November 2018

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Peace Lutheran Church

Peace Church Council

Joyce Hanson
PO Box 164
Barrett, MN 56311
Gaylene Hanson
222 Central Ave N Our Sunday school classes have been diligently learning about the
Elbow Lake, MN 56531 Lord’s Prayer. It’s so rewarding to see the kids reciting the pray
218-685-4610 during church!
In January we will be concentrating on the Apostle’s Creed and in
Lois Scherer
26873 Grand View Road #1 the next months we’ll be delving into the Ten Commandments.
Elbow Lake, MN 56531 We had lovely visits with Lori, Tom, and Bernice on October 14th.
218-685-4465 What a heartwarming field trip!
Todd Schneeberger
26875 Oak Point Rd Eight preschool and kindergarten students received their Spark
Elbow Lake, MN 56531
Storybook Bibles and two 3rd graders received their Spark Bibles on
218-685-5210 October 28th. May they grow with the knowledge of God’s word!
Robert Shervey
21738 180th Ave Our next community service project will be held on Sunday,
Barrett, MN 56311 November 11th when we collect items for the area food shelves and celebrate Veterans Day with cake and coffee.
218-685-4309 ~From 9:15-10:00 am we will be going around town to collect food
Kim Lang shelf items. Please let us know if we can stop by your house or you
504 3rd Street can bring your items to church with you. Be sure to check the
Barret, MN 56311 expiration date on all items as the food shelf does not accept
320-528-2290 expired items. Thank you!
Lexi Danner ~At 10:00 am we will be serving cake and coffee for our
PO Box 152 Veterans and Service Persons to express our thanks for their
Hoffman, MN 56339 service. Come join us!
Christmas Program practice begins November 18th. Right now we
have 8 preschool/kindergartners, one 3rd grader, one 4th grader, and
Reverend Denise C. Croskey one 5th grader who are attending Sunday school. Please let us know
6441 Country Lane SW if your children plan to participate in our program so we can plan
Farwell MN 56327
our program accordingly. We may have to depend on our 7-12 grad-
320-886-9495 (Home)
320-267-3893 (Cell) ers for help!
On December 16th we will present our Christmas Program during our
10:30 am church service, followed by Happy Birthday, Jesus cake!
Bring your relatives, friends, and neighbors!

