Presentation Outline For Iee/Eia Review in Doed: S. No. Title Details To Be Included

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Presentation Outline for IEE/EIA review in DoED

The outline provided is the minimum information that has to be included in the presentation. It does not
mean to exclude any important issues/information relevant to the environmental study of the project.
S. No. Title Details to be included
1 Project Descriptions  Name of the Project with installed capacity.
 Name of the proponent
 Name of River
 License information (ownership, issuance date, validity
 Previous Report approval date
 Rationale of the study
 Objective of the study
 Location of Project (mentioning Geographical
Coordinate, Zone, district, affected
VDCs/municipalities, protected areas (if any) etc. with
appropriate maps.
 Layout of the project with map.
 Available access facility to project site.
 Salient features of the Project.
2 Study Team details Mention Name and their designation for key personnel involved
in the study.
3 Approach and Methodologies Include the approach and methodology details used/will be used
for the study for Physical/biological/Socio economic and cultural
4 Reviewed Legal document Mention all
Procedure etc. reviewed or to be reviewed in preparing the
5 Existing environmental condition Details of relevant Physical/biological/Socio economic and
cultural information of the project area.
6 Major environmental Issues Include major issues due to realization of the project for
Physical/biological/Socio economic and cultural environment.
7 Specific Impact and respective Include both Beneficial and Adverse impact envisaged due to
mitigation/enhancement measures implementation of the project. (In terms of
Physical/biological/Socio economic and cultural environment
and also categorized in pre, during and post construction stage.
(Impact and respective mitigation/enhancement measures should
be in tabular form)
(As far as possible show Global/National Scenario of
environmental enhancement in terms of GHGs Reduction and
replacement of conventional energy)
6 Alternative analysis detail Include Alternative analysis for:
 Project Alternative in terms of various aspect
 No Project Option
 No Forest Option

8 Environmental Monitoring and EMP Include information for Monitoring mechanism and presents
highlights Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (including
cost of major activities)
9 Cost Structures Include
 Total Project Cost
 Land acquisition cost
 CSR cost (% of project cost)
 Envmt. Monitoring Cost
 Mitigation cost
 Enhancement cost
 Total Envmt. Cost (% of project cost)
10 Photographs Include photographs of field visit, various project component
location, data collection, public involvement, and other activities
in respective sections of the slide.
11 Conclusion & Recommendation Conclude the presentation giving environmental judgment for
realization of the project as well as conclusion and
recommendation of the project.

Note: In case of ToR (IEE) and SD/ToR (EIA) exclude above mentioned topics which are not applicable. Other
relevant topics can be included as per requirement.

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