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3A GRAMMAR be going to (plans and predictions) © What's going to happen? Write a sentence with be + going to for pictures 1-8 and a verb from the list. 2k 3 He eo 8 They © Complete the dialogues with the correct form of be + going to and a verb from the list. do take g go_miss notdo work catch 1A We Ure going to miss the plane! B No, we're not... Wait a minute, ‘A What are you doing? Br. accart.| can't carry all these bags. 2 At you your homework this evening? B No, really tired. in fact,I¢___________ anything - just steep! 3A So, do you like it here in Montréal? B Yes, we love it! But were only here for 2 short time. We're going to visit lots of different places. A where B Québec City. We*______the train there. next? 4. & How's your daughter? B She's fine, thanks. A Does she have any plans for the summer? B Yes, She” aA ina bookstore for six weeks. she eEsune mn OEIE a Vecction’) B No, don't think she is © Cover sentences 1-8 in a. Look at the pictures and remember the sentences. Then practice the dialogues in b with a partner. co American English File 2nd edition Toucher's Book 2 Photacoplable © Oxtord Univer Press 2013 3B GRAMMAR present continuous (future arrangements) © Look at Luke's calendar. Write the questions and the answers. Use the present continuous. Monday Work 100 a.m 12-00 pm Dinner with Frank $:00 pam Tuesday 10.00 aim. Take Mom to the hospital 3.00 pm ferris Wednesday Work 4:00-6:00 pm. 1:30. pm. Theater with Yaz and Omar | meet Sam on Monday? “Ishemeeting San on Monday?” *No, he ign'.” ‘When | goto the train station? “When ishe going tothe tain station?” “Hi {oing so the tain station on Sunday. Who J take to the hospital on Tuesday? When | work? have dinner with Frank on Monday? What / do on Sunday morning? What / do on Friday night? When / go to the dentist? CREEL te Thursday 10:00 a.m. Meet Sam to study Help Dad with the garden \ Friday Dentist 1130 am Parly at Fronts 8:00 par Saturday 4.00 a.m. Go shopping ~ buy Ellie's present 4.00 pin. George ~ Cafe Tiveli Sunday Meet Elie at train station! 5100 pan. Drive to Vermont = witi Ellie What / do on Saturday morning? 10 When / play tennis? 11. Who | see Saturday afternoon? When / help his dad? | goto the theater on Wednesday? 14 {meet George at the muscum? 15. What / do on Sunday evening? © Write down one arrangement that you have each day next week. Tell a partner. Use the present continuous. ‘American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book 2 Phatacopiable © Oxford University Press 2013, 3C GRAMMAP defining relative clauses ‘@ Complete the definitions with who, that, or where and the correct form ofa verb in the list borrow build buy cut 2) design drink fly have listen look at sit wear E 1 A builder isa person who builds houses. 2. Ahairstylistis somebody —— your hair. 3 Alibrary isa place___you can read or books. 4 Acampsite isa place people _— intents. 5 Mugs are things you____ from. 6 An iPod is something —___ you___ to music with 7 Anarchitect is someone ee eesnemeNes brlldinge 8 An Internet cafe isa place ____ you can send emails and — _—acoffee. 9 Anart gallery isa place you, — paintings. 10 Sneakers are shoes ____ people — for sports 1 Abookstore isa place___ you___ books. 12. Scissors are things you use to_____ paper with 13 Lipstick is something you yout lips, 14 A pilotisa person ____planes. 15 Atourist isa person another country, @ Testyour memory. Cover the definitions. Look at the pictures, Can you remember the definitions? a ‘American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book 2 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 a

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