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the face

Facial Implant Complications:

Prevention and Treatment
Tips and techniques for resolving problems before,
during, and after procedures

By Joseph Niamtu III, DMD

osmetic facial surgery has never and those associated with healing or lack who specifically requests to have Brad
been more popular, and con- thereof. Pitt’s chin or Leonardo Di Caprio’s jaw.
temporary surgeons realize the The remainder of this article will deal The Internet has definitely contributed
importance of volumizing the with common complications associ- to a subclass of very young patients who
face and providing enhancement and ated with cheek, chin, and mandibular become fixated on sculpting or clon-
symmetry. angle implants, and their prevention and ing, and feel that implants will be the
Facial implants remain one of the most treatment. answer. It is not uncommon for me to
popular volume options for numerous receive e-mailed pictures of patients desir-
reasons. Contemporary facial implants are Preoperative Considerations ing implants, and they simply don’t need
anatomic, designed to fit precisely over Contributing to Implant them. As to the celebrity cloning, while
the bone, come in many sizes and shapes,
and provide 3D volume. Their placement
Problems some surgeons may thrive on this, I try
Complication prevention begins with to avoid it at all costs. First of all, in
is simple; when fixated (or integrated),
the patient consultation. With all the many cases it is difficult to accurately give
they are permanent. And one of the
advantages the Internet has brought, it someone the features of someone else.
biggest pluses is that they can be easily
also serves to promote misinformation. Also, this class of patient is often very
removed, if desired.
Cheek, chin, and mandibular angle Potential implant patients may think they narcissistic and expects perfection. They
implants are the most common in many will receive benefits that are not consistent are frequently very tied into Internet cos-
practices, although many surgeons use with the implant procedure. metic and plastic surgery bulletin boards,
nasal, tear trough, lip, and other special- For instance, it is not uncommon that and if they are not happy with the results
ized implants. I see a cheek implant consult who wants they will go out of their way to punish the
As with any procedure, complications cheek implants to lift the jowls. It is imper- surgeon in the online arena.
can occur with facial implants. Generally, ative that the patient understands exactly Every surgeon with a little gray hair
complications can be grouped into those what implants will and will not do. knows that picking the “right” patient has
associated with the placement technique Germane to this is the younger patient a lot to do with getting good results.

Figure 1. A single titanium microscrew is sufficient to stabilize a well-placed implant. If the implant is not passive, then a second screw prevents rotation.

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Figure 2. This patient has combined submalar
implants that are not placed symmetrically. This
patient’s paucity of subcutaneous fat also makes
the implant margins more apparent than the aver-
age patient.

