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Name : Yudi Febianto

NIM : 201510100311144
Class :C
A. Fill the following table with the correct phonetic articulation

Table of English Consonant Phonemes

Place of Articulation
Front Back
Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palato Palatal Velar glottal
Plosive P b t d C ʄ k ɠ ʔ
Affricate ͡tʃ d͡ʒ
Fricative ɸ β f v θ ð S Z ʃ ʒ ç ʝ X ɣ h ɦ
Manner of

Nasal m ɱ n n n ɲ ŋ
Lateral ɺ ɮ
approximant ⱱ ɹ j ɰ

B. Explain about the place of articulation and manner of articulation in the table. Make it as

Plosive, an oral occlusive, where there is occlusion (blocking) of the oral vocal tract, and no
nasal air flow, so the air flow stops completely. Just pronounce words with D's, B's and K's and
you'll notice the single pulse of air being ejected as you pronounce these letters.

Affricate, the 'ch sound' /ʧ/ and 'j sound' /ʤ/ are two-part consonant sounds. They begin by
fully stopping the air from leaving the vocal tract then releasing it through a constricted opening.
Sounds like these are fairly common in the world's languages, as are other affricates with similar
sounds, such as those in Polish and Chinese. However, voiced affricates other than [d͡ʒ] are
relatively uncommon.

Fricative, consonant sound, such as English f or v, produced by bringing the mouth into
position to block the passage of the airstream, but not making complete closure, so that air
moving through the mouth generates audible friction. Fricatives can be produced with the same
positions of the vocal organs as stops; bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveolar, palatal, and velar. In
addition to the f and v sounds, examples of fricatives in English are s as in “sitter,” z as in
“zebra,” and the two “th” sounds as in “think” and “this.”

Nasal, a nasal occlusive, where there is occlusion of the oral tract, but air passes through the
nose. Lateral, A lateral is an l-like consonant in which the airstream proceeds along the sides of
the tongue, but it is blocked by the tongue from going through the middle of the mouth. The
lateral approximant /l/, which in many accents has two allophones. One, found before vowels as
in lady or fly. Approximants, They are vowel-like consonant sounds because we don’t block the
airflow fully.

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