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Original Investigation

Functional Dependence and Mortality in the International

Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS)
S. Vanita Jassal, MSc, MB, BChir, MD,1 Angelo Karaboyas, MS,2
Leah A. Comment, MPH, MS,2,3 Brian A. Bieber, MPH, MS,2 Hal Morgenstern, PhD,4,5,6
Ananda Sen, PhD,3 Brenda W. Gillespie, PhD,2,3 Patricia De Sequera, MD,7
Mark R. Marshall, MD,8,9,10 Shunichi Fukuhara, MD, MS, DMS,11,12
Bruce M. Robinson, MD, MS,2,3 Ronald L. Pisoni, PhD, MS,2 and
Francesca Tentori, MD, MS2,13

Background: Patients receiving long-term dialysis have among the highest mortality and hospitalization
rates. In the nonrenal literature, functional dependence is recognized as a contributor to subsequent disability,
recurrent hospitalization, and increased mortality. A higher burden of functional dependence with progressive
worsening of kidney function has been observed in several studies, suggesting that functional dependence
may contribute to both morbidity and mortality in dialysis patients.
Study Design: Prospective cohort study.
Setting & Participants: 7,226 hemodialysis patients from 12 countries in the DOPPS (Dialysis Outcomes
and Practice Patterns Study) phase 4 (2009-2011) with self-reported data for functional status.
Predictor: Patients’ ability to perform 13 basic and instrumental activities of daily living was summarized to
create an overall functional status score (range, 1.25 [most dependent] to 13 [functionally independent]).
Outcome: Cox regression was used to estimate the association between functional status and all-cause
mortality, adjusting for several demographic and clinical risk factors for mortality. Median follow-up was 17.2 months.
Results: The proportion of patients who could perform each activity of daily living task without assistance
ranged from 97% (eating) to 47% (doing housework). 36% of patients could perform all 13 tasks without
assistance (functional status 5 13), and 14% of patients had high functional dependence (functional
status , 8). Functionally independent patients were younger and had many indicators of better health status,
including higher quality of life. Compared with functionally independent patients, the adjusted HR for mortality
was 2.37 (95% CI, 1.92-2.94) for patients with functional status , 8.
Limitations: Possible nonresponse bias and residual confounding.
Conclusions: We found a high burden of functional dependence across all age groups and across all
DOPPS countries. When adjusting for several known mortality risk factors, including age, access type,
cachexia, and multimorbidity, functional dependence was a strong consistent predictor of mortality.
Am J Kidney Dis. 67(2):283-292. ª 2016 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National Kidney
Foundation, Inc.

INDEX WORDS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD); functional dependence; activity of daily living (ADL);
functional status; dialysis; hospitalization; independence; morbidity; mortality; physical activity; quality of life
(QoL); end-stage renal disease (ESRD); Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS).

P atients established on dialysis therapy have

among the highest mortality and hospitalization
rates of all chronic conditions.1-3 One potential
increased mortality.4-9 Functional dependence can be
measured using a variety of validated scales that
assess the individual’s ability to perform tasks asso-
contributor may be the high burden of functional ciated with personal care (such as grooming, toileting,
dependence. In the general geriatric literature, func- eating, and dressing) and those associated with main-
tional dependence is recognized as a contributor to taining a household (such as grocery shopping, meal
subsequent disability, recurrent hospitalization, and preparation, and household chores). In contrast to

From the 1Division of Nephrology, University Health Network, Fukushima, Japan; and 13Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
Toronto, Canada; 2Arbor Research Collaborative for Health; Nashville, TN.
University of Michigan; Departments of 4Epidemiology and Received April 27, 2015. Accepted in revised form September
Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, and 21, 2015. Originally published online November 21, 2015.
Department of Urology, Medical School, University of Michigan, Address correspondence to Francesca Tentori, MD, MS, Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI; 7University Hospital Infanta Leonor, Madrid, Research Collaborative for Health, 340 E Huron St, Ste 300, Ann
Spain; 8Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Arbor, MI 48104. E-mail: francesca.tentori@arborresearch.org
Auckland; 9Department of Renal Medicine, Counties Manukau  2016 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National
Health, Auckland, New Zealand; 10Baxter Healthcare (Asia Pa- Kidney Foundation, Inc.
cific), Shanghai, People’s Republic of China; 11Kyoto University, 0272-6386
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto; 12Center for Innovative Research in Community http://dx.doi.org/10.1053/j.ajkd.2015.09.024
and Clinical Excellence, Fukushima Medical University,

