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P Workoout (or Pracctice) Reco

By Alan Stein and Blair O
Feaatured at www.CanHe

ueling your body is exttremely imp
portant afte
er a hard wo
orkout or prractice. Try this delicio
ous shake:

 ½ cup of
o ice
 1 cup off low fat cho
ocolate milk
 1 huge scoop
s of na
atural peanu
ut butter
 ½ cup of
o oats (or one
o packet ofo instant oatmeal)
 2 scoops of chocollate protein powder (M Muscle Milk Collegiate))

Equally importa ant is takingg care of yo

our body. We
W recomm mend taking g time to usse a foam ro
oller after
everry intense workout.
w If you don’t have
h access m roller you can use a p
s to a foam piece of PV
VC pipe or
a laccrosse ball..

Whyy it’s important: Foam

m rolling is a self-mass
sage that b
breaks up th
he muscle ttissue and w
wakes up
yourr body.

How w it’s done: Starting with

w your ca alves (see below),
b you take the fo
oam roller a
and roll it ba
ack and
h along the muscle sevveral times. Then mov ve up to you
ur hamstrinngs, your bu
utt, the sidee of your
hip, your lower back, and finally yourr upper bac
ck and shouulders.

w many rep
ps: 30 seco
onds each body
b part.

Pro tip: If you find

f a really
y tender spot you shou
uld hold the
e foam rolle
er there for 10-12 seco
onds. That
will ttrigger the muscle
m to release
r pres

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