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IoT has a vast array of applications to benefit

Pet Soc​IoT​:   from its full potential which includes smart cities,
agriculture, traffic, retail, and many more.
How the Internet of Things  Homes, cars, and even garbage cans are
hooked-up to the World Wide Web which are
Changed Pet Feeding  embedded with systems that allow these
I​saiah Shallom Baluso, Jariel Jon Baucas, Adrian Christian mundane, everyday objects into tech-savvy
Bernardino, April Gail Capistrano (Junior R&D Engineers) pieces of work, all controlled by the press of a
button within your smartphone or any other
Internet-capable device. One surprising area
where IoT is applied is in the area of pet care

Internet-of-things (IoT) has become the new field STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
of research for contemporary computer science.
One example is the smart pet feeder. This is Pets are a joy to have in one’s life. However,
done by connecting an automatic pet feeder to having a pet means that one should take
the Internet and embedding it in a system that responsibility for its well-being. It's easy to keep
allows a smartphone to operate the feeder. a pet healthy, but it will take some effort.
While retaining its original purpose as a pet Attention, care, and nourishment are things one
feeding/meal scheduling tool, the IoT smart pet should give to their pet in order for it to stay
feeder also has additional options, such as slow healthy, but in a time where one has little time
feeding and remote manual feeding, which help even for oneself, such responsibilities are often
reduce instances of overfeeding or neglected. To earn a living, a pet owner often
underfeeding, the usual problems seen in has to leave the pet alone at home.
conventional automatic pet feeders. In this
paper, the authors aim to delve deeper into the A key factor that may cause sickness in a pet is
smart feeder system, in particular, PetSafe’s how it is fed. The directions for feeding a pet are
smart feeder system, and find out how people not always the healthiest feeding practices. Most
benefit from the application of this IoT. pet owners tend to leave food open in feeding
bowls, allowing pets to eat as much as they
Keywords: Internet of Things, Smart Pet Feeder, want, so-called “free feeding”. But to the pets,
JavaScript Object Notation, Embedded Systems this type of feeding can make them unhealthy
[6]. Some pets continue eating even if they are
INTRODUCTION already full. This can lead to obesity for the pet.
According to the Association for Pet Obesity
Internet-of-Things (IoT), has become a Prevention, roughly 53 percent of dogs and 58
widespread phenomenon in the IT world today percent of cats in the U.S. are overweight or
[1]. Consumers and business industries continue obese. Malnutrition can also be a serious threat
to increase their interests and investments on to pets. It occurs when the animal has a nutrient
IoT powered systems and devices. Currently, deficiency in their body. This issue can be seen
there are 11.2 billion devices connected into the with pets that have been neglected by their
internet with 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars endpoint owners, as well as households having multiple
spending and is projected to bloat up to 20.4 pets, where the alpha pet might intimidate others
billion devices with 2.9 trillion spending in the over the feeding bowl, leaving them to starve.
year 2020 both for personal and organizational Both cases will result to unhealthy pets.
use [17].

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SOLUTION AND IMPLEMENTATION Like its automatic counterpart, the device has an
automatic food dispenser that are customizable
For this paper, the subject of interest would be in schedule and in dispensed food quantity. But
PetSafe’s Smart Pet Feeder. in the case of unscheduled and undelivered food
for a specified meal time, alerts can be sent to a
To reduce the inconvenience that may be mobile device through a mobile application
associated with feeding pets, PetSafe developed notifying the need to update the schedule of
a Smart Pet Feeder that does more than an food dispensing based on previous scheduled
automatic pet feeder. PetSmart, Inc. is the food dispensing. Figure 4 shows the product
largest pet retail of services and solutions of with food. The whole device is powered through
pets [15]. They aim to help pet owners have a power adapter with an optional battery backup
fulfilling lives by aiding them to become closer to for cases of electricity disruptions. An overview
their pets through their products. of these parts can be seen in Figure 3.

PetSafe’s Smart Pet Feeder includes a lid, food The PetSafe smart feeder provides more
hopper, a bowl holder with a stainless bowl, advantages than the automatic pet feeder as it
power adapter, conveyor, feeder base, and a utilizes the information fed to it by the sensors
manual ​feed ​button, ​as ​shown ​in ​Figure 3 [16]. and the server. Smart feeders have infrared
The food hopper has a 24-cup capacity and proximity sensor and battery-operated electric
accommodates dry and semi-moist food. The motor which detects the proximity of the pet and
conveyor has a good accuracy of portions, opens the canary or provides food when it is
prevents jamming, and allows for slow within range [12]. This function ensures that the
dispensing of pet food. The feeder also has a food is kept fresh and keeps dust and insects
battery backup in case of power outage.Their away from the food. The smart feeder allows
Smart Pet Feeder has Wi-Fi enabled application flexibility of feeding schedule as it can detect
powered by the features of Internet of Things. changes in the eating patterns of the pet. The
smart feeder can also be manually controlled by
iPhones or iPods with iOS 9 or later and
Andrioid smartphones 5.0 or later by transmit
data to to the server. Figure 5 shows the
Conceptual Diagram of the communication
between PetSafe’s Smart Feeder, the Server,

Figure 3​. Components of the PetSafe Smart Pet Feeder.

