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8/31/2018 OneNote Online

Design Process
Thursday, November 2, 2017 2:43 PM

The design loop is a process for solving problems. It is used by engineers and designers every day all over the world.
The following chart is a summary of the flow of the design loop.

Use the Design Loop Organizer table to help you with your design challenge.

Design Loop Organizer  

1. Design Statement Design Statement: Design and test a DIY filter that removes dissolved ionic
compounds from water. Use your EC sensor to test the TDS in PPM before and
In this step, engineers will
after sampling.
define the problem they are
trying to solve.
Constraints: (Your design must follow these basic parameters) 
▪ Must be low cost
▪ Recycled Materials
▪ Easy to construct
▪ Easy to install

2. Research *use the internet to research possible design ideas

*store all your researched information and pictures here or where your
In this step, engineers will do
teacher instructs
background research on the
problem they are solving.

3. Brainstorm/Sketches *the instructor will guide you where to make your sketches (i.e. OneNote or
pencil and paper)!1476&ithint=onenote%2c&app=OneNote&authkey=!ABRO_MS3lE7Y4RA 1/2
8/31/2018 OneNote Online
This stage in the engineering *remember 1/2 scale on the 3 sketches
design process requires great *insert pictures of your design ideas/sketches
creativity and the generation of
2-3 options for the problem’s
solution. Sketch your ideas
from multiple points of view
(top, front, side).

4. Evaluate Ideas *evaluate your three designs using an evaluation matrix

*the design with the highest score moves on to be prototyped
In this step, engineers consider
and rate the pros and cons of
each idea. Evaluation Matrix
Design # (rating 1-5)


Must be low cost

Recycled Materials

Easy to construct

Easy to install

Total: /20 /20 /20

5. Choose Best Idea *insert picture of winning design

At this step of the process, you
must make a final decision
based on your evaluation.

6. Sketch Final Design  *remember full scale on the final design

This stage requires the
engineer to make a final
detailed drawing of the chosen
final design that will be

7. Prototype/Build *take your time and build your prototype with precision
*insert photo of completed prototype
This step in the process will see
the engineer construct/build a
prototype for testing.

8. Test *run at least three trials with your prototype design

*use an accurate stopwatch to time and record each run
In this stage, engineers will test
*remember accurate data gives you accurate results
their implemented solution to
see how well it works. 

9. Evaluate/Reflection  *using the data collected in Step 8 complete a Performance Evaluation

After testing, the engineer will Matrix
evaluate and reflect on the  
data created from the test.!1476&ithint=onenote%2c&app=OneNote&authkey=!ABRO_MS3lE7Y4RA 2/2

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