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Adjustments for students with hearing impairments

 Provide student/s with a  Use written instructions

‘Buddy’ who can assist
 Modelled sounds with body to
them in completing
express the pitch, tone etc of a
some tasks
 Ask for visual
sound (Stand on tip toes when
observations rather pitch is high, jump on the group to
than heard observations implement a loud BANG!)
 Vibrations can be seen  Encourage the student/s to
and felt so assess their express what they can hear
abilities to observe or
acknowledge the
vibrations using these  Find out what the student can
senses instead hear, and plan lessons or
modifications around their
 Encourage the abilities
student/s to express  Encourage student/s to reflect
what they think their
on what they could/couldn’t hear
classmates can hear
and why
based upon their
visual observations  Encourage discussions around
 When making the who can and cannot hear and
Kazoo, try using why
cellophane instead of
baking paper as it may  Educator should where hearing aid
create more of a microphone or any other type of
vibration, making it speaker system that may assist the
easier for the student/s
student/s to feel  Encourage the students to switch
 Encourage student/s on/off their hearing aids to see what
to predict the results, assists their participation during the
instead of counting on activities
their observations  Reduce the amount of outside and
third party noise during sound-based

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