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An Allegiance Guide
Clan Rules 2

 Be on Discord  No Crying
 If you’re reading this then you have  If you get attacked do not whine
discord. Congrats. Discord is vital to about it in kingdom chat. Alert us on
how we communicate and plan. Discord, protect your troops best you
can, and shield if possible. Don’t get
 Have Advanced Teleports discouraged.
 Teleports are an important aspect of  Stay Active
the game. Make sure you have them
for when we make moves.  Keep your keep busy. Have builders
working, maesters researching, and
 Respect troops doing something. Don’t forget
 We are all team. We are all different to train those troops!
as individuals, so disagreements will  Bannermen Lock
occur at times, but try to keep a level
head. We are only strong together,  Make sure you’ve locked your
not divided bannermen invites so that no
random person join in.
 Recruit
 Weekly Growth
 Before accepting a bannermen, run
it through the T1 and T2s. Always be  Make sure you are constantly
on the lookout for recruits. growing and improving in power and
troops day to day and week to
Tips #1 3
 Some Terminology used in game
 App – Application
 Bubble - This means to use a protection shield.
 Clan - This is a holdover from other games. This means
 Disc – Discord
 DF - Dreadfort, a keep in the North.
 RR - Riverrun, a keep in the Riverlands.
 Rss - Resources. This means food, wood, iron, stone, crafting materials, or gold.
 Sop - Seat of Power, the major keeps and castles around the map.
 TP - Teleport. The person is likely saying they should use advanced teleport somewhere.
 TT/Twins - The Twins, a keep in the Riverlands.
 WF - Winterfell, the major keep of the North.
Allegiance Tier 1 = 1 Player 4
Structure Tier 2 = 5 Players
Tier 3 = 25 Players
Tier 4 = 125 Players

 T1
 Clan leader; Oversees the diplomacy and wellbeing of the allegiance within the kingdom
 T2
 Council members; Confers with T1 on regular basis and has authority to make decisions if needed
about diplomacy and war tactics.
 T3
 Help with organization and deployment of troops/members. Answer directly to their T2 liege. Can
be part of the Strike Team.
 T4
 The “Nights Watch” of the clan. Overall help with attacking and defending Seats of Power.
Getting Started (Early Game)
 Important tips when starting your keep
 Upgrade Keep (or buildings needed to upgrade keep) first, always, and
as fast as possible
 Keep your builders building and your maesters doing research

 Pump out troops nonstop

 Follow and complete the Tyrion quests

 Farming resources with your army; this can include farms and sawmills,
attacking other keeps, or attacking wild beasts
Buildings of Importance 6

 Outside of the keep itself, there are other buildings that you should
try to upgrade and improve as well.
 Medic Tent: When in battle your troops will show up here and be
wounded. Without them (or space to hold wounded troops) they die. In
order to save yourself some heartache down the road keep these things
as upgraded as possible
 War Camp: These allow you to train more troops at one time in your
respective buildings.
 Farms: Food is probably the biggest resource there is (followed by
wood). Keep your farms upgraded when possible and don’t forget to
boost them when you can.
Tips #2 7

 Here are a few tips when buying packs

 Always buy the most expensive ones. They provide you with the most
amount of items and gold for the best price.
 Keep an eye out for the special ones that come out during monthly
events. Some provide a nice combination of items
 Advanced Teleports are in packs and are arguably the most important
item in the game. Advanced teleports are essential to how we plan
attacks and defense.
 Additionally, shield packs are also of value as they allow you to bubble
up before getting attacked or if you’re planning on being off for awhile
(such as sleeping).
 If you cannot buy the more expensive packs, at least get the cheaper
ones that offer advanced teleports.
War Tactics 8

 Attacking  Defending
 Use Advanced Teleport to try to  Defense is always stronger than
move as close as you can to Offense
minimize travel difference. This also
 If you do not have enough troops
hides your troop-movement
to withstand an attack, either use
a shield or send your troops out.
 Make sure you scout your target They can go gather materials
first which saves them from being
 Infantry first (troops from Barracks)
to take out troops from their wall  Don’t forget to use boosts to help
defenses. If your opponent has provide better defense (or offense)
traps, include siege units. The goal for your troops.
is to take out enemy troops and
Gear Tips 9

