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Practica 12 9 CENTROIDE, CENTRO DE MASA y CENTRO DE GRAVEDAD 1 Deteanine el centroide del volumen semiesférico mos- tr (BEDFORD, Anthony y FOWLER, Wallace, 2000) - 7.63 Solution: The equation of the surface of a sphere is x2 + 17+ The volume: The element of volume is 2 disk of radius p and thickness dx. The radius of the disk at any point within the hemisphere is p° = y?+27. From the equation of the surface of the sphere, p* = (R? — 2°). The area is rp*, and the element of volume is d¥ = 2(R? — x7)dx, from which vin Vater _ es a2 § The x-caordinate is: ma nf (@ Pedy o Divide by the volume: -(F)(se) By symmetry, the - and z-coordinates of the centroid are zero. 2 Determinar ladistancia z, desde el vértice del cono recta hasta el centroide de su volumen. (ateRUM Jy KRAGE, Le, Reimpreséa 2010) ~ 510 2 dV = rx? de = 7h ade po aE tyg = I It, (gaz = { v: ay Buz= 7 Zz A 2 a2 ave [gigas 20H | Sz Al ae = 7e (Disk shaped element viewed edge-on.)

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