes of these proceedings that whatever be the
Johnson [1918], 39 Phil., 156.) Here the requirements of the law were not met. There was no showing that
provisions actually of the laws of Texas applicable hereto, the estate of Mrs. Hodges is at least, one-fourth of
the book from which an extract was taken was printed or published under the authority of the State of West
the conjugal estate of the spouses; the existence and effects of foreign laws being questions of fact, and it
Virginia, as provided in section 300 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Nor was the extract from the law
being the position now of PCIB that the estate of Mrs. Hodges, pursuant to the laws of Texas, should only be
attested by the certificate of the officer having charge of the original, under the seal of the State of West
one-fourth of the conjugal estate, such contention constitutes an admission of fact, and consequently, it
Virginia, as provided in section 301 of the Code of Civil Procedure. No evidence was introduced to show
would be in estoppel in any further proceedings in these cases to claim that said estate could be less,
that the extract from the laws of West Virginia was in force at the time the alleged will was executed."
irrespective of what might be proven later to be actually the provisions of the applicable laws of Texas; (3)
that Special Proceedings 1307 for the settlement of the testate estate of Mrs. Hodges cannot be closed at
this stage and should proceed to its logical conclusion, there having been no proper and legal adjudication No evidence of the nature thus suggested by the Court may be found in the records of the cases at bar. Quite
or distribution yet of the estate therein involved; and (4) that respondent Magno remains and continues to to the contrary, the parties herein have presented opposing versions in their respective pleadings and
be the Administratrix therein. Hence, nothing in the foregoing opinion is intended to resolve the issues memoranda regarding the matter. And even if We took into account that in Aznar vs. Garcia, the Court did
which, as already stated, are not properly before the Court now, namely, (1) whether or not Hodges had in make reference to certain provisions regarding succession in the laws of Texas, the disparity in the material
fact and in law waived or renounced his inheritance from Mrs. Hodges, in whole or in part, and (2) dates of that case and the present ones would not permit Us to indulge in the hazardous conjecture that
assuming there had been no such waiver, whether or not, by the application of Article 16 of the Civil Code, said provisions have not been amended or changed in the meantime.
and in the light of what might be the applicable laws of Texas on the matter, the estate of Mrs. Hodges is
more than the one-fourth declared above. As a matter of fact, even our finding above about the existence of
On the other hand, in In re Estate of Johnson, 39 Phil. 156, We held:
properties constituting the estate of Mrs. Hodges rests largely on a general appraisal of the size and extent
of the conjugal partnership gathered from reference made thereto by both parties in their briefs as well as
in their pleadings included in the records on appeal, and it should accordingly yield, as to which exactly Upon the other point — as to whether the will was executed in conformity with the
those properties are, to the more concrete and specific evidence which the parties are supposed to present statutes of the State of Illinois — we note that it does not affirmatively appear from
in support of their respective positions in regard to the foregoing main legal and factual issues. In the the transcription of the testimony adduced in the trial court that any witness was
interest of justice, the parties should be allowed to present such further evidence in relation to all these examined with reference to the law of Illinois on the subject of the execution of will.
issues in a joint hearing of the two probate proceedings herein involved. After all, the court a quo has not The trial judge no doubt was satisfied that the will was properly executed by
yet passed squarely on these issues, and it is best for all concerned that it should do so in the first instance. examining section 1874 of the Revised Statutes of Illinois, as exhibited in volume 3 of
Starr & Curtis's Annotated Illinois Statutes, 2nd ed., p. 426; and he may have assumed
that he could take judicial notice of the laws of Illinois under section 275 of the Code
Relative to Our holding above that the estate of Mrs. Hodges cannot be less than the remainder of one-
of Civil Procedure. If so, he was in our opinion mistaken. That section authorizes the
fourth of the conjugal partnership properties, it may be mentioned here that during the deliberations, the
courts here to take judicial notice, among other things, of the acts of the legislative
point was raised as to whether or not said holding might be inconsistent with Our other ruling here also
department of the United States. These words clearly have reference to Acts of the
that, since there is no reliable evidence as to what are the applicable laws of Texas, U.S.A. "with respect to
Congress of the United States; and we would hesitate to hold that our courts can,
the order of succession and to the amount of successional rights" that may be willed by a testator which,
under this provision, take judicial notice of the multifarious laws of the various
under Article 16 of the Civil Code, are controlling in the instant cases, in view of the undisputed Texan
American States. Nor do we think that any such authority can be derived from the
nationality of the deceased Mrs. Hodges, these cases should be returned to the court a quo, so that the
broader language, used in the same section, where it is said that our courts may take
parties may prove what said law provides, it is premature for Us to make any specific ruling now on either
judicial notice of matters of public knowledge "similar" to those therein enumerated.
the validity of the testamentary dispositions herein involved or the amount of inheritance to which the
The proper rule we think is to require proof of the statutes of the States of the
brothers and sisters of Mrs. Hodges are entitled. After nature reflection, We are of the considered view that,
American Union whenever their provisions are determinative of the issues in any
at this stage and in the state of the records before Us, the feared inconsistency is more apparent than real.
action litigated in the Philippine courts.
Nevertheless, even supposing that the trial court may have erred in taking judicial As recited above, there is no question that the deceased, Linnie Jane Hodges, was an
notice of the law of Illinois on the point in question, such error is not now available to American citizen. There is also no question that she was a national of the State of
the petitioner, first, because the petition does not state any fact from which it would Texas, U.S.A. Again, there is likewise no question that she had her domicile of choice in
appear that the law of Illinois is different from what the court found, and, secondly, the City of Iloilo, Philippines, as this has already been pronounced by the above-cited
because the assignment of error and argument for the appellant in this court raises no orders of the lower court, pronouncements which are by now res adjudicata (par. [a],
question based on such supposed error. Though the trial court may have acted upon See. 49, Rule 39, Rules of Court; In re Estate of Johnson, 39 Phil. 156).
pure conjecture as to the law prevailing in the State of Illinois, its judgment could not
be set aside, even upon application made within six months under section 113 of the
Article 16 of the Civil Code provides:
Code of Civil Procedure, unless it should be made to appear affirmatively that the
conjecture was wrong. The petitioner, it is true, states in general terms that the will in
question is invalid and inadequate to pass real and personal property in the State of "Real property as well as personal property is subject to the law of the country where
Illinois, but this is merely a conclusion of law. The affidavits by which the petition is it is situated.
accompanied contain no reference to the subject, and we are cited to no authority in
the appellant's brief which might tend to raise a doubt as to the correctness of the
However, intestate and testamentary successions, both with respect to the order of
conclusion of the trial court. It is very clear, therefore, that this point cannot be urged
succession and to the amount of successional rights and to the intrinsic validity of
as of serious moment.
testamentary provisions, shall be regulated by the national law of the person whose
succession is under consideration, whatever may be the nature of the property and
It is implicit in the above ruling that when, with respect to certain aspects of the foreign laws concerned, regardless of the country wherein said property may be found."
the parties in a given case do not have any controversy or are more or less in agreement, the Court may
take it for granted for the purposes of the particular case before it that the said laws are as such virtual
Thus the aforecited provision of the Civil Code points towards the national law of the
agreement indicates, without the need of requiring the presentation of what otherwise would be the
deceased, Linnie Jane Hodges, which is the law of Texas, as governing succession "both
competent evidence on the point. Thus, in the instant cases wherein it results from the respective
with respect to the order of succession and to the amount of successional rights and to
contentions of both parties that even if the pertinent laws of Texas were known and to be applied, the
the intrinsic validity of testamentary provisions ...". But the law of Texas, in its
amount of the inheritance pertaining to the heirs of Mrs. Hodges is as We have fixed above, the absence of
conflicts of law rules, provides that the domiciliary law governs the testamentary
evidence to the effect that, actually and in fact, under said laws, it could be otherwise is of no longer of any
dispositions and successional rights over movables or personal property, while the
consequence, unless the purpose is to show that it could be more. In other words, since PCIB, the
law of the situs governs with respect to immovable property. Such that with respect to
petitioner-appellant, concedes that upon application of Article 16 of the Civil Code and the pertinent laws of
both movable property, as well as immovable property situated in the Philippines, the
Texas, the amount of the estate in controversy is just as We have determined it to be, and respondent-
law of Texas points to the law of the Philippines.
appellee is only claiming, on her part, that it could be more, PCIB may not now or later pretend differently.

Applying, therefore, the so-called "renvoi doctrine", as enunciated and applied by this
To be more concrete, on pages 20-21 of its petition herein, dated July 31, 1967, PCIB states categorically:
Honorable Court in the case of "In re Christensen" (G.R. No. L-16749, Jan. 31, 1963),
there can be no question that Philippine law governs the testamentary provisions in
Inasmuch as Article 16 of the Civil Code provides that "intestate and testamentary the Last Will and Testament of the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges, as well as the
successions both with respect to the order of succession and to the amount of successional rights to her estate, both with respect to movables, as well as
successional rights and to the intrinsic validity of testamentary provisions, shall be immovables situated in the Philippines.
regulated by the national law of the person whose succession is under consideration,
whatever may be the nature of the property and regardless of the country wherein
The subject of successional rights.
said property may be found", while the law of Texas (the Hodges spouses being
nationals of U.S.A., State of Texas), in its conflicts of law rules, provides that the
domiciliary law (in this case Philippine law) governs the testamentary dispositions Under Philippine law, as it is under the law of Texas, the conjugal or community
and successional rights over movables or personal properties, while the law of the property of the spouses, Charles Newton Hodges and Linnie Jane Hodges, upon the
situs (in this case also Philippine law with respect to all Hodges properties located in death of the latter, is to be divided into two, one-half pertaining to each of the spouses,
the Philippines), governs with respect to immovable properties, and applying as his or her own property. Thus, upon the death of Linnie Jane Hodges, one-half of the
therefore the 'renvoi doctrine' as enunciated and applied by this Honorable Court in conjugal partnership property immediately pertained to Charles Newton Hodges as
the case of In re Estate of Christensen (G.R. No. L-16749, Jan. 31, 1963), there can be his own share, and not by virtue of any successional rights. There can be no question
no question that Philippine law governs the testamentary dispositions contained in about this.
the Last Will and Testament of the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges, as well as the
successional rights to her estate, both with respect to movables, as well as to
Again, Philippine law, or more specifically, Article 900 of the Civil Code provides:
immovables situated in the Philippines.

If the only survivor is the widow or widower, she or he shall be

In its main brief dated February 26, 1968, PCIB asserts:
entitled to one-half of the hereditary estate of the deceased
spouse, and the testator may freely dispose of the other half.
The law governing successional rights.
If the marriage between the surviving spouse and the testator On her part, it is respondent-appellee Magno's posture that under the laws of Texas, there is no system of
was solemnized in articulo mortis, and the testator died within legitime, hence the estate of Mrs. Hodges should be one-half of all the conjugal properties.
three months from the time of the marriage, the legitime of the
surviving spouse as the sole heir shall be one-third of the
It is thus unquestionable that as far as PCIB is concerned, the application to these cases of Article 16 of the
hereditary estate, except when they have been living as husband
Civil Code in relation to the corresponding laws of Texas would result in that the Philippine laws on
and wife for more than five years. In the latter case, the legitime
succession should control. On that basis, as We have already explained above, the estate of Mrs. Hodges is
of the surviving spouse shall be that specified in the preceding
the remainder of one-fourth of the conjugal partnership properties, considering that We have found that
there is no legal impediment to the kind of disposition ordered by Mrs. Hodges in her will in favor of her
brothers and sisters and, further, that the contention of PCIB that the same constitutes an inoperative
This legitime of the surviving spouse cannot be burdened by a fideicommisary testamentary substitution is untenable. As will be recalled, PCIB's position that there is no such estate of
substitution (Art. 864, Civil code), nor by any charge, condition, or substitution (Art, Mrs. Hodges is predicated exclusively on two propositions, namely: (1) that the provision in question in
872, Civil code). It is clear, therefore, that in addition to one-half of the conjugal Mrs. Hodges' testament violates the rules on substitution of heirs under the Civil Code and (2) that, in any
partnership property as his own conjugal share, Charles Newton Hodges was also event, by the orders of the trial court of May 27, and December 14, 1957, the trial court had already finally
immediately entitled to one-half of the half conjugal share of the deceased, Linnie Jane and irrevocably adjudicated to her husband the whole free portion of her estate to the exclusion of her
Hodges, or one-fourth of the entire conjugal property, as his legitime. brothers and sisters, both of which poses, We have overruled. Nowhere in its pleadings, briefs and
memoranda does PCIB maintain that the application of the laws of Texas would result in the other heirs of
Mrs. Hodges not inheriting anything under her will. And since PCIB's representations in regard to the laws
One-fourth of the conjugal property therefore remains at issue.
of Texas virtually constitute admissions of fact which the other parties and the Court are being made to rely
and act upon, PCIB is "not permitted to contradict them or subsequently take a position contradictory to or
In the summary of its arguments in its memorandum dated April 30, 1968, the following appears: inconsistent with them." (5 Moran, id, p. 65, citing Cunanan vs. Amparo, 80 Phil. 227; Sta. Ana vs. Maliwat,
L-23023, Aug. 31, 1968, 24 SCRA 1018).
Briefly, the position advanced by the petitioner is:
Accordingly, the only question that remains to be settled in the further proceedings hereby ordered to be
held in the court below is how much more than as fixed above is the estate of Mrs. Hodges, and this would
a. That the Hodges spouses were domiciled legally in the Philippines (pp. 19-20,
depend on (1) whether or not the applicable laws of Texas do provide in effect for more, such as, when
petition). This is now a matter of res adjudicata (p. 20, petition).
there is no legitime provided therein, and (2) whether or not Hodges has validly waived his whole
inheritance from Mrs. Hodges.
b. That under Philippine law, Texas law, and the renvoi doctrine, Philippine law
governs the successional rights over the properties left by the deceased, Linnie Jane
In the course of the deliberations, it was brought out by some members of the Court that to avoid or, at
Hodges (pp. 20-21, petition).
least, minimize further protracted legal controversies between the respective heirs of the Hodges spouses,
it is imperative to elucidate on the possible consequences of dispositions made by Hodges after the death of
c. That under Philippine as well as Texas law, one-half of the Hodges properties his wife from the mass of the unpartitioned estates without any express indication in the pertinent
pertains to the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges (p. 21, petition). This is not documents as to whether his intention is to dispose of part of his inheritance from his wife or part of his
questioned by the respondents. own share of the conjugal estate as well as of those made by PCIB after the death of Hodges. After a long
discussion, the consensus arrived at was as follows: (1) any such dispositions made gratuitously in favor of
third parties, whether these be individuals, corporations or foundations, shall be considered as intended to
d. That under Philippine law, the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, automatically
be of properties constituting part of Hodges' inheritance from his wife, it appearing from the tenor of his
inherited one-half of the remaining one-half of the Hodges properties as his legitime
motions of May 27 and December 11, 1957 that in asking for general authority to make sales or other
(p. 21, petition).
disposals of properties under the jurisdiction of the court, which include his own share of the conjugal
estate, he was not invoking particularly his right over his own share, but rather his right to dispose of any
e. That the remaining 25% of the Hodges properties was inherited by the deceased, part of his inheritance pursuant to the will of his wife; (2) as regards sales, exchanges or
Charles Newton Hodges, under the will of his deceased spouse (pp. 22-23, petition). other remunerative transfers, the proceeds of such sales or the properties taken in by virtue of such
Upon the death of Charles Newton Hodges, the substitution 'provision of the will of the exchanges, shall be considered as merely the products of "physical changes" of the properties of her estate
deceased, Linnie Jane Hodges, did not operate because the same is void (pp. 23-25, which the will expressly authorizes Hodges to make, provided that whatever of said products should
petition). remain with the estate at the time of the death of Hodges should go to her brothers and sisters; (3) the
dispositions made by PCIB after the death of Hodges must naturally be deemed as covering only the
properties belonging to his estate considering that being only the administrator of the estate of Hodges,
f. That the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, asserted his sole ownership of the
PCIB could not have disposed of properties belonging to the estate of his wife. Neither could such
Hodges properties and the probate court sanctioned such assertion (pp. 25-29,
dispositions be considered as involving conjugal properties, for the simple reason that the conjugal
petition). He in fact assumed such ownership and such was the status of the
partnership automatically ceased when Mrs. Hodges died, and by the peculiar provision of her will, under
properties as of the time of his death (pp. 29-34, petition).
discussion, the remainder of her share descended also automatically upon the death of Hodges to her
brothers and sisters, thus outside of the scope of PCIB's administration. Accordingly, these construction of
Of similar tenor are the allegations of PCIB in some of its pleadings quoted in the earlier part of this option. the will of Mrs. Hodges should be adhered to by the trial court in its final order of adjudication and
distribution and/or partition of the two estates in question.
THE APPEALS Going back to the appeals, it is perhaps best to begin first with what appears to Our mind to be the simplest,
and then proceed to the more complicated ones in that order, without regard to the numerical sequence of
the assignments of error in appellant's brief or to the order of the discussion thereof by counsel.
A cursory examination of the seventy-eight assignments of error in appellant PCIB's brief would readily
reveal that all of them are predicated mainly on the contention that inasmuch as Hodges had already
adjudicated unto himself all the properties constituting his wife's share of the conjugal partnership, Assignments of error numbers
allegedly with the sanction of the trial court per its order of December 14, 1957, there has been, since said LXXII, LXXVII and LXXVIII.
date, no longer any estate of Mrs. Hodges of which appellee Magno could be administratrix, hence the
various assailed orders sanctioning her actuations as such are not in accordance with law. Such being the
These assignments of error relate to (1) the order of the trial court of August 6, 1965 providing that "the
case, with the foregoing resolution holding such posture to be untenable in fact and in law and that it is in
deeds of sale (therein referred to involving properties in the name of Hodges) should be signed jointly by
the best interest of justice that for the time being the two estates should be administered conjointly by the
the PCIB, as Administrator of Testate Estate of C.N. Hodges, and Avelina A. Magno, as Administratrix of the
respective administrators of the two estates, it should follow that said assignments of error have lost their
Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, and to this effect, the PCIB should take the necessary steps so that
fundamental reasons for being. There are certain matters, however, relating peculiarly to the respective
Administratrix Avelina A. Magno could sign the deeds of sale," (p. 248, Green Rec. on Appeal) (2) the order
orders in question, if commonly among some of them, which need further clarification. For instance, some
of October 27, 1965 denying the motion for reconsideration of the foregoing order, (pp. 276-277, id.) (3)
of them authorized respondent Magno to act alone or without concurrence of PCIB. And with respect to
the other order also dated October 27, 1965 enjoining inter alia, that "(a) all cash collections should be
many of said orders, PCIB further claims that either the matters involved were not properly within the
deposited in the joint account of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and estate of C. N. Hodges, (b) that
probate jurisdiction of the trial court or that the procedure followed was not in accordance with the rules.
whatever cash collections (that) had been deposited in the account of either of the estates should be
Hence, the necessity of dealing separately with the merits of each of the appeals.
withdrawn and since then (sic) deposited in the joint account of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges and the
estate of C. N. Hodges; ... (d) (that) Administratrix Magno — allow the PCIB to inspect whatever records,
Indeed, inasmuch as the said two estates have until now remained commingled pro-indiviso, due to the documents and papers she may have in her possession, in the same manner that Administrator PCIB is also
failure of Hodges and the lower court to liquidate the conjugal partnership, to recognize appellee Magno as directed to allow Administratrix Magno to inspect whatever records, documents and papers it may have in
Administratrix of the Testate Estate of Mrs. Hodges which is still unsegregated from that of Hodges is not to its possession" and "(e) that the accountant of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges shall have access to all
say, without any qualification, that she was therefore authorized to do and perform all her acts complained records of the transactions of both estates for the protection of the estate of Linnie Jane Hodges; and in like
of in these appeals, sanctioned though they might have been by the trial court. As a matter of fact, it is such manner, the accountant or any authorized representative of the estate of C. N. Hodges shall have access to
commingling pro-indiviso of the two estates that should deprive appellee of freedom to act independently the records of transactions of the Linnie Jane Hodges estate for the protection of the estate of C. N. Hodges",
from PCIB, as administrator of the estate of Hodges, just as, for the same reason, the latter should not have (pp. 292-295, id.) and (4) the order of February 15, 1966, denying, among others, the motion for
authority to act independently from her. And considering that the lower court failed to adhere consistently reconsideration of the order of October 27, 1965 last referred to. (pp. 455-456, id.)
to this basic point of view, by allowing the two administrators to act independently of each other, in the
various instances already noted in the narration of facts above, the Court has to look into the attendant
As may be readily seen, the thrust of all these four impugned orders is in line with the Court's above-
circumstances of each of the appealed orders to be able to determine whether any of them has to be set
mentioned resolution of September 8, 1972 modifying the injunction previously issued on August 8, 1967,
aside or they may all be legally maintained notwithstanding the failure of the court a quo to observe the
and, more importantly, with what We have said the trial court should have always done pending the
pertinent procedural technicalities, to the end only that graver injury to the substantive rights of the parties
liquidation of the conjugal partnership of the Hodges spouses. In fact, as already stated, that is the
concerned and unnecessary and undesirable proliferation of incidents in the subject proceedings may be
arrangement We are ordering, by this decision, to be followed. Stated differently, since the questioned
forestalled. In other words, We have to determine, whether or not, in the light of the unusual circumstances
orders provide for joint action by the two administrators, and that is precisely what We are holding out to
extant in the record, there is need to be more pragmatic and to adopt a rather unorthodox approach, so as
have been done and should be done until the two estates are separated from each other, the said orders
to cause the least disturbance in rights already being exercised by numerous innocent third parties, even if
must be affirmed. Accordingly the foregoing assignments of error must be, as they are hereby overruled.
to do so may not appear to be strictly in accordance with the letter of the applicable purely adjective rules.

