213s-24 Flower Pot Cozy

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Ziggy blanky
By Handy Kitty

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All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or any part of all material, including illustrations, in this file is strictly forbidden.
The designs in this file are copyrighted and must not be made for re-sale.

Width: 80 cm

Length: 100 cm

Worsted/medium weight cotton or cotton/acrylic blend:

MC = off white: 175 g

CC1 = lime: 50g

CC2 = cerise: 100 g

CC3 = pink: 100 g

CC4 = red: 100 g

CC5 = turquoise: 50 g

The weight given above is approximate with some margin,

the exact amount depends on the color combinations of
your squares.

3.5 mm (US E) hook - or size needed to get 1 square to
measure 8 x 8 cm.

4.5 mm (US 7) hook - or size needed to get 3 shells and 10 rows with stripe pattern in Diag 2 to measure 12 x 10 cm.

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All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or any part of all material, including illustrations, in this file is strictly forbidden.
The designs in this file are copyrighted and must not be made for re-sale.


- To achieve the size specified in the pattern, match the gauge by using smaller or bigger size hook.

- Rep *-* refers to repeating the instruction within * and * throughout or to specified number of times in total. [ ]
x number of times refers to rep the instruction within [ and ] in x number of times.

- 1st dc: The first dc at beg of a row or a rnd is always replaced by ch 3.

- 1st sc: Beg with ch 1 for every row or rnd that starts with sc, then work 1 sc in 1st st.

- Change color: Change color at the end of each rnd/row - work last sl st or yarn over
with the new color, pull yarn of new color through last st on hook. Fasten off old
- 1 Shell = 5 dcs + 4 chs: Work 5 dcs in same ch/sp with 1 ch between each dc.
- Stripe sequence: 1 stripe = 2 rows (row 3 + 4 or row 5 + 6 in Diag 4). Work 1 stripe
each with * CC1 lime, CC2 cerise, CC3 pink, CC4 red, CC2 cerise, CC3 pink, CC5
turquoise, CC2 cerise, CC3 pink, * (= 9 stripes totally in 1 rep), rep *-*.

The square is worked in joined rnds. Use any combination of CCs for rnd 1
- 3, and finish always with MC in rnd 4. With CC and hook 3.5 mm, ch 4,
join with sl st in 1st ch - see Diag 1.

Rnd 1: Read 1st dc under Notes, work * 3 dcs in ring, ch 2 *, rep *-* 4
times, join with sl st in 3rd ch at beg of rnd - read Change color under
Notes and change to another CC.

Rnd 2: Read 1st sc under Notes, work * 1 sc in each of next 3 dcs, 2 scs in
next ch-2 sp, ch 2, 2 scs in the same sp *, rep *-* 4 times, join with sl st in
another CC in 1st sc at beg of rnd.

Rnd 3: Work * 1 dc in each of next 3 scs, ch 2, 2 scs in next ch-2 sp, ch 2 *,

rep *-* 4 times, join with sl st in MC in 3rd ch at beg of rnd.

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All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or any part of all material, including illustrations, in this file is strictly forbidden.
The designs in this file are copyrighted and must not be made for re-sale.

Rnd 4: Work * 2 dcs in next st, 1 dc in next dc, ch 3 (= corner), 1 dc in same dc, 2 dcs in next dc, ch 1, 1 sc in each of next
2 dcs, ch 1 *, rep *-* 4 times, join with sl st in 3rd ch at beg of rnd, fasten off.

Make 56 squares in total - using 3 CCs plus MC for each square, alternating colors as evenly as possible.

Put the squares together according to Diag 2 - forming 2 rows on each side around the middle section. With MC and
hook 3.5 mm, join the squares together according to Diag 3.

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All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or any part of all material, including illustrations, in this file is strictly forbidden.
The designs in this file are copyrighted and must not be made for re-sale.

Middle section
The middle of the blanket is worked in rows of a stripe pattern. Tip! Adjust your gauge or the number of shells to
achieve the measurements fitting the frame made by your squares. The width and length of the middle section should
be approximately 3-4 cm less than the inner measurements of the

With CC1 and hook 4.5 mm, ch 82 (multiple of 8 + 2) - see Diag 4.

Row 1: Turn and work 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, * skip next 3 chs,
in next ch work 1 Shell - read Notes above, skip next 3 chs, work 1
sc in next ch *. Rep *-* and finish with 1 sc in the last ch = 10
shells + 1 sc, turn.

Row 2: Ch 3, work * 1 sc in each of next 2 ch-1 sp in next shell, ch

3, 1 sc in each of next 2 ch-1 sp in same shell *, rep *-* throughout the row and finish with 1 dc in last sc - change to CC2,

Row 3: Ch 3, [ch 1, 1 st in same st] x 2, * 1 sc in next ch3-sp, skip next 2 scs, in sp between 2 scs (the middle of the 4 scs)
work 1 shell, skip next 2 scs *, rep *-*, in last dc (3rd ch from last row) work 3 dcs with 1 ch between each dc, turn.

Row 4: Ch 1, 1 sc in 1st dc, * 1 sc in each of the next 4 ch-1 sp, ch 3 *, rep *-* throughout, finish with 1 sc in 3rd ch from
last row and change to CC3, turn.

Row 5: Ch 1, work 1 sc in 1st sc, * skip next 2 scs, in sp between 2 scs (the middle of the 4 scs) work 1 shell, skip next 2
scs, 1 sc in next ch3-sp *. Rep *-*, finish with 1 sc in last sc, turn.

Row 6: Work as for row 2 - but change to CC4 at the end of row, turn.

Rep row 3 - 6 and change colors on every other row according to Stripe sequence under Notes above, until reaching the
length fitting the frame of squares.

Put the middle section inside the frame of squares. With MC and hook 3.5 mm, join them together according to Diag 3.

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All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or any part of all material, including illustrations, in this file is strictly forbidden.
The designs in this file are copyrighted and must not be made for re-sale.

Shell edging
With MC and hook 3.5 mm, work shell edging around the blanket - see Diag 5.

Rnd 1: Join yarn in the ch3-sp of a square in one of the corners, ch 1, 1 sc in same
sp, work * ch 3, 1 sc in next sp *, rep *-* but in the sp in each corner of the
blanket work *-* 2 times, finish with ch 3 and sl st in 1st sc.

Rnd 2: Sl st to 1st sp, ch 1, 1 sc in same sp, work * ch 3, 1 sc in next sp *, rep *-*

but in the sp in each corner work *-* 2 times, finish with ch 3 and sl st in 1st sc.

Rnd 3: Sl st to 1st sp, work * 1 shell in next sp, 1 sc in next sp *, rep *-*, finish with
sl st in 3rd ch in 1st shell, fasten off.

Weave in ends.

Enjoy your blanky! 

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All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or any part of all material, including illustrations, in this file is strictly forbidden.
The designs in this file are copyrighted and must not be made for re-sale.

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