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News analysis Health Business

Ugandans don’t know Treating UTIs Proposed listing of Isimba dam

they are rich - study without antibiotics Telecoms excites nears completion

Issue No. 541 Oct 05 - 11, 2018 Ushs 5,000,Kshs 200, RwF 1,500, SDP 8

Why is FDC

Independent Publications Limited, Plot 82/84, Kanjokya Street, P. O. Box 3304, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4 Fax: +256-312-637-396
E-mail:,, Website:

Issue No. 541 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

News analysis Business Health Arts Motoring

Cover story
Why is FDC panicking?

4 The Week
Gov’t to disinfect people, vehicles
over foot and mouth disease Big food’s poisonous
propaganda: How addiction
turns sugar from a `food’ into a
9 The Last Word
`drug’ on which unsuspecting
Recasting debates on development: masses get hooked
What a reading of Marx and Lenin
teaches us about the effects of
36 Health
multinational capital on poor nations
Treating UTIs:
Why we may not need
14 Analysis to rely on antibiotics
Ugandans don’t know they are rich - study:
Twaweza report shows the government needs to
rethink how it pulls the poor from poverty
39 Arts & Culture
27 Business
Brief art comes to Kampala:
Telecom listing: Impermanent takes on
Good idea but needs to permanent social-political issues
be cautiously handled

STRATEGY & EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Andrew M. Mwenda WRITERS:Ronald Musoke, Flavia Nassaka, Ian Katusiime,
MANAGING EDITOR: Joseph Were Agnes Nantaba, Julius Businge.

PUBLISHER: Independent Publications Limited, Plot 82/84, Kanjokya Street, P. O. Box 3304, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4 | Fax: +256-312-637-396 E-mail: | | Website:

2 Oct 05 - 11, 2018


Haiti: An aerial
photograph of
the Jalousie
neighbourhood in
the Pétion Ville area
of the Haitian capital
at sunset.
“FDC is still a stakeholder in the struggle
for a free society. But I encourage them
to consider the offer we have given
them. We can still collaborate because
we have a common target of regime
change.”Alice Alaso, former FDC secretary
general who left the party

Chuuk, Micronesia:
Local fishing boats
move in to rescue
passengers and crew
form an Air Niugini
flight that ditched into
the sea on its approach
to Chuuk airport. All
47 people onboard
“The board and I recommended that
her contract be renewed for another
term. She is doing a good job.”Matia
Kasaija, Minister for Finance on Doris Akol,
URA Commissioner General

Palu, Indonesia:
Motorcyclists travel
down a road next to
a boat washed ashore
by a tsunami triggered
by an earthquake
on the island of
Sulawesi. The death
toll has reached 844.

“I will fire these officials who keep

frustrating investors”President
Museveni wanring government officials

Money the Belgian Youth who were turned Ugandan

Shs102bn government gave to
Ugandan teachers
200 away during the LDU
100,000 women suffering
from fistula

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 3


Gov’t to disinfect people, vehicles over foot and mouth disease MUK Council, staff in
Districts in the cattle said all people, vehicles, district veterinary officers. allowance dispute
corridor are grappling with bicycles, motorbikes Some of the districts
Foot and Mouth disease, moving out of affected affected include Budaka, A strike is looming at
and to curb this, anyone areas will be disinfected. Bukedea, Amudat, Butaleja, Makerere University after the
leaving affected areas will Animal checkpoints will Kiryandongo, Kumi, Kween, University Council rejected
have to be subjected to a be established on routes Kyotera, Katakwi, Bushenyi, a proposal for allowances of
disinfectant called Virukill. leading to these areas Kiruhura Ibanda, Isingiro, academic staff. ‘The common
Joy Kabatsi, the minister of manned by a community Gomba and a few others. good allowance to keep
state for animal husbandry, taskforce and supported by harmony’ was meant to replace
staff incentives scrapped by the
visitation committee which was
USAID boosts Parliament probing alleged an inquiry into the university’s
maize farmers UPDF brutality on lakes constant strikes. The proposal
was rejected during the 143rd
council session held on Aug. 23
The government of Uganda but granted the top leadership
has developed and launched of the university allowances.
revised agricultural manuals The Council based its decision
to help maize and beans on accumulating revenue
farmers shift from subsistence expenditure, saying if it had
farming to commercial considered the proposal, the
agriculture. The educational university would have to incur
and informational materials Shs16bn annually which is 18%
were created with support of internally generated revenue.
from the United States Agency The staff umbrella body say the
for International Development council is in cahoots with top
(USAID) through Feed the officials to reward each other
Future’s Uganda Enabling with hefty allowances. They
Environment for Agriculture plan to meet Janet Museveni,
Activity. USAID created minister for education, to
the materials in response to explain their grievances.
growing concerns by beans
and maize farmers about
inconsistencies in training MPs on the Agri- ago, Oulanya’s men on some of the
content delivered by extension culture Committee boss, Rebecca islands. In Febru-
workers training farmers on are supposed to Kadaga, suspended ary 2017, President
better practices. expeditiously probe the House after Museveni ordered
USAID Mission Director the alleged torture government failed the deployment of
Joakim Parker said farming by UPDF officers to respond to the UPDF to curb
communities must be of fishermen. the issue. Bright illegal fishing on
educated and prepared to Deputy Speaker of Rwamirama, min- lakes but there has
adjust their agricultural Parliament Jacob ister of state for been uproar over
operations within the context Oulanyah directed defence, denied torture allegedly
of globalization, responding the MPs to visit the accusations that committed by sol-
to trends and consumer tastes affected communi- Fish Protection diers in conflicts
in Uganda and beyond ties and find a solu- Force was torturing with the fishing
tion. Two weeks and killing fisher- communities.

*terms and conditions apply

4 Oct 05 - 11, 2018


Lukwago asked to intervene in KCCA councilor/university row

Makerere University vice chan- VC says Nyanjura has been openly I am sure that you agree with me
cellor Prof Barnabas Nawangwe encouraging disruptive behaviour that this is not acceptable behav-
has written to Kampala Lord May- and leading students astray. “Ms iour in a university of our stature,”
or Erias Lukwago over the con- Nyanjura has openly encouraged he said. Nyanjura, is a member of
duct of Makerere LCV councillor, behaviour among our students, the Forum for Democratic Change
Doreen Nyanjura. In a letter to Luk- which is not compatible with a uni- (FDC) and a disciple of the defiance
wago dated September 28, Nawa- versity of international repute such campaign led by former presiden-
ngwe said Nyanjura should be as Makerere. There are also allega- tial candidate Dr Kizza Besigye.
counseled to desist from promoting tions that she has funded students She won the 2016 elections to repre-
hooliganism among students. The to engage in disruptive activities. sent Makerere University at KCCA.

Students cautioned on KIU courses

Kampala International are being probed. KIU says

University is under scrutiny they submitted some of the
again over some of the said courses to the Council
courses it is administering. for review. Two months ago,

The National Council of students at the university
Higher Education (NCHE) demonstrated demanding
had advised students to answers from the university
write to it for clarifications as to why they were
about any courses they seek admitted on programmes Are you a Photo Journalist?
to study. Alex Kagume, the not approved by NCHE. We are looking for someone with
acting director of NCHE Most of the courses that
told Daily Monitor that a are affected are those in the a great sense of imagination,
number of courses at KIU Engineering department. an eye for detail and a knack for
following news events.

Send CV to:
Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 5


Phaneroo pastor LDU recruitment: MPs worry about unmonitored guns

attacked over Bobi the Defence and Internal Affairs
Committee tasked Lt.Gen.
Wine comments Wilson Mbadi, the Deputy
Chief of Defence Forces and
Apostle Grace Lubega of Charles Engola, minister of state
Phaneroo Ministries came under for defence on the guidelines in
sharp criticism over comments place to ensure safety since a lot
he made on politician Robert of guns will be moving around.
Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine say- MPs Muwanga Kivumbi and
ing the MP is a drug addict who Theodore Ssekikubo also asked
should not be talked about as the pair about place of crime
a potential leader of the nation. preventers since Museveni had
Bobi Wine is the MP for Kya- ordered them placed under
dondo East and is also a musi- the army as a reserve force.
cian who once admitted smok- Mbadi told the committee
ing marijuana and growing it. Members of Parliament recruitment of Local Defence that 260 coordinators of crime
In a video that made rounds on (MPs) have expressed concern Units (LDUs). President preventers are undergoing
social media, Lubega while min- over the number of guns that Museveni ordered for the training at the National
istering in his Phaneroo church, could end up in the hands recruitment of 24, 000 LDUs Leadership Institute (NALI) in
ridicules Bobi Wine for being a of untrained personnel as to fight urban crime after the Kyankwanzi.
‘ganjaman’. He also told his con- the army presides over the recent spate of killings. MPs on
gregation that Uganda cannot be
a secular nation. Ugandans took
to social media rapping the pas-
Government to reduce water UNATU accounts frozen
tor for misleading his flock about
the gospel Jesus Christ spread
tariffs for industries Meetings of teachers and other
coordination activities have been
where he welcomed people difficult in the past three months
from all walks of life during his after Uganda Revenue Authority
teachings. Shortly after Phaneroo froze the accounts of Uganda
Ministries issued a statement National Teachers Union (UNATU)
saying the video clip was the over unpaid Pay As You Earn
work of propagandists. “A video (PAYE) and Value Added Tax (VAT)
clip of the service was created arrears totaling up to Shs2billion.
out of context by propagandists The move has cast doubts over the
and posted on social media. World Teachers Day celebrations
This short video clip was not on Oct. 5. UNATU contributes
prepared or sent by Phaneroo As per a directive from Cab- forwarded its computations about Shs5million for each region
ministries, and neither exists on inet, National Water and Sew- to the Solicitor General who to hold celebrations. UNATU
any of our media platforms,” the erage Corporation (NWSC) approved them. Mugisha also officials say the amount URA has
statement read in part. will cut water tariffs for indus- the fluctuating power supply arrived is outrageous, and right
tries from Shs4102 to Shs2500 at the Gaaba plant was hinder- now there is an impasse between
per unit. NWSC MD Silver ing stable water supply in the the two parties as URA says the
Mugisha told journalists dur- areas of Mukono, Kawempe teachers’ body has defaulted for a
ing a state of water supply for and Namugongo. NWSC has year. Some UNATU officials have
Kampala event. The directive plans to construct a sewerage laid the blame partly on former
is aimed at boosting industrial treatment plant at Kiruddu UNATU general secretary James
development. The water body Hospital in Kawempe. Tweheyo for poor accounting.

6 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

Humour Did you know?

Over 50m Facebook

accounts attacked
Facebook says almost 50 million of its
users were left exposed by a security flaw.
The company said attackers were able to
exploit vulnerability in a feature known
as “View As” to gain control of people’s
Members of parliament have expressed concern over reports that the accounts.
IGP has abandoned his convoy due to lack of fuel for cars. The breach was discovered on Sept.25,
Facebook said, and it has informed police.
Users that had potentially been affected were
prompted to re-log-in on Sept.28.
The flaw has been fixed, wrote the firm’s
vice-president of product management,
Guy Rosen, adding all affected accounts had
been reset, as well as another 40 million “as a
precautionary step”.
Facebook - which saw its share price drop
more than 3% on Friday - has more than two
billion active monthly users.
The company has confirmed to reporters
that the breach would allow hackers to log in
to other accounts that use Facebook’s system,
of which there are many.
The firm would not say where in the
world the 50 million users are, but it has
informed Irish data regulators, where
Facebook’s European subsidiary is based.
The company said the users prompted
Former president of Forum for Democratic Change Maj Gen. Mugisha Muntu to log-in again did not have to change their
has finally announced his exit from the party. passwords.
The company has confirmed that
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and its
chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg were
among the 50 million accounts affected.
Facebook’s “View As” function is a
privacy feature that allows people to see
what their own profile looks to other users,
making it clear what information is viewable
to their friends, friends of friends, or the
The breach comes at a time when
Facebook is struggling to convince
lawmakers in the U.S. and beyond, that it is
capable of protecting user data.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
said on a conference call that the firm took
security seriously, in the face of what he said
were constant attacks by bad actors.
Jeff Pollard, vice-president and principal
analyst at Forrester, said the fact Facebook
The constitutional court has dismissed with costs a constitutional petition to outlaw polygamy in Uganda. held so much data meant it should be
prepared for such attacks.

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 7

Gaza: A woman waves a Palestinian flag
during a protest calling for lifting the Israeli
blockade on Gaza and demanding the right
to return to their homeland, at the Israel-
Gaza border fence east of Gaza City
The Last Word Opinion

Recasting debates on development

By Andrew M. Mwenda
What a reading of Marx and Lenin teaches us about
the effects of multinational capital on poor nations

aymond Mujuni of NBS televi- ating the rich and the poor in the society.  The result of this, according to Lenin (as it
sion tweeted that he has began his Thus Marx saw the necessity of capi- was for Marx) would be a tendency toward
masters’ degree in development talism to improve the development of the integration of the global economy, a
studies with a reading of Karl Marx. productive forces and the viability of its considerable degree of capital movement
This column is a conversation with him on development in poor societies. His con- and an international division of labour,
Marx’s insights on development. Marx was cern was with the “necessity” of capitalist which would restrict the growth of back-
the first thinker to show the link between development and he took its “viability” for ward societies to the production of raw
economic development and political action. granted. He died when colonialism was materials. 
Later thinkers within the Marxist tradition still in infancy. It was left to his followers to In fact, Lenin argued that for raw mate-
carried his ideas further. In this article I observe the effects and explain them. Lenin rials in poor countries to be supplied to
want to introduce Mujuni to the ideas of undertook this task. advanced nations cheaply, labour in these
Marx and Vladmir Lenin. In `The Development of Capitalism in countries had to be kept at subsistence
Marx saw capitalism as a progressive Russia’, Lenin analyses how capitalism in level. Thus as a result of the expansion of
force which, he argued, would be trans- that country is articulated both to the econo- advanced capitalist economies (as they enter
mitted from advanced countries (through mies of Western Europe and to the other the monopoly phase of their development),
colonialism and/or free trade) and which existing modes of production within Russia the economies of backward societies will be
would spread to “backward” societies by a itself. He argued that capitalist development characterised by increasing indebtedness
continual process of destruction and devel- in Russia was slow because of three specific and by a productive structure which leads
opment of their pre capitalist structures. issues. them to produce what they don’t consume
He argued that as a result of this process, First was the weakness of the Russian and consume what they don’t produce.
a series of new capitalist societies would bourgeoisie as an agent for furthering Lenin argued that if this relationship
emerge whose development would be simi- of capitalist development in that coun- was set in the colonial period it would be
lar to advanced nations.  try. Second was the effect of competition unequal and therefore the possibilities for
For Marx, the central element behind the from Western Europe in slowing down the capitalist development would be restricted.
need for capitalist economies to expand growth of modern industry in Russia. Third But if they were shaped in a post colonial
is the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. was the great and unexpected capacity for context, the possibilities for capitalist devel-
Such expansion makes it possible to expand survival of the traditional structures of Rus- opment would depend on the national
the scale of production, to lower the costs sian society.  bourgeoisie and other dominant groups in
of raw materials and the products needed Lenin concluded that the particular the poor country to establish a more favour-
to maintain and replace the labour force at features of development of capitalism in able relationship with advanced countries in
home (making it possible to keep wages any backward society would depend sig- the global system.
low) and thus to increase the supply by nificantly on the characteristics of the pre Lenin argued that imperialism would
helping to preserve the low organic compo- capitalist mode of production. In the case of tend to hinder industrialisation in colonies
sition of capital.  Latin American nations like Brazil, Mexico but once independence is attained, the poor
Marx distinguished between the subjec- and Chile, which were attempting to indus- countries would be able to develop in a
tive motivation behind this expansion and trialise in the same period as Russia, Lenin different way and eventually would indus-
its objective historic results. Thus, he con- held that the social formations inherited trialise. This is where it is difficult to disen-
demns the process as brutalising and dehu- from Spanish and Portuguese colonialism tangle the programmatic and the analytical
manising but also argues that it is absolutely were very different from Russia.  strands in Lenin’s argument. This is perhaps
necessary if backward societies are to devel- Hence Lenin appreciated that societies because he was both a philosopher-thinker
op. For Marx only capitalism could provide and states are not generic. They vary greatly and a practical politician with an agenda
the necessary economic and technological in their history and circumstances and these for action. I think the politician could have
infrastructure that will enable society for the impose different possibilities and limits on taken over from the thinker. 
free development of every member accord- what they can do or not do and how they He argued that although attempts by
ing to his capacity. can do it or fail to and with what effect.  poor countries to industrialise in the post-
Marx also argued that capitalism would Lenin identified the economic expansion colonial context would face problems and
not evolve in poor societies through the of Western advanced nations in the financial contradictions (because of the presence of
internal development of their productive and productive spheres. For Lenin, Finance foreign capital and technology) but as was
forces but through its penetration and and production are interrelated. The finan- the case was with Russia they too would
imposition from the advanced countries. He cial driving forces are related to the need overcome these and industrialise eventu-
made no distinction between the capitalism to find new opportunities for investment ally. Since Africa’s leaders believe attract-
of the West (which developed organically) because their own economies are unable to ing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is
and that of poor societies (which would be generate such opportunities at the rate at the pathway to industrial transformation,
imported through colonialism). He argued which they generate capital. Those of the they need to read Lenin and other think-
that regardless of how capitalism comes productive forces are related to the necessity ers of the imperialism school to appreciate
about in any society, it would produce pov- to ensuring supply of raw materials and the limits of FDI.
erty and wealth alongside each other – cre- markets for manufactured products.