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;67(2):283-292 283

Jassal et al

“leisure” activities (eg, gardening or sports), these scored 1; “need some help,” scored 0.5; and “unable to do at all,”
tasks are often regarded as fundamental for day-to-day scored 0. On the ADLs, responses of “yes” were scored 1. A
response of “no” could not distinguish between performing a task
life, and loss of independence may contribute to the with some help or unable to perform the task at all; thus, a score of
reduced quality of life (QoL) seen in both patients and 0.25 was assigned rather than 0. Functional status score was
their caregivers. Predictors of functional loss include defined as the sum of the 13-item scores and ranged from 1.25
age, chronic diseases, multiple comorbid conditions, (most dependent) to 13 (functionally independent). To examine
and recurrent hospitalization.10-14 the shape of the association between functional status and out-
comes, functional status score was categorized into 4 groups: ,8,
In older patients with earlier stages of chronic kid- 8 to ,11, 11 to ,13, and 13. Patients with full independence
ney disease, multicenter studies have shown that (functional status 5 13) were categorized separately; the other
chronic kidney disease places patients at increased risk patients were categorized into increasingly smaller groups. QoL
for functional dependence even after adjustment for was also assessed on the patient questionnaire using the SF-12, a
the higher prevalence of predisposing comorbid con- subset of the Kidney Disease Quality of Life-36,27 and summa-
rized into a physical (PCS) and mental component summary
ditions.15-21 Recent estimates suggest that individuals (MCS) score. Cachexia was clinically defined as undernourished
with chronic kidney disease stage 3b have a 3-fold or cachectic (malnourished) at enrollment date.
increased risk for developing dependence in daily ac-
tivities such as bathing, dressing, and personal care Study Population
compared with individuals without decreased kidney This analysis included patients with complete self-reported
functional status data on a patient questionnaire completed
function.16 Furthermore, there appears to be a faster
within 6 months of DOPPS enrollment (median time to ques-
rate of functional decline.17 However, studies in the tionnaire completion, 1.0 [interquartile range, 0.5-1.7] months). Of
dialysis population are limited to small single-center 17,297 patients enrolled in the DOPPS phase 4, 5,074 (29%) were
studies of older patients with little information about excluded because they underwent dialysis in a large US dialysis
the difficulties that younger individuals report.15,16 organization and comorbid condition data thought to be key for
evaluating the functional status–mortality relationship were not
Dialysis-related factors that may predispose to func-
available for many of these individuals. Of the remaining 12,223
tional decline have not been characterized. In this patients, 2,391 (20%) did not return a patient questionnaire, 1,952
study, we evaluated the proportion of patients, across (16%) returned a patient questionnaire but had missing data for 1
all age groups, established on dialysis therapy who or more ADL question, and an additional 654 (5%) completed
reported functional dependence and questioned their patient questionnaire more than 6 months after study entry.
As a result, data for 7,226 patients were considered for analysis.
whether the presence of functional dependence would
be associated with a higher mortality and hospitaliza- Statistical Analysis
tion rate independent of clinical and demographic Characteristics of included patients were summarized descrip-
variables. In addition, we evaluated whether the tively and compared with the remaining patients in the DOPPS 4
burden of functional dependence would vary with age sample. Differences in patient characteristics among included
and across the countries participating in the DOPPS patients were examined descriptively by functional status score.
To test whether 5 potentially modifiable patient characteristics
(Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study). (predialysis systolic blood pressure, treatment time [ie, dialysis
session length], hemoglobin level, vascular access, and body mass
METHODS index [BMI]) were associated with functional status, functional
Data Source status was treated as a 4-category ordinal outcome variable. Pro-
portional odds logistic regression models based on generalized
The DOPPS is an international prospective cohort study of estimating equations were used, assuming an independent working
in-center hemodialysis patients 18 years or older. Patients were correlation to account for clustering within facilities. Using the
randomly selected from a representative sample of dialysis facil- proportional odds model, we estimated the adjusted common odds
ities within each country.22,23 In this analysis, data from partici- ratio for each predictor, comparing patients with a low functional
pants in DOPPS phase 4 (2009-2011) in Australia, Belgium, status score with patients with a higher score, assuming that the
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, odds ratio is the same for each possible cutoff point when the
Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States were used. functional status score is dichotomized (ie, ,13, ,11, or ,8).
Demographics, comorbid conditions, and laboratory values at This assumption was assessed by comparing odds ratio estimates
study entry were abstracted from medical records. All variables for all 3 possible cutoff points of each predictor.
were collected using uniform and standardized data collection Cox regression was used to estimate the association between
tools for all DOPPS participants in all countries. functional status and mortality, incorporating stratification by
country and accounting for facility clustering using robust sand-
Variables wich covariance estimators. Models were left-truncated, with time
Functional status was assessed on the DOPPS self-reported from DOPPS enrollment to death or censoring as the time axis and
patient questionnaire. Patients indicated their level of ability to time at risk beginning at the patient questionnaire completion date.
perform 5 tasks of activities of daily living (ADLs) and 8 instru- Adjustment was made for expanding sets of covariates: (1) crude
mental ADL (IADL) tasks using the Katz24 and Lawton-Brody25 analysis; (2) age; (3) sex, black race, BMI, and dialysis vintage; (4)
questionnaires, respectively. Both questionnaires have been vali- 13 summary comorbid conditions; (5) serum albumin, creatinine,
dated in the general population. In keeping with previous research phosphorus, and hemoglobin levels and single-pool Kt/V; (6)
regarding the psychometric properties of these scales, the scales vascular access; and (7) cachexia. Multivariable Cox regression
were combined to create an overall functional status score.26 To was also used to estimate the association between functional status
score individual items, IADL responses of “need no help” were and (1) first hospitalization for any reason and (2) withdrawal from

