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Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291

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Optimal opportunistic indirect grouping of preventive replacements

in multicomponent systems
Eldon A. Gunn, Claver Diallo ⇑
Department of Industrial Engineering, Dalhousie University, 5269 Morris Street, PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS B3H-4R2, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: For complex systems operating in critical environments, original equipment manufacturers, operators
Received 16 January 2015 and/or regulators often specify replacement intervals for major components before failure can occur.
Received in revised form 26 September 2015 The fixed costs to teardown the overall system can be an important constituent of the total costs.
Accepted 29 September 2015
Thus, when a preventive maintenance is scheduled to replace a given component, it may well be desirable
Available online 9 October 2015
to replace one or more other components that are within their replacement window (interval), so as to
avoid repeating the teardown costs in a short while. This paper presents a novel network tree formulation
of this opportunistic indirect grouping of periodic events problem. We show that, given a fixed time
Opportunistic grouping
Preventive replacements
horizon and a moderately large number of major components, the replacement optimization problem
Shortest path can be represented as a tree of possible replacement combinations. Although these trees can become
Multicomponent system enormous, we have developed a Python implementation of a depth-first shortest path algorithm that
can be very effective because many of the nodes of this tree do not need to be examined. Even when sev-
eral million nodes need to be examined, only a few of them, typically a few hundreds, need to be main-
tained in memory at any one time. For larger number of components and longer time horizons, the trees
can still become so large that it is impossible to examine it completely. In this case, the depth first search
still rapidly finds a sequence of improving solutions and can be a very good heuristic for the problem.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction values are beyond their control. These periodicities have to be

strictly followed. The sole margin of action resides in the possibil-
Many multicomponent systems used in industrial applications ity of carrying out a replacement ahead of it scheduled time when
requiring high reliability such as air transportation, military another replacement falls within its window of replacement.
equipment, high-pace production systems are usually required to Components are said to be economically dependent if the cost
undergo preventive replacements (PR) of key components or sub- of replacing several components jointly in a system is less than
systems at repeating intervals often specified in terms of operating the sum of the cost of several separate replacements of the same
hours before any major failure can occur. Due to the contribution components (see Cho & Parlar (1991)). For these economically
of these components or subsystems to the overall system reliabil- dependent components the opportunistic replacement policy is
ity, each is required to be replaced within a very strict replacement usually found to be optimal. Given the high fixed teardown cost,
window. Failure to do so can result in the grounding of the fleet or it is reasonable to assume that combining two or multiple replace-
equipment by regulatory authorities. It is very common for these ments will yield substantial savings. However, moving forward the
components to have replacement windows with different periodic- PR of a component (opportunistic replacement) to have it jointly
ities or component lives. Because, there is generally a very high performed with another replacement will change the replacements
fixed cost to bring such systems to the repair facilities and have dates of subsequent replacements and possibly prevent a naturally
them opened to carry out the replacements of components, it is occurring opportunistic replacement from taking place (see Fig. 1).
often more economical to conduct opportunistic replacements of Parts (a) and (b) of Fig. 1 show the replacements instants of two
other components that are within their replacement window. For components with periodicities T 1 and T 2 . Part (c) displays the
the owners of such equipments, the periodicities of preventive superposition of the replacement instants of both components.
maintenance (PM) actions are already set and changes to these There is a naturally occurring grouping of PM actions at instant
5T 1 which is the same as instant 4T 2 . Part (d) of Fig. 1 depicts
⇑ Corresponding author. the effect of carrying out the first replacement of the second com-
E-mail addresses: (E.A. Gunn), (C. Diallo). ponent at instant T 1 . Advancing the replacement of component 2,
0360-8352/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
282 E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291

