O Ring Failure - Mode PDF

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+ 94 Ie time teat with compression in lng time DO~rng used + Piston seal ~48(NOK A905) + od seal P—18(NOK A305) + compression P44 4,9,14,18% P18 17% (2 test condition + Liquid: air (no of injected) temperature: normal temperature + Pressure, 0. 5Mpa sdameter of eylnder—i50 + Speed, 0.3m/s + damoter of red —o18 + Stroke, 900mm + transverse load, 7hg + Circulation, 30C. P.M “lubricant, No.2 Ithium base ester 9 resuit 'No leakage in piston sealing cng after work of 800K. but a litle wear A ite Yeskage In rod sealing ring after work of 600km, by means of sogp water. 2 ~/ Cause of failure and solution for pneumatic dynamic sealing O-ring IMleakage is observed, please rferto he folowing table to check the cause offalure anand solutions, Cause of failure and soluton for pneumatic dynamic sealing O ~ring morry molet [Dc ele pesi oad a [pecamtcnouneveie [Dita sent more twisters | -"ng Is ts ID roughness of the sliding!) roughness of the sicing EE gurfaca un —uniorn, [surface shoud be 1, 65. Dwecda reaton_ [Deep penn tton ‘hee, soe end ef oan te tots ac] Og on evens spo sa fr sted hl er pow mectno at [apm lt ta ta ts [me coit mo Sores |ostberes Cave (mole won wo aape rote [Penpomanino os bee 3 tame pone|3 ones ait owe Powder. Viner and wee dust seal igang vd ih te Jrastichy| aonaet ar ” {) 001 the sealing portion. na sna! ears wd ng. ea [tee vonnwo-| a stg artecnat | © auc te cc C8 Ning, #0 kakoge hao le housing is wor, ‘ness of siding surface of wor | pon. housing. ‘6 + 7 Cause of failure and solution for static sealing O-ring leakage is served, please refer tothe folowing table io check te cause of alu and find solstons. (Cause of fale and solution fr state sealing © = rng 2 working tempera is loner working Bnet een, over the het reese | pf =moeraue. rasres| the O=nng wil bend and one. Timtaton of raboer mar ie wala wi ter oat 1008 ‘wer metoral ot sang medium ©) se thr mata ‘Zedetorgont such a6 Ugh of ronove 2 dete and gacaine rrr onthe] gent (ming ater leaning. swating| te whoie O-Fng is stand) steed sr suas Jo-Fng seston part is saueezed and delormad in groove, tsi fox courort | @ radesin grove feompeeeson cacaie | gmengon ad me, rion tamoerauef sree wr, sealing maciun? most. ec pre cr ca vabaEpthg + ut oer uber Some eearnce, ard suing, | {tbo much presse and { 7 wun nsataion 1 e| exer. e - a otra Seman oe re [eevee ee 2 a tl Pipe do ot ove 0 rng etergates int + aly east ‘bent en the O-| ng, sozwnatbe xposad 1 0-reg is eongited ae cack onthe © ing, damaged by ozone at. { O--ing ie damaged by | ‘Duse special olin screw ttn n taba, | HROaHON, 20 tho saW tosh con nt sdemage 0 Fg 708 | oral rental cel, (peer machining et conaet potion of O-ring, s0 te tion happens who pressure {Dmactine the cena partion according ‘Standard rougrnaes foten onthe contact "ret | eaten of O=tng, 66

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