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Shape-specific silver nanoparticles prepared by

Published on 16 October 2015. Downloaded by University of Florida Libraries on 13/12/2016 06:06:08.

microwave-assisted green synthesis using

Cite this: RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 95433
pomegranate juice for bacterial inactivation and
Ekta Roy,a Santanu Patra,a Shubham Saha,a Rashmi Madhuri*a
and Prashant K. Sharmab

Herein, we have synthesized four different shapes (spherical, oval, rod and flower shape) of silver
nanoparticles (AgNPs) using a green synthesis approach via microwave-assisted synthesis. The
nanoparticles were synthesized using pomegranate juice as a novel reducing agent. The synthesized
AgNPs were characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and tunnelling electron microscopic (TEM) analysis. The as-prepared AgNPs show
a very rapid, effective, shape-specific and dose-dependent bacteriostatic/bactericidal effect towards four
different bacterial strains (two Gram negative and two Gram positive). The analysis was determined by
different methods such as a disc diffusion study, growth curve analysis, minimum inhibitory
concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration determinations. Amongst the four different
shaped AgNPs, the flower shaped AgNPs demonstrated the best results and mediated the fastest
Received 10th September 2015
Accepted 16th October 2015
bactericidal activity against all the tested strains at similar bacterial concentrations. The results were also
confirmed by confocal microscopic analysis. Additionally, the flower shaped AgNPs have the ability to
DOI: 10.1039/c5ra18575k
non-specifically remove various bacterial strains from a real water sample with 98% removal efficiency, as compared to other synthesized different shaped nanoparticles.

reported that silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with a size in the

Introduction range of 10–100 nm showed strong bactericidal potential
A big challenge in the eld of pharmaceuticals and biomedi- against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.7
cines is resistant of human beings towards pathogens or bac- Though the mechanism of antibacterial killing or prevention is
teria's. In this, the anti-biotic resistance has acquired a large not very clear to date, some of the authors have discussed the
range of fear for emergence and re-emergence of multidrug- mechanism based on their own obtained results. Accordingly,
resistant (MDR) pathogens and parasites.1,2 When a person gets AgNPs may penetrate the bacterial cell wall and modulate
infected with MDR bacteria, their cure becomes very difficult, cellular signaling by dephosphorylating peptide substrates on
resulting in loss of money as well as time in hospitals. The MDR tyrosine residues.8–10 During the study, it was also found that
bacteria infected patient requires multiple treatments of broad- the antibacterial property of AgNPs depends up on the size,
spectrum antibiotics, which are less effective, more toxic and morphology, stability and (chemical and physical) properties of
more expensive.3,4 Therefore, some modications and develop- the nanoparticles. The shape, size and other factors are
ment in anti-bacterial compounds with improved bacteriostatic strongly inuenced by the experimental conditions viz.,
and bactericidal effects are now a high priority in the eld of kinetics of the interaction of metal ions with reducing agents,
research.5,6 and adsorption processes of stabilizing agents with metal
From past decades, silver has been used as an antimicrobial nanoparticles.11 Generally, specic control of the shape, size
compound to deal with infections, burns and chronic wounds and distribution of the produced nanoparticles could be ach-
due to its low toxicity to the human body. Many scientists have ieved by changing the methods of synthesis, the reducing
agents and stabilizers.12–15
Department of Applied Chemistry, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826
During the last three decades, synthesis of metal nano-
004, India. E-mail:; Tel: +91 9471191640 particles using natural resources i.e. green technology and/or
Functional Nanomaterials Research Laboratory, Department of Applied Physics, synthesis has been increased a lot. Using natural precursors
Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826 004, India or natural compounds as intermediate chemicals in nano-
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: particle synthesis is not only an environmental friendly step, it

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is a step towards less-harmful and more cost-effective chemical Experimental section

synthesis.16 In the literature, several works have been reported
for the synthesis of AgNPs using a green synthesis approach. Reagents and instruments
Vinod et al. have reported the synthesis of Ag, Au and Pt Silver nitrate (AgNO3) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
nanoparticles using a natural hydrocolloid gum kondagogu (CTAB) were purchased from Fluka. All chemicals and reagent
(Cochlospermum gossypium) as a precursor molecule.17 Loges- used here were of analytical grade or higher.
wari et al. reported the synthesis of AgNPs from commercially The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by Field
available plant powders i.e. Solanum trilobatum, Syzygium emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM, Zeiss, model
Published on 16 October 2015. Downloaded by University of Florida Libraries on 13/12/2016 06:06:08.