Making Good Implant Choices with thick skin with generous subcutane-
Another common area of postimplant ous fat, you are faced with a situation that
complications comes from a misdiagnosis is much more difficult to improve.
of sorts; that is, choosing the incorrect You take this big, beautiful, sculpted
implant for the given aesthetic situation. mandibular angle implant and place it
This is common when a patient is in need under thick tissue, and all the definition is
of submalar augmentation but ends up lost. I explain to patients it is like placing
with high lateral malar augmentation. The a grapefruit under the sheet on your bed.
physician simply got the incorrect size or You can definitely see the outline, but if
shaped implant for what was needed. you place the grapefruit under a thick
I separate the cheek complex into three down comforter, you can hardly see the
zones: submalar, malar, and a combina- outline. For these reasons, I always under-
tion of those two, which is panmalar. promise with mandibular angle implants.
Specific silicone implants address specific
areas or combined areas, and knowing Migration
what implant will best serve the patient is Implant migration is a common prob-
important. Sometimes, a resident will ask lem that can be totally avoided. I am a
me how I know what implant to use. This staunch advocate of rigid implant fixa-
is a hard question to answer, as much of it tion. I place a single screw in all cheek,
is based on experience. For novice implant chin, and mandibular angle implants (and
surgeons, I suggest they have a seasoned sometimes two in the chin) (Figure 1). Figure 3. Aligning the medial edge of the implant
implant surgeon review pictures before Some surgeons feel this is unnecessary, with the maxillary teeth can facilitate estimating
the surgery to confirm the implant sizes but I see numerous patients from other the symmetric placement of cheek implants. An
imaginary line is used to standardize both sides
and choices. offices who present for reoperation with (assuming normal occlusion).
Whereas the previous paragraphs displaced implants.
relate more to cheek implants, the same Some surgeons use suture fixation to
can be said about chin and mandibular secure their chin implants. While I think
angle implants. I prefer more tapered chin it is better than nothing, it is not rigid
implants for females. However, for males I and allows the implant excessive mobility
may opt for a “glove”-type configuration to in the healing phase when compared to a
provide more bulk and lateral fill. screw. Although the body is pretty forgiv-
I avoid “prejowl” implants—although ing, mobile implants are frequent con-
they may fill in the prejowl sulcus, if the tributors to inflammatory bone resorption
patient has a facelift then that added lateral and infection. In reality, once the fibrous
augmentation may not be in their favor. capsule develops the implant is probably
In terms of mandibular angle implants, stable, but years of micromovement can
the diagnosis can be difficult. I feel this lead to problems. I only use screws.
is one of the hardest regions in which to Mandibular angle implants are a bit
achieve dramatic results. There are several more difficult to secure with a screw due
Figure 4. A “J” stripper is used to dissect the
reasons for this. Some patients already have to their position. A right-angled drill and mandiblar sling (the attachments of the masseter
sculpted and angular posterior mandibular screwdriver greatly facilitate the problem. and lateral pterygoid muscles) in order to obtain
anatomy, so adding an implant can be very Some surgeons choose transcutaneous sufficient space to accommodate the inferior por-
dramatic. Other patients, though, have screw fixation through the cheek, which tion of the implant at the inferior border of the
angle region.
a very rounded mandibular angle with is a viable approach but requires experi-
almost no antegonial notch and very thin ence and instrumentation. I simply use a
ramus and masseter thickness. Coupled 5- to 6-inch drill shaft to drill the hole in