284 Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;67(2):283-292

Functional Dependence and Mortality

dialysis therapy. Time at risk ended at the time of death, 7 days for country and other variables associated with exclusion: age, sex,
after leaving the facility due to transfer or change in renal black race, BMI, dialysis vintage, cancer, diabetes, neurologic
replacement therapy modality, loss to follow-up, transplantation, disease, psychiatric disorder, serum calcium level, serum creati-
end of study phase, or the most recent date of data availability nine level, vascular access, and cachexia. The inverse of this
(whichever event occurred first). The median length of follow-up probability was then used as the weight in a Cox model as
from patient questionnaire completion was 17.2 (interquartile described previously. For primary analyses among the included
range, 8.0-28.9) months. patients, missing covariate values were imputed multiply using the
Interactions between functional status and age, sex, diabetes, chained equation method28 by IVEware.29 Results from 5 imputed
catheter use, dialysis vintage, black race, and region were assessed data sets were combined for the final analysis using Rubin’s
in Cox proportional hazards models using product terms, adjusted formula.30 The proportion of missing data was ,10% for all
for all the variables previously described in the stepwise adjustment imputed covariates, with the exception of Kt/V (26%) and QoL
analysis. The interaction between functional status and age was (PCS/MCS, 19%). All analyses used SAS software, version
further investigated using a discrete survival method (with a bino- 9.3 (SAS institute Inc).
mial distribution, logit link function, and log[follow-up] offset) to
model the risk for dying in 1 year at each age. Age was included as a RESULTS
continuous covariate, squared term, and cubic term to maintain
flexibility with the functional form. The product of each age term Functional Status Distribution
with each functional status category indicator (except for the
reference group) was included to allow for effect modification; The analysis included 7,226 participants in DOPPS
country was included as an adjustment covariate. Predicted prob- phase 4 (2009-2011). The distribution of ADL and
abilities were output from the model, which approximates the 1- IADL items among these patients is shown in Table 1
year mortality risk at each functional status–age combination, and and Fig 1. The proportion of patients who could
the 1-year mortality rate in cases that the event is rare (eg, ,10%). perform each task without assistance ranged from
Linear regression, clustering for facility with PCS and MCS
as outcomes, was used to estimate the association between func- 97% (eating) to 47% (doing housework or handyman
tional status and QoL, adjusting for country and age. To investi- work). There were 81% of patients who reported
gate possible effect modification by age, we used 2 separate the ability to perform the 5 ADL tasks without assis-
linear regression models (for PCS and MCS) and modeled age as a tance, but only 36% of patients reported the ability to
cubic term similar to the mortality analysis. Predicted values for perform all 13 tasks without assistance (functional
age 3 functional status combinations were used to estimate PCS
and MCS. status 5 13). Among patients who could perform all
Because patients who completed a patient questionnaire may except 1 task without assistance, this task was most
not be representative of all sampled DOPPS patients, we per- likely housework or handyman work (43%), getting to
formed a weighted sensitivity analysis using inverse probability places beyond walking distance (18%), or doing
weighting. Note that the excluded patients from the large US laundry (13%). The skewed distribution of functional
dialysis organization are not represented in the “excluded” group
in this analysis. We calculated the predicted probability (range, status scores is illustrated in Fig 1; mean and
17%-88%) of a patient being included in our analysis (N 5 7,226 median functional status scores were 10.9 and 12.0,
vs n 5 4,997 excluded) using a logistic regression model adjusted respectively. The distribution of functional status

Table 1. Distribution of Tasks Included in ADLs and IADLs in the Study Sample

Able to perform the task without assistance Yes (Score 5 1) No (Score 5 0.25)

Eating 7,026 (97) 200 (3)

Getting dressed 6,553 (91) 673 (9)
Bathing 5,943 (82) 1,283 (18)
Using the toilet 6,839 (95) 387 (5)
Transferring from bed to chair 6,812 (94) 414 (6)

