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[JIRA TaskGen]

L: Good morning, I am Lianne and this is Kate. We’re from the DevOps-Infra team
of Fast Retailling Ariake 2.0 Custom Development.
L: Today, we will be presenting a tool that we have developed from our Selenium
Training called the JIRA Task Gen. A demo of the tool will be presented by Kate
L: First, let’s talk about JIRA. It is an agile project management tool that teams use
to plan, track and manage software development projects.
L: When we log in issues every sprint, we manually do this by logging in to JIRA and
creating our tasks. This usually takes about 2-3 minutes, including the validation
of correct inputs (e.g. task name and description, sprint name, epic name) So
creating say a number of 100 issues/stories would amount to 300 minutes or 5
hrs in total. That is a lot.
L: Maximizing efficiency as well as productivity is one of the things that we want to
implement in an agile project development. This is why we thought of
automating JIRA Task Generation.
L: [-----Reads the Slide till Objectives-----]
K: The tool as a system would be represented by this
[-----points to the diagram-----]
Our input to the JIRA TaskGen would be an excel file containing all information
or inputs to when we create JIRA tasks/issues. Our JIRATaskGen is an application
of DevOps Essentials and Selenium WebDriver (an automation tool) as well as
basic concepts in Java. The output of our tool would be automated JIRA Issues
that we will be showing later in the demo.
K: We will now start our demo. As previously shown in the diagram, here is the
excel file input for our JIRA TaskGen.

[-----shows the excel file that sir gave------]

[-----explain what is in the excel file------]

This is our JIRA TaskGen main java test which we will be running to automate the
creation from these input information into JIRA Issues/Stories.

[-----run in selenium and show output after------]

As you can see, here are the already created stories from running our JIRA
TaskGen tool. From say a quantity of 100 user stories, using this tool we aim to
save save up around 12 man hours per run. Better error handling as well as
tracking can also be practiced using the tool.

L: We are currently continuously developing this tool to better enhance agility and
to increase functionality.
K: That is all, thank you for listening :)

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