cumini, Centella asiatica and Citrus sinensis.18 AgNPs have also Super 55). The powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) study was carried
been synthesised from three medicinal leaf extracts, Musa bal- out on a Bruker D8 Focus X-ray diffractometer instrument using
bisiana (banana), Azadirachta indica (neem) and Ocimum tenui- a Cu target radiation source. Transmission electron microscopy
orum (black tulsi), by Banerjee et al.19 (TEM) studies were performed on a Tecnai 30 G2 S-Twin elec-
Although, several studies have been reported the synthesis of tron microscope operated at 300 kV accelerating voltage. UV-
AgNPs using chemical routes and their applications in anti- visible spectroscopic characterization was done on a Perkin-
bacterial studies, the synthesis of shape-specic nanoparticles Elmer Lambda 35 (Singapore) spectrophotometer.
using a green synthesis approach is rarely reported. The effect of
shape specic nanoparticles on bacterial growth was rst
Preparation of the pomegranate extract
explored by Pal et al.,20 where three different shaped AgNPs
(spherical, rod shaped and truncated) were reported. It was The pomegranate was collected from a local market on the basis
found that the truncated AgNPs had a better response for of cost effectiveness and ease of availability. Fresh and healthy
antibacterial purposes (Sodium borohydride). Similarly, Dong pomegranate were collected and rinsed thoroughly rst with tap
et al. have reported the synthesis of triangular nanoprism and water followed by distilled water to remove all the dust and
spherical AgNPs and it was reported that the triangular-shape unwanted visible particles. Seeds were separated from the fruit,
nanoparticle had a better antibacterial property than the crushed and juice was collected in a beaker (250 mL). To this,
spherical one due to its geometric structure and geometric 100 mL distilled water was added and the mixture was boiled for
plane.21 To the best of our knowledge, a green chemistry about 20 min. Aer that, the juice was ltered and stored at
approach for the synthesis of shape-specic AgNPs as antimi- 4  C, before use.
crobial agents has not been reported yet.
The present work has focused on the development of an Synthesis of the different shaped silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)
easy and one-pot synthesis of AgNPs by an environmentally
For the synthesis of the different shaped AgNPs, AgNO3 was
friendly procedure (microwave assisted method) with pome-
used as the precursor compound with CTAB as the stabilizer
granate fruit juice as the reducing agent. Microwave irradiation
and pomegranate juice as the reducing agent. The amount of
has several advantages in comparison to the traditional heat-
constituents and reaction conditions were varied to synthesize
ing methods. It produced uniform heating of the solution
the different shaped AgNPs. The procedures are given below
(short thermal induction period) and as a result, more homo-
and shown in Scheme 1.
geneous nucleation (less-time) with a short crystallization time
Spherical shaped AgNPs (S-AgNPs). For this, an aqueous
is obtained at a much lower cost.22 In addition, herein,
solution of AgNO3 (0.01% by weight) was prepared in a 250 mL
pomegranate fruit juice was used as a reducing agent which
contains mainly gallic acid, ellagic acid and avonol glycosides
that are able to reduce silver nitrate into AgNPs very effi-
ciently.23 The nanoparticles were prepared as four different
shapes, namely, spherical, oval, rod and ower. The synthe-
sized AgNPs have been characterized by eld emission scan-
ning electronic microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron
microscopy (TEM), UV-visible spectroscopy and powder X-ray
diffraction (XRD) techniques. The bactericidal activity of the
as prepared different shaped AgNPs against the pathogenic,
MDR as well as multi-drug susceptible strains of bacteria such
as Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram negative), ampicillin-
resistant Escherichia coli (Gram negative), Bacillus subtilis
(Gram positive), and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (Gram positive) were studied. It was found that the
shape of the nanoparticle plays a very important role in the
killing of the bacterial strain. In addition, some real water
samples were also used to explore the water purication
impact of the synthesized nanoparticles. Scheme 1 Graphical representation for synthesis of shape-specific
silver nanoparticle using green synthesis approach.

