Please Be Very Specific

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Here are some comprehension check questions for you to answer (please be very specific):

1. What is BRITANICA Mission Statement?
Britanica endeavours to provide the students, as well as all the participants in the process of learning,
with a caring and safe learning atmosphere. Firstly, Britanica tries to teach not only content, but also
the adequate skill the students need for becoming lifelong learners, i.e. memorization skills,
concentration skills, etc. So, the students (metaphorically) learn to know. Secondly, Britanica tries to
teach some general life skills, i.e. the ability to manage one`s time, leadership, etc. Consequently, the
students learn to do. Thirdly, Britanica aims at instilling in students the ability to be empathic and to
work in collaboration with others. Hence, the students learn to live together. Fourth, Britanica strives to
stimulate students to develop their whole personality. Consequently, students learn to be.

2. Which are the most important BRITANICA Rules that can help you start off the class successfully?
First, the teacher must be in the classroom welcoming the group of students 10 minutes before the
beginning of the class. Furthermore, the lesson starts on time and the teacher must not wait for those
students that are late. They should apologize for being a latecomer and to take a seat at the
LATECOMERS` CLUSTER swiftly and quietly. Also, both the students` and the teachers` mobile
phones must be put in silent mode. And last, the teacher checks presence silently via looking aroud the
class during the break.

3. What types of boards would you introduce in your classroom?

I would introduce Theme-Based Bulletin Bourds, as they display art connected to the current theme.
Thus, the students can visualize lucidly the unit of study. And, as we know, visual representation helps
the students to make their iomagination more vivid and thus, the learning process becomes more

4. How would Standards help you assess your class?

The quality of each level of language learning is being standardized, since a set of indicators for what
the students can do, ralated to the four language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing), are set
in advance. Indicators set objective criteria for passing on to the next language level. Thus, the
students` capabilities and progress are assessed via monitoring their performance in class. Indicators
also helps teachers to plan effective aims for the lesson, to assess the students` abilities, to plan lessons
with clear outcomes, to be fully prepared for any interaction with parents.

5. Why do we use portfolios?

Portfolios provide a general picture of the students` capabilities and awareness. The use of portfolios
also helps students to organize their work better and to develop their writing skills. The progress of the
students is monitored and they are free to demonstrate their accomplishments. The most important
benefit is that the portfolio is a means of three-sided supervision: both the student and the teacher get
feedback and the teacher-parent interaction is facilitated.

6. How can you help your students learn the new vocabulary?
Gaining a profound knowledge of vocabulary is best facilitated by keeping a vocabulary book. The teacher ought
to prompt students to keep a neat record of the new words as an effective way of learning and revising. Each
student must keep a dictionary that shold be collected, checked and signed by the end of each month.

7. Why do we invite students to tutorials?

Tutorials are a means of meeting the individual means of each student. So, the teacher should invite
personally all students with test results below 70%, those who have been absent from certain classes,
those who have difficulties and the newcomers. Hence, all students in need for improvement shold be
asked to enroll regularly, since the teachers and the administrative managers keep track of their

8. How do we assess WRITTEN PROJECTS? Provide examples.

Written projects are assessed according to certain assessment criteria. First, students are penalized for
writing below or above the required word limit for different levels. Also, in a witten work we count
every owrd, exept for the title. There must be a grade and its corresponding percentage. While on the
certificates the grades must be written in letters, in the registers and Term reports they are written in
percentage. All the errors (concerning grammar, vocabulary, structure and content) should be taken into
account. Each mistake has certain pentalty points. For instance, Wrong Word Order in the sentance is
penalized by 1p.p. If a spelling mistake is repeated, we take penalty only once. Whereas, when there
are grammatical issues, we penalize every time the mistake occurs. The result is assessed according to
the following formula: %Result = 100 - p.p x EC (Error Coefficient).

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