Figure 4​. Petsafe smart pet feeder product image.

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and the Mobile Device. Feed Now function in the mobile application as
shown in Figure 6. PetSafe Smart Pet Feeder
After setting up the smart feeder, it must be also includes a Slow Feed function to slowly
configured to connect to the home WiFi network. dispense pet food and avoid gulping and
Smart Feeder communicates through a WiFi vomiting [13].
module embedded in the feeder. All data
received by the module is formatted as Data is being transmitted by the Smart Feeder to
Javascript Object Notation (JSON) object and the owner’s mobile device informing the owner
sent to the server to be processed. Most pet when a pet is already fed as shown in Figure 7,
feeders, like the PetSafe Pet Feeder, have or on the amount of food left in the feeder, and
compatible applications in the Android and iOS the food’s nutritional value. Some pet feeders
platform. These devices acts as controllers that include the location of pet stores that are near
also sends commands in JSON to the server the location of the owner. Others could also alert
and consequently, to the Smart Pet Feeder. The the owner if there is no food left and gives a
server processes the data it receives like the video footage of the pet’s activity near the
food consumption and food availability. feeder. Some models even allow audio
transmission so that the owners can invite their
Most Smart Feeders have a large container to pets over the feeder to eat. It is important to
store the pet food and a canary to serve them in highlight that PetSafe’s Smart Pet Feeder still
the set intervals based on the commands stored does not have the said functions. It only means
and sent to the server. Some pet feeders have that the application of IoT is still progressing
motion sensors that detects if the pet is near the within the area of Pet Care. The interconnection
feeder, which is interpreted as that the pet between Pet Safe’s smart feeder, mobile phone,
getting hungry and is looking for food. PetSafe’s and stores has eradicated almost all
Smart Pet Feeder not only allows input of inconvenience associated in ensuring a healthy
feeding schedule to fully automate feeding but it
also allow manual control through a mobile
device. The owner can manually schedule at
most 12 meals in a day for your pet or use the

Figure 5.​ PetSafe Smart Pet Feeder Conceptual Diagram

Figure 6​. Pet Safe Mobile Application Interface for

Scheduling and Feed Now function [14].

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way to feed pets. It was awarded as the control the feeder over the Internet, we now
Amazon’s choice for the smart pet feeder have an IoT device responsible for feeding pets,
category. so called “smart feeders”.

RELATED STUDIES A number of pet feeders are widely available

nowadays. But it is only in recent years where
To address these cases, an “automatic pet we can see that the Internet of Things is being
feeder” can be used. An automatic feeder is a applied to these feeders to provide better
device where a pet owner can fill a container service and more controls for the owners.
with pet food, and allow the feeding device to
dispense the pet food on a feeding bowl. There You can see the significant differences between
are 2 kinds of automatic pet feeders. One type each pet feeder and understand the impact of
allows you to set a feeding schedule for your IoT integration in the system.
pet, dispensing food only at set times, while the
other continually refills the feeding bowl Interactive Pet Feeding and Watering Bowl
whenever the initial amount was reduced. The
latter is discouraged since it’s simply free Our first example is one made by Jacob Tipton
feeding, but on an automatic feeder. On the Taylor under U.S. Patent. He developed an
other hand, a feeder that schedules its interactive pet feeding and watering bowl to be
dispensing times is recommended due to how it filled by either food or water to support the
teaches your pet to follow a routine. But why is nourishment needs of animals specifically those
that so? who are considered as pets[7]. The device [11]
also includes a voice record playback (VRP)
Feeding Schedules integration which will deliver a recorded
message when the pet is heading towards the
A pet feeding schedule helps establish a routine bowl. VRP integration is powered by a proximity
around you pet's other vital schedules like play, sensor that directs an optical beam through a
activity and sleep. Scheduled portioned feeding lens on the interior of the bowl. The beam is
requires a strict routine that you need to be able projected across the dish bowl so that when a
to guarantee to stick to. Pet's thrive on routine,
however they do not monitor time like humans
do. Your pet will know when meal times are and
ensure that they are ready for them, with cats
coming indoors specifically at these times. This
method limits the amount that your pet eats
either by portion size or by time as some pet
owners prefer to give their animals a specific
time frame in which they must eat. This method
also works well if you have pets that required
medication to be mixed with their food, or have
an animal on a calorie-controlled diet.

