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(A CENTRAL UNIVERSITY) Post Graduate in Marine Engincering (PGDME) VIRSY SEMESTER EXAMINATION JUNE-2012 SUB: PGDME/ME/BS/T/111- COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Time: ) Hours Minx Marks: 70 NOTE (1) Attempt Six Questions inal (2) Section “A” is compulsory | INDIAN MARITIME. UNIVERSITY Section “A (Question No -1Computsory) |.) Read the following passage and answer the following questions set below ‘The Aluska pipeline staris atthe frozen edge of the Arctic Ocean. It siretches southward across the largest and northernmost, state in the united states, ending a remote ice free seaport village nearly 800 miles from Where it begins. It is massive in size and extremely complicated to operate. The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless miles of the delicate mundra that tops the frozen ground. it weaves through crooked canyons, climbs sheer moumtains, plunges over rocky crags ,makes its way Uuough chick forests and passes over under hundreds of rivers and streams. The pipe is 4 feet in diameter amd up 10 2miiion barrels jor 84 million gallons) of crude oil can be pumped through daily, Resting on the H-shaped steel racks called “bers”, long sections of the pipeline fallow 1 ciwzauy course high shove the frozen earth. Other long section drop out sight beneath spongy. vr nicky ground and return to the surface later on, The pattern of the pipeline's up-and-down route is determined by the often harsh demands of the arctic and subwretic climate, the tortuous lay of the land, and the varied compositions of soil. rock, or permafrost (permanently frozen ground). A little more than half of the pipeline is elevated above the ground. The remainder is buried anywhere from 3 to 12 feet. depending largely upon the type of terrain and the Properties of the so}, ‘One of the largest in the world, the pipeline cost approximately$8 billion and is by far the bipgest and mast expensive construction proiect ever uidertaken by private indusiry. 1 ‘acl, No single business could yaise that much money, so 8 major oll companies formed 1 consortium in order to shure the costs. Each company controlled oil rights to particular shares of land in the oil fields and paid into the pipeline-construction fund acearding to the size of its holdings: Today, despite enormous problems of climsie, supply shortages, equipment breakdowns, labour disagreements, treacherous terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement, and even theft, the Alaska pipeline has been. completed and is operating Questions 1, ‘The passage primarily discusses the pipelines 1, Operating costs 2. Employees 3. Consumers, 4 eanstruetion 2. The word "it" in line 3 refers to 1. Pipeline 2. Ocean 3, State 4nillege According to the passage, &4 million gallons of oil can travel through the pipeline each 1. Pay 2. Week 3. Month 4. Year 4. The phrase "Resting on’ in paragraph 2.line { is closest in meaning to 4, Consistingo? Supported by 3. Passing under 4. Protected with ‘ace 5. The author mentions ath ofthe following as important in determi pipeline’ route EXCEPT the 1 Chima Day of the land itself Jilocal vegetation 4.kinst of soi) and rock 6, "The wond “underiaken’ in paragraph 3.line 2 is closest in meaning 10 1. Removed 2.Selered 3. Transported 4. Attempted 7. How tnany companies shared the costs of constructing the pipeline’? 13 24 38 a2 8. The word "particular" in paragraph 3, line 4 is closest in meaning (0 1. Peculiar 2. Specific 3. xeepitinal 4, Equal 9, Which of te (allowing dettzmined shat percemtage of the construction ests each member of the consortiam would poy? J. How much oil field land each company owned: 2. How long each company hurd owned land in the oj) fields 4. How many people worked for each company 4, How many oil wells ware located on the company’s fang 10, Give an appropriate title far te above passage (0 marks} 1) Read he following passage and note down the important points ia it. (Smarks) ‘True, it isthe fimetion of the wmy to mite Raw avd sede ip abnormal times, But in ‘socmal tities there is another farce that compels citizens 10 obey che Laws and to 2s) with due regard 10 the rights of others. The foree also protects the lives and the properties of hiw abiding men. Laws are made 10 seeure the personal safeey of ity subjects and to prevent munier anct crimes of violence, They are made {0 secure the property of the cithzens against theft and damage 10 protect the rights of communities and castes 10 carry out their custaxs and sesemonies, so long as they do not conflict with the righis of others. Now the goad citizen, of his own free will chey these laws and he takes care chat everything he does is done ‘with due regard to the tights and well-being af others, But the bad citizen is enty restrained from breaking these Jaws by fear oF the consequtsice / his actions, And the necessary stepis ‘compe! the bad citizen to act as @ good citizen are taken hy this force. The supreme contro} o} Jay and order jn a State isin the hands of a Minister who is responsitte t the State Assembly and acts through the Inspector General of Police. Give an approprinne tite of dhe page. 2. GRAMMAR SECTION 1, The speed of the ear was £60 mites. hour {inser appropriate articles whenever necessary and write the sentence) 2 svn the airport we Went to our hotel wen busi fasert the correct Preposition 3. Write the sentence in passive voice My granidtsther established this steel factory in 1940. 4. Complete the senterice with the appropriise forms of the given vert A) Naresh (be) not weil, He (not came} te schoo! tody. B) We-—~ already —-——(reach home j wher Irfan ~~ (say) that he-—-— forget) beo at school $. Rewaite the following in indirect speech He said, “I have decided to change my job” (Samar SECTION *B" {ANSWER ANY FIVE) Fach (10 marks) IMU is running a B.Se Course in Nautical Science. Write a letter to the Director, IML Cochin requesting for sending 1 brochure and Prospectus. 2. ‘Youare an eye witnest to a road aevident resulting in loss of hursin life and property AS apres reporter of “The Hindu" write a report in about 10-125 words. 3. Read the following tree diagram that gives the information about the computer system and prepare a short note. Input to the Internet [Mouth t= sfnremndl_— eterno —e Skype a keyboard}—» Text | rat [Mouse] click cn) net Language Production 4. Your College IMU Cochin is organising a national level conference on ship construction on July 15" Monday 2012, in connection with it prepare a poster for the display purpose. 5. Write a dialogue between the captain and fits! officer about the cargo handling of the stip, 6. Give a speech on the IMU Day about the Intension of carrying on your carrier by Joining the MU 7. Prepare an appeal in the form of a handow about how people in your locality ean come together to face the water pollution. You muy take the help of Points to be included from below ‘Treatmert, garbage dumping avoiding, purification, storage tanks usage, hospital fucilivies,

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