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the face
the anterior ramus at the coronoid notch the implant overlay the lateral mandibular
region. The length of the drill shaft allows ramus in a passive state or the clinical
the negotiation of anatomy in that region. result will be affected.
To ensure that the silicone implant does
Symmetry not extend below the mandibular border,
Implant placement is both an art and a I will take a 1.5-inch needle and place it
science. The science involves the implant through the cheek to “sound” the silicone
material and anatomic shape, as well as and bone. The silicone should not be
the surgeon’s mastery of anesthesia and palpable with the needle below the infe-
anatomy. The art lies in the surgeon’s abil- rior border of the angle region (although
ity to place an implant (or pair of implants) some implants are designed to specifically
in the right place on each side and achieve extend below the mandibular border).
a symmetric result.
Cheek implants present the biggest Chinny Chin Chin
problem. Think of it as trying to hang two Chin implant malposition is also com-
pictures of the same size on a wall but mon and can be affected in all spatial
without a level or ruler. You have to “eye planes. A very common problem is an
it” and usually get it close enough to pass, incongruous midline discrepancy. This
but sometimes the difference is consider- can be deceiving, as patients have a true
able and has to be corrected. mandibular midline that may or may not
Symmetric placement of cheek implants align the upper and/or lower dental mid-
Figure 5. Superior/inferior malposition is a common
is an educated guess. You are placing problem (especially with not-fixated implants), line of the soft-tissue midlines.
implants into a cavity that is only par- and can affect the aesthetic result. High-riding Proper preop chin implant planning
tially visible and against bone that has implant tails can contact the mental nerve, and the requires verifying the chin midline by
very little identifiable anatomy to match front of the implant can cause a palpable step on dropping a vertical vector over the preop-
the chin. A superiorly malpositioned implant will
side to side. To standardize the position of produce an unnatural result as well as be more erative frontal picture. This can assist in
cheek implants, I rely on several constants. prone to bone resorption over the roots of the determining the validity of the chin to the
Number one is the infraorbital foramen— mandibular teeth (A). face and elucidate discrepancies or asym-
this is useful to figure out the superior/ metries. It is imperative to find the true
inferior position. I always visualize the mandibular midline when placing chin
neurovascular bundle during placement, implants.
just to make sure that the implant border The next most common problem with
is not in direct contact with the nerve. chin implant placement is malposition
Most of my cheek implants are several in the vertical and/or horizontal plane.
millimeters inferior to the infraorbital fora- In most cases, the bottom of the implant
men, with the exception of the high lateral should be flush with the inferior border
malar implants. I try to gauge their posi- of the mandible. Placing it too superiorly
tion by the inferior and lateral orbital rim. can produce an unnatural result. In addi-
In terms of medial/lateral placement, tion, the thin bone over the incisor roots is
I generally use the maxillary teeth as a prone to resorption—the implant should
gauge to standardize the implant position. be placed over the menton, where the
The most common implant I place is the cortical bone is denser. Placing the implant
silicone submalar type. Most often, the too inferior (sometimes in an attempt to
medial border of the implant is aligned increase the vertical length of the chin)
with an imaginary line in the cuspid or can produce a bothersome palpable step
first premolar region (Figure 2, page 31). between the bottom of the implant and the
I will also sometimes use the pupils as inferior border of the symphysis.
standardization markers and draw marker Figure 6. Horizontal rotation is also a commonly Pitch and yaw—or vertical and hori-
lines on the cheek, although this is less seen chin implant complication. It is imperative zontal displacement—are also problematic
accurate when the patient is supine and for you to visualize the final position of the implant (Figures 5 and 6). A “kicked up” implant
sedated. before closing. Placing a midline screw and an can have a very unnatural result; a “kicked
additional antirotation screw can prevent horizon-
Figure 3 (page 31) shows an asymmet- tal or rotational displacement. down” implant can cause the implant tails
ric placement of the right cheek implant. to press against the mental nerve. A lighted
Although not a problem of symmetry, Aufricht nasal retractor provides excellent
patients with low body fat may present visualization of the relevant anatomy of
elevator to disrupt the mandibular sling.
with a situation where the periphery of the the chin and the implant. I use this to
Without detaching this muscular sling, it
actual implant is visible through the skin, complete my positional final inspection
may be difficult to place the inferior bor- before closing.
much like breast implants.
Mandibular angle implants are easier to der of the implant in alignment with the
standardize, as there is not much space for inferior border of the mandible (Figure 4, Nerve Problems
them to move. I prefer the Taylor extended page 31). One hundred percent of implant
mandibular angle implant, as it has a ledge The most common positional problem patients will experience some level of
that fits under the mandibular border that with mandibular angle implants is biplanar paresthesia. This can be from disrupted
assists in proper positioning. rotation. The masticatory muscles are very mucosal innervation, peripheral nerves,
When placing mandibular angle active and can quickly displace a nonse- or major dermatomal sensory nerves. The
implants, I always use a “J” stripper cured implant. It is imperative to have simple act of incising tissue and dissecting

