LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) : Note: Al Quran KUHP/Pancasila Medical

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( Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender )

Note :

 Al Quran
 KUHP/Pancasila
 Medical

We known, LGBT is a kind of sexuality’s behavior. Some countries judge this included in
an abnormal and damaged attitude and forbid it.

Indonesia is the one of country that forbid LGBT in their residences, because LGBT is very
violate with their base country “ Pancasila “ and their majority religion. But other people is
agree with LGBT , because they talk about HAM/Constitusional rights and think every people
has a legal rights.

In here I’m contra and very disagree about LGBT in Indonesia. I’ve research about LGBT
from religion, law, and health side. I’m as a muslim with my holy book is Al Quran violate this
behavior because Allah will give persecute and dislike every ummah with LGBT. In al quran
has explained in Surah Al Qamar chapter 54 number 33 – 40 has included about Luth
Ummah’s persecute that has LGBT in their life. In the surah, Allah sent against them a violent
storm of stones ( which destroyed them all ) and we can see the artefact in ….. It’s named
Pompeii city, all historian believed the artefact is existence from Luth Ummah’s persecute,
most artefact described how the ummah doing the LGBT and their body remains intact.
Tambahin isu yang menyatakan LGBT dari lahir. So if we legalling LGBT in this country I’m
very sure we will get the persecute from Allah like Luth Ummah’s, although we are included
good people we can get the persecute too.

If we see in the law side, Indonesia has a rule about homosexual which state Indonesia
give a legalling with the homosexual behavior but forbid with their married, they can’t
adopted a children and Indonesia is un guaranteed with their sociality such as discrimination
in their social environment. It can be connected with Indonesia’s base country is Pancasila
number 1 “ Devinity is the one “ it’s mean every people must have a religion …………………

In health side, ………… in one of television’s broadcast has explain about the damaged if
we do the LGBT there is included

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