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St Saviour’s Church
28 October 2018 - Bible Sunday

On Bible Sunday we celebrate the way that the Holy This week:
Bible Sunday 2018 Scriptures have played an irreplaceable role in the Sun 28
church’s worship ever since Jesus commissioned his Bible Sunday
disciples to take the gospel to the nations. St Paul in 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
his writing to Timothy offers many ways to make 11am Sung Mass (St G)
sure we take the Bible seriously for ourselves and 4pm Messy Church (StG)
also consider how we make sure it is made available Mon 29:
to everyone. For example: 1.Scripture makes us wise 6pm Mass (St G)
for salvation (3.15); 2 Scripture brings us Tues 30:
intimacy with God (3.16); 3. Scripture is God’s 10am Mass (St S)
Wed 31:
means of our development and growth as Christians
10am Mass (St G)
(3.16); 4. Scripture equips us for every good deed Thur 1:
(3.17); 5. Scripture keeps us on God’s path (4.3-4) 5:45pm Mass (St S)
(written by Krish Kandiah)
Fri 2:
9.45 am Mass (St G)
Parish Notes: 6:00pm Mass (St S)
Messy Church launches in Adamsdown today at 4pm in St German’s. Many thanks to all Sat 3:
who have agreed to help. Please join us to ‘come and see’ and enjoy a coffee on us. - 11am Mass (St S)
Sanctuary Lamps - A reminder that sanctuary lamps can be sponsored with personal St Martin de Porres
intentions either for the Blessed Sacrament Lamp or for Our Lady for £4. Please see the Sun 4: Trinity 23
folders on the table at the back of church to record your name and intention. All monies to St Saviour’s:
be paid to John. 9:30 Sung Mass
Help Needed - We’re looking for some additional volunteers to help with our ministry of St German’s:
cleaning and hospitality (tea making on a Sunday!) Anyone who can spare a little time to 11:00 am Sung Mass
help, please speak to either of the wardens or Liz.
Nightshelter - Very soon our focus will return to helping those who are homeless in our city. Parish Priest:
Our hope is to build on last year’s nightshelter nights and host it again on a Saturday Fr Phelim O’Hare
evening/Sunday morning from December to March. We will have an information and 02922 411229,
training evening on Monday 10 December at 7pm. If you would like to help out in any way
please contact Fr Phelim. (Day off - Friday)
Remembrance - During November Christians remember the departed and offer lists of
departed loved ones to be prayed for at each mass. If you’d like to join us please give your Churchwardens:
list to Fr Phelim. We will remember them all during the Masses on All Souls’ Day, Friday 2nd Bill Eastwood
November at 9:45 in St German’s and at 6pm in St Saviour’s. 07800 946949
Faith QI - Final one This Wednesday at 7:30pm at the Vicarage. David Gibbins
Cardiff Foodbank - so far this year St Saviour’s has donated 763.6kg of food to Cardiff 07813160825
Foodbank. Many thanks to everyone who so generously donate to this local charity. This
week they need...UHT milk,Long life fruit juice, Sponge Puddings and Coffee www.saintgermanwith
Recently Departed: David Phillips, Jeanette Brown, Elaine Moorcraft, Colin Silverthorne RIP


Bible Sunday Deut 6:2-6 What marvels the Lord
Isa 55:1-11 Ps 18:2-3a, 3b-4, 47+51
Ps 126:1-2a, 2b-3, 4-5, 6 worked for us! Indeed
Heb 7:23-28
2 Tim 3:14-4:5 we were glad. (3vv)
Mark 12:28b-34
John 5:36-47


COLLECT: OFFERTORY: Ye saints, who toil below,
Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Take my life, and let it be adore your heavenly King,
scriptures to be written for our Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; and onward as ye go
learning: help us so to hear them, to Take my moments and my days, some joyful anthem sing;
read, mark, learn and inwardly Let them flow in ceaseless praise, take what he gives
digest them that, through patience Let them flow in ceaseless praise. and praise him still,
and the comfort of your holy word, through good or ill,
we may embrace and for ever hold Take my hands, and let them move who ever lives!
fast the hope of everlasting life, At the impulse of Thy love;
which you have given us in our Take my feet and let them be My soul, bear thou thy part,
Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive Swift and beautiful for Thee, triumph in God above:
and reigns with you and the Holy Swift and beautiful for Thee. and with a well-tuned heart
Spirit, one God, now and for ever. sing thou the songs of love!
Take my voice, and let me sing Let all thy days
Always, only, for my King; till life shall end,
GATHERING: Take my lips, and let them be whate'er he send,
For all the saints, Filled with messages from Thee, be filled with praise!
who from their labours rest, Filled with messages from Thee.
who thee by faith
before the world confessed, Take my silver and my gold; FINAL HYMN:
thy Name, O Jesus, be forever blessed. Not a mite would I withhold;
Alleluia, Alleluia! Take my intellect, and use Tell out, my soul,
Every power as Thou shalt choose, the greatness of the Lord!
Thou wast their Rock, Unnumbered blessings
Every power as Thou shalt choose.
their Fortress and their Might; give my spirit voice;
thou, Lord, their Captain
Take my will, and make it Thine; tender to me
in the well fought fight;
It shall be no longer mine. the promise of his word;
thou, in the darkness drear,
their one true Light. Take my heart; it is Thine own; in God my Saviour
Alleluia, Alleluia! It shall be Thy royal throne, shall my heart rejoice.