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volumetric ask. 50 mL was then taken into a conical ask into placed on the center of the bacteria growth on the LB agar plates
which 1.82 g of CTAB was added. To the mixture, 3.0 mL of and incubated overnight at 37  C. The inhibition zone was
freshly prepared pomegranate juice was added and placed monitored and the diameter of the inhibition zone was calcu-
inside a microwave oven for complete bioreduction at 300 W for lated by visualizing the blank space around the lter paper to
5 min. The color of the solution changed to brown, which evaluate the shape-specic antibacterial performance of the
indicated the formation of AgNPs. The solution was kept under AgNPs.
stirring at room temperature for a further 12 h. The resulting Growth curve. For the growth kinetic test, the bacterial
nanoparticles were collected, centrifuged and stored in vacuum strains of all four bacteria [Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aerugi-
Published on 16 October 2015. Downloaded by University of Florida Libraries on 13/12/2016 06:06:08.

desiccators. nosa), Escherichia coli (E. coli), Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis), and
Oval shaped AgNPs (O-AgNPs). Oval shaped silver nano- Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus)] were prepared in LB medium
particles were synthesized by a seed-mediated growth method.24 and incubated overnight at 37  C. Aer that, the incubated
Firstly, a seed solution for O-AgNPs was prepared by addition of bacteria were injected into fresh media and grown at 37  C with
1.0 mL cold aqueous solution of pomegranate seed extract into shaking at 200 rpm. To the solution, various concentrations of
a mixture of 0.25 mM AgNO3 and 0.25 mM trisodium citrate the different shaped AgNPs were added and optical density
(10.0 mL each). The resultant mixture was stirred for 2 hours (O.D.) was measured at different time intervals. Bacterial
and stored as a seed solution. Similarly, a growth solution was growth rates were measured by monitoring the optical density
also prepared by mixing 7.0 mL of 0.020 M CTAB, 0.50 mL of at 600 nm (O.D600) using a UV-visible spectrophotometer.
10.0 mM AgNO3 and 0.50 mL of pomegranate juice. To the as Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC).
prepared growth solution, 0.50 mL of the seed solution was To examine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for all
injected and incubated at 27  C for 12 h. The resulting nano- four bacterial strains, silver nanoparticles of various concen-
particles (O-AgNPs) were collected by centrifugation, re- trations (0.05–25.00 mg L1) were introduced into sterile asks
dispersed in deionised water, washed, dried and stored in containing 50.0 mL nutrient broth. The mixture was sonicated
vacuum desiccators. for 15 minutes to avoid any type of aggregation in the solution.
Rod shaped AgNPs (R-AgNPs). For the preparation of the rod To the ask, 5.0 mL of freshly prepared bacterial suspension (1
shaped AgNP growth solution, 0.2 M CTAB (10 mL) and 4.0 mM  105 to 1  106 CFU mL1) was added and the culture media
AgNO3 (1.2 mL) were added to 25 mL distilled water. To the was incubated for 24 hours (37  C) in an orbital shaker at high
mixture, 0.5 mL pomegranate juice and 20 mL oval shaped rotation speed (120 rpm). Aer 24 h incubation, 5.0 mL of fresh
nanoparticle solution was added and the mixture was kept in bacterial solution was further added to the ask and incubated
a water bath at 30  C for 24 h. The resulting nanoparticles (R- at similar conditions for the next 24 h. The growth or no growth
AgNPs) were collected by centrifugation, re-dispersed in of the bacterial colony was determined by visual observation.
deionised water, washed, dried and stored in vacuum The lowest concentration that is the highest dilution required to
desiccators. arrest the growth of bacteria was regarded as the minimum
Flower shaped AgNPs (F-AgNPs). For the synthesis of the inhibitory concentration (MIC). For accuracy of result, all of the
ower shaped AgNPs, 0.2 M CTAB (5 mL) and 4.0 mM AgNO3 (3 concentration values were analyzed three times and the relative
mL) were added to 33.0 mL distilled water. To the mixture, 8.0 standard deviation was less than 1%. The aqueous solution of
mL pomegranate juice and 10.0 mL of rod shaped nanoparticle AgNO3 was used as a control or standard.
solution was added and the solution was kept at 30  C for 24 h. Estimation of minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC).
The resulting nanoparticles (F-AgNPs) were collected by centri- The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) can be dened
fugation, re-dispersed in deionised water, washed, dried and as the lowest concentration of AgNPs that kills 99.9% of the
stored in vacuum desiccators. bacteria and it was determined from the batch culture studies
done for the measurement of MIC values. The sample asks
that appeared to have little or no bacterial growth were selected
Preparation of bacterial samples and antibacterial study and a loop full from each ask was plated on fresh solid media
The various shaped AgNPs synthesized using pomegranate juice (2% agar in nutrient broth) and incubated at 37  C for 24 hours.
were applied to explore their shape-specic properties towards The nanoparticle concentration causing a bactericidal effect
different bacterial strains i.e. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram was selected based on the absence of colonies on the agar plate
negative), Escherichia coli (Gram negative), Bacillus subtilis and the lowest concentration causing a bactericidal effect was
(Gram positive), and Staphylococcus aureus (Gram positive). The reported as the MBC. For accuracy, each experiment was done
study was performed by different analysis methods: (1) a disc thrice to assess the MBC values.
diffusion method, (2) minimum inhibition concentration Cell death or % killing. To study the cell death or percentage
(MIC), (3) minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and (4) killing of bacteria, rstly, the bacterial strain was spread on the
growth kinetics. agar plates and incubated at 37  C, followed by addition of 100.0
Disc diffusion study (DDS). The disc diffusion study (DDS) mL of the nanoparticle (20 mg L1). The plate was nally incu-
was carried out with a bacterial strain (105–106 CFU mL1) bated at 37  C for 24 h and the bacterial colony was counted at
cultured separately on Luria–Bertani (LB) agar plates. Sepa- regular time intervals of 2 hours. The antibacterial drug
rately, 6.0 mm lter paper disks were impregnated with 1.0 mL (streptomycin sulphate) was used as a positive control and each
of the different shaped AgNP sample solutions and gently result was presented as an average of three independent