Assignments of error Numbers LXVIII

Incidentally, it may be mentioned, at this point, that it was principally on account of the confusion that
might result later from PCIB's continuing to administer all the community properties, notwithstanding the
certainty of the existence of the separate estate of Mrs. Hodges, and to enable both estates to function in the
meantime with a relative degree of regularity, that the Court ordered in the resolution of September 8, The orders complained of under these assignments of error commonly deal with expenditures made by
1972 the modification of the injunction issued pursuant to the resolutions of August 8, October 4 and appellee Magno, as Administratrix of the Estate of Mrs. Hodges, in connection with her administration
December 6, 1967, by virtue of which respondent Magno was completely barred from any participation in thereof, albeit additionally, assignments of error Numbers LXIX to LXXI put into question the payment of
the administration of the properties herein involved. In the September 8 resolution, We ordered that, attorneys fees provided for in the contract for the purpose, as constituting, in effect, premature advances to
pending this decision, Special Proceedings 1307 and 1672 should proceed jointly and that the respective the heirs of Mrs. Hodges.
administrators therein "act conjointly — none of them to act singly and independently of each other for any
purpose." Upon mature deliberation, We felt that to allow PCIB to continue managing or administering all
More specifically, assignment Number LXXIII refers to reimbursement of overtime pay paid to six
the said properties to the exclusion of the administratrix of Mrs. Hodges' estate might place the heirs of
employees of the court and three other persons for services in copying the court records to enable the
Hodges at an unduly advantageous position which could result in considerable, if not irreparable, damage
lawyers of the administration to be fully informed of all the incidents in the proceedings. The
or injury to the other parties concerned. It is indeed to be regretted that apparently, up to this date, more
reimbursement was approved as proper legal expenses of administration per the order of December 19,
than a year after said resolution, the same has not been given due regard, as may be gleaned from the fact
1964, (pp. 221-222, id.) and repeated motions for reconsideration thereof were denied by the orders of
that recently, respondent Magno has filed in these proceedings a motion to declare PCIB in contempt for
January 9, 1965, (pp. 231-232, id.) October 27, 1965, (p. 277, id.) and February 15, 1966. (pp. 455-456, id.)
alleged failure to abide therewith, notwithstanding that its repeated motions for reconsideration thereof
On the other hand, Assignments Numbers LXVIII to LXXI, LXXIV and LXXV question the trial court's order of
have all been denied soon after they were filed.9
November 3, 1965 approving the agreement of June 6, 1964 between Administratrix Magno and James L. attorney's fees, may be paid without awaiting the determination and segregation of the estate of Mrs.
Sullivan, attorney-in-fact of the heirs of Mrs. Hodges, as Parties of the First Part, and Attorneys Raul Hodges.
Manglapus and Rizal R. Quimpo, as Parties of the Second Part, regarding attorneys fees for said counsel who
had agreed "to prosecute and defend their interests (of the Parties of the First Part) in certain cases now
Withal, the weightiest consideration in connection with the point under discussion is that at this stage of
pending litigation in the Court of First Instance of Iloilo —, more specifically in Special Proceedings 1307
the controversy among the parties herein, the vital issue refers to the existence or non-existence of the
and 1672 —" (pp. 126-129, id.) and directing Administratrix Magno "to issue and sign whatever check or
estate of Mrs. Hodges. In this respect, the interest of respondent Magno, as the appointed administratrix of
checks maybe needed to implement the approval of the agreement annexed to the motion" as well as the
the said estate, is to maintain that it exists, which is naturally common and identical with and inseparable
"administrator of the estate of C. N. Hodges — to countersign the said check or checks as the case maybe."
from the interest of the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Hodges. Thus, it should not be wondered why both
(pp. 313-320, id.), reconsideration of which order of approval was denied in the order of February 16,
Magno and these heirs have seemingly agreed to retain but one counsel. In fact, such an arrangement
1966, (p. 456, id.) Assignment Number LXXVI imputes error to the lower court's order of October 27, 1965,
should be more convenient and economical to both. The possibility of conflict of interest between Magno
already referred to above, insofar as it orders that "PCIB should counter sign the check in the amount of
and the heirs of Mrs. Hodges would be, at this stage, quite remote and, in any event, rather insubstantial.
P250 in favor of Administratrix Avelina A. Magno as her compensation as administratrix of Linnie Jane
Besides, should any substantial conflict of interest between them arise in the future, the same would be a
Hodges estate chargeable to the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges only." (p. 294, id.)
matter that the probate court can very well take care of in the course of the independent proceedings in
Case No. 1307 after the corresponding segregation of the two subject estates. We cannot perceive any
Main contention again of appellant PCIB in regard to these eight assigned errors is that there is no such cogent reason why, at this stage, the estate and the heirs of Mrs. Hodges cannot be represented by a
estate as the estate of Mrs. Hodges for which the questioned expenditures were made, hence what were common counsel.
authorized were in effect expenditures from the estate of Hodges. As We have already demonstrated in Our
resolution above of the petition for certiorari and prohibition, this posture is incorrect. Indeed, in
Now, as to whether or not the portion of the fees in question that should correspond to the heirs constitutes
whichever way the remaining issues between the parties in these cases are ultimately resolved, 10 the final
premature partial distribution of the estate of Mrs. Hodges is also a matter in which neither PCIB nor the
result will surely be that there are properties constituting the estate of Mrs. Hodges of which Magno is the
heirs of Hodges have any interest. In any event, since, as far as the records show, the estate has no creditors
current administratrix. It follows, therefore, that said appellee had the right, as such administratrix, to hire
and the corresponding estate and inheritance taxes, except those of the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Hodges,
the persons whom she paid overtime pay and to be paid for her own services as administratrix. That she
have already been paid, 11 no prejudice can caused to anyone by the comparatively small amount of
has not yet collected and is not collecting amounts as substantial as that paid to or due appellant PCIB is to
attorney's fees in question. And in this connection, it may be added that, although strictly speaking, the
her credit.
attorney's fees of the counsel of an administrator is in the first instance his personal responsibility,
reimbursable later on by the estate, in the final analysis, when, as in the situation on hand, the attorney-in-
Of course, she is also entitled to the services of counsel and to that end had the authority to enter into fact of the heirs has given his conformity thereto, it would be idle effort to inquire whether or not the
contracts for attorney's fees in the manner she had done in the agreement of June 6, 1964. And as regards sanction given to said fees by the probate court is proper.
to the reasonableness of the amount therein stipulated, We see no reason to disturb the discretion
exercised by the probate court in determining the same. We have gone over the agreement, and considering
For the foregoing reasons, Assignments of Error LXVIII to LXXI and LXXIII to LXXVI should be as they are
the obvious size of the estate in question and the nature of the issues between the parties as well as the
hereby overruled.
professional standing of counsel, We cannot say that the fees agreed upon require the exercise by the Court
of its inherent power to reduce it.
Assignments of error I to IV,
PCIB insists, however, that said agreement of June 6, 1964 is not for legal services to the estate but to the
to XXX VI, XLI to XLIII and L.
heirs of Mrs. Hodges, or, at most, to both of them, and such being the case, any payment under it, insofar as
counsels' services would redound to the benefit of the heirs, would be in the nature of advances to such
heirs and a premature distribution of the estate. Again, We hold that such posture cannot prevail. These assignments of error deal with the approval by the trial court of various deeds of sale of real
properties registered in the name of Hodges but executed by appellee Magno, as Administratrix of the
Estate of Mrs. Hodges, purportedly in implementation of corresponding supposed written "Contracts to
Upon the premise We have found plausible that there is an existing estate of Mrs. Hodges, it results that
Sell" previously executed by Hodges during the interim between May 23, 1957, when his wife died, and
juridically and factually the interests involved in her estate are distinct and different from those involved in
December 25, 1962, the day he died. As stated on pp. 118-120 of appellant's main brief, "These are: the,
her estate of Hodges and vice versa. Insofar as the matters related exclusively to the estate of Mrs. Hodges,
contract to sell between the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and the appellee, Pepito G. Iyulores
PCIB, as administrator of the estate of Hodges, is a complete stranger and it is without personality to
executed on February 5, 1961; the contract to sell between the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and the
question the actuations of the administratrix thereof regarding matters not affecting the estate of Hodges.
appellant Esperidion Partisala, executed on April 20, 1960; the contract to sell between the deceased,
Actually, considering the obviously considerable size of the estate of Mrs. Hodges, We see no possible cause
Charles Newton Hodges, and the appellee, Winifredo C. Espada, executed on April 18, 1960; the contract to
for apprehension that when the two estates are segregated from each other, the amount of attorney's fees
sell between the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and the appellee, Rosario Alingasa, executed on August
stipulated in the agreement in question will prejudice any portion that would correspond to Hodges' estate.
25, 1958; the contract to sell between the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and the appellee, Lorenzo
Carles, executed on June 17, 1958; the contract to sell between the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and
And as regards the other heirs of Mrs. Hodges who ought to be the ones who should have a say on the the appellee, Salvador S. Guzman, executed on September 13, 1960; the contract to sell between the
attorney's fees and other expenses of administration assailed by PCIB, suffice it to say that they appear to deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and the appellee, Florenia Barrido, executed on February 21, 1958; the
have been duly represented in the agreement itself by their attorney-in-fact, James L. Sullivan and have not contract to sell between the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and the appellee, Purificacion Coronado,
otherwise interposed any objection to any of the expenses incurred by Magno questioned by PCIB in these executed on August 14, 1961; the contract to sell between the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and the
appeals. As a matter of fact, as ordered by the trial court, all the expenses in question, including the appellee, Graciano Lucero, executed on November 27, 1961; the contract to sell between the deceased,
Charles Newton Hodges, and the appellee, Ariteo Thomas Jamir, executed on May 26, 1961; the contract to
sell between the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and the appellee, Melquiades Batisanan, executed on to be more exact, one-half of her estate as per the inventory submitted by Hodges as executor, on May 12,
June 9, 1959; the contract to sell between the deceased, Charles Newton Hodges, and the appellee, Belcezar 1958. In none of its numerous, varied and voluminous pleadings, motions and manifestations has PCIB
Causing, executed on February 10, 1959 and the contract to sell between the deceased, Charles Newton claimed any possibility otherwise. Such being the case, to avoid any conflict with the heirs of Hodges, the
Hodges, and the appellee, Adelfa Premaylon, executed on October 31, 1959, re Title No. 13815." said properties covered by the questioned deeds of sale executed by appellee Magno may be treated as
among those corresponding to the estate of Mrs. Hodges, which would have been actually under her control
and administration had Hodges complied with his duty to liquidate the conjugal partnership. Viewing the
Relative to these sales, it is the position of appellant PCIB that, inasmuch as pursuant to the will of Mrs.
situation in that manner, the only ones who could stand to be prejudiced by the appealed orders referred to
Hodges, her husband was to have dominion over all her estate during his lifetime, it was as absolute owner
in the assignment of errors under discussion and who could, therefore, have the requisite interest to
of the properties respectively covered by said sales that he executed the aforementioned contracts to sell,
question them would be only the heirs of Mrs. Hodges, definitely not PCIB.
and consequently, upon his death, the implementation of said contracts may be undertaken only by the
administrator of his estate and not by the administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Hodges. Basically, the same
theory is invoked with particular reference to five other sales, in which the respective "contracts to sell" in It is of no moment in what capacity Hodges made the "contracts to sell' after the death of his wife. Even if he
favor of these appellees were executed by Hodges before the death of his wife, namely, those in favor of had acted as executor of the will of his wife, he did not have to submit those contracts to the court nor
appellee Santiago Pacaonsis, Alfredo Catedral, Jose Pablico, Western Institute of Technology and Adelfa follow the provisions of the rules, (Sections 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of Rule 89 quoted by appellant on pp. 125 to
Premaylon. 127 of its brief) for the simple reason that by the very orders, much relied upon by appellant for other
purposes, of May 27, 1957 and December 14, 1957, Hodges was "allowed or authorized" by the trial court
"to continue the business in which he was engaged and to perform acts which he had been doing while the
Anent those deeds of sale based on promises or contracts to sell executed by Hodges after the death of his
deceased was living", (Order of May 27) which according to the motion on which the court acted was "of
wife, those enumerated in the quotation in the immediately preceding paragraph, it is quite obvious that
buying and selling personal and real properties", and "to execute subsequent sales, conveyances, leases and
PCIB's contention cannot be sustained. As already explained earlier, 1 1* all proceeds of remunerative
mortgages of the properties left by the said deceased Linnie Jane Hodges in consonance with the wishes
transfers or dispositions made by Hodges after the death of his wife should be deemed as continuing to be
conveyed in the last will and testament of the latter." (Order of December 14) In other words, if Hodges
parts of her estate and, therefore, subject to the terms of her will in favor of her brothers and sisters, in the
acted then as executor, it can be said that he had authority to do so by virtue of these blanket orders, and
sense that should there be no showing that such proceeds, whether in cash or property have been
PCIB does not question the legality of such grant of authority; on the contrary, it is relying on the terms of
subsequently conveyed or assigned subsequently by Hodges to any third party by acts inter vivos with the
the order itself for its main contention in these cases. On the other hand, if, as PCIB contends, he acted as
result that they could not thereby belong to him anymore at the time of his death, they automatically
heir-adjudicatee, the authority given to him by the aforementioned orders would still suffice.
became part of the inheritance of said brothers and sisters. The deeds here in question involve transactions
which are exactly of this nature. Consequently, the payments made by the appellees should be considered
as payments to the estate of Mrs. Hodges which is to be distributed and partitioned among her heirs As can be seen, therefore, it is of no moment whether the "contracts to sell" upon which the deeds in
specified in the will. question were based were executed by Hodges before or after the death of his wife. In a word, We hold, for
the reasons already stated, that the properties covered by the deeds being assailed pertain or should be
deemed as pertaining to the estate of Mrs. Hodges; hence, any supposed irregularity attending the
The five deeds of sale predicated on contracts to sell executed Hodges during the lifetime of his wife,
actuations of the trial court may be invoked only by her heirs, not by PCIB, and since the said heirs are not
present a different situation. At first blush, it would appear that as to them, PCIB's position has some degree
objecting, and the defects pointed out not being strictly jurisdictional in nature, all things considered,
of plausibility. Considering, however, that the adoption of PCIB's theory would necessarily have
particularly the unnecessary disturbance of rights already created in favor of innocent third parties, it is
tremendous repercussions and would bring about considerable disturbance of property rights that have
best that the impugned orders are not disturbed.
somehow accrued already in favor of innocent third parties, the five purchasers aforenamed, the Court is
inclined to take a pragmatic and practical view of the legal situation involving them by overlooking the
possible technicalities in the way, the non-observance of which would not, after all, detract materially from In view of these considerations, We do not find sufficient merit in the assignments of error under
what should substantially correspond to each and all of the parties concerned. discussion.

To start with, these contracts can hardly be ignored. Bona fide third parties are involved; as much as Assignments of error V to VIII,
possible, they should not be made to suffer any prejudice on account of judicial controversies not of their XVI to XVIII, XXVI to XXIX, XXXVII
own making. What is more, the transactions they rely on were submitted by them to the probate court for to XXXVIII, XLIV to XLVI and LI.
approval, and from already known and recorded actuations of said court then, they had reason to believe
that it had authority to act on their motions, since appellee Magno had, from time to time prior to their
All these assignments of error commonly deal with alleged non-fulfillment by the respective vendees,
transactions with her, been allowed to act in her capacity as administratrix of one of the subject estates
appellees herein, of the terms and conditions embodied in the deeds of sale referred to in the assignments
either alone or conjointly with PCIB. All the sales in question were executed by Magno in 1966 already, but
of error just discussed. It is claimed that some of them never made full payments in accordance with the
before that, the court had previously authorized or otherwise sanctioned expressly many of her act as
respective contracts to sell, while in the cases of the others, like Lorenzo Carles, Jose Pablico, Alfredo
administratrix involving expenditures from the estate made by her either conjointly with or independently
Catedral and Salvador S. Guzman, the contracts with them had already been unilaterally cancelled by PCIB
from PCIB, as Administrator of the Estate of Hodges. Thus, it may be said that said buyers-appellees merely
pursuant to automatic rescission clauses contained in them, in view of the failure of said buyers to pay
followed precedents in previous orders of the court. Accordingly, unless the impugned orders approving
arrearages long overdue. But PCIB's posture is again premised on its assumption that the properties
those sales indubitably suffer from some clearly fatal infirmity the Court would rather affirm them.
covered by the deeds in question could not pertain to the estate of Mrs. Hodges. We have already held
above that, it being evident that a considerable portion of the conjugal properties, much more than the
It is quite apparent from the record that the properties covered by said sales are equivalent only to a properties covered by said deeds, would inevitably constitute the estate of Mrs. Hodges, to avoid
fraction of what should constitute the estate of Mrs. Hodges, even if it is assumed that the same would unnecessary legal complications, it can be assumed that said properties form part of such estate. From this
finally be held to be only one-fourth of the conjugal properties of the spouses as of the time of her death or, point of view, it is apparent again that the questions, whether or not it was proper for appellee Magno to
have disregarded the cancellations made by PCIB, thereby reviving the rights of the respective buyers- installments but uncertain whether it should pay PCIB or Magno, it prayed that it be "allowed to deposit the
appellees, and, whether or not the rules governing new dispositions of properties of the estate were strictly aforesaid amount with the court pending resolution of the conflicting claims of the administrators." Acting
followed, may not be raised by PCIB but only by the heirs of Mrs. Hodges as the persons designated to on this motion, on November 23, 1965, the trial court issued an order, already quoted in the narration of
inherit the same, or perhaps the government because of the still unpaid inheritance taxes. But, again, since facts in this opinion, holding that payment to both or either of the two administrators is "proper and legal",
there is no pretense that any objections were raised by said parties or that they would necessarily be and so "movant — can pay to both estates or either of them", considering that "in both cases (Special
prejudiced, the contentions of PCIB under the instant assignments of error hardly merit any consideration. Proceedings 1307 and 1672) there is as yet no judicial declaration of heirs nor distribution of properties to
whomsoever are entitled thereto."
Assignments of error IX to XII, XIX
to XXI, XXX to XXIV, XXXIX to XL, The arguments under the instant assignments of error revolve around said order. From the procedural
XLVII to XLIX, LII and LIII to LXI. standpoint, it is claimed that PCIB was not served with a copy of the Institute's motion, that said motion
was heard, considered and resolved on November 23, 1965, whereas the date set for its hearing was
November 20, 1965, and that what the order grants is different from what is prayed for in the motion. As to
PCIB raises under these assignments of error two issues which according to it are fundamental, namely: (1)
the substantive aspect, it is contended that the matter treated in the motion is beyond the jurisdiction of the
that in approving the deeds executed by Magno pursuant to contracts to sell already cancelled by it in the
probate court and that the order authorized payment to a person other than the administrator of the estate
performance of its functions as administrator of the estate of Hodges, the trial court deprived the said
of Hodges with whom the Institute had contracted.
estate of the right to invoke such cancellations it (PCIB) had made and (2) that in so acting, the court
"arrogated unto itself, while acting as a probate court, the power to determine the contending claims of
third parties against the estate of Hodges over real property," since it has in effect determined whether or The procedural points urged by appellant deserve scant consideration. We must assume, absent any clear
not all the terms and conditions of the respective contracts to sell executed by Hodges in favor of the proof to the contrary, that the lower court had acted regularly by seeing to it that appellant was duly
buyers-appellees concerned were complied with by the latter. What is worse, in the view of PCIB, is that the notified. On the other hand, there is nothing irregular in the court's having resolved the motion three days
court has taken the word of the appellee Magno, "a total stranger to his estate as determinative of the after the date set for hearing the same. Moreover, the record reveals that appellants' motion for
issue". reconsideration wherein it raised the same points was denied by the trial court on March 7, 1966 (p. 462,
Green R. on A.) Withal, We are not convinced that the relief granted is not within the general intent of the
Institute's motion.
Actually, contrary to the stand of PCIB, it is this last point regarding appellee Magno's having agreed to
ignore the cancellations made by PCIB and allowed the buyers-appellees to consummate the sales in their
favor that is decisive. Since We have already held that the properties covered by the contracts in question Insofar as the substantive issues are concerned, all that need be said at this point is that they are mere
should be deemed to be portions of the estate of Mrs. Hodges and not that of Hodges, it is PCIB that is a reiterations of contentions We have already resolved above adversely to appellants' position. Incidentally,
complete stranger in these incidents. Considering, therefore, that the estate of Mrs. Hodges and her heirs We may add, perhaps, to erase all doubts as to the propriety of not disturbing the lower court's orders
who are the real parties in interest having the right to oppose the consummation of the impugned sales are sanctioning the sales questioned in all these appeal s by PCIB, that it is only when one of the parties to a
not objecting, and that they are the ones who are precisely urging that said sales be sanctioned, the contract to convey property executed by a deceased person raises substantial objections to its being
assignments of error under discussion have no basis and must accordingly be as they are hereby overruled. implemented by the executor or administrator of the decedent's estate that Section 8 of Rule 89 may not
apply and, consequently, the matter has, to be taken up in a separate action outside of the probate court;
but where, as in the cases of the sales herein involved, the interested parties are in agreement that the
With particular reference to assignments LIII to LXI, assailing the orders of the trial court requiring PCIB to
conveyance be made, it is properly within the jurisdiction of the probate court to give its sanction thereto
surrender the respective owner's duplicate certificates of title over the properties covered by the sales in
pursuant to the provisions of the rule just mentioned. And with respect to the supposed automatic
question and otherwise directing the Register of Deeds of Iloilo to cancel said certificates and to issue new
rescission clauses contained in the contracts to sell executed by Hodges in favor of herein appellees, the
transfer certificates of title in favor of the buyers-appellees, suffice it to say that in the light of the above
effect of said clauses depend on the true nature of the said contracts, despite the nomenclature appearing
discussion, the trial court was within its rights to so require and direct, PCIB having refused to give way, by
therein, which is not controlling, for if they amount to actual contracts of sale instead of being mere
withholding said owners' duplicate certificates, of the corresponding registration of the transfers duly and
unilateral accepted "promises to sell", (Art. 1479, Civil Code of the Philippines, 2nd paragraph) thepactum
legally approved by the court.
commissorium or the automatic rescission provision would not operate, as a matter of public policy, unless
there has been a previous notarial or judicial demand by the seller (10 Manresa 263, 2nd ed.) neither of
Assignments of error LXII to LXVII which have been shown to have been made in connection with the transactions herein involved.

