Year 6 Paper 1

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Science Paper 1 Year 6

1. On the 15th night of the Lunar Calendar, Farid could not see the full Moon phase in the
Why does the situation happen?

A 15th of the month is not the full Moon phase

B Because the Moon is non-luminous
C The Moon is blocked by thick clouds
D The Moon is experiencing partial Moon phase during the night

2. A teacher has provided all the experiment materials and apparatus on the table. Amin
immediately conducts the experiment by referring to the text book.
What is the offence committed by Amin?

A No following the procedure of experiment

B Bot conducting the experiment in group
C Not waiting for teacher’s instruction before commencing the investigation
D Not writing down experiment report

3. Which of the following is not inherited from the generation?

A Appearance C Hair style

B Skin colour D Style of dressing

4. Diagram 1 illustrates a situation about a type of animal that breathes using organ Y.

Animal A inhales water through mouth

Oxygen in the water is absorbed through organ Y.

Carbon dioxide is released together with the water through organ Y.

Diagram 1

In your opinion, which of these precisely explains organ Y?

A Spiracles C Gill
B Lungs D Moist skin

Science Paper 1 Year 6

5. Photosynthesis process is significant to other living creatures. Which of these does not
support the statement?

A Becomes the food source to humans and animals

B Supplying carbon dioxide to the animals
C Cooling the Earth and provides comfort to humans and animals
D Allowing the humans and animals to breathe

6. Diagram 2 shows the cross-section of a teeth structure.

Diagram 2

What is the name of the part labelled X?

A Enamel C Blood vessel

B Dentine D Gum

7. Which animal migrates to protect itself from extreme weather?

A Whale C Monkey
B Bear D Wolf

8. Diagram 3 shows a food web.

Vegetables Rabbit Wolf

Caterpillar Hen


Diagram 3

What will happen if all the vegetables do not grow due to drought season?

A Sparrows will become extinct C Caterpillars will reproduce rapidly

B Number of rabbits increases D Rabbits will starve to death

Science Paper 1 Year 6

9. Diagram 4 shows the characteristic of fruit K.

The skin dries when moisture and bursts to disperse the seeds.

Diagram 4

What is fruit K?

A Okra C Love grass

B Angsana D Lotus

10. Which of the following is not the sue of microorganism?

A Making of yogurt C Decomposition of organic materials

B Production of biscuit D Treating sewage wastes.

11. Diagram 5 shows a case reported by Ashraf Dental Clinic as an effect to the unhealthy
daily routine of a child.

Diagram 5

Why does this case happen?

A Using the toothpaste not for kids

B Because the teeth are milk teeth
C Bacteria eats up the food wastes on the teeth
D Does not brush the teeth correctly and timely

12. What is meant by interspecies competition?

A Animals compete to get the same source of food

B Animals of the same kind compete to get mate
C Animals of different species compete for memory
D Animals of the same kind compete to get different food

Science Paper 1 Year 6

13. Diagram 6 shows a situation between two living species.

Diagram 6

Based on the information, what is the form of symbiosis interaction shown?

A Interspecies C Mutualism
B Commensalism D Parasitism

14. Diagram 7 shows a kind of living species.

Diagram 7

What had caused this life to experience extinction?

A Illegal logging C Air pollution

B Natural disasters D Manufacturing industry

15. The information below compares the volumes of three cubes.

 The volume of cube R is smaller than the volume of cube S.

 The volume of cube T is larger than the volume of cube S.

Arrange the volume of the cube by following the ascending order.

A R, T, S C T, R, S
B R, S, T D S, R, T

Science Paper 1 Year 6

16. Which of the following methods can be used to reduce the frictional force on the door

J – applying grease
K – use ball bearing
L – use powder

A J and K only C J and L only

B K and L only D J, K and L

17. Diagram 8 shows a car that moves from P to Q in 5 seconds.

Diagram 8

What is the speed of the car?

A 10 m/s C 5 m/s
B 10 km/s D 5 km/s

18. Table 1 shows 4 drivers P, Q, R and S driving at different speed.

Driver P Q R S
Speed (km/h) 40 60 70 30

Table 1

Based on Table 1, which bar chart is true to explain the information?



Science Paper 1 Year 6

19. Which of the following are the characteristics of spoilt rice porridge?

J – Smells good K – Slimy

L – Has black spots M - Dusty

A J and K C K and M
B K and L D L and M

20. The information below shows the steps in preserving food.

P – food is cleaned
Q – food is sliced small
R – food is soaked with vinegar and concentrated sugar

Which of the following is preserved through the method above?

A Groundnuts C Spinach
B Mango D Fish

21. Diagram 9 shows the logo of waste material bin.

Diagram 9

P – Plastic bottle Q – Metal

R – Polystyrene bowl S – Raincoat

Which of these materials can be placed into the waste material bin shown in Diagram 9.

