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Classroom Management Instructional Design Document

Eric Zachary

California State University, Monterey Bay

December 12, 2017

IST522 Instructional Design

Dr. Jeanne Farrington


Classroom Management

The first days of school as a new teacher are perhaps some of the most difficult

on-the-job training days in any profession. The only experience beginning teachers have

is from their teaching credential program where they are taught some broad educational

theory. With this limited knowledge, a teacher is hired and then thrown in on the first day

of school to figure the rest out on his or her own. The situation is growing even worse

with the current teacher shortage in California. “Increasingly, districts facing the biggest

teaching challenges are turning to lightly prepared candidates holding non-standard

credentials” (Noguchi, 2017, para. 4). This means that twenty-two year old college

graduates, without any experience, are being hired to teach full-time while they attend

their credential program.

School districts need a way to better prepare new hires for success as they begin

their careers. The target audience for this training will be newly hired teachers at Sitting

Bull Academy. The stakeholders are plentiful, and students, parents, administrators, and

co-workers will all benefit from better-equipped new teachers. Although there are many

areas that could be covered through instruction such as this, this training will focus on

classroom management procedures.

I am choosing to undertake this design project because I have either by choice, or

by force, been a new teacher at five schools in ten years. I know from personal

experience how difficult it is to figure out the correct procedures at a new school site. I

also know how this feeling of isolation can impact the effectiveness of a new teacher.

I now have ten years of experience in the classroom, and three years at my current

school site. I understand why I was left to figure things out on my own. It wasn’t

personal; there was simply a lack of resources. However, that didn’t make it acceptable.

Furthermore, it would seem that many new teachers aren’t willing to stick around to

figure things out for themselves. In their study, the National Center for Educational

Statistics (2015) found that ten percent of new teachers quit after their first year, and that

percentage increases to seventeen percent by the fifth year (p.9). This means that nearly

one in five new teachers leave the profession within five years. Through this training, it is

my goal to provide learners with some of the basic knowledge they need to navigate

through the procedural tasks involved with being a teacher. I am hoping this will help

give new teachers a strong foundation as they begin their careers.

The greatest constraint that will be faced in the design of this instruction is lack of

time for both the learners and those who would be administering the content. The

beginning of the school year is a stressful time for all parties involved and when it comes

down to it, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to complete everything. This

project will be utilized annually, just prior to the start of the new school year. This

provides approximately eight months for development. Following development, the

learning module will be implemented and evaluated quickly over the course of just a

couple of weeks.


Needs Assessment

Sitting Bull Academy is a pre-school through eighth grade public school in Apple

Valley, California. This school is one of the fourteen schools under the umbrella of the

Apple Valley Unified School District. Due to a greater number of retirees, as well as state

mandated class size reduction, a teacher shortage has been created. For the past four

years, Sitting Bull Academy has hired between seven and eleven new teachers each year,

several of whom were fresh out of undergraduate programs. Other teachers also

transferred in from other schools and districts.

The school district mandates a new teacher orientation prior to the start of school

and meets again periodically throughout the school year. This training focuses on district

level issues including curriculum, liability concerns, and appropriate behavior.

Furthermore, as mandated by state guidelines, new teachers are assigned a mentor teacher

who supports them through their induction program. This mentor is a veteran teacher who

visits once a week for approximately one hour. The aforementioned resources describe

the extent of the district's contribution to new teacher preparation.

Public education is structured like many other large organizations. There is a

parent company (the district office) that oversees several smaller subsidiaries (school

sites). Each school site operates independently, however, this operation is done with

enforced mandates from the district office. Due to this independence, each school within

a district operates differently. Each school’s uniqueness creates a challenge for new

teachers regardless of their previous experience. Furthermore, within a school, the

different departments tend to keep to themselves. Although there is interaction between

these groups, teachers primarily interact with teachers, administrators with

administrators, and support staff with support staff.