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 9

cover story

Why is FDC
By Agather Atuhaire

s Uganda’s main opposition party; Museveni to deploy military force against a the ice by engaging even informally to no
the Forum for Democratic (FDC) surging opposition led by youthful political detriment.” Amuriat explained. “An elders
worried over the recent departure of debutante, musician, and Kyadondo East committee will be set up very soon to com-
its former president, Gen. Mugisha MP Robert Sentamu aka Bobi Wine. mence the process of reconciliation.”
Muntu to form a new political forma- Muntu’s supporters were unmoved.
tion? But Muntu had also had enough. “I don’t take these calls seriously,” said
Some analysts say FDC has every reason “As someone who lived through that one of the members. “While POA keeps
to be worried. They estimate that Muntu kind of internal friction first hand during talking about reconciliation, he doesn’t
might have departed with over 70% of its my five-year tenure as President, I can stress the need for working together.”
members; among them the majority youth authoritatively say it is of no use to anyone. Others said his actions and those of other
and prominent leaders. It neither advances the party nor benefits leaders did not reflect genuine commitment.
Muntu’s departure comes on the heels any of the warring groups. All it does is Muntu quit anyway.
of his completion of nationwide collection distract the entire opposition into spending
of the views of the FDC rank and file on our energy on internal power struggles that Muntu support
the future of the party. At the centre of the only benefit those in government,” he said. It is now not clear if his move will be
so-called consultation was one question: Muntu’s procrastination, many say, could supported at the grassroots. There is no evi-
Should I, Muntu, stay or quit FDC. have been caused by the attempts by his dence yet of the support Muntu commands.
According to Muntu’s own report, which nemesis and FDC stalwart Kizza Besigye. But analysts point at the law, which makes
he submitted to the FDC leaders on the The Independent could not confirm that it risky for an MP to publicly declare mem-
same day he announced he was quitting; Besigye himself reached out to Muntu. But bership of a political organisation other than
the majority of FDC supporters told him not FDC party president Patrick Oboi Amuriat that on whose ticket they are in parliament
to quit. aka POA urged Muntu’s supporters on the for the reluctance of MPs to endorse him.
“Fight for a place from within,” they party’s whatsapp platform to be open to Any breach of this condition could trigger a
reportedly told him. Others wanted him reconciliation. bi-election. And no MP wants that.
to remain in the party and devise ways of “Friends, where is the bitterness coming Article 83 (g) of the constitution provides
resolving the problems facing the party. from?” Amuriat asked on Aug.22 as the that MPs who cross from the parties on
Sources say Muntu considered the option clamour for Besigye to quit grew, “Can’t we whose tickets they were elected to Parlia-
of urging the party leadership to devise do something to reconcile any differences ment will lose their seats and go back to
mechanisms of resolving these issues but we may have?” ask the voters to vote them on the ticket of
he eventually went with those who wanted Muntu’s supporters on the platform were the new party they are joining. This applies
a split. skeptical. to the Independents too. There are also
“We honestly do not want to spend They said Amuriat was being dishonest reports that Muntu has advised his support-
another day in rope-pulling,” said a source to pretend that he was just awakening to the ers in elected positions not to resign.
after the meeting of Muntu and his team on need for reconciliation. Some were peeved “It is an act in futility that doesn’t
Sept 13, “We have wasted enough time yet that he suggested talking about the party’s advance either my interests or theirs,” he
the country is yearning for change.” issues “over a cup of tea”. They felt Amuriat reportedly said.
He was possibly referring to a wave of was trivialising the issues. But Amuriat Anecdotally, however, the analysts
anti-establishment sentiments that has seen defended his tea talk. claim Muntu could have over 30 MPs in
the ruling NRM party lose several key par- “Comrades my thinking on proposing Parliament. They point out that during the
liamentary by-elections, forcing President a meeting over drink is that we can break internal FDC presidential race in November

10 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

cover story

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 11

cover story
2017, over 20 MPs out of FDC’s 36 sup- mainstream and social media for abandon- ty’s secretary General Nandala Mafabi said
ported Muntu. Then they point at possible ing the party and pushing him to leave. what Muntu did by quitting was “unfair
support of some Independents including There are reports that FDC has sent groups to FDC”. Muntu’s act, he said, showed that
Ntungamo Municipality MP Gerald Karu- to campaign against Muntu in the country- Muntu has never worked for the best inter-
hanga, newly elected Arua Municipality side. It is an unexpected twist. ests of the party.
MP Kassiano Wadri, and youth MP national Instead of celebrating Muntu’s departure, As the vitriol gushed, Muntu was flashed
Ann Adeke Ebaju. forinstance, Buhweju County MP Francis his vintage smile, albeit sympathetically this
Sources say Muntu has also won the Mwijukye sounded angrier than excited. time.
hearts of some NRM MPs who unhappy Muntu is leaving because of greed and self- “We believe that this action is mutually
with their stay in the NRM, were not keen ishness, Mwijukye said. beneficial to both the FDC and those of us
on FDC, but lacked an alternative. Many Former Leader of Opposition Wafula leaving,” he said, “In fact, if handled well,
point at the results of the 2016 presiden- Oguttu, who had carved a career of dish- this could be the beginning of greater coop-
tial elections in which only 66% of voters ing Muntu also did not sound relieved and eration within the opposition.
turned out and President Yoweri Museveni instead continued the criticism as if Muntu “Instead of fighting each other over strat-
won 61% of those and FDC egy, our departure will allow
got 35%. Museveni’s oppo- the current Party leadership to
nents argue that Museveni pursue its agenda unencum-
was elected by only 40% of bered while we also pursue
the electorate and the 60% the same objectives in ways
shunned him. But the 33% we feel better reflect our val-
voters did not vote for the ues. At the end of the day, we
opposition candidate, FDC’s are all working towards the
Kizza Besigye, either. Muntu’s same goal”.
supporters believe he, as a But Muntu’s supporters
moderate, has a higher appeal were not so diplomatic. Many
than Besigye across the board. questioned why the FDC was
Two NRM MPs; Man- bothered by Muntu’s exit,
jiya County’s John Baptist considering that he has always
Nambeshe, and Mbwa Teka- been accused of being a mole
mwa Gaffa of Kasambya, that was not able to achieve
are mentioned. In reality, anything in the party.
the speculation is built on During the race for party
thin sand – the MPs’ appear- Presidency against Mafabi in
ance at the press conference 2012, the latter’s campaign
where Muntu announced his chairman Rubaramira Ruran-
departure from FDC and way ga told voters everywhere
forward. they campaigned not to vote
Apart from the MPs, other Muntu because he was a
big wigs in the party are said mole.
to have left with Muntu. Those allegations have been
These include; the party’s repeated several times by
Vice President for Eastern other members of the party’s
region and former secretary top leadership including; the
General Alice Alaso, former Secretary for Mobilisation
FDC electoral commission Ingrid Turinawe, Mwijukye,
boss Dan Mugarura, the chair- and Joyce Sebugwawo
man youth league Iddi Ouma, Many accused Muntu of
Deputy secretary for the killing the party when he was
Presidency and elder; Sewava its President and it was the
Serubiri, Rajab Kaaya, chair- reason many gave for not sup-
person youth Western, Ismael porting him when he sought
Kasule; chairperson women’s re-election.
league Central, Hamida Nas- When Muntu rose up to
simbwa, Kakayi Zelda, Mary speak in May 2015 at an oppo-
Frances Kabatereine, Nasasira sition joint retreat to agree on
Happy, Phiona Busingye. Others are Ibbi remains his problem. their response to the government’s rejection
Florence, Abola Jane, Mary frances Kabater- “The biggest beneficiary of the MM exit of electoral reform proposals, Mafabi, said
aine, Pastor Sandra Ngabo and more. is the dictatorship that promised to destroy he could not listen to a person who has
opposition in Uganda by 2021,” Oguttu never participated in any election.
Angry supporters posted on the party’s whatsapp platform. So when the tone changed recently after
As the unverifiable assertions rage, the He continued that by quitting FDC, Muntu Muntu’s departure, some of Muntu’s sup-
FDC leaders and members have not taken was aiding Museveni destroy the opposi- porters could not spare Mafabi, Oguttu and
Muntu’s departure as well as many would tion as he promised. others.
have expected; especially since they rejected Perhaps implying that Muntu should “Why are people condemning Mugi-
his leadership in 2017 and have labeled him not have left, Oguttu told the media that sha Muntu’s move yet they said he was a
“mole” of the ruling NRM party of Presi- Muntu’s problem was his failure to run the mole?” asked the FDC secretary General
dent Yoweri Museveni. Many of them have party for 10 years. in Kamwenge George Muhimbise, “If the
been attacking Muntu in the media, both Another Muntu foe within FDC, the par- mole talk is real, FDC should slaughter a

12 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

cover story
cow and celebrate his exit.”
Muhimbise wondered why the departure
of a mole who has been selling party secrets,
is now being regarded by FDC as a loss.
“What does the party lose?” he won-
dered, “Why were they willing to stay with
someone they never trusted or wanted?
Isn’t it hypocrisy of the highest order?”
“Hon. Wafula with all due honesty, how
would the FDC function properly with
a chief mole?” another Muntu supporter
asked Oguttu. “Why are you seemingly
bothered by the exit of a stumbling block?
Do you want us to believe that his stay in
FDC as a mole would precipitate the dicta-
tor’s exit?”
“But WAF (Oguttu) and group have
worked tirelessly to bring about this inci-
dent, which now he claims to be benefitting
the dictatorship.” said another Muntu sup-
“For sure I don’t know what FDC
wants,” said another, “I thought you would
be jubilating that Chief mole and his spies
have left the party.”

Muntu’s gamble the opportunity to pursue the strategy he into action after the FDC President, Patrick
Crispy Kaheru, the head of the Citizens always advocated for-building structures. Oboi Amuriat on Aug.03, shuffled the FDC
Coalition for Electoral Democracy (CEEDU) But Muntu did not listen to his sup- leadership in parliament and kicked out
who has been watching the back and forth, porters and even after his loss to Amuriat, Muntu leaning MPs.
says it is not good for the opposition in refused to leave the party right away and All, except Kiira Municipality MP Ibra-
Uganda. opted for country-wide consultations. him Ssemujju Nganda (who maintains an
“I think this is a serious crack in the The consultations which ended in early ingenious presence in both camps), were
opposition. The opposition generally needs September and as he had promised, Muntu replaced with those loyal to Muntu’s nem-
to reflect deeply on what this exodus and met the party leaders. But apart from esis; four time president candidate Kizza
splintering means in the current political informing them about his consultations, he Besigye and Amuriat.
space.” also announced his departure. The reshuffle saw the dismissal of Kasese
“The reality is,” he adds “politics is a Woman MP Winnie Kiiza as the leader of
game of numbers. Political parties, move- Uncertain future opposition and replaced with Gulu woman
ments thrive on numerical strength.” Renowned constitutional lawyer and MP Betty Aol Achan, Bugweri county MP
He says Muntu’s exit should bring to an FDC stalwart Wandera Ogalo says Muntu Abdul Katuntu from the leadership of the
end the mistrust and suspicion that had could now pursue the strategy he has Committee on Statutory Authorities and
paralysed the FDC party. always believed in of building structures. State Enterprise (COSASE) Soroti Woman
The decision by Muntu and his support- Ogalo is also hopeful Muntu would tap MP Angeline Osegge and Ntungamo
ers followed bitter wrangles that rocked the into the support of the moderates both in Municipality MP Gerald Karuhanga and
party for years that reached peak during the FDC and the ruling National Resistance Chairperson and Vice chairperson of the
party’s presidential elections in November Movement party who do not see either Public Accounts Committee respectively.
2017, where Muntu lost the Presidency to party as the best alternative. Dokolo woman MP, Cecilia Ogwal, was
Amuriat. The FDC has dominated the opposition also dismissed from the parliamentary
While they say the main cause of fric- politics since political parties were reintro- Commission and replaced with Buhweju
tion has been the difference in strategies- duced in Uganda’s politics in 2005. It has MP Francis Mwijukye.
defiance and organisation, the party had not been the only party to appoint the opposi- Muntu’s group took decisive and deliber-
known any peace ever since Muntu took tion leadership in Parliament and has had ate steps to leave the party, starting with
over the presidency after Kizza Besigye’s the biggest say in proposals for joint opposi- defying Amuriat and openly campaigning
early retirement in 2012. tion candidates. Now, if Muntu’s gamble for an independent candidate Kassiano
The animosity started with the challenge succeeds, his political formation could pose Wadri in Arua Municipality where the party
of Muntu’s election as party President in a threat to the FDC’s position. had an official flag bearer.
November 2012 where he defeated Budadiri Appointing the leader of the opposi- Now, it appears, an unnamed FDC
West MP Nandala Mafabi and two other tion has become coveted since the position member who posted online that Muntu had
contestants. started attracting perks equivalent to a cabi- just taken the struggle against Museveni
After Muntu’s defeat, his supporters net minister; including huge emoluments, backwards by more 10 years, could have the
who had tried to dissuade him from seek- chauffeur driven official car, police escorts, final word.
ing re-election and leaving the party even and endless travel and visibility opportuni- “History will judge Muntu. It’s clear we
before the November 2017 elections insisted ties. are going to have NRM Vs FDC Vs Third
it would not be wise to stay in the party. It is so important that it is said to have force,” the member said, “Who is the ben-
His supporters’ worry was that Muntu sparked Muntu’s exit. According to this eficiary here?” That must wait until the 2021
would win the election and spend another line, although Muntu had for over a year general elections, at least.
five years putting out fires denying him toed with leaving FDC, his resolve turned

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 13


Kabaka Muteesa II inspects a guard of honour.

How Buganda tested Ugandan,

British independence politicians
On July 26, 1962, the British House the Bill is to provide for the Independence offer a permanent solution to many of the
of Lords debated the `Uganda of Uganda. I am sure that your Lordships long-standing problems which have faced
Independence Bill’. A look at the will be pleased to know that it was Uganda. The most important and baffling
proceeding reveals many issues the unanimous wish expressed at the of these problems has been the welding
Independence Conference that Uganda of the traditional kingdoms of Buganda,
that troubled the leading politicians should remain in the Commonwealth Ankole, Bunyoro and Toro into a modern
of the period. Top on that was and be under the sovereignty of Her structure of Government. The Report of this
list was the place of Buganda in Majesty the Queen, as Queen of Uganda. Conference is contained in Command Paper
Uganda, which remains to this day. It so happens that it is almost exactly 100 No. 1778, which was recently laid before
Below is a heavily edited version of years since the explorers Speke and Grant Parliament. Uganda, perhaps more than
the proceedings: discovered the headwaters of the Nile and any other British territories in Africa, has
it was from this date that our association been notable for the exceptional strength
Order of the Day for the Second with Uganda began. It is now 68 years since of its tribal loyalties and institutions.
the Protectorate was first declared. During Buganda, with its central position, with its
Reading read. these years Uganda has been growing into a highly developed system of Government,
nationhood. Its peoples have been learning its Kabaka, and its traditional Council the

to work together to create a stable and Lukiko has tended to overshadow the rest
y Lords, I have at command happy country. There is a growing spirit of the country. The other kingdoms and
from Her Majesty the Queen of co-operation in Uganda and in recent districts have also been equally concerned
to acquaint the House that Her years a real basis of political unity has been to preserve their individuality. They
Majesty, having been informed worked out. The Munster Commission have all, however, been willing to make
of the purport of the Uganda Independence (which your Lordships will remember was sacrifices in order that the new Independent
Bid, has consented to place Her Majesty’s the Relationships Commission) did much Uganda should have sufficient strength and
Prerogative and interest so far as they to promote this spirit of unity, and I should cohesion to play its part in the affairs of the
are affected by the Bill at the disposal of like to record the gratitude of Her Majesty’s modern world.
Parliament for the purposes of the Bill. Government to the noble Earl, Lord The difficult question of the position of
Munster, who led the Commission, and Buganda was to a large extent solved at
THE MINISTER FOR COLONIAL AFFAIRS to his distinguished colleagues Professor the Lancaster House Conference last year.
(THE MARQUESS OF LANSDOWNE) Wade and Dr. Marshall. The work of the Independence Conference
At the Independence Conference which last month was greatly facilitated by this
My Lords, I beg to move that this Bill was concluded on June 29 at Marlborough preparatory work. A federal relationship
be now read a second time. The object of House, arrangements were agreed which between Buganda and the Central