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experiments. The death rate of the bacteria was calculated using of the spherical shaped nanoparticles, which rst forms a rod
the following eqn (1).7 shaped nanoparticle and then these rod shaped nanoparticles
agglomerate and lead to the ower shaped structure. It may be
Death rate (%) ¼ [(counts in the control) possible that during this structural transformation, some
 (counts upon incubation with the nanoparticle)]/ amount of spherical as well as rod-shaped nanoparticles may be
(counts in the control) (1) present along with nanoowers, which leads to weak UV
adsorption peaks at 660 and 680 nm, respectively. However,
most of the spherical/rod shaped particles are transformed to
Published on 16 October 2015. Downloaded by University of Florida Libraries on 13/12/2016 06:06:08.

Removal of bacteria by ower shaped AgNPs ower shaped nanoparticles, which gives an additional peak in
Nowadays, the water purication system including ltration the UV spectra and is later on also supported by SEM images. In
membranes etc. are modied with nanoparticles to remove addition, the red-shi in wavelength of the nanoparticle also
bacterial contaminations more efficiently. Herein, we have also supports the mechanism shown for preparation of different
tried to explore the water purication aspect of the ower sha- shaped nanoparticles i.e. multi-nanoparticle aggregation
ped AgNPs for removal of bacterial contamination from water (Scheme 1).
samples collected from different areas of our state. For the XRD spectra. Crystalline information of the synthesized
analysis, the diluted bacterial solution (1  103 CFU mL1) was nanoparticles was obtained by XRD measurement. Fig. 1 shows
added in a glass vial containing 10.0 mL of F-AgNPs (20.0 mg the XRD patterns of the spherical (curve 1), oval (curve 2), rod
L1). The mixed solution was placed in a rotary shaker for 15 (curve 3), and ower shaped nanoparticles (curve 4). All the
min to ensure the effective binding between the bacteria and synthesized nanoparticles show ve distinct diffraction peaks at
nanoparticles. Aer that, the nanoparticles were ltered and 38.5 , 44.4 , 64.6 , 77.4 and 81.7 , which correspond to the
separated from the mixture solution and the remaining super- (111), (200), (220), (311) and (222) planes of face centered cubic
natant was used to analyze the bacterial count by a conventional silver, respectively. The resultant data was matched with the
surface plate count method. The bacteria removal efficiency of JCPDS le number 87-0720. The XRD patterns clearly suggest
the F-AgNPs was calculated using eqn (2): that the AgNPs synthesized from the pomegranate seed extract
were crystalline in nature and were well matched with
Removal efficiency (%) ¼ (CFU0  CFUt)/CFU0  100 (2) a previous report.29
SEM analysis. An SEM technique was employed to visualize
where CFU0 and CFUt are the initial and residual numbers of the size and shape of the synthesized silver nanoparticles. The
bacterial colonies in the samples.25 corresponding SEM images of the synthesized AgNPs (various
shapes) are shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2A shows the SEM image of the
Result and discussion spherical shaped AgNPs. The S-AgNPs are round in shape and
have an average size of 50 nm. As shown in Fig. 2B, the O-
Characterization of AgNPs AgNPs have a slightly larger size and an elongated shape in
UV-visible spectroscopy. Fig. S1,† shows the UV-vis spectra of comparison to the S-AgNPs. However, the rod shaped AgNPs
the silver nanoparticles synthesized with the help of pome- have a diameter of 100 nm and length of 250 nm (Fig. 2C).