All these assignments of error commonly deal with the appeal against orders favoring appellee Western Consequently, We find no merit in the assignments of error
Institute of Technology. As will be recalled, said institute is one of the buyers of real property covered by a Number LXII to LXVII.
contract to sell executed by Hodges prior to the death of his wife. As of October, 1965, it was in arrears in
the total amount of P92,691.00 in the payment of its installments on account of its purchase, hence it
received under date of October 4, 1965 and October 20, 1965, letters of collection, separately and
respectively, from PCIB and appellee Magno, in their respective capacities as administrators of the distinct
estates of the Hodges spouses, albeit, while in the case of PCIB it made known that "no other arrangement Considering the fact that this decision is unusually extensive and that the issues herein taken up and
can be accepted except by paying all your past due account", on the other hand, Magno merely said she resolved are rather numerous and varied, what with appellant making seventy-eight assignments of error
would "appreciate very much if you can make some remittance to bring this account up-to-date and to affecting no less than thirty separate orders of the court a quo, if only to facilitate proper understanding of
reduce the amount of the obligation." (See pp. 295-311, Green R. on A.) On November 3, 1965, the Institute the import and extent of our rulings herein contained, it is perhaps desirable that a brief restatement of the
filed a motion which, after alleging that it was ready and willing to pay P20,000 on account of its overdue whole situation be made together with our conclusions in regard to its various factual and legal aspects. .
The instant cases refer to the estate left by the late Charles Newton Hodges as well as that of his wife, Linnie 3. That in his aforementioned motion of December 11, 1957, he expressly stated that
Jane Hodges, who predeceased him by about five years and a half. In their respective wills which were "deceased Linnie Jane Hodges died leaving no descendants or ascendants except
executed on different occasions, each one of them provided mutually as follows: "I give, devise and brothers and sisters and herein petitioner as the surviving spouse, to inherit the
bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder (after funeral and administration expenses, taxes and properties of the decedent", thereby indicating that he was not excluding his wife's
debts) of my estate, both real and personal, wherever situated or located, to my beloved (spouse) to have brothers and sisters from the inheritance.
and to hold unto (him/her) — during (his/her) natural lifetime", subject to the condition that upon the
death of whoever of them survived the other, the remainder of what he or she would inherit from the other
4. That Hodges allegedly made statements and manifestations to the United States
is "give(n), devise(d) and bequeath(ed)" to the brothers and sisters of the latter.
inheritance tax authorities indicating that he had renounced his inheritance from his
wife in favor of her other heirs, which attitude he is supposed to have reiterated or
Mrs. Hodges died first, on May 23, 1957. Four days later, on May 27, Hodges was appointed special ratified in an alleged affidavit subscribed and sworn to here in the Philippines and in
administrator of her estate, and in a separate order of the same date, he was "allowed or authorized to which he even purportedly stated that his reason for so disclaiming and renouncing
continue the business in which he was engaged, (buying and selling personal and real properties) and to his rights under his wife's will was to "absolve (him) or (his) estate from any liability
perform acts which he had been doing while the deceased was living." Subsequently, on December 14, for the payment of income taxes on income which has accrued to the estate of Linnie
1957, after Mrs. Hodges' will had been probated and Hodges had been appointed and had qualified as Jane Hodges", his wife, since her death.
Executor thereof, upon his motion in which he asserted that he was "not only part owner of the properties
left as conjugal, but also, the successor to all the properties left by the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges", the
On said date, December 25, 1962, Hodges died. The very next day, upon motion of herein respondent and
trial court ordered that "for the reasons stated in his motion dated December 11, 1957, which the Court
appellee, Avelina A. Magno, she was appointed by the trial court as Administratrix of the Testate Estate of
considers well taken, ... all the sales, conveyances, leases and mortgages of all properties left by the
Linnie Jane Hodges, in Special Proceedings No. 1307 and as Special Administratrix of the estate of Charles
deceased Linnie Jane Hodges executed by the Executor, Charles Newton Hodges are hereby APPROVED.
Newton Hodges, "in the latter case, because the last will of said Charles Newton Hodges is still kept in his
The said Executor is further authorized to execute subsequent sales, conveyances, leases and mortgages of
vault or iron safe and that the real and personal properties of both spouses may be lost, damaged or go to
the properties left by the said deceased Linnie Jane Hodges in consonance with the wishes contained in the
waste, unless Special Administratrix is appointed," (Order of December 26, 1962, p. 27, Yellow R. on A.)
last will and testament of the latter."
although, soon enough, on December 29, 1962, a certain Harold K. Davies was appointed as her Co-Special
Administrator, and when Special Proceedings No. 1672, Testate Estate of Charles Newton Hodges, was
Annually thereafter, Hodges submitted to the court the corresponding statements of account of his opened, Joe Hodges, as next of kin of the deceased, was in due time appointed as Co-Administrator of said
administration, with the particularity that in all his motions, he always made it point to urge the that "no estate together with Atty. Fernando P. Mirasol, to replace Magno and Davies, only to be in turn replaced
person interested in the Philippines of the time and place of examining the herein accounts be given notice eventually by petitioner PCIB alone.
as herein executor is the only devisee or legatee of the deceased in accordance with the last will and
testament already probated by the Honorable Court." All said accounts approved as prayed for.
At the outset, the two probate proceedings appear to have been proceeding jointly, with each administrator
acting together with the other, under a sort of modus operandi. PCIB used to secure at the beginning the
Nothing else appears to have been done either by the court a quo or Hodges until December 25, 1962. conformity to and signature of Magno in transactions it wanted to enter into and submitted the same to the
Importantly to be the provision in the will of Mrs. Hodges that her share of the conjugal partnership was to court for approval as their joint acts. So did Magno do likewise. Somehow, however, differences seem to
be inherited by her husband "to have and to hold unto him, my said husband, during his natural lifetime" have arisen, for which reason, each of them began acting later on separately and independently of each
and that "at the death of my said husband, I give, devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of other, with apparent sanction of the trial court. Thus, PCIB had its own lawyers whom it contracted and
my estate, both real and personal, wherever situated or located, to be equally divided among my brothers paid handsomely, conducted the business of the estate independently of Magno and otherwise acted as if all
and sisters, share and share alike", which provision naturally made it imperative that the conjugal the properties appearing in the name of Charles Newton Hodges belonged solely and only to his estate, to
partnership be promptly liquidated, in order that the "rest, residue and remainder" of his wife's share the exclusion of the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Hodges, without considering whether or not in fact any of
thereof, as of the time of Hodges' own death, may be readily known and identified, no such liquidation was said properties corresponded to the portion of the conjugal partnership pertaining to the estate of Mrs.
ever undertaken. The record gives no indication of the reason for such omission, although relatedly, it Hodges. On the other hand, Magno made her own expenditures, hired her own lawyers, on the premise that
appears therein: there is such an estate of Mrs. Hodges, and dealth with some of the properties, appearing in the name of
Hodges, on the assumption that they actually correspond to the estate of Mrs. Hodges. All of these
independent and separate actuations of the two administrators were invariably approved by the trial court
1. That in his annual statement submitted to the court of the net worth of C. N. Hodges
upon submission. Eventually, the differences reached a point wherein Magno, who was more cognizant
and the Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, Hodges repeatedly and consistently reported the
than anyone else about the ins and outs of the businesses and properties of the deceased spouses because
combined income of the conjugal partnership and then merely divided the same
of her long and intimate association with them, made it difficult for PCIB to perform normally its functions
equally between himself and the estate of the deceased wife, and, more importantly,
as administrator separately from her. Thus, legal complications arose and the present judicial controversies
he also, as consistently, filed corresponding separate income tax returns for each
came about.
calendar year for each resulting half of such combined income, thus reporting that the
estate of Mrs. Hodges had its own income distinct from his own.
Predicating its position on the tenor of the orders of May 27 and December 14, 1957 as well as the approval
by the court a quo of the annual statements of account of Hodges, PCIB holds to the view that the estate of
2. That when the court a quo happened to inadvertently omit in its order probating
Mrs. Hodges has already been in effect closed with the virtual adjudication in the mentioned orders of her
the will of Mrs. Hodges, the name of one of her brothers, Roy Higdon then already
whole estate to Hodges, and that, therefore, Magno had already ceased since then to have any estate to
deceased, Hodges lost no time in asking for the proper correction "in order that the
administer and the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Hodges have no interests whatsoever in the estate left by
heirs of deceased Roy Higdon may not think or believe they were omitted, and that
Hodges. Mainly upon such theory, PCIB has come to this Court with a petition for certiorari and prohibition
they were really interested in the estate of the deceased Linnie Jane Hodges".
praying that the lower court's orders allowing respondent Magno to continue acting as administratrix of death, minus whatever Hodges had gratuitously disposed of therefrom during the period from, May 23,
the estate of Mrs. Hodges in Special Proceedings 1307 in the manner she has been doing, as detailed earlier 1957, when she died, to December 25, 1962, when he died provided, that with regard to remunerative
above, be set aside. Additionally, PCIB maintains that the provision in Mrs. Hodges' will instituting her dispositions made by him during the same period, the proceeds thereof, whether in cash or property,
brothers and sisters in the manner therein specified is in the nature of a testamentary substitution, but should be deemed as continuing to be part of his wife's estate, unless it can be shown that he had
inasmuch as the purported substitution is not, in its view, in accordance with the pertinent provisions of subsequently disposed of them gratuitously.
the Civil Code, it is ineffective and may not be enforced. It is further contended that, in any event, inasmuch
as the Hodges spouses were both residents of the Philippines, following the decision of this Court in Aznar
At this juncture, it may be reiterated that the question of what are the pertinent laws of Texas and what
vs. Garcia, or the case of Christensen, 7 SCRA 95, the estate left by Mrs. Hodges could not be more than one-
would be the estate of Mrs. Hodges under them is basically one of fact, and considering the respective
half of her share of the conjugal partnership, notwithstanding the fact that she was citizen of Texas, U.S.A.,
positions of the parties in regard to said factual issue, it can already be deemed as settled for the purposes
in accordance with Article 16 in relation to Articles 900 and 872 of the Civil Code. Initially, We issued a
of these cases that, indeed, the free portion of said estate that could possibly descend to her brothers and
preliminary injunction against Magno and allowed PCIB to act alone.
sisters by virtue of her will may not be less than one-fourth of the conjugal estate, it appearing that the
difference in the stands of the parties has reference solely to the legitime of Hodges, PCIB being of the view
At the same time PCIB has appealed several separate orders of the trial court approving individual acts of that under the laws of Texas, there is such a legitime of one-fourth of said conjugal estate and Magno
appellee Magno in her capacity as administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Hodges, such as, hiring of lawyers for contending, on the other hand, that there is none. In other words, hereafter, whatever might ultimately
specified fees and incurring expenses of administration for different purposes and executing deeds of sale appear, at the subsequent proceedings, to be actually the laws of Texas on the matter would no longer be of
in favor of her co-appellees covering properties which are still registered in the name of Hodges, any consequence, since PCIB would anyway be in estoppel already to claim that the estate of Mrs. Hodges
purportedly pursuant to corresponding "contracts to sell" executed by Hodges. The said orders are being should be less than as contended by it now, for admissions by a party related to the effects of foreign laws,
questioned on jurisdictional and procedural grounds directly or indirectly predicated on the principal which have to be proven in our courts like any other controverted fact, create estoppel.
theory of appellant that all the properties of the two estates belong already to the estate of Hodges
In the process, We overrule PCIB's contention that the provision in Mrs. Hodges' will in favor of her
brothers and sisters constitutes ineffective hereditary substitutions. But neither are We sustaining, on the
On the other hand, respondent-appellee Magno denies that the trial court's orders of May 27 and December other hand, Magno's pose that it gave Hodges only a lifetime usufruct. We hold that by said provision, Mrs.
14, 1957 were meant to be finally adjudicatory of the hereditary rights of Hodges and contends that they Hodges simultaneously instituted her brothers and sisters as co-heirs with her husband, with the condition,
were no more than the court's general sanction of past and future acts of Hodges as executor of the will of however, that the latter would have complete rights of dominion over the whole estate during his lifetime
his wife in due course of administration. As to the point regarding substitution, her position is that what and what would go to the former would be only the remainder thereof at the time of Hodges' death. In
was given by Mrs. Hodges to her husband under the provision in question was a lifetime usufruct of her other words, whereas they are not to inherit only in case of default of Hodges, on the other hand, Hodges
share of the conjugal partnership, with the naked ownership passing directly to her brothers and sisters. was not obliged to preserve anything for them. Clearly then, the essential elements of testamentary
Anent the application of Article 16 of the Civil Code, she claims that the applicable law to the will of Mrs. substitution are absent; the provision in question is a simple case of conditional simultaneous institution of
Hodges is that of Texas under which, she alleges, there is no system of legitime, hence, the estate of Mrs. heirs, whereby the institution of Hodges is subject to a partial resolutory condition the operative
Hodges cannot be less than her share or one-half of the conjugal partnership properties. She further contingency of which is coincidental with that of the suspensive condition of the institution of his brothers
maintains that, in any event, Hodges had as a matter of fact and of law renounced his inheritance from his and sisters-in-law, which manner of institution is not prohibited by law.
wife and, therefore, her whole estate passed directly to her brothers and sisters effective at the latest upon
the death of Hodges.
We also hold, however, that the estate of Mrs. Hodges inherited by her brothers and sisters could be more
than just stated, but this would depend on (1) whether upon the proper application of the principle
In this decision, for the reasons discussed above, and upon the issues just summarized, We overrule PCIB's of renvoi in relation to Article 16 of the Civil Code and the pertinent laws of Texas, it will appear that
contention that the orders of May 27, 1957 and December 14, 1957 amount to an adjudication to Hodges of Hodges had no legitime as contended by Magno, and (2) whether or not it can be held that Hodges had
the estate of his wife, and We recognize the present existence of the estate of Mrs. Hodges, as consisting of legally and effectively renounced his inheritance from his wife. Under the circumstances presently
properties, which, while registered in that name of Hodges, do actually correspond to the remainder of the obtaining and in the state of the record of these cases, as of now, the Court is not in a position to make a
share of Mrs. Hodges in the conjugal partnership, it appearing that pursuant to the pertinent provisions of final ruling, whether of fact or of law, on any of these two issues, and We, therefore, reserve said issues for
her will, any portion of said share still existing and undisposed of by her husband at the time of his death further proceedings and resolution in the first instance by the court a quo, as hereinabove indicated. We
should go to her brothers and sisters share and share alike. Factually, We find that the proven reiterate, however, that pending such further proceedings, as matters stand at this stage, Our considered
circumstances relevant to the said orders do not warrant the conclusion that the court intended to make opinion is that it is beyond cavil that since, under the terms of the will of Mrs. Hodges, her husband could
thereby such alleged final adjudication. Legally, We hold that the tenor of said orders furnish no basis for not have anyway legally adjudicated or caused to be adjudicated to himself her whole share of their
such a conclusion, and what is more, at the time said orders were issued, the proceedings had not yet conjugal partnership, albeit he could have disposed any part thereof during his lifetime, the resulting estate
reached the point when a final distribution and adjudication could be made. Moreover, the interested of Mrs. Hodges, of which Magno is the uncontested administratrix, cannot be less than one-fourth of the
parties were not duly notified that such disposition of the estate would be done. At best, therefore, said conjugal partnership properties, as of the time of her death, minus what, as explained earlier, have
orders merely allowed Hodges to dispose of portions of his inheritance in advance of final adjudication, been gratuitously disposed of therefrom, by Hodges in favor of third persons since then, for even if it were
which is implicitly permitted under Section 2 of Rule 109, there being no possible prejudice to third parties, assumed that, as contended by PCIB, under Article 16 of the Civil Code and applying renvoi the laws of the
inasmuch as Mrs. Hodges had no creditors and all pertinent taxes have been paid. Philippines are the ones ultimately applicable, such one-fourth share would be her free disposable portion,
taking into account already the legitime of her husband under Article 900 of the Civil Code.
More specifically, We hold that, on the basis of circumstances presently extant in the record, and on the
assumption that Hodges' purported renunciation should not be upheld, the estate of Mrs. Hodges inherited The foregoing considerations leave the Court with no alternative than to conclude that in predicating its
by her brothers and sisters consists of one-fourth of the community estate of the spouses at the time of her orders on the assumption, albeit unexpressed therein, that there is an estate of Mrs. Hodges to be
distributed among her brothers and sisters and that respondent Magno is the legal administratrix thereof, Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, in Special Proceedings 1307, should act thenceforth always conjointly, never
the trial court acted correctly and within its jurisdiction. Accordingly, the petition for certiorari and independently from each other, as such administrators, is reiterated, and the same is made part of this
prohibition has to be denied. The Court feels however, that pending the liquidation of the conjugal judgment and shall continue in force, pending the liquidation of the conjugal partnership of the deceased
partnership and the determination of the specific properties constituting her estate, the two administrators spouses and the determination and segregation from each other of their respective estates, provided, that
should act conjointly as ordered in the Court's resolution of September 8, 1972 and as further clarified in upon the finality of this judgment, the trial court should immediately proceed to the partition of the
the dispositive portion of its decision. presently combined estates of the spouses, to the end that the one-half share thereof of Mrs. Hodges may be
properly and clearly identified; thereafter, the trial court should forthwith segregate the remainder of the
one-fourth herein adjudged to be her estate and cause the same to be turned over or delivered to
Anent the appeals from the orders of the lower court sanctioning payment by appellee Magno, as
respondent for her exclusive administration in Special Proceedings 1307, while the other one-fourth shall
administratrix, of expenses of administration and attorney's fees, it is obvious that, with Our holding that
remain under the joint administration of said respondent and petitioner under a joint proceedings in
there is such an estate of Mrs. Hodges, and for the reasons stated in the body of this opinion, the said orders
Special Proceedings 1307 and 1672, whereas the half unquestionably pertaining to Hodges shall be
should be affirmed. This We do on the assumption We find justified by the evidence of record, and
administered by petitioner exclusively in Special Proceedings 1672, without prejudice to the resolution by
seemingly agreed to by appellant PCIB, that the size and value of the properties that should correspond to
the trial court of the pending motions for its removal as administrator 12; and this arrangement shall be
the estate of Mrs. Hodges far exceed the total of the attorney's fees and administration expenses in
maintained until the final resolution of the two issues of renvoi and renunciation hereby reserved for
further hearing and determination, and the corresponding complete segregation and partition of the two
estates in the proportions that may result from the said resolution.
With respect to the appeals from the orders approving transactions made by appellee Magno, as
administratrix, covering properties registered in the name of Hodges, the details of which are related
Generally and in all other respects, the parties and the court a quo are directed to adhere henceforth, in all
earlier above, a distinction must be made between those predicated on contracts to sell executed by Hodges
their actuations in Special Proceedings 1307 and 1672, to the views passed and ruled upon by the Court in
before the death of his wife, on the one hand, and those premised on contracts to sell entered into by him
the foregoing opinion.
after her death. As regards the latter, We hold that inasmuch as the payments made by appellees constitute
proceeds of sales of properties belonging to the estate of Mrs. Hodges, as may be implied from the tenor of
the motions of May 27 and December 14, 1957, said payments continue to pertain to said estate, pursuant Appellant PCIB is ordered to pay, within five (5) days from notice hereof, thirty-one additional appeal
to her intent obviously reflected in the relevant provisions of her will, on the assumption that the size and docket fees, but this decision shall nevertheless become final as to each of the parties herein after fifteen
value of the properties to correspond to the estate of Mrs. Hodges would exceed the total value of all the (15) days from the respective notices to them hereof in accordance with the rules.
properties covered by the impugned deeds of sale, for which reason, said properties may be deemed as
pertaining to the estate of Mrs. Hodges. And there being no showing that thus viewing the situation, there
Costs against petitioner-appellant PCIB.
would be prejudice to anyone, including the government, the Court also holds that, disregarding procedural
technicalities in favor of a pragmatic and practical approach as discussed above, the assailed orders should
be affirmed. Being a stranger to the estate of Mrs. Hodges, PCIB has no personality to raise the procedural
and jurisdictional issues raised by it. And inasmuch as it does not appear that any of the other heirs of Mrs.
Hodges or the government has objected to any of the orders under appeal, even as to these parties, there
exists no reason for said orders to be set aside.


IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING PREMISES, judgment is hereby rendered DISMISSING the petition in G. R.
Nos. L-27860 and L-27896, and AFFIRMING, in G. R. Nos. L-27936-37 and the other thirty-one numbers
hereunder ordered to be added after payment of the corresponding docket fees, all the orders of the trial
court under appeal enumerated in detail on pages 35 to 37 and 80 to 82 of this decision; the existence of
the Testate Estate of Linnie Jane Hodges, with respondent-appellee Avelina A. Magno, as administratrix
thereof is recognized, and it is declared that, until final judgment is ultimately rendered regarding (1) the
manner of applying Article 16 of the Civil Code of the Philippines to the situation obtaining in these cases
and (2) the factual and legal issue of whether or not Charles Newton Hodges had effectively and legally
renounced his inheritance under the will of Linnie Jane Hodges, the said estate consists of one-fourth of the
community properties of the said spouses, as of the time of the death of the wife on May 23, 1957, minus
whatever the husband had already gratuitously disposed of in favor of third persons from said date until
his death, provided, first, that with respect to remunerative dispositions, the proceeds thereof shall
continue to be part of the wife's estate, unless subsequently disposed of gratuitously to third parties by the
husband, and second, that should the purported renunciation be declared legally effective, no deductions
whatsoever are to be made from said estate; in consequence, the preliminary injunction of August 8, 1967,
as amended on October 4 and December 6, 1967, is lifted, and the resolution of September 8, 1972,
directing that petitioner-appellant PCIB, as Administrator of the Testate Estate of Charles Newton Hodges,
in Special Proceedings 1672, and respondent-appellee Avelina A. Magno, as Administratrix of the Testate
G.R. No. L-27952 February 15, 1982 liquidacion a P0.15 por accion ..............................................1,620.90

Administratrix, petitioner-appellee,
vs. MARCELLE D. VDA. DE RAMIREZ, ET AL., oppositors, JORGE and ROBERTO Co.............................................................................................. 2,350.73
RAMIREZ, legatees, oppositors- appellants.
TOTAL.............................................................. P512,976.97
The main issue in this appeal is the manner of partitioning the testate estate of Jose Eugenio
Ramirez among the principal beneficiaries, namely: his widow Marcelle Demoron de Ramirez;
his two grandnephews Roberto and Jorge Ramirez; and his companion Wanda de Wrobleski. Deuda al Banco de las Islas Filipinas, garan-

The task is not trouble-free because the widow Marcelle is a French who lives in Paris, while tizada con prenda de las acciones de La Carlota ......... P 5,000,00
the companion Wanda is an Austrian who lives in Spain. Moreover, the testator provided for
substitutions. VALOR LIQUIDO........................................... P507,976.97

Jose Eugenio Ramirez, a Filipino national, died in Spain on December 11, 1964, with only his The testamentary dispositions are as follows:
widow as compulsory heir. His will was admitted to probate by the Court of First Instance of
Manila, Branch X, on July 27, 1965. Maria Luisa Palacios was appointed administratrix of the A.—En nuda propiedad, a D. Roberto y D. Jorge Ramirez, ambas menores de
estate. In due time she submitted an inventory of the estate as follows: edad, residentes en Manila, I.F., calle 'Alright, No. 1818, Malate, hijos de su
sobrino D. Jose Ma. Ramirez, con sustitucion vulgar a favor de sus
INVENTARIO respectivos descendientes, y, en su defecto, con sustitucion vulgar reciprocal
entre ambos.
Una sexta parte (1/6) proindiviso de un te
El precedente legado en nuda propiedad de la participacion indivisa de la
rreno, con sus mejoras y edificaciones, situadoen finca Santa Cruz Building, lo ordena el testador a favor de los legatarios
nombrados, en atencion a que dicha propiedad fue creacion del querido
padre del otorgante y por ser aquellos continuadores del apellido Ramirez,
la Escolta, Manila............................................................. P500,000.00
B.—Y en usufructo a saber: —
Una sexta parte (1/6) proindiviso de dos
a. En cuanto a una tercera parte, a favor de la esposa del testador, Da.
parcelas de terreno situadas en Antipolo, Rizal................... 658.34 Marcelle Ramirez, domiciliada en IE PECO, calle del General Gallieni No. 33,
Seine Francia, con sustitucion vulgar u fideicomisaria a favor de Da. Wanda
Cuatrocientos noventa y uno (491) acciones de Wrobleski, de Palma de Mallorca, Son Rapina Avenida de los Reyes 13,

de la 'Central Azucarera de la Carlota a P17.00 b.—Y en cuanto a las dos terceras partes restantes, a favor de la nombrada
Da. Wanda de Nrobleski con sustitucion vulgar v fideicomisaria a saber:—
por accion ................................................................................8,347.00
En cuanto a la mitad de dichas dos terceras partes, a favor de D. Juan Pablo
Diez mil ochocientos seize (10,806) acciones Jankowski, de Son Rapina Palma de Mallorca; y encuanto a la mitad restante,
a favor de su sobrino, D. Horace V. Ramirez, San Luis Building, Florida St.
Ermita, Manila, I.F.
de la 'Central Luzon Milling Co.', disuelta y en
A pesar de las sustituciones fideiconiisarias precedentemente ordinadas, las compendious, reciprocal, and fideicommissary (Art. 858, Civil Code.) According to Tolentino,
usufiructuarias nombradas conjuntamente con los nudo propietarios, "Although the Code enumerates four classes, there are really only two principal classes of
podran en cualquier memento vender a tercero los bienes objeto delegado, substitutions: the simple and the fideicommissary. The others are merely variations of these
sin intervencion alguna de los titulares fideicomisaarios. two." (111 Civil Code, p. 185 [1973].)

On June 23, 1966, the administratrix submitted a project of partition as follows: the property of The simple or vulgar is that provided in Art. 859 of the Civil Code which reads:
the deceased is to be divided into two parts. One part shall go to the widow 'en pleno dominio"
in satisfaction of her legitime; the other part or "free portion" shall go to Jorge and Roberto ART. 859. The testator may designate one or more persons to substitute the
Ramirez "en nuda propriedad." Furthermore, one third (1/3) of the free portion is charged with heir or heirs instituted in case such heir or heirs should die before him, or
the widow's usufruct and the remaining two-thirds (2/3) with a usufruct in favor of Wanda. should not wish, or should be incapacitated to accept the inheritance.

Jorge and Roberto opposed the project of partition on the grounds: (a) that the provisions for A simple substitution, without a statement of the cases to which it refers,
vulgar substitution in favor of Wanda de Wrobleski with respect to the widow's usufruct and in shall comprise the three mentioned in the preceding paragraph, unless the
favor of Juan Pablo Jankowski and Horacio V. Ramirez, with respect to Wanda's usufruct are testator has otherwise provided.
invalid because the first heirs Marcelle and Wanda) survived the testator; (b) that the
provisions for fideicommissary substitutions are also invalid because the first heirs are not
related to the second heirs or substitutes within the first degree, as provided in Article 863 of The fideicommissary substitution is described in the Civil Code as follows:
the Civil Code; (c) that the grant of a usufruct over real property in the Philippines in favor of
Wanda Wrobleski, who is an alien, violates Section 5, Article III of the Philippine Constitution; ART. 863. A fideicommissary substitution by virtue of which the fiduciary or
and that (d) the proposed partition of the testator's interest in the Santa Cruz (Escolta) Building first heir instituted is entrusted with the obligation to preserve and to
between the widow Marcelle and the appellants, violates the testator's express win to give this transmit to a second heir the whole or part of inheritance, shall be valid and
property to them Nonetheless, the lower court approved the project of partition in its order shall take effect, provided such substitution does not go beyond one degree
dated May 3, 1967. It is this order which Jorge and Roberto have appealed to this Court. from the heir originally instituted, and provided further that the fiduciary or
first heir and the second heir are living at time of the death of the testator.
1. The widow's legitime.
It will be noted that the testator provided for a vulgar substitution in respect of the legacies of
The appellant's do not question the legality of giving Marcelle one-half of the estate in full Roberto and Jorge Ramirez, the appellants, thus: con sustitucion vulgar a favor de sus
ownership. They admit that the testator's dispositions impaired his widow's legitime. Indeed, respectivos descendientes, y, en su defecto, con substitution vulgar reciprocal entre ambos.
under Art. 900 of the Civil Code "If the only survivor is the widow or widower, she or he shall
be entitled to one-half of the hereditary estate." And since Marcelle alone survived the The appellants do not question the legality of the substitution so provided. The appellants
deceased, she is entitled to one-half of his estate over which he could impose no burden, question the sustitucion vulgar y fideicomisaria a favor de Da. Wanda de Wrobleski" in
encumbrance, condition or substitution of any kind whatsoever. (Art. 904, par. 2, Civil Code.) connection with the one-third usufruct over the estate given to the widow Marcelle However,
this question has become moot because as We have ruled above, the widow is not entitled to
It is the one-third usufruct over the free portion which the appellants question and justifiably any usufruct.
so. It appears that the court a quo approved the usufruct in favor of Marcelle because the
testament provides for a usufruct in her favor of one-third of the estate. The court a quo erred The appellants also question the sustitucion vulgar y fideicomisaria in connection with Wanda's
for Marcelle who is entitled to one-half of the estate "en pleno dominio" as her legitime and usufruct over two thirds of the estate in favor of Juan Pablo Jankowski and Horace v. Ramirez.
which is more than what she is given under the will is not entitled to have any additional share
in the estate. To give Marcelle more than her legitime will run counter to the testator's They allege that the substitution in its vulgar aspect as void because Wanda survived the
intention for as stated above his dispositions even impaired her legitime and tended to favor testator or stated differently because she did not predecease the testator. But dying before the
Wanda. testator is not the only case for vulgar substitution for it also includes refusal or incapacity to
accept the inheritance as provided in Art. 859 of the Civil Code, supra. Hence, the vulgar
2. The substitutions. substitution is valid.