To identify the major areas that needed to be addressed, three focus groups were

created. The first group was made up of three of the school’s administrators. The second

group included several of the beginning teachers. The third group was composed of other

more senior teachers who work directly with the new hires. The newly hired teachers

were asked, “What do you wish you had known prior to the first day of school?” The

question posed to the more senior teachers was, “Based on your experience, what gaps

typically exist between what beginning teachers usually do and what they should do to

achieve quicker success?” To the administrators, I asked two questions, “What areas do

beginning teachers typically struggle with the most?” The second question was, “What

types of trainings do you wish you were able to conduct with beginning teachers, but do

not have the time or resources to do?” To allow for the information to be organized

efficiently, respondents were asked to submit their responses on sticky notes. A photo of

the organized sticky notes is included in Appendix A.

When the information was analyzed, these three groups identified many areas of

need. In fact, there were far more needs than time available to satisfy them all. Three

distinct categories were formed. All three groups of respondents listed needs in each area.

The first category involved interaction with students and parents. The second category

focused on needs that existed outside of the classroom that involved the greater school

site. The final category included various areas of technology on campus.

When analyzing the responses from the administrators, many of their responses

fell into subcategories that focused more on managerial issues. In the area of student and

parent interaction, the administrators wanted training in appropriate level of parent

contact, including proactive versus reactive contact. (N. Aguilera personal

communication, September 6, 2017) They also expressed a desire for instruction in

developing a classroom discipline plan, as well as how and when to write a referral. The

category of school site is where the administrators contributed the most input. The

administrators recommended training on basic procedures that included adjunct duties, as


well as instruction on which staff member should sought out for different needs. (J.

Harrison personal communication, September 6, 2017) The administrators also expressed

a need for instruction in safety measures regarding fire, earthquake, bomb threat, and

active shooter situations. (N. Aguilera personal communication, September 6, 2017)

The beginning teachers expressed some of the same needs as the administrators,

however, many of their suggestions were focused on areas that related more to the

classroom. Under the subject of student and parent interactions, the respondents indicated

that training in basic classroom management procedures would be beneficial. (J. Webb

personal communication, September 6, 2017) They also indicated that they would benefit

from training to prepare them for interactions with parents at Back to School Night and

during parent teacher conferences. (J. Webb personal communication, September 6,

2017) The new hires didn’t express a need for training on school site matters. By far

respondents showed the greatest desire for training in the area of technology.

Interestingly, the more senior teachers’ responses were an aggregate of the other

two groups. Like the new hires, the senior teachers felt that direction involving classroom

management would be essential. (C. Reinwand personal communication, September 6,

2017) This group of respondents also put emphasis on the area of parent interaction. They

felt that training new teachers on the expectations for Back to School Night and parent

teacher conferences was important. The respondents also felt that training on when and

how to handle parent contact was important. (N. Gaines personal communication,

September 6, 2017)

Due to teacher contract constraints, teachers are only given two on campus

workdays prior to the start of the school year. Administrators are permitted to use one of

the two workdays to hold meetings, which could include training, but the remaining day

is required to be set aside for classroom preparation. (Apple Valley Unified Teachers’

Association [AVUTA, 2017]) In most cases, the administrators use the allowed meeting

day for delivering whole staff information. Because of this, conducting an on-campus, in-

person training, even if possible, would be challenging and rushed.

Due to the time constraints, as well as the limited human resources available to

deliver training, a blended learning method with a heavy emphasis on asynchronous e-

learning would be the most logical way to design the instruction. Although administrators

and other teachers aren’t available to deliver the full training module, it would be foolish

not to have them available to answer questions or clarify concepts when issues arise.

The high-level organizational goal of this training module is to increase beginning

teacher retention by reducing burnout caused by a challenging working environment and

an overall feeling of isolation. The learning module will focus on providing beginning

teachers with a better understanding of classroom management procedures, including

classroom operations and student interaction.