Ability to perform the task Need no help (Score 5 1) Need some help (Score 5 0.5) Unable to do at all (Score 5 0)

Using the telephone 6,572 (91) 506 (7) 148 (2)

Getting places beyond walking distance 4,230 (59) 1,979 (27) 1,017 (14)
Grocery shopping 4,238 (59) 1,802 (25) 1,186 (16)
Preparing meals 4,657 (64) 1,516 (21) 1,053 (15)
Doing housework or handyman work 3,379 (47) 2,364 (33) 1,483 (21)
Doing laundry 4,223 (58) 1,503 (21) 1,500 (21)
Taking medications 6,082 (84) 887 (12) 257 (4)
Managing money 5,845 (81) 938 (13) 443 (6)
Note: Values are given as number (percentage).
Abbreviations: ADLs, activities of daily living; IADLs, instrumental activities of daily living.

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;67(2):283-292 285

Jassal et al

% of patients
20% 18%

15% Worse Functional Status 12%

(higher dependence) 9%
4% 5%
5% 2% 3% 3%
0.5% 1% 1%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Functional Status (FS) score*

Figure 1. Distribution of functional status (FS) scores. *FS truncated at the integer value.

varied widely across DOPPS countries. Japan had the transplant; nearly all other patients were censored at
highest proportion of patients with functional status 5 the end of follow-up. Table 3 shows the crude asso-
13 (57%) and the United Kingdom had the lowest ciation between functional status and mortality
(19%), indicating that 81% of patients in the United (model 1) and adjusted associations with expanding
Kingdom had some functional dependence (Fig 2A). sets of covariates (models 2-7). The association
Higher functional status scores (ie, more functional was attenuated most by adjustment for age (model 2)
independence) were present among younger patients, and comorbid conditions (model 4). When adjusting
males, and nondiabetic patients (Fig 2B). for many potential confounders (model 7), there
remained a strong dose-response association between
Patient Characteristics by Functional Status Levels functional status and mortality. Compared with pa-
Table 2 shows patient characteristics, both for the tients with functional status 5 13 (functionally inde-
overall population and by functional status category. pendent), the adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for patients
Fully independent patients (functional status 5 13) with functional status , 8 was 2.37 (95% confidence
were much younger than patients in the lowest interval [CI], 1.92-2.94). Model 7 in Table 3 was also
functional status category (functional status , 8): applied to 2 other outcomes: first hospitalization
mean age, 58.8 versus 71.7 years. Three percent of during follow-up and withdrawal from dialysis
patients (n 5 203) lived in assisted living or nursing therapy. Compared with patients with functional
homes; of these patients, 79% had high dependency status 5 13, the adjusted HR for hospitalization in
with a functional status score , 11. As expected, patients with functional status , 8 was 1.28 (95% CI,
functionally independent patients had many indicators 1.14-1.44), and the adjusted HR for dialysis therapy
of better patient health status: higher serum albumin, withdrawal in patients with functional status , 8 was
creatinine, and phosphorus levels; less likely to have a 2.02 (95% CI, 1.45-2.80).
catheter; and lower prevalence of several summary The association of functional status score with
comorbid conditions. Overall, patients who responded mortality appeared stronger in younger patients than
to the functional status questions on the patient older patients when comparing the HR (P for age–
questionnaire and who were included in the analysis functional status interaction 5 0.01). Figure 3 shows
had generally better health status with fewer comorbid the mortality risk for patients, interacting functional
conditions and lower proportion of catheter use than status with age. In part because the baseline mortality
sampled patients excluded from the analysis due to risk among younger patients is low, we observed a
missing data. In adjusted analyses, low blood pressure higher risk ratio but only modest absolute risk
(systolic blood pressure , 130 mm Hg), catheter or difference when comparing functional status , 8
arteriovenous graft use, and high BMI ($30 kg/m2) versus functional status 5 13 in younger patients. For
were associated with worse functional status (Fig S1, example, the estimated mortality risk for patients
available as online supplementary material). with functional status 5 13 was 0.028 (95% CI,
0.020-0.038) at age 50 years and 0.098 (95% CI,
Functional Status and Adverse Clinical Outcomes 0.079-0.121) at age 80 years, while the estimated
During follow-up, 1,140 (16%) patients died, 85 mortality risk for patients with functional status , 8
(1%) switched modality, 800 (11%) transferred to was 0.114 (95% CI, 0.081-0.159) at age 50 years and
another facility, and 438 (6%) received a kidney 0.284 (95% CI, 0.252-0.317) at age 80 years. Thus,