It may be useful to recall that "Substitution is the appoint- judgment of another heir so that he As regards the substitution in its fideicommissary aspect, the appellants are correct in their
may enter into the inheritance in default of the heir originally instituted." (Art. 857, Civil Code. claim that it is void for the following reasons:
And that there are several kinds of substitutions, namely: simple or common, brief or
(a) The substitutes (Juan Pablo Jankowski and Horace V. Ramirez) are not related to Wanda, the This opinion notwithstanding, We uphold the usufruct in favor of Wanda because a usufruct,
heir originally instituted. Art. 863 of the Civil Code validates a fideicommissary substitution albeit a real right, does not vest title to the land in the usufructuary and it is the vesting of title
"provided such substitution does not go beyond one degree from the heir originally instituted." to land in favor of aliens which is proscribed by the Constitution.

What is meant by "one degree" from the first heir is explained by Tolentino as follows: IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the estate of Jose Eugenio Ramirez is hereby ordered distributed
as follows:
Scaevola Maura, and Traviesas construe "degree" as designation,
substitution, or transmission. The Supreme Court of Spain has decidedly One-half (1/2) thereof to his widow as her legitime;
adopted this construction. From this point of view, there can be only one
tranmission or substitution, and the substitute need not be related to the One-half (1/2) thereof which is the free portion to Roberto and Jorge Ramirez in naked
first heir. Manresa, Morell and Sanchez Roman, however, construe the word ownership and the usufruct to Wanda de Wrobleski with a simple substitution in favor of Juan
"degree" as generation, and the present Code has obviously followed this Pablo Jankowski and Horace V. Ramirez.
interpretation. by providing that the substitution shall not go beyond one
degree "from the heir originally instituted." The Code thus clearly indicates
that the second heir must be related to and be one generation from the first The distribution herein ordered supersedes that of the court a quo. No special pronouncement
heir. as to costs.

From this, it follows that the fideicommissary can only be either a child or a
parent of the first heir. These are the only relatives who are one generation
or degree from the fiduciary (Op. cit., pp. 193-194.)

(b) There is no absolute duty imposed on Wanda to transmit the usufruct to the substitutes as
required by Arts. 865 and 867 of the Civil Code. In fact, the appellee admits "that the testator
contradicts the establishment of a fideicommissary substitution when he permits the
properties subject of the usufruct to be sold upon mutual agreement of the usufructuaries and
the naked owners." (Brief, p. 26.)

3. The usufruct of Wanda.

The appellants claim that the usufruct over real properties of the estate in favor of Wanda is
void because it violates the constitutional prohibition against the acquisition of lands by aliens.

The 1935 Constitution which is controlling provides as follows:

SEC. 5. Save in cases of hereditary succession, no private agricultural land

shall be transferred or assigned except to individuals, corporations, or
associations qualified to acquire or hold lands of the public domain in the
Philippines. (Art. XIII.)

The court a quo upheld the validity of the usufruct given to Wanda on the ground that the
Constitution covers not only succession by operation of law but also testamentary succession.
We are of the opinion that the Constitutional provision which enables aliens to acquire private
lands does not extend to testamentary succession for otherwise the prohibition will be for
naught and meaningless. Any alien would be able to circumvent the prohibition by paying
money to a Philippine landowner in exchange for a devise of a piece of land.
[G.R. No. 113725. June 29, 2000] of the said lot shall expire, Jorge Rabadilla shall have the obligation until he
dies, every year to give to Maria Marlina Coscolluela y Belleza, Seventy (75)
JOHNNY S. RABADILLA,[1] petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS AND MARIA (sic) piculs of Export sugar and Twenty Five (25) piculs of Domestic sugar,
MARLENA[2] COSCOLUELLA Y BELLEZA VILLACARLOS, respondents. until the said Maria Marlina Coscolluela y Belleza dies.


PURISIMA, J.: (a) Should Jorge Rabadilla die, his heir to whom he shall give Lot No. 1392 of
the Bacolod Cadastre, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. RT-4002
(10492), shall have the obligation to still give yearly, the sugar as specified in
This is a petition for review of the decision of the Court of Appeals,[3] dated December the Fourth paragraph of his testament, to Maria Marlina Coscolluela y
23, 1993, in CA-G.R. No. CV-35555, which set aside the decision of Branch 52 of the Belleza on the month of December of each year.
Regional Trial Court in Bacolod City, and ordered the defendants-appellees (including
herein petitioner), as heirs of Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, to reconvey title over Lot No. 1392,
together with its fruits and interests, to the estate of Aleja Belleza. SIXTH

The antecedent facts are as follows: I command, in this my addition (Codicil) that the Lot No. 1392, in the event
that the one to whom I have left and bequeathed, and his heir shall later sell,
lease, mortgage this said Lot, the buyer, lessee, mortgagee, shall have also
In a Codicil appended to the Last Will and Testament of testatrix Aleja Belleza, Dr. the obligation to respect and deliver yearly ONE HUNDRED (100) piculs of
Jorge Rabadilla, predecessor-in-interest of the herein petitioner, Johnny S. Rabadilla, sugar to Maria Marlina Coscolluela y Belleza, on each month of December,
was instituted as a devisee of 511, 855 square meters of that parcel of land surveyed SEVENTY FIVE (75) piculs of Export and TWENTY FIVE (25) piculs of
as Lot No. 1392 of the Bacolod Cadastre. The said Codicil, which was duly probated Domestic, until Maria Marlina shall die, lastly should the buyer, lessee or the
and admitted in Special Proceedings No. 4046 before the then Court of First Instance mortgagee of this lot, not have respected my command in this my addition
of Negros Occidental, contained the following provisions: (Codicil), Maria Marlina Coscolluela y Belleza, shall immediately seize this
Lot No. 1392 from my heir and the latter's heirs, and shall turn it over to my
"FIRST near desendants, (sic) and the latter shall then have the obligation to give
the ONE HUNDRED (100) piculs of sugar until Maria Marlina shall die. I
I give, leave and bequeath the following property owned by me to Dr. Jorge further command in this my addition (Codicil) that my heir and his heirs of
Rabadilla resident of 141 P. Villanueva, Pasay City: this Lot No. 1392, that they will obey and follow that should they decide to
sell, lease, mortgage, they cannot negotiate with others than my near
descendants and my sister."[4]
(a) Lot No. 1392 of the Bacolod Cadastre, covered by Transfer Certificate of
Title No. RT-4002 (10942), which is registered in my name according to the
records of the Register of Deeds of Negros Occidental. Pursuant to the same Codicil, Lot No. 1392 was transferred to the deceased, Dr. Jorge
Rabadilla, and Transfer Certificate of Title No. 44498 thereto issued in his name.
(b) That should Jorge Rabadilla die ahead of me, the aforementioned
property and the rights which I shall set forth hereinbelow, shall be Dr. Jorge Rabadilla died in 1983 and was survived by his wife Rufina and children
inherited and acknowledged by the children and spouse of Jorge Rabadilla. Johnny (petitioner), Aurora, Ofelia and Zenaida, all surnamed Rabadilla.

xxx On August 21, 1989, Maria Marlena Coscolluela y Belleza Villacarlos brought a
complaint, docketed as Civil Case No. 5588, before Branch 52 of the Regional Trial
Court in Bacolod City, against the above-mentioned heirs of Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, to
FOURTH enforce the provisions of subject Codicil. The Complaint alleged that the defendant-
heirs violated the conditions of the Codicil, in that:
(a)....It is also my command, in this my addition (Codicil), that should I die
and Jorge Rabadilla shall have already received the ownership of the said Lot 1. Lot No. 1392 was mortgaged to the Philippine National Bank and the
No. 1392 of the Bacolod Cadastre, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. Republic Planters Bank in disregard of the testatrix's specific instruction to
RT-4002 (10942), and also at the time that the lease of Balbinito G. Guanzon
sell, lease, or mortgage only to the near descendants and sister of the therein and which is as herein agreed upon, taking into consideration the
testatrix. composite price of sugar during each sugar crop year, which is in the total
amount of ONE HUNDRED FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P105,000.00).
2. Defendant-heirs failed to comply with their obligation to deliver one
hundred (100) piculs of sugar (75 piculs export sugar and 25 piculs That the above-mentioned amount will be paid or delivered on a staggered cash
domestic sugar) to plaintiff Maria Marlena Coscolluela y Belleza from sugar installment, payable on or before the end of December of every sugar crop year, to
crop years 1985 up to the filing of the complaint as mandated by the Codicil, wit:
despite repeated demands for compliance.
For 1985-86, TWENTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (P26,250.00) Pesos,
3. The banks failed to comply with the 6th paragraph of the Codicil which payable on or before December of crop year 1988-89;
provided that in case of the sale, lease, or mortgage of the property, the
buyer, lessee, or mortgagee shall likewise have the obligation to deliver 100 For 1986-87, TWENTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (P26,250.00) Pesos,
piculs of sugar per crop year to herein private respondent. payable on or before December of crop year 1989-90;

The plaintiff then prayed that judgment be rendered ordering defendant-heirs to For 1987-88, TWENTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (P26,250.00) Pesos,
reconvey/return-Lot No. 1392 to the surviving heirs of the late Aleja Belleza, the payable on or before December of crop year 1990-91; and
cancellation of TCT No. 44498 in the name of the deceased, Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, and
the issuance of a new certificate of title in the names of the surviving heirs of the late
Aleja Belleza. For 1988-89, TWENTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (P26,250.00) Pesos,
payable on or before December of crop year 1991-92."[5]
On February 26, 1990, the defendant-heirs were declared in default but on March 28,
1990 the Order of Default was lifted, with respect to defendant Johnny S. Rabadilla, However, there was no compliance with the aforesaid Memorandum of Agreement
who filed his Answer, accordingly. except for a partial delivery of 50.80 piculs of sugar corresponding to sugar crop year
1988 -1989.
During the pre-trial, the parties admitted that:
On July 22, 1991, the Regional Trial Court came out with a decision, dismissing the
complaint and disposing as follows:
On November 15, 1998, the plaintiff (private respondent) and a certain Alan Azurin,
son-in-law of the herein petitioner who was lessee of the property and acting as
attorney-in-fact of defendant-heirs, arrived at an amicable settlement and entered "WHEREFORE, in the light of the aforegoing findings, the Court finds that the
into a Memorandum of Agreement on the obligation to deliver one hundred piculs of action is prematurely filed as no cause of action against the defendants has
sugar, to the following effect: as yet arose in favor of plaintiff. While there maybe the non-performance of
the command as mandated exaction from them simply because they are the
children of Jorge Rabadilla, the title holder/owner of the lot in question, does
"That for crop year 1988-89, the annuity mentioned in Entry No. 49074 of not warrant the filing of the present complaint. The remedy at bar must fall.
TCT No. 44489 will be delivered not later than January of 1989, more Incidentally, being in the category as creditor of the left estate, it is opined
specifically, to wit: that plaintiff may initiate the intestate proceedings, if only to establish the
heirs of Jorge Rabadilla and in order to give full meaning and semblance to
75 piculs of 'A' sugar, and 25 piculs of 'B' sugar, or then her claim under the Codicil.
existing in any of our names, Mary Rose Rabadilla y
Azurin or Alan Azurin, during December of each sugar In the light of the aforegoing findings, the Complaint being prematurely filed
crop year, in Azucar Sugar Central; and, this is considered is DISMISSED without prejudice.
compliance of the annuity as mentioned, and in the same
manner will compliance of the annuity be in the next
succeeding crop years. SO ORDERED."[6]

That the annuity above stated for crop year 1985-86, 1986-87, and 1987-88, On appeal by plaintiff, the First Division of the Court of Appeals reversed the decision
will be complied in cash equivalent of the number of piculs as mentioned of the trial court; ratiocinating and ordering thus:
"Therefore, the evidence on record having established plaintiff-appellant's The contentions of petitioner are untenable. Contrary to his supposition that the
right to receive 100 piculs of sugar annually out of the produce of Lot No. Court of Appeals deviated from the issue posed before it, which was the propriety of
1392; defendants-appellee's obligation under Aleja Belleza's codicil, as heirs the dismissal of the complaint on the ground of prematurity of cause of action, there
of the modal heir, Jorge Rabadilla, to deliver such amount of sugar to was no such deviation. The Court of Appeals found that the private respondent had a
plaintiff-appellant; defendants-appellee's admitted non-compliance with cause of action against the petitioner. The disquisition made on modal institution was,
said obligation since 1985; and, the punitive consequences enjoined by both precisely, to stress that the private respondent had a legally demandable right against
the codicil and the Civil Code, of seizure of Lot No. 1392 and its reversion to the petitioner pursuant to subject Codicil; on which issue the Court of Appeals ruled in
the estate of Aleja Belleza in case of such non-compliance, this Court deems accordance with law.
it proper to order the reconveyance of title over Lot No. 1392 from the
estates of Jorge Rabadilla to the estate of Aleja Belleza. However, plaintiff- It is a general rule under the law on succession that successional rights are
appellant must institute separate proceedings to re-open Aleja Belleza's transmitted from the moment of death of the decedent[10] and compulsory heirs are
estate, secure the appointment of an administrator, and distribute Lot No. called to succeed by operation of law. The legitimate children and descendants, in
1392 to Aleja Belleza's legal heirs in order to enforce her right, reserved to relation to their legitimate parents, and the widow or widower, are compulsory
her by the codicil, to receive her legacy of 100 piculs of sugar per year out of heirs.[11] Thus, the petitioner, his mother and sisters, as compulsory heirs of the
the produce of Lot No. 1392 until she dies. instituted heir, Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, succeeded the latter by operation of law, without
need of further proceedings, and the successional rights were transmitted to them
Accordingly, the decision appealed from is SET ASIDE and another one from the moment of death of the decedent, Dr. Jorge Rabadilla.
entered ordering defendants-appellees, as heirs of Jorge Rabadilla, to
reconvey title over Lot No. 1392, together with its fruits and interests, to the Under Article 776 of the New Civil Code, inheritance includes all the property, rights
estate of Aleja Belleza. and obligations of a person, not extinguished by his death. Conformably, whatever
rights Dr. Jorge Rabadilla had by virtue of subject Codicil were transmitted to his
SO ORDERED."[7] forced heirs, at the time of his death. And since obligations not extinguished by death
also form part of the estate of the decedent; corollarily, the obligations imposed by the
Dissatisfied with the aforesaid disposition by the Court of Appeals, petitioner found Codicil on the deceased Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, were likewise transmitted to his
his way to this Court via the present petition, contending that the Court of Appeals compulsory heirs upon his death.
erred in ordering the reversion of Lot 1392 to the estate of the testatrix Aleja Belleza
on the basis of paragraph 6 of the Codicil, and in ruling that the testamentary In the said Codicil, testatrix Aleja Belleza devised Lot No. 1392 to Dr. Jorge Rabadilla,
institution of Dr. Jorge Rabadilla is a modal institution within the purview of Article subject to the condition that the usufruct thereof would be delivered to the herein
882 of the New Civil Code. private respondent every year. Upon the death of Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, his compulsory
heirs succeeded to his rights and title over the said property, and they also assumed
The petition is not impressed with merit. his (decedent's) obligation to deliver the fruits of the lot involved to herein private
respondent. Such obligation of the instituted heir reciprocally corresponds to the right
of private respondent over the usufruct, the fulfillment or performance of which is
Petitioner contends that the Court of Appeals erred in resolving the appeal in now being demanded by the latter through the institution of the case at bar.
accordance with Article 882 of the New Civil Code on modal institutions and in Therefore, private respondent has a cause of action against petitioner and the trial
deviating from the sole issue raised which is the absence or prematurity of the cause court erred in dismissing the complaint below.
of action. Petitioner maintains that Article 882 does not find application as there was
no modal institution and the testatrix intended a mere simple substitution - i.e. the
instituted heir, Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, was to be substituted by the testatrix's "near Petitioner also theorizes that Article 882 of the New Civil Code on modal institutions
descendants" should the obligation to deliver the fruits to herein private respondent is not applicable because what the testatrix intended was a substitution - Dr. Jorge
be not complied with. And since the testatrix died single and without issue, there can Rabadilla was to be substituted by the testatrix's near descendants should there be
be no valid substitution and such testamentary provision cannot be given any effect. noncompliance with the obligation to deliver the piculs of sugar to private
The petitioner theorizes further that there can be no valid substitution for the reason
that the substituted heirs are not definite, as the substituted heirs are merely referred Again, the contention is without merit.
to as "near descendants" without a definite identity or reference as to who are the
"near descendants" and therefore, under Articles 843 [8] and 845[9] of the New Civil Substitution is the designation by the testator of a person or persons to take the place
Code, the substitution should be deemed as not written. of the heir or heirs first instituted. Under substitutions in general, the testator may
either (1) provide for the designation of another heir to whom the property shall pass wishes of the testator and for the return of anything he or they may receive,
in case the original heir should die before him/her, renounce the inheritance or be together with its fruits and interests, if he or they should disregard this
incapacitated to inherit, as in a simple substitution,[12] or (2) leave his/her property to obligation.
one person with the express charge that it be transmitted subsequently to another or
others, as in a fideicommissary substitution.[13] The Codicil sued upon contemplates Art. 883. When without the fault of the heir, an institution referred to in the
neither of the two. preceding article cannot take effect in the exact manner stated by the
testator, it shall be complied with in a manner most analogous to and in
In simple substitutions, the second heir takes the inheritance in default of the first conformity with his wishes.
heir by reason of incapacity, predecease or renunciation.[14] In the case under
consideration, the provisions of subject Codicil do not provide that should Dr. Jorge The institution of an heir in the manner prescribed in Article 882 is what is known in
Rabadilla default due to predecease, incapacity or renunciation, the testatrix's near the law of succession as an institucion sub modo or a modal institution. In a modal
descendants would substitute him. What the Codicil provides is that, should Dr. Jorge institution, the testator states (1) the object of the institution, (2) the purpose or
Rabadilla or his heirs not fulfill the conditions imposed in the Codicil, the property application of the property left by the testator, or (3) the charge imposed by the
referred to shall be seized and turned over to the testatrix's near descendants. testator upon the heir.[18] A "mode" imposes an obligation upon the heir or legatee but
it does not affect the efficacy of his rights to the succession.[19] On the other hand, in a
Neither is there a fideicommissary substitution here and on this point, petitioner is conditional testamentary disposition, the condition must happen or be fulfilled in
correct. In a fideicommissary substitution, the first heir is strictly mandated to order for the heir to be entitled to succeed the testator. The condition suspends but
preserve the property and to transmit the same later to the second heir.[15] In the does not obligate; and the mode obligates but does not suspend.[20] To some extent, it
case under consideration, the instituted heir is in fact allowed under the Codicil to is similar to a resolutory condition.[21]
alienate the property provided the negotiation is with the near descendants or the
sister of the testatrix. Thus, a very important element of a fideicommissary From the provisions of the Codicil litigated upon, it can be gleaned unerringly that the
substitution is lacking; the obligation clearly imposing upon the first heir the testatrix intended that subject property be inherited by Dr. Jorge Rabadilla. It is
preservation of the property and its transmission to the second heir. "Without this likewise clearly worded that the testatrix imposed an obligation on the said instituted
obligation to preserve clearly imposed by the testator in his will, there is no heir and his successors-in-interest to deliver one hundred piculs of sugar to the herein
fideicommissary substitution."[16] Also, the near descendants' right to inherit from the private respondent, Marlena Coscolluela Belleza, during the lifetime of the latter.
testatrix is not definite. The property will only pass to them should Dr. Jorge Rabadilla However, the testatrix did not make Dr. Jorge Rabadilla's inheritance and the
or his heirs not fulfill the obligation to deliver part of the usufruct to private effectivity of his institution as a devisee, dependent on the performance of the said
respondent. obligation. It is clear, though, that should the obligation be not complied with, the
property shall be turned over to the testatrix's near descendants. The manner of
Another important element of a fideicommissary substitution is also missing here. institution of Dr. Jorge Rabadilla under subject Codicil is evidently modal in nature
Under Article 863, the second heir or the fideicommissary to whom the property is because it imposes a charge upon the instituted heir without, however, affecting the
transmitted must not be beyond one degree from the first heir or the fiduciary. A efficacy of such institution.
fideicommissary substitution is therefore, void if the first heir is not related by first
degree to the second heir.[17] In the case under scrutiny, the near descendants are not Then too, since testamentary dispositions are generally acts of liberality, an obligation
at all related to the instituted heir, Dr. Jorge Rabadilla. imposed upon the heir should not be considered a condition unless it clearly appears
from the Will itself that such was the intention of the testator. In case of doubt, the
The Court of Appeals erred not in ruling that the institution of Dr. Jorge Rabadilla institution should be considered as modal and not conditional.[22]
under subject Codicil is in the nature of a modal institution and therefore, Article 882
of the New Civil Code is the provision of law in point. Articles 882 and 883 of the New Neither is there tenability in the other contention of petitioner that the private
Civil Code provide: respondent has only a right of usufruct but not the right to seize the property itself
from the instituted heir because the right to seize was expressly limited to violations
Art. 882. The statement of the object of the institution or the application of by the buyer, lessee or mortgagee.
the property left by the testator, or the charge imposed on him, shall not be
considered as a condition unless it appears that such was his intention. In the interpretation of Wills, when an uncertainty arises on the face of the Will, as to
the application of any of its provisions, the testator's intention is to be ascertained
That which has been left in this manner may be claimed at once provided from the words of the Will, taking into consideration the circumstances under which it
that the instituted heir or his heirs give security for compliance with the
was made.[23] Such construction as will sustain and uphold the Will in all its parts
must be adopted.[24]

Subject Codicil provides that the instituted heir is under obligation to deliver One
Hundred (100) piculs of sugar yearly to Marlena Belleza Coscuella. Such obligation is
imposed on the instituted heir, Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, his heirs, and their buyer, lessee,
or mortgagee should they sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise negotiate the property
involved. The Codicil further provides that in the event that the obligation to deliver
the sugar is not respected, Marlena Belleza Coscuella shall seize the property and turn
it over to the testatrix's near descendants. The non-performance of the said obligation
is thus with the sanction of seizure of the property and reversion thereof to the
testatrix's near descendants. Since the said obligation is clearly imposed by the
testatrix, not only on the instituted heir but also on his successors-in-interest, the
sanction imposed by the testatrix in case of non-fulfillment of said obligation should
equally apply to the instituted heir and his successors-in-interest.

Similarly unsustainable is petitioner's submission that by virtue of the amicable

settlement, the said obligation imposed by the Codicil has been assumed by the lessee,
and whatever obligation petitioner had become the obligation of the lessee; that
petitioner is deemed to have made a substantial and constructive compliance of his
obligation through the consummated settlement between the lessee and the private
respondent, and having consummated a settlement with the petitioner, the recourse
of the private respondent is the fulfillment of the obligation under the amicable
settlement and not the seizure of subject property.

Suffice it to state that a Will is a personal, solemn, revocable and free act by which a
person disposes of his property, to take effect after his death.[25] Since the Will
expresses the manner in which a person intends how his properties be disposed, the
wishes and desires of the testator must be strictly followed. Thus, a Will cannot be the
subject of a compromise agreement which would thereby defeat the very purpose of
making a Will.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DISMISSED and the decision of the Court of
Appeals, dated December 23, 1993, in CA-G.R. No. CV-35555 AFFIRMED. No
pronouncement as to costs

G.R. No. L-48627 February 19, 1943 article 751 and to indicate his wish that the residue of his estate be distributed in equal parts to
all who would have been entitled to inherit from him had he dies intestate.
SINGSON,petitioner-appellee, The order appealed from is affirmed, with costs. So ordered.
JOSEFINA F. VDA. DE LIM, oppositor-appellee,
EMILIA FLORENTINO, ET AL., oppositors-appellees,
EVARISTO SINGSON, ET AL., oppositors-appellants.


Don Vicente Singson Pablo, a lawyer of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, died on April 15, 1938, without any
descendant or ascendant, his nearest surviving relatives being his widow Doña Rosalia Rosario,
four brothers, and four nieces, the children of a deceased sister. He left a will which was duly
probated, clause 8 of which reads as follows:

Octavo. — Orderno y mando que todos mis bienes no dispuestos de otro modo en este
testamento, se distribuiran en partes iguales a todos los que tienen derecho a ello.

The widow, as administratrix, presented a project of partition in which the properties not
disposed of in the will were adjudicated to the four brothers and the four nieces of the deceased
"in the proportion provided in paragraph 8 of the will." The brothers, appellants herein,
objected to the project of partition insofar as it includes the nieces of the deceased, on the
ground that under clause 8 of the will, in relation to article 751 of the Civil Code, they were not
entitled to any share. The nieces also objected to the project of partition, alleging that certain
other specified properties had been omitted therefrom, which formed part of the properties not
disposed of and which under clause 8 of the will "should be distributed in equal parts to all who
are entitled thereto." The trial court sustained the contention of the nieces (appellees herein)
and ordered the administratrix "to amend the project of partition so as to include therein the
said properties and that all of those not disposed of in the will be adjudicated in equal parts to
the brothers and nieces of the deceased."