A P and Q C Q and R
B P and S D R and S

22. Which of the following can be produced from the biodegradable waste materials?

A Compost fertilizer C Garden soil

B Insecticides D Plastic

Science Paper 1 Year 6

23. Which of these appliances is ot applying the light reflection principle?

A Periscope C Binocular
B Side mirror D Dental mirror

24. Diagram 10 shows a coconut fruit falling to the ground from a coconut tree.

Diagram 10

What is the form of energy transformation taken place?

A Potential energy  Kinetic energy

B Potential energy  Kinetic energy + Sound energy
C Potential energy  Kinetic energy  Sound energy
D Kinetic energy  Sound energy

25. Diagram 11 shows a lighthouse by the beach.

Diagram 11

What is the light principle demonstrated?

A Light can be refracted C Light cannot be absorbed

B Light can be reflected D Light travels in a straight line

Science Paper 1 Year 6

26. Diagram 12 shows a diagram of a plug being connected to a socket.

Diagram 12

Which of the following is true about the diagram above?

A Can save electricity

B Can cause over usage of electrical energy
C Can cause fire
D A socket that can accommodate high usage of electrical energy

27. A piece of metal is put into a beaker filled with water. Then, the temperature of the water
rises for 20°C to 60°C.
Explain the changes that has taken place towards the water based on this activity.

A The metal releases heat and the water loses heat

B The metal gains heat and the water releases heat
C The metal releases heat and the water gains heat
D The metal gains heat and the water absorbs heat

28. The following are the correct technical steps of measuring temperature.

U – Hold the thermometer stem upwards

V - ……………………………………………
W – Wait until the mercury level stops moving
X - ……………………………………………
Y – Read the temperature reading

What is step V and X?

Step V Step X
A Place the thermometer into the water Lift the beaker and do reading
Touch the thermometer bulb in the Adjust the position of eyes at the
water mercury meniscus
Adjust the position of eyes at the
C Place the thermometer into the water
mercury meniscus
Place the thermometer at the base of Lift the thermometer and look at the
the beaker mercury level

Science Paper 1 Year 6

29. The following are the steps in investigating a property of the gas.

U – Two similar balloons are blown.

V – The balloons are balanced on a think stick.
W - ……………………………………………
X – The position of balloon left gets lower

What is step w?

A Both balloons are pricked with a needle

B One of the balloons is pricked with a needle
C One of the balloons is heated
D Both balloons are cooled

30. Table 2 shows the results of an investigation towards substance P, Q and R.

Substance Effect on litmus papers

P Changes the blue litmus paper to red
Q Changes the red litmus paper to blue
R Does not change the colours of litmus paper

Table 2
What are substance P, Q and R?

A Bicarbonate drink Bicarbonate soda Salt
B Cooking oil Soap Pineapple
C Tarmarind Mineral water Bittergourd
D Toothpaste Shampoo Sugar

31. Information below shows the characteristic of a planet.

Planet X
Surrounded by rings that are formed from ice and dusts.

What is that planet?

A Uranus C Saturn
B Jupiter D Mars

Science Paper 1 Year 6

32. Diagram 13 shows the movement of the Earth.

Diagram 13

Which of the following is true about the movement of the Earth above?

A The Earth rotates from the East to the West.

B The Earth takes a duration of 365 days to complete one rotation.
C The rotation of the Earth causes the occurrence of day and night.
D Th rotation of the Earth causes the occurrence of the four seasons.

33. What are the effects of the Solar eclipse to the life on the Earth?

P – The Earth is hit by an earthquake

Q – The surrounding temperature drops
R – The sky suddenly becomes dark
S – The hurricane storms the houses

A P and Q C Q and R
B P and S D R and S

34. The information below shows an phenomenon.

The bright sky slowly becomes dark. The temperature of the surrounding area becomes
cooler. The hens searching for food are back to the coop. bats are also seen to be flying
when the darkness of the area increases.

Why does such situation happen?

A The occurrence of day and night

B Monsoon season
C The occurrence of Solar eclipse
D The occurrence of Lunar eclipse

Science Paper 1 Year 6

35. Diagram 14 shows a group of stars that formed a certain pattern.

Diagram 14

What is the precise name explaining that constellation?

A Big dipper C Southern Cross

B Orion D Scorpion

36. Constellations have specific purposes.

P - To show directions
Q - To produce light
R – To indicate the time of planting crop
S – To indicate the time of harvesting crop

Which of the information shows the correct usage of the constellations?

A P and Q C P, R and S
B P and S D Q, R and S

37. Which of the following are the classification of simple machine and complex machine?

Simple machine Complex machine

A Bicycle Wristwatch
B Screwdriver Wheelbarrow
C G-clamp Crane
D Scissors Axe

Science Paper 1 Year 6

38. Diagram 15 shows a pair of scissors.

Diagram 15

Which of the following are the load, force and fulcrum?

Load Force Fulcrum


39. Animal in Diagram 16 straddles its legs widely while drinking water. What is the purpose
of this animal doing that?

Diagram 16

A To drink more quickly

B To train its legs to become stronger
C To make itself more stable
D To make itself stronger

40. What is the factor affecting the stability of a structure?

A Shape of the structure C Colour of building structure

B Type of structure material D Base area of structure


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