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a) A sample contains 0.1 mol carbon dioxide gas at room condition.
[Relative atomic mass : C, 12; O, 16; 1 mol of gas occupies a volume of 24 dm3 at room
condition ; Avogadro Constant, NA = 6.02 x 1023]
Satu sampel mengandungi 0.1 mol gas karbon dioksida pada keadaan bilik.
[ Jisim atom relatif : C, 12; O, 16; 1 mol gas menepati isipadu gas 24 dm3 pada
keadaan bilik , Pemalar Avogadro ,NA = 6.02 x 1023 ]

Calculate/ Hitungkan

i) the volume/ isi padu

ii) the mass/ jisim

iii) t he number of molecules/bilangan molekul

iv) the number of atoms , of the 0.1 mol carbon dioxide gas in
the sample.
bilangan atom bagi 0.1 mol karbon dioksida dalam sampel .

[5 marks]
b) Some cobalt(II) chloride crystals are heated in a crucible until all the water of
crystallization are removed.
The result of the experiment is as shown.
 Mass of the empty crucible = 31.50 g
 Mass of crucible + cobalt(II) chloride crystals = 36.26 g
 Mass of crucible + anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride = 34.10 g
(Relative atomic mass: H, 1; O, 16; Cl, 35.5; Co, 59)
Sedikit hablur kobalt(II) klorida dipanaskan dalam mangkuk pijar sehingga semua air
penghabluran disingkirkan.
Keputusan eksperimen ditunjukkan.
Jisim mangkuk pijar = 31.50 g
Jisim mangkuk pijar + hablur kobalt(II) klorida = 36.26 g
Jisim mangkuk pijar + kobalt(II) klorida kontang = 34.10 g
[ Jisim atom relatif : H, 1; O, 16; Cl, 35.5; Co, 59)

i) How to ensure that all the water of crystallization had been

removed? Bagaimana dapat memastikan semua air penghabluran
telah disingkirkan ?

[ 1 mark ]
ii) If the molecular formula of cobalt(II) chloride crystal is CoCl2.xH2O, determine the
value of x in this formula based on the data given in the table.
Jika formula molekul bagi hablur kobalt(II) klorida ialah CoCl 2.xH2O ,
tentukan nilai x dalam formula ini berdasarkan data yang diberi dalam

[ 3 marks ]
iii) Calculate the percentage of water of crystallization by mass in cobalt(II) chloride
Hitung peratus air penghabluran per jisim dalam hablur kobalt(II) klorida.

Diagram 3.1 shows the apparatus set-up for an experiment to determine the empirical formula of
copper oxide.
Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik
kuprum oksida.

Diagram 3.1/Rajah 3.1

a) i) The function of anhydrous calcium chloride is to dry the hydrogen
gas. State another substance that can be used to replaced it in the
experiment. Fungsi kalsium klorida kontang adalah untuk
mengeringkan gas hydrogen. Nyatakan bahan lain yang boleh
menggantikannya dalam eksperimen ini.

ii) Name two chemicals used to prepare hydrogen gas in the laboratory.
Namakan dua bahan kimia untuk menyediakan gas hydrogen dalam makmal.

iii) Write an equation for the reaction in (a)(ii).
Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas dalam (a)(ii).

[1 mark ]
b) Table 3.1 shows the results of the experiment.
Jadual 3.1 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen .

Description Mass / g
Huraian Jisim / g
Mass of combustion tube + crucible 40.35
Jisim tiub pembakaran + mangkuk pijar
Mass of combustion tube + crucible + copper oxide 46.35
Jisim tiub pembakaran + mangkuk pijar + kuprum oksida
Mass of combustion tube + crucible + copper 45.15
Jisim tiub pembakaran + mangkuk pijar + kuprum
[ Relative atomic mass : O, 16; Cu, 64 ]
[ Jisim atom relatif : O, 16; Cu, 64 ]
Table 3.1 /Jadual 3.1
Based on Table 3.1, determine
Berdasarkan Jadual 3.1 , tentukan
i) The number of mole of oxygen/ Bilangan mol bagi oksigen