Joyce Hanson, Director

320-424-9726 (phone) (email)
Peace Church Council Meeting, September 4, 2018

Members Present: Joyce Hanson, Lois Scherer, Bob Shervey, Kim Lang, Gaylene Hanson, Lexi Danner, Tami Jo Weigel, Todd
Schneeberger, & PR. Denise Croskey
Visitors Attending: Heather Danner, PR Keith Zeh and call committee members for the first part of our meeting.
Members include: Kathy Dahl, Heather Danner, Melody Fjestad, Todd Lang, Jeff Drier and Tom Perry
Youth Representative: None
Meeting called to order by President Joyce Hanson at 6:28 pm
Devotion: Pr. Denise Croskey
Pastors Report:
Contract: We are finalizing the numbers. A motion by Todd, 2nd by Lois, MCU to pay an annual salary of
44,203 to be paid in equal installments each month on the 15 & 30 for 2,631.83. Half of the salary is
housing allowance. Social Security income will be 7.65 equaling 140.80 per month. 335.00 is for medical
insurance. Totaling 57,463.00 a year. This amount will be paid to Pr. Denise for monthly salary over the
course of her four month contract. We will also reimburse her the Federal rate of mileage which is 54.5
cents per mile. 500.00 will be granted for continuing education and 1 week vacation for every 10 weeks
worked totally 5 weeks per year.
Confirmation: Wed nights 3:30-5:00 led by Pr. Denise Office Hours Wed. 12-5 and another day to be
scheduled with Sandy. We will post hours.
Council Meeting Time: Motion made by Gaylene, 2nd by Kim, MCU to move our council meetings to the First
Wednesday night at 6:30 pm.
Praise Service: Discussion to continue along with the service. Pr. Denise is in support of continuing.
It will be the 4th Sunday of each month.
Secretary Report:
Motion to approve last meeting minutes made by Todd, seconded by Lexi, MCU
Treasures Report
Transaction Report: Motion to approve by Kim, 2 nd by Gaylene, MCU. Treasures Report approved by Bob, 2 nd by Todd,
Youth Directors Report:
Release Time: Motion was made to forgo release time this year in lieu of providing another time out of school hours once
monthly for children.
Fundraiser Tentatively Sept 29th for a Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction from 5-8 at the Barrett Pavilion. We will ask Orlo
Thompson to play.
Old Business:
Gas Stove-It was decided to purchase a used one at 2495.00 plus 99.00 for an extra grill with installation, 2795.00 Delivery
next week, paid all by Men’s Breakfast. Vent hoods will be replaced too at some point with monies donated from other
Projector/Microphone-we have decided to do more research and possibly get more bids to do this.
Directory-will discuss at the annual meeting.
Brochure-wait until we have a pastor.
A motion was made to pay Tami Weigel $2,700.00 a year or $225.00 a month for the treasurer position.
New Business:
VBS- 19 kids attended, less than half of past years. Might try to do in late July.
Fall Festival- Hamburgers, hot dogs with buns, Salads, Chips & Ice Cream. Planning on 75. Going to talk to Barrett Locker for
meat, Chewey’s for buns and salads.
Sunday School Starting on September 16th with a breakfast and learning about the Lord’s Prayer. Only 3 Sunday school teach-
ers. But we are excited there might be a large preschool class.
Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Todd, 2 nd by Bob, MCU
Kim Lang, Secretary
We invite you to our All Saints service to join your voices with all the saints in
light to praise Jesus, the Lamb who was slain for us. The entire worship
experience is an honoring of the lives of those who have gone before us and a
celebration of our place among the saints, a place won for us by our Savior.

Community service project will be held on Sunday, November 11th. Sunday

School will collect items for the area food shelves and celebrate Veterans
Day with cake and coffee at 10:00 am. They will be serving cake and
coffee for our Veterans and Service Persons to express our thanks for their
service. Come join us!

Sunday School Christmas Program practice begins November 18th.

WELCA will meet on Wednesday, November 14th, at 1:00pm. Pastor Denise

will present her slides from Israel & Egypt for the WELCA meeting. Pastor
studied in Israel while she was in graduate school at St. John’s School of
Theology in 1994. Thankoffering meeting.

November 18th will be a Thanksgiving prelude worship service. We have so

much to be thankful for and I hope you will share your thoughts on the
meaning of Thanksgiving. A delicious beef stew and pumpkin dessert
will be served following the Sunday, November 18th worship service.
Please plan on having dinner at church that Sunday.
Please invite others to join in on our early celebration .

November 25th we will have the “Hanging of the Greens” worship

service and we will be decorating the inside of the sanctuary during the
Sunday service.