286 Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;67(2):283-292

Functional Dependence and Mortality

A 100 FS < 8
11 12 11 10 9
90 15 18 18 16
25 25 13
80 17 8 ≤ FS < 11
26 23 23 16
70 20 19
% of patients 33 21 11 ≤ FS < 13
26 23
37 30 FS = 13
50 29
39 38 32
40 25
33 28
30 57
20 34 37 38
25 27 28 28 30
10 19 21
UK Bel A/NZ US Ita Can Fra Ger Swe Spa Jpn

N = 508 398 391 1174 551 378 427 535 564 594 1706

B 100 4 7 12 13 16 10
90 13 19 19 FS < 8
15 30
80 19 18 17
22 8 ≤ FS < 11
70 31 25 24
% of patients

60 30
28 29 30 11 ≤ FS < 13
40 30 30 FS = 13
30 28
52 47
20 38 40 42
26 29 26
18-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 ≥ 80 M F Yes No
Age Sex Diabetic
N = 1213 1326 1913 1842 918 4316 2906 2856 4370

Figure 2. Functional Status (FS) score by (A) country and (B) age, sex, and diabetes status. Percents were rounded to the nearest
integer and thus may not sum to 100%.

the calculated risk ratio of functional status , 8 adjustment for country and age. Results were con-
versus functional status 5 13 was 4.12 (0.114/0.028) sistent across all ages (Fig S2). Furthermore, the re-
at age 50 and 2.90 (0.284/0.098) at age 80 years. In sults suggested that QoL was more strongly correlated
contrast, the risk difference of functional status , 8 with functional status than with age, such that older
versus functional status 5 13 was 0.086 (0.114 minus patients with full independence (functional status 5
0.028) and 0.186 (0.284 minus 0.098) at ages 50 and 13) had higher PCS and MCS scores than younger
80 years, respectively. We did not find a monotonic patients with mild degrees of functional dependence
relation between any other tested covariate (sex, dia- (functional status of 11-,13).
betes, catheter use, dialysis vintage, black race, or
region) and the estimated HR for the effect of func- Sensitivity Analyses
tional status on mortality (P for heterogeneity of A sensitivity analysis weighted by the inverse
the HR . 0.1). probability of being included in the main analysis was
performed to help account for potential bias arising
Functional Status and QoL from the observation that patients who responded to
Patients with functional status 5 13 reported higher the patient questionnaire and self-reported their
physical (difference, 16.2; 95% CI, 15.5-16.9) functional status had fewer comorbid conditions than
and mental (difference, 11.7; 95% CI, 10.8-12.6) those who were excluded (Table 2). Sensitivity tests
QoL than patients with functional status , 8, after suggested that results were consistent with the main

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;67(2):283-292 287

Jassal et al

Table 2. Patient Characteristics by Functional Status Score

All Included Excluded Functional Status Score of Included Patients

Patients Patients
Patient Characteristic (N 5 7226) (n 5 4997) ,8 8-,11 11-,13 13

