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Compiled by :

group 2 class 9B
Leader : Mochammad Hanafi (17)
Member : Ikram Abid Anzah (13)
Jamaluddin Al Akbar (14)
Fika Reihah (09)
Fitri Desi Isnain (10)
Nafila (19)

Junior High School 1 Bangkalan

School year 2018/2019
Element of macaroni rocking :

Brand of the product :YES

Name of the product : Macaroni rocking

Description of the product : calories,fat,vitamin

Content or amount : 250g

Ingredients of the product : Chili,wheat flour,food coloring,salt,food flavoring

Direction for consumption : not available

Storage of the product : store in a cool pleace

Expiry date of the product : 190919

Element of GingerThenk :

Brand of the product : YES

Name of the product : GINGERTHENK

Description of the product : Vitamin,calories,b6,b12,sugae,protein

Content or amount : 320ml

Ingredients of the product : sugar,ginger,water,tea

Direction for consumption : not available

Storage of the product : store in a cool pleace

Expiry date of the product : 190919

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