Learner Analysis

The results of the learner analysis varied. There are several new teachers just out

of college, there are also a few teachers who have been teaching for some time and just

transferred from another school or district. It was found that several of the new teachers

were relatively young, early to mid-twenties. A few of the learners stated that they had

previously worked as substitute teachers. Several of the learners had completed sixteen

weeks of student teaching. Two of the beginning teachers are working under an

internship credential and are presently working through their teaching credential


I used a few different methods to complete the learner analysis. First, I included

them in my needs assessment and encouraged them to provide personal insight into their

perceived gaps. Second, as a more veteran teacher on campus, I have served in an

unofficial mentor role and worked with several of the beginning teachers. Lastly, through

discussions with the school administrators, I gathered additional information regarding

the potential learners.

Most of the learners considered themselves to be technologically savvy. However,

what I considered to be the most encouraging discovery is their willingness to identify

their own gaps, and their expressed desire to bridge them. Piskurich (2015) tells us that

asynchronous e-learning relies heavily on self-direction and that learners need to have the

motivation to navigate themselves through a training module. These learners possess the

motivation to allow for a blended learning structure with a heavy emphasis on

asynchronous e-learning. These teachers want to do well, and they are willing to put in

the time and effort to succeed.

Context Analysis

Sitting Bull Academy, as stated previously, is a Kindergarten through eighth

grade public school in Apple Valley, California. This school is one of the fourteen

schools under the umbrella of the Apple Valley Unified School District. The school has

approximately seventy full-time teachers on staff and four administrators. All teachers are

contracted to work the same duty day beginning at 7:40 am and concluding at 2:54 pm.

Many teachers on staff are typically at the school site longer than the contracted duty day,

however, this is either unpaid personal time or to perform an extra duty paid position.

The school district has built a reliable computer network that is capable of

supporting thousands of devices simultaneously. Each teacher is provided with at least

one desktop computer that is connected to the Internet. The school-site has teacher

classrooms where learners can work independently, and there are also facilities for group


There are two major constraints when it comes to designing this training. Time is

the biggest issue. As stated previously, the training needs to be administered just before

the beginning of the school year. During this time, all parties involved have many extra

responsibilities that prevent them from spending time delivering training or providing


The second constraint is the inconsistency in the hiring of new teachers. In public

education, hiring is strategically done based on student enrollment. Unfortunately,

student enrollment is constantly fluctuating. Because of this, new teachers are hired at

different times in the spring and summer depending on the projected student enrollment

of a school. Furthermore, in most school years, the actual student count is not truly

known until after the first student day. This leads the school district to allocate new

teachers to the school after the school year has commenced.

These constraints would make it difficult for face-to-face instruction. The time

constraints limit the availability of qualified instructors, and the inconsistency of the

arrival of new hires require a more packaged approach to training. Furthermore, there are

a limited number of new learners each year. As was stated previously, the training would

need to take place on an annual basis for approximately seven to twelve teachers.

Based on all of the gathered information through the needs assessment, learner

analysis, and context analysis, a primarily asynchronous web-based e-learning module

would be the most feasible delivery method. Although there are many benefits from a

face-to-face training, due to the aforementioned constraints, it would not be the best fit

for this situation. However, the on-campus staff’s years of experience should not be taken

for granted. It is imperative that a few willing teachers or administrators are in place for

the learners to approach with questions or to get clarification on specific circumstances.

Content Analysis

The needs assessment showed many gaps that are routinely shown between what

a beginning teacher knows and what they need to know to be successful. The path to

becoming a highly skilled, knowledgeable teacher is a long one, that will, quite literally,

take years. All that a new teacher needs to know to be successful cannot possibly be

squeezed into an hour-long training module. Because of this, the portion of the training

that will be discussed in the context of this paper will involve an in depth look into

classroom management. Based on the research gathered for the development of this

training, lack of effective classroom management was a dominant cause of teacher

burnout, often leading to educators leaving the profession.

To analyze the content for the module, I consulted with our dean of students who

is in charge of discipline and school safety. We discussed the most crucial concepts that

need to be understood in the area of classroom management. Furthermore, I researched


scholarly articles and other books on the topic of classroom management, and school

discipline to include research-based strategies in the module.