14 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

Government had then been agreed, and right honourable friend had to weigh very As your Lordships know, the view was
a satisfactory relationship has now been carefully the consequences of an imposed urged in another place that there should be
worked out between the other Kingdoms decision. He took fully into account the written into the Constitution a date before
and districts and the Central Government. Commission’s warnings of the risk of which the referendum must be held, or,
Noble Lords will remember that the Central serious disturbances in the future if nothing at least, that a public declaration should
Government, under the leadership of Mr. were done. He also accepted their view be made in Uganda that a referendum
Obote, has been in office for less than three that the atmosphere was quite unsuitable will be held, without necessarily putting
months. None the less, during this short for holding a referendum in the short a date to it. An undertaking was given
time much constructive work has been time available before the promised date of that these views would be put to Mr.
done. independence. He, therefore, decided upon Obote and this has been done. Mr. Obote
The success of the Independence a solution which gave the responsibility of is now embarking upon discussions
Conference was in no small part due to the administration of the two counties to the on the practical implementation of the
the confidence which Mr. Obote and Central Government for a period, and with Conference’s decisions. I am sure that your
his Ministers were able to inspire in the it the responsibility to give the people who Lordships would not wish that by anything
delegates from all parts of the country. live there the opportunity by a referendum we say here to-day we should complicate
Having myself sat for many hours in the to decide their own future in conditions of the issue in Uganda.
Constitutional Committee, I was able to peace and security. It is our belief that this
see this for myself. I should like to pay my solution will give security to the peoples THE EARL OF LUCAN
tribute to the painstaking care and obvious concerned, and should greatly reduce My Lords, the noble Marquess has
sense of responsibility with which the the threat to peace and good order at this referred to the unanimous wish of all
Uganda delegates set about their task. I am crucial period in the life of Uganda. Parties taking part in the Conference
bound to say that again and again during that the independent State of Uganda
the course of the Conference regional should continue to be a member of the
interests were pressed; but equally, my Commonwealth. I think we can welcome
Lords, when there seemed some danger that, and, as the noble Marquess says, we
that these regional interests were being can welcome the spirit of compromise that
over-emphasised, the good sense of the was shown by the parties taking part. One
delegates prevailed, and they reminded could, however, wish that that spirit had
themselves that their purpose was to gone just a little further. I have seen it said
achieve a Constitution which would benefit in a letter from the Ruler of Bunyoro that
Uganda as a whole. “compromise is quite unknown to Africans.
There was one issue at the Conference Yet,” he said, “we willingly accepted the
which proved incapable of solution by compromise proposed by the Molson
agreement. This was the dispute between Committee.
the Kingdoms of Buganda and Bunyoro On a smaller scale we have a
over the so-called “lost counties”. As manifestation of it in the case of the “lost
your Lordships will remember, the counties” that are in dispute between the
Prime Minister appointed a Commission Kingdoms of Uganda and Bunyoro. The
consisting of three Members of your Commission of which the noble Lord,
Lordships’ House, under the chairmanship Lord Molson, was Chairman went into
of Lord Molson, assisted by Lord Listowel this subject in great detail and came to a
and Lord Ward of Witley, to advise the unanimous conclusion—and I can say on
Government on this difficult question. behalf of my noble friend Lord Listowel
Those of your Lordships who have that he was entirely in agreement with
Milton Obote the Report of that Commission. They
read their report will, I am quite certain
appreciate the immense care and close recommended a certain course to Her
consideration of all the facts with which Majesty’s Government, and the noble
they discharged their task. Marquess has explained that Her Majesty’s
Like the Munster Commission, Lord Government also thought that that would
Molson’s Commission treated the problem be the best solution; but we have to face
of the “lost counties” as a political question it that when they saw that they could not
and not as a juridical one. Their report, your get agreement with this solution they
Lordships will remember, recommended decided against imposing a solution while
that two of the counties, Buyaga and Her Majesty’s Government was still in
Bugangazzi, should be transferred from control. Remember, my Lords, that the
Buganda to Bunyoro. We entered upon Act says, in line 14 of the first page: “…
the Independence Conference with as from the appointed day Her Majesty’s
the conviction that this would be the Government in the United Kingdom shall
best solution to the problem, if the two have no responsibility for the Government
Kingdoms could be brought to agree to of Uganda or any part thereof.” I and my
it. But, my Lords, in the event, Buganda friends feel that Her Majesty’s Government
were adamant that there should be no have shirked the responsibility which was
transfer of territory. They maintained that theirs of deciding on the solution which
the territory concerned was lawfully theirs, they themselves thought was the best. They
and, furthermore, that Lord Molson’s decided that it would be dangerous to leave
Commission had to a very large extent things as they are and that a referendum
acquitted them of charges of discrimination. was impossible in the time they had
As there could be no agreement, my Kabaka Muteesa II available. Delay, surely, will be dangerous.

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 15

Two years’ delay before there servants, will continue on its British Government might mind is whether there should
is a referendum will give path of independence. We hope take. The first was to give the be a maximum period as well
opportunity for feelings to be that the dispute between these two counties to Bunyoro; the as a minimum one—in other
inflamed and for passions to be two component parts is settled second, to allow Buganda words, whether the referendum
played upon, with every risk peacefully. I would extend our to retain them for all time, must be held within a certain
that they will lead to a situation warmest wishes to the peoples, as it were; and the third was period of time. But, on the
which cannot be settled all of them, of Uganda. to do nothing. After some whole, I think it is perhaps just
peacefully. A referendum when experience of Her Majesty’s as well not to include it in the
carried out by an independent LORD OGMORE Government, I must admit Constitution. If a declaration
State cannot be supervised by My Lords, I feel that the that I was afraid they would can be obtained from the
outside impartial authorities. prospects of Uganda are bright, take the third course and do Uganda Government, so much
The changes in the because, unlike so many nothing. It seemed to me highly the better. All these things will
Constitution and territorial countries whose independence important that they should do be in the hands of the Uganda
changes in the new State have we celebrate in this House, something. It was quite beyond Government, and I personally
to be passed by a two-thirds it is economically viable. It reason to expect a young have every confidence in
majority. Everything depends has a small population for its Uganda Government to handle Mr. Obote. I think he is a
on the two-thirds majority. At size—only some 6 million or 7 a problem of this kind which remarkable man and, so far as
the moment I understand that million in a country the size of was, in any case, sixty years he is concerned, I am sure he
Mr. Obote is leading a Coalition will carry out any obligations to
Government and his principal the letter.
supporters are the Buganda
Party. The Buganda Party have VISCOUNT WARD OF WITLEY
gone on record as saying that My Lords, I have never
they are irreconcilably opposed regarded myself, and certainly
ever to giving the control of no one else has ever regarded
any of the disputed counties me, as an expert on Colonial
to another kingdom. That is Affairs, and I ventured to
what leads one to look on the intervene briefly in this debate
situation with some alarm. to-day only because I was one
We think that Her Majesty’s of the three Privy Counsellors,
Government have taken the under the leadership of my
wrong decision and have noble friend Lord Molson,
shirked their responsibilities. who, at the request of the Prime
There is hope that the peoples Minister, visited Uganda last
of Uganda who, after all, have January to inquire into and
recognised the value to them of report upon the long-standing
a peaceful combination to make boundary dispute between
the new state a success, may Buganda and Bunyoro. Anyone
see that, no matter what they who has once been to Uganda
feel now, some compromise by will, I believe, always take
both parties to the dispute is Kabaka Muteesa II (L) and Obote a close interest in its future
inevitable. development. For one cannot
But that sort of attempt fail to be captivated by the
requires mutual confidence on Britain—and it has a rich soil, ago the responsibility of Her beauty of the country and
both sides, and the confidence with many natural resources. Majesty’s Government, and on by the kindness and charm
of the smaller of the two There is no large settler element which nothing has been done of its people; nor can one
disputants, Bunyoro, is not there and there is no large ever since. fail to recapture much of the
likely to be forthcoming when racial minority. Such racial So I was very glad indeed magnetism which compelled
you get threats expressed like minorities as are there are badly that they took action and did the great Victorian explorers
those reported in The Times needed in the development of take a decision. It was quite to return there again and
of July 19, when the acting the country; and I am sure— an unexpected one—namely, again, determined, in spite of
Buganda Premier said: “The indeed, I know—that this fact that the Central Government immense hardship, danger and
Kabaka’s people had been is understood by the African should administer these two disease to uncover the wealth of
prepared to invade Bunyoro leaders. Politically, therefore, counties for a period of not less secrets it held.
if Britain had ordered any so far as those problems are than two years, after which the But, my Lords, even in a
of the Lost Counties to be concerned—problems which decision should be taken by a maiden speech which I know
transferred.” That is not the are so acute in other parts of referendum organised by the must not be too controversial, I
kind of language calculated to Africa—there is no difficulty in National Assembly of Uganda. cannot refrain from expressing
permit a peaceful settlement. Uganda. I thought that was quite an my disappointment that it
We can only hope that more As the noble Marquess said, imaginative proposal. It was a was not found possible to get
moderate counsels will prevail; the acute problem was over decision which was accepted by agreement between Buganda
that the future will be assured; the lost counties. Originally, the Uganda Government. It was and Bunyoro over the lost
and that this country, which there were six, and now, as the a great step forward. Mr. Obote, counties dispute before the
has been, as the noble Marquess result of the Report of Lord with great courage I may say, date of independence. As the
said, such a good example of a Molson’s Commission, that is accepted the decision, and I noble Marquess has said, our
Protectorate under the British cut down to two. There were think it may well be that it will Commission recommended
Crown, thanks to the devoted three courses which we at the be found in time to be the right that two of the counties should
efforts of the British Colonial Conference thought that the one. The only question in my be returned to Bunyoro and

16 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

that the other four should remain in the kind of administration which the LORD TWINING
Buganda. We also recommended that Uganda Government establishes in
Mubende Town should be placed the two counties in the next two years. My Lords, it was my privilege to
under the administration of the Central Certainly, it would not work now. As serve in Uganda from 1923 to 1938,
Government. Those recommendations we said in our Report: “a referendum first in the Army and then in the
were accepted without reservation would inevitably fan the flames of tribal Administration. I know the country
by Her Majesty’s Government and, I feeling, would invite intimidation, and well, and I count among my friends
think, by Her Majesty’s Opposition would create a situation in which no many Uganda Africans from the most
as well. The Omukama of Bunyoro, lasting settlement could be expected. lowly to the highest in the land. As the
although disappointed that we had At worst it could lead to bloodshed.” I noble Viscount has said, anyone who
not recommended the return of all the cannot help feeling considerable doubt visits Uganda must be struck by the
territory, generously agreed to this whether this will not be equally true two beauty of the smiling countryside which
compromise in the interests of peace, years from now. Certainly, Mr. Obote is has been so wall endowed by nature.
stability and the unity in Uganda as shouldering a very great responsibility. This is reflected by the happy look on
a whole, and he renounced all claim There will be—and I am sure he realises the faces of those who live there. They
to the four remaining counties. And it—much preparatory work to do in the are an intelligent and well-mannered
if there could have been an equally selection of local chiefs, for example, and people, who go about their business with
magnanimous gesture by the Kabaka insistence upon absolute impartiality in a dignified poise suggesting a natural
of Buganda, the problem would have their administration. Supervision must pride in their land and their way of
been solved and the dispute settled for be both independent and strict. Security life. If during the last few years there
all time. But, unfortunately, the Kabaka, arrangements must be efficient and have been political stresses and strains,
doubtless with the Kabaka Yekka unbiased. most of these have been resolved by the
breathing down his neck, refused to cede mature good sense of the people and the
any territory at all. statesmanship of their leaders.
As we know, my right honourable Uganda is notable for the strength of

The Buganda
friend produced an alternative solution the monarchical system. The Kingdoms
Which was agreed by Mr. Obote, of Buganda, Bunyoro, Toro and Ankole
but, unfortunately, by neither the
Kabaka nor by the Omukama. It is Party have gone cover a large part of the total area of
the country. I have always thought
that these two counties of Buyaga and
Bugangazzi should be placed under on record as that the British Administration tended;
to underestimate how deeply rooted
the administration of the Central
Government for a minimum period of
saying that they monarchy is in the minds and the
loyalties of the people. In Buganda
two years and then a referendum held
at some appropriate time to determine
are irreconcilably the Kabakaship is regarded as being
sacrosanct. It is the outward and visible
the wishes of the people. I have read
carefully the arguments put forward
opposed ever to sign of their history and of their sense
of nationhood, while at the same time it
in another place that there should be giving the control carries with it a certain undefinable but,

of any of the
a maximum period within which the nevertheless, powerful mystique. I have
referendum must be held as well as a known two Kabakas, and can testify to
minimum cooling off period, and I must
admit that I have some sympathy for the disputed counties the devotion and loyalty shown by their
subjects, both to their office and to their
views expressed; but I very much doubt
whether it would really be practical to another person. The same is true of the other
Kingdoms. It is therefore not surprising,
politics. One reason (and I think my
noble friend Lord Molson will agree)
kingdom though it is none the less gratifying, that
they accept our gracious Sovereign, not
why our Commission was so anxious only as Head of the Commonwealth but
to get this matter settled before the date as Queen of Uganda.
of independence was precisely because In that connection, I wonder if I
we felt it would be impossible to bind might ask the noble Marquess, when LORD MOLSON
the Uganda Government to settle it after he replies, whether he can give us any My Lords, I should not have risen
the British had gone. And, of course, the idea of the position with regard to the if I did not feel bound to make certain
same thing applies here. One cannot bind two companies of King’s African Rifles remarks about the settlement which
them to stick to a maximum period. in Uganda; whether he is satisfied that has been imposed in the lost counties
In any case, I am sure Mr. Obote they are properly equipped and there dispute. I share the disappointment
wants to get the matter settled. Indeed, in adequate numbers to deal with any that the appeal that we made in our
I believe that both the major political troubles that may arise; and, if not, Report to Buganda to make a generous
Parties in Uganda want to get the matter whether he will assure us that the move towards a settlement has not
settled, although I am not so sure about Government will give them all the help been accepted. As my noble friend has
the Kabaka Yekka, which unfortunately they can. Much will depend upon the said, our proposal was that, of the six
holds the balance of power. But, two tribes themselves. Any needling of counties, two, Buyaga and Bugangazzi,
certainly, Mr. Obote will be in the best one another, and, particularly, any acts where the Banyoro were in a large
position to judge the right moment to of lawlessness, will tend to perpetuate majority and were obviously very much
hold a referendum, and certainly in a an atmosphere in which a referendum attached to the Omukama in sentiment,
better one, I think, than we are now at a is impossible. But we can only look on should be returned to that Kingdom,
distance of two years away. the bright side and hope that things will and that the other four should continue
Whether or not a referendum will change considerably in the next few to remain with Buganda. My Lords, we
work at all depends largely upon years. did not recommend a referendum. We

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 17


Obote swears in.

thought it unnecessary, and we there was a great danger that therefore, that the next thing been so admirably stated by
thought that it was likely to be under the 1961 constitution which should happen to make other speakers in this debate
extremely dangerous, likely to the Prime Minister of Uganda a settlement likely would be this afternoon: that there is
inflame political opinion and would be dependent upon a that some assurance should be among the people of Uganda
likely to lead to intimidation bloc of representatives from given that the referendum will a clear sense of nationhood; a
and violence. Buganda, and we said in in fact be held. realisation that if their country
In view of the refusal paragraph 103 of our Report is to continue to be, as I think
of Buganda to accept “that the Federal status in an THE MARQUESS OF the noble Earl, Lord Lucan,
these proposals, my right independent country, which LANSDOWNE described it, an oasis of calm
honourable friend who was Buganda is to enjoy from and stability, it will be necessary
then Secretary of State for October 9, 1962, would make it My Lords, although, perhaps, for them to work together in
the Colonies felt obliged to relatively easy for the Kabaka’s the speeches which have been a spirit of compromise. The
impose a compromise. I feel Government, if it so desired, to made in your Lordships’ noble Lord, Lord Twining,
that this compromise is unduly obstruct the implementation of House this afternoon will not with his great knowledge of
favourable to Buganda, which a settlement.” be so closely scrutinised in the country, referred to the
is the more powerful of the And we said in paragraph this country in view of other necessity for political stability
disputants, and is unfair 105 that “if a Prime Minister speeches which are being in order to attract the necessary
to Bunyoro. It is, of course, of an independent Uganda made at the same time to-day, development capital. Here
arguable that it is desirable that were dependent upon the it is quite certain that they will again it has been our hope that
there should be a referendum Buganda bloc for staying in be very closely scrutinised the actions of Her Majesty’s
in those two counties in order office, he would find it difficult in Uganda. I am not going Government will indeed ensure
to ascertain what I think is to support any concession to to go into the details of the the political stability which is so
already quite obvious—namely, the Bunyoro.” My Lords, that is negotiations which led my right necessary for the attraction of
that they wish to be returned exactly what has happened. The honourable friend the previous investment capital to Uganda.
to the Kingdom of Bunyoro. I 21 representatives of Buganda Colonial Secretary to reach the I have no doubt that the
cannot think, however, that it is are all nationalists, and Mr. decision to which he came. But good wishes of the noble Lord,
reasonable to lay down that that Obote is dependent upon their I can tell your Lordships this: Lord Montagu of Beaulieu,
referendum should not take support for remaining in office. he did not reach this decision who knows the country well,
place for two years, without It therefore appears to me to without the most careful will be well received when
any firm assurance that it will be important that the demands consideration, and without long they are read in Uganda. In
take place at any time. which were made by both and patient discussion with conclusion, I should like to add
My Lords, I will certainly Parties in another place should the panties concerned. I have my own words in praise of Mr.
heed what was urged by my be heard, and that an assurance taken note, of course, of what Obote. The solution which Her
noble friend Lord Lansdowne: should be given by the present noble Lords have said about the Majesty’s Government have
that nothing I say should Government of Uganda that question of an assurance that decided upon was a great test
complicate the issue. Our desire the referendum will be carried the referendum should be held. of Mr. Obote’s courage. It will
was to act as peacemakers out at a reasonably early time. I It is, of course, the earnest require courage for him to carry
in this dispute, and I am still share the doubts expressed by desire of us all—those of the out the responsibility which he
hoping that peace may come my noble friend Lord Ward of Commission and all of us in has assumed, the responsibility
as a result of the compromise Witley, that the passage of time this House—that this decision of the administration of the two
that has been imposed. My may not necessarily lead to an will, in the end, be proved to lost counties.
Lords, we said that it was most assuaging of these passions, be right. I, for my part, have
desirable that this dispute but that in fact the feelings a very considerable degree of Source: UGANDA
should be settled before may become more inflamed optimism that it will so turn INDEPENDENCE BILL
independence. We foresaw that as time passes. I am quite sure, out, for the reasons which have (Hansard, 26 July 1962)

