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2500 SOLVED PROBLEMS IN FLUID |. os) ae Ics me eb 4N) v1 0 e) Revised First Edition @ Learn the best strategies for solving tough problems in step-by-step detail. © Prepare effectively for exams and save time in doing homework problems. ® Choose from the largest selection of solved problems yet published on this subject. © Use the index to quickly locate the types of _ problems you most need help with. ©@ Save this book for reference in other courses and even for your ae library. ee i RUG) Pa A CHAPTER 20 Pumps and Fans 20.1 202 4 ms 206 ms 20.10 610 ‘A pump delivers 0.300 m°/s against a head of 200 m with a rotative speed of 2000 rpm. Find the specific speed. ' N, = 51.64NQ*/H°7 = (51.64)(2000)(0.300)"*/200"7 = 1064 A pump delivers 0.019 m’/s against a head of 16.76 m with a rotative speed of 1750 rpm. Find the specific speed. ' S1.64NQ"*/H®™ = (51.64)(1750)0.019)°*/16.76°" = 1504 ‘A radialflow pump must deliver 2000 gpm against a head of 950 ft. Find the minimum practical rotative speed, 1 N,=NQ™/#°™. From Fig. A-40, itis apparent that the minimum practical specific speed for a radil-fow pump is about 500. Hence, 500 = (N)(2000)**/950""S, N= 1913 rpm. ‘A radia-low pump must deliver 300 gpm against a head of 30 ft. Find the operating rotative speed. TN,=NO™/H°”, From Fig, A-40, N, = 2500 for maximum efficiency of 92.5 percent for a radial-flow pump. Hence, 2500 = ()(300)"*/30"", N= 1850 pm. ‘An axial-flow pump is to be operated at a rotative speed of 2500 rpm against a head of 400m, What flow rate will be delivered by the most efficient pump? 1 From Fig. A-40, its apparent thatthe most efcientaxialflow pump has a specific speed of around 12 00 11.64NQ°*/H*", 12 500 = (51.64)(2500)(O)"*/400°", Q = 75.0 m°/s. ‘A mixed-flow pump is to be operated at a rotative speed of 1500 rpm against a head of 15 m at maximum pump efficiency. Determine the flow rate the pump will deliver. 1 From Fig. A-40, itis apparent that the most efficient mixed-flow pump has a specific speed of around 6500. 1N, = SL.64NQ®*/H"", 6500 = (51.64)(1500)(Q)"*/15", Q = 0.409 m/s ‘A radial-low pump operating at maximum efficiency isto deliver 260 gpm against a head of 129 ft at a rotative speed of 2100 rpm. Find the required number of stages (i.e., impellers) 1 From Fig. A-40, it is apparent that maximum efficiency for a radial-flow pump is about 93 percent at a specific speed of 2500. N, = NO™*/H*”, 2500 = (2100)(260)°*/H"™, H = 32.29 ft. Since the given head is 1298, a total of 129/32.29, or 4 stages will be needed. ‘A radial-low pump operating at maximum efficiency isto deliver 400 gpm against a head of 191 fata rotative speed of 1920 1pm. Find the required number of stages (.e., impellers, 1 From Fig. A-40, itis apparent that maximum efficieney fora radial-low pump is about 93 percent at @ specific speed of 2500. N, = NQ*/H°”, 2500 = (1920)(400)"*/H°”, H = 38.18 ft; number of stages = 191/38. ‘The value of (NPSH)ni for a pump is given by the manufacturer as 20 ft. Water is being pumped from a reservoir ata rate of 25 fs. The water level inthe reservoir is 6.0 ft below the pump. Atmospheric pressure is 14.7psia and water temperature is 40 F. Ifthe total head loss in the suction pipe is 4.0, i the pump safe from cavitation effects? 