Onnheim (2014) introduced the preventive maintenance schedul-

ing problem with interval costs, which is used to schedule PM of
the components of a system over a finite and discretized time hori-
zon. Their model and solutions methods are applied to three cases:
maintenance of rail grinding, scheduling component replacements
in aircraft engines, and components replacement in wind mills in a
wind farm. Do Van, Barros, Bérenguer, Bouvard, and Brissaud
(2013) presented a dynamic grouping maintenance strategy for
multicomponent systems with positive economic dependence.
Chang (2014) developed three optimal PM policies for systems
subject to random working times and minimal repairs. Nguyen,
Do, and Grall (2015) developed a novel predictive maintenance
policy with multi-level decision-making for multicomponent
systems with complex structure.
Fig. 1. Example of PM grouping for a two-component problem. More recently, with advances in degradation modeling (see Ye
& Xie (2015) for a review), models have appeared that use the
undoes the naturally occurring grouping that were to happen at degradation information to guide the selection of components to
time 4T 2 . Therefore, a myopic grouping of maintenance activities be opportunistically replaced. Bian and Gebraeel (2014) pro-
that considers short-term gains (shortsighted policy) is not guaran- posed a stochastic modeling framework to characterize the inter-
teed to work. All possible actions and their effects over the actions between the degradation processes of interdependent
planning horizon have to be considered. components. Liu, Xu, Xie, and Kuo (2014) developed a two-phase
In the literature devoted to the modeling and optimization of approach to optimize the PM policy for a system with continuously
maintenance activities for multicomponent systems, many papers degrading components. Zhang and Zeng (2015a, 2015b) dealt with
have dealt with the determination of optimal opportunistic the modeling of deterioration state space partitioning methods for
replacements: Sethi (1977), L’Ecuyer and Haurie (1983), the opportunistic maintenance modeling of identical multi-unit
Kececioglu and Sun (1995), Grigoriev, van de Klundert, and systems with economic dependence. Xia, Jin, Xi, and Ni (2015)
Spieksma (2006), Zhou, Xi, and Lee (2009), Laggoune, developed a novel production-driven opportunistic maintenance
Chateauneuf, and Aissani (2010), Moghaddam and Usher (2011), strategy considering both machine degradation and the character-
Tambe, Mohite, and Kulkarni (2013), and Vu, Do, Barros, and istics of batch production.
Bérenguer (2015). The multicomponent models are classified by According to Dekker, Wildeman, and Van Der Duyn Schouten
Cho and Parlar (1991) based on the dependence/interaction (1997), components subject to PM actions can be grouped to
between the components and yield three types of dependence: jointly undergo PM actions in order to save on teardown (set-up,
economic, structural and stochastic. Recent reviews on multicom- preparation) costs. The models dealing with the grouping of PM
ponent systems maintenance can be found in Nicolai and Dekker are split in two classes: the fixed group models where all compo-
(2008), Nowakowski and Werbika (2009) and Ab-Samat and nents are always jointly maintained and the optimization over
Kamaruddin (2014). Nowakowski and Werbika (2009) proposed groups models in which several groups are optimally generated.
several schemes to classify these multicomponent models into Dekker et al. (1997) presents an extensive coverage of the both
groups including the opportunistic models group. Since then, many groups of models. The optimization over groups models are further
variants of opportunistic models have appeared covering a variety divided in two classes: direct grouping where the components are
of PM actions, corrective actions, perfect or imperfect maintenance, partitioned into a number of fixed groups which are always main-
performance measures, maintenance costs, solutions methods and tained together and the indirect grouping where the groups are not
applications. For example, Laggoune, Chateauneuf, and Aissani fixed over time, but are formed indirectly when the maintenance of
(2009) proposed an approach to determine a PM plan for a different components coincide.
multi-component series system subjected to random failures, In this paper, we propose a new model for grouping PM actions
where the cost rate is minimized under general lifetime distribu- for multiple major components/subsystems with windows of
tion. In Laggoune et al. (2010), the authors extended their previous replacement not exceeding their mandatory replacement periodic-
model to handle small size failure data samples by applying the ities. This is a problem commonly encountered in the maintenance
Bootstrap technique. Moghaddam and Usher (2011) developed a of fleets of high reliability systems used for air transportation,
multiobjective optimization model to determine the optimal pre- naval, mining, oil & gas, and military operations. The proposed
ventive maintenance and replacement schedules in a repairable model was used to solve a maintenance grouping problem for a
multi-component system under three possible actions: mainte- company contracted to maintain engines used in the aerospace
nance, replacement, or do nothing. A plan of actions for each industry. The cost of removing a helicopter or aircraft from the
component in the system is determined while minimizing the total flight schedule and sending it to the contractor for the duration
cost and maximizing overall system reliability simultaneously over of the maintenance activities is significantly higher than the cost
the planning horizon. A generational genetic algorithm and a sim- of several of the major components to be replaced. These highly
ulated annealing metaheuristics are designed to solve the obtained reliable systems have high level of redundancy where individual
mathematical model. Zhou, Lu, and Xi (2010) proposed an parts can fail without major components or subsystems failing.
opportunistic preventive maintenance policy for multi-unit series For these systems, failed parts are replaced at the earliest conve-
systems based on dynamic programming which maximizes the nient time (overnight, next scheduled stop or landing, etc.) without
short-term cumulative opportunistic maintenance cost savings. affecting the overall age of subsystems/major components
Tambe et al. (2013) presented an approach for opportunistic main- (minimal repair). Therefore, the grouping problem is only con-
tenance decision making for a multi-component system at planned cerned with the PM actions and does not include corrective
as well as unplanned opportunities. The authors then applied their actions. The PM actions are carried out on groups of subsystems
model to a real-life case study of a high pressure die casting for which manufacturers or regulators have set mandatory replace-
machine. Gustavsson, Patriksson, Stromberg, Wojciechowski, and ment periodicities not to be exceeded.
E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291 283

2. Problem definition and is not included in the cost model to be optimized. On the other
hand, the PM replacements of subsystems/major components are
The following notation is used. done at a subcontractors facilities where the aircraft/helicopter
stays much longer. These costs are very high and the downtime
T finite maintenance planning horizon are long therefore there is a need to opportunistically group some
n number of major components or subsystems in the of these replacements. The PM actions are carried out on groups of
multicomponent system subsystems for which manufacturers or regulators have set
c index of major components or subsystems, mandatory replacement schedules.
c 2 f1; 2; . . . ; ng The problem is modeled as a shortest path problem with
K fixed teardown/setup cost for each preventive replacement cost as distance. Depending on the widths of the
replacement activity regardless of the number of replacement windows [Ec ; F c ] and the length of the exploitation
components/subsystems replaced horizon T, the number of combinations (nodes) to evaluate
Sc current age or status of major component/subsystem c explodes and an efficient search method is devised to reduce the
Tc preventive maintenance replacement periodicity for search space, limit memory usage, reduce computation time and
major component c guarantee optimality.
Ec start of the opportunistic preventive replacement window The paper is structured as follows. In Section 3, the formulation
for component c of the problem as a shortest path problem is presented. In Section 4,
Fc end of the opportunistic preventive replacement window the modified label correcting algorithm used to optimally solve the
for component c problem is presented. Section 5 is devoted to the discussion of
kc unit acquisition and replacement cost for component c numerical results.

