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Yash S Shah – 181267

Individual Learning

From the ‘Eye of the Beholder’ film, I got to learn many things like one should not
make conclusion from the ‘snap judgments’, we should obtain proper information before
judging the character of other persons. By seeing the first part, we make up a mindset that
Michael is murderer though we do not know any information or facts. We should not possess
stereotype mindset, judging people based on the perception of group to which he/she belongs.
We should not generalizing the things, we must look at other with openness.

Situations, issues and people should be evaluated with an open mind. We should not
possess preconceived judgment, because we tend to look for evidence to support our position.
The main factor I learn is ‘what we see is not always reality’, there may be some other

As a team assignment we first divided the work between 5 people. I got the part of
question 2 as it was more conceptual and required more work on that. So I and Rishab
divided the question 2 and get our work done. As all of us are completed with their work, we
shared our work with group members so they can recommend any suggestions. After
compilation of whole assignment, I had done some modification wherever required. I
compiled group member’s individual learning into the report. Synergizing the work of each
member we successfully completed our assignment!

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