Prairie Wind Players invites all area singers to participate in the Christmas
Cantata, “Oh Holy Night”, under the direction of Bryan Poyzer of Elbow
Lake. Rehearsals will be held on Sundays, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the
Barrett Roosevelt Hall, beginning November 4th . Performances on
December 7 -9. For more information contact Kathy Ray at 320-986-2822 or
Happy November everyone! We have a full If you want to help out once again its at 9:30
month ahead of us at Peace Lutheran Church. November 9. Thanks again to Maureen for
Are you prepared? The first Sunday of the playing the piano for the service. We helped
month (November 4) we are honoring the raise the roof at the care center!
Saints from church who have died in the last I recently discovered that many of the
year. All are welcome as we remember them voters from this area are mailing in their votes
and comfort their families, neighbors, and for the election to help defray the cost of vot-
friends. The second Sunday (November 11) is ing polls. I was originally going to make the
Veterans Day and all veterans will be honored beef stew dinner for election night and upon
and will be asked to stand in church to receive finding out there was not going to be voting in
Barrett I had to change the date. However, my
our praise for their service. The third Sunday
point here is to remind you to vote. All votes
(November 18) will be a Thanksgiving prelude are important and I encourage you to make
worship service. We have so much to be your voice heard by casting your ballot.
thankful for and I hope you will share your
thoughts on the meaning of Thanksgiving. Here are a few more reminders: you are
The fourth Sunday (November 25) we will asked to join the men’s choir and add your
have the “Hanging of the Greens” worship voice the third Sunday of each month. Help
plan outings for senior members once a month
service and we will be decorating the inside of so the bus can be used for the trips. Help plan
the sanctuary during the Sunday service. activities for the youth and teenagers of the
church. If someone new moves into the area
I have the most delicious beef stew please let me know so that I can go and visit
recipe and I am hoping to make and serve it
with them and invite them to worship.
for the third Sunday (November 18) for our
Thanksgiving prelude service. Any help the
This is a great church and we all strive
Saturday morning November 17, will be
to serve the Lord in every way possible. I’m
greatly appreciated for cutting up vegetables
proud of each and every one of you. You are
and the meat. It’s always more fun if we can
true servants of Christ. Keep praying that a
work together on the meal. It won’t be a pastor can be sent to you to fill the needs of
traditional Thanksgiving meal except for the
your faith community. Pastor Denise
pumpkin dessert, but all will be served
following the Sunday November 18 worship
service. I’m hoping you will plan on having
dinner at church that Sunday. Please invite
others to join in on our early celebration.

I have been asked to lead the worship

service the second Tuesday of each month at
the Barrett Care Center. Last month several
women from church came for the worship
service and helped with the singing and it
meant so much to me and the residents.
from Pastor Denise,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
A few weeks ago we realized it was time to take our pontoon out of the lake and store
it in our shed for the winter. When Phil went down to the lake he discovered that our stereo
system and the speakers and wiring had been stolen from the boat. He called the Douglas
County Sheriff’s office and made a report. Since then the insurance adjuster has been to our
home and made another report. We found out that replacing the equipment that had been
taken will be covered 100%. While that was a relief there’s still the nagging thought that
someone stole from us. The fact is the things they stole were not worth that much monetari-
ly. Our pontoon is 15 years old. Maybe they could have bought the same old system for
$20.00? And certainly the work they went through to remove the speakers was not worth it.
The point is we were violated by someone taking from us what was not theirs to
begin with and without our permission. My husband Phil was very upset for several days.
He was in a state of anger, shock, and disbelief. Following that incident now our place is
locked up like it’s Fort Knox. We aren’t used to living like that. As a result, I walk out to
the shed to pick up something and I can’t get into the shed because I didn’t think to pick up
a key in the house. Now our front door of our home is locked all the time. I’ve never had
that happen before as well. Life changes when someone interrupts your peacefulness.
Consequently, how do we trust again? Now will we have to install cameras down at
the lake? We have a security system on our house so that is in place, however, now do we
have to extend the security to the lake and the shed? Phil is not happy about this entire pro-
cess of cleaning up after someone’s misdeed. He wonders if now they will become braver
after having no repercussions with a $20.00 stereo system?
We both realize that this is a minor incident or is it? Now we are looking at for-
giveness and we don’t even know who did it. I already mentioned the trust factor and we
don’t even know who to not trust. Should we look at someone with suspicion? We can’t do
that because we don’t know how to look at someone suspiciously!
O Lord Jesus, we ask you help us regain our peace and serenity. To forgive and let
go. To regain our sense of wholeness and understanding that it was an act of stupidity, ag-
gression, and vulgarity.
This is another lesson in life about how much we need faith. How much we need to
practice what our Lord has taught us about living life. It’s important for us to move
on.....perhaps a little wiser and more cautious, but to embrace today and look forward to a
new day.
Thank you Lord for the Bible and what scripture tells us about life. I look to Job who
lost everything, suffered from a terrible illness, had his friends scoff at him, and Job still
confessed his love for God. God restored him to wholeness.
In addition, I look to Psalm 37: “Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of
those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will
soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your
way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like
the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.”
Thank you Lord for leading us to paths of righteousness for your name sake.
Peace be with you. Thanks be to God. Amen
November 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3
Faithful Folders