3. Problem formulation
We consider a complex system with n major components or
subsystems. Each major component c requires PR with fixed peri- We are given n components with PM periodicities T c where
odicity T c . At the beginning of the planning process, the current c ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n. The goal is to find the minimum-cost schedule of
age or status of component c is Sc . Sc = 0 means that the component PM actions over the horizon T with all replacements carried-out
has just been replaced. Each component has an allowable early within their required periodicities. To convert this problem to a
replacement window defined by [Ec ; F c ]. Before Ec , the component shortest path problem, we define a tree structure with nodes and
is not eligible for opportunistic grouping. Between F c and T c , the arcs. Each node is assigned an n-dimension vector of zeros (no
component will certainly be replaced if an opportunity arises PM) and ones (PM) representing the replacement status of the
(i.e., another component is due to be replaced). Between Ec and components at the time of a mandatory PM action. The cth element
F c , the component is eligible for an early replacement and the of the n-dimension vector represents the PM action of component
model must decide if an opportunistic grouping will be made or c. There are two artificial nodes: a starting node, called node 0, rep-
not. If a grouping is made and the component replaced, then a resenting the top of the tree and a terminal node denoted F where
new cycle begins again for the component (see Fig. 2). Note that all preceding nodes connect with arc lengths of 0.
without any loss of generality, F c can be equal to T c which would Any node in the tree, except the terminal node, has 2n  1
cause computation time to increase because of the increase in potential children nodes, each representing a possible combination
the width of the allowable replacement window. of PM decisions at the time of the earliest of the next mandatory
The problem is then to determine the optimal schedule of PR PM actions. The vector with all elements equal to 0 is not a practi-
that will minimize the total PM cost over a finite operation horizon cal replacement decision. Therefore, it is never created. Further-
T. There is a fixed teardown (set-up) cost K for each PM activity more, each node has 2n  n effective children nodes. Among the
regardless of the number of components replaced. Each component vectors representing the 2n  1 potential children nodes, there
c costs kc to acquire and replace. This new model falls under the are n unit vectors with only one element equal to 1 and n  1
indirect grouping class. It should be noted that we do not consider elements equal to zero. Only one such unit vector represents a
subsystem or major component failures in this paper. This paper is valid replacement decision corresponding to the replacement of
about opportunistic grouping of PM actions for highly reliable sys- the component with the nearest replacement time. Therefore, the
tems such as aircraft or helicopters with high level of redundancy other n  1 unit vectors should not be generated. Hence, the
where individual parts can fail without major components or sub- 2n  n effective children nodes.
systems failing. For these systems, failed parts are replaced at the For illustration purposes, a simple example with two compo-
earliest convenient time (overnight, next scheduled stop or land- nents 1 and 2 is considered with the following parameters:
ing, etc.) without affecting the overall age of the multicomponent S1 ¼ 25; T 1 ¼ 25; E1 ¼ 15; F 1 ¼ 23; S2 ¼ 11; T 2 ¼ 22; E2 ¼ 10; F 2 ¼ 18,
system (minimal repair). The minimal repair cost is mainly due and T ¼ 60. Fig. 3 depicts the replacement sequence of the example
to bringing the aircraft/helicopter in the hangar, troubleshooting, for the first five nodes. The related costs are K ¼ 0:5; k1 ¼ 2, and
finding and swapping the defective module, testing and releasing. k2 ¼ 3 in some monetary unit.
The cost of the modules/parts are not significant enough to affect When at node 0 and attempting to create the first 2 (22  2)
the total cost of the minimal repair so that it is considered constant children nodes 1 and 2, the earliest PM action is at time 0 for com-
ponent 1. Therefore, the nodes to be created are [1, 0] (node 2) and
[1, 1] (node 1) as illustrated in Fig. 3. Node 1 denoted by vector
[1, 1] represents the decision to have both components preven-
tively replaced. Node 2 denoted by vector [1, 0] represents the deci-
sion to have only the first component preventively replaced. See
that node [0, 1] is not created because, at time 0, the PM is due
on component 1 and not on component 2.
The complete tree for the example is presented in Fig. 4. Arcs
Fig. 2. Periodic PM with allowable opportunistic replacement window. represent the jumping from one PM activity to the next scheduled
284 E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291

Fig. 3. A simple 2-component problem.

PM action, at which point components with overlapping allowable the total cost is 18. The path 0-2-6-12-22-29-30-F has length 18
replacement windows are considered for opportunistic grouping. and corresponds to the replacements without grouping.
The length of an arc is equal to the total replacement cost If T is increased to 67, the shortest path is easily found to be
(set-up cost + variable costs) to carry out the PM actions of the 0-2-6-11-19-F (i.e., replace component 1 alone at time 0, replace
destination node. component 2 alone at time 11, replace both components at time
Another feature added to the tree is the time labeling of the 25, and replace both components again at time 47 for a total cost
nodes to keep track of the time instants at which the PM activities of 17 compared to a total cost of 18 without grouping of PM actions).
defined in a node are carried out. When creating a child node, if the This small example shows how the problem can be modeled as
time label of the child exceeds the planning horizon T, then the a tree and solved with a shortest path method to yield significant
child node is not created and the parent node is directly connected savings. It should be noted that 26 nodes were generated for this
to the terminal node with an arc of length 0. Each node features 2-component problem with T ¼ 60.
vectors S and Sþ representing the age/status of the components In the next section, we present a short argument for the choice
right before and right after the replacement actions, respectively. of the Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm to solve the opportunis-
When at parent node 2 and attempting to create the children tic indirect grouping problem for a moderately large number of
nodes 5 and 6, the earliest PM action is at time 11 for component components and longer planning horizon.
2. Therefore, the nodes to be created are [0, 1] (node 6) and [1, 1]
(node 5). The length of the arc between node 2 and node 6 is the
sum of the teardown cost and the cost for component 2. The arc 4. The modified label correcting algorithm
between node 2 and node 5 has an infinite length or cost because
component 1 cannot be opportunistically replaced along with Bertsekas (2000) presents a series of shortest paths methods
component 2 at time 11 as it is not within the allowable replace- and algorithms. A general type of shortest path algorithm is the
ment window of component 1. The complete tree for the example Label Correcting Algorithm which works by progressively finding
is presented in Fig. 4. shorter paths from the origin node to every other node i, and
A quick enumeration of all the paths shows that the shortest keeping the length of the current shortest path in a variable di
path is 0-1-4-10-F (i.e., replace both components together at time called label of node i. Initially, the origin node has a label of value
0, time 22 and then at time 44 for a total cost of 16.5). If the 0 and all other nodes have labels of infinite value. The algorithm
components are replaced without the opportunistic grouping then maintains a list of nodes called OPEN which contains nodes that
E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291 285