The only question raised in this appeal is the interpretation of clause 8 of the will above quoted.
Said clause provides that "all of my properties not disposed of otherwise in this testament shall
be distributed in equal parts to all who are entitled thereto." In this connection appellants
invoke article 751 of the Civil Code, which provides that "a disposition made in general terms in
favor of the testator's relatives shall be understood as made in favor of those nearest in

The trial court noted that the testator, who was a lawyer, did not use the word "relatives" in the
clause in question. We do not need to decide here whether, had the testator used the word
"relatives," the nieces would be excluded. The authorities differ on the interpretation of article
751. Some hold that under said article the nephews and nieces inherit by representation
together with the brothers and sisters of the testator, as in legal succession; while others.
Manresa among them, hold that said article excludes nephews and nieces when brothers and
sisters survive. We think the testator, by referring to "all who are entitled thereto," instead of
referring to his "relatives," precisely meant to avoid the uncertainty of the interpretation of
G.R. No. L-40789 February 27, 1987 Our answer to the first question is in the negative.

INTESTATE ESTATE OF PETRA V. ROSALES, IRENEA C. ROSALES, petitioner, Intestate or legal heirs are classified into two (2) groups, namely, those who inherit by their
vs. FORTUNATO ROSALES, MAGNA ROSALES ACEBES, MACIKEQUEROX ROSALES and own right, and those who inherit by the right of representation. 1 Restated, an intestate heir can
ANTONIO ROSALES, respondents. only inherit either by his own right, as in the order of intestate succession provided for in the
Civil Code, 2 or by the right of representation provided for in Article 981 of the same law. The
GANCAYCO, J.: relevant provisions of the Civil Code are:

In this Petition for Review of two (2) Orders of the Court of First Instance of Cebu the question Art. 980. The children of the deceased shall always inherit from him in their
raised is whether the widow whose husband predeceased his mother can inherit from the own right, dividing the inheritance in equal shares.
latter, her mother-in-law.
Art. 981. Should children of the deceased and descendants of other children
It appears from the record of the case that on February 26, 1971, Mrs. Petra V. Rosales, a who are dead, survive, the former shall inherit in their own right, and the
resident of Cebu City, died intestate. She was survived by her husband Fortunate T. Rosales and latter by right of representation.
their two (2) children Magna Rosales Acebes and Antonio Rosales. Another child, Carterio
Rosales, predeceased her, leaving behind a child, Macikequerox Rosales, and his widow Irenea Art. 982. The grandchildren and other descendants shag inherit by right of
C. Rosales, the herein petitioner. The estate of the dismissed has an estimated gross value of representation, and if any one of them should have died, leaving several
about Thirty Thousand Pesos (P30,000.00). heirs, the portion pertaining to him shall be divided among the latter in
equal portions.
On July 10, 1971, Magna Rosales Acebes instituted the proceedings for the settlement of the
estate of the deceased in the Court of First Instance of Cebu. The case was docketed as Special Art. 999. When the widow or widower survives with legitimate children or
Proceedings No. 3204-R. Thereafter, the trial court appointed Magna Rosales Acebes their descendants and illegitimate children or their descendants, whether
administratrix of the said estate. legitimate or illegitimate, such widow or widower shall be entitled to the
same share as that of a legitimate child.
In the course of the intestate proceedings, the trial court issued an Order dated June 16, 1972
declaring the following in individuals the legal heirs of the deceased and prescribing their There is no provision in the Civil Code which states that a widow (surviving spouse) is an
respective share of the estate — intestate heir of her mother-in-law. The entire Code is devoid of any provision which entitles
her to inherit from her mother-in- law either by her own right or by the right of representation.
Fortunata T. Rosales (husband), 1/4; Magna R. Acebes (daughter), 1/4; The provisions of the Code which relate to the order of intestate succession (Articles 978 to
Macikequerox Rosales, 1/4; and Antonio Rosales son, 1/4. 1014) enumerate with meticulous exactitude the intestate heirs of a decedent, with the State as
the final intestate heir. The conspicuous absence of a provision which makes a daughter-in-law
an intestate heir of the deceased all the more confirms Our observation. If the legislature
This declaration was reiterated by the trial court in its Order I dated February 4, 1975. intended to make the surviving spouse an intestate heir of the parent-in-law, it would have so
provided in the Code.
These Orders notwithstanding, Irenea Rosales insisted in getting a share of the estate in her
capacity as the surviving spouse of the late Carterio Rosales, son of the deceased, claiming that Petitioner argues that she is a compulsory heir in accordance with the provisions of Article 887
she is a compulsory heir of her mother-in-law together with her son, Macikequerox Rosales. of the Civil Code which provides that:

Thus, Irenea Rosales sought the reconsideration of the aforementioned Orders. The trial court Art. 887. The following are compulsory heirs:
denied her plea. Hence this petition.
(1) Legitimate children and descendants, with respect to their legitimate
In sum, the petitioner poses two (2) questions for Our resolution petition. First — is a widow parents and ascendants;
(surviving spouse) an intestate heir of her mother-in-law? Second — are the Orders of the trial
court which excluded the widow from getting a share of the estate in question final as against
the said widow? (2) In default of the foregoing, legitimate parents and ascendants, with
respect to their legitimate children and descendants;
(3) The widow or widower; Art. 971. The representative is called to the succession by the law and not
by the person represented. The representative does not succeed the person
(4) Acknowledged natural children, and natural children by legal fiction; represented but the one whom the person represented would have
succeeded. (Emphasis supplied.)
(5) Other illegitimate children referred to in article 287;
Article 971 explicitly declares that Macikequerox Rosales is called to succession by law because
of his blood relationship. He does not succeed his father, Carterio Rosales (the person
Compulsory heirs mentioned in Nos. 3, 4 and 5 are not excluded by those in represented) who predeceased his grandmother, Petra Rosales, but the latter whom his father
Nos. 1 and 2; neither do they exclude one another. would have succeeded. Petitioner cannot assert the same right of representation as she has no
filiation by blood with her mother-in-law.
In all cases of illegitimate children, their filiation must be duly proved.
Petitioner however contends that at the time of the death of her husband Carterio Rosales he
The father or mother of illegitimate children of the three classes mentioned, had an inchoate or contingent right to the properties of Petra Rosales as compulsory heir. Be
shall inherit from them in the manner and to the extent established by this that as it may, said right of her husband was extinguished by his death that is why it is their son
Code. Macikequerox Rosales who succeeded from Petra Rosales by right of representation. He did not
succeed from his deceased father, Carterio Rosales.
The aforesaid provision of law 3 refers to the estate of the deceased spouse in which case the
surviving spouse (widow or widower) is a compulsory heir. It does not apply to the estate of a On the basis of the foregoing observations and conclusions, We find it unnecessary to pass upon
parent-in-law. the second question posed by the petitioner.

Indeed, the surviving spouse is considered a third person as regards the estate of the parent-in- Accordingly, it is Our considered opinion, and We so hold, that a surviving spouse is not an
law. We had occasion to make this observation in Lachenal v. Salas, 4 to Wit: intestate heir of his or her parent-in-law.

We hold that the title to the fishing boat should be determined in Civil Case WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Petition is hereby DENIED for lack of merit, with
No. 3597 (not in the intestate proceeding) because it affects the lessee costs against the petitioner. Let this case be remanded to the trial-court for further
thereof, Lope L. Leoncio, the decedent's son-in-law, who, although married to proceedings.
his daughter or compulsory heir, is nevertheless a third person with respect to
his estate. ... (Emphasis supplied). SO ORDERED.

By the same token, the provision of Article 999 of the Civil Code aforecited does not support
petitioner's claim. A careful examination of the said Article confirms that the estate
contemplated therein is the estate of the deceased spouse. The estate which is the subject
matter of the intestate estate proceedings in this case is that of the deceased Petra V. Rosales,
the mother-in-law of the petitioner. It is from the estate of Petra V. Rosales that Macikequerox
Rosales draws a share of the inheritance by the right of representation as provided by Article
981 of the Code.

The essence and nature of the right of representation is explained by Articles 970 and 971 of
the Civil Code, viz —

Art. 970. Representation is a right created by fiction of law, by virtue of

which the representative is raised to the place and the degree of the person
represented, and acquires the rights which the latter would have if he were
living or if he could have inherited.
G.R. No. L-30977 January 31, 1972 1969. The same was given due course and answer thereto was filed by respondent, who prayed for
CARMEN LAPUZ SY, represented by her substitute MACARIO LAPUZ, petitioner-appellant, the affirmance of the said order.3
vs. EUFEMIO S. EUFEMIO alias EUFEMIO SY UY, respondent-appellee.
REYES J.B.L., J.:p Although the defendant below, the herein respondent Eufemio S. Eufemio, filed counterclaims, he did
not pursue them after the court below dismissed the case. He acquiesced in the dismissal of said
Petition, filed after the effectivity of Republic Act 5440, for review by certiorari of an order, dated 29 counterclaims by praying for the affirmance of the order that dismissed not only the petition for legal
July 1969, of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Manila, in its Civil Case No. 20387, separation but also his counterclaim to declare the Eufemio-Lapuz marriage to be null and void ab
dismissing said case for legal separation on the ground that the death of the therein plaintiff, Carmen initio.
O. Lapuz Sy, which occurred during the pendency of the case, abated the cause of action as well as the
action itself. The dismissal order was issued over the objection of Macario Lapuz, the heir of the But petitioner Carmen O. Lapuz Sy (through her self-assumed substitute — for the lower court did
deceased plaintiff (and petitioner herein) who sought to substitute the deceased and to have the case not act on the motion for substitution) stated the principal issue to be as follows:
prosecuted to final judgment.

When an action for legal separation is converted by the counterclaim into one for
On 18 August 1953, Carmen O. Lapuz Sy filed a petition for legal separation against Eufemio S. a declaration of nullity of a marriage, does the death of a party abate the
Eufemio, alleging, in the main, that they were married civilly on 21 September 1934 and canonically proceedings?
on 30 September 1934; that they had lived together as husband and wife continuously until 1943
when her husband abandoned her; that they had no child; that they acquired properties during their
marriage; and that she discovered her husband cohabiting with a Chinese woman named Go Hiok at The issue as framed by petitioner injects into it a supposed conversion of a legal separation suit to
1319 Sisa Street, Manila, on or about March 1949. She prayed for the issuance of a decree of legal one for declaration of nullity of a marriage, which is without basis, for even petitioner asserted that
separation, which, among others, would order that the defendant Eufemio S. Eufemio should be "the respondent has acquiesced to the dismissal of his counterclaim" (Petitioner's Brief, page 22).
deprived of his share of the conjugal partnership profits. Not only this. The petition for legal separation and the counterclaim to declare the nullity of the self
same marriage can stand independent and separate adjudication. They are not inseparable nor was
the action for legal separation converted into one for a declaration of nullity by the counterclaim, for
In his second amended answer to the petition, herein respondent Eufemio S. Eufemio alleged legal separation pre-supposes a valid marriage, while the petition for nullity has a voidable marriage
affirmative and special defenses, and, along with several other claims involving money and other as a pre-condition.
properties, counter-claimed for the declaration of nullity ab initio of his marriage with Carmen O.
Lapuz Sy, on the ground of his prior and subsisting marriage, celebrated according to Chinese law
and customs, with one Go Hiok, alias Ngo Hiok. The first real issue in this case is: Does the death of the plaintiff before final decree, in an action for
legal separation, abate the action? If it does, will abatement also apply if the action involves property
rights? .
Issues having been joined, trial proceeded and the parties adduced their respective evidence. But
before the trial could be completed (the respondent was already scheduled to present surrebuttal
evidence on 9 and 18 June 1969), petitioner Carmen O. Lapuz Sy died in a vehicular accident on 31 An action for legal separation which involves nothing more than the bed-and-board separation of the
May 1969. Counsel for petitioner duly notified the court of her death. spouses (there being no absolute divorce in this jurisdiction) is purely personal. The Civil Code of the
Philippines recognizes this in its Article 100, by allowing only the innocent spouse (and no one else)
to claim legal separation; and in its Article 108, by providing that the spouses can, by their
On 9 June 1969, respondent Eufemio moved to dismiss the "petition for legal separation"1 on two (2) reconciliation, stop or abate the proceedings and even rescind a decree of legal separation already
grounds, namely: that the petition for legal separation was filed beyond the one-year period provided rendered. Being personal in character, it follows that the death of one party to the action causes the
for in Article 102 of the Civil Code; and that the death of Carmen abated the action for legal death of the action itself — actio personalis moritur cum persona.

... When one of the spouses is dead, there is no need for divorce, because the
On 26 June 1969, counsel for deceased petitioner moved to substitute the deceased Carmen by her marriage is dissolved. The heirs cannot even continue the suit, if the death of the
father, Macario Lapuz. Counsel for Eufemio opposed the motion. spouse takes place during the course of the suit (Article 244, Section 3). The
action is absolutely dead (Cass., July 27, 1871, D. 71. 1. 81; Cass. req., May 8,
On 29 July 1969, the court issued the order under review, dismissing the case. 2 In the body of the 1933, D. H. 1933, 332.")4 .
order, the court stated that the motion to dismiss and the motion for substitution had to be resolved
on the question of whether or not the plaintiff's cause of action has survived, which the court Marriage is a personal relation or status, created under the sanction of law, and
resolved in the negative. Petitioner's moved to reconsider but the motion was denied on 15 an action for divorce is a proceeding brought for the purpose of effecting a
September 1969. dissolution of that relation. The action is one of a personal nature. In the absence
of a statute to the contrary, the death of one of the parties to such action abates
After first securing an extension of time to file a petition for review of the order of dismissal issued the action, for the reason that death has settled the question of separation
by the juvenile and domestic relations court, the petitioner filed the present petition on 14 October beyond all controversy and deprived the court of jurisdiction, both over the
persons of the parties to the action and of the subject-matter of the action itself. of the deceased to appear and to be substituted for the deceased, within a period
For this reason the courts are almost unanimous in holding that the death of of thirty (30) days, or within such time as may be granted...
either party to a divorce proceeding, before final decree, abates the action. 1
Corpus Juris, 208; Wren v. Moss, 2 Gilman, 72; Danforth v. Danforth, 111 Ill. 236; The same result flows from a consideration of the enumeration of the actions that survive for or
Matter of Grandall, 196 N.Y. 127, 89 N.E. 578; 134 Am St. Rep. 830; 17 Ann. Cas. against administrators in Section 1, Rule 87, of the Revised Rules of Court:
874; Wilcon v. Wilson, 73 Mich, 620, 41 N.W. 817; Strickland v. Strickland, 80
Ark. 452, 97 S. W. 659; McCurley v. McCurley, 60 Md. 185, 45 Am. Rep. 717;
Begbie v. Begbie, 128 Cal. 155, 60 Pac. 667, 49 L.R.A. 141. 5 SECTION 1. Actions which may and which may not be brought against executor
or administrator. No action upon a claim for the recovery of money or debt or
interest thereon shall be commenced against the executor or administrator; but
The same rule is true of causes of action and suits for separation and maintenance (Johnson vs. Bates, actions to recover real or personal property, or an interest therein, from the
Ark. 101 SW 412; 1 Corpus Juris 208). estate, or to enforce a lien thereon, and actions to recover damages for an injury
to person or property, real or personal, may be commenced against him.
A review of the resulting changes in property relations between spouses shows that they are solely
the effect of the decree of legal separation; hence, they can not survive the death of the plaintiff if it Neither actions for legal separation or for annulment of marriage can be deemed fairly included in
occurs prior to the decree. On the point, Article 106 of the Civil Code provides: . the enumeration..

Art. 106. The decree of legal separation shall have the following effects: A further reason why an action for legal separation is abated by the death of the plaintiff, even if
property rights are involved, is that these rights are mere effects of decree of separation, their source
(1) The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from each other, but the being the decree itself; without the decree such rights do not come into existence, so that before the
marriage bonds shall not be severed; . finality of a decree, these claims are merely rights in expectation. If death supervenes during the
pendency of the action, no decree can be forthcoming, death producing a more radical and definitive
(2) The conjugal partnership of gains or the absolute conjugal community of separation; and the expected consequential rights and claims would necessarily remain unborn.
property shall be dissolved and liquidated, but the offending spouse shall have no
right to any share of the profits earned by the partnership or community, without As to the petition of respondent-appellee Eufemio for a declaration of nullity ab initio of his marriage
prejudice to the provisions of article 176; to Carmen Lapuz, it is apparent that such action became moot and academic upon the death of the
latter, and there could be no further interest in continuing the same after her demise, that
(3) The custody of the minor children shall be awarded to the innocent spouse, automatically dissolved the questioned union. Any property rights acquired by either party as a
unless otherwise directed by the court in the interest of said minors, for whom result of Article 144 of the Civil Code of the Philippines 6 could be resolved and determined in a
said court may appoint a guardian; proper action for partition by either the appellee or by the heirs of the appellant.

(4) The offending spouse shall be disqualified from inheriting from the innocent In fact, even if the bigamous marriage had not been void ab initio but only voidable under Article 83,
spouse by intestate succession. Moreover, provisions in favor of the offending paragraph 2, of the Civil Code, because the second marriage had been contracted with the first wife
spouse made in the will of the innocent one shall be revoked by operation of law. having been an absentee for seven consecutive years, or when she had been generally believed dead,
still the action for annulment became extinguished as soon as one of the three persons involved had
died, as provided in Article 87, paragraph 2, of the Code, requiring that the action for annulment
From this article it is apparent that the right to the dissolution of the conjugal partnership of gains should be brought during the lifetime of any one of the parties involved. And furthermore, the
(or of the absolute community of property), the loss of right by the offending spouse to any share of liquidation of any conjugal partnership that might have resulted from such voidable marriage must
the profits earned by the partnership or community, or his disqualification to inherit by intestacy be carried out "in the testate or intestate proceedings of the deceased spouse", as expressly provided
from the innocent spouse as well as the revocation of testamentary provisions in favor of the in Section 2 of the Revised Rule 73, and not in the annulment proceeding.
offending spouse made by the innocent one, are all rights and disabilities that, by the very terms of
the Civil Code article, are vested exclusively in the persons of the spouses; and by their nature and
intent, such claims and disabilities are difficult to conceive as assignable or transmissible. Hence, a ACCORDINGLY, the appealed judgment of the Manila Court of Juvenile and Domestic Relations is
claim to said rights is not a claim that "is not thereby extinguished" after a party dies, under Section hereby affirmed. No special pronouncement as to costs.
17, Rule 3, of the Rules of Court, to warrant continuation of the action through a substitute of the
deceased party.

Sec. 17. Death of party. After a party dies and the claim is not thereby
extinguished, the court shall order, upon proper notice, the legal representative
[G.R. No. 100748. February 3, 1997] A complaint for damages is a personal action. In cases filed before the Regional Trial
JOSE BARITUA, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS (Eleventh Division); HON. Court, the venue for personal actions is laid down in Section 2 (b) of Rule 4 of the Revised Rules
MANUEL D. VICTORIO, Judge, RTC, Br. 53, Rosales-Pangasinan; and ROY R. of Court which reads as follows :
DOMINGO, represented by his Attorney-in-Fact Crispin A. Domingo, respondents.
Sec. 2. Venue in Courts of First Instance. - -
PUNO, J.: xxx
(b) Personal actions. - - All other actions may be commenced and tried
Petitioner Jose Baritua raises the question of venue in the filing of a complaint for where the defendant or any of the defendants resides or may be found, or where
damages arising from a quasi-delict. the plaintiff or any of the plaintiffs resides, at the election of the plaintiff.

The facts show that on June 26, 1989 private respondent Roy R. Domingo, represented by x x x[5]
his attorney-in-fact, Crispin A. Domingo, filed with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 53, Rosales,
Pangasinan a complaint against petitioner Jose Baritua as owner and operator of the J.B. Bus The complaint in personal actions may be filed in the place where the defendant resides or may
Lines. Private respondent sought to recover actual and exemplary damages after a bus owned be found, or where the plaintiff resides, at the option of the plaintiff. The Rules give the plaintiff
by petitioner rammed private respondents car along the Maharlika Highway, Sto. Tomas, the option of choosing where to file his complaint. He can file it in the place (1) where he
Batangas on January 19, 1988. In his complaint, private respondent alleged that: himself or any of them resides; or (2) where the defendant or any of the defendants resides or
may be found. The plaintiff or the defendant must be residents of the place where the action
has been instituted at the time the action is commenced.[6]
1. He is a Filipino, of legal age, married and a resident of Poblacion Rosales, Pangasinan before
he went to the United States where he now lives at 4525 Leata Lane, La Cantada, LA 91011. He Section 2 (b) of Rule 4 speaks of the place where the defendant or the plaintiff resides. We
is being represented by his attorney-in-fact, Crispin A. Domingo, a Filipino, of legal age, married have held that the residence of a person must be his personal, actual or physical habitation or
and a resident of No. 47 Yale St., Cubao, Quezon City. Defendant is also a Filipino, of legal age, his actual residence or abode.[7] It does not mean fixed permanent residence to which when
married and doing business under the business name J.B. Bus Lines with business address at absent, one has the intention of returning. The word resides connotes ex vi termini actual
Tramo Street, Pasay City where said defendant could be served summons. x x x.[1] residence as distinguished from legal residence or domicile.[8] Actual residence may in some
cases be the legal residence or domicile, but for purposes of venue, actual residence is the place
Petitioner moved to dismiss the complaint for improper venue. He alleged that since of abode and not necessarily legal residence or domicile.[9] Actual residence signifies personal
private respondent was not a resident of the Philippines, the complaint should be filed in the residence, i.e., physical presence and actual stay thereat.[10] This physical presence, nonetheless,
place where petitioner, the defendant, resides which is in Gubat, Sorsogon. The trial court must be more than temporary and must be with continuity and consistency.[11]
denied the motion to dismiss after finding that private respondent was merely temporarily out The question in this case is whether private respondent had his actual residence in
of the country and did not lose his legal residence in Rosales, Pangasinan.[2] Rosales, Pangasinan or in Los Angeles, California at the time the complaint was filed before the
The Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court.[3] Hence this petition for certiorari and Regional Trial Court of Rosales, Pangasinan.
prohibition. It is undisputed that private respondent left for the United States on April 25,
Petitioner claims that: 1988 before the complaint was filed on June 26, 1989.[12] This fact is expressly admitted in the
complaint itself where private respondent states that he is [sic] x x x a resident of Poblacion
Rosales, Pangasinan before he went to the United States where he now lives in 4525 Leata
A. RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED GROSS ERROR AND GRAVE ABUSE OF Lane, La Cantada, LA 91011. Furthermore, the special power of attorney in favor of Crispin A.
DISCRETION WHEN IT DISMISSED THE PETITION DESPITE PETITIONERS OVERWHELMING Domingo was drawn and executed by private respondent on February 18, 1988 before the
EVIDENCE THAT THE VENUE OF PRIVATE RESPONDENTS ACTION (CIVIL CASE NO. 915-R) Philippine Consul in Los Angeles, California.[13] In said special power of attorney, private
WAS IMPROPERLY LAID; respondent declared that he was a resident of Los Angeles, California.[14]

B. INSPITE ALSO OF THE ADMITTED FACT THAT PRIVATE RESPONDENT ROY DOMINGO HAS Private respondent was not a mere transient or occasional resident of the United
REMAINED AN ACTUAL RESIDENT OF 4525 LEATA LANE, LA CANTADA, LA 91011, U.S.A., AT States. He fixed his place of abode in Los Angeles, California and stayed there continuously and
LEAST SINCE FEBRUARY 18, 1988, UP TO THE PRESENT.[4] consistently for over a year at the time the complaint was filed in Rosales Pangasinan. [15]
Contrary to the lower courts finding the temporary nature of private respondents
working non-immigrant visa did not make him a non-resident of the United States. There is no
showing as to the date his temporary employment in the United States ended. [16] There is
likewise no showing much less any allegation, that after the filing of the complaint, private
respondent actually returned to the Philippines and resumed residence in Rosales,
Pangasinan. In fact petitioners claim that private respondent resided in the United States
continuously and consistently since 1988 until the present has not been refuted. [17]
We previously held that:

We are fully convinced that private respondent Colomas protestations of domicile in San
Nicolas, Ilocos Norte, based on his manifested intention to return there after the retirement of
his wife from government service to justify his bringing of an action for damages against
petitioner in the C.F.I. of Ilocos Norte, is entirely of no moment since what is of paramount
importance is where he actually resided or where he may be found at the time he brought the
action, to comply substantially with the requirements of Sec. 2(b) of Rule 4, Rules of Court, on
venue of personal actions x x x.[18]