Due to the variety of educational backgrounds of our learners, the training module

must be designed assuming the learners have no prior knowledge or experience. The

training content will focus on six areas of classroom management as discussed by Dicke,

Elling, Leutner and Schmeck, “(1) classroom organization, (2) rules and procedures, (3)

the importance of the beginning of the school year, (4) problematic behavior, (5)

interpersonal relationships, and (6) parent communication” (2015, p. 4).

Learners will show mastery for the learning modules when (a) they can identify

and design appropriate classroom management plans based on researched backed

practices, and (b) successfully implement said plans into their own classrooms.


Learning Objectives

 Terminal Objective: Before the first day of school, using the knowledge learned

from the training, beginning teachers will develop a classroom management plan

that includes the six components of the classroom management training.

 Enabling Objective: (Terminal objective for this chunk of the module): Given

different designs of classroom layouts, beginning teachers will be able to identify

and explain the positive and negative attributes of the classroom design based on

the factors discussed in training.

 Enabling Objective: (Terminal objective for this chunk of the module): Using a

checklist, beginning teachers will be able to identify rules and procedures that

adhere to the guidelines discussed in the training. As described in Elling J.,

Leutner D., Schmeck A. (2015).

 Enabling Objective: (Terminal objective for this chunk of the module): From

memory, beginning teachers will be able to list and describe the six classroom

management tasks that must be completed during the first day of school. As

described in Wong (1997)

o Enabling Objective: Given multiple options, beginning teachers will be

able to identify what it means to have a classroom that is ready for

instruction with 90% accuracy.

o Enabling Objective: Given multiple options, beginning teachers will be

able to identify the reasoning for standing at the door and greeting students

with 90% accuracy.

o Enabling Objective: Given multiple options, beginning teachers will be

able to identify the basis for assigning each student a seat and creating a

seating chart with 90% accuracy.

o Enabling Objective: Given multiple options, beginning teachers will be

able to identify the basis for beginning each class with an assignment with

90% accuracy.

o Enabling Objective: Given multiple options, beginning teachers will be

able to identify the basis for immediately setting rules, consequences and

rewards with 90% accuracy.


o Enabling Objective: Given multiple options, beginning teachers will be

able to identify the basis for stating and rehearsing procedures until they

become routine with 90% accuracy.

 Enabling Objective: (Terminal objective for this chunk of the module): Given a

classroom behavior scenario, beginning teachers will be able to choose an

appropriate response and explain their reasoning based on the factors discussed in

the training.

o Enabling Objective: Given multiple options, beginning teachers will be

able to identify the two main obstacles to overcome in order to address a

behavior problem effectively, based on the information provided in the

training. As was described in Faye and Funk (1995)

 Enabling Objective: (Terminal objective for this chunk of the module): Given a

list of possible relationship building strategies, beginning teachers will be able to

identify effective strategies with 90% accuracy. As was described in Faye and

Funk (1995)

 Enabling Objective: (Terminal objective for this chunk of the module): Given a

classroom behavior scenario, beginning teachers will be able to choose the correct

method of parent contact and justify their reasoning based on the information

provided in the training.

Test Instruments

Learner mastery of the objectives will preliminarily be determined by success on

assessments. Furthermore, the AVUTA contract agreement states that “each

Probationary/Intern/Temporary unit member shall be observed in the performance of the


unit member’s assignment by his or her evaluator at least two (2) times during the school

year” (2017). During this time, administrators will evaluate the beginning teachers on

their mastery of the terminal objective as well.

Keeping in mind that time is one of the biggest constraints involving this training.

The administrators do not have the human resources available to deliver this material.

This constraint was the driving force behind the decision to create an asynchronous

learning platform. In considering this constraint, it was also determined that there

wouldn’t be a trainer available to grade tests or immediately observe learned

behaviors. Because of this, during the training, assessments will be imbedded into the

modules and will provide pre-written feedback based on correct or incorrect responses.

Media and Delivery Systems Decisions

Based on the context and learner analyses and the objectives for this program, it

has been determined that the instruction will be delivered through an asynchronous e-

learning platform. Realizing that two of the constraints faced in developing this training

are lack of human resources to deliver the training at the needed time, and inconsistency

in the arrival of the newly hired teachers. Although this may not be the perfect delivery

system, it is the most ideal to accommodate for the constraints. The ability to have the

learners begin their modules at varying times, complete the modules at their own pace,

and receive immediate feedback will allow all participants to benefit.

