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Board of Directors’ Meeting

Meeting Date: 14 July 2011

Agenda Item: 11

Purpose: To advise the Board of the project management approach and

activities being undertaken to implement the Board decision to
transfer the management of FM services to in house

Summary: A Project team has been established to drive the

implementation of the Board decision to transfer the
management of FM services to the in house team.
The paper briefly describes the project management
approach being deployed and identifies the key players
involved in implementation.

Recommendation: To note the progress report

Author: Nick Chatten, Special Projects & Estates Director

Presented by: Sue Barnett, Director of Operations

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Facilities Management (FM): transfer of service provision

The mobilisation of the FM in house service is being delivered using tight project
management systems and tools.

Project Plan
A detailed mobilisation project plan (summarised in the format of a GANNT chart) has been
developed identifying all key tasks, dependencies and timescales for completion.

Risk Register
A separate section has been temporarily added to the Trust Risk Register to allow for
tracking and management of identified risks to the successful delivery of the project.

Project Board
The Senior Responsible Officer, reporting to the Executive and the Board on progress is Sue
Barnett. Nick Chatten is the Project Director.

A small project board, comprising Sue Barnett, Nick Chatten, Philip Kitchener, Associate
Director, Facilities Management and Marcus Hill, Project Manager, meet, weekly (Friday pm)
and formally account for progress on the project, reviewing any variances from plan and the
project risk register. A weekly Project Report is prepared in advance of the meeting
summarising progress and issues.

Core Project Team

Nick Chatten, Philip Kitchener and Marcus Hill meet every day (8.30am) to review emerging
issues and to agree responses.

Mobilisation Team
The mobilisation team involves a wide cross section of FM related and specialist managers
and advisors from across the Trust. Each member of the mobilisation team has specific
project tasks and responsibilities (see table). The team meets formally to review progress
overall each Wednesday afternoon for 1 hour.

Key players in delivering the project are shown in the following table:

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Summary of Role Transition team member(s)
Project Director Overall responsibility for the successful outcome of the Transition Nick Chatten
Project Manager Support the Project Director, establish Project and Programme Management office, manage Marcus Hill (interim)
Project processes and programme management regime, co-ordinate overall programme and
project reporting, maintain project risk register
Associate Director, Lead the FM team, support and challenge, exit management, maintain continuity of services July to Philip Kitchener, supported by
Facilities & Estates Sept 11, deliver non-contract related SCIP plans. Paul Theocleous (interim)
Hard FM lead Ensure a seamless transition for Hard services from Carillion/supply chain; develop PPM regime Terry Robertson supported by
and asset management plans; establish technology solution for Hard services (e.g. CAFM, _TBC____(interim)
Helpdesk, PPM); plan technical systems training and familiarisation; ensure all equipment,
supplies and services are in place; ensure all staff are trained and have equipment, work wear etc
Soft FM lead Ensure a seamless transition for Soft services from Carillion/supply chain; Ensure stakeholder Susan Robinson (interim)
needs are addressed (e.g. Infection Control) in the development of soft services; ensure all staff supported by Paul Gilbert
are trained and have equipment, work wear, etc; ensure all equipment, supplies and services are in
place; Identify training needs that can be provided via supply chain – then implement.
HR Lead Advice and support on HR issues to subject workstream leads, TUPE expertise, transfer Colin Moore (interim)
HR Manager practicalities, training and induction, TU relations Jeanette Howard (interim)
Dep. Dir. Workforce Workforce oversight, Trust internal consistency, workforce strategic view etc Andy Boden
Financial Controller Mobilising financial systems and processes, cash handling, accounting, etc Shaun Elliott
Finance Manager Budget setting, financial modelling/forecasting Karel Ponder
Procurement Manager Contracts, novation of contracts, ongoing supply and longer term procurement strategy Kevin Everitt
Security Advisor Mobilising security workstream Peter Symkiss
Infection Control Compliance with Trust requirements in mobilisation and service models re. infection control Heather Dakin
Energy & Environment Environmental strategy for the new FM regime, train staff/ familiarisation Vall Rasaratnam
QA Systems Establish QA systems for new service monitoring Vall Rasaratnam
Fire Advisor Compliance with Trust requirements in mobilisation and service models re. fire Tony Terry
Health & Safety Compliance with Trust requirements in mobilisation and service models re. H&S. Support to Risk Mike McCarron
Register and risk assessments
Project Administrator Support to project team, organisation document control etc Jacqui Gregory
Commercial & Legal Disengagement with Carillion and novation of contracts Andrew Knott
IT Manager IT infrastructure, supporting/mobilising helpdesk, FM applications etc Darren Atkins
Communications All aspects on internal and external communication re the project, newsletters etc Paul Searle
Emergency Planning Exit arrangement with Carillion for FM Business Continuity Plans, identify overlap/gap analysis, Pat Stark
strategy to mitigate risk, update policy & records

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Transition and Continuity
In addition to the ‘Transition team’, a ‘Continuity team’ is overseeing the current service up to
the point of transfer at the end of September.

We have attempted to ensure that the Transition team and Continuity team work hand in
glove, and that the Associate Director is able to contribute to both the mobilisation but remain
accountable for the day to day management of the FM service.

Additional capacity
To increase management capacity overall during the intensive three month period of
mobilisation we have appointed three interim FM specialists to work alongside the Trust
managers responsible for FM Services, these are:
 Paul Theocleous, an experienced FM manager who will principally contribute to the
continuity work but will support specific aspects of the transformation where he brings
particular expertise to the Trust; Paul will lead on delivering SCIP/efficiency plans out
with the FM contracted services.
 Susan Robinson, a second experienced FM manager, who particularly brings
considerable cleaning and cleaning technology expertise to the project and will lead on
mobilisation of the housekeeping services; she will support other work streams as
 Simon Davison, an experienced Hard FM manager who will work with Terry Robertson in
both mobilisation and continuity work.

We have also contracted two very experienced HR professionals, Colin Moore and Jeanette
Howard, who will ensure all employment related issues are addressed.

Marcus Hill, the interim consultant appointed to help to support the development of the
decision process on the future model of FM, will stay with the Trust for the mobilisation
period as Project Manager.

All members of the Transition and Continuity teams have access to a shared computer drive
containing data resources, records of meetings, project plan, risk register, etc. A dedicated
mobilisation office has been established so as to provide a focused environment and not
impact upon the day to day FM team.

Initial meetings have been held with trade unions locally to discuss the process of
mobilisation and relevant early issues. Ongoing dialogue with local union branch
representatives will continue throughout the mobilisation period.

Arrangements have been made to meet with groups of Carillion employees in the second
and third weeks of July to brief them on the Trust’s approach to mobilisation and to
commence the data collection on individual employees that will be required for the smooth
transfer of employer under the TUPE regulations.

Relationship with Carillion

It is important that a strong relationship is maintained with Carillion during the transition
period. The cornerstone for this is the Trust’s 14 year relationship with Carillion. Regular
weekly meetings are held between the Trust core team and the senior on-site Carillion

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management to discuss progress and issues of common concern. This does not replace the
day-to-day and hour-by-hour contact with Carillion that happens throughout the week.

Carillion mobilised their PCT Contract on 1 July 2011 and this went smoothly this now allows
them now to focus their attention on a successful exit from the Trust.

A formalised record of information requests and responses between the Trust and Carillion
has been established to ease the transfer of information and to minimise risk of duplication of

Delivery to Programme
The project plan is reviewed weekly with the Director of Operations. As at 1 July all key
delivery milestones have been met and the programme is on course to complete mobilisation
on 1 October 2011.

A verbal update on subsequent progress will be give at future Board meetings.

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