Fig. 4. Shortest path formulation for a 2-component problem.

are candidates for further consideration and possible inclusion in Given the large number of potential nodes to be examined and
the shortest path. Initially, OPEN contains the originating node the related high memory requirements, the DFS method is
(node 0 in our case). The steps of the label correcting algorithm selected. In our implementation, the initial value of UB is set to
are given below with aij being the arc length between nodes i the total replacement cost without grouping instead of 1 as sug-
and j, and UB is an upper bound of the shortest distance. gested by the basic Label Correcting Algorithm. Appendix A gives
the full details of the Python implementation.
Step 1: Remove node i from OPEN, and for each child j, execute Fig. 5 depicts the tree generated for the 2-component example
Step 2. using the algorithm described in Appendix A. A node with dashed
Step 2: If di þ aij < minfdj ; UBg, set dj ¼ di þ aij and set i to be the arc and dashed circle is a terminal node that is not created because
parent of j. In addition if j – F, place j in OPEN if it is not already the cost at that node is already greater than the best cost previ-
in OPEN, while if j ¼ F, set UB = dF ¼ di þ aiF . ously found. It can be seen that Fig. 5 contains far less nodes than
Step 3: If OPEN is empty, terminate; else go back to Step 1. Fig. 4: 17 nodes instead of 26. Another illustrative example with 4
components is presented in Appendix B.
Bertsekas (2000) also shows how the label correcting algorithm
gives rise to different shortest path methods based on how a node 5. Results and discussions
is removed from OPEN. Removing a node from OPEN using the
first-in/first-out policy yields the Breadth-First Search also known The DFS algorithm presented above was implemented in Python
as the Bellman-Ford method. Whereas, the last-in/first-out (LIFO) and run on a 2.99 GHz Window XP PC with 1.96 Gb of RAM. Several
policy yields the depth-first search (DFS) which has been proven experiments were then conducted to test the algorithm on a
to have low memory requirements. If a node is removed from moderate size problem, and then investigate the impact of the
OPEN based on the minimum value of its label, then the Dijkstra’s number of components on the savings achieved, and the effects
method is obtained Bertsekas (1998). of the length of the horizon T.
286 E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291

Fig. 5. Our DFS algorithm applied to the 2-component example.

A dataset was obtained from a Canadian aerospace company. In Table 1, the values of F c were parameters set by the mainte-
For confidentiality reasons, the data has been anonymized to nance planning Department. The company that we worked with
obtain the input values used to run the numerical experiments. sets the value of F c as a fraction of T c (i.e., F c ¼ cc T c ). Typical values
A problem with 10 components was created from the dataset of cc are between 0.80 and 0.98. Alternatively, the value of cc can
(see Table 1) and run for T = 60 and K ¼ 1:6. The optimal schedule be set such that the cost of loss of lifetime due to early replacement
of groupings was obtained after 2484 s for a total cost of $67.5 is significantly smaller than the fixed teardown cost K. This is
where the schedule without grouping costs $88.3 representing equivalent to saying that the cost of loss of lifetime due to early
23.55% in savings. Even when 7,496,370 nodes were generated replacement is less or equal to a proportion a of the fixed teardown
only a maximum of 221 nodes where kept at any given time in cost K. Then, we have:
memory, a testimony to the advantage of the DFS algorithm.
Note that integer values are used for the periodicities. If some or kc
ðT c  F c Þ 6 aK
all periodicities are non-integer values, a conversion to integers Tc
values has to be done. It is usually easy to find a multiplier to K
transform non-integer values into integers. 1  a 6 cc
Table 1
So when the cost of the component is close to K, the mainte-
Preventive replacement data.
nance planner can set F c very close to T c . On the other hand, when
Component c Ec Fc Tc kc Sc kc is small compared to K, the maintenance planner can set F c far
1 15 23 25 1.5 25 from T c .
2 10 18 22 3.0 11 A second set of test problems was created from the dataset by
3 30 40 45 2.2 35 generating groups of n components using the first n components
4 30 40 43 3.4 23
5 25 35 38 4.0 32
of Table 1 and varying the exploitation horizon from 50 to 350 time
6 15 25 28 3.2 17 units. The results are displayed in Table 2. Each run of the
7 27 34 37 2.7 14 algorithm was limited to a maximum of 25 million nodes.
8 16 25 26 2.9 24 Calculations were not attempted for problems that were known
9 23 30 33 2.5 17
to generate more than 25 million nodes based on previous runs
10 32 40 42 3.7 35
with smaller T.
E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291 287

Table 2 Table 3
Savings (%) achieved by the proposed grouping method. Eight component heuristic runs.