No. of patients 1,008 [14%] 1,446 [20%] 2,197 [30%] 2,575 [36%]
Age, y 63.6 6 14.4 66.0 6 14.9 71.7 6 11.6 67.2 6 13.3 63.2 6 14.6 58.8 6 13.9
Male sex 4,316 (60) 3,032 (61) 554 (55) 793 (55) 1,241 (57) 1,728 (67)
Dialysis vintage, y 2.2 [0.5-5.9] 1.5 [0.3-4.8] 2.2 [0.5-5.4] 2.1 [0.5-5.3] 2.0 [0.5-5.6] 2.4 [0.5-7.0]
Residual kidney functiona 2,647 (39) 1,762 (38) 316 (33) 516 (38) 804 (39) 1,011 (42)
BMI, kg/m2 25.7 6 6.2 26.0 6 6.0 26.1 6 6.8 26.5 6 6.5 26.3 6 6.5 24.5 6 5.4
Albumin, g/dL 3.7 6 0.6 3.7 6 0.6 3.5 6 0.7 3.7 6 0.6 3.7 6 0.5 3.8 6 0.5
Creatinine, mg/dL 8.5 6 3.1 7.7 6 2.9 7.0 6 2.3 7.7 6 2.7 8.3 6 2.9 9.7 6 3.2
Hemoglobin, g/dL 11.1 6 1.4 11.1 6 1.5 11.1 6 1.5 11.2 6 1.5 11.2 6 1.4 11.1 6 1.4
White blood cells, 31,000/mL 6.9 6 2.3 7.2 6 2.4 7.3 6 2.7 7.2 6 2.4 7.0 6 2.2 6.5 6 2.1
Phosphorus, mg/dL 5.2 6 1.6 5.0 6 1.6 4.8 6 1.5 5.1 6 1.7 5.3 6 1.6 5.4 6 1.6
Calcium, mg/dL 8.9 6 0.9 9.0 6 1.2 8.9 6 0.8 8.9 6 1.0 8.9 6 0.9 9.0 6 1.0
Predialysis SBP, mm Hg 142 6 22 142 6 22 137 6 24 141 6 24 143 6 22 143 6 21
Single-pool Kt/V 1.46 6 0.33 1.48 6 0.34 1.50 6 0.34 1.47 6 0.33 1.48 6 0.33 1.43 6 0.32
Treatment time, min 236 6 38 233 6 36 233 6 32 233 6 35 236 6 40 238 6 40
Catheter use 1,657 (24) 1,550 (33) 349 (37) 411 (30) 499 (24) 398 (17)
Cachexia 575 (8) 615 (13) 181 (18) 149 (10) 136 (6) 109 (4)
Comorbid conditions
Coronary artery disease 2,583 (36) 2,098 (43) 488 (49) 626 (44) 776 (36) 693 (27)
Cancer (nonskin) 1,067 (15) 747 (15) 165 (17) 239 (17) 333 (15) 330 (13)
Other cardiovascular disease 2,093 (29) 1,668 (33) 416 (41) 485 (34) 624 (28) 568 (22)
Cerebrovascular disease 1,102 (15) 932 (19) 307 (31) 276 (19) 304 (14) 215 (8)
Congestive heart failure 1,594 (22) 1,344 (27) 337 (34) 379 (26) 476 (22) 402 (16)
Diabetes 2,856 (40) 2,262 (46) 556 (55) 689 (48) 870 (40) 741 (29)
Gastrointestinal bleeding 348 (5) 286 (6) 69 (7) 79 (6) 89 (4) 111 (4)
Hypertension 6,115 (85) 4325 (88) 838 (84) 1,201 (84) 1,875 (86) 2,201 (86)
Lung disease 863 (12) 792 (16) 179 (18) 228 (16) 272 (12) 184 (7)
Neurologic disease 665 (9) 778 (16) 242 (24) 176 (12) 149 (7) 98 (4)
Psychiatric disorder 1,203 (17) 1,027 (21) 250 (25) 308 (21) 365 (17) 280 (11)
Peripheral vascular disease 1,969 (27) 1,660 (34) 466 (46) 508 (35) 597 (27) 398 (16)
Gangrene/recurrent cellulitis 653 (9) 550 (11) 202 (20) 188 (13) 177 (8) 86 (3)

PCS 37.1 6 11.0 — 26.4 6 7.4 30.6 6 8.9 36.2 6 9.3 44.9 6 8.5
MCS 45.2 6 11.6 — 38.4 6 12.8 42.4 6 11.8 46.0 6 11.0 48.3 6 10.1
Note: Values for categorical variables are given as number (percentage); values for continuous variables, as mean 6 standard
deviation or median [interquartile range]. For number (percentage) reported, numbers may be not extrapolate to 100% due to miss-
ingness. Conversion factors for units: calcium in mg/dL to mmol/L, 30.2495; creatinine in mg/dL to mmol/L, 388.4; phosphorus in
mg/dL to mmol/L, 30.3229.
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; MCS, mental component summary; PCS, physical component summary; SBP, systolic blood
Defined as urine output . 200 mL/d on or before the enrollment date.

analysis; adjusted HRs were 1.21 (95% CI, 1.00- Overall, the majority of hemodialysis patients
1.46), 1.60 (95% CI, 1.33-1.92), and 2.37 (95% presented some level of functional dependence, with
CI, 1.91-2.95) for functional status of 11 to ,13, 8 the highest burden being seen in older diabetic
to ,11, and ,8, respectively, when compared women and those with the highest comorbid condi-
with patients who were fully independent (functional tion burden. Both the prevalence and burden of
status 5 13). functional dependence were higher than expected
compared with age-matched data from the general
DISCUSSION population. For example, the proportion of noninsti-
Using data from the international DOPPS sample, tutionalized patients 70 years or older who reported
we demonstrated that worldwide, a very high dependency in the DOPPS population was 77%,
proportion of dialysis patients of all ages have whereas in older populations, such as that from
difficulty with routine daily tasks, and the need for the community-based NHANES (National Health
help with daily tasks (as measured by functional and Nutrition Examination Survey) and the CHS
dependence) was strongly associated with increased (Cardiovascular Health Study), less than one-third
mortality. of older adults (aged $65 years) had functional

288 Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;67(2):283-292

Functional Dependence and Mortality

Table 3. Hazard Ratios for Functional Status Score and Survival, by Various Levels of Adjustment

Functional Model 4: 1
status Model 3: 1 Comorbid Model 5: 1 Model 6: 1 Model 7: 1
score Model 1: Crude Model 2: 1 Age Demographics Conditions Laboratory Data Vascular Access Cachexia