It is fundamental that the situs for bringing real and personal civil actions is fixed by the
rules to attain the greatest convenience possible to parties litigants and their witnesses by
affording them maximum accessibility to the courts of justice.[19] The choice of venue is given to
the plaintiff but is not left to his caprice.[20] It cannot unduly deprive a resident defendant of the
rights conferred upon him by the Rules of Court.[21]
When the complaint was filed in Rosales, Pangasinan, not one of the parties was a
resident of the town. Private respondent was a resident of Los Angeles, California while his
attorney-in-fact was a resident of Cubao, Quezon City.Petitioners business address according to
private respondent is in Pasay City,[22] although petitioner claims he resides in Gubat,
Sorsogon.[23] The venue in Rosales, Pangasinan was indeed improperly laid.
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition is granted and the decision of the Court of Appeals in
CA-G.R. SP No. 20737 is reversed and set aside. The complaint in Civil Case No. 915-R is
dismissed for improper venue. No costs.
[G.R. No. 118449. February 11, 1998] estate. Additionally, she sought to be appointed as guardian ad litem of Salud, now senile, and
LAURO G. VIZCONDE, petitioner, vs., COURT OF APPEALS, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, Ricardo, her incompetent brother. Herein private respondent Ramon filed an
Branch 120, Caloocan City, and RAMON G. NICOLAS, respondents. opposition[9] dated March 24, 1993, praying to be appointed instead as Salud and Ricardos
guardian. Barely three weeks passed, Ramon filed another opposition[10] alleging, among
DECISION others, that Estrellita was given the Valenzuela property by Rafael which she sold for not les
than Six Million Pesos (P6,000,000.00) before her gruesome murder. Ramon pleaded for courts
FRANCISCO, J.: intervention to determine the legality and validity of the intervivos distribution made
by deceased Rafael to his children,[11] Estrellita included. On May 12, 1993, Ramon filed his own
Petitioner Lauro G. Vizconde and his wife Estrellita Nicolas-Vizconde had two petition, docketed as Sp. Proc. No. C-1699, entitled InMatter Of The Guardianship Of Salud G.
children, viz., Carmela and Jennifer. Petitioners wife, Estrellita, is one of the five siblings of Nicolas and Ricardo G. Nicolas and averred that their legitime should come from the collation of
spouses Rafael Nicolas and Salud Gonzales-Nicolas. The other children of Rafael and Salud are all the properties distributed to his children by Rafael during his lifetime.[12] Ramon stated that
Antonio Nicolas; Ramon Nicolas; Teresita Nicolas de Leon, and Ricardo Nicolas, an herein petitioner is one of Rafaels children by right of representation as the widower of
incompetent. Antonio predeceased his parents and is now survived by his widow, Zenaida, and deceased legitimate daughter of Estrellita.[13]
their four children. In a consolidated Order, dated November 9, 1993, the RTC appointed Ramon as the
On May 22, 1979, Estrellita purchased from Rafael a parcel of land with an area of 10,110 Guardian of Salud and Ricardo while Teresita, in turn, was appointed as the Special
sq. m. located at Valenzuela, Bulacan (hereafter Valenzuela property) covered by TCT No. (T- Administratrix of Rafaels estate. The courts Order did not include petitioner in the slate of
36734) 13206 for One Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Pesos (P135,000.00), evidenced by Rafaels heirs.[14] Neither was the Paraaque property listed in its list of properties to be included
a Lubusang Bilihan ng Bahagi ng Lupa na Nasasakupan ng Titulo TCT NO. T-36734.[1] In view in the estate.[15] Subsequently, the RTC in an Order dated January 5, 1994, removed Ramon as
thereof, TCT No. V-554 covering the Valenzuela property was issued to Estrellita.[2] On March Salud and Ricardos guardian for selling his wards property without the courts knowledge and
30, 1990, Estrellita sold the Valenzuela property to Amelia Lim and Maria Natividad Balictar permission.[16]
Chiu for Three Million, Four Hundred Five Thousand, Six Hundred Twelve Pesos Sometime on January 13, 1994, the RTC released an Order giving petitioner ten (10) days
(P3,405,612.00).[3] In June of the same year, Estrellita bought from Premiere Homes, Inc., a x x x within which to file any appropriate petition or motion related to the pending petition
parcel of land with improvements situated at Vinzon St., BF Homes, Paraaque (hereafter insofar as the case is concerned and to file any opposition to any pending motion that has been
Paraaque property) using a portion of the proceeds was used in buying a car while the balance filed by both the counsels for Ramon Nicolas and Teresita de Leon. In response, petitioner filed
was deposited in a bank. a Manifestation, dated January 19, 1994, stressing tha the was neither a compulsory heir nor an
The following year an unfortunate event in petitioners life occurred. Estrellita and her intestate heir of Rafael and he has no interest to participate in the proceedings. The RTC noted
two daughters, Carmela and Jennifer, were killed on June 30, 1991, an incident popularly said Manifestation in its Order dated February 2, 1994.[17] Despite the Manifestation, Ramon,
known as the Vizconde Massacre. The findings of the investigation conducted by the NBI reveal through a motion dated February 14, 1994, moved to include petitioner in the intestate estate
that Estrellita died ahead of her daughters.[4] Accordingly, Carmela, Jennifer and herein proceeding and asked that the Paraaque property, as well as the car and the balance of the
petitioner succeeded Estrellita and, with the subsequent death of Carmela and Jennifer, proceeds of the sale of the Valenzuela property, be collated.[18] Acting on Ramons motion, the
petitioner was left as the sole heir of his daughters. Nevertheless, petitioner entered into trial court on March 10, 1994 granted the same in an Order which pertinently reads as follows:
an Extra-Judicial Settlement of the Estate of Deceased Estrellita Nicolas-Vizconde With Waiver xxxxxxxxx
of Shares,[5] with Rafael and Salud, Estrellitas parents. The extra-judicial settlement provided
for the division of the properties of Estrellita and her two daughters between petitioner and
spouses Rafael and Salud. The properties include bank deposits, a car and the Paraaque On the Motion To Include Lauro G. Vizconde In Intestate proceedings in instant case and
property. The total value of the deposits deducting the funeral and other related expenses in considering the comment on hi Manifestation, the same is hereby granted.[19]
the burial of Estrellita, Carmela and Jennifer, amounts to Three Million Pesos
(P3,000,000.00).[6] The settlement gave fifty percent (50%) of the total amount of the bank xxxxxxxxx
deposits of Estrellita and her daughters to Rafael, except Saving Account No. 104-111211-0
under the name of Jennifer which involves a token amount. The other fifty percent (50%) was Petitioner filed its motion for reconsideration of the aforesaid Order which Ramon
allotted to petitioner. The Paraaque property and the car were also given to petitioner with opposed.[20] On August 12, 1994, the RTC rendered an Order denying petitioners motion for
Rafael and Salud waiving all their claims, rights, ownership and participation as heirs[7] in the reconsideration. It provides:
said properties. xxxxxxxxx
On November 18, 1992, Rafael died. To settle Rafaels estate, Teresita instituted an
intestate estate proceeding[8] docketed as Sp. Proc. No. C-1679, with Branch 120 of the Regional The centerpoint of oppositor-applicants argument is that spouses Vizconde were then
Trial Court (RTC) of Caloocan City listing as heirs Salud, Ramon, Ricardo and the wife (Zenaida) financially incapable of having purchased or acquired for a valuable consideration the property
and children of Antonio. Teresita prayed to be appointed Special Administratrix of Rafaels at Valenzuela from the deceased Rafael Nicolas.Admittedly, the spouses Vizconde were then
living with the deceased Rafael Nicolas in the latters ancestral home. In fact, as the argument they received from him, so that the division may be made according to law and the will of the
further goes, said spouses were dependent for support on the deceased Rafael Nicolas. And testator.[24] Collation is only required of compulsory heirs succeeding with other compulsory
Lauro Vizconde left for the United States in, de-facto separation, from the family for sometime heirs and involves property or rights received by donation or gratuitous title during the
and returned to the Philippines only after the occurrence of violent deaths of Estrellita and her lifetime of the decedent.[25] The purpose for it is presumed that the intention of the testator or
two daughters. predecessor in interest in making a donation or gratuitous transfer to a forced heir is to give
him something in advance on account of his share in the estate, and that the predecessors will
To dispute the contention that the spouses Vizconde were financially incapable to buy the is to treat all his heirs equally, in the absence of any expression to the contrary.[26] Collation
property from the late Rafael Nicolas, Lauro Vizconde claims that they have been engaged in does not impose any lien on the property or the subject matter of collationable donation. What
business venture such as taxi business, canteen concessions and garment is brought to collation is not the property donated itself, but rather the value of such property
manufacturing. However, no competent evidence has been submitted to indubitably support at the time it was donated,[27] the rationale being that the donation is a real alienation which
the business undertakings adverted to. conveys ownership upon its acceptance, hence any increase in value or any deterioration or
loss thereof is for the account of the heir or donee.[28]
In fine, there is no sufficient evidence to show that the acquisition of the property from Rafael The attendant facts herein do no make a case of collation. We find that the probate court,
Nicolas was for a valuable consideration. as well as respondent Court of Appeals, committed reversible errors.

Accordingly, the transfer of the property at Valenzuela in favor of Estrellita by her father was First: The probate court erred in ordering the inclusion of petitioner in the intestate estate
gratuitous and the subject property in Paraaque which was purchased out of the proceeds of proceeding. Petitioner, a son-in-law of Rafael, is one of Rafaels compulsory heirs. Article 887 of
the said transfer of property by the deceased Rafael Nicolas in favor of Estrellita, is subject to the Civil Code is clear on this point:
Art. 887. The following are compulsory heirs:
WHEREFORE, the motion for reconsideration is hereby DENIED.[21] (Underscoring added)
(1) Legitimate children and descendants, with respect to their legitimate parents and
Petitioner filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition with respondent Court of Appeals. In its ascendants;
decision of December 14, 1994, respondent Court of Appeals[22] denied the petition stressing
that the RTC correctly adjudicated the question on the title of the Valenzuela property as the (2) In default of the following, legitimate parents and ascendants, with respect to their
jurisdiction of the probate court extends to matters incidental and collateral to the exercise of legitimate children and ascendants;
its recognized powers in handling the settlement of the estate of the deceased (Cf.: Sec. 1, Rule
90, Revised Rules of Court).[23] Dissatisfied, petitioner filed the instant petition for review
on certiorari. Finding prima facie merit, the Court on December 4, 1995, gave due course to the (3) The widow or widower;
petition and required the parties to submit their respective memoranda.
(4) Acknowledged natural children, and natural children by legal fiction;
The core issue hinges on the validity of the probate courts Order, which respondent Court
of Appeals sustained, nullifying the transfer of the Valenzuela property from Rafael to Estrellita
and declaring the Paraaque property as subject to collation. (5) Other illegitimate children referred to in article 287.

The appeal is well taken. Compulsory heirs mentioned in Nos. 3, 4, and 5 are not excluded by those in Nos 1 and 2;
Basic principles of collation need to be emphasized at the outset. Article 1061 of the Civil neither do they exclude one another.
Code speaks of collation. It states:
In all cases of illegitimate children, their filiation must be duly proved.
Art. 1061. Every compulsory heir, who succeeds with other compulsory heirs, must bring into
the mass of the estate any property or right which he may have received from the decedent, The father or mother of illegitimate children of the three classes mentioned, shall inherit from
during the lifetime of the latter, by way of donation, or any other gratuitous title, in order that it them in the manner and to the extent established by this Code.
may be computed in the determination of the legitime of each heir, and in the account of the
partition. With respect to Rafaels estate, therefore, petitioner who was not even shown to be a creditor of
Rafael is considered a third person or a stranger.[29] As such, petitioner may not be dragged into
Collation is the act by virtue of which descendants or other forced heirs who intervene in the intestate estate proceeding. Neither may he be permitted or allowed to intervene as he has
the division of the inheritance of an ascendant bring into the common mass, the property which
no personality or interest in the said proceeding,[30] which petitioner correctly argued in his not obtain anent the transfer of the Paraaque property. Moreover, Rafael, in a public
manifestation.[31] instrument, voluntarily and willfully waived any claims, rights, ownership and participation as
heir[38] in the Paraaque property.
Second: As a rule, the probate court may pass upon and determine the title or ownership
of a property which may or may not be included in the estate proceedings.[32] Such Fifth: Finally, it is futile for the probate court to ascertain whether or not the Valenzuela
determination is provisional in character and is subject to final decision in a separate action to property may be brought to collation. Estrellita, it should be stressed, died ahead of Rafael. In
resolve title.[33] In the case at bench, however, we note that the probate court went beyond the fact, it was Rafael who inherited from Estrellita an amount more than the value of the
scope of its jurisdiction when it proceeded to determine the validity of the sale of the Valenzuela property.[39] Hence, even assuming that the Valenzuela property may be collated
Valenzuela property between Rafael and Estrellita and ruled that the transfer of the subject collation may not be allowed as the value of the Valenzuela property has long been returned to
property between the concerned parties was gratuitous. The interpretation of the deed and the the estate of Rafael. Therefore, any determination by the probate court on the matter serves no
true intent of the contracting parties, as well as the presence or absence of consideration, are valid and binding purpose.
matter outside the probate courts jurisdiction. These issues should be ventilated in an
appropriate action. We reiterate: WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals appealed from is hereby REVERSED
x x x we are of the opinion and so hold, that a court which takes cognizance of testate or SO ORDERED.
intestate proceedings has power and jurisdiction to determine whether or not the properties
included therein or excluded therefrom belong prima facie to the deceased, although such a
determination is not final or ultimate in nature, and without prejudice to the right of the
interested parties, in a proper action, to raise the question bearing on the ownership or
existence of the right or credit.[34]

Third: The order of the probate court subjecting the Paraaque property to collation is
premature. Records indicate that the intestate estate proceedings is still in its initiatory
stage. We find nothing herein to indicate that the legitimate of any of Rafaels heirs has been
impaired to warrant collation. We thus advert to our ruling in Udarbe v. Jurado, 59 Phil. 11, 13-
14, to wit:

We are of the opinion that this contention is untenable. In accordance with the provisions of
article 1035[35] of the Civil Code, it was the duty of the plaintiffs to allege and prove that the
donations received by the defendants were inofficious in whole or in part and prejudiced the
legitimate or hereditary portion to which they are entitled. In the absence of evidence to that
effect, the collation sought is untenable for lack of ground or basis therefor.

Fourth: Even on the assumption that collation is appropriate in this case the probate
court, nonetheless, made a reversible error in ordering collation of the Paraaque property. We
note that what was transferred to Estrellita, by way of a deed of sale, is the Valenzuela
property. The Paraaque property which Estrellita acquired by using the proceeds of the sale of
the Valenzuela property does not become collationable simply by reason thereof. Indeed
collation of the Paraaque property has no statutory basis.[36] The order of the probate court
presupposes that the Paraaque property was gratuitously conveyed by Rafael to
Estrellita. Records indicate, however, that the Paraaque property was conveyed for and in
consideration of P900,000.00,[37] by Premier Homes, Inc., to Estrellita. Rafael, the decedent, has
no participation therein, and petitioner who inherited and is now the present owner of the
Paraaque property is not one of Rafaels heirs. Thus, the probate courts order of collation
against petitioner is unwarranted for the obligation to collate is lodged with Estrellita, the heir,
and not to herein petitioner who does not have any interest in Rafaels estate. As it stands,
collation of the Paraaque property is improper for, to repeat, collation covers only properties
gratuitously given by the decedent during his lifetime to his compulsory heirs which fact does
G.R. No. 70722 July 3, 1991 1/1 8 undivided portion to the plaintiffs-appellees Cesar, Adolfo, Evelyn, Angelita,
Ruben, and Carmencita, all surnamed Gonzales;
VELASQUEZ, ALFREDO VELASQUEZ, NAPOLEON VELASQUEZ, MANUEL VELASQUEZ, JULIO 1/18 undivided portion to each of the 13 defendants-appellants Flora, Leonor,
VELASQUEZ, VICTORIA VELASQUEZ, CARLOS VELASQUEZ, LEONOR VELASQUEZ, ELENA Patrocinio, Benjamin, Rodolfo, Alfredo, Napoleon, Manuel, Julio, Elena, Patricia,
vs. HON. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, JOSE R. VELASQUEZ, JR., LOURDES The facts from the records are as follows:
CYNTHIA VELASQUEZ, CESAR GONZALES, ADOLFO GONZALES, EVELYN GONZALES, The principal litigants in this case are the successors- in-interest of Jose Velasquez, Sr. who died
AMELITA GONZALES, RUBEN GONZALES, AND CARMENCITA GONZALES, respondents. intestate on February 24, 1961. Petitioner Canuta Pagkatipunan is the surviving spouse of Jose
Velasquez, Sr. and the other 13 petitioners are their children namely: Flora, Leonor, Patrocinio,
MEDIALDEA, J.: Julio, Benjamin, Rodolfo, Alfredo, Napoleon, Manuel, Elena, Patricia, Victoria and Carlos. On the
other hand, the private respondents are the descendants of Jose Velasquez, Sr. with his first
wife Victorina Real who died in 1920 at Santa Cruz, Laguna. Private respondents Jose
This petition for certiorari seeks to nullify the decision of the Intermediate Appellate Court Velasquez, Jr. (substituted after his death during the pendency of this suit by his surviving
(now Court of Appeals) in AC-G.R. CV No. 68431 dated February 7, 1986, affirming the decision spouse Teresa Magtibay and their children Ricardo, Lourdes, Celia and Aida), and Lourdes
of the Court of First Instance (now Regional Trial Court) of Laguna, Branch II, Santa Cruz, Velasquez are two of the five children of Jose Velasquez, Sr. and Victorina Real. The other three,
Laguna, in Civil Case No. SC-894, the dispositive portion of which reads: Amelia, Guillermo and Lutgarda, all surnamed Velasquez, all died before the commencement of
this case. Amelia Velasquez died without any issue. Guillermo Velasquez was survived by
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision of the lower court is affirmed, with the following private respondents Edgardo, Lolita, Minerva, Cynthia and Jennifer, all surnamed Velasquez, his
modification: children, forced heirs and lawful successors-in-interest. Lutgarda Velasquez was survived by
private respondents Cesar, Adolfo, Evelyn, Amelita, Ruben and Carmencita, all surnamed
The entire house and lot on West Avenue, Quezon City, shall be divided as follows: Gonzales, likewise her children, forced heirs and successors-in-interest.

One-half value of said house and lot to defendant-appellant Canuta Pagkatipunan and This case was judicially instituted by the private respondents against the petitioners in 1969 in
her 13 co-defendants-appellants children (now petitioners) to the extent of their a complaint entitled "accion reivindicatoria, annulment of deeds of sale, partition and
respective proportional contributions as stated above; and damages." However, both the trial and the appellate courts considered that the real controversy
in this case is the liquidation of the conjugal partnership properties acquired by the deceased
Jose Velasquez, Sr. in his two marriages, one with Victorina Real, who predeceased him, and the
The other one-half value of the said house and lot goes to the second conjugal other with Canuta Pagkatipunan, as well as the partition of the estate of said Jose Velasquez, Sr.
partnership of the deceased husband and his second spouse Canuta Pagkatipunan to among his heirs.
be partitioned one-fourth to Canuta Pagkatipunan and the other one-fourth
appertaining to the deceased Jose Velasquez, Sr. to be divided equally among his 18
heirs as follows: It appears that after the death of Victorina Real in 1920, no dissolution of the first conjugal
property has been made. Consequently, Jose Velasquez, Sr. enjoyed full possession, use,
usufruct and administration of the whole conjugal property of the first marriage.
1/18 undivided portion to Canuta Pagkatipunan;
In 1930, Jose Velasquez, Sr. took Canuta Pagkatipunan as his second wife although they
1/18 undivided portion to the plaintiff-appellee Lourdes Velasquez; cohabited as early as 1921, when she was 16, soon after his first wife's death. From this
marriage, the other 13 co-petitioners were born. Neither had there been any liquidation of the
1/18 undivided portion to the plaintiffs-appellees Edgardo, Lolita, Minerva, Cynthia, second conjugal partnership after the death of Jose Velasquez, Sr. in 1961. This situation gave
and Jennifer, all surnamed Velasquez; rise to the controversies in the instant case spawned by the parties' conflicting claims from
both sides of the two marriages.
1/18 undivided portion to the plaintiffs-appellee Teresa Magtibay and her children,
Ricardo, Lourdes, Celia and Aida, all surnamed Velasquez;
The trial court appointed two sets of commissions — one on January 31, 1975, for the purpose 17. Tax Declaration No. 4139. A parcel of land situated in Caboan, containing an area
of making an inventory of the estate of Jose Velasquez, Sr., and the other on November 15, of 1,275 square meters.
1976, to determine which of the parcels of land listed in such inventory submitted by the first 18. Tax Declaration No. 804-A. Three parcels of land situated in Salang Bato,
set of commissioners belong to the conjugal partnership of the first marriage or to the conjugal containing an area of 450,000 square meters;
partnership of the second marriage. 19. Tax Declaration No. 2560. A parcel of land situated in Salang Bato which area is
included in item no. 18.
Based on the Report and Inventory submitted on May 29, 1975, the commissioners listed the 20. A parcel of land situated in Burgos St. (Papers cannot be located but subject lot is
following properties as acquired by the late Jose Velasquez, Sr. during his marriage with known to both parties).
Victorina Real: 21. A parcel of land situated in Burgos St., containing an area of 5,000 square meters.
(Papers cannot be located but subject lot is known to both parties).
22. A parcel of land situated in Gomez St., containing an area of 300 square meters.
1. Tax Declaration No. 2718. A riceland, located in Luya and with an area of 93,662 (Papers cannot be located but subject lot is known to both parties).
square meters; 23. A parcel of land situated in Gomez St., containing an area of 1,050 square meters.
2. Tax Declaration No. 3125. A Secano land located in Luya and with an area of 12,540 (Papers cannot be located but subject lot is known to both parties).
square meters; 24. A parcel of land situated in Gomez St. (Papers cannot be located but subject lot is
3. Tax Declaration No. 2623. A Cocal and Forestal, situated in Salang-Bato (Macasipac) known to both parties).
and with an area of 500,000 square meters; 25. A parcel of land situated in Zamora St., containing an area of 3,605. (Papers cannot
4. Tax Declaration No. 2096. A riceland, situated in Islang Munti and with an area of be located but subject lot is known to both parties).
40,328 square meters; 26. Tax Declaration No. 2412: A parcel of land situated in Caboan, containing an area
5. A Cocal and Forestal land situated in Bankang Bato containing an area of 240,000 of 12,867 square meters;
square meters; 27. A parcel of land situated in Dra. Amelia St.
6. Tax Declaration No. 4251. A Cocal, Secano and Cogonal land situated in Cambuja
and containing an area of 163,121 square meters;
7. Tax Declaration No. 1342. A parcel of land situated in Bagumbayan and containing On the other hand, the commissioners listed the following properties as acquired by Jose
an area of 80,258 square meters; Velasquez, Sr. on February 11, 1921 or after the death of Victorina Real:
8. Tax Declaration No. 3541. A Cocal and Secano land, situated in Bagumbayan and
containing an area of 20 hectares; 28. Tax Declaration No. 2547. A parcel of land situated in Barandilla, containing an
(Total area as surveyed is 392,503 square meters. This includes the area of the land area of 21,566 square meters;
stated in Item 7 of the Inventory). 29. A parcel of land situated in Barandilla, containing an area of 93.191 square meters.
9. Tax Declaration No. 82. A Cogonal land situated in Tungkod (Ikalong Tumid), (Commissioner's Inventory, Rollo, pp. 355-360)
containing an area of 385,324 square meters;
10. Tax Declaration No. 1500. A riceland, situated in Pague, containing an area of Worth noting are the following findings of the commissioners:
9,228 square meters;
11. Tax Declaration No. 5688
a) A parcel of land situated in NAPSE (Masinao), containing an area of 3) That among the properties acquired by the late Jose Velasquez, Sr. during his
24,725 square meters; lifetime, only the one mentioned in Item 7 of the Inventory (Annex "A") is still intact. It
b) A parcel of land situated in NAPSE (Masinao), containing an area of is situated in Bagumbayan, Sta. Maria, Laguna, and is containing an area of 80,258
25,000 square meters; square meters, more or less;
12. Tax Declaration No. 543. A parcel of land situated in Gomez Street, containing an 4) That Item 8 of the Inventory is only 200,000 square meters, more or less in Tax
area of 755 square meters; Declaration No. 3541, but as per Survey caused by the defendants (which is not yet
13. Tax Declaration No. 4139. A parcel of land situated in Caboan, containing an area approved) it contains an area of 330,345 square meters. That the Tax Declaration of
of 367.2 square meters; said parcel of land is under the name of Canuta Pagkatipunan, but plaintiff Jose
14. Tax Declaration No. 4139. A parcel of land situated in Caboan, containing an area Velasquez, Jr. is the one in possession of said property. That the area as contained in
of 367.2 square meters. the Survey includes the area of the land mentioned in Item 7 of the Inventory (80,258
15. Tax Declaration No. 4139. A parcel of land situated in Caboan, containing an area sq. m.);
of 367.2 square meters. 5) That the other properties of the late Jose Velasquez Sr. were disposed of by the said
16. Tax Declaration No. 4139. A parcel of land situated in Caboan, containing an area decedent during his lifetime and some were sold and/or disposed of by the parties
of 367.2 square meters. and heirs of the late Jose Velasquez, Sr.;
6) That the Barandilla properties, as evidenced by the Venta Absoluta dated February
11, 1921 executed by Pedro Villanueva in favor of Jose Velasquez Sr., were disposed of
portion by portion. It was sold by the late Jose Velasquez who disposed of some remaining installments until said property was fully paid in 1965. On February 23, 1968, the
portions and the rest by either the plaintiffs or defendants. An area of 11,200 square PHHC executed a deed of absolute sale conveying the said house and lot to Canuta
meters more or less was DONATED (donacion propter Nupcias) in favor of Canuta Pagkatipunan.
Pagkatipunan by the decedent Jose Velasquez, Sr. as evidenced by Kasulatan ng
Panibagong Documento Donacion Propter Nupcias notarized under Inst. 135; Page On August 11, 1980, a judgment was rendered by the trial court:
47; Book 1; Series of 1947 of Notary Public Bonifacio de Ramos;
7) That the parcels of land appearing in Items 5 and 6 of the Inventory (Annex "A")
were DONATED by the late Jose Velasquez Sr. to Guillermo Velasquez; 1) Declaring the properties listed in the Inventory submitted by the Commissioners
8) That parcels of land mentioned in Items 18 and 19 of the Inventory (Annex "A") on May 9, 1975, as belonging to the estate of the conjugal partnership of the deceased
were DONATED by the late Jose Velasquez, Sr. to Jose Velasquez, Jr. Said properties spouses Jose Velasquez, Sr. and Victorina Real;
were sold by the Donee to Sps. Santiago Recio and Filomena Dimaculangan;
9) The property mentioned in Item 27, page 3 of the Inventory was given by the late 2) Confirming all the conveyances, either by way of sale or donation, executed by Jose
Jose Velasquez, Sr. to one of his daughters, Dra. Amelia Velasquez while she was still Velasquez, Sr. during his lifetime;
living and now owned by her heirs;
10) A residential lot at 7 West Avenue, Quezon City, titled in the name of Canuta 3) Declaring null and void, sham and fictitious, the following sales, transfers,
Pagkatipunan, was acquired from the PHHC (People's Homesite and Housing assignments or conveyances: (a) the sale executed by Canuta Pagkatipunan in favor of
Corporation, now National Housing Authority) and presently occupied by the her sister Magdalena Pagkatipunan in favor of Canuta Pagkatipunan (sic); (b) the
defendants. (Rollo, pp. 351-353) deeds of assignments executed by Canuta Pagkatipunan in favor of her children,
covering the properties listed in Items 7 and 8 of the Inventory; and ordering
There is divergence of findings and opinion among the three members of the second set of defendants (petitioners) to reconvey in favor of the plaintiffs (private respondents)
commissioners with respect to the properties covered by Items 7 and 8 and the property in the the parcels of land covered by Patent Titles Nos. P-2000 to P-2012;
unnumbered item relating to Lot 2-A West Avenue, Quezon City and the house thereon of the
Inventory submitted by the first set of commissioners. They refuse to make findings as to the 4) Declaring as null, fictitious and fraudulent the sales by Canuta Pagkatipunan in
nature of the properties because the petitioners had caused the issuance of titles covering said favor of her children and her sister Magdalena Pagkatipunan and brother-in-law
properties. However, all the commissioners were in agreement that all the other properties Moises Santos, listed in paragraph 13 of the Amended Complaint; declaring the
listed in the Inventory belonged to the conjugal partnership of the first marriage. plaintiffs owners of the said properties; and ordering the defendant Canuta
Pagkatipunan and her children-defendants to deliver possession of said properties to
The records before Us will show that the properties covered by items 7 and 8 were originally the plaintiffs;
declared for taxation purposes in the names of the spouses Real and Velasquez. This has been
admitted by Canuta Pagkatipunan during the hearing before the Commissioner and is duly 5) Ordering the partition of the house and lot in West Avenue, Quezon City in the
supported by documentary evidence. following manner:

