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Advanced Materials Research Vols.

926-930 (2014) pp 1680-1683 Online: 2014-05-23

© (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland

Application of Computer System in the study of Sociology

Ying-Ming Xu 1, a,Shu-Juan Jin1,b
Hebei University, BaoDing 071000 China
a ,

Keywords: computer system, study, Sociology.

Abstract. With the development of information technology, more and more data about social to be
collected. If we can analyze them effectively, it will help people to understand sociological
understanding, promoting the development of social science. But the increasing amount of data and
analysis to put forward a huge challenge. Now the social networks have already surpassed the
processing ability of the original analysis means, must use a more effective tool to complete the
analysis task. The computer as a way of helping people from massive data to find the potential
useful knowledge tools, play an important role in many fields. Social network analysis, also known
as link mining, refers to the handling of the relationship between social network data in the
computer method. In this paper, the methods of computer and the social network analysis was
introduced in this paper and the computer algorithms are summarized in the application of social
network analysis.

With respect to the understanding and study of person to the social phenomenon of social
phenomenon, social phenomenon can be divided into deterministic events and uncertain events. The
connotation and extension of deterministic events is unmistakable, clear, easy to grasp, such as
population, wage, occupation, nationality. Uncertain events are divided into two sub class, a
subclass is a random event, it is uncertain, but the understanding of such events is clear. It appears
and do not appear, and after all is clear, such as crime, disaster, collective behavior, which belongs
to this kind of phenomenon. Another sub class is fuzzy event. The so called fuzzy is caused by
something intermediary transitional meaning about the things and extension of the concept of
uncertainty. It is between the two things; show those characteristics, so that people can not
accurately put it classified as a class or a class hierarchy, such as behavior, attitudes, values and
other types of phenomena. Based on the above analysis, we divide the social phenomena such as
shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Social phenomena

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Advanced Materials Research Vols. 926-930 1681

Classification of social phenomena

The research object of sociology, there are a lot of uncertain events. Even if it is deterministic
events, classified, will also appear uncertain. As the wage income is clear, once it is divided into
high, medium, low three grades, the boundary was not clear. An important problem in the research
of visible sociology facing is how to deal with the problem of fuzzy phenomenon. The reasons of
social phenomenon of fuzziness have:
The social phenomenon and the volatility do not know the reciprocating and the lag of
contradictions. Any kind of social phenomenon is dynamic process of changing, and gone forever,
not repeat, and awareness of people always occurs after the obtained, and stay at a point in time,
when people are finishing own understanding, things is not the same, when people want to feature
can only grasp of things to make judgments based on the existing memory. However it is used and
so on concept to understand and describe the social phenomenon, did not feel inconvenient. If the
sociologist must according to the accuracy of ordinary mathematics to define these concepts, it will
bring inconvenience to the people.
The complexity of social phenomena and human cognitive ability limitations is contradiction.
The complexity of social phenomenon is caused by phenomenon reason is various, between one
kind of social phenomenon and other social phenomenon is multifaceted, multi-level changes,
resulting also in various forms and multi direction. However the performance of human cognitive
ability and the use of the tool of cognition are limited. Therefore, all the people always cannot
penetrate the social phenomenon, which will cause the shortage of information. In the information
shortage, people need to nature and law of things to make judgments, so can only take the
likelihood inference.

Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of network

The positivist approach common mathematics with fuzzy events a lot but incapable of action,
showing its limitations, the specific performance:
Because of the subjective meaning of positivism method to eliminate the social phenomenon,
also ruled out the possibility of nature or human behavior. If only according to the statistical data on
the judgment of the nature of social phenomena, and often come and experience the opposite
conclusion people.
1682 Progress in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of events