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and retraction around the main neurovas- (Figure 9). The old-style “button” silicone
cular bundles can cause some component chin implants, placed over tooth roots
of neuropraxia. Permanent nerve injuries and not fixated, are common offenders of
are rare without damage to the sensory pathologic resorption.
nerves as they exit the foramen. Again, I believe in using screw fixation
Explantation of nonsilicone facial with all implants to avoid pathologic mobil-
implants that have integrated into the sur- ity. In servicing implants that I placed years
rounding tissues can be very difficult to prior, I have observed osseous “settling” of
remove, and in some cases it can contrib- the implant but never severe pathologic
ute to nerve injuries. Any implant, regard- resorption. I have treated numerous cases
less of material, can produce nerve injuries from other offices for bony resorption in
if a portion of the implant is in direct the symphysis by removing the offending
contact with a main branch of the sensory Figure 7. This cadaver dissection shows the close
implant, bone grafting the defect, and later relationship between some chin implants and the
nerve. Micromovement during animation mental neurovascular bundle. The implant should
replacing a suitable implant.
or muscle function, or finger pressure on not come in contact with the nerve or else pain and
the face that produces shooting and radiat- nerve damage can occur. If the implant tail has
ing pain, can be indicative of the implant Infection the tendency to ride up toward the nerve, a lateral
Infection with facial implants is rare, antirotation screw can be placed to anchor the tail
pushing on the nerve (Figure 7). inferior to the nerve.
It is important to inform patients that but it can occur. In my experience, I
they will all have some initial component do not think that the decision to place
of paresthesia after cheek or chin implant implants from an intraoral versus extraoral
placement, but it should resolve over a approach makes a difference. If I am
matter of weeks or sometimes months. performing platysmaplasty or submen-
The same can be said about cheek toplasty, then I will place chin implants
implants and their relationship to the from the skin incision. However, if I am
infraorbital neurovascular bundle. If the not already incising the submental skin, I
implant is in close proximity to the nerve, favor the intraoral approach. I do believe
a notch is made to keep the implant from that nonfixated implants are more prone to
contacting the nerve (Figure 8). infection, as the movement can encourage
inflammation and bone resorption.
Dysfunctional Animation Steps to discourage infection include Figure 8. A maxillary submalar cheek implant is
In the case of cheek implants, the inci- sterility of the implant, keeping glove pow- relieved with a notch to keep the implant from
sion and dissection will transect or detach impinging on the nerve.
der and debris off of the implants, intraop-
some of the lip elevator musculature. erative antibiotic irrigation, and systemic
This is less of a problem in the case of antibiotics. Also, when placing retention
chin implants when placed transcutane- screws in the maxilla for cheek implants, I
ously; however, the mentalis muscles are try to keep the screws on the dense lateral
frequently transected with the intraoral zygomatic buttress bone and not the thin
approach. bone of the canine fossa, as with all maxil-
Patients must be informed that their lary sinus communication.
animation, especially smiling and puck-
If a non-screw-retained implant
ering, will be temporarily affected when
becomes infected, it should be removed
placing cheek or chin implants. It is not
that animation is lost. It is just reduced and salvage should not be attempted due
and generally recovers spontaneously over to it being a foreign body. In cases where
the next several weeks. implants are fixated, incision, drainage, Figure 9. This patient is shown after removal of a
and systemic antibiotics can manage many highly mobile “button” chin implant that had been
placed years previously. There is severe resorp-
Bone Resorption infections, and antibiotic irrigation can tion that extends through the entire mandibular
When I was a resident, I was told that be performed numerous times per day symphysis.
implants don’t work because they cause (Figure 10).
bone resorption. After placing many hun- Most infections occur early in the post-
dreds of facial implants over a 20-year operative course, and late implant infec-
period, I disagree. tions have been rare in my experience. My
One has to consider that a sliding experience has also shown that smokers or
genioplasty or any bony manipulation of patients with poor oral hygiene are more
the chin will induce bone remodeling and prone to infections. Using a postop oral
a certain amount of resorption. I have seen
antibiotic rinse, such as Peridex, is never a
severe pathologic bone resorption from
chin implants done elsewhere, but in every bad idea with implant patients regardless
case there was no significant fixation. of hygiene. n
Figure 10. This patient developed an abscess after
A mobile implant is merely a foreign implant placement 6 days previously. Incision and
body, and the body will react appropri- Joseph Niamtu III, DMD, is a board- drainage, systemic antibiotics, and daily antibiotic
ately. I have seen cases in which a chin certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon whose irrigation were successful in eliminating the infec-
implant has resorbed from the anterior private practice in Richmond, Va, is limited to tion and saving the implant. Had this implant not
been screw retained, it would have been removed
mandible, through the entire symphysis facial cosmetic surgery. He can be reached at in the face of purulent infection.
and almost into the sublingual space

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