After the death of Jose Velasquez, Sr. the full possession of said property was acquired by (a) One-half undivided portion to defendant Canuta Pagkatipunan; and the
Canuta Pagkatipunan. On March 4, 1967, she sold the same property to the spouses Moises other half appertaining to Jose Velasquez, Sr. to be divided among his heirs,
Santos and Magdalena Pagkatipunan, her brother-in-law and sister, respectively (they were to wit:
previously impleaded in the trial court as party-defendants). Subsequently, Tax Declaration No.
4843 was issued in the names of the said spouses who later resold the same property to Canuta
Pagkatipunan. Thereafter, tax declaration covering said property was issued in her name, 1/18 undivided portion to Canuta Pagkatipunan;
During the pendency of this suit, this property was subdivided and assigned by Canuta
Pagkatipunan in favor of her thirteen children. The latter caused the issuance of separate free 1/18 undivided portion to Lourdes Velasquez;
patent titles in their favor covering the subdivided lots conveyed to them by their mother.
Original Certificates of Title Nos. P-2000 to P-2012 were accordingly issued in their names. 1/18 undivided portion to the plaintiffs Edgardo, Lolita, Minerva, Cynthia
and Jennifer, all surnamed Velasquez;
With regard to the West Avenue property it is not disputed that said residential lot was
purchased on installments from People's Homesite and Housing Corporation (now National 1/18 undivided portion to the plaintiffs Teresa Magtibay and her children
Housing Authority) by the spouses Jose Velasquez Sr. and Canuta Pagkatipunan. The Ricardo, Lourdes, Celia and Aida, all surnamed Velasquez;
installments were paid by the said spouses until Jose Velasquez, Sr. died on February 24, 1961.
Canuta Pagkatipunan, with the help of some of her children, shouldered the payment of the
1/18 undivided portion to the plaintiffs Cesar, Adolfo, Evelyn, Angelita, IV
Ruben and Carmencita, all surnamed Gonzales;
1/18 undivided portion to each of the defendants Flora, Leonor, Patrocinio, LOT IN WEST AVENUE, QUEZON CITY, ONE-HALF UNDIVIDED PORTION TO
Benjamin, Rodolfo, Alfredo, Napoleon, Manuel, Julio, Elena, Patricia, Victoria DEFENDANT-APPELLANT CANUTA PAGKATIPUNAN AND THE OTHER HALF TO JOSE
and Carlos, all surnamed Velasquez; VELASQUEZ, SR. (pp. 21-22, Rollo)

Petitioners appealed to the respondent Intermediate Appellate Court. After a careful review of the records and the arguments presented by both parties, the Court
finds that both the trial court and the respondent Intermediate Appellate Court failed to
On February 7, 1985, the Intermediate Appellate Court, Third Civil Cases Division promulgated consider some basic principles observed in the law on succession Such an oversight renders the
a decision, affirming the decision of the trial court, with the modification that the entire house appealed decision defective and hard to sustain.
and lot in West Avenue, Quezon City be divided into two; one-half value to the petitioners
Canuta Pagkatipunan and her 13 children to the extent of their respective proportional It is a basic rule that before any conclusion about the legal share due to the heirs may be
contributions and the other half value, to the second conjugal partnership of Jose Velasquez, Sr. reached, it is necessary that certain steps be taken first. In the assailed decision, the respondent
and Canuta Pagkatipunan to be partitioned one-fourth to the wife and the other one-fourth court affirmed the trial court's ruling, that Jose Velasquez, Sr. had already disposed of and
appertaining to the deceased Jose Velasquez, Sr. to be divided equally among his heirs. exhausted his corresponding share in the conjugal partnership owned by him and Victorina
Real, so that his heirs have nothing more to inherit from him, and that accordingly, whatever
Hence, this instant petition for review pointing out the following four (4) assignments of error, remaining portion of the conjugal property must necessarily appertain only to the private
to wit: respondents as heirs of the deceased Victorina Real. Clearly, the trial court failed to consider
among others, the following provisions of the Civil Code:
Art. 908. To determine the legitime, the value of the property left at the death of the
testator shall be considered, deducting all debts and charges, which shall not include
To the net value of the hereditary estate, shall be added the value of all donations by
the testator that are subject to collation, at the time he made them.
Art. 1061. Every compulsory heir, who succeeds with other compulsory heirs, must
THAT THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN CONFIRMING ALL THE CONVENYANCES bring into the mass of the estate any property or right which he may have received
EITHER BY WAY OF SALE OR DONATION EXECUTED BY JOSE VELASQUEZ, SR. from the decedent, during the lifetime of the latter, by way of donation, or any other
DURING HIS LIFETIME. gratuitous title, in order that it may be computed in the determination of the legitime
of each heir, and in the account of the partition.
It is undeniable that numerous donations inter vivos were made by Jose Velasquez, Sr. in favor
THAT THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN DECLARING NULL AND VOID, SHAM AND of some of his compulsory heirs. They include among others, the donation made in favor of
FICTITIOUS THE FOLLOWING SALES: a) THE SALE EXECUTED BY CANUTA Guillermo Velasquez on February 26,1953, consisting of 403,000 square meters (Items 5 and
PAGKATIPUNAN IN FAVOR OF HER SISTER MAGDALENA PAGKATIPUNAN AND 6); the donation made in 1926 in favor of Jose Velasquez, Jr., consisting of 450,000 square
BROTHER-IN-LAW MOISES SANTOS; b) THE RESALE EXECUTED BY MOISES SANTOS meters (Item No. 18); the donation in favor of Amelia Velasquez (Item No. 27); and the
AND MAGDALENA PAGKATIPUNAN IN FAVOR OF CANUTA PAGKATIPUNAN; c) THE donation in favor of Canuta Pagkatipunan, consisting of 11,000 square meters (part of Item No.
INVENTORY; AND ORDERING DEFENDANT-APPELLANT CANUTA PAGKATIPUNAN It appears that there was no determination whatsoever of the gross value of the conjugal
AND HER CHILDREN DEFENDANTS-APPELLANTS TO RECONVEY IN FAVOR OF THE properties of Jose Velasquez, Sr. and Victorina Real. Obviously it is impossible to determine the
PLAINTIFFS-APPELLEES THE PARCELS OF LAND COVERED BY PATENT TITLES NOS. conjugal share of Jose Velasquez, Sr. from the said property relationship. Likewise, no collation
P2-000 TO P-2012. of the donations he executed during his lifetime was undertaken by the trial court. Thus, it
would be extremely difficult to ascertain whether or not such donations trenched on the heirs' It is evident that the parcels of land under Items 7 and 8 of the Inventory belonged to
legitime so that the same may be considered subject to reduction for being inofficious. the conjugal partnership of the spouses Jose Velasquez, Sr. and Victorina Real. Canuta
Pagkatipunan had no right to alienate the same. Her conveyance of the same property
Article 909 of the Civil Code provides: to her brother-in-law and sister is fictitious or simulated. Ten (10) days after she
executed her sale, the same property was resold to her by the vendees. She utilized
said conveyance and reconveyance only for the purpose of securing a tax declaration
Art. 909. Donations given to children shall be charged to their legitime. in her name over said property. Her subsequent subdivision of said lot and transfer of
the subdivided lots to each of their children further show her fraudulent intent to
Donations made to strangers shall be charged to that part of the estate of which the deprive the plaintiffs of their rightful shares in the disputed property. (Rollo, pp. 606-
testator could have disposed by his last will.1âwphi1 607)

Insofar as they may be inofficious or may exceed the disposable portion, they shall be Despite the several pleadings filed by the petitioners in this Court, they did not rebut the
reduced according to the rules established by this Code. foregoing findings of the trial court but merely held on to their argument that since Free Patent
Titles Nos. P-2000 to P-2012 were already issued in their names, their title thereto is
With the avowed specific provisions of the aforesaid laws respecting collation, which are ruled indefeasible and incontrovertible. This is a misplaced argument.
controlling even in intestate succession, this Court finds that the lower court's ruling
adjudicating the remaining portion of the conjugal estate to the private respondents is purely The fact that they had succeeded in securing title over the said parcels of land does not warrant
speculative and conjectural. the reversal of the trial court's ruling that the above mentioned sales and assignments were
sham and fictitious. A Torrens title does not furnish a shield for fraud notwithstanding the long-
Relative to the sale executed by Canuta Pagkatipunan to the spouses Magdalena Pagkatipunan standing rule that registration is a constructive notice of title binding upon the whole world.
and Moises Santos; the resale of the same property to her; and the subsequent deeds of The legal principle is that if the registration of the land is fraudulent and the person in whose
assignment she executed in favor of her children, the trial court had clearly established that name the land is registered thus holds it as a mere trustee, the real owner is entitled to file an
Canuta Pagkatipunan employed fraudulent acts to acquire title over the said properties. Hence, action for reconveyance of the property within a period of ten years (Pajarillo v. Intermediate
the trial court, as well as the respondent court are correct in ruling that the said sales and Appellate Court, G.R. No. 72908, August 11, 1969, 176 SCRA 340).
assignments are null and void, sham and fictitious.
Since petitioners asserted claims of exclusive ownership over the said parcels of land but acted
The pertinent portion of the trial court's decision reads as follows: in fraud of the private respondents, the former may be held to act as trustees for the benefit of
the latter, pursuant to the provision of Article 1456 of the Civil Code:
From the evidence adduced by the parties during the hearing before this Court and
before the Commissioners, these properties were acquired on November 19, 1918 by Art. 1456. If property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the person obtaining it is,
the spouses Jose Velasquez, Sr. and Victorina Real from Estanislao Balasoto (Exh. H-5 by force of law, considered a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the person
Commissioner). Said property was originally declared for taxation purposes in the from whom the property comes.
names of said spouses. (Exh. H Commissioner) On March 4, 1967, defendant Canuta
Pagkatipunan sold the same property to the spouses Moises Santos and Magdalena But while the trial court has the authority to order the reconveyance of the questioned titles,
Pagkatipunan (Exh. H-1-Commissioner). The vendee Magdalena Pagkatipunan is the We cannot agree that the reconveyance should be made in favor of the private respondents.
sister of the defendant Canuta Pagkatipunan. Subsequently, Tax Declaration No. 4843 The reason is that it is still unproven whether or not the private respondents are the only ones
(Exh. H-2 Commissioner) was issued in the names of the spouses Moises Santos and entitled to the conjugal properties of Jose Velasquez, Sr. and Victoria Real. It is to be noted that
Magdalena Pagkatipunan resold (sic) the same property to Canuta Pagkatipunan (Exh. as the lawful heirs of Jose Velasquez Sr. the herein petitioners are also entitled to participate in
H-3 Commissioner). Thereafter, tax declaration covering said property was issued in his conjugal share. To reconvey said property in favor of the private respondents alone would
the name of Canuta Pagkatipunan (Exhibit H-4 Commissioner). During the pendency not only be improper but will also make the situation more complicated. There are still things
of this suit, this property was subdivided and assigned by Canuta Pagkatipunan in to be done before the legal share of all the heirs can be properly adjudicated.
favor of her children, the defendants Flora, Leonor, Patrocinio, Benjamin, Rodolfo,
Alfredo, Napoleon, Manuel, Elena, Patricia, Julio, Victoria and Carlos, all surnamed Relative to the last assignment of error, We find the ruling made by the respondent appellate
Velasquez. Said defendants-children of Canuta Pagkatipunan caused the issuance of court proper and in accord with law insofar as it adjudicated the one-half (1/2) portion of the
free patent titles in their favor covering the subdivided lots conveyed to them house and lot situated at West Avenue, Quezon City, as belonging to the petitioners to the
respectively by their mother (Exh. 2, 2-A to 2-L) extent of their respective proportional contributions, and the other half to the conjugal
partnership of Jose Velasquez, Sr. and Canuta Pagkatipunan. We must modify it, however, as it
readily partitioned the conjugal share of Jose Velasquez, Sr. (1/2 of the conjugal property or SO ORDERED.
1/4 of the entire house and lot) to his 18 heirs.

As already said, no conclusion as to the legal share due to the compulsory heirs can be reached
in this case without (1) determining first the net value of the estate of Jose Velasquez, Sr.; (2)
collating all the donations inter vivos in favor of some of the heirs; and (3) ascertaining the
legitime of the compulsory heirs.1âwphi1

ACCORDINGLY, the decision of the trial court as modified by the respondent appellate court is
hereby SET ASIDE except insofar as it:

(a) declared the properties listed in the Inventory submitted by the commissioners on
May 9, 1975 as belonging to the estate of the conjugal partnership of the spouses Jose
Velasquez, Sr. and Victorina Real;

(b) declared null and void, sham and fictitious, the following sales, transfers,
assignments or conveyances:

1) the sale executed by Canuta Pagkatipunan in favor of her sister

Magdalena Pagkatipunan; 2) the resale of the same property executed in
favor of Canuta Pagkatipunan; and 3) the deeds of assignments executed by
Canuta Pagkatipunan in favor of her 13 children; covering the properties
listed in Items 7 and 8;

(c) declared as null and void all the other conveyances made by Canuta Pagkatipunan
with respect to Item No. 13 of the inventory; and

d) dismissed the case against the other defendants except Canuta Pagkatipunan and
her children and the spouses Moises Santos and Magdalena Pagkatipunan.

Civil Case No. SC-894 is hereby remanded to the Regional Trial Court of Laguna, for further
proceedings and the same Court is directed to:

a) follow the procedure for partition herein prescribed;

b) expand the scope of the trial to cover other possible illegal dispositions of the first
conjugal partnership properties not only by Canuta Pagkatipunan but also by the
other heirs as can be shown in the records;

c) include the one-fourth (1/4) share of Jose Velasquez, Sr. in the residential house in
Quezon City with his conjugal share under his first marriage, if any, to determine his
net estate at the time of his death.

The trial court's pronouncement as to cost and damages is hereby deleted.

G.R. No. L-46903 July 23, 1987 IKALAWA. Na alang-alang sa aking pagmamahal, pagtingin at pagsisilbi sa akin ng
BUHAY DE ROMA, petitioner, aking anak na si BUHAY DE ROMA, kasal kay Arabella Castaneda, may karampatang
vs. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and FELICIDAD CARINGAL, as Guardian of gulang, mamamayang Pilipino at naninirahan at may pahatirang-sulat din dito sa
Rosalinda de Roma,respondents. Lunsod ng San Pablo sa pamamagitan ng kasulatang ito ay kusang-loob kong
CRUZ, J.: ibinibigay, ipinagkakaloob at inililipat sa nabanggit na BUHAY DE ROMA, sa kanyang
mga kahalili at tagapagmana, sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay na di na mababawing
Candelaria de Roma had two legally adopted daughters, Buhay de Roma and Rosalinda de muli, ang lahat ng mga lagay ng lupa na sinasabi sa itaas, sa ilalim ng kasunduan na
Roma. She died intestate on April 30, 1971, and administration proceedings were instituted in ngayon pa ay siya na ang nagmamay-aring tunay ng mga lupang ito at kanya nang
the Court of First Instance of Laguna by the private respondent as guardian of Rosalinda. Buhay maaring ipalipat ang mga hoja declaratoria ng mga lupang ito sa kanyang pangalan,
was appointed administratrix and in due time filed an inventory of the estate. This was datapwa't samantalang ako ay nabubuhay, ay ako rin ang makikinabang sa mga
opposed by Rosalinda on the ground that certain properties earlier donated by Candelaria to mapuputi at mamomosesion sa mga nasabing lupa;
Buhay, and the fruits thereof, had not been included.1
IKATLO. Na pinagtibay ko na ako ay marami pang ibang mga pag-aari sa sapat pang
The properties in question consisted of seven parcels of coconut land worth P10,297.50.2 There aking ikabuhay at sa pagbibigay kong ito ay hindi masisira ang legitimate ng mga tao
is no dispute regarding their evaluation; what the parties cannot agree upon is whether these na dapat magmana sa akin, sapagkat ang mga lupang sinasabi sa itaas ay bahagui ng
lands are subject to collation. The private respondent rigorously argues that it is, conformably aking kabuhayan na ako ay may layang ipamigay kahit na kaninong tao na kung
to Article 1061 of the Civil Code. Buhay, for her part, citing Article 1062, claims she has no tawagin ay Libre Disposicion. 5
obligation to collate because the decedent prohibited such collation and the donation was not
officious. We agree with the respondent court that there is nothing in the above provisions expressly
prohibiting the collation of the donated properties. As the said court correctly observed, the
The two articles provide as follows: phrase "sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay na di na mababawing muli" merely described the
donation as "irrevocable" and should not be construed as an express prohibition against
collation.6 The fact that a donation is irrevocable does not necessarily exempt the subject
Article 1061. Every compulsory heir, who succeeds with other compulsory heirs, must thereof from the collation required under Article 1061.
bring into the mass of the estate any property or right which he may have received
from the decedent during the lifetime of the latter, by way of donation, or any other
gratuitous title, in order that it may be computed in the determination of the legitime We surmise from the use of such terms as "legitime" and "free portion" in the deed of donation
of each heir, and in the account of the partition. that it was prepared by a lawyer, and we may also presume he understood the legal
consequences of the donation being made. It is reasonable to suppose, given the precise
language of the document, that he would have included therein an express prohibition to
Article 1062. Collation shall not take place among compulsory heirs if the collate if that had been the donor's intention.
donor should have so expressly provided, or if the donor should repudiate
the inheritance, unless the donation should be reduced as inofficious.
Anything less than such express prohibition will not suffice under the clear language of Article
1062.1awphil The suggestion that there was an implied prohibition because the properties
The issue was resolved in favor of the petitioner by the trial court,* which held that donated were imputable to the free portion of the decedent's estate merits little consideration.
the decedent, when she made the donation in favor of Buhay, expressly prohibited Imputation is not the question here, nor is it claimed that the disputed donation is officious The
collation. Moreover, the donation did not impair the legitimes of the two adopted sole issue is whether or not there was an express prohibition to collate, and we see none.
daughters as it could be accommodated in, and in fact was imputed to, the free portion
of Candelaria's estate.3
The intention to exempt from collation should be expressed plainly and unequivocally as an
exception to the general rule announced in Article 1062. Absent such a clear indication of that
On appeal, the order of the trial court was reversed, the respondent court** holding intention, we apply not the exception but the rule, which is categorical enough.
that the deed of donation contained no express prohibition to collate as an exception
to Article 1062. Accordingly, it ordered collation and equally divided the net estate of
the decedent, including the fruits of the donated property, between Buhay and There is no need to dwell long on the other error assigned by the petitioner regarding the
Rosalinda.4 decision of the appealed case by the respondent court beyond the 12-month period prescribed
by Article X, Section 11 (1) of the 1973 Constitution. As we held in Marcelino v. Cruz,7 the said
provision was merely directory and failure to decide on time would not deprive the
The pertinent portions of the deed of donation are as follows: corresponding courts of jurisdiction or render their decisions invalid.
It is worth stressing that the aforementioned provision has now been reworded in Article VIII,
Section 15, of the 1987 Constitution, which also impresses upon the courts of justice, indeed
with greater urgency, the need for the speedy disposition of the cases that have been clogging
their dockets these many years. Serious studies and efforts are now being taken by the Court to
meet that need.

WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is AFFIRMED in toto, with costs against the petitioner. It is
so ordered.
AMELIA P. ARELLANO, represented by her G.R. No.
duly appointed guardians, AGNES P. 189776
ARELLANO and NONA P. ARELLANO, Every compulsory heir, who succeeds with other compulsory heirs,
Petitioner, Present: must bring into the mass of the estate any property or right which he may
have received from the decedent, during the lifetime of the latter, by way of
- versus - CARPIO donation, or any other gratuitous title in order that it may be computed in
MORALES, J., the determination of the legitime of each heir, and in the account of the
Chairperson, partition.
Respondents. MENDOZA,** and
SERENO, JJ. The probate court thereafter partitioned the properties of the intestate estate. Thus it

Promulgated: WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered
December 15, declaring that:
1. The property covered by TCT No. 181889 of the Register of Deeds of
Makati as part of the estate of Angel N. Pascual;

DECISION 2. The property covered by TCT No. 181889 to be subject to collation;

Angel N. Pascual Jr. died intestate on January 2, 1999 leaving as heirs his siblings, 3. 1/3 of the rental receivables due on the property at the mezzanine
namely: petitioner Amelia P. Arellano who is represented by her daughters[1] Agnes P. Arellano and the 3rd floor of Unit 1110 Tanay St., Makati City form part of the
(Agnes) and Nona P. Arellano, and respondents Francisco Pascual and Miguel N. Pascual. [2] estate of Angel N. Pascual;

In a petition for Judicial Settlement of Intestate Estate and Issuance of Letters of 4. The following properties form part of the estate of Angel N. Pascual:
Administration, docketed as Special Proceeding Case No. M-5034, filed by respondents on April
28, 2000 before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati, respondents alleged, inter alia, that a a. 1/3 share in the House and Lot at 1110 Tanay St., Rizal Village
parcel of land (the donated property) located in Teresa Village, Makati, which was, by Deed of Makati TCT No. 348341 and 1/3 share in the rental income
Donation, transferred by the decedent to petitioner the validity of which donation respondents thereon;
assailed, may be considered as an advance legitime of petitioner.
b. 1/3 share in the Vacant Lot with an area of 271 square meters
located at Tanay St., Rizal Village, Makati City, TCT No.
Respondents nephew Victor was, as they prayed for, appointed as Administrator of the estate 119063;
by Branch 135 of the Makati RTC.[3]
c. Agricultural land with an area of 3.8 hectares located at
Puerta Galera Mindoro covered by OCT No. P-2159;
Respecting the donated property, now covered in the name of petitioner by Transfer
Certificate of Title No. 181889 of the Register of Deeds of Makati, which respondents assailed d. Shares of stocks in San Miguel Corporation covered by the
but which they, in any event, posited that it may be considered as an advance legitime to following Certificate Numbers: A0011036, A006144, A082906,
petitioner, the trial court, acting as probate court, held that it was precluded from determining A006087, A065796, A11979, A049521, C86950, C63096,
the validity of the donation. C55316, C54824, C120328, A011026, C12865, A10439,
A021401, A007218, A0371, S29239, S40128, S58308, S69309;
Provisionally passing, however, upon the question of title to the donated
property only for the purpose of determining whether it formed part of the decedents e. Shares of stocks in Paper Industries Corp. covered by the
estate,[4] the probate court found the Deed of Donation valid in light of the presumption of following Certificate Numbers: S29239, S40128, S58308,
validity of notarized documents. It thus went on to hold that it is subject to collation following S69309, A006708, 07680, A020786, S18539, S14649;
Article 1061 of the New Civil Code which reads:[5]
f. share in Eduardo Pascuals shares in Baguio Gold Mining Co.; . . . APPELLEES WHO ARE MERELY COLLATERAL RELATIVES OF DECEASED
g. Cash in Banco De Oro Savings Account No. 2 014 12292 4 in the LEGITIMES.
name of Nona Arellano;
i. Property previously covered by TCT No. 119053 now covered
by TCT No. 181889, Register of Deeds of Makati City; and

j. Rental receivables from Raul Arellano per Order issued by V

Branch 64 of the Court on November 17, 1995.
5. AND the properties are partitioned as follows: JR. EQUALLY AMONG HIS LEGAL OR INTESTATE HEIRS.[6] (underscoring
a. To heir Amelia P. Arellano-the property covered by TCT No.
By Decision[7] of July 20, 2009, the Court of Appeals found petitioners appeal partly
b. To heirs Francisco N. Pascual and Miguel N. Pascual-the real meritorious. It sustained the probate courts ruling that the property donated to petitioner is
properties covered by TCT Nos. 348341 and 119063 of the subject to collation in this wise:
Register of Deeds of Makati City and the property covered by
OCT No. 2159, to be divided equally between them up to the Bearing in mind that in intestate succession, what governs is the
extent that each of their share have been equalized with the rule on equality of division, We hold that the property subject of
actual value of the property in 5(a) at the time of donation, the donation inter vivos in favor of Amelia is subject to collation. Amelia
value of which shall be determined by an independent cannot be considered a creditor of the decedent and we believe that under
appraiser to be designated by Amelia P. Arellano, Miguel N. the circumstances, the value of such immovable though not strictly in the
Pascual and Francisco N. Pascual. If the real properties are not concept of advance legitime, should be deducted from her share in the net
sufficient to equalize the shares, then Franciscos and Miguels hereditary estate. The trial court therefore committed no reversible error
shares may be satisfied from either in cash property or shares when it included the said property as forming part of the estate of Angel N.
of stocks, at the rate of quotation. The remaining properties Pascual.[8] (citation omitted; emphasis and underscoring supplied)
shall be divided equally among Francisco, Miguel and
Amelia. (emphasis and underscoring supplied)
The appellate court, however, held that, contrary to the ruling of the probate court,
herein petitioner was able to submit prima facie evidence of shares of stocks owned by the
Before the Court of Appeals, petitioner faulted the trial court in holding that [decedent] which have not been included in the inventory submitted by the administrator.

Thus, the appellate court disposed, quoted verbatim:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the present appeal is hereby
. . . THE PROPERTY DONATED TO APPELLANT AMELIA PASCUAL PARTLY GRANTED. The Decision dated January 29, 2008 of the Regional
ARELLANO IS PART OF THE ESTATE OF ANGEL PASCUAL, JR. Trial Court of Makati City, Branch 135 in Special Proceeding Case No. M-
5034 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE insofar as the order of inclusion of
II properties of the Intestate Estate of Angel N. Pascual, Jr. as well as
the partition and distribution of the same to the co-heirs are concerned.
COLLATION UNDER ARTICLE 1061 OF THE NEW CIVIL CODE. The case is hereby REMANDED to the said court for further
proceedings in accordance with the disquisitions herein.[9] (underscoring
Petitioners Partial Motion for Reconsideration[10] having been denied by the appellate therefore, are not entitled to any legitime that part of the testators property which he cannot
court by Resolution[11] of October 7, 2009, the present petition for review on certiorari was dispose of because the law has reserved it for compulsory heirs.[16]
filed, ascribing as errors of the appellate court its ruling
The compulsory heirs may be classified into (1) primary, (2) secondary, and
I (3) concurring. The primary compulsory heirs are those who have
precedence over and exclude other compulsory heirs; legitimate children
. . . THAT THE PROPERTY DONATED BY ANGEL N. PASCUAL, JR. TO and descendants are primary compulsory heirs. The secondary compulsory
PETITIONER AMELIA PASCUAL ARELLANO IS PART OF HIS ESTATE AT THE heirs are those who succeed only in the absence of the primary heirs; the
TIME OF HIS DEATH. legitimate parents and ascendants are secondary compulsory heirs. The
concurring compulsory heirs are those who succeed together with the
II primary or the secondary compulsory heirs; the illegitimate children, and
the surviving spouse are concurring compulsory heirs.[17]

III The decedent not having left any compulsory heir who is entitled to any legitime, he
was at liberty to donate all his properties, even if nothing was left for his siblings-collateral
. . . THAT RESPONDENTS ARE COMPULSORY HEIRS OF THEIR DECEASED relatives to inherit. His donation to petitioner, assuming that it was valid,[18] is deemed as
BROTHER ANGEL N. PASCUAL JR. AND ARE ENTITLED TO LEGITIMES. donation made to a stranger, chargeable against the free portion of the estate.[19] There being
IV no compulsory heir, however, the donated property is not subject to collation.
On the second issue:
JR. EQUALLY AMONG PETITIONER AND RESPONDENTS, AS HIS LEGAL OR The decedents remaining estate should thus be partitioned equally among his heirs-
INTESTATE HEIRS.[12] (underscoring supplied) siblings-collateral relatives, herein petitioner and respondents, pursuant to the provisions of
the Civil Code, viz:

Art. 1003. If there are no descendants, ascendants, illegitimate

Petitioners thus raise the issues of whether the property donated to petitioner is subject to children, or a surviving spouse, the collateral relatives shall succeed to the
collation; and whether the property of the estate should have been ordered equally distributed entire estate of the deceased in accordance with the following
among the parties. articles. (underscoring supplied)

On the first issue: Art. 1004. Should the only survivors be brothers and sisters of the
full blood, they shall inherit in equal shares. (emphasis and underscoring
The term collation has two distinct concepts: first, it is a mere mathematical operation supplied)
by the addition of the value of donations made by the testator to the value of the hereditary
estate; and second, it is the return to the hereditary estate of property disposed of by lucrative
title by the testator during his lifetime.[13] WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Court of Appeals Decision ordering the collation
of the property donated to petitioner, Amelia N. Arellano, to the estate of the deceased Angel N.
The purposes of collation are to secure equality among the compulsory heirs in so far Pascual, Jr. is SET ASIDE.
as is possible, and to determine the free portion, after finding the legitime, so that inofficious
donations may be reduced.[14] Let the records of the case be REMANDED to the court of origin, Branch 135 of the
Makati Regional Trial Court, which is ordered to conduct further proceedings in the case for the
Collation takes place when there are compulsory heirs, one of its purposes being to purpose of determining what finally forms part of the estate, and thereafter to divide whatever
determine the legitime and the free portion. If there is no compulsory heir, there is no legitime remains of it equally among the parties.
to be safeguarded.[15]
The records do not show that the decedent left any primary, secondary, or concurring
compulsory heirs. He was only survived by his siblings, who are his collateral relatives and,
[G.R. No. 112483. October 8, 1999] the motion to dismiss, but the Court of Appeals reversed the trial courts order and remanded
ELOY IMPERIAL, petitioner vs. COURT OF APPEALS, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF LEGASPI the case for further proceedings.
VILLALON, ROBERTO VILLALON, RICARDO VILLALON and ESTHER On October 18, 1989, Cesar and Teresa filed an amended complaint in the same case, Civil
VILLALON, respondents. Case No. 7646, for Annulment of Documents, Reconveyance and Recovery of Possession with
the Regional Trial Court of Legazpi City, seeking the nullification of the Deed of Absolute Sale
affecting the above property, on grounds of fraud, deceit and inofficiousness. In the amended
DECISION complaint, it was alleged that petitioner caused Leoncio to execute the donation by taking
GONZAGA-REYES, J.: undue advantage of the latters physical weakness and mental unfitness, and that the
conveyance of said property in favor of petitioner impaired the legitime of Victor Imperial, their
natural brother and predecessor-in-interest.[4]
Petitioner seeks to set aside the Decision of the Court of Appeals in C.A.-G.R. CV No.
31976[1], affirming the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Legazpi City [2], which rendered In his Answer, petitioner: (1) alleged that Leoncio had conveyed sufficient property to
inofficious the donation made by Leoncio Imperial in favor of hereinpetitioner, to the extent Victor to cover his legitime, consisting of 563 hectares of agricultural land in Manito, Albay; (2)
that it impairs the legitime of Victor Imperial, and ordering petitioner to convey to herein reiterated the defense of res judicata, and (3) raised the additional defenses of prescription and
private respondents, heirs of said Victor Imperial, that portion of the donated land laches.
proportionate to Victor Imperials legitime.
Plaintiff Cesar Villalon died on December 26, 1989, while the case was pending in the
Leoncio Imperial was the registered owner of a 32,837-square meter parcel of land Regional Trial Court, and was substituted in this action by his sons, namely, Antonio, Roberto,
covered by Original Certificate of Title No. 200, also known as Lot 45 of the Cadastral Survey of Augusto, Ricardo and Cesar, Jr., all surnamed Villalon, and his widow, Esther H. Villalon.
Albay. On July 7, 1951, Leoncio sold the said lot for P1.00 to his acknowledged natural son,
petitioner herein, who then acquired title over the land and proceeded to subdivide it into The RTC held the donation to be inofficious and impairing the legitime of Victor, on the
several lots. Petitioner and private respondents admit that despite the contracts designation as basis of its finding that at the time of Leoncios death, he left no property other than the 32,837-
one of Absolute Sale, the transaction was in fact a donation. square meter parcel of land which he had donated to petitioner. The RTC went on further to
state that petitioners allegation that other properties existed and were inherited by Victor was
On July 28, 1953, or barely two years after the donation, Leoncio filed a complaint for not substantiated by the evidence.[5]
annulment of the said Deed of Absolute Sale, docketed as Civil Case No. 1177, in the then Court
of First Instance of Albay, on the ground that he was deceived by petitioner herein into signing The legitime of Victor was determined by the trial court in this manner:
the said document. The dispute, however, was resolved through a compromise agreement,
approved by the Court of First Instance of Albay on November 3, 1961[3], under which terms: Considering that the property donated is 32,837 square meters, one half of that or 16,418
(1) Leoncio recognized the legality and validity of the rights of petitioner to the land donated; square meters becomes the free portion of Leoncio which could be absorbed in the donation to
and (2) petitioner agreed to sell a designated 1,000-square meter portion of the donated land, defendant. The other half, which is also 16,418 square meters is where the legitime of the
and to deposit the proceeds thereof in a bank, for the convenient disposal of Leoncio. In case of adopted son Victor Imperial has to be taken.
Leoncios death, it was agreed that the balance of the deposit will be withdrawn by petitioner to
defray burial costs. The proportion of the legitime of the legitimate child (including the adopted child) in relation to
On January 8, 1962, and pending execution of the above judgment, Leoncio died, leaving the acknowledged natural child (defendant) is 10 is to 5[,] with the acknowledged natural child
only two heirs --- the herein petitioner, who is his acknowledged natural son, and an adopted getting of the legitime of the legitimate (adopted) child, in accordance with Art. 895 of the New
son, Victor Imperial. On March 8, 1962, Victor was substituted in place of Leoncio in the above- Civil Code which provides:
mentioned case, and it was he who moved for execution of judgment. On March 15, 1962, the
motion for execution was duly granted. The legitime of each of the acknowledged natural children and each of the natural children by
legal fiction shall consist of one-half of the legitime of each of the legitimate children or
Fifteen years thereafter, or on July 26, 1977, Victor died single and without issue, descendants.
survived only by his natural father, Ricardo Villalon, who was a lessee of a portion of the
disputed land. Four years hence, or on September 25, 1981, Ricardo died, leaving as his only
heirs his two children, Cesar and Teresa Villalon. From the 16,418 square meters left (after the free portion has been taken) plaintiffs are
therefore entitled to 10,940 square meters while defendant gets 5,420 square meters. [6]
Five years thereafter, or sometime in 1986, Cesar and Teresa filed a complaint for
annulment of the donation with the Regional Trial Court of Legazpi City, docketed as Civil Case The trial court likewise held that the applicable prescriptive period is 30 years under
No. 7646. Petitioner moved to dismiss on the ground of res judicata, by virtue of the Article 1141 of the Civil Code[7], reckoned from March 15, 1962, when the writ of execution of
compromise judgment rendered by the Court of First Instance of Albay. The trial court granted the compromise judgment in Civil Case 1177 was issued, and that the original complaint having
been filed in 1986, the action has not yet prescribed. In addition, the trial court regarded the Moreover, Leoncios cause of action as donor of the property was fraud, purportedly
defense of prescription as having been waived, this not being one of the issues agreed upon at employed upon him by petitioner in the execution of the donation. While the same
pre-trial. circumstances of fraud and deceit are alleged in private respondents complaint, it also raises
the additional ground of inofficiousness of donation.
Thus, the dispositive portion of the RTCs Decision of December 13, 1990 reads:
Contrary to petitioners contentions, inofficiousness of donation does not, and could not,
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Deed of Absolute Sale otherwise known as Doc. No. 8; form part of Leoncios cause of action in Civil Case No. 1177. Inofficiousness as a cause of action
Book No. 14; Page No. 1; Series of 1951 of the Notarial file of Pompeyo B. Calleja which is may arise only upon the death of the donor, as the value of the donation will then be contrasted
considered a donation, is hereby reduced proportionately insofar as it affected the legitime of with the net value of the estate of the donor-deceased.[12]
the late Victor Imperial, which share is inherited by the plaintiffs herein, to the extent that Consequently, while in Civil Case No. 1177, Leoncio sought the revocation in full of the
plaintiffs are ordered to be given by defendant a portion of 10,940 square meters thereof. donation on ground of fraud, the instant case actually has two alternative causes of action. First,
for fraud and deceit, under the same circumstances as alleged in Leoncios complaint, which
In order to avoid further conflict, the 10,940 share to be given to plaintiffs should include the seeks the annulment in full of the donation, and which the trial court correctly dismissed
portion which they are presently occupying, by virtue of the extended lease to their father because the compromise agreement in Civil Case No. 1177 served as a ratification and waiver
Ricardo Villalon, where the bungalow in question stands. on the part of Leoncio of whatever defects in voluntariness and consent may have been
attendant in the making of the donation. The second cause of action is the alleged
The remaining portion to be given to plaintiffs may come from any other portion that may be inofficiousness of the donation, resulting in the impairment of Victors legitime, which seeks the
agreed upon by the parties, otherwise, this court will appoint a commissioner to undertake the annulment, not of the entire donation, but only of that portion diminishing the legitime. [13] It is
partition. on the basis of this second cause of action that private respondents prevailed in the lower
The other 21,897 square meters should go to the defendant as part of his legitime and by virtue Petitioner next questions the right of private respondents to contest the
of the reduced donation. donation. Petitioner sources his argument from Article 772 of the Civil Code, thus:

No pronouncement as to damages as they were not sufficiently proved. Only those who at the time of the donors death have a right to the legitime and their heirs and
successors in interest may ask for the reduction of inofficious donations. xxx
As argued by petitioner, when Leoncio died on January 8, 1962, it was only Victor who
The Court of Appeals affirmed the RTC Decision in toto. was entitled to question the donation. However, instead of filing an action to contest the
donation, Victor asked to be substituted as plaintiff in Civil Case No. 1177 and even moved for
Before us, petitioner questions the following findings of respondent court: (1) that there execution of the compromise judgment therein.
was no res judicata, there being no identity of parties and cause of action between the instant
case and Civil Case No. 1177; (2) that private respondents had a right to question the donation; No renunciation of legitime may be presumed from the foregoing acts. It must be
(3) that private respondents action is barred by prescription, laches and estoppel; and (4) that remembered that at the time of the substitution, the judgment approving the compromise
the donation was inofficious and should be reduced. agreement has already been rendered. Victor merely participated in the execution of the
compromise judgment. He was not a party to the compromise agreement.
It is an indispensable requirement in res judicata that there be, between the first and
second action, identity of parties, of subject matter and of cause of action. [9] A perusal of the More importantly, our law on succession does not countenance tacit repudiation of
records leads us to conclude that there is no identity of parties and of cause of action as inheritance. Rather, it requires an express act on the part of the heir. Thus, under Article 1051
between Civil Case No. 1177 and Civil Case No. 7646. Civil Case No. 1177 was instituted by of Civil Code:
Leoncio in his capacity as donor of the questioned donation. While it is true that upon his death,
Victor was substituted as plaintiff of the action, such does not alter the fact that Victors The repudiation of an inheritance shall be made in a public or authentic instrument, or by
participation in the case was in representation of the interests of the original plaintiff, petition presented to the court having jurisdiction over the testamentary or intestate
Leoncio. The purpose behind the rule on substitution of parties is to ensure that the deceased proceedings.
party would continue to be properly represented in the suit through the duly appointed legal
representative of the estate[10], or his heir, as in this case, for which no court appointment is Thus, when Victor substituted Leoncio in Civil Case No. 1177 upon the latters death, his
required.[11] Petitioners argument, therefore, that there is substantial identity between Leoncio act of moving for execution of the compromise judgment cannot be considered an act of
and private respondents, being heirs and successors-in-interest of Victor, is unavailing. renunciation of his legitime. He was, therefore, not precluded or estopped from subsequently
seeking the reduction of the donation, under Article 772. Nor are Victors heirs, upon his death, injustice for us to adhere to this technicality when the fact of prescription is manifest in the
precluded from doing so, as their right to do so is expressly recognized under Article 772, and pleadings of the parties, as well as the findings of fact of the lower courts.[20]
also in Article 1053:
A perusal of the factual antecedents reveals that not only has prescription set in, private
respondents are also guilty of estoppel by laches. It may be recalled that Leoncio died on
If the heir should die without having accepted or repudiated the inheritance, his right shall be January 8, 1962. Fifteen years later, Victor died, leaving as his sole heir Ricardo Villalon, who
transmitted to his heirs. also died four years later. While Victor was alive, he gave no indication of any interest to
contest the donation of his deceased father. As we have discussed earlier, the fact that he
Be that as it may, we find merit in petitioners other assignment of errors. Having actively participated in Civil Case No. 1177 did not amount to a renunciation of his inheritance
ascertained this action as one for reduction of an inofficious donation, we cannot sustain the and does not preclude him from bringing an action to claim his legitime. These are matters that
holding of both the trial court and the Court of Appeals that the applicable prescriptive period Victor could not possibly be unaware of, considering that he is a lawyer [21]. Ricardo Villalon was
is thirty years, under Article 1141 of the Civil Code. The sense of both courts that this case is a even a lessee of a portion of the donated property, and could have instituted the action as sole
real action over an immovable allots undue credence to private respondents description of heir of his natural son, or at the very least, raised the matter of legitime by way of counterclaim
their complaint, as one for Annulment of Documents, Reconveyance and Recovery of in an ejectment case[22] filed against him by petitioner in 1979. Neither does it help private
Possession of Property, which suggests the action to be, in part, a real action enforced by those respondents cause that five years have elapsed since the death of Ricardo in 1981 before they
with claim of title over the disputed land. filed their complaint with the RTC.
Unfortunately for private respondents, a claim for legitime does not amount to a claim of Estoppel by laches is the failure or neglect for an unreasonable or unexplained length of
title. In the recent case of Vizconde vs. Court of Appeals[14], we declared that what is brought to time to do that which, by exercising due diligence, could or should have been done earlier,
collation is not the donated property itself, but the value of the property at the time it was warranting a presumption that the person has abandoned his right or declined to assert
donated. The rationale for this is that the donation is a real alienation which conveys ownership it.[23] We find the necessity for the application of the principle of estoppel by laches in this case,
upon its acceptance, hence, any increase in value or any deterioration or loss thereof is for the in order to avoid an injustice.
account of the heir or donee.[15]
A final word on collation of donations. We observe that after finding the donation to be
What, then, is the prescriptive period for an action for reduction of an inofficious inofficious because Leoncio had no other property at the time of his death, the RTC computed
donation? The Civil Code specifies the following instances of reduction or revocation of the legitime of Victor based on the area of the donated property. Hence, in its dispositive
donations: (1) four years, in cases of subsequent birth, appearance, recognition or adoption of a portion, it awarded a portion of the property to private respondents as Victors legitime. This
child;[16] (2) four years, for non-compliance with conditions of the donation;[17] and (3) at any was upheld by the Court of Appeals.
time during the lifetime of the donor and his relatives entitled to support, for failure of the
donor to reserve property for his or their support.[18]Interestingly, donations as in the instant Our rules of succession require that before any conclusion as to the legal share due to a
case,[19] the reduction of which hinges upon the allegation of impairment of legitime, are not compulsory heir may be reached, the following steps must be taken: (1) the net estate of the
controlled by a particular prescriptive period, for which reason we must resort to the ordinary decedent must be ascertained, by deducting all the payable obligations and charges from the
rules of prescription. value of the property owned by the deceased at the time of his death; (2) the value of all
donations subject to collation would be added to it.[24]
Under Article 1144 of the Civil Code, actions upon an obligation created by law must be
brought within ten years from the time the right of action accrues. Thus, the ten-year Thus, it is the value of the property at the time it is donated, and not the property itself,
prescriptive period applies to the obligation to reduce inofficious donations, required under which is brought to collation. Consequently, even when the donation is found inofficious and
Article 771 of the Civil Code, to the extent that they impair the legitime of compulsory heirs. reduced to the extent that it impaired Victors legitime, private respondents will not receive a
corresponding share in the property donated. Thus, in this case where the collatable property
From when shall the ten-year period be reckoned? The case of Mateo vs. is an immovable, what may be received is: (1) an equivalent, as much as possible, in property of
Lagua, 29 SCRA 864, which involved the reduction for inofficiousness of a donation propter the same nature, class and quality;[25] (2) if such is impracticable, the equivalent value of the
nuptias, recognized that the cause of action to enforce a legitime accrues upon the death of the impaired legitime in cash or marketable securities;[26] or (3) in the absence of cash or securities
donor-decedent. Clearly so, since it is only then that the net estate may be ascertained and on in the estate, so much of such other property as may be necessary, to be sold in public
which basis, the legitimes may be determined. auction.[27]
It took private respondents 24 years since the death of Leoncio to initiate this case. The We believe this worth mentioning, even as we grant the petition on grounds of
action, therefore, has long prescribed. prescription and laches.
As for the trial courts holding that the defense of prescription had been waived, it not ACCORDINGLY, the decision of the Court of Appeals in C.A. G.R. CV No. 31976,
being one of the issues agreed upon at pre-trial, suffice it to say that while the terms of the pre- affirming in toto the decision of the Regional Trial Court in Civil Case No. 7646, is reversed and
trial order bind the parties as to the matters to be taken up in trial, it would be the height of set aside. No costs. SO ORDERED.

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