To deliver the instruction, the training will employ a series of topical videos that

provide instruction for each module of the training. The videos will be a compilation of

text and audio narration. Within the videos, short informal assessments will be embedded

to periodically check for understanding.


Although, there would be certain benefits that would come from completing a

face-to-face training, an asynchronous delivery format is an appropriate choice for a

variety of reasons. This is a training that can be used annually, and although the upfront

cost may be more than a traditional training, the additional cost can be expensed out over

multiple years. Not all learners are available at the same time, making the delivery

method appropriate. There is a lack of available trainers. Lastly, the beginning teachers

have requested classroom management training, which provides a greater motivation to

actively participate. With all of these factors considered, this delivery method is the most

feasible option.

Instructional Strategies and Activities

In an effort to create a more meaningful learning experience, through the use of

an e-learning platform, the questioning in the training will be written applying multiple

levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Adams, 2015, p. 153). Furthermore, the active learning

principle will be implemented to provide the learning with both audio and video stimulus.

The overall design process lends itself to the ADDIE model (Reiser and Dempsey, 2017,

p. 24) in which the training is designed based on the identified needs of the organization.

Module Content Duration Activity

Introduction • Why classroom management is 5 min • Short instructional

important video
1. Classroom • Furniture layout 10 min • Instructional video
Organization • location of materials • What’s wrong with
• Teacher proximity to students this classroom?
• Short quiz
2. Rules and • The process and limits for 10 min • Instructional video
Procedures developing classroom rules. • Identify parts of
• Creating and implementing rules activity.
procedures in the classroom. • Short Quiz
3. Beginning of the • Creating a classroom that's 10 min • Instructional video
School Year ready for instruction. • Short quiz at the
• Greeting students at the door end of each section
• Assigned seating and seating • Summative quiz at
charts. the end of the
• Beginning class with an module
• Immediately setting rules,
consequences, and rewards
• Practicing procedures until
they become routine
4. Problematic • Focus on the problem at hand. 10 min • Instructional video
Behavior • Leave no room for • Short case study
displacement • Short quiz
5. Interpersonal • Why student relationships are 10 min • Instructional Video
Relationships so important. • Match an
• Caring about the person, not interaction to its
just the student. corresponding
• The five elements of self- element of self-
esteem (Reasoner as cited in Fay esteem
and Funk, 1995, p. 283) • Short quiz
6. Parent • Making contact before a 10 min • Instructional video
Communication problem occurs • Short quiz
• Soliciting help rather than
• Making positive contact as well
• Document all contact

Development and Implementation

List of Major Deliverables

Deliverables include:

 Introduction

o Create a short narrated introductory video using images and text

 Module 1: Classroom Organization

o Scripted instructional video using narration, images, and text

o “What’s Wrong With This Classroom?” identification activity

using assessment questions with line-art classroom images and

correct and incorrect dropdown options.

o Quiz questions for the short quiz at the end of the module

o Create quiz for the end of the module

o Create automated feedback for correct and incorrect answers

 Module 2: Rules and Procedures

o Scripted instructional video using narration, images, and text

o Create the identifying parts of rules activity using assessment

questions with multiple-choice answers.

o Quiz questions for the short quiz at the end of the module

o Create quiz for the end of the module

o Create automated feedback for correct and incorrect answers

 Module 3: Beginning of the School Year

o Scripted instructional video using narration, images, and text

o Create short imbedded quiz at the end of each section


o Create summative quiz for the end of the module

o Create automated feedback for correct and incorrect answers

 Module 4: Problematic Behavior

o Scripted instructional video using narration, images, and text

o Write short case study of behavioral scenario

o Quiz questions for the short quiz at the end of the module

o Create quiz for the end of the module

o Create automated feedback for correct and incorrect answers

 Module 5: Interpersonal Relationships

o Scripted instructional videos using narration, images, and text

o Create matching activity to match an interaction to its

corresponding element of self-esteem

o Write feedback for correct and incorrect responses.