18 Oct 05 - 11, 2018


Bobi wine and Besigye

Supporters of young politician shouldn’t treat Besigye
as worthy of their insults and not important anymore
By Abbey Kibirige Semuwemba is for him to work with Besigye

just like Kampala Capital City
t is a story with all the Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago
makings of a blockbuster is doing. Yes, we all have our
novel: a brilliant composer/ tastes in politicians and we
politician, an attractive should not apologise for it.
woman, and a mystery that has There is no accounting for taste!
lasted for years now. This story, Usually, this is hurled as a
though, is real. The composer taunt of one-upmanship: “I like
is Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi it, and therefore I have ‘good
Wine, the renowned Uganda taste,’ and you, who don’t like
musician who burst to the scene it, don’t.”
twelve years ago. He has also Life will go on whether nei-
been the Kyadondo East Mem- ther Bobi nor Besigye become
ber of Parliament for one year president. That is why I will
and two months. The young never use nasty language to
woman is Barbie Intungo attack any politician, the way
Kyagulanyi, his wife. And the Andrew M. Mwenda does,
mystery? Is how the man who or what Pastor Grace Lubega
sang in a less appealing voice did, just because he is not my
could become so rich in such a choice as the next president
short time compared to musi- of Uganda. People should be
cians that are better gifted. free to support whoever they
A study of the politician’s want,after all, anybody can be
life reveals that for most of his president of Uganda. I’m not
life he was fascinated by the saying they (Pastor and Mwen-
politics of our country. He tried da) don’t have a right to express
to pass on his political beliefs their opinions, but, if they have
through some of his songs. I a right to express their opin-
always admired his courage as ions, other people have a right
a musician, and I was among to express theirs and take the
those that disagreed with FDC’s other side.
decision not to support him That said, I think some of
when he stood for parliament. I Bobi supporter’s schizophrenic
stood with him when he helped reasoning is that simultane-
brother Asuman Basalirwa ously Besigye is not important
to become an MP in Bugiri. I anymore and worthy of their
sympathised with him when acts of abuse, and Bobi does
he was beaten up during the not need to work with him at
recent by elections in Arua by all. Perhaps they should ask
the Special Forces Command themselves why he has lasted
(SFC) soldiers who guard Presi- long as Museveni’s challenger
dent Yoweri Museveni. That’s compared to the rest. Bobi too
why I think that Uganda needs should be warier of buying in
an independent organisation Eighteen years ago, while For instance, one of opposition to the advice of some of the
to watch the conduct of our struggling to achieve recogni- FDC stalwart Kizza Besigye’s resident “political experts”.
security agencies. Here in the tion as a composer, he met luckiest decisions was marrying Abed Bwanika, for instance,
UK we have got the watchdog, Barbie, when they were both Winnie Byanyima, the current is a certifiable paranoiac, who
the Security Service Tribunal, teenagers. The daughter of par- boss of OXFAM. Her family is attacks anybody that works
which deals with complaints ents from Museveni’s tribe, the influential in our politics. She with Besigye yet he was quick
against the security service Banyankole, she shared Bobi’s has been influential almost to swear an affidavit legitimis-
(though it always clears MI5 interests in music, smoking all her life, and a big rock for ing Museveni’s re-election after
of any wrongdoing). I don’t weed, and politics. They got Besigye. the 2016 elections.
think parliament has got the married on August 27, 2011, But as nature would have it,
tools to investigate those who and now arguably are the best most good things in one’s life Abbey Kibirige Semuwemba is a
tortured the MPs, and that is youthful political couple in the breed jealousy. A lot of people Ugandan political commentator
why anybody can tell them any country. Having a strong wom- are attacking Bobi and Besigye and blogger who lives in the UK
‘Nigeriarish’. an by your side helps in politics. purely out of jealousy. My wish

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 xix


Ugandans don’t know

they are rich - study
Twaweza report shows the government needs
to rethink how it pulls the poor from poverty
By Flavia Nassaka appears convinced that throwing money at say Museveni’s handouts make people lazy

people will somehow lift them out of pov- and that it is shameful to receive handouts
resident Yoweri Museveni likes to erty. According to a new study, however, without working.
hand out cash. He splashes on any- that approach is not working. In fact, even A day before the Twaweza report was
one lucky enough to cross his path. the targeted recipients of the money do not launched on Sept.26; Museveni had sent the
It could be a person or group in the support the President’s approach. Deputy Government spokesperson, Col.
low income settlements around towns, a According to a survey by Twaweza, an Shaban Bantariza, to hand Shs100 million to
peasant farmer in the countryside, or a lead- East African region non-governmental youths in Kamwokya low income suburb of
er, bishop, sheik, bereaved widow or out organisation that does surveys of people’s Kampala city. In the same week, the news
of job youth. Museveni also likes to set up opinions on social and economic issues, featured a public ruckus over Shs20 mil-
agencies and programmes to hand out cash. Ugandans are not convinced that the gov- lion that Museveni sent to the family of the
There is the Poverty Alleviation Department ernment is treating poverty and inequality slain driver of the controversial Kyadondo
(PAD) he set up at State House in 2000, then as a serious issue. East MP Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine.
Prosperity for All, Operation Wealth Cre- Up to 70% of those interviewed said lead- It is believed that President Museveni’s
ation, Youth Livelihood Programme, and ers are not treating poverty with the urgen- guards shot the driver dead in Arua, West
recently the Ghetto Initiative. The President cy it requires and up to 40% of Ugandans Nile, while Kyagulanyi and Museveni were

20 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

Even back then, respondents said gov-

ernment is not doing enough to fight pov-
erty. The majority said there are no formal

to national safeguards for people hit by financial hard

times and they rely on family, friends and
statistics, up to other informal groups instead of established
institutions, to borrow. When that fails,

80% many of them completely run out of busi-

ness in case of an emergency or a calamity.
So what does the government do with
of people in reports from surveys such as this? Do gov-

towns are
ernment official pore over them and use
them as a basis for future interventions?

considered to
Mayanja Gozanga, the Commissioner
in charge of Monitoring at the Office of the
be among the Prime Minister (OPM), says the surveys
should not target the central government

only. He says since Twaweza captures
voices of the people at the grassroots, their
recommendations can be used for engage-
richest people ments at both community and parish levels.
He says everyone and all organisations and
in Uganda government agencies need to be involved to
fight poverty and reduce inequality.
“Government can come up with all these
consider themselves rich. social safety nets proposed like access to
Nanyanzi says when people in the rural credit, reductions in taxes and insurance but
countryside were asked the same question, the majority have told you its hard work
10% said they see themselves to be in the that does the magic,” he said, “What to take
richest 40% of the population. Based on offi- away from this is that even if you give them
cials statistics, however, up to 30% of rural money that won’t help much if you don’t
folk are among the 40% rich quartile. sensitise them on how to use it.”
The survey also shows over half; 54%, But, Christopher Musoke, an Inclusive
of Ugandans say that the reason people Financial Sector Specialist says the claim
are poor is because of laziness or lack of that laziness is the reason people are poor
personal effort. Other factors such as social is a false generalisation. To him, there is
campaigning for opposing candidates in a injustice, luck (16%) and unemployment a significant percentage of citizens who
by-election. (11%) were mentioned by fewer people; remain poor because of other barriers such
Twaweza’s latest survey focused on 29% and 11% respectively. as lack of access to capital to start or expand
public perception on poverty, fairness and Twaweza asked people it interviewed their income generating activities and legal
inequality. The survey, which is the second questions like – why do you think house- barriers to running their income generating
this year, roped in their view on other issues holds in Uganda are poor? What is the most activities.
like health and education. important thing that one needs in getting Musoke says it is the duty of the gov-
Dubbed, ‘The haves and the have nots’, ahead in life? Do you agree or disagree that ernment to put in place an enabling legal
the report of the results of the survey the gap between the rich and the poor is too framework to allow all businesses to start,
showed that up to 95% of Ugandans believe large? Is it a responsibility of government run, and expand in a fair manner.
that there is huge and growing gap between to reduce this gap? What are the three most “What is required is that there are no bar-
the rich and the poor. The Twaweza report important things for the government to do riers to some and open gates for others,” he
based on data collected from 1925 respon- to reduce income inequality in the country? says.
dents who they called through their mobile A new interesting finding in the report He says with fair competition, the best
phone panel ‘Sauti za Wananchi’ between is that while 80% believe that hard work business gets ahead of the pack.
May 12 and 30, 2018. makes it easy for one to acquire wealth and He says even when the government has
But Marie Nanyanzi, the Sauti za Wanan- improve their status, 81% also think that it good intentions in its attempt to alleviate
chi Programme Director at Twaweza told is the responsibility of government to get poverty, it has not used a sustainable solu-
The Independent in an interview that many them out of their situations. tion to solve the problem.
of those they interviewed also had a false Nanyanzi said they were also asked who, “Poverty is not uniform and is not
perception of the levels of poverty. between a boy and girl child should be tak- caused by the same factors,” he told The
“95% of Ugandans think the gap between en to school if there is only enough money Independent, “Secondly poverty needs
the rich and the poor is too big but to take one child to school and 53% said the a holistic approach and not provision of
“Many of them also have an unclear boy should go to school instead of the girl. free funds. Thirdly government alone
sense of relative poverty and where they This showed the persistent unequal treat- cannot reduce the incidence of poverty.”
might rank,” she said. ment of girls, contrary to the continuous The general view appears to be that
According to her, according to national push by the government and rights organ- tackling inequality is a complex chal-
statistics, up to 80% of people in towns are isations for equal rights for all sexes. lenge. But as the Twaweza survey clear-
considered to be among the 40% richest The findings in the current report are not ly shows that Ugandans are not satisfied
people in Uganda. But, when Twaweza very different from the poverty and finan- with their government’s approach, it is
asked people in towns whether they con- cial inclusion report that Twaweza launched time for a rethink.
sider themselves rich, only 5% said they in March.

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 21


Kirumira murder
Why security agencies are finding
difficulty catching the killers
By Independent Reporter the killers that the wages of sin amongst others—and less talk

is death ( Romans 6:23 ).” on improving the personnel
lmost a month after Kirumira’s murder came that handles these investiga-
the gruesome murder just over three month follow- tions.
of Muhammad Kiru- ing another murder, this time Amongst others, Egesa
mira on Sept.8 there of former legislator, Ibrahim says, agencies were politicised
is little hope security agencies Abiriga, and over a year after and people with no skills and
can find the killers of the former another high profile murder experience were put in charge
Buyende District Police com- of former Assistant Inspector and those with the experience
mander. General of Police, Andrew Felix ignored.
Part of the problem is that Kaweesi, his bodyguard Ken- “In the absence of refined
elements in security agencies neth Erau and driver Godfrey personnel,” Egesa notes,
are key suspects in the investi- Mambewa. “whatever evidence is picked is
gation. The despair also has to Like these officers, Kirumira likely to be messed up.”
do with the fact that security was slain by gunmen riding on The investigative arm of
agencies have in the past failed two motorbikes who sprayed police—the Criminal Inves-
to crack murder cases involv- with bullets the car he was in tigations Directorate (CID)—
ing other high profile public together with a female friend weakened under former police
figures. identified as Resty Nalinya. She Chief Kale Kayihura’s 13-year
Kirumira, become a very con- died instantly and Kirumira reign, in part because of dis-
troversial officer who was at the a few minutes later as he was agreements with senior inves-
centre of fights with the current being driven to hospital. tigators like Godfrey Musana
and former police leaderships, Kirumira’s killers had been and AIGP Grace Akullo, the
low ranking officers, and was tracking him and had estab- current head of the outfit.
increasingly seen an outspoken lished his routine, police sourc- Kayihura cut CID’s budget
critic of the entire establish- es say. He, for example, had and always ensured the major
ment—which makes it more been a regular user of Musoke cases went to the new outfits
complicated to easily zero in on Road along Mityana Road, like Special Investigations Unit
what could have motivated his where he met his death. This is (SIU), whose control he put could taint the image of the
killers. a few kilometres from his home under loyal commanders, some military.
Also while authorities have in Gogonya Zone B, Bulenga, without requisite training and Egesa points out that the
arrested security operatives as Wakiso District. Witnesses have experience, critics say. pace of the security agencies is
suspects in his murder, Kiru- reported that it was routine for Some of them were not very slow yet crime is chang-
mira was murdered in a similar him to park his car at the road- trained police officers and ing rapidly and criminals are
fashion as public officials who side and chat with boda boda their only claim to fame was changing techniques rapidly.
security authorities say were riders at the nearby stage before that they had been reformed Army Spokesperson Brig.
killed by elements in the Allied embarking on his journeys. criminals who understood the Richard Karemire, declined to
Democratic Forces (ADF). Private investigator Fred inner workings of the crimi- go into the details surrounding
Experts also say criminal inves- Egesa, has told The Indepen- nals they were supposed to be the investigations.
tigation capability is also not at dent that the most obvious chasing. To make up for their “Let us not go into all sorts
its best. common thread in Kirumira’s weaknesses, critics say, these of interpretations now,” Brig.
Amidst all this, President murder and that of other high elements often arrested and Karemire told The Indepen-
Museveni on Oct.1 announced profile personalities is the pinned suspects that turned out dent, “At an appropriate time,
on social media that the Chief- method is shooting; by assail- to be innocent. the investigating team will give
tance of Military Intelligence ants on motorbikes as an easy President Yoweri Museveni an analysis of their investiga-
(CMI) squads had arrested a gate away. has recently turned to CMI, the tions.”
number of suspects in the kill- Egesa who is a former cop intelligence outfit of the military He added; “His excellence
ing of ASP Kirumira on Friday told The Independent investiga- to take lead in these investiga- the president has given the
night. “Quite a number of them tion teams are still behind on tions. update and that is where we
will appear in court soon,” he what it takes to make definitive But Egesa says the military are at.”
posted on his Face Book page, criminal investigations. might not have skills in han- Following Kirumira’s mur-
“In the process, one of them, Like other criminal inves- dling domestic intelligence and der, President Museveni per-
by the names of Kateregga tigators The Independent has investigations. Even if they do, sonally visited Busega police
Abdu, was shot and later died spoken to, Egesa agrees with he adds, the authorities need to station and later moved to the
of his injuries. It turns out that the view that “machines do not ensure that the proper proce- crime scene about two and a
Kateregga was one of the ADF catch criminals, people do.” Yet dures of criminal investigations half hours later. While there,
terrorists that had benefited there has been a lot of focus on are integrated into the military. he picked two witnesses and
from Amnesty in the past. This, beefing up the technology— Otherwise, he fears, the way took them back to State House
therefore, is to put on notice all erecting cameras on the street, they handle these investigations with him. Later on, he gave two