Number of T Problem 8.1 Problem 8.2

50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 K = 3.2 and T = 200 K = 2.2 and T = 350
Node # Total cost Savings (%) Node # Total cost Savings (%)
2 0.0 20.7 13.8 15.9 14.6 11.9 14.6 15.4
3 8.3 21.7 10.4 18.0 17.6 15.9 18.3 18.3 0 303.7 0.0 0 438.5 0.0
4 13.2 23.9 14.6 19.4 19.5 17.6 20.5a – 240 263.4 13.3 385 390.2 11.0
5 18.0 22.0 15.6 18.3 18.5 17.3a – – 250 260.2 14.3 418 388.0 11.5
6 18.4 20.3 16.9 14.5a – – – – 293 257.2 15.3 700 385.8 12.0
7 16.7 20.1 19.3 16.9a – – – – 348 257.0 15.4 4035 383.6 12.5
8 19.8 20.7 21.4a – – – – – 1192 256.7 15.5 48,111 381.4 13.0
9 19.7 18.2a – – – – – – 1638 253.8 16.4 2,282,596 379.2 13.5
10 19.5 – – – – – – – 4732 253.5 16.5 5,901,801 377.0 14.0
4809 253.3 16.6
– Calculations not attempted. 5184 250.6 17.5
Calculations interrupted after 25 million nodes and best solution reported. 10,976 249.3 17.9
12,926 249.1 18.0
34,379 247.4 18.5
For the instance of the problem considered, savings between 8% 197,075 244.4 19.5
and 23.9% are achieved with a fixed teardown cost at about the 238,040 244.2 19.6
356,667 243.9 19.7
same level as the cheapest component. In real problems, the tear-
516,597 243.6 19.8
down costs are usually higher meaning that substantially higher 5,158,550 241.2 20.6
savings can be obtained. It is difficult to draw general conclusions 14,745,259 241.0 20.7
from the specific numerical results obtained here but general
trends can be inferred. As the number of components increase,
the savings also increase as many potential allowable opportunis-
Table 4
tic PM ranges arise at the time of a scheduled PM. Another general Ten component heuristic runs.
trend is that the savings tend to increase as the exploitation hori-
Problem 10.1 Problem 10.2
zon increases and then stabilize after a while as the replacement
patterns start to repeat. K = 2.2 and T = 200 K = 2.2 and T = 350
Node # Total cost Savings (%) Node # Total cost Savings (%)
For the larger problems, such as 8–10 components, and more
than 100 time periods, it is obviously unrealistic to attempt to 0 306.8 0.0 0 534.5 0.0
500 273.9 10.7 730 470.8 11.9
solve the problem exactly. However, the algorithm can be used
504 271.7 11.4 928 468.6 12.3
as an effective heuristic by stopping its execution at a relatively 531 270.9 11.7 1045 466.4 12.7
small number of nodes (MaxNodes in Step 1) such as 200,000 or 551 268.7 12.4 2174 464.2 13.2
1,000,000. The running time for the algorithm with 10 compo- 6167 267.3 12.9 87,886 461.2 13.7
nents, T = 350 time periods MaxNodes = 200,000 is approximately 11,587 266.5 13.1 1,269,623 458.8 14.2
22,453 265.1 13.6
45 s. With MaxNodes = 1,000,000 it is approximately 245 s. Run-
56,751 264.3 13.9
times are effectively linear in MaxNodes. Two features of the DFS 86,129 262.8 14.3
make it a good heuristic. First, it rapidly finds feasible solutions. 687,090 260.6 15.1
Second, the actions that create the children are ordered in increas-
ing cost in the set eA and then pushed to the OPEN heap in reverse
order of their creation in Step 3. They are removed in least cost Table 5
order when removed from OPEN in Step 1. Thus, the search can Ten component heuristic runs with higher teardown costs.
be characterized as ‘deep and cheap.’ Problem 10.3 Problem 10.4
Tables 3–5 illustrate the heuristic performance on some larger
K = 6.2 and T = 350 K = 10.5 and T = 350
problems. Table 3 depicts every new improving solution found in Node # Total cost Savings (%) Node # Total cost Savings (%)
the algorithm and the node number at which it was found for
0 922.5 0.0 0 1339.6 0.00
two 8-component problems. In the first, Problem 8.1, the fixed 730 730.8 20.8 730 1010.3 24.58
teardown cost K was set at 3.2, quite a bit higher than the value 864 724.6 21.5 857 999.8 25.37
of 1.2 used to generate the results in Table 2 and the horizon T 948 718.4 22.1 928 989.3 26.15
was set at 200. The algorithm was run on this problem for Max- 1415 712.2 22.8 1213 978.8 26.93
10,744 706.0 23.5 4473 968.3 27.72
Nodes = 20 million nodes. In the second case, Problem 8.2, the hori- 73,313 705.9 23.5 27,669 963.9 28.05
zon T was increased to 350 and the algorithm was actually run for 106,388 699.8 24.1 35,251 957.8 28.50
MaxNodes = 10 million nodes. Note that we quite quickly find 156,910 699.7 24.2 53,456 953.4 28.83
improved solutions from the starting case but that longer running 873,147 947.3 29.28
times do not lead to much additional improvement. If we had
stopped Problem 8.1 after 200,000 nodes we would have been
within 1% of the best solution found in 20 million nodes. Note that Table 5 gives two runs with the long horizon of 350 and much higher
this difference is approximately 1 teardown fixed cost in 200 value of K. K is set at 10.5 in problem 10.4 up from 6.2 in problem
periods. We see a similar performance in problem 8.2 where 5.9 10.3. Here we see much more dramatic savings over the base case.
million nodes produces an improvement of two teardowns over A large part of these savings are due to the very first feasible path
the solution found at node 48 111. identified at node 730 but additional savings are generated as the
In Table 4, we see similar performance for 10 component algorithm proceeds. Both of these cases were run for just 1 million
problems over horizons of 200 and 350. Problem 10.2 was actually nodes. These runs took approximately 10 min each. One should
run for 10 million nodes. The improvement found after 87,886 not assume that the solutions found in Tables 4 and 5 are optimal.
nodes again amounts to one teardown cost in 350 time periods. For example, we did a run with 10 components, T ¼ 200 and
288 E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291