o Quiz questions for the short quiz at the end of the module

o Create quiz for the end of the module

o Create automated feedback for correct and incorrect answers

 Module 6: Parent Contact

o Scripted instructional videos using narration, images, and text

o Quiz questions for the short quiz at the end of the module

o Create quiz for the end of the module

o Create automated feedback for correct and incorrect answers


Development Plan


1. Storyboard and accompanying script development three hours per module

at $40.00 per hour. Eighteen total hours at a total cost of $780.00. To be

completed within thirty days.

2. Formative evaluation by subject matter experts five hours at $34.00 per

hour for a total cost of $170.00. To be completed within one day.

3. Revision of storyboard and accompanying script two hours at $40.00 per

hour for a total of $80.00. To be completed within one day.

4. Instructional video development six hours per video at $40.00 per hour.

Thirty-six total hours at a total cost of $1440.00. To be completed within

thirty days.

5. Test question and quiz development one hour per module at $40.00 per

hour. Six total hours at a total cost of $240.00. To be completed within

fourteen days.

6. Activity development one hour per module at $40.00 per hour. Four total

hours at a total cost of $160.00. To be completed within fourteen days.

7. Learning Management System development ten hours at $80.00 per hour

for a total cost of $800.00. To be completed within seven days.

8. User testing five users one hour per user at $34.00 per hour for a total cost

of $170.00. To be completed within one day.

9. Final revisions two hours at $80.00 per hour for a total cost of $160.00. To

be completed within two days.


 Total time for development approximately three and a half months.

 Total cost approximately $4000.00

Implementation Plan

If designed correctly, the training will be self-guided and provide automated

feedback for correct and incorrect answers. One of the school administrators needs to be

trained to operate the learning management system (LMS) and add learners as necessary.

Based on the fact that the training will only be used once a year, a job aid would be

effective for providing the LMS training for the administrator. Once the training has been

through user testing, and any operational issues have been resolved, the training should

be fairly self-sufficient.


Formative Evaluation

To best determine whether the course is complete, accurate, and effective, the

results of the short quizzes at the end of each module will be evaluated. The quiz

questions have been developed to test the trainee’s levels of retention, understanding,

application, and analysis (Adams, 2015, p. 153). As a result, the evaluation data will

reveal the amount of learning that took place. If the testing data shows learning deficits in

any area of instruction, modifications will need to made before assigning the training

module in the future. Sample questions are included in Appendix B.

Prior to implementation, a group of four veteran teachers at the school site will be

assembled for beta testing in a classroom on campus. Each teacher will use a wireless

device to complete the training. The teachers will be given a short evaluation checklist

for each module as well as a place to comment. A sample of the evaluation checklist can

be found in the appendix. These responses, from the teachers, will be evaluated and any

reasonable changes will be made prior to the implementation. With administrator

approval, the beta test can be completed during professional learning community time on

an early release day. The testing should not change the timeline for implementation.

Summative Evaluation

To determine learner’s reaction to the training module, a survey will be given at

the end of the course. As was recommended by Piskurich (2015) the survey will focus on

three areas: (a) usability, (b) engagement, and (c) content. The learners will rate the said

areas of the training on a scale of one to five. The results of the survey will be evaluated

and if needed, modifications will be made for future trainings. The survey is included in

Appendix C.

Beyond the level 1 evaluation described previously, level 2 evaluations will take

place two different times throughout the school year. As per the AVUTA (2017) contract

agreement, the school administrators are contractually mandated to complete two

observation evaluations of beginning teachers in the first school year of employment.

Through these evaluations, the administrators will be able to evaluate how well the

beginning teachers have transferred their learning to action in the classroom. Payoff and

ROI evaluations are considered to be beyond the scope of this training.



Adams, N.E., (2015). Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive learning objectives. Journal of the

Medical Library Association. 103 (3), 152-153

Apple Valley Teachers’ Association. (2017). Contract Agreement. Article 13-1. C. Apple

Valley Teachers’ Association.