Based on two valued logic positivism method of ordinary mathematics, make the social
phenomenon of "either this or that" conclusion, and has the objective things vague to exist in large
quantities, namely "this and that “phenomenon, the "make it rigidly uniform", resulting in
inconsistent with the facts. As for the overall sample definition, positivist methods that define more
clearly, the more accurately as possible, and in fact the whole sample boundaries are fuzzy.
For the analysis of natural language incapable of action, trying to expel it from the study of
sociology, it is virtually impossible to. Unless the sociologists do not use natural language research,
but it will make the scientific research activities can not progress, the results also nobody can
understand. Deal Cam once said: "unfortunately, in the sociological discussion, some not clear
concept still appears constantly. People think these nouns are defined, very much in line with the
thing itself, but they often use of the concept, some fuzzy concept, with feelings, prejudices, and
empty impression indiscriminately mixed as one concept.
The emergence and development of fuzzy mathematics is inseparable with the popularization
and application of computer. Compared with the computer and the human brain, in storage, memory,
analysis and treatment of clear information, has higher efficiency and accuracy. But there are also
shortcomings, namely computer is based on two valued logic ("yes" or "no")on the basis of accurate
information, can only identify the boundaries clear, the fuzzy uncertain information can't accept that,
unlike human talent is the ability of fuzzy measurement. So, computer into the social and economic
management decision when it is incapable of action. Because in this field needs lots of fuzzy
recognition, fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy judgment. In order to meet the needs of the times, American
computer scientist Chad (L. A. Zadeh) based on the previous work, in the mid 60's first proposed
the idea of fuzzy mathematics. He wanted to use mathematical method to imitate human thinking,
the establishment of computer fuzzy measurement, fuzzy recognition, fuzzy reasoning, fuzzy
control and fuzzy decision ability of complex things.
It is the mathematical logic in the fuzzy set is a generalization of the theory, the classical two
valued logic, fuzzy, and the formalization of natural language, which is more suitable for the study
of human thinking, it is the main means of computer science to enter the human intelligence. From
the content point of view, it is the words of mathematical logic and the use of truth tables are made
corresponding promotion, the main research logic minimization problem and the likelihood
inference. Research on social science, how to use the natural language to induction and deduction
has certain precision and rigor of the conclusion is an important task.
It is the mathematical logic in the fuzzy set is a generalization of the theory, the classical two
valued logic, fuzzy, and the formalization of natural language, which is more suitable for the study
of human thinking, it is the main means of computer science to enter the human intelligence. From
the content point of view, it is the words of mathematical logic and the use of truth tables are made
corresponding promotion, the main research logic minimization problem and the likelihood
inference. Research on social science, how to use the natural language to induction and deduction
has certain precision and rigor of the conclusion is an important task.
Advanced Materials Research Vols. 926-930 1683

Data collection
As the main tool, qualitative research to become researchers therefore, researchers should make full
preparations, to learn how to write the report, master interview skills. To become a qualified quality,
also open to experienced people to consult, to obtain the necessary experience from them. In
general and social specific method has no essential difference research. For example, the interview
can consider what questions to ask, can also give interviews, but the interview process can set aside
the outline, and guide the respondents described started around the problem. Pay attention to ethical
issues in the research of, ask respondents agreed before recording, video. If you can't live recording,
it should be at the end of the investigation immediately after finishing notes or through the
memories recorded interviews. Requirements of qualitative researches a true representation of the
firsthand data, many scholars are studying the report directly reference interview. In order to
distinguish between thinking and interview process the collected data, we usually adopt different
fonts or font size. Some interviews, observation data collected as the appendix of the paper, the last
on the research results, and the interview content publishing.

Data analysis
Qualitative research need various kinds of information the researcher collects synthetically, this will
require researchers to collect the data collation, analysis, classification, and put your own
observations or found methodically describe. Data analysis and research with the traditional
quantity have the very big difference. Different from the experimental study and related research,
qualitative research in general do not use inferential statistics to test the hypothesis. If it involves
some statistics, researchers can also put their calculated, but in the qualitative research, data
analysis depends greatly on the description. In the qualitative research, analysis of the data already
in the process of data collection, in the process of data collection, through the collation of data,
organization, direction and process of guiding his research by carefully put forward the hypothesis.
Of course, some people will these carefully put forward the hypothesis called constantly discover.
And the amount of data in digital form, present the qualitative research collected data in text,
description, in the form of a picture.

Study on Determination of total lead us in scientific research at the crossroads. Research methods in
social science development speed control. Social science has attributes derived from the natural
sciences, the humanities social science and natural science two element method system of support.
Social science needs to be investigated, but not the data stack, but the generalization of the theory;
not issuing questionnaires, but the depth of field experience. At present, the social science research
in China has many problems in research methods, which are restricting the development of social
research. As the study of social and human, society and social relationship and the basic rules of
sociology, research methods of analysis, can not be confined to the traditional literature,
questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics, logic analysis, and should absorb education, medicine,
anthropology has been studied widely used qualitative nourishment.

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Progress in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Application of Computer System in the Study of Sociology


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