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Prashanna Guruparan P
The counsel represents Mr. Panikar Bros & associates

1) Dominant position of Panikar Bros & associates as they are the new owners of the
2) As the property is situated in the centre of the city it is very easy for their clients to
approach them and they can also attract new customers through the same.
3) Panikar Bros & associates being a law firm having the property in the heart of the city
they have quicker access to the court and the registration office.

1) The aforesaid property being an ancestral one, the non obtaining of signatures from
the coparceners related to the property will question the validity of the sale.

2) If they lose the building the clients will find it difficult to approach them and also
panikar associates have to find alternative ways to reach their clients.
3) Moving out of the building will also make it difficult for panikar associates to reach
the courts and the registration office.

Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)

1) Mr. Panikar bros & associates have already bought the piece of land from Mr. Jeevan
and there won’t be any loss for them even if there was no negotiation took place at the
first place.
2) Mr.Panikar bros & Associates being a well worsed party in the litigation field possess
enough financial capacity and manpower to handle such a case.
3) The Karta can retain the title by terminating the sale and they can lease the property to
Mr. Panikar Bros & Associates for a definite period of time and for a considerable

Worst Alternative to Negotiated Agreement (WATNA)

1) In case of the Court Ruling In Favour Of Jeevan’s Relative , Mr. Panikar Bros as well
have to suffer huge amount of losses and expenses and also might have to return the
2) In case a Interim Stay Order is issued by the Court in the litigation proceedings the
Mr. Panikar Bros & Associates has to evacuate the premises resulting in
inconvenience to both the clients and Mr. Panikar Bros & Associates.

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