granate juice as a reducing agent. The UV-vis spectrum of The rod shaped AgNPs get agglomerated to form a ower sha-
pomegranate juice solution was taken as a reference and no ped nanoparticle, which is clearly shown in the FE-SEM image
absorption spectrum was observed. UV-visible spectroscopy is (Fig. 2D). To get a closer view and a more magnied image of the
one of the basic techniques for structural characterization of
metal nanoparticles due to their surface plasmon resonance
(SPR) behavior.26 As shown in Fig. S1,† all the spectra possess
the characteristic SPR band of AgNPs at 420 nm, which conrms
the successful synthesis of nanoparticles.27 According to the
literature, the absorption spectra of metal nanoparticles, gov-
erned by SPR, show a shi to a longer wavelength with an
increase in the particle size.21 However, according to Mie’s
theory, only a single SPR band is expected in the absorption
spectra of the spherical shaped nanoparticles, whereas other
nanoparticles could give rise to two or more SPR bands
depending on their shape, due to the decrease in the symmetry
of the nanoparticles.28 Herein, the spherical and oval shaped
nanoparticles show one adsorption band at 420 and 430 nm,
respectively, whereas the rod and ower shaped nanoparticles
show two adsorption bands at 437 and 660 nm and 450 and 680
nm, respectively. This conrms the large size and multi-plane
structure of the synthesized nanoparticles. Herein, the various Fig. 1 Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of (1) spherical, (2) oval, (3)
shapes of the AgNPs were developed due to the agglomeration rod and (4) flower shaped silver nanoparticles.

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Fig. 2 FE-SEM images of the (A) spherical, (B) oval, (C) rod and (D) flower shaped silver nanoparticles at low and (E) high magnifications.

F-AgNPs, their high magnication image was also recorded and with an average size of 550 nm. The ower shaped AgNP has
is shown in Fig. 2E. The SEM images also support the weak UV a very dark contrast image, which indicates the rich three-
peaks obtained at 660 and 680 nm for the R-AgNPs and F- dimensional (3D) structures of the F-AgNPs, likely to be
AgNPs, respectively. Therefore, the SEM study clearly supports formed by self-assembly of two-dimensional (2D) rod shaped
the formation of different shaped silver nanoparticles with their AgNPs.30 The single-crystalline nature of the synthesized AgNPs
morphological dimensions, as shown in Scheme 1. was also conrmed by a selected area electron diffraction
TEM analysis. The TEM images of the different shaped (SAED) pattern shown in Fig. S2.† It also indicates that the pure
AgNPs (spherical, oval, rod and ower) are illustrated in Fig. 3, face-centered cubic (fcc) silver structure were oriented with
where it can be easily visualized that well-dened shapes of (1 1 1) planes as the basal plane.31 The obtained TEM images are
AgNPs are formed. As shown in the Fig. 3A and B, the spherical in good agreement with the earlier synthesized AgNPs by other
and oval shape nanoparticles have small size in which approx- research groups like Bakshi,32 Lou et al.,33 Zaheer and
imately 85–90% of nanoparticles possess the spherical and/or Rauddin,31 and Mirkin et al.34 This suggests that natural
oval shape. A single TEM image of the rod shape is presented in resources, either in the form of a precursor or reducing agent,
Fig. 3C, and reveals that the diameter of the rod shape is 100 have much potential in the eld of nanomaterial synthesis.
nm. Fig. 3D, shows a monodispersed large ower shaped AgNP