ii) The number of mole of copper/Bilangan mol kuprum

iii) The empirical formula of copper oxide/ Formula empirik bagi kuprum oksida

c) i) Before copper oxide is heated, hydrogen gas is allowed to pass through apparatus
until all the air in the combustion tube is completely removed.
Describe the steps that should be taken to ensure that all the air in the combustion
tube has been expelled.
Sebelum kuprum oksida dipanaskan, gas hidrogen dialirkan menerusi alat radas
sehingga semua udara di dalam tiub pembakaran disingkirkan dengan lengkap.
Huraikan langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil untuk memastikan
semua udara dalam tiub pembakaran telah disingkirkan.



[ 3 marks ]

ii) Why is hydrogen gas passed through the combustion tube after
heating has stopped?
Mengapakah gas hydrogen masih dialirkan ke dalam tiub pembakaran
selepas pemanasan dihentikan ?

[ 1 mark ]
iii) State how to determine that the reaction between copper oxide with hydrogen gas has
Nyatakan bagaimana untuk menentukan tindak balas antara
kuprum oksida dengan gas hidrogen telah lengkap.

[ 1 mark ]
a) (i) What is meant by ‘ empirical formula of a compound ‘.
Jelaskan apakah yang dimaksudkan ‘formula empirik bagi satu sebatian’.
(ii) Write down the empirical formula for naphthalene , C10H8 and sulphuric acid , H2SO4.
Tuliskan formula empirik bagi naftalena , C10H8 dan asid sulfurik H2SO4.

b) An artificial pineapple flavouring has the composition of 62.07% of carbon , 10.34% of

hydrogen and 27.59% of oxygen by mass. The relative molecular mass of this
compound is 116. Determine the molecular formula of this flavouring.
[ Relative atomic mass : C, 12 ; H,1 ; O, 16 ]
Bahan tambah perisa dalam nenas mengandungi komposisi karbon, 62.07%, hidrogen,
10.34% dan oksigen, 27.59% per jisim. Jisim molekul relatif sebatian ini ialah 116. Tentukan
formula molekul bahan perisa ini.
[ Jisim atom relatif : C, 12 ; H,1 ; O, 16 ]
[ 6 marks ]

c) Describe how you could determine the empirical formula of magnesium

oxide in the laboratory. Your description should include
Huraikan bagaimana anda dapat menentukan formula empirik magnesium
oksida dalam makmal. Huraian anda mesti merangkumi

• procedure of experiment/prosedur eksperimen

• tabulation of result /data bagi keputusan
• calculation of the results obtained /pengiraan dari keputusan yang diperolehi
[ Relative atomic mass : O, 16; Mg,24 ] /[ Jisim atom relatif : O, 16; Mg,24 ]

a. By using suitable example, explain what are meant by empirical formula and molecular
formula. Dengan menggunakan contoh yang sesuai, terangkan apa yang dimaksudkan
dengan formula empirik dan formula molekul.
[3 marks]
b. The information below is for compound Q
Maklumat berikut adalah bagi sebatian Q.

 Carbon /Karbon 40.00%

 Hydrogen/ Hidrogen 6.66%
  xygen /Oksigen
O 53.33%
 Relative molecular mass 180
Jisim molekul relatif

Based on the information of compound Q, determine:

Berdasarkan maklumat bagi sebatian Q, tentukan:

(i) The empirical formula Formula empiriknya

(ii) The molecular formula Formula molekulnya

[ Relative atomic mass: C,12; H,1; O,16] [ Jisim atom relatif: C,12; H,1; O,16]
[ 5 marks]
(c) Diagram 7.1 shows the set-up of apparatus to determine the empirical formula of two
different compounds.
Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi menentukan formula empirik dua
sebatian yang berlainan.