22 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

police on social media.
Kirumira had become the most outspo-
ken critic of Kayihura whom he blamed for
putting criminals in charge of police opera-
tions. On top of openly criticising him, Kiru-
mira celebrated the firing of Kayihura.
Disappointed that Kayihura’s successor
Martins Okoth-Ochola did not like him
much and publicly accused him of indisci-
pline, Kirumira took him on too.
“He is worse than Kayihura,” Kirumira
said referring to Ochola, “The country will
also not benefit because he only knows how
to sit in office and draft draconian laws.”
Kirumira’s hero had been Kaweesi, who
trained him at Kabalye Police Training
Institute in Masindi before he was commis-
sioned as a police constable in 2005. He had
even named one of children after the fallen
The police establishment fought back and
at one point dispatched the Flying Squad
Unit to forcefully arrest him. Apart from
firing bullets and teargas at his home, the
police plucked out his door when he locked
himself in the house and finally arrested
The police establishment also slapped
him with multiple charges. Specifically,
the police court found Kirumira guilty
of parading flying squad operatives to
the media and declaring them as thieves,
unlawfully arresting people and excessive
use of authority. As a result, Kirumira was
demoted from ASP to AIP.
Despite this, Kirumira was not shaken. It
is under these circumstances that he started
receiving death threats, which he reported
addresses to the nation addressing the secu- CMI is taking lead on the investigations to police.
rity challenges. of the Kirumira murder. The military outfit Part of this explains why investigators
The address was a build-up on another is working closely with the Internal Security have been looking into elements in police,
he gave to parliament on June 20 outlining Organisation (ISO) and Police. insiders say. But other insiders say that his
what he intended to do to address the secu- Like the Kaweesi murder case also han- killers could have targeted him precisely
rity challenges. dled by CMI, ISO and police detectives, the because his fight with authorities in police
Amongst these were; finger printing Kirumira investigations had until recently gave them a perfect cover. Away from this,
all the guns in Uganda; requiring every largely focused on elements within police. Kirumira, who had given himself the moni-
motor-vehicle and every piki-piki to have Insiders say the investigators have ker—Mwoyo Gwa Gwanga—loosely inter-
electronic number plates installed at the cost been hunting down police operatives that preted as the soul of the nation, had become
of the owner or inserted in the engine; and belonged to the defunct Flying Squad Unit so popular and some say had become a per-
installation of cameras on the town roads (FSU). Several have been arrested and are fect target of elements targeting high profile
and streets and also along the highways, being interrogated at Makindye Military public officials.
amongst others. Barracks in Kampala. Indeed, even on the day the assassins
He also pointed out that part of the Kirumira severally accused operatives struck, Kirumira was from speaking at a
problem has been “intelligence staff that under this unit of being criminals. He also public event along Entebbe road, where
have been neglecting information from the openly accused his bosses of conniving with he had made a stopover on his way from
public, unjustifiably labeling information criminals. attending an introduction ceremony in
sources as intelligence peddlers or not con- He recounted how, after arresting about Kawuku, still along Entebbe road.
cluding investigations”. 600 thieves in one day in 2012 from Kam- Kirumira was accompanied by his broth-
He also added that the purge of the crimi- pala, his bosses were not pleased. er, who later revealed that on their way
nal and corrupt elements that had infiltrated “The public was happy but my bosses back from Entebbe, they used the Entebbe
the police is continuing. who were conniving with these people Express Highway. But Kuteesa would later
“The Police force is being cleaned of were angry with me,” Kirumira would tell leave Kirumira and get a taxi at Busega to
them,” President Museveni said, “By the journalists. another destination.
end of nine months from today, most of His major fallout with police started “Before reaching home,” Kuteesa says, “I
the elements of the smart and safe City will when Kirumira was transferred to Buy- received a call that he had been shot dead.”
be in place. We can, then, scale down the ende district as the DPC in 2017. He said It was around 8pm when the assailants
reliance on human intelligence and human another of his successful operations in 2016 struck. As he was accustomed to, Kirumira
observation because the technical (the occasioned a transfer that he opposed and had packed by the roadside.
machine) means will be in place.” instead announced his resignation from the

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 23

Telecom listing
Good idea but needs to be cautiously handled

By Julius Businge
Uganda’s plan to have telecom companies list on the stock market
is a good step towards inclusive growth but should be handled
cautiously to avoid discouraging investments.

inancial and economic experts ing and profitable industry. He said that stock markets like the Nairo-
who spoke to The Independent He, however, says government needs to bi Stock Exchange are busy because authori-
said directing telecoms to list be cautious in handling the matter so as not ties there have encouraged segmented
on the Uganda Securities Ex- to create an economic situation that would income earners from different sectors like
change (USE) will create sense discourage normal flow of foreign direct teachers [in the education sector] to invest
of ownership while at the same investments. in stocks.
time promote transparency as a result of Ibra Kasirye, a senior research fellow at “It is (also) about discloser aspect…possi-
the mandatory disclosures to the stakehold- the Makerere University-based Economic bly government wants to know more about
ers – customers, analysts, government and Policy Research Centre (EPRC) said the MTN,” he said.
shareholders. government’s latest move was long overdue Frank Tumwebaze, the minister of Infor-
Enock Nyorekwa Twinoburyo, an econo- and that it was a right step towards devel- mation, Communication and Technology
mist familiar with the industry says the oping the stock market. (ICT) said on Sept. 19 that cabinet had
return on investments in the telecom indus- He says it is an opportunity for people approved a new National Broadband Poli-
try significantly went up in the past nine who have been investing in traditional areas cy, which among others, required telecom
years since the launch of mobile money in such as land and livestock to also venture operators to list shares on the stock market.
2009. Because of this, he says there is need into stock market and earn dividends from He said local listing for all telecom opera-
for Ugandans to have a pie in this fast grow- profitable entities. tors as a licencing condition will help miti-

24 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

In June last year, Prime Minister,
Ruhakana Rugunda, speaking on behalf
of President Yoweri Museveni during
the launch of the 10 year Capital Markets
Development Master Plan appealed
to private entities and public interest
companies such as telecommunications
and banks to consider listing on the stock
market to complement other sources
of funding, as well as sell a part of their
shares to Ugandans who have supported
their growth as customers, suppliers and
employees among others.
Frank Tumwebaze Matia Kasaija Many businesses in the country are reluc-
tant to float shares on the USE for fear of full
disclosure, onerous issuance requirements
approximately 95% of Uganda’s and limited innovation to allow for innova-
telecommunication industry market share tion.
with a combined total of around 21 million
voice subscribers out of about 23million – in Wave of telecom listings
a market that has four other small players. This development come when a number
Last year, MTN Uganda recorded of African countries are putting pressure
a 10.7% growth in revenue to Shs 1.68 on foreign-backed telecom companies to
trillion compared with Shs1.5trilion in 2016 list their shares on the stock exchange as a
supported by growth in demand for data measure to reduce profit repatriation and
and digital services. On the other hand, enhancing transparency.
Airtel – trading as Bharti Airtel Limited, For instance, the Tanzanian government
operating in 20 countries across South Asia passed a new finance bill in 2016 requir-
and Africa, recorded a 53% growth in net ing telecom firms to list at least 25% of
profit in Uganda to Shs245bn. their shares on the Dar es Salaam Stock
In a telephone interview with The Exchange.
Independent on Sept.28, Finance Planning As a result of that, Vodacom became the
and Economic Development Minister, first telecommunication firm in Tanzania to
Matia Kasaija insisted that cabinet will not list on the DSE last year and it is expected
rethink this decision that was made public a that India’s Bharti Airtel and Tigo, which
few weeks ago. have already submitted prospectus to
Kasaija revealed that he was among Tanzania’s Capital Markets and Securities
those who attended the cabinet meeting Authority will receive approvals for their
that resolved that telecom companies must Initial Public Offerings and list soon.
list on the stock exchange. President John Pombe Magufuli’s admin-
istration is targeting at least eight telecom
Beyond telecoms firms to float part of their shares to the stock
Kasaija also said that there are also plans market including state-owned –Tanzania
gate capital flight. All the big telecom opera- to have formerly government owned Telecommunications Company Ltd.
tors in the country are foreign owned. companies to list on the USE so that the In May this year, MTN Ghana offloaded
“Every operator that seeks a national locals can benefit from their profitable a 35% stake on the Ghana Stock Exchange
operator licence must be able to cover the ventures. as part of the agreement between MTN
entire geographical place of Uganda so as to Some of the companies that were Ghana and the West Africa country’s
enable universal access, promote effective supposed to list include the struggling National Communications Authority (NCA)
competition and quality of service,” he said. Uganda telecom ltd, which was supposed to in 2015 for MTN Ghana to deploy high
But the operators said they are yet to have floated 49% of its shares, Kakira Sugar speed 4G LTE mobile services to its custom-
receive official communication regarding Ltd not less than 10% shares, Kinyara ers in the country.
mandatory share listing. Sugar 19% shares, Tororo Cement Works At the same time, MTN Nigeria is work-
“It is something we have heard but have (20%) Barclays Bank (25%), Apollo Hotel ing out mechanisms to settle its disagree-
not officially been told to us,” said MTN currently trading as Sheraton Kampala ment with the central bank of Nigeria
Uganda Communications Manager, Val Hotel would list not less than 20% shares. regarding the alleged illegal transfer of
Okecho, said. Others that were supposed to list about US$8.1billion out of the country
In case the government communicates includes; Lake Victoria Hotel which was before being allowed to list on the Nigerian
to them, then, they will share their views supposed to have offloaded at least 10% Stock Market.
with different stakeholders and consider of its shareholdings and Uganda Grain The company hopes to list its shares by
the matter appropriately and in accordance Milling Company that was supposed May next year as part of the settlement of a
with the laws governing the entire process, to float nearly 30% stake held by the separate dispute between Nigerian telecom-
he added. government. munication regulator and MTN two years
“We have not received an official commu- Currently, the country has 17 firms listed ago over unregistered SIM cards.
nication as yet. We shall discuss it upon the on the USE compared with 21 listed on the The pledge helped enable the Johannes-
official communication,” said Airtel’s Public Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange in Tanzania burg-based company to reduce the penalty
Relations Manager, Sumin Namaganda. and 63 on the Nairobi Stock Exchange in related to that charge to about US$1billion
Currently, MTN and Airtel control Kenya. from more than $5billion.

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 25


Hope as Isimba dam

comes onboard in July next year.
President Yoweri Museveni recently
assured investors and the business commu-
nity that the high electricity tariffs will soon

nears completion
go down.
“The electricity costs; you don’t have to
worry about that because we expect it to go
down after completion of the many dams
we are constructing,” Museveni said while
Two units set to go live within three months commissioning the new Simba cement fac-
tory in Tororo District last month.
By Isaac Khisa work by contractors and strict rules from

donors such as the World Bank. Features of Isimba dam
here lies a stretch of land in Isimba In June this year, the commission of The Isimba hydropower dam covers a
village on the Victoria Nile in Ka- inquiry into land matters led by Justice distance of 1.2 kilometres and it is expected
yunga District, 44km downstream Catherine Bamugemereire directed the to hold 1.7million cubic metres of water that
of the 250 MW Bujagali Hydroelec- Ministry of Finance to halt the payment of will always flow only through the power
tric Power Station where dust has never Shs600bn as compensation to claimants of generation facility known as the Power
settled. a rock underneath the Isimba power dam House.
In the past five years, hundreds of work- construction site. It is in this Power House – a gigantic five-
ers have been crushing rocks, laying con- Also, the government has been criticised storeyed-like erection bay structure – that
cretes and embankments across the Africa’s for what is said to be over-borrowing the four turbines (units) will be fixed to
longest river – the Nile. to fund the huge infrastructure projects generate electricity. So far, two units have
It is this site that the Isimba Hydropower including Isimba Dam where China Import been fixed.
Dam, the third largest electricity plant and and Export Bank is providing 85% of the The project covers approx.3, 000 acres
one of the country’s largest projects is taking US$567.7million (Approx.Shs2.1trillion) of land and comprises of concrete gravity
shape. construction costs. dam, a clay-core rock fill dam, spillways,
Two of its four turbines, commonly Since 2013, the government has injected electro-mechanical equipment, switching
referred to as units, each with a generation huge resources in massive infrastructure stations and auxiliary power transmission
capacity of 45.75MW, are expected to go projects including dams, roads, airports, works.
live in the next three months as construction railway and roads. The concrete dam, located on the left side,
works now stands at 95% completion. But the growth in the economy has been consist of a reservoir retaining structure in
The government is pinning its growth subdued to an average of below 5% over the front of the erection bay, while the rock fill
on the new dam and the 600MW further past few years as opposed to higher levels type with central clay core right dam pro-
downstream of the river to boost the coun- of 6-8% in the early 2000s. vide storage for emergency gates and stop
try’s economic growth agenda. This has been partly blamed on the con- logs.
“This economy hinges on electricity. stant power outages, inaccessibility in some The dam’s external switchyard is situated
Without it, we cannot have economic devel- areas especially in the rural, high electricity at the left bank of the river, and it is already
opment,” said Harrison Mutikanga, the tariffs and high interest rates. connected to the Power House with four
Chief Executive Officer of the state-owned Mutikanga said the sale of electricity to overhead lines.
Uganda Electricity Generation Company the national grid will be priced at US$5cents Once the power has been generated in the
Limited, mandated to oversee dam con- compared with the current over US$8cents Power House, it will be sent to the switch-
structions and electricity generation. offered by Bujagali hydropower project. yard, and later transmitted to the substation
“This project is therefore very critical The Isimba hydropower plant is expected at Bujagali hydropower station through a
for will be used to power to boost the electricity generation with 132kV Isimba-Bujagali double circuit trans-
factories, homes, schools and the planned 183MW, pushing the country’s electricity mission line.
standard gauge railway.” generation to 1,133MW. The project will also include the construc-
But the implementation of this project This is expected to further increase to tion of a bridge across the river a few metres
has not been that rosy. It has faced various 1,733MW when the 600MW Karuma dam from the dam to connect Kayunga and
bottlenecks including resettlement, shoddy Kamuli districts.

26 Oct 05 - 11, 2018


Looming law to curb

By Julius Businge

ganda could soon
have a National Com-

unfair competition
petition Bill enacted
into law, ending along
running delay that is believed
to be hurting local businesses
as a result of uncompetitive
If it succeeds, Uganda will Government to earn money from
join the ranks of Kenya, Tanza-
nia, Rwanda and Burundi in the COMESA deals once law is in place
Common Market for Eastern
and Southern Africa that have and suffocates small firms, stifle
already done so. innovation and allowing inef-
Trade Minister, Amelia ficiencies.
Kyambadde, said during the Private sector players say
closure of a five-day sensitiza- the competition law would
tion of District Commercial effectively work in a favorable
Officers workshop organized economic environment.
by the COMESA Competition Martin Okumu, the former
Commission (CCC) at Ridar director of communication at
Hotel in Seeta on September 28 the Uganda National Chamber
that government hopes to have Kyambadde (L) arriving at Ridar Hotel in company of CCC and Ministry of of Commerce and Industry
the law before the end of the Trade officials.   Independent/Julius Businge and now the executive director
year. of Sapientia Professional Con-
CCC is an affiliate of the investment in its plant due to fields. sultants told The Independent
regional business bloc [COME- what it termed as unfair com- The old version of the com- that as the competition Bill
SA] that oversees all mergers petition. petition bill promises to create takes shape, important issues
and acquisitions as well as The company wanted an independent body — the to address for businesses are
checks anti-competitive prac- the government to protect it Uganda Competition Commis- about lowering the cost of cred-
tices within the 19 COMESA through imposing a 10% import sion — with powers to inves- it, finding markets for goods
member-states in Africa. It has duty on galvanised coils that tigate uncompetitive practices and services, softening the
been operational since 2013. competing firms imported. and behaviour and impose pen- political environment, revamp-
“We shall fight to ensure it Uganda started the process alties where appropriate.  ing the cooperative movement,
[bill] comes out,” Kyambadde of drafting the law 14 years ago The Bill articulates three addressing issues of local
said. In a presentation, Stephen but has not been given priority. main competition issues of content to minimize profit repa-
Kamukama from the ministry Other countries without the law anti-competitive agreements, triation and implement high
of trade said that in August cab- in COMESA are Eritrea and mergers and acquisitions and standards for Ugandan goods
inet directed that the competi- Libya. abuse of dominant position in to access good markets globally.
tion bill be redrafted to exclude Currently, Uganda has the market. “Without these issues in
the creation of the Competition US$1million locked in the George Lipimile, the director place, drafting the competition
Authority following a decision coffers of the CCC accrued and chief executive officer of law would be a waste of time,”
by government to merge some from mergers and acquisition CCC told The Independentthat Okumu said.
of its agencies. deals of companies in Uganda, coming up with a competi-
“The first Parliamentary according to CCC officials. tion law will stimulate trade in Roles of DCOs in
The secretariat says the various products and services,
Counsel is now redrafting the
money can only be remitted to ensure value for money by competition practices
bill,” he said. He added that  Maintain an enterprise
the COMESA Competition government once the competi- ensuring firms compete on
tion law and its implementation price and quality and stimulate database for businesses
Regulations have a force of law  Advise local government
in Uganda as enshrined under framework is in place. innovation and productivity by
The CCC has over the motivating firms to create new councils on appropriate
Article 4 of the COMESA Trea- commercial byelaws and
ty implementation Act 2017 and last five years collected products and reduce costs in
US$27million as fees collected order to win customers. ordinances
that of the East African Com-  Advise enterprises on
munity Law which is domesti- on mergers and acquisition He said the proposed law
deals for companies within the would also enhance favourable ingredients of contracts that
cated under EAC Act 2002. do not offend the competi-
Kamukama said the ministry COMESA trading bloc. competition among local and
Kyambadde said the compe- international firms. tion laws
is now working on institu-  Support enterprises by sen-
tional and regulatory aspects to tition law would target among “It is also one of the best
other groups Micro, Small and economic instruments available sitising them to register as
implement COMESA and EAC legal entities
Laws. Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in order to ensure that regional
spread across all sectors of the integration remains a source  Supporting efforts to ensure
The ministry officials say the that the trade licensing act
absence of the law has fueled economy. of welfare for the citizens and
Data from Uganda Bureau the enterprises operating in our is implemented in accor-
unfair trade wars especially in dance with competition
the sugar, tobacco and other of Statistics show the country respective countries,” he said.
has 49% of MSMEs working in He said anti-competitive laws
industries. In 2010, steel manu-  Provide advisory services
facturer Uganda Baati threat- the services sector, 33% in com- business practices damage
munication and trade, 12% in economies by maintaining to the district investment
ened to stop further capital committees
manufacturing and 8% in other artificially low or high prices