K ¼ 3:2. The initial cost without opportunistic replacement was interesting to model the impact of imperfect PM actions and
362.8. After 488,657 nodes, this had been reduced to 295.40. How- analyze their impact on the sequence of future replacements.
ever when this was allowed to run to 20,000,000 nodes; three other
improving solutions were found, the last at node 9,246,334 having a Acknowledgements
value of 290.70. In the case of problem 10.3, when allowed to run for
30 million nodes, new solutions were found at node 3,790,429 The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees and
($693.6), node 5,632,774 ($693.5), node 12,895,687($690.3), the Associate Editors for their useful comments and suggestions.
12,944,932 ($687.3). This run, which took about 17000 s as opposed This research work was supported by the Natural Sciences and
to the 110 s to do 200,000 nodes, saved less than two teardowns Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) under Grant
over the 350 time units. Even more interesting, is the fact that the CRDPJ-436347.
first decision made at time 0 was the same, namely replace compo-
nents 1 and 6. Furthermore, if we run problem 10.3 with a time hori-
zon of 100 instead of 350, generating 200,000 nodes, we again make Appendix A. Python implementation
the same time 0 decision of replacing components 1 and 6. This
raises yet another point worth considering. Just because we find The implementation is in a quite simple Python program that is
better solutions over the entire time horizon by running the algo- available from the authors. The explanation below is meant to be
rithm much longer, this does not mean that the decision made at general enough that someone who is not a Python programmer
time 0 is different. In a practical situation, one would only imple- can understand it. However, we use the Python indent convention
ment the decision at time 0 and wait until the system was next in in which a change in indentation represents the end of a loop or
the maintenance shop to recompute a new replacement schedule. conditional test. The four main sets used are:
Although an exhaustive study of this phenomenon is beyond the
scope of this paper, it does suggest that using this approach in what C – a set of components,
amounts to a model predictive control mode, where a reasonable A – a set of actions,
time horizon is run for a reasonable computational effort to get a N – a set of nodes,
good first decision, may well be productive. OPEN – a set of open nodes remaining to be processed.

The set C is comprised of all the major components subject to

6. Conclusion replacement. For each c 2 C, we have the following programming
In this paper, we considered a set of components undergoing
PM activities with PM periodicities having allowable windows for c.nam – name of the component
opportunistic grouping of PM actions. The goal was to find the c.cst – cost of the component (kc )
minimum-cost schedule of PM actions over the horizon T with all c.lft – lifetime of the component (T c )
replacements carried-out within their required periodicities. We c.wMin – minimum age at which the component can
converted this problem to a shortest path problem by defining an be replaced (Ec )
equivalent tree structure with nodes and arcs. We developed a c.wMax – maximum age after which component must
Python implementation of a DFS shortest path algorithm for this be replaced if the equipment is undergoing
problem and solved it for moderately large problems. The actual replacement (F c )
shortest path tree may contain many millions of nodes, but c.status – status of the component in terms of the
because of the cost pruning, most of these are never even number of time units elapsed.
generated. When several million of nodes are generated only a Time units are measured in the same units as
few of them, typically a few hundreds, needed to be maintained lifetimes.
in memory at any one time. For very large problems where several
tens or hundreds of millions of nodes would need to be generated,
stopping the algorithm after a relatively small number of nodes can Obviously it is possible for c.wMin = 0 and c.wMax = c.lft for
still provide an effective heuristic solution. every component, but if sensible choices can be made for these
The method outlined in this maintenance problem can also be windows of opportunity, it will reduce the complexity of the over-
adapted to solve the joint replenishment problem in inventory all search tree.
control. The authors are also investigating the implementation of The set A is the set of all possible maintenance actions. An
various other label correcting algorithms to solve maintenance action corresponds to a decision to replace a certain subset of the
grouping and scheduling problems. Given that shortest path
components. If there are n components in C then there are 2n  1
problems can be solved using dynamic programming (DP) formu-
possible actions. We consider that at any decision point, at least
lations, a future extension is the development of a DP formulation
one component has reached its lifetime so that at least that compo-
for the opportunistic grouping problem presented in this paper. It
nent must be replaced. The actions a 2 A have:
is expected that memory requirements will cause the DP formula-
tion to be applicable to extremely small problems and that the DFS
a.cst – total cost of taking that action
algorithm shown here would perform better. – the minimum lifetime over all those components
Additionally, recent advances in the modeling of degradation
being replaced in the action
information and imperfect maintenance can be leveraged to build
a.vect – 0–1 vector. If a.vect[c] = 1 then component c is
opportunistic maintenance models that are reflective of real world
replaced in action a.
maintenance problems. For example, instead of leaving the defini-
tion of the opportunity window to the decision maker as done in
this paper, it can be defined based on the level of degradation expe-
rienced by the other components when one component is due for The a.cst includes the cost of the replacement components plus
PM. Furthermore, we assumed that all replacements are perfect overall fixed charges to teardown and complete the replacement.
which is not always the case in real life situations. It would be The indicates the time of the next action required if we
E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291 289

