Cathay Questions

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1. Tell us about yourself

2. Why did you not study anything aviation-related at university?
3. Why did you not pursue an aviation-related career to begin with?
4. Why do you want to fly for Cathay? (As opposed to your national carrier)
5. How much will you be earning on completion of your training with Cathay?
6. Have you been to Hong Kong before?
7. What do you like/dislike about HK?
8. What is the population of HK?
9. Where would you live in HK and how much is the the rent approximately?
10. Are you single or married - is your partner able to to move to HK as well?
11. How did you fund your studies, do you have any debts?
12. What are your hobbies?
13. Have you ever had any leadership roles?
14. What are you strengths/weaknesses
15. How would your best friend describe you?

1. If you suspected your captain of turning up to work drunk, what would you do?
2. How will you get along with people you don't necessarily agree with in the cockpit?

1. What aircraft is this? (referring to model aircraft on the table)
2. Describe the fuel system on the aircraft you trained on
3. Where is fuel stored on an A330-300?
4. What effect does CoG have on range?
5. How are Rolls-Royce engines different to others?
6. What is meant by a triple-spooled turbo-fan and what makes it so efficient?
7. Why do some aircraft have winglets?
8. Why does a 777 not have any winglets?
9. Estimate the lat/long of Moscow
10. How much fuel would it take to fly from Moscow to HK using Taipei as an
alternate (I was required to write down calculations on the white-board)
11. What countries do you fly over from Moscow to HK.
12. What types of cloud are typically found in a warm front?
13. Describe the fire-supression systems found on our jets
14. What runways does HK Airport have?
15. What is the aquaplaning formula?
16. If you double your velocity what is the effect on lift?
17. What is 'P Factor'?
18. Describe the ITCZ
19. Why do our aircraft have swept wings?

1. How many aircraft does Cathay have in the fleet?
2. What types of aircraft are there in the fleet?
3. How many destinations?
4. What is the latest destination?
5. Name 5 European destinations Cathay operates
6. Tell me about the cadet training program
7. What does a Second Officer do?
8. Who is the CEO/COO/DFO?
9. Who founded Cathay and when?
10. What was the first aircraft operated by Cathay?

· What are katabatic winds?

· What is washout?
· What does CAVOK mean?
· What things are associated with a mountain wave?
· What are the inputs to a GPWS?
· Deviation changes due to what?
· What is the relationship between TAS, Mach number, and Speed of Sound in an
· QNH set to 989 instead of 998 What will the error be?
· What is the definition of a wet runway in mm of water?
· What is the difference in ground-looping tendencies between a tail dragger and
tricycle gear?

· Give me a summary of your flying career up to this point

· Why did you become a pilot?
· How did you pay for your flight training and/or school?
· Do you have any secondary duties at your current job? Why or why not?
· If your spouse were sitting here, what would they say is your biggest weakness?
· Why do you want to work for Cathay?
· Why are we just hearing from you now?
· What is something you don't like about your current company?
· Have you applied anywhere else? What if you receive another job offer, which job
will you take?
· Tell me about a time you made a mistake in the cockpit
· What can you tell me about Cathay?
o Who is the CEO and COO of CX?
o Do you know anyone who works for Cathay?
o Have you flown on Cathay?
o Where have you gotten the majority of the information you know about Cathay?
Has it all come from the internet?
o What are some of the negative things you've heard about Cathay?
o Why do you think you would fit in well at Cathay?
o What are some destinations that Cathay flies to?
o Where does Cathay fly in North America?
o What types and numbers of aircraft comprise the fleet? What types of engines?
o What aircraft are on order?
· What makes you think you will enjoy flying long haul?
· If you receive a job offer from XYZ airline and Cathay, which would you take?
· What can you tell me about Hong Kong?
o What is the climate like?
o What is the approximate Latitude?
o What is the approximate population of Hong Kong?
o What do you think some of the negatives of Hong Kong are? Positives?
o What is the current relationship between Hong Kong and China?

· You land on a wet runway, autobrakes applied and reversers deployed, and the
airplane starts to skid. What do you do and why?
· Define induced drag
· Define parasite drag
· Draw a drag curve
· Where is Max Range on the drag curve
· Where is long range cruise? What is the difference
· What do winglets do?
· Why doesn't the 777 have winglets?
· RB211-524HT
· What are the advantages of this engine?
· Disadvantages?
· How much thrust does it produce?
· How many turbines in each stage of the engine? Compressors?
· What is EPR vs. IEPR?
· You are flying between Hong Kong and Anchorage when it become apparent under
the present conditions that you will land below the minimum fuel required by
regulations. What will you do?
· What is a typhoon?
· When is typhoon season?
· How would the aircraft performance change if you were over-flying a typhoon?
· What would be some considerations if you were landing in a typhoon?
· What is wind shear?
· How would you brief for wind shear?
· How would you identify wind shear? Does your current aircraft have windshear
detection? How does it work?
· What would you do if you encountered wind shear?
· What do you do with the landing gear during windshear recovery? Flaps? Why?
· What is the tropopause?
· What happens to Mach as you climb? What about IAS?
· What does ITCZ stand for?
· How does the ITCZ affect weather?
· What does EGPWS stand for?
· What are the inputs to EGPWS?
· What is the benefit of wing sweep? Disadvantages?
· What is wing twist? Why do we have it?
· What is Mcrit?
· Where does the high speed shockwave form first on the wing? Where will airflow
go supersonic first on the 747-400?
· What is dutch roll?
· How do we correct for dutch roll?
· What is a critical engine?
· Which engine on the 747-400 is critical?
· What aircraft is that (looking at a model on the table)?
· How can you tell the difference between a freighter and a pax 747-400? What
about a BCF?
· What is Vmcg?
· What are factors that affect Vmcg?
· What is V1?
· What is the relationship between V1 and Vmcg?
· What are the types of hydroplaning? How can you calculate hydroplaning speed?
What is the hydroplaning speed on your current aircraft?
How does the 747-400 use fuel? What about the A340-600?

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