,8 4.56 (3.80-5.47) 3.34 (2.76-4.03) 3.63 (3.00-4.39) 2.65 (2.16-3.26) 2.46 (2.00-3.02) 2.46 (1.99-3.04) 2.37 (1.92-2.94)
8 to ,11 2.62 (2.20-3.11) 2.07 (1.74-2.47) 2.23 (1.87-2.66) 1.81 (1.50-2.17) 1.69 (1.41-2.03) 1.70 (1.41-2.04) 1.65 (1.38-1.99)
11 to ,13 1.52 (1.27-1.82) 1.33 (1.11-1.60) 1.39 (1.16-1.67) 1.26 (1.06-1.51) 1.24 (1.03-1.49) 1.24 (1.04-1.49) 1.24 (1.03-1.48)
13 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference)
Note: Associations given as hazard ratio (95% confidence interval). All models stratified by country and accounting for facility
clustering effects; demographics: sex, black race, body mass index, dialysis vintage; comorbid condition: listed in Table 2; and lab-
oratory data: serum albumin, creatinine, phosphorus, hemoglobin, and single-pool Kt/V.

dependence in ADLs31 or IADLs.32-35 Perhaps even potential factors may include the chronic progressive
more striking was the observation that almost half nature of kidney failure, multimorbidity, the high
the younger patients reported needing help with at prevalence of depression and cognitive disorders,
least 1 IADL. This degree of dependence is in stark and the need for repeated hospitalizations that
contrast to studies of the general population that may contribute to the high rate of functional de-
suggest functional independence is normally pre- pendencies.7-9,35,43 In addition, postdialysis fatigue
served until ages into the 60s or 70s.32,33 Previous and rapid volume shifts may have an impact on
studies in the dialysis population have shown high overall health and functionality,44,45 whereas the
levels of functional dependence in IADLs in prevalent observation that both caregivers and health care
hemodialysis patients 65 years or older,15 octogenar- workers facilitate patients taking on a learned help-
ians,36 and those who were residing in a nursing home lessness46,47 may perpetuate the decline in physical
at the time of dialysis therapy initiation,37 but most health and self-care ability.
reports of dependence in the younger population have Studies from the general population suggest that
focused only on physical activity,38 employment cross-cultural differences, while present, are generally
status,39 and self-reported physical health.15,40-42 relatively small.48,49 In contrast, we found that
Multiple factors are likely to contribute to the high the prevalence of functional dependence differed
prevalence of functional dependence. We found a considerably across the DOPPS countries, possibly
nonlinear relation between functional status score and reflecting not only differences in patient characteris-
BMI that suggests decreased independence in those tics and comorbid conditions, but also in their
who are obese, and we found a relationship between reporting behavior. These differences were preserved
functional status and both low blood pressure and even after adjustment for other factors, suggesting
access type, suggesting that those with vascular dis- that cultural and other societal factors may play an
ease may be more dependent. While potentially important part in the selection of patients for dialysis
amenable to modifiable clinical practice, this rela- and/or the patient perception of dependence.
tionship may also reflect residual confounding. Other We demonstrated a strong association between
greater functional dependence and mortality, dialysis
Mortality risk (per year) therapy withdrawal, and time to first hospitalization.
These findings are consistent with those of previous
30% studies showing higher mortality in dialysis patients
FS < 8
25% who have an observed low functional status at the
time of admission to acute care50 or poor function
as reported by low self-rated physical health40-42 or
15% 8 ≤ FS < 11 sedentary lifestyles.31,38 They are also consistent with
10% data from large community-based nonrenal popula-
11 ≤ FS < 13 FS = 13 tion studies in which recurrent transient episodes of
disability in ADLs portended a high risk for mortality,
45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 subsequent catastrophic disability, or likelihood of
admission to long-term care.5,7,9,10,12,13,35,51
Figure 3. Mortality risk (per year) by age and functional sta- The association between functional dependence
tus (FS). Discrete survival model with binomial distribution, logit and mortality may in part be explained by de-
link function, and log(follow-up) offset. Model was adjusted for mographic and clinical factors. For example, patients
country and included age as a cubic term and an interaction be-
tween FS category and age. Predicted probabilities for age 3 FS who are older or have more severe disease and thus
combinations used to estimate mortality risk. are at higher risk for mortality are more likely to have

