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Seventh Semester (Civil Engineering)

Elective - I : Advanced Hydraulics
P. Pages : 2 NKT/KS/17/2333
Time : Three Hours *0389* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. Answer three questions from Section – A and three questions from Section – B.
2. Assume suitable data whenever necessary.
3. Illustrate your answers whenever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
4. Use of non programmable calculator is permitted.


1. a) How you explain the critical slope and limit slope? 4

b) Obtain the values of N for (a) a wide rectangular channel and (b) a triangular channel. 6

c) Write down the critical conditions for hydraulically efficient channel section. 4

2. a) Define 6
i) Normal depth ii) Critical depth
iii) Sequent depth.
b) A triangular channel with an apex angle of 75º carries a flow of 1-20 m3/sec at a depth of 7
0.80m. If the bed slope is 0.009, find the roughness coefficient of the channel.
3. a) Explain the features of flow profiles in detail. 6

b) A rectangular channel with a bottom width of 4.0m and a bottom slope of 0.0008 has a 7

discharge of 1-50 m3/sec. In a gradually varied flow in this channel, the depth at a certain
location is found to be 0.30m. Assuming n = 0.016, determine the type of GVF profile.

4. A river 100m wide and 3.0m deep has an average bed slope of 0.0005. Estimate the length 13

of the GVF profile produced by a low weir which raises the water surface just upstream of
it by 1.50m. Assume n = 0.035.

5. a) How you classify the hydraulic Jump? Explain. 5


b) Water from a low dam is released through a sluice gate on a horizontal rectangular 8
channel. The depth of water upstream of the sluice gate is 16.0m above the channel bed
and the gate opening is 1.5m. The sluice gate can be assumed to be sharp edged. If a free
hydraulic Jump is formed just downstream of the gate, find the sequent depths and the

percentage of the initial energy lost in the jump.


6. a) What are the characteristics of Jumps on sloping floor? 4

b) An opening of a reservoir is controlled by a Sluice gate. The gate opening is 1.30m. Water 9
surface elevation upstream of the gate is 100m. If the elevation of the bed is 85m and tail
water elevation 91m.
i) What is the discharge per unit width.

NKT/KS/17/2333 1 P.T.O
ii) What kind of Jump is formed? What are the sequent depths?

iii) What is the maximum tail water depth that could be sustained by a free Jump?

7. a) What are the three broad classes problems of-practical importance when unsteady flow 5
assumes significance?

b) A rectangular channel carries a flow with a velocity of 0.65 m/sec and depth of 1.40m. If 8
the discharge is abruptly increased threefold by a sudden lifting of a gate on the upstream,
estimate the velocity and the height of resulting surge.

8. a) Show that the equation of continuity for an unsteady flow in a channel. 5

b) At a point in a shallow lake, a boat moving with a speed of 20 km/hr is found to create a 8
wave which rises 35cm above the undisturbed water surface. Find the approximate depth
of the lake at this point.

9. a) Discuss with neat sketch "The instantaneous closure" in a long pipeline from a reservoir. 4

b) In a tidal river the depth and velocity of flow are 0.90m and 1.25 m/sec respectively. Due 9
to tidal action a tidal bore of height 1.2m is observed to travel upstream. Estimate the
height of the bore and the speed of flow after the passage of the bore.

10. Write short notes on any three.

en 14

i) Uniformly progressive wave.

ii) Negative surge wave.

iii) Rapid and Slone closure.

iv) Surge tanks.



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