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 27


Emirates in its Stanbic Bank partners with M-Kopa to light up schools

October celebrations  desire to achieve transforma-

mirates continue to de- tional change in the communi-
light customers with its ties. “This means we have to
annual celebrations called continue funding the various
‘Oktoberfest’ both on- aspects that facilitate a good
board and on the ground. education… (and) energy solu-
On September 24, said cus- tions for schools is one of the
tomers travelling in all classes key factors,” she said.
before October 07 between M-Kopa MD David Dam-
Dubai and Germany would berger said the firm is currently
enjoy a special seasonal menu powering over 100,000 house-
of Bavarian-inspired food and holds countrywide.
(L-R) Stanbic Sector Head, Power & Infrastructure Henry Kamuntu, “…it is amazing the impact
beverage. Stanbic Head of CSI Barbara Kasekende, M-Kopa Managing Director
The celebrations would kick solar solutions can bring to the
David Damberger and Samuel Sewankamboa teacher at Ssenene Primary communities. We have seen
off in the iconic A380 onboard School. The school is the first beneficiary of solar solutions following a
lounge with Paulaner Oktober partnership between the bank and M-Kopa.   Courtesy Photo. school children in the rural

festbier served in a traditional areas manage to study bet-
stein or German beer glass. tanbic Bank Uganda popularized by mobile phones ter at night after school hence
Paulaner is a mainstay at the has contributed Shs 50 to provide rent-to-own solar improving on their learning,”
festival and has played an active million in a partnership energy products that help he said.
part in Oktoberfest for over 200 with M-Kopa towards deliver cheap solar power to , “As such, we are glad to be
years. Paulaner is one of only six the installation of solar solu- rural areas. part of this partnership with
breweries to serve at the event, tions in twenty schools coun- Stanbic Head of Corporate Stanbic and we believe these
giving customers an authentic trywide. Social Investment (CSI) Barbara schools will be a great example
Okotberfest celebration at 40,000 M-Kopa is a company that Kasekende said the lender’s on how solar solutions can
feet on Emirates uses the pay-as-you-go model focus on education is driven by impact lives.”


dfcu wins financial literacy accolade Gulu to become a

fcu Bank has been recognized as a seeking to drive a savings culture among logistics hub
big promoter of financial literacy in Ugandans through Investments Clubs. In

Uganda. The recognition was made 2017, over 200 Investment Clubs applied
ulu town in Northern Uganda,
at the 2018 Digital Impact Awards to enter the competition, 20 clubs were
is to get a new $8.8 million trade
Africa held on Sept.21 at the Kampala selected and pitted against each other in
logistics hub with money being
Serena Hotel, organised by HiPipo. a competition that saw Geneber Outspan
provided by the European Union
The award for promoter of financial lit- Organic Farmers from Amolatar emerge
(EU) and the British Department of Interna-
eracy was given to the bank for its Invest- as overall winners, walking away with a
ment Clubs TV campaign dubbed, ‘Battle cash prize of Shs25 million. tional Development (DfID).
for Cash’ which is in its second year and The project is to be implemented by non-
profit trade consultancy firm, TradeMark
East Africa (TMEA) which has regional
TRANSPORT headquarters in Nairobi, but country offices
in the East African Community member
UberBODA offer insurance to its riders states.
“The Hub is expected to improve capac-

ity of transport infrastructure in Northern
he taxi-hailing firm, manager for Uber East said
Uganda to serve markets in South Sudan,
Uber, has offered the insurance coverage is
Northern Uganda and parts of the Demo-
riders with insur- part of fulfilling its goal of
cratic Republic of Congo (DRC), enhance
ance covers in the providing reliable, afford-
event of an accident dur- able and safe transport to efficient management of freight transport
ing the trip. This follows a the Kampala residents. through Northern Uganda and improve
partnership with the UAP “This partnership shows capacity to handle containers and other
Old Mutual Life Assurance that we are committed to cargo in Gulu,” acting director, TMEA
Uganda. the safety of passengers Uganda, Damali Ssali told local online pub-
The package to be pro- using the Uber app,” he lication
vided by UAP Old Mutual said. The Gulu Logistics Hub (GLH) will serve
UberBoda in the trade corridors of Kampala – Gulu –
Life Assurance Uganda Kampala.   Courtesy Photo Anthony Githuka, the
covers up to Shs 1.8million managing director- UAP Elegu/Nimule – Juba Trade Corridor; and
000 for funeral expenses. Gulu – Pakwach Goli/Pader/Lira/Vurra
per person in the event of Old Mutual Life Assurance
The passenger will also be DRC Trade Corridor.
accidental death and per- Uganda said they are look-
covered up to Shs 600,000 Over the years, Uganda has played a big
sonal disability while next ing forward towards a long
for accidental injuries. role as a distribution hub for goods destined
of kin will receive Shs 550 term beneficial partnership.
Loic Amado, the general to Rwanda, South Sudan and the DRC.

28 Oct 05 - 11, 2018


Sadolin unveils
anti-mould paint
By Isaac Khisa that we made a decision to

develop a special product to
adolin has ventured deal with this problem.”
into a new market This comes as competition
segment with the for paint market continues
launch of anti-mould to tighten, with Sadolin
growth paint. and Regal paints ganging
Company executives say up against a new entrant,
the new paint, Sadolin Wall- Japan’s Kansai Plascon.
guard, has properties that Though Plascon acquired
prevent mould growth on the assets of the holders of
surfaces where it is applied. Sadolin brand last year enjoy-
A 20-litre tin of the paint ing a market share of up to
Margie Kigozi, (3rd L) handing over an award certificate to Centenary Bank’s will cost Shs369, 630, which 60% that the latter brand
Micheal Jjingo, the Chief Manager Business Growth (3rd right) and Matred translates into a 13% increase held, sources in the paint
Murungi, Supervisor Corporate Affairs. This was during the Digital Impact from the average price of the market say its market share
Awards Africa (DIAA) where Centenary Bank scooped the overall award - Digital standard paint. A four-litre has dwindled amidst increas-
Brand of the year as well as Best Mobile Banking and Best Digital Customer tin will go for Shs75, 417. ing demand for paint.
Experience awards. The awards Ceremony was held at Kampala Serena Hotel, on Deon Nieuwoudt, the Last year, AkzoNobel,
September 21st, 2018.  Courtesy Photo. Commercial Director for appointed Crown Paints East
East Africa at AkzoNobel, Africa to manufacture and
the brand owner of Sadolin distribute Sadolin Paint in
brand, said the company’s return for commission across
move to unveil the product the region. The company
on the market was owed to says it has also completed the
the increasing incidences of construction of the Shs13bn
mould growth on buildings (US$3.5million) plant in
as a result of high humidity. Namamve, Kampala, to
“I have been visiting Ugan- boost production.
da for the last 10 years… Sadolin’s other exte-
and a number of buildings rior products on the market
have some degree of mould include; Sadolin Roof-
growth including the roofs,” guard, Sadolin Rainsheild
he said. “It is a result of this and Sadolin Dampshield.

Hima Cement CEO Nicolas George (R) hands over a new General Ward
at Hima Health Centre III to Kasese District officials on September 24,
2018. The cement firm constructed the Shs 260 million ward for the
community to ease access to health services for the people of Hima and
surrounding villages.   Courtesy Photo.
Weekly share price movement (Sept. 24, 2018)
Security Sept. 24 Sept. 14 Movement
BATU 30,000 30000 00
BOBU 126 140 10
CENT 1,070 1,071 0.09
QCL 262 - -
DFCU 850 895 5.1
EABL 7,051 7,330 3.8
EBL 1,497 1,635 8.4
JHL 17,817 18,231 2.3
KA 288 343 16
KCB 1,469 1,559 5.5
NIC 16 16 00
NMG 2,653 2,706 1.9
NVL 402 402 00
SBU 33 33 00
NBL Country Director Thomas Kamphuis shakes hands with Daniel Nsumba, UCHM 43 48 10
of Designate drivers after signing a partnership for the Smart Drinking UCL 23 23 00
Campaign at Kyadondo Sports Ground on September 28, 2018. Looking on UMEME 350 350 00
is NBL’s Legal and Corporate Affairs Manager, Onapito Ekomoloit.
ALSI -- -- --

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 29

By Bertrand Badré
Making the most of emerging economies
Some have managed their debt levels, increased
productivity, improved infrastructure, and reformed

nce again, the world’s In particular, now is not the time to addressing global challenges: the Paris
emerging economies are ignore Latin America and the Carib- Climate Agreement and the Sustainable
facing a bout of uncertainty. bean, which have a wide range of Development Goals. By establishing
Argentina, South Africa, and investment needs – touched upon the right mechanisms to take advantage
Turkey are among those generating the during the recent G20 meetings in of related investment opportunities,
most concern, owing to a combination Argentina – and also offer a broad range we can use billions of public dollars to
of questionable monetary policies and of growth opportunities. Countries in make trillions of dollars’ worth of prog-
currency depreciation vis-à-vis the U.S this region have pursued substantial ress.
dollar that threatens to undermine these reforms that have boosted economic Many of us in the investment commu-
countries’ ability to service their debts. growth and laid the foundations for nity are working to boost the effective-
But not all emerging economies are cre- strong financial returns in the longer ness of our work by ensuring that the
ated equal. term. right financial and risk-management
To be sure, as in the past, there is a instruments are in place to connect the
distinct risk of contagion. The emerging public and private sectors. Already,
economies that are most vulnerable mechanisms are in place to facilitate
each must address its own chal- capital flows into emerging economies,
lenges to avoid falling victim. And the
approaches countries take to the chal-
The emerging particularly those in Latin America and
the Caribbean, where opportunities for
lenges they face will have knock-on economies attractive risk-adjusted returns are now
effects of their own. available.
Given this, investors may find it that are most In this context, even a very modest
tempting to pursue a broad risk-off
approach to the entire emerging world, vulnerable allocation by large institutional inves-
tors will have a major impact on the
especially in the context of rising
global trade tensions. But it would be a
each must pursuit of sustainable outcomes, while
also providing attractive, competitive
mistake to ignore the very favourable address financial returns. This dynamic – a
conditions that exist in some emerging
economies. For example, many have its own fundamental component of the billions-
to-trillions approach – can become
made significant progress in managing
their debt levels, raising productivity,
challenges to embedded, creating the basis for a
broader system in which there is no
improving infrastructure, and imple- avoid falling trade-off between making money and
menting needed reforms.
All of this has contributed to strength- victim doing good.
The current turmoil in some emerging
ening these economies’ resilience economies must not be allowed to derail
to external shocks. Indeed, despite past progress. On the contrary, it should
enduring uncertainties over the degree spur stakeholders to redouble their
to which they have absorbed the lessons collective efforts to establish a broadly
of the past, not to mention inconsisten- beneficial system. This means, first and
cies across countries, many emerging More broadly, stakeholders should foremost, taking a nuanced approach
economies have developed much strengthen their commitment to using to risk assessment that recognises the
sounder fundamentals over an extended the “billions to trillions” approach to attractive long-term growth opportuni-
period. resolving the world’s most vexing prob- ties that many emerging-market econo-
The disparity between perceived and lems. That approach uses a combination mies offer.
actual risk and the tendency to paint of measures related to finance, skills,
all emerging economies with the same capacity, and risk allocation to leverage
brush is a longstanding problem. But relatively scarce public-sector capital Bertrand Badré is CEO and Founder of Blue
investors should eschew a wholesale to mobilise more robust private-sector like an Orange Sustainable Capital, and
retreat from emerging economies in resources. Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum’s
response to high-profile problems in The multilateral development banks Global Future Council on International
a few. Instead, they should adopt a have a critical role to play here, and Governance, Public-Private Cooperation,
more nuanced approach, one focused many have made great strides in and Sustainable Development.
on improving the risk-return profile responding to market needs. More-
by investing in selected regions and over, the world has agreed, under
markets, while working with the right the auspices of the United Nations, Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.
institutions. on complementary road maps for

30 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

By Robert H. Lustig
Big food’s poisonous propaganda
How addiction turns sugar from a `food’ into a
`drug’ on which unsuspecting masses get hooked

very advertising executive knows molecules in equal proportion: glucose and grocery store, where a staggering 74%
the difference between marketing fructose. But despite being calorically iden- of all food items are spiked with added
and propaganda. One uses facts to tical (4.1 calories per gram), they behave sugar. In fact, sugar’s allure is a big reason
espouse a point of view, while the very differently when consumed. why the processed food industry’s current
other relies on falsehoods and deceit. But if Glucose is the energy of life; it is burned profit margin is 5% (up from 1%), and why
the difference is truth, what is the common- by every cell in the body. Glucose is so so many of us are sick, fat, stupid, broke,
ality? For scientists, it is dopamine. And for important that if you stop eating it, your depressed, and just plain miserable.
the processed food industry, that fact has liver compensates with a process called Propaganda has been essential to sus-
been worth trillions of dollars. gluconeogenesis. Conversely, fructose, taining mass addiction. Since at least 1954,
Dopamine is the neurotransmitter of the while also an energy source, is a vestigial food-industry executives have known that
brain’s reward center, and it is activated by nutrient for humans; our cells do not need excess sugar consumption causes health
stimuli like cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol. it to function. My research has shown that problems. Using the same tricks as tobacco
But it is also triggered by information. when fructose is eaten in excess of the liver’s companies – and in some cases, the same
For example, brain scans show that when ability to metabolise it, the surplus is turned people – they covered up the evidence
people hear a statement that they believe is into liver fat, and those deposits can pro- and doubled down. They funded shoddy
true – the veracity is irrelevant – they get a mote insulin resistance and contribute to science, co-opted researchers and critics,
dopamine hit. Propagandists have taken development of NCDs. shifted blame, advocated for weaker gov-
advantage of this quirk in our brain physi- Fructose also influences dietary sugar con- ernment oversight, and even marketed
ology for centuries, and today, this neuro- sumption. For example, studies on animals their products to children (as with Tony the
scientific flaw can be individually targeted have shown that sucrose alters the brain’s Tiger, breakfast cereal’s equivalent of Big
to weaponise populist politics. dopamine and opioid receptors in a way Tobacco’s Joe Camel).
But the biggest opportunists are busi- similar to morphine and establishes hard- As my colleagues at the University of
nesses. Several sectors have propagandised wired pathways for craving. In laboratory California, San Francisco, have reported, the
their products to the public, systematically rats, sweetness even surpasses cocaine as a Sugar Research Foundation – the industry’s
suppressing concerns about real harms; the coveted reward. trade group – even sought to persuade
petroleum, tobacco, and opioid industries Human brain scans demonstrate that glu- clinical medicine to focus on saturated fat
immediately come to mind. But no industry cose activates the cerebral cortex (the “cog- instead of sugar, and pushed clinical den-
has provided more party-line disinforma- nitive” part of our brains), while fructose tistry to focus on a vaccine for tooth decay
tion over the years – and contributed to suppresses that signal and instead lights rather than sugar reduction. In other words,
more morbidity, mortality, public cost, and up the limbic system (your “lizard” brain). Big Food’s tactics are no different than Big
economic havoc – than the processed food Moreover, while sugar does not exhibit Tobacco’s.
industry. classic withdrawal symptoms, it does lead Treating any kind of addiction is difficult
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) to tolerance and dependence that can cause once the brain’s limbic system becomes so
account for about 50% of the global disease bingeing, craving, and cross-sensitisation damaged that dopamine no longer gener-
burden and some 75% of total health-care to narcotics. These are some of the reasons ates reward. The best solution is to prevent
spending. The role of processed foods in why the World Health Organisation and addiction in the first place, and in the case
these chronic conditions is undisputed; the U.S. Department of Agriculture recom- of sugary processed foods, that means mar-
every country that adopts the high-fat, high- mend that people reduce the amount of keting truth to consumers. We have already
sugar “Western pattern diet” is plagued sugar in their diets. lost one generation to the scourge of NCDs.
by the same diseases and costs. But the big The addictive qualities of sugar are It is time to hold Big Food’s feet to the fire
question for health professionals is whether embedded in its economics. Like coffee, before we lose a second.
the quantity or the quality of foods is to sugar is price-inelastic, meaning that when
blame. This is an important distinction, costs increase, consumption remains rela-
because quantity is determined by the user, tively constant. Purchases of soft drinks and Robert H. Lustig is Emeritus Professor of
while quality is determined by the industry. other sweetened foods are not dramatically Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at
Some health experts argue that specific affected by taxes or fluctuating prices. the University of California, San Francisco. He
components of processed foods – in partic- Not everyone who is exposed to sugar is the author of Fat Chance: Beating the Odds
ular, sugar – are as addictive as cocaine and becomes addicted; but, as with alcohol, Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and
heroin. For example, sugar is consistently many do. While refined sugar is the same Disease and The Hacking of the American Mind:
the ingredient with the highest score on the compound found in fruit, it lacks fiber and The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of
Yale Food Addiction Scale, which measures has been crystallised for purity. It is this our Bodies and Brains.
people’s food cravings. process that turns sugar from a “food”
The processed food industry says, “You into a “drug,” allowing the food industry
need sugar to live.” Dietary sucrose – or to “hook” unsuspecting consumers. The Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.
common table sugar – is composed of two evidence is visible in every aisle of every

