AE686 Ass3

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% Name : SHUBHAM

% Roll No. : 150696

% AE686A : Helicopter Theory
% Assignment : 3
% Date of Submission : 29 October 2018

%Question 1

close all; clc; clear all;

rho = 1.225; % Density of air

N_b = 4; % Number of Blades
R = 8.18; % Radius of Blades
C = 0.46; % Chord length of Blades
C_Do = 0.01; % Drag coefficient of the airfoil
C_l_alpha = 5.73; % Slope of the Lift Curve
omega = 27*pi; % Angular Velocity of the Rotor
nu_beta = 1.04; % Rotating Flap Frequency
lock = 8; % Lock Number
weight = 70000; % Weight of the Helicopter
theta_tw = 0; % Twist Rate of the Blades

% values of nodes for 6 point Gaussian Quadrature

x = [-0.932469514 ; -0.661209386 ; -0.002386191860 ; 0.002386191860 ;
0.661209386 ; 0.932469514];

% values of weights for 6 point Gaussian Quadrature

w = [0.171324492 ; 0.360761573 ; 0.467913935 ; 0.467913935 ;
0.360761573 ; 0.171324492];

N = 20; % Number of Blade elements

r = linspace(0, 1, N+1);
r_loc = linspace(0, 1, 100);

mu = 0.2857; % Advance Ratio

lambda = 0.02284; % Inflow Ratio

% Pitch Input Parameters

theta_0 = degtorad(8.2);
theta_1c = degtorad(3.3);
theta_1s = degtorad(-11.2);

% Blade Flap Angle Parameters

beta_0 = degtorad(4.84);
beta_1c = degtorad(6.38);
beta_1s = degtorad(0.91);

alpha_s = degtorad(-4.1); % Longitudinal Shaft Tilt

phi_s = degtorad(-3.84); % Lateral Shaft Tilt

psi_deg = linspace(0,360,181);

for z = 1:181
psi = degtorad(psi_deg(z));
M_beta(z) = 0;

beta = beta_0 + beta_1c*cos(psi) + beta_1s*sin(psi);

beta_star = beta_1s*cos(psi) - beta_1c*sin(psi);

for i = 1:N
%Lower Limit of the integral
a = r(i);

%Upper Limit of the integral

b = r(i+1);

for j = 1:6
%Point at which the integral is evaluated using
%6-point Gaussian Quadrature
x_j = ((a+b)/2) + x(j)*(b-a)/2;

u_T = x_j + mu*sin(psi);

theta = theta_0 + theta_1c*cos(psi) + theta_1s*sin(psi) +
u_P = lambda + x_j*beta_star + mu*beta*cos(psi);

M_beta(z) = M_beta(z) + 0.25*(b-

a)*w(j)*(x_j*(u_T*u_T*theta - u_P*u_T));



M_beta_exact(z) = ((1/8) + (mu*sin(psi)/3) +

(mu*mu*sin(psi)*sin(psi)/4))*(theta_0 + theta_1c*cos(psi) +
+ theta_tw*((1/10) +
(mu*mu*sin(psi)*sin(psi)/6) + (mu*sin(psi)/4))...
- lambda*((1/6) + (mu*sin(psi)/4))...
- beta_star*((1/8) + (mu*sin(psi)/6))...
- mu*beta*cos(psi)*((1/6) +


plot(psi_deg, M_beta, '--', psi_deg, M_beta_exact, '-.');

x = [0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360];
xlabel('Azimuthal Angle \psi (in degrees)', 'FontSize', 20);
ylabel('$\bar{M_\beta}$','Interpreter','Latex', 'FontSize', 24);
set(gca, 'XTick', x);
axis tight;
grid on;
title('Non-dimensional Aerodynamic Flapping Moment vs Azimuthal
Angle', 'FontSize', 14);
lgd = legend('M_\beta using Gaussian Quadrature', 'M_\beta using exact

lgd.FontSize = 14;
lgd.Location = 'southeast';

Published with MATLAB® R2016a

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