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Conversation 1
a. I swear. (Aku bersumpah.)
b. I promise. (Saya berjanji.)
c. Trust me, I can. (Percayalah, aku bisa.)
d. I will pick you up. (Saya akan menjemput Anda.)
e. I swear I will not let you down.( Aku bersumpah tidak akan mengecewakan
f. I won’t go, I swear to stay here. (Aku tidak akan pergi, aku bersumpah untuk
tinggal di sini.)
g. Don’t worry, I’ll see you before I leave. (Jangan khawatir, aku akan melihat
Anda sebelum aku pergi.)
h. I assure you that I will return it on time. (Saya meyakinkan Anda bahwa saya
akan kembali tepat waktu.)

B: Why do you fail to pass the last exam A, I think it was not the real you?
A: Sorry miss, I realize I’ve made a mistake. I came late to the class and it
disturbed my focus.
B: Oh, no wonder that you failed the exam. It doesn’t matter for me but I hope
you will not do the same mistake anymore.
A: I swear that I will prepare myself better before having an exam Miss.
B: I wish you can keep on your promise A.
A: Ok Miss.


Conversation 1

Lana: I don’t think I will pass chemistry this semester. (Sepertinya aku
nggak akan lulus pelajaran kimia semester ini.)

Mia: What? Why? (Apa? Kenapa?)

Lana: I got C- for my last assignment. As well as for my other
assignments. (Tugas terakhirku dapat nilai C minus. Tugas-tugasku yang lain
juga dapat nilai segitu, sih.)

Mia: Well, there will still be a final test, right? What did you get for the
midterm test? (Nah, kan masih ada ujian akhir. Memang kamu dapat apa waktu
ujian tengah semester kemarin?)

Lana: B-. (B minus.)

Mia: Well, that’s a start. Don’t give up just yet. We still have three weeks
before finals. Can I help you with anything? (Nah, itu nggak jelek, kan.
Jangan menyerah dulu. Kita masih punya tiga minggu sebelum ujian akhir. Ada
yang bisa aku bantu?)

Lana: I suppose I could have a little tutoring with chemistry. (Rasanya aku
butuh les kimia sedikit- sedikit, deh.)

Mia: I can help you with that! Would you like me to tutor you? (Aku bisa
membantumu! Maukah kamu kuajari belajar?)

Lana: If you could, and if you don’t mind… (Kalau kamu bisa, dan kalau
kamu nggak keberatan…)

Mia: Of course, I don’t mind! I would love to! Let’s start with three days
a week, just an hour each after school. You pick the days. How about
that? (Nggak lah! Aku malah senang! Kita mulai dengan tiga kali seminggu ya,
sejam saja sepulang sekolah. Kamu pilih harinya. Gimana?)
Lana: Thank you so much, Mia! (Terima kasih banyak, Mia!)

Coversation 2
Franda: Hi Denis, how are you?
Denis: I am good, what about you?
Franda: I have a little problem, can you help me?
Denis: What is your problem Franda? What can I do for you?
Franda: I have math homework, but there are some questions that I can’t answer.
Do you want help to do it?
Denis: No problem. I’ve completed all about the Math and I can help you.
Franda: Thank you Denis.
Denis: You’re welcome Franda.
Teacher: Denis and Franda, come here.
Denis: What’s wrong ma’am?
Teacher: I need you to replace the lamp in a classroom. Could you please help me
to do it?
Franda: No problem ma’am, we can help you.
Teacher: Ok, thank you.
Franda & Franda: You’re welcome ma’am.
Denis: Is there another thing that we can do?
Teacher: So far so good Denis. Thank you for your offer.
Denis: You’re welcome ma’am


1. About apple

Apple is one of the most famous and the most preferred fruit in the world. It
usually has two main colors: green and red.This fruit matures in late summer or
autumn, and always, it can grow well in cold regions. In Indonesia, it cultivated in
Malang, East Java. The hilly areas in Malang is cold enough as a place to make
apples grow well. In Malang, the fruit that we can meet is a kind of green apple,
while the apple existing abroad is usually red. The meat is generally yellowish. It
would be rotten fast if you do not store well, while the size of a single apple is not
too big, the fruit has an average of one hand adult.
Apple is a sweet and a preferred one because it has many benefits. There is a
saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. In fact, this fruit considered as
the miracle in which people can be young forever if they eat apple consistently.It
has antioxidants that can reduce the risk of cancer. We certainly want to avoid
cancer, and the apple you eat, can fight cancer and makes your body more healthy.
Second, Apple is also able to regulate bowel movements, thereby reducing the
risk of colon cancer. Third, it can help your body reducing cholesterol levels in
which high cholesterol levels can make you get a heart disease. Fourth, it helps
you reducing the risk of skin diseases. This fruit is also able to prevent the
problem of digestive and liver. Last, it is a fruit that is recommended for obesity,
gall bladder stones, bronchial asthma, gonorrhea, anemia, insomnia, neuritis, and

2. About Kangaroo
A Kangaroos is my favourite animal. The Red Kangaroo is the largest of
all the Kangaroos. They live throughout much of the country of Australia and are
the largest mammal that lives in Australia. Its scientific name is Macropus rufus.
Kangaroos are herbivores. They get their name from the color of the male’s fur
which is a reddish brown.They mostly graze on grasses.
A male Red Kangaroo can jump up to 30 feet in one jump! They can also
use their jumping ability to travel quickly at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour.
Somedoy I want to go to Australia to meet a kangaroo.

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