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strains and the zone of inhibition around the disk (the clear
zone around the disc) was monitored, calculated and portrayed
in Fig. 4A–D. The different nanoparticles are depicted by
a number i.e. (1) represents S-AgNPs, (2) O-AgNPs, (3) R-AgNPs
and (4) F-AgNPs. From the gure, it is clear that in the case of
all four bacteria, the bacterial growth inhibition was lowest in
the case of the spherical shaped AgNPs, for which the zones of
inhibition were 8 mm (E. coli), 10 mm (Pseudomonas aerugi-
Published on 16 October 2015. Downloaded by University of Florida Libraries on 13/12/2016 06:06:08.

nosa), 11 mm (B. subtilis) and 6 mm (S. aureus), and highest with

the ower shaped AgNPs, for which the zones of inhibition were
15 mm (E. coli), 15 mm (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), 17 mm (B.
subtilis) and 13 mm (S. aureus). The maximum antibacterial
activity of nanoparticles can be ordered in the following

S-AgNPs < O-AgNPs < R-AgNPs < F-AgNPs

Here, the maximum zone of inhibition (17 mm) was observed

for F-AgNPs and the minimum for S-AgNPs, which may be
attributed to the rounded edges of the spherical nanoparticles,
which had poor interaction with bacterial cells, resulting in low
Fig. 3 HR-TEM images of (A) spherical, (B) oval, (C) rod and (D) flower bactericidal activity.35 Similarly, amongst all the four bacterial
shape silver nanoparticles. strains, the best performance was observed with B. subtilis.
Growth curve analysis. A bacterial inhibition growth curve
was used to study the growth kinetics of E. coli, P. aeruginosa, B.
Antibacterial study subtilis and S. aureus with prepared bacterial samples (Fig. S3†).
Disc diffusion method. The antibacterial activity of different The optical density at 600 nm (OD600) was measured to monitor
shaped AgNPs were studied by both disc diffusion or the inhi- bacterial growth. As shown in Fig. S3A–D,† the bacterial growth
bition zone method. The nanoparticles were impregnated in (for all four strains) was delayed when the different shaped
a small disc, placed on the plates occupied by different bacterial AgNPs were added at the same concentration as compared to
the control. The growth of all the bacterial strains was
completely inhibited by the F-AgNPs, however, the least effect
was observed with S-AgNPs. The results conrm that the F-
AgNPs possessed a much more enhanced antimicrobial prop-
erty than the S-AgNPs. This may be due to the large surface area
provided by the F-AgNPs, which results in better interaction
with bacterial membranes.
MIC and MBC test. For the evaluation of the minimum
concentration of all the AgNPs required for inhibition of
bacterial growth, a MIC test was performed. For such a study, an
aqueous solution of AgNO3 was used as a standard or reference.
The results are portrayed in Table 1, in terms of positive (+) and
negative () symbols, where “” represents no growth and “+”
represents the growth of bacteria. As shown in the table, the
Gram-negative bacterial strain of E. coli and P. aeruginosa show
a 0.6 mg L1 MIC value for F-AgNPs, 1.0 mg L1 for R-AgNPs, 2.0
mg L1 for O-AgNPs and 3.0 mg L1 for S-AgNPs in comparison to
an 8.0 mg L1 MIC for AgNO3 aer 24 h incubation (Table 1),
which is approximately, 16, 8, 4, and 3 times lower than the
standard solution of silver. It was also found that MIC values at
48 h were higher than those at 24 h because of the addition of
a fresh bacterial strain as well as more time for growth. Even at
48 h, a low MIC value of 1.0 mg L1 was observed for F-AgNPs, to
Fig. 4 Disk diffusion test of different shaped silver nanoparticles inhibit the growth of Gram negative bacteria, which suggests
against different bacterial strains: (A) E. coli, (B) Pseudomonas aeru- the very good antibacterial properties of F-AgNPs.
ginosa, (C) B. subtilis and (D) S. aureus. Different shaped-AgNPs were
Similarly, for the Gram positive bacterial strains (B. subtilis
used in each plate and they were represented by numbers: (1)
spherical, (2) oval, (3) rod and (4) flower shaped AgNPs. and S. aureus), the lowest MIC values were found for F-AgNPs,

95438 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 95433–95442 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Table 1 Minimum inhibitory concentration tests of various shape silver nanoparticles on Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria

Gram negative bacterial strain

E. coli P. aeruginosa

(mg L1) 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h
Published on 16 October 2015. Downloaded by University of Florida Libraries on 13/12/2016 06:06:08.