4 ALL SAINTS 5 6 7 8 9 10
SUNDAY 3:30pm 6:30am Men’s 10am
9:15am Sunday School Confirmation Breakfast Faithful Folders
10:30am Worship 6:30pm Council

11 Veterans Day 12 13 14 15 16 17
9am Ever- 9am Ever-Blessed 6:30am Men’s 10am
9:15am Sunday School Blessed Quilters Quilters Breakfast Faithful Folders
10:00anm Coffee & Cake 1pm WELCA
10:30am Worship 3:30pm

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Thanks Sunday No Confirmation Thanksgiving 10am
9:15am Sunday School Faithful Folders
10:30am Worship
11:30am Thanksgiving
Beef Stew/pumpkin dessert

25 26 27 28 29 30
Hanging of the Greens 3:30pm 6:30am Men’s
9:15am Sunday School Confirmation Breakfast
10:30am Worship
Serving in November
November 4th Doug & Penny Ostenson “We have enough critics. Be an encourager.
One sincere word of encouragement after failure is
Mike & Jennifer McLaughlin worth more than a day of praise after
success.” (Mindful Christianity Today)

“There is a fine line between a long sermon and a

November 11th Veterans Day hostage situation.” (Clergy Coaching Network)

Sunday School Two men show up at the door of a house with their
bibles and pamphlets. A woman opens the door and
Derek & Sara Getz the two men ask her, “Have you found Jesus?”
She answers them, “I’m Lutheran, we never lost
Him!” (Friday Funnies)
November 18th Joel & Melody Fjestad
“He turns coal into diamonds. Sand into pearls.
Ron & Gaylene Hanson Worms into butterflies. He can turn your life around,
too.” (TobyMac #Speak life)

“How do people start attending church?

November 25th Terry & Maureen Volker A friend invited me 86%
Organized visitation 6%
Ron & Kay Johnson Invited by the pastor 6%
Advertising. 2%”
(John Tkachuk, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church,
Work Group # 2 Leader Yonkers, NY)
Ron & Kay Johnson
Altar Guild
“I have given Christ countless reasons not to love
me, none of them changed his mind.” (Paul Washer
Marlene Dreier The Message)
Gaylene Hanson
Kay Johnson

We have eight terrific students in confirmation at Peace Lutheran. We are studying about Martin
Luther in October and how one man along with God as his Guide helped changed the history of the
world. Furthermore, the students are learning about their church, Peace Lutheran. They were
enthusiastic about learning to acolyte and serving others in the church. Some of them have even
offered to bake cookies! They were given a tour of the library by Kathy Dahl and encouraged to
use the library. Thank you, Kathy. I’m hoping that the students extend their hand in greeting others
at Sunday services and that the senior members do the same back to the students. I want them to
realize and understand that this is their church, and to properly care for God’s house and God’s
people. Please take the time to get to know one another so they feel welcome.
I’m hoping to take them Wednesday October 31, to the Prairie Wind Theater for the Haunted House
with parental permission following that day’s confirmation studies.
There will be no confirmation, Wednesday November 21, because of Thanksgiving break.
We will soon be learning the Ten Commandments, The Apostles Creed and the Lord’s Prayer.
Confirmation is a lifelong gift. A gift of faith, and understanding of God’s presence in our lives.
Pastor Denise Croskey
Men’s Breakfast will begin on
Thursday, November 8th at 6:30am.
Come and join us!!!!

WELCA delivered the quilts and LWR kits to Osakis on

Wednesday, October 31st. Thank you to everyone who donated
and helped in anyway. We will be starting up again after Easter.
Quilts 27
Personal Care 15
School 21
Baby Care 8
Bandages 5#

Summer programs at Luther Crest brochures are on the back table at

church. Big savings on early registrations.
*******Mark your Calendar******
PO Box 206
Barrett MN 56311

November 2018

Office: 320-528-2536
218 Church Street PO Box 206
Barrett, MN 56311
Reverend Denise C. Croskey
6441 Country Lane SW
Farwell MN 56327
320-886-9495 (Home)
320-267-3893 (Cell)

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