Table 7.1/Rajah 7.1

(i) Explain why method II is not suitable to determine the empirical formula of
magnesium oxide?
Terangkan mengapa kaedah II tidak sesuai bagi menentukan formula empirik bagi
magnesium oksida? [1mark]

(ii) Suggest one metal oxide in method II.
Cadangkan satu oksida logam dalam kaedah II. [1 mark]


(iii) Using a suitable example, describe a laboratory experiment to determine the empirical
formula of an oxide of a reactive metal. Your explanation should include:
Dengan menggunakan contoh yang sesuai, huraikan suatu eksperimen di makmal
untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi suatu oksida logam reaktif.. Penerangan
anda mestilah meliputi :

 Procedure of the experiment Prosedur bagi eksperimen

 Tabulation of data Penjadualan data

The molecular formula of butane is C4H10 and its empirical formula is C2H5.
Formula molekul bagi butana ialah C4H10 dan formula empiriknya ialah C2H5

a) Based on the statement, explain the meaning of empirical formula and molecular
formula. [4 marks]
Berdasarkan kenyataan tersebut, terangkan maksud formula empirik dan formula molekul.

(b) The decomposition of copper(II) nitrate is shown in the following equation:

Penguraian kuprum(II) nitrat ditunjukkan dalam persamaan berikut:

2 Cu(NO3)2 2 CuO + 4 NO2 + O2

(Jisim atom relatif: N=14, O=16, Cu=64,isipadu molar gas pada keadaan bilik; 24 dm3 mol-1)

(i) Determine the percentage composition by mass of oxygen in

copper(II) nitrate.
Tentukan peratus mengikut jisim bagi oksigen dalam kuprum(II) nitrat.
[3 marks]

(ii) If 3.2 g of copper(II) oxide is produced during the heating process,

calculate the volume of oxygen gas evolved at room condition.
Jika 3.2 g kuprum(II) oksida dihasilkan semasa proses
pemanasan, hitung isipadu gas oksigen yang terbebas pada keadaan
[3 marks]
c) A student carried out two experiments to determine the empirical formulae for
magnesium oxide and copper(II) oxide. Diagram 8 shows the apparatus set-up for both
Seorang pelajar menjalankan dua eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi
magnesium oksida dan kuprum(II) oksida. Rajah 8 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi
kedua-dua eksperimen.

Explain the differences in the method used for the determination of the empirical formulae
for both oxides.
Terangkan perbezaan kaedah untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi kedua-dua
oksida itu.
[4 marks]
[4 markah]

Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula of oxide metal
Rajah 3 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi oksida
logam M.

Diagram 3
Rajah 3
(a) (i) State the name of two reactants to prepare hydrogen gas in the laboratory.
Nyatakan nama dua bahan tindak balas untuk menyediakan gas hidrogen
dalam makmal.

[1 mark]
(ii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction in (a)(i).
Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas di (a)(i).

[1 mark]

(b) State one precaution that must be taken when carrying out the experiment.
Nyatakan satu langkah berjaga-jaga yang mesti diambil semasa
menjalankan eksperimen itu.

.......................................................................................................................................... [1
(c) Table 3 shows the results of the experiment:
Jadual 3 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen itu:

Mass of combustion tube + asbestos paper

Jisim tiub pembakaran + kertas asbestos 36.50 g

Mass of combustion tube + asbestos paper + M oxide

Jisim tiub pembakaran + kertas asbestos + oksida M 37.30 g

Mass of combustion tube + asbestos paper + M

Jisim tiub pembakaran + kertas asbestos + M 37.14 g

Table 3
(i) Based on the results in Table 3, determine the empirical formula of M oxide.
Berdasarkan keputusan dalam Jadual 3, tentukan formula empirik bagi oksida M.
[Relative atomic mass ; O=16, M=64]
[Jisim atom relatif ; O=16, M=64]

[3 marks]

(ii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between M oxide and hydrogen gas
Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara oksida M dengan gas hidrogen.

[1 mark]

(d) (i) The empirical formula of magnesium oxide cannot be determined by the
above method. Explain why.
Formula empirik bagi magnesium oksida tidak boleh ditentukan melalui
kaedah di atas. Terangkan menagapa..

[1 mark]

(ii) Draw a suitable set up of apparatus for the experiment to determine the
empirical formula of magnesium oxide.
Lukiskan susunan radas yang sesuai untuk eksperimen bagi menentukan
formula empirik magnesium oksida.

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