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;67(2):283-292 289

Jassal et al

difficulty with daily activities. To address this, we questionnaire are 2 very different reasons for exclu-
adjusted for several known risk factors for mortality, sion from our study population: the former reflects a
such as age, sex, race, and comorbid conditions. We type of administrative exclusion, whereas the latter
used expanding sets of covariate adjustment to allow reflects exclusions based on patient differences.
better understanding of the impact of these potential The propensity score2weighted sensitivity analysis
confounders. We proposed that both cachexia and use attempts to address the latter of these. It does not
of a central venous catheter would be important address the large dialysis organization exclusion,
clinical factors reflecting patients who were medically which is not likely to be a major source of bias in
unwell and therefore at higher risk for death. How- estimating the effect of functional status on mortality,
ever, in our analyses, we found that conditional on the but which might limit generalization of our findings to
other covariates in models 2 to 5, the addition of US patients dialyzing in large dialysis organization
either type of vascular access or cachexia did little to facilities. As with many observational studies, it is
change the estimated HR for functional status. not possible to speculate as to reasons for the high rate
Our data add further support to individuals advo- of dependence or why dependence is associated with
cating for a change in the approach to how long-term increased mortality. Further, we are unable to address
dialysis care is provided to individuals with complex the effects of residual confounding due to unknown or
multimorbidity, those at the extremes of age, and those unmeasured factors or provide meaningful insight
with high dependency.52-55 Our results point in favor into the trajectory of functional decline over time.
of care that includes close attention to modifiable In conclusion, we observed a high level of func-
symptoms, such as pain or weakness, in an attempt to tional dependence in daily activities in dialysis patients
improve functional status, as well as perhaps furthering across a wide range of age groups and countries, and
discussions about the value of care that prioritizes we found a strong dose-response association between
symptom management over laboratory-target–driven functional dependence and adverse clinical outcomes.
dialysis care. We also observed that patients with It remains to be shown whether rehabilitation
advanced functional dependence were more likely to or interventional programs can prevent or reverse
withdraw from dialysis therapy, a finding that is functional dependence and thereby improve patient
consistent with the clinical impression that both pa- outcomes.
tients and caregivers experience low QoL when a large
amount of assistance with daily tasks is required. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
However, we also noted that there is a stronger cor- The authors thank Shauna Leighton for providing editorial
relation between functional status and QoL measures assistance for the manuscript.
than between age and QoL. This observation may be Support: The DOPPS program is supported by Amgen, Kyowa
clinically important for 2 reasons. As the renal com- Hakko Kirin, AbbVie Inc, Sanofi Renal, Baxter Healthcare, and
Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd. Additional
munity shifts increasingly toward evaluating the support for specific projects and countries is also provided in
quality of care based on patient-reported outcomes, Canada by Amgen, BHC Medical, Janssen, Takeda, and Kidney
ongoing assessment for functional status may be Foundation of Canada (for logistics support); in Germany by
important; it may be appropriate to incorporate func- Hexal, DGfN, Shire, and WiNe Institute; and for Peritoneal
tional status (as a marker of future mortality risk and DOPPS (PDOPPS) in Japan by the Japanese Society for Peritoneal
Dialysis (JSPD). Dr Tentori is supported in part by National
QoL) when assessing the appropriateness of long-term Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
dialytic care. award K01DK087762. The content is solely the responsibility of
One limitation of this analysis is that although the the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of
DOPPS is designed to be nationally representative of the NIDDK or the National Institutes of Health. All support is
in-center adult hemodialysis patients, those who provided without restrictions on publications.
Financial Disclosure: Dr Tentori has received honoraria from
responded to the patient questionnaire and self- Amgen, Dialysis Clinic Inc, and the Renal Research Institute.
reported their functional status tended to be some- Dr Pisoni has received speaker fees from Amgen, Kyowa Hakko
what younger and healthier than excluded patients. Kirin, and Vifor; served as a consultant for Pursuit Vascular; and
However, sensitivity analysis giving more weight to served on an advisory panel for Merck. Dr Robinson has received
patients more likely to be nonresponders suggested speaker fees for Kyowa Hakko Kirin. Dr Marshall is an employee
of Baxter Healthcare. The other authors declare that they have no
minimal change in HRs, implying that the observation other relevant financial interests.
is likely robust across the wider dialysis population. Contributions: Research area and study design: SVJ, AK, LAC,
Separately, two-thirds of the US DOPPS cohort was BAB, HM, AS, BWG, PD, MRM, SF, BMR, RLP, FT; data
not eligible for the analysis due to missing informa- acquisition: SVJ, AK, LAC, BAB, BMR, RLP, FT; data analysis/
tion for comorbid condition history, a key confounder interpretation: SVJ, AK, LAC, BAB, HM, AS, BWG, PD, MRM,
SF, BMR, RLP, FT; statistical analysis: AK, LAC, BAB, HM,
in the functional status–mortality relationship. Dia- BWG; supervision or mentorship: SVJ, BAB, BMR, RLP, FT.
lyzing in a large US dialysis organization and not Each author contributed important intellectual content during
responding to the ADL questions on the patient manuscript drafting or revision and accepts accountability for the

290 Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;67(2):283-292

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