1 NPSH = pa/y Since [NPS 1. — Poly = (14.7)(148)/62.4 ~ 6.0 ~ 4.0 ~18,5/62.4= 23.68 = 23.6]> [(NPSH) qi, = 20], cavitation should not be a problem. ‘The (NPSH) me for @ pump is given by the manufacturer as 7.0 m. This pump is being used to pump water from a reservoir at a rate of 0.2832 m’/s. The water level in the reservoir is 1.280 m below the pump. Atmospheric pressure is 98.62 KN/m and water temperature is 20°C. Assume total head loss inthe suction pipe is 1.158m of water. Determine whether of not the pump is safe from cavitation effects. wa 33 014 PUMPS AND FANS 0 611 ' NPSH = ply ~ z,~ ha. ~ Pay = 98.62/9.79 = 1,280 ~ 1.158 ~2.34/9.79 = 7.40 m Since [NPSH = 7.40 m] > {(NPSH) =i. =7.0 m, cavitation should not be a problem. ‘A commercial pump is operating at 2150 rpm and delivers 1800 gpm against a head of 340 ft. Find the approximate efficiency of the pump. ' 1N, = NQ®*/H* = (2150)(1800)6°/340° = 1152 From Fig. A-41, with N, = 1152 and Q = 1800 gpm, the approximate efficiency of the pump is determined to be 82 percent. ‘A pump operating at 1600 rpm delivers 0.189 m/s against a head of 47.03 m. Determine the approximate efficiency of the pump. ' (N= 51.64NQ%*/H®™ = (51.64)(1600)(0.189)"*/47.03°7* = 2000 From Fig. A-41, with N, = 2000 and @ = 0.189 m/s, the approximate efficiency of the pump is determined to be 87 percent. ‘A centrifugal pump with a 700-mm-diameter impeller runs at 1800 rpm. The water enters without whirl, and «&,= 60°. The actual head produced by the pump is 17m. Find its hydraulic eficieney when V; = 6 m/s The theoretical head is H = (u,V_ cos a;)/g = [(!8)(22")(38B)/2}(6)(cos 60°)/9.807 = 20.18 m, = 17/20.18 = 0.842, of 4.2 percent. ‘A centrifugal water pump hasan impeller (Fig 20-1a) with r= 12in, r;=4in, 6, = 20", B= 10°. The impeller is 2in wide at r= r, and 3 in wide at r= r,. For 1800 rpm, neglecting losses and vane thickness, determine (a) the discharge for shockless entrance when a, = 907, (b) and the theoretical head H, (@) the horsepower required, and (d) the pressure rise through the impeller. 1 (@) The peripheral speeds are ts = 5B4(2n)() = 62.8 ft/s, us = 3uy = 188.5 ft/s, The vector diagrams are ‘shown in Fig. 20-1b. With u, and the angles a, B, known, the entrance diagram is determined, V, =u tan 20° = 22.85 ft/s; hence, = 22.85(7)(3)(&) = 7.97 es (6) At the exit the radial velocity Vais Va = 7.91(12)/[2(0.75)] = 20.3 f/s. By drawing u, (Fig. 20-16) and 4 parallel line distance Vs from it, the vector triangle is determined when Bs is laid off. Thus, Yaa 20.3 60t 10°= 115 fis, Vin= 188.5 — 115 =73.5 ft/s, a= tan"! (20.3/73.5) = 15°26", Vy = 20.3 ese 15°26" = 76.2 ft/s; H = (uaVa00s 0:)/8 = uaVoa!g = 188.5(13.5)/32.2 = 430 ft © Power = QyH/550 = [7.97(62.4)(430)]/550 = 338 hp (@) By applying the energy equation from entrance to exit of the impeller, including the energy H added (clevation change across impeller is neglected), H + (Vi/2g) + (puly) = (V3/2g) + (pal) and (p2~ Py) 430 + (22.85°/64.4) — (76.2*/64.4) = 348 ft or ps — p, = 348(0.433) = 151 psi

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