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 31

By Harrison E. Mutikanga
Uganda needs 17,000MW of electricity
UEGCL could play a role in developing
crucial new generation infrastructure

n his address to the Nation on Sep- economic growth (GDP per capita) and per surplus at least equivalent to 30-40 percent
tember 9, 2018; His Excellency the capita electricity consumption. of the incremental investment needs. With a
President stated that we are aiming at Uganda’s installed electricity genera- conducive regulatory framework, UEGCL
generating 17,000MW of electricity in tion capacity is a meagre 955 MW with a could play a crucial role in the development
the next 10 years. We at Uganda Electricity GDP per capita of about US$615. Wealthy of new electricity generation infrastructure.
Generation Company Limited (UEGCL) countries have invested heavily in elec- The Electricity Regulator (ERA) should
could not agree more and here is why. tricity infrastructure. For example, South appreciate and support the need for gener-
Electricity access in Uganda is estimated Africa with a population of about 56 million ating surplus cash for meeting the compa-
at 22% implying that over 30 million Ugan- people has an installed generation capac- nies’ investment needs.
dans have no access to electricity. With an ity of 46,943MW with a per capita GDP For example, the Energy Regulatory
annual average electricity consumption of of US$6,268 and per capita consumption Commission (ERC) in Kenya has empow-
80 kWh per capita, this translates into sup- of 4,198kWh. If Uganda is to sustain GDP ered KenGen, a similar government com-
pressed demand of over 500 MW. If this growth, we need electricity - and lots of it. pany to UEGCL, to execute infrastructure
demand is un-locked through the new gov- For Uganda to realise an additional investment projects. KenGen posted a profit
ernment electricity connection policy (2018- 17,000MW of installed generation capacity of US$ 90 million (KShs. 9,057 million) in
2027) with an annual target of providing over the next decade, it will require close to the year ended June 2017 according to the
300,000 free on-grid connections, it is likely US$51 billion in new investments based on 2017 annual report. In the past 10 years
that the whole of Karuma (600MW) could the average unit investment cost of US$3 KenGen has executed investments worth
be exhausted by 2028. million per MW of the ongoing and recently US$2.2 billion from internally generated
In the past few months, the President developed large hydropower projects in the cash flows, and added over 700MW new
and Cabinet Ministers have presided over country. The challenge for the government capacity bringing their total installed capac-
ground-breaking ceremonies and commis- will be how to mobilise the huge capital ity to 1,631MW. All this has been achieved
sioning of several new factories including; investments amidst public debt ceiling con- while ensuring competitive tariffs within
Simba and Hima Cement Factories in straints and requirements from other prior- the region. KenGen’s good financial health
Tororo; Sukulu Phosphate in Tororo; Sino- ity public sectors like health and education. has enabled the company to list on the stock
Uganda Industrial Park in Mbale; Kapeeka The government will certainly need sup- exchange, thus making it easy to mobilise
Ceramic and Fruit Processing in Nakaseke; port from the development partners, foreign infrastructure investment funds.
Atiak Sugar Factory in Amuru; Soroti Fruit and domestic private investments, Interna- UEGCL is prepared for this growth chal-
Factory; and Global Tea Factory in Bushenyi tional Financial Institutions like the World lenge and has committed through its 2018-
among others. When all these factories are Bank, inter-country joint investments, 2023 strategic plan to deliver 1,300MW. In
in full operation, they are likely to exhaust expanding and integrating the regional elec- order to keep the unit cost of generation
the Isimba 183MW. This boom in factories tricity market and trade, and floating gov- low, UEGCL has recruited young engineers
has already created over 20,000 jobs. More ernment infrastructure bonds. Innovative and technicians for operations and mainte-
job creation and the anticipated revenues ways of securing foreign finance such as nance who are currently undergoing inten-
from oil exports will enhance per capita securitisation of a portion of future oil rev- sive training to ensure efficient operations.
income and with it per capita growth in enues should be considered by government The electricity sector is currently vibrant
electricity consumption. to obtain low cost finance and circumvent and busy executing several infrastructure
From the 2014 National Population the debt ceiling. expansion and renewal projects to ensure
Census data, Uganda’s population will The government will also need an energy efficient electricity evacuation (UETCL) and
be 53.3 million people by 2028, assuming mix to tap into the country’s vast renewable delivery to the end users (UMEME, REA, &
the average annual growth rate of 3.0%. energy potential (hydro, solar, geothermal, UEDCL). In his seminal article on closing,
In the event that the National Develop- wind) and non-renewable sources such as merging public agencies in the Independent
ment Plan (NDP II) goal of middle income gas and oil fired thermal power plants to of September 21-27, 2018, Andrew Mwenda
status by 2020 is achieved, the average per ensure energy security and reliability of states that “Uganda has sustained an
capita consumption in 2028 could be about supply. The government has already signed impressive rate of economic growth for over
1,874 kWh (World Bank dataset for low MOUs with potential investors for a cascade 30 years” and partly attributes it to the good
middle income). Allowing for 22% energy of hydropower plants along River Nile with performance in the energy sector. Therefore,
system losses, and a capacity factor of 70%, a total of 1,862MW (Ayago-840, Oriang-392, the recent proposed mergers of the electric-
Uganda will need not only 17,000MW but Kiba-330, and Uhuru-300) which should be ity companies by government should be
20,505MW in installed generation capacity fast-tracked. implemented with caution to minimise
by 2028. Investment in electricity generation disruption of the good progress being made
In the background report to the budget infrastructure generally calls for an equity towards improving operational efficiency
for 2018-2019, the Ministry of Finance investment of 30-40 percent of the total cost for effective service delivery.
reports a 5.8% GDP growth from FY – the remaining 60-70 percent being largely
2013/14 to FY 2017/18. In their 2015 report financed by long-term debt. According to Dr. Eng. Harrison E. Mutikanga is the
on Powering Africa, McKinsey reveals the World Bank, most successful companies Chief Executive Officer, Uganda Electricity
that there is a direct correlation between aim to secure internally generated cash Generation Company Limited (UEGCL).

32 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

Treating UTIs
Why we may not need to rely on antibiotics

By Monica Beyer possible, because early treatment with phosphoethanolamine in the biofilm of
antibiotics can clear up a UTI before it Escherichia coli. These bacteria can cause
octors tend to prescribe travels to the kidneys. Though antibiotics a number of maladies in the human body,
antibiotics to treat common are the first line of defense against UTIs, and they are one of the most common
bacterial infections, such as there is a reason why they may not always causes of UTIs.
those of the urinary tract. work — namely, antibiotic resistance. Also, the study found that this cellulose
However, a new study is pretty important to the bacteria. “Our
shows that there may be a What causes antibiotic resistance? experiments,” notes study co-leader Prof.
new strategy to reduce or potentially even Antibiotics are often prescribed for Gerald Fuller, of the School of Engineering,
eliminate the need for using antibiotics. viral illnesses that do not respond to other “here reveal a specific function for the
The new findings were recently medication, or when patients do not take cellulose in which it serves a mortar-like
published in the Proceedings of the that medication properly. role to enhance the adhesion strength of
National Academy of Sciences. Both scenarios can have the same result: bacteria with bladder epithelial cells.”
The investigators who conducted the antibiotic resistance. This means that when In other words, the cellulose found in
study are from Stanford University in you become sick with a bacterial infection, E. coli acts as sort of a glue between the
California. the antibiotics that your doctor prescribes bacteria themselves and cells found in the
They discovered that bacteria found in might not work properly. bladder.
urinary tract infections (UTIs) require a Also, antibiotics can impact the “good”
version of the cellulose molecule to attach bacteria that make up your gut microbiome, What the future may hold
successfully to bladder cells. which can lead to further problems. The results of this study suggest that
If this cellulose attachment can be The results of the new study are very in the future, it may be possible to target
interrupted, there may be another treatment promising. Study co-leader Lynette this cellulose instead of the bacteria
option in the future that does not involve Cegelski — an associate professor of themselves.
antibiotics. chemistry at Stanford University’s School “Attacking the cellulose could be a great
of Humanities and Sciences — notes that if alternative to traditional antibiotics as
UTIs and antibiotics we can target the way bacteria adhere to the preventing bacterial adhesion could help
A UTI can occur in any part of the body, we may be able to fight the infection break the cycle of infection,” explains
urinary tract, such as in the urethra, without worrying about antibiotics at all. Emily Hollenbeck, a former joint-graduate
bladder, ureters, and kidneys. Symptoms student, adding:
include a burning feeling when you urinate, The cellulose key “This type of treatment also avoids
as well as a frequent need to urinate, even Plants, algae, and some bacteria produce the ‘life-or-death’ pressure of traditional
when your bladder isn’t very full. UTIs cellulose. It has several scientific and antibiotics that lead to drug-resistant
can lead to dangerous conditions if not practical uses, such as in fuel and paper. mutations.”
promptly treated. The study revealed that there is a
It is vital to see a doctor as soon as chemically unique form of cellulose called

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 33


Blood test your

inner body clock
Know when it’s best to eat, work, exercise, sleep
By Agencies time clocks, which vary among and, more importantly, if it Hilaire said. “Maintaining good

people. can predict who is going to get circadian health therefore seems
iming is everything, and In healthy people, the timing sick,” said Dr. Ravi Allada, co- to be a key factor in maintain-
it also has a huge impact of the internal clock varies by author of the PNAS study and ing good overall health.”
on your health. Now up to five hours, which means a professor of neurobiology at
there’s a blood test to one person’s optimal bedtime Northwestern’s Weinberg Col- Keep your internal clock
better understand your internal might be 9 p.m. and someone lege of Arts and Sciences.
time clock and optimize it for else’s might be 2 a.m. If you try Researchers say the informa-
running smoothly
better well-being. Follow light and dark pat-
to sleep at a time that’s not ideal tion from the blood test will terns to keep your internal clock
The TimeSignature test was for your internal clock, then you help people take medication at
developed by researchers at running on a 24-hour cycle.
may have trouble sleeping, St. the most effective time for their St. Hilaire advises people to
Northwestern Medicine sci- Hilaire said. bodies. It can also help scientists
entists. It requires two blood have good sleep habits which
Similarly, eating a meal at the better understand how mis- means going to sleep at the
draws. It offers insights through “wrong” internal time could aligned circadian clocks impact
gene expression markers into same time every night, wak-
cause changes in metabolism, health conditions and diseases. ing up at the same time every
the time in your body com- including “This is really
pared to time in the external morning, and exposing yourself
weight gain. an integral part to outdoor light as early as pos-
world. For instance, it may be “If we of personalized
8 a.m., but your body may be sible after waking up. Addition-
know our medicine,” said ally, she says people should
operating as if it’s 6 a.m. Previ- personal Dr. Phyllis Zee,
ously, determining a person’s avoid electronic devices before
internal time, a co-author and bed and eat and exercise at the
internal clock could only be then we chief of sleep
done by drawing blood mul- same time of day.
may be able medicine in “Occasional disruptions to
tiple times over a specific span. to schedule neurology at
The test, which measures 40 your schedule aren’t expected
these activi- Feinberg School to cause long-term harm,” St.
different gene expression mark- ties around of Medicine in
ers in the blood, can be per- Hilaire said. “If you’re consis-
our optimal Chicago. “So tently altering your bedtime
formed any time of day, regard- windows,” many drugs have
less of the patient’s circadian or meal times from one day to
St. Hilaire optimal times for the next, however, then your
pattern or level of restfulness. said. dosing. Knowing
A report on it was published in internal clock will not be stable,
what time it is in your body and that instability over months
PNAS earlier this month. Testing your clock is critical to getting the most or years may contribute to some
“This is a much more precise effective benefits. The best time
What’s the big deal? and sophisticated measure- for you to take a blood pres-
disease processes.”
Knowing more about your ment than identifying whether sure drug or chemotherapy or The bottom line
internal clock can help you you’re a morning lark or a night radiation may be different from A new test measures 40 dif-
optimize your time, take medi- owl,” Rosemary Braun, PhD, somebody else.” ferent gene expression markers
cation at the best time, and may co-author of the report and
even prevent disease, experts in the blood, and can tell offer
assistant professor of preven- Better clock, better health? insights into the time in your
tive medicine at Northwestern “We know if you have dis- body compared to time in the
“There is plenty of evidence University Feinberg School of ruption of your internal clock,
indicating that the alignment external world.
Medicine in Chicago, said in a it can predispose you to a range It can be performed any
between your internal clock statement. of diseases. Virtually every
and when you schedule your time of day, regardless of the
Our body’s biological clock tissue and organ system are patient’s circadian pattern or
activities throughout the day directs our circadian rhythms, governed by circadian rhythm,”
can impact your overall health,” level of restfulness. A report on
which include sleep and wake said Allada. it was published this month in
said Melissa A. St. Hilaire, PhD, cycles. Previous research has St. Hilaire pointed out
an instructor in medicine at PNAS.
linked circadian misalignments that disruptions to circadian If you optimize your inter-
Harvard Medical School and a with everything from obesity rhythms have been associated
biostatistician in the division of nal clock, you may be able to
and depression to heart disease with mood disorders such as improve your health by tak-
sleep and circadian disorders at and asthma. depression, neurodegenerative
Brigham and Women’s Hospi- ing medication at the most
“Before, we didn’t have a disorders like Alzheimer’s dis- optimal time, working out at
tal in Boston. clinically feasible way of assess- ease, and metabolic disorders,
She said that there seem to be the right time, or figuring out
ing the clock in healthy people including obesity and diabetes. if you’re a morning person or
optimal windows for when to and people with disease. Now “Circadian rhythms play
sleep, eat, and complete other a night owl.
we can see if a disrupted clock a complex role in just about
activities based on our internal correlates with various diseases every system in your body,” St. Source:sciencedaily

34 Oct 05 - 11, 2018


'Brief' art comes to Kampala

Impermanent takes on permanent social-political issues

By Dominic Muwanguzi by the long tradition of heroic and object- example, is social commentary on the sub-
oriented paintings and sculptures. ject of immigrants in Uganda. He depicts
ost Ugandans are famil- On the Kampala art scene, it is a new the immigrants, in their great numbers like
iar with anthills; mounds trend popularised by artists like Bruno the ants or termites on an anthill. They are
of soil built by termites Ruganzu, Sandra Sssubi and Reagan Kan- located in a surprising context to conjure
or ants, usually out- dole and featured in two recent art festivals: the idea of invasion. Mostly refugees from
doors, in open grounds, The Kampala Art Biennale2018 and KLA S. Sudan, DR Congo, Somalia, Burundi, and
away from modernity. ART 018. Eritrea, they sometimes create discomfort in
But what if you find the anthill inside a Hellen Nabukenya had a voluminous the space they occupy because of their for-
house or along a busy city street? Now, that installation `Munno Mu Kabi’ perched on eign culture that the locals find peculiar.
would be shocking and uncomfortable. a storied building in Kiyembe Lane, a busy As a persuasive response to the social-
And that was the inspiration for a gigan- part of the central business district of Kam- political context, impermanent art is less
tic art installation titled `Invaders’ by Gilbert pala city, as part of the theme of KLA ART prone to commercialisation that usually
Musinguzi at the KAB018 exhibition. 018 dubbed `OFF THE RECORD’. dictates the traditional art forms like paint-
Musinguzi’s art is part of a new move- Ephemeral art uses appropriated objects ing and sculpture. Instead it is experimental
ment to appreciate art that is not painting or or materials like earth, textiles, wood, and creative in a non-traditional art space
sculptures; solid and long-lasting. Instead, organic media like human figures, and like the derelict warehouse or a busy-street
it is art that is temporary and imperma- animals. The artist has no motive to create lane in Kampala. It is uncompromising,
nent, or as it is largely known in art circles the artwork to be stored in a museum or the innovative, and pushes, the boundaries of
- ephemeral. traditional art gallery. Therefore, most of the traditional art making. It largely empha-
Ephemeral art is art that is created to last art is constructed in open space to enable sises content and context rather than style
for a short amount of time. It could be a easy access to it. To ensure the audience and technique, says artist Bruno Ruganzu,
video installation, performance art, or site relates to it, the artists usually tackle the whose `Shithole’ video installation has
specific installation. prevailing political-social issues. recently featured in an international exhibit
It emerged on the global art scene in the They use objects that the audience is responding to the subject of Shithole that
1960s; pioneered by the Fluxus movement familiar with; often adopting found objects. was referenced to third world countries by
that spanned the globe from New York, In light of such familiarity, this art is more U.S. President, Donald Trump. It also pres-
USA, with a view that anyone can produce eloquent in providing a social and political ents a challenge because it is short-lived and
art. It featured top names like renowned commentary on the prevailing situation in future possibilities of research and critiqu-
sculptor, and art theorist Joseph Beuys from any community. ing it are almost impossible.
Germany and others who were dissatisfied Musinguzi’s installation; `invaders’, for

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 35

Tax on trying out clothes in shops!
Shoppers in controversial
the Spanish idea at a recent
province of Retail Industry
Castilla y León Conference.
might soon She argued
pay a fee to that nowadays
Man chases plane try on clothes. too many
after missing flight The authorities
say the tax is
tend to first
A man who missed his flight at Dublin to discourage visit brick-
Airport has been arrested for running after the ‘unethical and-mortar
the plane on the tarmac. Witnesses say a man practice’ of boutiques
who appeared to be in his 20s broke through trying on just to try on
a door and ran toward the Ryanair plane, clothes in brick clothes, and,
which was about to take off for Amsterdam. and mortar having figured
The airport said in a statement that a man clothing stores out which
became “agitated” after he and a woman only to buy items and sizes
arrived at the gate too late for their flight. them cheaper fit them best,
It said the man “broke through a door and online. The leave empty-
made his way onto the apron, trying to flag area Economy handed only to
the aircraft down.” and Treasury buy the same
He was restrained by Ryanair staff until minister clothes online,
police arrived. revealed the at lower prices.