 Make sure you have multiple sets of gears for different occasions
 Infantry Focused Gear, Ranged Focused Gear, Cavalry Focused Gear,
Healing Focused Gear, Training Focused Gear
 Aim for purple (epic) gear. It’s usually the highest value one can get
without spending extra money.
 Make sure you have trinkets. Vintner’s Goblet materials can be
found in expeditions. The other trinket materials come from events
(or packs).
 How to get materials for gear:
 Hunting monsters/beasts
 Gathering from RSS bins
 Events
Research 10

 Important Research to pick up as soon as possible

 Rucking Pace, Stewardship, Command, Red Priest, Pack Mule, Healing
& Triage
 Speed is vital in this game and should be something you research
whenever it is available. It makes getting across the map (or
attacking) quicker.
 Increases in troops size allows you to attack with more troops, thus
doing more damage. Mix that with extra marches and you can do
more of that.
 Depending on your best troop type, try and research those specific
 Don’t Forget Maester Chains!
Tips #3 11
 Keep upgrades
 save all Tyrion rewards and extra candles for keep upgrades only. Also
save all crates and save gold too, this all helps with the keep.
 When it's time to upgrade keep, start by building up as big a wood stash
as you can. Get a head start by attacking some keeps, lvl 6 gathers,
daily candles, daily quests, protect it under a bubble. Then food; Get
your food to max protected, boost farms, and send out all marches on
lvl 6 gathers. Try and time them the same. Then as they return collect all
boosted farms, daily quests, candles (both daily and extra ones), open
all Tyrion rewards. Then finish with crates and gold if you have to.
 Gathering
 Siege has higher troop load, so it means they can carry more. Calvary or
Mounted units march faster, possibly quickening your loot. Try to use a
combination of the two. Don't use archers or infantry to loot - they have
smaller carry loads.
Seats of Power 12

 March power needed to attack  Holding any given Seat of Power

SOP. can grant the owner multiple
 1 Star - 125k
bonuses. Similar to Region Bonuses
1.5 Star - 281k these bonuses vary depending
2 Star - 500k upon the location.
2.5 Star - 781k
 A Liege’s direct bannermen can
3 Star - 1.13 M
3.5 Star - 1.54 M be granted powerful titles. These
4 Star - 2.0 M titles provide bonuses to the
4.5 Star - 2.5 M bannerman who holds it.
5 Star - 3.13 M
 Seats of Power are for all of the
clan. No one person has claim to
a certain seat and rotations of
owners may occur on a regular
Seats of Power II 13
 All Seats of Power have always become  Seats of Power will continue to be released
available to conquer based on Kingdom age. based on Kingdom age. Once released they
The initial release cycle for Seats of Power goes will follow the unlock schedule below.
in this order:
 1 – 2 Star Seats of Power: will initially open on
 The North Thursdays. Once these Seats of Power open, they
will remain open.
 The Riverlands
 2.5 Star Seats of Power will open every Friday at
 The Vale 8:00 PM UTC, they will remain open until Sunday at
8:00 PM UTC.
 The Westerlands
 3 – 3.5 Star Seats of Power: will open every other
 The Reach week on Saturdays at 8:00 PM UTC, they will lock on
Sunday at 8:00 PM UTC.
 Dorne

 The Stormlands  Capital Seats of Power will unlock every three

weeks, on a rotating basis. At most only 3 of
 The Crownlands these more powerful Seats of Power will be
 Once the North fully releases (this varies by open at the same time as each other. They will
Kingdom), each region becomes available open on Saturdays at [10:00] PM UTC, they will
after 2 weeks. King’s Landing becomes lock on Sunday at 8:00 PM UTC.
available 1 week after the Crownlands.  There will be countdown timers listing time until
unlock, “Attackable in:”, and time until lock,
“Protected in:”. Players holding Seats of Power
may Abdicate during a protected window.
Allegiance bubbles applied on abdication will
last only 3 minutes, down from 15. The cooldown
on the bubble has been increased to 72 hours.

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