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1 SAP Migration

1.1 Solution Overview

This project is intended to provide deliverables and/or services, collectively, the Professional Services,
required for Customer’s project.

The objective of this project is to perform heterogeneous migration from Current IBM Environment to
HPE. Existing is a Multi-client setup and migration of only Customer related data/client to target system is
part of this scope.

HPE will create a project plan and project schedule, and determine the appropriate mix of technical and
business resources necessary to implement the project.

The HPE team will define and develop these deliverables:

 Transition Planning
 Preparation of Target Environments
 Migration of DEV System
 Migration of QAS System
 Simulation of PRD Migration
 Final PRD Migration
 One month remote technical support post Go-Live

1.2 Solution Approach

This is a collaborative project with both the Customer and HPE working together to complete the process.
The HPE migration team will work with Customer to plan the migration, set the SAP maintenance freeze,
determine the project schedule, schedule cutover outages, and perform the database migrations. The
Customer will provide application support and acceptance testing.

1.3 Scope for Migration

This section defines all the Deliverables to be provided by HPE during the project. Each Deliverable is
identified by the following components:

1.3.1 SAP Instances in scope

Planning and database migration limited to the SAP instances to be involved in the migration and
identified in this scope. Additional migrations for training and other instances can be ordered separately.

In-scope SAP Databases to be Migrated

SAP Landscape Name Instances to Migrate DB Size of PRD

ECC 6.4 PRD, QAS, DEV 1 TB each

Solution Manager 7.0

1.4 SAP Client and in-scope details

Server Client Usage Migration required

Sandbox Client Yes
DEV 100

200 Customizing Yes

Customer Golden
210 Yes
Customer Golden
280 No
400 Test Yes

410 Customer Test Client Yes

460 Customer Test Client No

QA 500 Customer Yes

550 Customer No
Customer Production
PRD 500 Yes
Customer Production
550 No
SOLMAN 505 Fresh Installation

1.5 Division of responsibilities

HPE Customer

Environment  Project planning  Participate in project planning

setup  Identification of SAP specific kernel  Consultative input to HPE team
patches  Network provisioning

Pre-migration  SAP/DB installation  Consultative input to HPE team

work  SAP parameters setting  Participate in on-the-job knowledge
 Database layout planning transfer
 DEV/QAS/Training migration  User acceptance testing
 PRD migration rehearsal
 On-the-job knowledge transfer
HPE Customer

Cutover  Manage cutover plan execution  Scheduling outage

 PRD DB migration and SAP cutover  Backups of source system before
 Technical validation of cutover migration
 Network reconfigurations
 Interfaces, bolt-on applications, and
management/operations tools
 Data validation

Post-migration  Migration related issue management  Report issues

support  As-built documentation  Review documentation

Project  Lead project planning  Control project progress

Management  Control project progress  Supervise employees/designates
 Supervise HPE employees  Change management
 Project reporting
 Change order management

1.6 Project Activities

1.6.1 Transition Planning

Deliverable Description –

The project will be initiated with detailed planning for the implementation infrastructure and transition to new
servers. The following items will need to be planned:

 Discussion of transition procedure with Customer and alignment of general conditions for the migration
 Project milestones and a schedule of activities
 Review SAP landscape design and dependences such as interfaces, bolt-on applications, and
management/operations tools
 Detail SAP migration plans including sequencing of SAP instance moves
 Create acceptance criteria to be used in the development of the test plan
 Identify any potential issues and or risks which could cause project delays and develop mitigation
Customer Responsibilities –

 Participate in the planning process

 Provide cutover dates and reasonable outage windows
 Lead in the acceptance test development
HPE Responsibilities HPE migration service team will perform the migration planning with Customer and
gain confirmation of migration schedule before start of service delivery. The whole migration service should
not exceed 2 months.

 The service is based on SAP standard homogeneous method (R3load).

1.6.2 Migration of DEV / QAS and PRD system
Deliverable Description –

This migration serves as the first of the migration after POC process and delivers a migrated DEV database.

This service includes transitioning the database, rebuilding the transport route. It will cover standard SAP
pre and post migration activities like consistency check of the source database, transport route check.

 Database to be upgraded to latest supported version.