consider only the components replaced in this action. Some of the and when we Pop a node from OPEN they are taken off the top of
actions in A may not make sense, either physically given the nature the stack (i.e., OPEN is a LIFO queue).
of the equipment, or from a total cost perspective. If these can be The algorithm can then be stated as given below.
identified, these actions should be eliminated from A and this will
again reduce the complexity of the search process. In the results Step (0): Initialize.
reported in this paper, we have not attempted to reduce A. It is Set BestCost = cost with no
convenient to assume that the actions a 2 A are ordered by cost. opportunistic replacement.
It is also useful to compute MinCstAction, the minimum cost a. Create nodes nT and n1 and insert
cst for all a 2 A. in OPEN.
The set N is the set of all possible nodes in the search tree. The Set Nnodes = 1.
nodes in N are generated as they are needed and deleted as they Step (1): If Nnodes = MaxNodes STOP. (note 1)
are no longer needed. The Python dictionary structure is a Otherwise:
convenient way to manage N with the node number used as the Pop node n from OPEN.
dictionary index. The nodes n 2 N have: If node n = 2 then STOP
Set nodesAdded = FALSE
n.num – the node number of this node Step (2): For all a in eA[n]:
n.pred – the predecessor of this node cost = n.cst + a.cst
n.time – the time at which this node is if cost P BestCost then BREAK (note 2)
reached (before taking action) delT = min{, min{c.lft–n.
n.cst – the total cost to reach this node status[c] 8c with a.vect[c] = 0}}
(before taking action) if + delT < MaxTime then:
n.nStatus – a vector indicating the number of if cost < BestCost (note 3)
hours used by each component MinCostAction then
n.children – the set of children nodes of this Create a new node nChild
action in N with
Nnodes = Nnodes + 1
nodesAdded = TRUE
nChild.num = Nnodes
The n.num are created as each node is created as number of nChild.pred = n
existing nodes plus 1. Each node has a unique predecessor node nChild.time = + delT
n.pred. This node corresponds to the node from which the last nChild.cst = cost
action was created that led to this node. The time n.time is the time For all c in C: (note 4)
that this node is reached. At n.time, at least one of the components if a.vect[c] = 1, nChild.
has reached its lifetime and must be replaced. The cost n.cst is the nStatus[c] = delT
total cost since the beginning to reach node n but does not include if a.vect[c] = 0, nChild.
the cost of any actions to be taken at node n. The n.nStatus nStatus[c] = delT + n.nSTatus[c]
indicates the current operating time for each of the components nChild.children = empty
when node n is reached. For at least one of the elements c of Add node nChild to n.
n.nStatus[c] = c.lft must be satisfied. For each node, when it is Children
initially created its set of children is empty. There are two special else:
nodes in N. The node n1 has n1.num = 1, n1.pred = 1, n1.time = 0 BestCost = cost (note 5)
and n1:cst ¼ 0. The status vector n1.nStatus[c] = c.status for all nodesAdded = True
c 2 C. The set n1.children is initially empty. The other node, nT delNode(nT)
plays the role of the terminal node in the tree. Initially, it has nT. Recreate node 2 with:
num = 2, nT.pred = 1, nT.time = MaxTime and nT.cst = BestCost. nT.cst = BestCost
The status vector nT.nStatus[c] is null and the set nT.children is nT.pred = n
empty. MaxTime is the time that the overall maintenance add nT to n.children
planning process has to cover and BestCost is the best cost found Step (3): If nodesAdded = TRUE then (note 6)
to date for covering this period MaxTime. Initially BestCost Push all of the nodes in n.children
is set as the cost of covering this period with no opportunistic (except nT if it is a child)
replacement. to OPEN in reverse order of their
An important concept is eA[n], the set of eligible actions that creation.
can be taken for a node n 2 N. An action a 2 A is in eA[n] if: else:
delNode(n) (note 7)
(i) for all c in C such that n.nStatus[c] = c.lft, a.vect[c] = 1 Go to Step (1).
(ii) for all c in C such that n.nStatus[c] 6 c.wMin, a.vect[c] = 0
(iii) for all c in C such that n.nStatus[c] P c.wMin, a.vect[c] = 1.

Thus, for an action a to be eligible, it must replace all the com- Note 1 indicates that if we reach step 1 after having generated
ponents that have reached their lifetime and any that have more than the total number of nodes allowed, the algorithm stops.
exceeded the max window (wMax) and not replace any compo- In this case, the algorithm is a heuristic only with the best known
nents that have not yet reached the minimum window (wMin). cost recorded in node nT. If on the other hand the Stop occurs
In our implementation, the set eA[n] is ordered by cost, inheriting because the only node in OPEN is the artificial node nT, the tree
the cost order of A. has been exhausted and the algorithm is exact.
In order to implement the DFS, we maintain OPEN as a stack. If we reach a child node of node n (note 2) with the total cost
When we Push nodes to OPEN, they are put on the top of the stack already equal or more than the BestCost found to date, this node
290 E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291

