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Bombing with victims more than 100

Date Location Description Victim

Sept 11, 2001 WTC, Pentagon, Terrorists crashed two Nearly 3000 people died
Pennsylvania planes into the World
Trade Center and the
twin 110-story towers
collapsed. Explosions
also rocked the
Pentagon and the State
October, 12, 2002 Bali Powerful explosions 202 people died. Mostly
rocked Bali Australians.
March, 11, 2004 Madrid, Spain A series of rush hour Nearly 200 people
bomb blasts three killed.
Madrid railway
November, 26, 2008 Mumbai, India Suspected Muslim 195 people killed.
militants attacked at
least 10 targets in India's
financial capital of

Jan 24, 2011

A suicide bombing at Russia's biggest airport, Domodedovo airport , killed 35 people and wounded
The suicide bomber who killed 35 people and wounded 180 at Moscow's largest airport was a 20-year-
old man from the volatile southern Caucasus region, Russian investigators said Saturday.

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