 SAP versions are not to be upgraded.
 Application upgrades, and Unicode conversion are not a part of this service.
 Other services like adjustments of interfaces are not included in this service.
 For each Production system, there will be a rehearsal.

Customer Responsibilities –

 The Customer will provide for the reconnection of interfaces and the implementation of any non-SAP
software on the servers, including monitoring tools and batch job clients.
 The Customer will make adjustments to the batch jobs, scripts, and printer configurations – HPE SAP
Consultant to assist on need basis.
 Functional and end user test plans will be developed, documented and carried out by Customer.

1.7 Out of scope

The follow are out-of-scope for this SOW either because Customer will perform these items delivery, or will
be contracted for outside this SOW, or not required to complete this project. HPE, as a part of the In-Scope
activities, may provide input into the completion of these items such as providing requirements for

 User Acceptance Test plan development: i.e. Testing strategy; Scenario planning, development, and
preparations; Testing resource management
 SAP customizations and interfaces migrations
 Technical or Functional Upgrades
 Database consolidations
 Unicode conversions
 SAPGUI configuration changes
 Change Management process

1.8 Project responsibilities

1.8.1 Customer Responsibilities

 Assign a Project Sponsor
- Is available to HPE personnel throughout the life of the project
- Act as an escalation point when conflicts cannot be resolved by the Project Manager
 Assign a Project Manager who is:
- Responsible for all Customer’s aspects of the Project.
- Authorized to make all decisions relative to the Project, including identification and assignment of
Customer’s resources.
- Available to HPE consulting personnel throughout the Project’s life.
- Is authorized to sign Status Reports and approve project changes.
- Will coordinate all interviews or meeting schedules.
- Responsible for acceptance of deliverable and verify compliance of each Deliverable with the
Acceptance Criteria as defined.
- Authorized to approve Project changes.
 Assign managers and other personnel, as appropriate, to work with HPE throughout the project’s life. It
is expected that Customer will engage and participate throughout the project lifecycle phases, e.g.,
analysis and design, implementation and testing. Project performance is predicated on the Customer’s
staff. Delays in providing this staffing may lead to a Change Order, and result in additional cost and/or
delay in completion of the Services.
 Review status or acceptance reports, as provided, and provide acceptance or feedback as specified.
 Provide all software, licenses, staff, current maintenance contracts, and environments necessary for HPE
to provide these services.
 Provide HPE personnel access to Customer’s building facilities, computer room facilities, systems,
passwords, etc., as needed, during normal business hours as well as after hours, if needed.
 Provide a suitable work area commensurate with the number of on-site HPE consultants. The work area
will include desks, chairs, and telephones, and internet/HPE network access through a VPN.
 Setup and provide VPN access to systems involved in the migration for remote consultants.
 Perform any backups needed before changes are made and backup.
 Responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and the timely provision of all information provided by
Customer. If information is incomplete or incorrect, any delay and anything required to correct problems
created by the use of such incomplete or inaccurate information will be treated as a Customer requested
Change Request to the statement of work and subject to the Change Management

1.8.2 HPE Responsibilities

 Provide consultants with the requisite skills necessary to properly execute the requirements of this
Statement of Work.
 Coordinate activities of all HPE resources and provide consultants with the requisite skills necessary to
properly execute the requirements of this Statement of Work.

1.9 Limitations, Exclusions and Assumptions

 Start date of the engagement will be determined and agreed upon by HPE and the Customer after HPE
has received the order for this service.
 Work on this services engagement will be performed at the Customer’s facilities, and HPE locations
between the hours of 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM local time Monday through Friday, excluding HPE holidays.
Remote work will be executed in the consultant’s local business time.
 Production migration cutover may be conducted on weekends by mutual agreement and scheduling; all
other migration will be during the week.
 All deliverable documentation created for this engagement will be in English and in electronic format
using Microsoft Office. The engagement planning software used for this engagement will be Microsoft
 Services are deemed accepted upon performance.
 Good faith cooperation. HPE and Customer acknowledge that successful completion of this engagement
will require full and mutual good faith cooperation. Where agreement, approval, acceptance, consent or
similar action by either party is required by any provision of this statement of work, such action will not
be unreasonably delayed or withheld. Customer agrees that to the extent its failure to meet its
responsibilities results in a failure or delay by HPE in performing its obligations under this statement of
work, HPE will not be liable for such failure or delay.

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