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Astronomy project. Saturn’s rings.

Raluca: Saturn has six main rings. These are the most extensive ring system of
any planet in the Solar System. The rings are about 400,000 kilometers wide.
That's the distance from the Earth to the Moon! Each ring has a different
density, consist of countless small particles. Scientists suspect that many of the
particles are bits of broken-up comets or dead moons, though their exact origin
and formation remain a mystery. The rings are mostly ice with a little bit of rock
mixed in.

Edi: Although reflection from the rings increases Saturn's brightness, they are
not visible from Earth unaided. In 1610, Galileo Gallilei became the first person
who observe Saturn's rings, though he could not see them well enough to
discern their true nature. Over several years of observations, he noted that the
rings changed shape and even disappeared, as they changed their inclination to
Earth. One possibility is that the rings were once large moons that spiraled into
the planet. Saturn has at least 62 moons, whose gravity can affect the structure
of its rings.

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