It shall be Thy royal throne. 

O blest communion, fellowship divine! Tell out, my soul,
we feebly struggle, they in glory shine; Take my love; my Lord, I pour the greatness of his Name!
all are one in thee, for all are thine. At Thy feet its treasure-store. Make known his might,
Alleluia, Alleluia! Take myself, and I will be the deeds his arm has done;
Ever, only, all for Thee, his mercy sure,
The golden evening from age to age to same;
Ever, only, all for Thee.
brightens in the west;
his holy Name—
soon, soon to faithful
the Lord, the Mighty One.

warriors comes their rest;

sweet is the calm COMMUNION: Tell out, my soul,
of paradise the blessed.
Alleluia, Alleluia! Ye holy angels bright, the greatness of his might!
who wait at God's right hand, Powers and dominions
But lo! there breaks or through the realms of light lay their glory by.
a yet more glorious day; fly at your Lord's command, Proud hearts and stubborn wills
the saints triumphant assist our song, are put to flight,

rise in bright array; the hungry fed,
for else the theme
the King of glory passes on his way. the humble lifted high.

too high doth seem
Alleluia, Alleluia!
for mortal tongue. 

Tell out, my soul,
From earth's wide bounds,
from ocean's farthest coast, Ye blessed souls at rest, the glories of his word!
through gates of pearl streams who ran this earthly race Firm is his promise,
in the countless host, and now, from sin released, and his mercy sure.
and singing to Father, behold your Saviour's face, Tell out, my soul,
Son and Holy Ghost:2 his praises sound, the greatness of the Lord
Alleluia, Alleluia! as in his sight to children's children
with sweet delight and for evermore!
ye do abound.

FIRST READING it seemed like a dream.
Then was our mouth filled with laughter,
The works that the Father has given
me to complete, the very works that
The First reading is from the prophet on our lips there were songs. R/ I am doing, testify on my behalf that
Isaiah. the Father has sent me. And the
The heathens themselves said: ‘What Father who sent me has himself
marvels the Lord worked for them!’
Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to testified on my behalf. You have
What marvels the Lord worked for us!
the waters; and you that have no never heard his voice or seen his
Indeed we were glad. R/
money, come, buy and eat! Come, form, and you do not have his word
buy wine and milk without money Deliver us, O Lord, from our bondage abiding in you, because you do not
and without price. Why do you as streams in dry land. believe him whom he has sent.
spend your money for that which is Those who are sowing in tears ‘You search the scriptures because
not bread, and your labour for that will sing when they reap R/ you think that in them you have
which does not satisfy? Listen Psalm 126 eternal life; and it is they that testify
carefully to me, and eat what is on my behalf. Yet you refuse to come
good, and delight yourselves in to me to have life. I do not accept
rich food. Incline your ear, and SECOND READING glory from human beings. But I
come to me; listen, so that you may know that you do not have the love
live. I will make with you an A reading from second letter of Paul of God in you. I have come in my
everlasting covenant, my steadfast, to Timothy. Father’s name, and you do not
sure love for David. See, I made him accept me; if another comes in his
a witness to the peoples, a leader But as for you, continue in what you own name, you will accept him.
and commander for the peoples. have learned and firmly believed, How can you believe when you
See, you shall call nations that you knowing from whom you learned it, accept glory from one another and
do not know, and nations that do and how from childhood you have do not seek the glory that comes
not know you shall run to you, known the sacred writings that are from the one who alone is God? Do
because of the LORD your God, the able to instruct you for salvation not think that I will accuse you
Holy One of Israel, for he has through faith in Christ Jesus. All before the Father; your accuser is
glorified you. scripture is inspired by God and is Moses, on whom you have set your
Seek the LORD while he may useful for teaching, for reproof, for hope. If you believed Moses, you
be found, call upon him while he is correction, and for training in would believe me, for he wrote
near; let the wicked forsake their righteousness, so that everyone who about me. But if you do not believe
way, and the unrighteous their belongs to God may be proficient, what he wrote, how will you believe
thoughts; let them return to the equipped for every good work. what I say?’
LORD, that he may have mercy on In the presence of God and of Christ
them, and to our God, for he will Jesus, who is to judge the living and This is the Gospel of the Lord.
abundantly pardon. For my thoughts the dead, and in view of his John 5
are not your thoughts, nor are your appearing and his kingdom, I
ways my ways, says the LORD. For as solemnly urge you: proclaim the
the heavens are higher than the message; be persistent whether the
earth, so are my ways higher than time is favourable or unfavourable;
your ways and my thoughts than convince, rebuke, and encourage,
your thoughts. with the utmost patience in
For as the rain and the snow come teaching. For the time is coming
down from heaven, and do not when people will not put up with
return there until they have watered sound doctrine, but having itching
the earth, making it bring forth and ears, they will accumulate for
sprout, giving seed to the sower and themselves teachers to suit their
bread to the eater, so shall my word own desires, and will turn away
be that goes out from my mouth; it from listening to the truth and
shall not return to me empty, but it wander away to myths. As for you,
shall accomplish that which I always be sober, endure suffering,
purpose, and succeed in the thing do the work of an evangelist, carry
for which I sent it. out your ministry fully.

This is the word of the Lord. This is the word of the Lord.
Isaiah 55 2 Tim 3-4


What marvels the Lord worked for us! A reading from the Holy Gospel
Indeed we were glad. according to St John.
When the Lord delivered Zion from

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