8.0          +          +
6.0         + +         + +
3.0  +       + +  +       + +
2.0 + +  +     + + + +  +     + +
1.0 + + + +  +   + + + + + +  +   + +
0.60 + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + +  + + +
0.50 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
0.40 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
0.30 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
0.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
0.05 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Gram positive bacterial strain

(mg L1) B. subtilis S. aureus

12.0                    +
10.0                   + +
8.0                   + +
6.0           +        + +
3.0          + + +  +     + +
2.0          + + + + +  +   + +
1.0          + + + + + + +  + + +
0.60  +       + + + + + + + + + + + +
0.50 + +       + + + + + + + + + + + +
0.40 + +  +     + + + + + + + + + + + +
0.30 + + + +  +   + + + + + + + + + + + +
0.10 + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + +
0.05 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

0.1 mg L1 and 1.0 mg L1, respectively, and an increase in the table, a mixture containing the same concentration of S-AgNPs
value was obtained with same trend as presented for Gram and F-AgNPs was unable to inhibit the growth of bacteria
negative bacteria i.e. F-AgNPs < R-AgNPs < O-AgNPs < S-AgNPs (1.0 mg L1 for Gram negative and 0.1 mg L1 for Gram positive),
(Table 1). Therefore, it is clearly demonstrated that the shape however, a similar concentration of F-AgNPs could effectively
of nanoparticles plays a very important role on their antibac- inhibit the growth (Table S1† and Table 1). The study suggests
terial activity and herein, the multi-plane structure i.e. F-AgNPs that the mixing of nanoparticles was unable to show a strong
shows the maximum response towards all the four bacterial antibacterial activity, due to the presence of different surface
strains. areas and shapes. However, the individual nanoparticles, with
As discussed in the UV and SEM analysis, during the struc- large surface areas, have more potential towards inhibiting the
tural transformation, the rod-shaped or ower-shaped AgNPs growth of bacterial strains.
may contain some amount of oval or spherical nanoparticles. Comparative study for antibacterial potential of different
Their separation is not possible. Therefore, to study their shaped silver nanoparticles. It was already demonstrated by
coordinated effect on the antibacterial activity, we have con- disc diffusion and a growth kinetics study that bactericidal
ducted a MIC study with different mixtures of AgNPs. The cor- efficacy of AgNPs is signicantly enhanced as the shape of
responding data are portrayed in Table S1.† As shown in the nanoparticles is changes from spherical to ower shaped. To

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further explore the shape-dependent antibacterial efficacy of the Although, the similar efficacy for all bacterial strains was ach-
synthesized AgNPs, a test was performed against four bacterial ieved in 120 minutes using O-AgNPs and S-AgNPs, out of the
strains. For comparison, the MBC value of individual nano- four bacterial strains tested, S. aureus was found to be the least
particles was considered for a particular bacterial strain, which sensitive against AgNPs. This can be explained on the basis of
could be sufficient to not only resist the growth but kill the the time taken to achieve the bacteriostatic effect, which was
bacteria. The initial bacterial concentration was adjusted to 105 extended from 60 minutes for F-AgNPs and R-AgNPs to 90 and
to 106 CFU mL1 in 50.0 mL nutrient broth, while the time 120 minutes for O-AgNPs and S-AgNPs, respectively.
period for the antibacterial activity was estimated up to 120 Mechanism for antibacterial activity of different shaped
Published on 16 October 2015. Downloaded by University of Florida Libraries on 13/12/2016 06:06:08.