Boy, 10, calls 911 for help with math homework World’s ‘most
Police in the U.S. state of Col-
orado have shared audio from a
was stuck on a long division
work right now and I can’t
figure out what 71 divided by expensive’ heels
cost Shs65bn
911 call placed by a 10-year-old “Hi, this isn’t an emergency, 3,052 is,” the caller says to the
boy who needed help -- with but I’m 10 years old and I’m dispatcher. The police helped
his math homework. The boy working on my math home- the boy find the answer: 42.9.
A pair of shoes thought to
be the most expensive in the
‘Bestie,’ ‘twerk’ among 300 words added to Scrabble dictionary world went on sale for US$17
million (Approx. Shs65 billion)
Merriam-Webster on Sept.24 “twerking” but not “twerkings” recently. They are embellished
published a list of 300 new and twerkery.” Two words with 236 diamonds, and
words added to Scrabble’s dic- didn’t originate in English; created by UAE-based
tionary. It includes the two-let- “Qapik” -- a variant of the word designer Jada Dubai©
ter expression of disgust “ew”, gopik, from Azerbaijan and Provided by Associated
and “OK”. The word “frowny” “arancini” an Italian style rice Newspapers Limited Twinkle
returned after being removed dish. The remaining additions toes! A pair of shoes thought
from the 1961 edition, giving included “bizjet”, a merging to be the most expensive in
players another opportunity to able -- and “twerk” along with of the words “business” and the world will go on sale for
play a valuable “Y” tile. other forms of the word such “jet,” “zomboid”, which added £13million today, embellished
Others were “bestie” -- as “twerks,” “twerked,” and another playable word ending with 236 diamonds, and
although “BFF” is not yet play- in “-oid” and “beatdown.” created by UAE-based
designer Jada Dubai.
Less children’s screen time means better brains
Children’s recreational a night was found to be best from the CHEO Research Insti-
screen use should be limited for performance. The study of tute, in Ottawa, Canada, said:
to improve their cognition. 4,500 U.S. children, published in “Based on our findings, paedia-
Researchers say children aged The Lancet Child & Adolescent tricians, parents, educators, and
eight to 11 who used screens Health journal did not look at policymakers should promote
for fun for less than two hours a how children were using their limiting recreational screen time
day performed better in tests of screen time, be it to watch tele- and prioritising healthy sleep
mental ability. Combining this vision, play videogames or use routines throughout childhood
with nine to 11 hours of sleep social media. Dr Jeremy Walsh, and adolescence.”

36 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

Best time to
buy a Subaru

The model cycle just changed!
By Motoring Guru where the name is retained,

the vehicle often has a com-
here is a new Subaru pletely new model engine,
Forester model; and styling, chassis, suspension,

it is a redesign. This brakes, and exterior and inte-
means that although rior features. Redesigns hap-
the defining traits of the pen for all vehicles, often after
Subaru remain intact, this fifth four to six years. These inter-
generation model has some vals are what are known as
completely new features. model cycles. Keeping an eye
The look is similar to the on them can save you money
fourth generation but this one and frustration. Specifically,
has a quieter engine with the for the Ugandan market, it is
unique Subaru sound less akin to watching when a num-
intrusive. It also has an Eye- ber plate series is to hit the
Sight safety system, DriverFo- market. The arrival recently of

cus system,refined powertrain the UBE series automatically

and suspension, and is built knocked some value off the
on a totally new larger plat- “older” UBD series. The new-
form shared with the Subaru er series has a higher resale
Ascent and Crosstrek. value. Sometimes holders of
The new model is causing a UBD-Z vehicle might wish
excitement among most Suba- they had waited just a little bit
ru lovers. Unfortunately, not and got the UBE, which will
everyone is happy; especially hold value for a year or two.
those who had just bought the On the other hand, savvy
outgoing fourth generation car buyers know that there is
model 2018. It happens. Mod- really no difference between
el cycles can be frustrating for a UBE-A and UBD-Z. So they

some people holding on to old happily buy the UBD-Z; at

models. a cheaper price! Something
This is mainly because a similar goes on with model
new model is different from redesigns.
the facelifts or updates that Often the new models
car makers use to keep a command a higher price. On
model looking fresh and mod- the other hand, car dealers are
ern every two to three years. eager to offer the old model at
Facelifts or updates include even lower prices. So, instead
minor changes like headlights, of buying an old model at a
new bumpers, new wheel high price, savvy buyers wait
designs, and new paint colors. a little for the new model to

Occasionally some new fea- land and then make a move.

tures or tech gadgets might be Sometimes it means waiting a
introduced. bit –until the new model hits
A redesign, on the other the used car market.
hand, means building a com-
pletely new car. In fact, car
makers sometimes change
the name of the vehicle. Even

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 37

Margaret Nakato Kisitu:
The natural hair woman
By Agnes E Nantaba “We identified the need and jumped into ence of hair and scalp health. Babirye is tak-

the space to fulfil it,” says Nakato. ing the course first, and Nakato will follow.
argaret Nakato Kisitu loves The name is meant to show that while Nakato and her twin are the fifth born
hair, especially natural African they focus on natural hair, they have the in a family of seven. She believes they are a
hair. And she has turned her ability to go beyond Afros. He decision to perfect fitin business.
passion into one of the leading quit paid employment as a customer rela- “We are business partners who trust,
hair styling businesses in Uganda. Together tions officer in a major bank was criticised agree and have the same vision and pas-
with her twin sister; Maria Babirye, she by family and friends who feared the uncer- sion,” Nakato says.
runs Afros and Mo, a top beauty parlour in tainty of the entrepreneurial world. But Nakato went to Namugongo Primary,
Kampala city. Their customers are mainly passion is powerful and Nakato says her Makerere College School, St Balikuddembe
high income people, some from the corpo- belief in God to ensure success strengthen Secondary School and Makerere University
rate world. Nakato and Babirye are riding her resolve. “It’s very exciting when you where she pursued a degree in social
on a new trend of people eager to express begin start the journey with faith,” she says, sciences.
their African heritage through hair. Their “We followed the process, took time to learn
business is to encourage and guide women before making regrettable financial deci-
of African descent to keep their natural afro- sions that lead to loss.”
textured hair beautiful whether coiled or Nakato started with two stations
curly. “We are natural hair people because that have since multiplied to
our goal is to see every woman return to her 34 and the queues of clients
God given beauty,” says Nakato. just keep growing. She says
Their approach is unusual as it treats it has been a journey of
beautiful hair as a matter of health. self-growth and learning
“We deal with matters of health so the with intense reading
natural way is healthier,” she says. and research daily.
Nakato says their passion for hair dates And they now have
back to their early days in school. She says an added mission; to
everyone knew them for following the lat- return respectabil-
est hair trends. “For every trendy salon ity to the hairstyl-
that opened in Kampala city, we would be ing job.
among the first clients to experience the She says,
new touch,” she says. Back then, it was all “Our pursuit
about relaxed and treated hair. This was is respect to
mainly because growing and maintaining return back
African hair is not easy. At that time, they to the hair
questioned why many people with natural industry
hair in Uganda never or rarely had it longer because
than average, why it was not bouncy and the hair
often looked unhealthy. stylist has
Everything changed when Nakato’s twin never been
travelled to America where she learnt skills rewarded for
in styling African hair to grow, look bouncy, their skill”.
and full of body. And to
Her journey of self-discovery would further their
encompass not only hair but identity and dream, the
embracing the new her. Babirye spent two twins are
years in the U.S. and, when she returned taking on
home, everybody was wowed by her hair. trichology
Nakato was convinced to follow the natural (profes-
hair trend in 2013. It was not easy. sional
She says, “The journey of natural hair is study in
not just trimming and it can take as short as hair care
six months or even long as a year”. management
Nakato also started sharing her experi- that deals with
ence on a blog. She offered DIY tips. Then the sci-
she realised that not everybody is into doing
their own hair. She decided to open a brick
and mortar shop where she could style
natural African hair. That is how Afros and
Mo came to be.

38 Oct 05 - 11, 2018


Margaret Kisitu’s Liteside

Any three things that we person do you most What is the quality you where I discovered my

don’t know about you? admire? most like in a woman? trade. It’s not just about
am rooted in God; God I am a great listener to Grounded in God. hair as a business but
has taken me on this inspirational speakers; passion and responsibility
journey and I know I follow a lot on Oprah. What is the quality you so I can’t trade it for
that he has put me Iyanla Vanzant of ‘Fix my most like in a man? anything.
here for a purpose. Other life’ also motivates me. Grounded in God.
people say that I am a I also love Joyce Meyer What do you most value
humble and gentle person because she is real and What or who is the in your friends?
which maybe explains why helps me believe that life greatest love of your life? Sincerity and comfort
many of my clients connect belongs to God. Maria Babirye, my around them.
to me easily. twin is another me. I also
I am also hardworking What is your greatest love my immediate and Who are your favorite
and would love other extravagance? extended family. writers?
people to climb with me; I love movies. Florence Scovel Shinn’s
it’s not interesting when When and where were you writings have literally
you are up there alone What is your current state happiest? changed my life. She helps
of mind? The first time I jumped me demystify life and
What is your idea of I am comfortable. onto a plane to travel to know how to live from
perfect happiness? another country. When inside than out. She frees
Being complete and What do you consider the I tested God with one me a lot from negativity
finding yourself. To be most overrated virtue? prayer of choosing for me a and depression.
complete is to find God We dwell so much on husband and he surely did.
who completes you; it’s what is negative and end It was another defining Who is your hero of
a journey of freedom, up complaining. There is moment that you can ask fiction?
empowerment, and more activity in negative God for something and Denzel Washington
fulfilment groups. We need to put our it actually comes to pass. knows how to pick his
mindset to fulfilling our Every growing experience character and his stories
What is the trait you purpose in life. of Afros and Mo is a happy have purpose. There is
most deplore in one. something I relate to his
yourself? What does being powerful personal life that has to do
It’s not so easy mean to you? Where would you most with his level of godliness.
to bend me when Being completely like to live?
I have decided grounded in God. I love Uganda as home; Which historical figure do
on something. I, it’s a place where God has you most identify with?
however, know that On what occasion do you blessed me. Maya Angelou is one the
at some point, you lie? celebrated women that I
need other people I try to pursue a What is your most identify with.
to speak something righteous journey and at treasured possession?
else. a time of fall, there are There is a place in me What is your greatest
strong convictions that that is pure; it’s a safe regret?
What is the trait won’t let me keep with a place for me and hardly I regret all the people I
you most deplore lie for long. depresses me. might have caused pain.
in others? However, all my regrets
Being negative What do you most dislike What do you regard as the have turned into lessons
about life; you about your appearance? lowest depth of misery? and successes.
would rather know I like me ever since I I have heard my share
nothing than have embarked on this natural of suffering but one How would you like to
negative attitude hair journey. place I wouldn’t wish die?
issues. anyone to be is a place of When I have seen my
Which living person do helplessness. If not careful, grandchildren but let me
Which you most despise? it can make life seem so also have an opportunity to
living My mind doesn’t draw meaningless. bless them and sleep away.
so much to what I don’t
need so I focus on those I What is your favorite What is your motto?
need. occupation? God service is a real
I am at a place in life spirit of humility.

Oct 05 - 11, 2018 39

Global comment
By Anu Madgavkar and Jeongmin Seong
The emerging high achievers
A look at 18 countries making the “secret sauce” that
enables more stable and robust economic growth

merging economies are often from 22% in 1995 to 64% in 2016 – far and medium-size firms, though the latter
grouped together as something of higher than the ratio in other emerging are also essential elements of successful
a monolith. But when it comes to economies, and approaching high- countries’ business ecosystems.
economic performance, they diverge income country levels. Over the same The question now is whether the high-
widely, with only some countries achieving period, the contribution of value-added performing emerging economies can
rapid and relatively consistent growth over to GDP also rose sharply, from 11% to sustain rapid and consistent growth, and
long periods. What is their secret? 27%. whether their peers can emulate their
In the McKinsey Global Institute’s Examples of highly successful success. Given changes to the economic
recent review of the per capita GDP emerging-economy firms include the environment, the challenge ahead is
growth of 71 emerging economies, 18 Chinese giants Alibaba and Tencent. certainly formidable.
stood out. In seven – China, Hong Kong, Regional titans like as M-Pesa, a mobile For starters, a phenomenon known as
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South phone-based financial-services firm that premature deindustrialisation is taking
Korea, and Thailand – per capita GDP started in Kenya, has spread throughout hold, with manufacturing growth in
grew by at least 3.5% annually over the East Africa, and Go-Jek, an Indonesian developing countries peaking at much
half-century from 1965 to 2016. ride-hailing and logistics company, lower levels of income than in the past.
The other 11 high performers tend is now expanding to the Philippines, Furthermore, economies around the
to get less attention, as their per capita Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. globe are being challenged by the rise
GDP growth began to accelerate more Contrary to popular perception, of automation – a process that will
recently. Yet Azerbaijan, Belarus, these companies succeed in a hyper- only accelerate. Trade patterns are also
Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Kazakhstan, competitive environment, where shifting.
Laos, Myanmar, Turkmenistan, getting to the top is hard, and staying Nonetheless, the potential of the
Uzbekistan, and Vietnam all achieved per there is even harder. Those that do emerging economies must not be
capita GDP growth of at least 5% for 20 often become formidable competitors underestimated. If the other 53 emerging
years, from 1996 to 2016. in the international arena. In the 18 economies we looked at matched the
Development economists have long high-performing emerging economies, productivity growth of their 18 high-
sought to identify the “secret sauce” that only 45% of firms that were in the top performing peers, the global economy
enables certain economies to achieve quintile, in terms of profit generation, would be $11 trillion richer by 2030 – the
more stable and robust growth than in 2001-2005 were still there a decade equivalent of adding another China.
their counterparts. A look at what these later in 2011-2015. Over the same period, The key for emerging economies will
18 economies have in common provides in the high-income economies, 62% of be to seize the opportunities ahead.
powerful insights into what that formula incumbents managed to hold onto their For example, as China moves from
might be. positions. low-cost manufacturing to knowledge-
From a policy perspective, all 18 of From 1995 to 2016, large publicly intensive manufacturing, it will create
the economies on our list have pursued listed companies in the fastest-growing space for low-income countries like
pro-growth policies that encouraged a emerging economies expanded their Bangladesh and Vietnam to expand their
virtuous cycle of rising productivity, annual net income 2-5 percentage points manufacturing sectors, such as in textiles.
income, and demand. Those agendas faster than firms in other emerging and Over the past 15 years, the emerging
included, for example, steps to increase high-income economies. From 2005 to economies have accounted for about
capital accumulation, such as by forcing 2016, they contributed about 40% of the two-thirds of global GDP growth.
retirement saving; efforts to boost total combined revenue and net income That trend is likely to continue. If
government effectiveness; and measures growth of all big public companies countries implement smart policies,
to encourage more competitive dynamics worldwide, even though they accounted building on the lessons of their most
in the domestic market. for only about 25% of total revenue and dynamic counterparts, robust and
This has enabled the rise of a net income in 2016. More than 120 of consistent growth can prevail across
generation of large companies that have these companies have joined the Fortune the emerging world.
served as powerful engines of GDP Global 500 list since 2000.
growth. And, indeed, the 18 standout The most successful emerging-economy
emerging economies have twice as many companies – which tend to be export- Anu Madgavkar is a McKinsey Global
competitive, publicly listed companies oriented – not only boost growth, Institute partner. Jeongmin Seong is a senior
with annual revenues of $500 million but also help to spur progress in the fellow at the McKinsey Global Institute in
or more as other developing countries business environment. Moreover, they Shanghai.
(adjusted for economy size). fuel productivity gains by investing in Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.
In these countries, the revenue-to-GDP assets, research and development, and
ratio almost tripled in just 20 years, job training at a higher rate than small

40 Oct 05 - 11, 2018

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