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Nutrition 32 (2016) 723–724

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Research Letter
study inclusion, and the study was approved by the local institu-
Guanidinoacetic acid tional review board in accordance with the Declaration of
increases skeletal muscle The results demonstrated that supplemental GAA signifi-
creatine stores cantly augmented total creatine levels by 15.9% (95% confidence
intervals, 12.7% to 44.5%; P ¼ 0.03) when averaged across par-
in healthy men ticipants (Table 1). Furthermore, a trend has been found for
increased choline concentration in the vastus medialis muscle
(6.1% corresponding to 0.8 mM, P ¼ 0.12) from before to after
GAA administration. Myocellylar triacylglycerols and muscle
Guanidinoacetic acid (GAA; also known as glycocyamine, water were not affected by the intervention (P > 0.05).
betacyamine, or guanidinoacetate) is an experimental dietary In this study, supplemental GAA evidently functioned as a
additive that enhances serum creatine bioavailability and affects source of creatine, leading to an increase in the body’s creatine
blood-derived metabolic markers of methylation in humans [1]. stores in the muscle. It appears that GAA is absorbed from the
Because creatine is an important compound in cellular bioener- intestinal tract, enters the circulation, and is methylated to yield
getics [2], consumption of GAA has been recognized as an effec- creatine. The relative increase in muscle creatine following GAA
tive investigational intervention to facilitate creatine-mediated intake in this study is higher compared with similar studies using
energy provision in health and disease [3]. At the same time, creatine loading [6], suggesting that GAA supplementation might
the methylation of GAA to form creatine consumes w40% of be more effective than creatine supplementation at increasing
available methyl groups, potentially depleting the sources of creatine levels in the skeletal muscle. The mechanism leading
methyl groups in the body, including methionine, folate, betaine, to higher levels of muscle creatine after the intervention could
and choline [4]. However, to our knowledge, no human study so be a result of transport of newly synthesized hepatic creatine,
far has evaluated the effects of GAA consumption on creatine endogenous synthesis inside the skeletal muscle, or a combina-
bioavailability and/or use of methyl groups in tissues with tion of both [7]. A biotransformation trial using isotopically
high-energy requirements, such as skeletal muscle or brain. In labeled GAA to monitor possible intramuscular methylation of
this pilot study, we evaluated the effects of 4-wk GAA supple- dietary GAA to creatine would have improved the significance
mentation on total creatine and choline levels in human skeletal of this study, together with a direct comparison with creatine
muscle of healthy men. supplementation. Large-scale pharmacokinetic studies recruit-
Four healthy young and physically active men (age 25  3 y, ing more participants during longer intervention periods, with
body mass index 24.3  1.6 kg/m2, physical activity 15  2 dose-escalation trials are warranted to more fully explore tissue
h/wk) were assigned to receive 3 g/d of oral GAA for 4 wk in distribution and utilization of GAA after ingestion.
this open-label, repeated-measure pilot study. Sample size These findings are accompanied by a tendency for an
(N ¼ 4) was in accordance with the power analysis (effect augmented total choline pool in the muscle after the interven-
size ¼ 0.9, a error probability ¼ 0.05, power ¼ 0.95) for the pri- tion, suggesting an increased uptake of methyl donors by target
mary outcome measure. Our primary outcome measure was the tissue for enhanced intramuscular synthesis of creatine from
change in total creatine levels in the right vastus medialis muscle exogenous GAA or related reactions. It is well known that
assessed at baseline and at 4 wk. Secondary outcome measures S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) acts as the primary methyl
were total choline levels, intramyocellular and extramyocellular donor for the methylation of GAA to creatine [8]. Unfortunately,
triacylglycerol contents, and muscle water. In vivo metabolite we were unable to evaluate muscle SAMe levels for this study.
concentrations were determined by 1.5 T magnetic resonance However, elevated choline levels perhaps indicate amplified
spectroscopy using a four-element body matrix receiver coil remethylation of tissue homocysteine, an intermediate product
(Siemens Avanto Tim, Erlangen, Germany) and calculated using that accumulates during creatine synthesis from GAA. Future
the muscle water signal as an internal intensity reference [5]. studies should evaluate the metabolic behavior of other relevant
Participants were obliged to maintain their usual diets (apart methyl donors (e.g., SAMe, folates, dimethylglycine) during GAA
from the intervention) and physical activity levels during the loading in both circulation and target tissues. Additionally, GAA
study. All participants gave written informed consent before seems to be neurotoxic when accumulates in the brain of exper-
imental animals [9], and patients with inherited disorders of
creatine metabolism [10]. The relative risk for neurotoxicity by
This study was supported by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and increasing dietary GAA intake is currently unknown and needs
Technological Development (Grant No. 175037), and the Faculty of Sport and exploration, yet previous studies reported no major side effects
Physical Education, University of Novi Sad (2015 Annual Award). The authors
when GAA was orally administered in dosages 3 g/d for 4 wk
have no conflicts of interest to declare.

0899-9007/Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

724 Research Letter / Nutrition 32 (2016) 723–724

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Variable Baseline At follow-up P-value* [6] Greenhaff PL, Bodin K, Soderlund K, Hultman E. Effect of oral creatine
Creatine (mmol/L VOI) 25.5  4.9 28.9  2.3 0.03 supplementation on skeletal muscle phosphocreatine resynthesis. Am J
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[7] McBreairty LE, Robinson JL, Furlong KR, Brunton JA, Bertolo RF. Guanidi-
Water (ppm) 448  93 402  116 0.65
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Intramyocellular TGs (ppm) 19.1  7.8 20.0  3.1 0.44
stores while consequently limiting methionine availability in Yucatan
Extramyocellular TGs (ppm) 15.5  2.7 41.2  13.1 0.24
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TG, triacylglycerol; VOI, volume of interest [8] Brosnan JT, da Silva R, Brosnan ME. Amino acids and the regulation of
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In conclusion, supplemental GAA could be used as an experi- safety profiles after six-week oral guanidinoacetic acid administration in
healthy humans. Int J Med Sci 2013;10:141–7.
mental agent to positively affect creatine pool in the skeletal
muscle of healthy men. This might be relevant for restoring
Sergej M. Ostojic, M.D., Ph.D.
cellular bioenergetics in both health and disease, including
Biomedical Sciences Department
high-intensity exercise that depletes creatine stores, or disorders
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
characterized by low muscle creatine, such as neurodegenerative
University of Novi Sad
diseases, mitochondrial myopathies, cachexia, or chronic fatigue
syndrome. A key strength of the present study was the use of
the gold standard magnetic resonance spectroscopy method to University of Belgrade School of Medicine
noninvasively evaluate muscle metabolites in vivo. A significant Belgrade
limitation was the limited size of the data set. Serbia
Patrik Drid, Ph.D.
Biomedical Sciences Department
References Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
University of Novi Sad
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