minutes, as the minimum time necessary to achieve a 99% nanoparticles. During the various antibacterial studies in this
bacteriostatic effect and 99.9% bacterial killing (bactericidal work, we have found that different shaped nanoparticles show
effect) is expected to fall within this duration.7 different results and on that basis we have concluded that the F-
Fig. 5, represents the size dependent killing kinetics of S- AgNPs have the best activity, in comparison to the other AgNPs.
AgNPs, O-AgNPs, R-AgNPs and F-AgNPs against the E. coli (A), The observed trend can be explained on the basis of the percent
P. aeruginosa (B), B. subtilis (C) and S. aureus (D) bacterial strains active facets present in the different shapes AgNPs. According to
used in the earlier studies. In the case of Gram negative Pal et al., the reactivity of silver is favored by high-atom-density
bacteria, F-AgNPs and R-AgNPs showed bacteriostatic (99.36% facets such as (111).22 Morones et al. have proved the faceting of
and 99.00% killing) and bactericidal effects (99.90% and nanoparticles as well as the direct interaction of the (111) facets
99.00% killing) in 60 and 90 minutes respectively, while, O- with the bacterial surface.8 Herein, the ower shaped AgNPs
AgNPs and S-AgNPs displayed almost similar bactericidal effi- shows the maximum intensity of the (111) facet i.e. more facets,
cacy and requires 120 minutes to achieve 99.9% bacterial in comparison to other nanoparticles that contain a low inten-
reduction. This clearly indicates that the ower shaped AgNPs sity for the (111) facet, like spherical or oval shaped AgNPs.
mediate the fastest bactericidal action by rst quickly inhibiting Therefore, the trend of antibacterial activity (obtained by
bacterial proliferation within 60 minutes and thereaer experimental data): S-AgNPs < O-AgNPs < R-AgNPs < F-AgNPs,
achieving bacterial reduction over the next half an hour. could be attributed to the presence of different effective
Similarly, for the Gram positive bacteria, F-AgNPs and R- surface areas in terms of active facets.
AgNPs show antibacterial activity by achieving bacteriostatic Confocal microscopic analysis. The antibacterial efficiency
(99.42% and 99.21% killing) and bactericidal effects (99.93% of the synthesized AgNPs was further conrmed by confocal
and 99.30% killing) within 90 and 120 minutes, respectively. microscopy analysis using back light uorescent staining

Fig. 5 Bar diagrams representing the killing kinetics of bacterial strains exposed to different silver nanoparticles at their MBC values. (A) E. coli, (B)
P. aeruginosa, (C) B. subtilis and (D) S. aureus.

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that the F-AgNPs have a very high bacterial capture ability and
the bacterial cells were removed with 90–95% efficiency.

In summary, we represent an environmental friendly method to
synthesize different shaped AgNPs with the help of pome-
granate juice as a reducing agent and a microwave assisted
Published on 16 October 2015. Downloaded by University of Florida Libraries on 13/12/2016 06:06:08.

method. No toxic reagents were used to synthesize the different

shaped AgNPs (spherical, oval, rod and ower). All the AgNPs
were found to be highly effective as antibacterial agents to the
all studied bacterial strains and their antibacterial efficacy
increased when the shapes of the AgNPs were changed (F-AgNPs
> R-AgNPs > O-AgNPs > S-AgNPs). The bacteria killing efficiency
was also visualized, herein, using confocal microscopic anal-
ysis. Additionally, the synthesized F-AgNPs were also applied to
Fig. 6 Confocal images of live (green) and dead (red) E. coli bacterial
the capture and rapid removal of pathogenic bacteria from real
cells: (A) without F-AgNPs, (B) after 5 min, (C) 15 min and (D) 30 min
incubation with F-AgNPs. water samples.

(Fig. 6). Green uorescence indicates live bacterial cells (E. coli),
however, the dead ones are depicted by a red colour. As shown The authors are thankful to the Department of Science and
in the gure, initially the all the bacterial cells are alive and Technology, Government of India for the sanction of the Fast
green in colour in the absence of nanoparticles (Fig. 6A). But, Track Research Project for Young Scientists to Dr Rashmi
when the cells were treated with F-AgNPs, aer just 5 minutes, Madhuri (Ref. No.: SB/FT/CS-155/2012) and Dr Prashant K.
the cells started dying, represented by the presence of a red Sharma (Ref. No.: SR/FTP/PS-157/2011). Dr Sharma (FRS/34/
colour (Fig. 6B). Aer increasing the incubation time to 15 2012-2013/APH) and Dr Madhuri (FRS/43/2013-2014/AC) are
minutes, more red colour appears and aer 30 minutes of also thankful to the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad for
incubation the samples demonstrated an almost complete a Major Research Project grant under the Faculty Research
eradication of the bacterial cells (Fig. 6C and D). The analysis Scheme. We are also thankful to the Board of Research in
fully supports the high and rapid antibacterial efficacy of the Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Department of Atomic Energy,
synthesized ower shaped AgNPs. Government of India, for the major research project (34/14/21/
Non-specic removal of bacteria from aqueous and real 2014-BRNS).
water samples. According to the standard of water, a limit of
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