Elling, J., Leutner D., & Schmeck A. (2015). Reducing reality shock: The effects of

classroom management skills training on beginning teachers. Teaching and

Teacher Education, 48, 1-12.

Edwards, R., Frederick B. P., & McGinnis J. C., (1995) Enhancing Classroom

Management Through Proactive Rules and Procedures. Psychology in the School,

32, 220-224

Fay, J., & Funk D. (1995) Teaching with Love and Logic, Taking Control of The

Classroom. Golden, CO: The Love and Logic Press, Inc.

Noguchi, S., (2017, August 08). On first day of school, Bay Area districts still seeking

teachers. The Mercury News. Retrieved from

Piskurich, G. M. (2015). Rapid Instructional Design, Learning ID Fast and Right (3rd

ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Reiser, R. A. & Dempsey, J.V. (Eds.) (2012), Trends and Issues in Instructional Design

and Technology. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics, (2015). Public School

Teacher Attrition and Mobility in the First Five Years: (NCES Publication No.

2015-337). Retrieved from



Wong, H. K., & Wong R. T. (1997) The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective

Teacher. (3rd ed.) Mountain View, CA: Harry K Wong Publications.


Appendix A

To easily gather and organize the information gathered from the participants in
the focus groups, suggestions were collected on sticky notes.

Figure 1. Needs assessment data


Appendix B

Question 1:

Tim is usually a hard-working, respectful student. Aside from some occasional

excessive talking, you rarely have behavioral issues with Tim. However, today during a

group activity, Tim jokingly threw a piece of a crayon across the room and hit another

student. When you spoke to Tim about his behavior, he got defensive and disrespectfully

stated, “Kevin threw it at me first, why am I getting in trouble for it?”

Based on what you’ve learned about classroom discipline, choose the best

intervention from the choices below.

A: Parent phone-call

B: Referral to the office

C: Have a private discussion with Tim away from his classmates

D: Yell at Tim in front of the whole class to make an example of him

Question 2:

Evaluate the completeness of the following classroom rule using the information

that you learned in the training module.

Rule #1: “Don’t shout out”

Choose the best response:

A: This rule is not sufficient; it is missing a measurable objective.

B: This rule is complete and sufficient.

C: This rule is not sufficient; it does not display the desired behavior.

D: The rule is not sufficient; it lacks simplicity and specificity.


Question 3:

Read the following scenario and answer the question that follows.

Mrs. Park was excited about beginning her first teaching assignment as a sixth-

grade teacher. She spent the summer researching classroom management strategies and

developed several procedures to teach to her students. The first day of school arrived and

just as planned, Mrs. Park taught her students the procedures she had developed. The

students were receptive and quickly began following the procedures.

A couple of months went by and Mrs. Park found that her class was often off task,

and a lot of instructional time was being wasted on disciplining and reprimanding her

students. Mrs. Park feels that all of her time developing her classroom management plan

was wasted.

Where did Mrs. Park go wrong? (Choose the best response)

A: Mrs. Park didn’t do anything wrong: some classes are just challenging.

B: The procedures Mrs. Park developed may not have been appropriate for her grade


C: Although Mrs. Park developed appropriate procedures, she didn’t continue to

practice with her students.

D: Mrs. Park is a new teacher, and she needs more experience to effectively manage

her classroom.

Appendix C

Formative Evaluation Questions

The questions for this formative evaluation were taken from examples presented in

Piskurich (2015)

On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, rate the

following statements.


The course was easy to log in to 1 2 3 4 5

The course controls were easy to use 1 2 3 4 5

The amount of time it took to complete 1 2 3 4 5

the course was acceptable


The content was well presented 1 2 3 4 5

The activities reinforced the content 1 2 3 4 5

The e-learning was engaging and 1 2 3 4 5



The e-learning met the stated objectives 1 2 3 4 5

The content was logically organized 1 2 3 4 5

The examples helped in understanding 1 2 3 4 5

the content

Overall the e-learning was an effective 1 2 3 4 5

learning experience

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