cannot be part of the optimal path and we do not need to con- cNames = [‘c1’, ‘c2’, ‘c3’, ‘c4’]
sider this node further. Because the action set is ordered in cCosts = [1.5, 3, 2.2, 3.4]
increasing cost, any other potential child nodes that emanate from cLife = [25, 22, 45, 43]
node n will also be more expensive than BestCost and do not need cWmin = [15, 10, 30, 30]
to be generated and we can BREAK the action loop. Thus a lot of cWmax = [23, 18, 40, 40]
potential nodes in the depth first search tree are never even cStat = [25, 15, 42, 32]
If the action a results in a total time to the next node that is less The actions are shown below sorted by action cost. In addition
than the completion time (note 3), then at least one more action to the direct cost of action in terms of component cost, there is also
will be required to meet the total MaxTime requirement. Thus, a fixed cost of teardown of 2.2. The program treats this separately
even though the cost to this potential node is less than BestCost, and adds it to the a.cst shown below.
it has to be less than the BestCost plus the cost of at least one more Actions
action to be considered. If it passes this test then the action creates
a new node in N and is also added to the set of children of node n a (a.cst,, a.vect)
(note 4). 0 (1.5, 25, [1, 0, 0, 0])
If on the other hand the action a results in a new node with a 1 (2.2, 45, [0, 0, 1, 0])
time to reach it greater than MaxTime, then since the total cost 2 (3, 22, [0, 1, 0, 0])
of this action is less than BestCost (note 5) this is a new optimal 3 (3.4, 43, [0, 0, 0, 1])
path. In this case, we use the delNode(nT) procedure to delete 4 (3.7, 25, [1, 0, 1, 0])
the previous terminal node and recreate the terminal node as the 5 (4.5, 22, [1, 1, 0, 0])
child of node n resulting from action a. 6 (4.9, 25, [1, 0, 0, 1])
If any new nodes were added in the action loop (note 6), 7 (5.2, 22, [0, 1, 1, 0])
including the possible new terminal node nT, all these 8 (5.6, 43, [0, 0, 1, 1])
new nodes are then placed back in OPEN, except node nT 9 (6.4, 22, [0, 1, 0, 1])
which is already there. A procedure that we have used is to 10 (6.7, 22, [1, 1, 1, 0])
put them in OPEN in reverse order of their creation, this means 11 (7.1, 25, [1, 0, 1, 1])
that the last child put into OPEN, which will be the next node 12 (7.9, 22, [1, 1, 0, 1])
popped from open, is the cheapest of all the children of 13 (8.6, 22, [0, 1, 1, 1])
the current node n. Thus our implementation of the depth first 14 (10.1, 22, [1, 1, 1, 1])
search is a deepest and cheapest search. Obviously, other
options are possible. In the following when a new node is created we see the node #,
If no children were created for node n (note 7), then it is not a its parent, the action that created it, the new cost at the time
possible node to reach the terminal node. The delNode(n) proce- resulting from that node and action as well as the new time. The
dure is a key part of the code. It deletes the current node n from format here is Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime. Whenever
both N and from the children of n.pred. If the set of children of n a new solution is found, we have Node, BestCost, action, the node
is empty, it then makes the node n.pred the current node n and from which that solution emanates, the new BestCost and the
calls itself again. This effectively implements the node deletion action taken to reach the end. Whenever we call the DelNode pro-
procedure discussed by Bertsekas (2000). This procedure is very cedure, the node being deleted is printed. The overall run is shown
effective in keeping the total number of nodes in N very small even below starting with the original calculation of the cost without
when the total number of generated nodes becomes large. Note opportune replacement.
also that the other place that delNode() is used is in the case of
finding a new path to the terminal node. Deleting this node and Total Cost without Opp. Replacement: 32.2
then recursively its predecessors as far as possible, means that Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 2 1 4 5.9 7
we no longer need to retain the part of the tree that leads to what Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 3 1 10 8.9 11
is no longer a possible optimal path. Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 4 1 11 9.3 7
As indicated above, it has been convenient to implement this Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 5 1 14 12.3 22
algorithm in Python. Using the Python dictionary structure for Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 6 2 2 11.1 11
the set of nodes means that one can add a new element merely Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 7 2 9 14.5 25
by defining a new index and letting that index refer to a new Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 8 6 3 16.7 25
object in the dictionary and even more importantly, it is very Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 9 8 0 20.4 29
easy to delete objects from the dictionary. The very easy class Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 10 8 5 23.4 45
definitions in Python are helpful as are the ability to use recur- Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 11 9 2 25.6 45
sions in creating actions and deleting nodes. Python is not New Solution Found, Node, BestCost, action 11 30.0 1
meant for speed so that the results discussed in the next section In delNode deleting node 10
should be seen as underestimates of what could be achieved in Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 12 7 0 18.2 29
C or C++. Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 13 7 5 21.2 45
Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 14 12 2 23.4 45
Appendix B. Illustration of node creation and deletion process In delNode deleting node 11
In delNode deleting node 9
The output below is directly taken from a run of the program In delNode deleting node 8
with print options turned on. This example is small enough that In delNode deleting node 6
the interested reader can draw the entire tree based on the New Solution Found, Node, BestCost, action 14 27.8 1
results shown below. The problem has only four components. In delNode deleting node 13
The component names, lifetimes, minimum replacement Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 15 3 3 14.5 22
window, maximum replacement window and initial status are Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 16 3 9 17.5 25
shown below. Nnodes, parent, action, newCst, newTime 17 15 2 19.7 25
E.A. Gunn, C. Diallo / Computers & Industrial Engineering 90 (2015) 281–291 291

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