Smart Feeders

So where can IoT be found in these? Well, by

embedding a system in an automatic feeder that
Figure 1​. Taylor’s interactive pet feeding blueprint​.
allows it to connect in the Internet, then creating Descriptions of labels are not attached
a system that allows Internet-capable devices to

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pet eats or drinks from the bowl, the beam is The Automatic Feeder is constrained to be
interrupted or reflected and the optical sensor is designed with respect to the architecture of
activated causing the voice module to play the embedded systems. With that statement​ ​in mind,
recorded message.
programming and reprogramming of tasks are
However, the device [11] has a major limitation limited to physical contact with the device thus
of not having a solution to the problem of limiting its capability to be remotely controllable
sustaining a proper schedule of pet feeding as featured by Internet of Things (IoT) powered
regardless of the pet owner’s schedule. Figure 1 systems and devices. To look at the a drawing
shows a drawing of the device. of the device, refer to Figure 2.

Automatic Feeder for Dogs and other RESULTS AND ANALYSIS

After thorough examination and review of the
Another example is developed by Peter researchers on the commentaries and
Ramirez, also under U.S. Patent, where he feedbacks about the automatic food feeder for
made an automatic feeder for dogs and other pets, a list of benefits was formulated:
animals with increased functionality[8]. The
automatic feeder with computerized control ● Weight Management
circuitry that dispenses different programmed ● Regular Routine
quantities of food for each meal at programmed ● No Guilt when Plans Change
mealtimes and plays a prerecorded 30-second ● More Frequent, Smaller Meals
message, preferably the owner’s voice (meal ● Fresh Food for each Meal
call messages). Other features cover telephone ● No Early Morning Wake Up Calls
interfaces and video telephones (interface for a ● Time Saver
personal computer) and a battery back-up that
further extends feeder functionality.

Figure 2​. Ramirez’s automatic feeder blueprint.

Description of labels are not attached.

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Figure 6​. Pet Safe Mobile Application Interface for too far from such clinics and hospitals. By using
Feeding Schedule Log [14]. the built-in camera, the veterinarian can make
an initial diagnosis. For cases where the
animal's discomfort is minor, the veterinarian
can simply call his/her prescriptions, thereby
Obesity is not healthy. Many diseases can occur
reducing time, effort, and money spent going to
because of weight problems. Pets live very
and from the clinic or hospital.
closely with humans these days and therefore
they also share civilization diseases with
It is also possible to take advantage of smart
humans. Many dogs, cats, and other pets suffer
feeders in academic experiments, especially for
from obesity. For example, in a large-scale
institutions that don't have the budget to
study, scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilians-
purchase more advanced testing tools. Take for
Universität München found that about 52% of
example, when testing for conceptual pet foods.
the participating dogs and cats were too fat [10].
By using the scheduling function of the smart
feeder, one can administer the experimental pet
Pet owners are the trigger for the weight
food at uniform times, thereby increasing the
problems of pets due to the great influence of
reliability of the results gathered from the tests.
humans, which determines the amount,
Of course, smart feeders are not a scientifically
composition, and feeding schedule of foods for
recognized method for animal experimentation,
the pets.Assessing the nutritional status of one's
but one can make an initial hypotheses using
own pet is difficult for many pet owners. Many
the smart feeder for small-scale tests.
pet owners underestimate the weight problem of
their pets and assess the body conditions of
pets less critically. Owners who follow strict
routines often have to plan their entire lives
around their pets. Not only is this an impractical
but also unnecessary burden. [1]​ ​
The modules found in any common smart pet
feeder can be further expanded and applied in [3]​ ​
the agricultural sector, specifically in the animal t​ml
husbandry occupation. We can have a larger [4]​ ​
and commercialized automatic feeder for hogs, -pet-bowls
[5]​ ​
chickens, cows, and other animals raised for
food production. With such a device, one can [6]​ ​
make precise food measurements - reducing ing_method
instances of overfeeding or underfeeding, and [7]​ ​
be able to monitor animals - even when one is 95b1be7ced8f/US7789041.pdf
[8]​ ​
not on-site, all at the beck-and-call of your
smartphone. [9]​ ​
Another way we can utilize these automatic 3WYP317&linkCode=as2&tag=bestprodtag105742-20
feeders is by using them in the veterinary arts. [10] ​Becker N​, ​Dillitzer N​, ​Sauter-Louis C​, ​Kienzle E (2012):
Feeding of dogs and cats in Germany, ​Tierarztl Prax Ausg K
There are cases where pets are too sick or too
Kleintiere Heimtiere.​ 40(6):391-7​.
rowdy to send to the nearest veterinary clinic or [11] ​Jacob Tipton Taylor. 2010. ​Interactive Pet Feeding and
animal hospital; there are also times when your Watering Bowl.​ [ONLINE] Available at: ​https://patentimages​.

AWS Internal Use Only​ ​ 6
41.pdf. [Accessed 12 July 2018].
[12]​ ​​(253-2
[13]​ ​
[14]​ ​
[15]​ ​
[16]​ ​

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